HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-03-17, Page 8HENSALI.: Wedding belts are ringing on South .Richinond street. ' Wm. Moore of ,London, visited ,' his sister, Mrs: 'rhos, Simpsonnn Friday, Mrs, Jas. Bonthron and children: are visiting Mrs. Bonthrgn's mother hi Kitchener, Mrs,M, .Chambers, of Clinton, re- cely . i'ti visited friendsin 'town. The 'Mission Band of the United Church 'held their meeting on Sunday afternoon last, with a good attend ante present: The meeting • was open- ed singing hymn 24'5, after which Mi ldred'McDonnellby g led in prayer, M: The Scripture lesson was read by Gladys ,Passrnore, followed by anitt strumental trio by Marion Silti and Florence Mc- Donald, Skinner Donald, after which the election of officers was votedeon, and are as fol- lows: President, Marion Sinclair;sec- retary, 'Gladys Pessmore; roll call sec., Eleanor Skinner; treasurer, Flo- rence 'McDonald; pianists, Hazel. Hodson; vice' pies., 'Ray Patterson; to take collection,' 'Norman Sinclair; progo-, ramnse committee, Marion Mc- Kay and Roy iBrock. Miss E. Mor- rison gave a very interesting reading on '„King Jesus Has 'Come.': The meeting was closed.,'by singing hymn 153, after 'which call repeated the Lord's .Prayer, - The Or - Orangemen Entertain. an emen of'Hensell and vicinity gave a splendid concert and dance in the Town Scall here on Wednesday even last. Harry McGee, of .Althorn, was chief entertainer, Other numbers on the program were solos by Mrs. J. W. 'Bonthron, :Samuel 'Rennie and Mar. ,Mrs. ' s byJ ut read n g liuesto , Flemming, and violin selections by Jack 'Wren and 'Russell 'Brintnell. .l; l ev, H, Nay for acted as chairman Following the program an old time dance was held, music being furnish- ed. by .Messrs. Wren and Brintncll with Mrs, J. 'Murdock and Miss Pearl'Ear- rix as accompanists. Lunch was se 'by Mr. and Mrs. 'George Hudson. A meeting of the officers and directors of tate South Huron Agricultural So- ciety was held here on 'Friday last, to • make arrangements for the Spring Show and prepare the lithe list. Mr. Rote. Green of the Parr 'Line, Hay, has purchased the residence of 'Mrs, Pollock and will move to town as soon as he has his sale and will en- gage in the automobile business. Mr, 'Thos. Kyle, of the Parr line, has rented Mr, Green's fart. for a term of years. Miss 'Mary 1icKaig visited over the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Fines at Clinton. Mr. Lee Hedden is moving this week into the residence on ICing street recently vacated by Dr. Camp- bell. Mr. Alvin Wurm left on Friday for Port Huron where he has secured a position. Miss G. Marks, of ,Brucefield, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. 'Rdbt, Bonthron. Miss Emily Morrison visited with relatives in Clinton on'Mdnday. Mr. Wm.. Simpson arta Miss Mae Simpson, 'Miss Marion Prescott, Mr. Jack Steacy and Mr. Carl Passmore, of Detroit, visited relatives in town over the week -end. Mrs, Simpson, who spent the past week with her mother and father here, returned with them. Owing to the bad condition df the roads Will had quite a time getting over, having to hire a team several times to pull hint out of the mud holes. Mr, Harry Harmon, of Toronto, has engaged with Cook Bros, as salesman for this season. Mr, 'Har- mon was here a number of years act- ing as salesman for Milne Rennie. When here before he made hosts of friends who are pleased to see him back. Mr. Donald McKinnon and Mr. Lad McEwan were in Detroit last week, and brought home a number of cars for Cook Bros, The meeting of the Young People's League of the United Church was held on {Monday evening with a good attendance present. The meeting was in charge of Miss Gladys Luker and presided over by Miss Marion Case - more. The meeting was opened by the singing of a hymn, after which all repeated the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, after which the Scripture lesson was read by Miss Flora Higgins. The topicic was given in a very able manner by Miss Gladys Luker on Christ Knocking at the Door. The Broadfoot and Elder trio rendered several selections, Mrs. El- der at the pian., Mr, Elder the saxii- phone and 'tilr. Broadfoot the violin. Areading by Miss Gladys Luker and z instrumental duet by Miss Jessie u Buchanan and Miss Avis Lindenfield were all well rendered alto enjoyed by the audience. The League are hold- ing a sale of home made cooking itt the town hall on Saturday afternoon, Supper will be served from 6 to 8 and lunch will be served from 3 to 5. Reeve 'Geiget was in 'Clinton on Thursday attending a meeting of the Reeves of the municipalities interest- ed in the appeal of the county valua- tors' report. Judge Lewis, of the County Court, • had setMonday, March 14th to hear argument as to whether the bylaw appointing the County Valuators 'was legal. After hearing the arguments, he adjourned his court till Tuesday, March 29th and in the meantime he asked that the County 'Council be called together and see if they could agree as to a proper valuation. The County. Council will meet on Wednes- day, March 23rd and it is to be hoped that a reasonable agreement will be arrived at. The rHensall • Council will meet on 'Friday evening, March 18th to discuss the situation. Miss Mary Stewart is confined to her home throgglt illness, Mrs. An.. drew Dougalt•.is le attendance.' Mr. R, J. ("Jim") Wright, of Hit, - bort, has purchased the R. P. Bell farm on the London road north of Imre, paying - $8,500. Mr, Thos. Workman has'b,,eeie renting•the farntl for this last 20 years, Our Council have this week got Main Street all cleaned from end to end, creating a very nice appearance.: THE SEAFORTH NEWS The play,""Cyclon' Sally," Put as Friday, night in the Town Hall itt aid of the ,Firemen, was presented to a crowded house. The.wewbers of the, company, all local 'talent, gave this play 'two weeks ago in the solace' hall, playing both nights to crowded hlouises, After the entertainment was over the ladies of the Anglican'chureh entertained' the company and the fire- men and their wives, to a supper in the Anglican church; (Rev. Mr, jrlcLlroy, of 'Toronto , 'has accepted a call from the congregation` of Carinel Presbyterian church here. The congregation of 'Carmel church have purchased the residetiee of Mrs. A. 'yfcMttrtrie, King street, ;for their new minister. Auuniber from I3ensall took in the hockey match at London on 'Monday evening, between Stratford and Lon- don. isSt. Patrick's Thursday, the 17th, Day. • Miss Elea Shaddock visited friends in London ou 'Thursday, The services in the United Church or. Sunday last were largely attended, Rev. Mr. Sinclair preaching at both services, At the evening service, be- sides the anthem, a quartette . was rendered by Irl,. W. O. Goodwin, Ed. Linderifield, Geo. .Follick and John Passmore: Those taking special parts iii the anthems at the morning service were Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs, Sin- clair, Miss Greta Leonine and Mr_ W. O. Goodwin, Next Sunday even- ing 'Rev. Dr. ,Laird, of Toronto, will Preach' in the 'United Church, Dr. Laird is treasurer of the United Churches and will no doubt give a splendid address. �4r, John 'The many 'friends of . :Berry are e pleased ea sed to see h in' able le to Of Far m _Stock , Impl eme n t s and n d be out after long severe ill- Hor�cho1d,Ltlest ,Theundersigneti has received instinct s to sell by MrThos. Tapp, of Virden, Mani public auction ou 'Lot 19, ,Concessiontress, tuba, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 7, Hay, 2Zurich sn miles east and Make John Tapp, and also visiting relatives south of 22nd, .at '1 `p,nt. sharp, Horses --Bay; in Exeter, an has returned horse 7 yrs. old, 'bay mare rising .5 Miss Lily DfeEw e after a very pleasant visit with yrs. old, driving horse 5 years old, hemaged her sister, Miss Edith''McEwatt,' at quirt and reliable; -Holstein 9 'Kitchener. and reliable. Cattle -Ii s An old time dance will be hell in years old, due ctt'Ivl y;eoold yue rs. olt the town `hall on Thursday evening. due in May; yr Collins' orchestra will furnish the 'April; cots 7 al d yr . oldtn tNI due in May; 4 cow 5 music for the evening.yrs old due in Junc; two 2 -year-old VARNA• heifers bred 2 months, .5 steers and 1 ales. Frank Weekes is spending a heifer rising .3 years, steer and heifer with her sister, Mrs, Win.` using 2 years, 5yearlings, Durhans few days tettball, brood sow due at time Of sale, 1'lroods, of Taylor towel{, 125 lb each, 75 hens, 'half Mr. Taylor shipped a oar load or: Rocks, )tail yearlings, balance pallets.' live stock to Toronto Saturday. Implements-M.-'IHI. 'binder, 6 ft, cut, ,ls. A.nearly tew; M.-. mower, 5 ft cut, frienen ds in Forestest,nuell is visiting The d ientitlM, "Getting put As- nearly rake, ft.lcut; FrostO-ft. & `Wood quainter with Madge," pt3 by Zurich talent, in the hail on drill, 14 �Deerit9-ft: il6� ft Friday night was well acted, The drums; g cultivator, hall was comfortably filled, Proceeds St Woodt124 ed disc, disc, selction har- row plate row, Frost & 'Wood ,bean stuffier and huller, International riding plow, nearly new, Wilkinson walking plow No. 7, nearly new; wagon, sleigh, hay rack, gravel box, set Iron wheels for wagon, rubber tired buggy, newt. trailer, 1,000 cap., with stock rack; 2,00016.. cap. scales, Clinton fanning milt, road cart, root pulper, 7 h.p, 'Lister engine, 10 -in, Lister grinder, 114 h. p. engine, pumper, Ankor -Holth cream separator, new; Chath- am incuba'tor, pig box, grass seeder, hand or power cutting box, 5 good horse collars, doubletrees, neckyokes, breeching harness, backhand tear harness, forks, shovels, 'sugar kettle, cider barrel, scoop shovel, 30 cement blocks, quantity of hay, 1926 ,Chevro- let coach, Household Effects•-•-1Large oak extension table, china cabinet and ,buffet combined, sideboard, new; cab- inet table, 6 kitchen chairs, high chair, set of bed, springs and dresser; :bur eau, 2 beds and springs, mattress, wash stand, 4 -burner coal oil stove with oven, sink, kitchen table, easel, Daisy churn, cream can, hanging lamp, parlor lamp, lantern, empty, sealers, mail box,and numerous other articles. Ternts.-$10 and under, cash; over that amount 7 months' credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes with a discount of 4 p.c. off for cash an credit amounts. Hay and poultry, cash. Arthur Web- er, auct, W. S. Johnston, clerk, 'Robt. Green, prop. the day 61 sale, and arrangements can lie made for payment of balance.. R S. Hays,, Vendor's .Solicitor; rl', Brown, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE ,'T. Brown has 'been instructed to sell by public auction in the Sproat Block, Seaforth, on ISaturday,.'March 119th at 1:30 p.m., the following house- hold effects: 3 'Congoleuni rugs, 1 dining room set, 5 rockers, 1 library table, walnut.; 1 :pedestal, 1 new Que- bec range, 3 pairs lace curtains, `2 electric lamps, 2 electric fixtures, 1 bed outfit and clean bedding; 1 sew - in g ewing machine, 1 kitchen cabinet, about 8 yards good oil cloth, some linoleum,. looking glass, 2 tubs, washboard, - boiler, dishpan, wash basin, tea kettle, 1 set dishes, electric iron. 'Terms cash. Thos. Brown, auct, M. A. .DeLisle, proprietress. 30 clays. Horses -1' gelding rising 7 yrs.;,1 'horse 12 years old, 1 mare 144 yrs; old;.1 horse 12 yrs. old; 1 g mare. -'Cattle-Cow, ;Nan, fresh 3 weeks; _ red cow, bred; roan cow, b ICC'2 red COWS, bt ed3 roanan cows AUCTION SALE Mr. Thos. Brown has been in- structed to sell by public 'addict.; on Saturday, 'March 26th, at one o'clock at the residence of James McGill, the following household effects: 1 parlor suite, dining room suite, 1 bed -room suite and springs, 1 bed and 'springs, 1 glass cupboard, 1 -bureau, '1 kitchen range; "rocking chairs, kitchen chairs,0 kitchen table, 2 parlor tables, .2 'tons of coal, '1 ex- tension ladder, 11, ,clock, 1 couch, dishes, pots and 'pans, Singer sewing machine (new); set of scales, 240 ib., New Perfection coal oil stove (new). 'Terms, - cash. T. .Brown, atnct. Janes McGill, prop. AUCTION SALE on East x2 lot 12, Of Furniture con. 3, ,I-Iibbert, on Monday, March 21st, at 2 ,,'c1ock `consisting of 1 parlor suite, 3 bedroom suites with mattress and. springs; 1 dining room bred; `,red cow, bred; above are all suite• 1 kitchen table; 6 eat, lei milking; 2 farrow cows; 18 steers rising 3 yrs;, weighing between 1,200 and 1,300 Ib,; • 3 steers weighing around 1,000; 1 fat heifer weighing 1,150; 1 roan 'heifer rising 2; 2 heifers rising 1 year; 2 baby beeves, 2:'fail ,carves ,. calf, 3 weeks old;' Hereford bull: Above cattle are all Durham and ,Hei'elorcl and in good condition, (Sheep, Hogs and Poultry -ll ewes with lamb, s'oine with lambs at foot; 2 yearlings; 1 ;Berkshire sow with 9 pigs; Berkshire sow; Yorkshire sow in pig,;, Yorkshire sow; 5 stockers weighing 80 lb; Tamworth boar; about 80 'White Rock young hens. Implements, etc. -M. -H. binder, 7 -ft. crit; 'Deering mower, 5 -ft, cut; Deer- ing fertilizer drill, 11 disc; 'M. -H. drill 15 'disc, 'Deering spring tooth cultiva- tor, (Deering ,dump .rake, 110 -ft. nearly' new, Deering hay loader, side deliv ery rake, •tttatture spreader, 2 walking plows, 2 {furrow gang plow, Oliver 2- furrow.seuffler; bean puller, hay rack, 116 -ft., 2 'sat diamond harrows, .2wag- ons and wagon boxes, top 'buggy, cutter, democrat, gasoline engine, 9 li.p. with .treacle 'Fleury grinder, 8 inch; cutting box, set bob sleighs, pig rack, land roller, trailer for car; potato digger, 'Overland touring car, root pulper, speed jake; Clinton fan- ning mill, Chatham fanning mill with bagger, 24 grain bags, 0$0- ft, hay 'fork rdpe, set sling ropes, pair 'bunks, Land scufiler, 2 turnip seeders, 20 end posts, 9 .ft.; ' 200 posts 8 It.; some 500. u 'nth lumber, 50 ft. elm t 0 braces; it. elm plank,:piie hemlock lumber, 400 bricks, '5 cords short. wood, some circular ;wood, turning lathe, onion seeder, storm door, honey ex'tratetoy, •20. new 'bee boxes, some old bee boxes, 12Icbionies of bees, power sheep clipper; scoop shovel, ice tongs, berry crates, chicken crates, 26 ,pieces ash for tongues, 1000. feet rock elm, basswood and hemlock lumber, '4 gal. gasoline drum, 200 bush. seed oats, Imp, (Banner, 2 set 'backhand harness, 'set single harness, -alfalfa seed, 1,000 lb. scales, ton stock scales, 10 -Ib. scales, some hay, saws and' car- pen'tcr'tools, forks, chains,' gasoline engine, '5 h.p. and numerous other articles, Household 'Effects. -M. -'H. cream'separator, Commodore kitchen range, almost new, kitchen stove, parlor heater, kitchen cabinet, kitch- en chairs, kitchen glass cupboard, bedstead,_ dresser, washstand, parlor table, 2 parlor rugs,, washing mach- ine with wringer, 'Daisy churn, wood- en tub, kitchen table, baby carriage, some potatoes, 'beds, springs, 2 'mat- tresses, 'buffalo robe, etc. Terms of Sale -$10 and under, cash; over that amount 7 months' credit on approved joint notes, 3 per cent. allowed for cash du credit amounts. Hay, grain, 'potatoes and poultry, case, J. Car- net Deters, ,administrator of E. Snid- er estate. 'Win. 'S. Johnston, clerk, A. 'Weber, ,G, Elliott, auct. AUCTION SALE chairs; 1 ,hall tray with mirror; 3 easy rocker chairs 1 arnt chair; 1 couch, 1 cooking' stove, 1 coal oil stove, 1 sewing machine, 1 washing toachine,:,;churn, parlor and bedroom carpets, inlaid linoleum 10 yds., and a floor oil cloth; 2 'bedroom sets, hanging lamp and window curtains, a quantity 61 dishes and cooking ut- ensils, Terms cash. T,,,Brown, auct. Mrs. Mary 'Byrne, 'proprietress, AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1927. SEAFORTH MARKETS, Wednesday, March16th, Wheat,per 'bushel •$1.20 Barley, bushe1.......... 60e-65cats, per bus. , „45c -50 e Buckwheat, ,per bus, �65c : cwt. . 1.85 h s�w 0 Srt per Bran, per cwt. .. $1,75 il3utter, per 1b. 35c � 'Eggs, Per'doz. .. 20c -25e -28c $125 Potatoes, per bag 10.75 cwt,' $ Hogs, per Of ,Horses, The undersigned auc- tioneer has received . instructions from Mr. Chas, J. Wallis to sell by pu'blic au'c'tion at his sale barns, Clinton, on Saturday, 'Meech 19th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: 1 load of choice farm mares and geld- ings, from 4 to 6 years old; Clydes and Percheron's, weighing from 1,200 to 1,600 tbs. This is an ex'ceptionally. good lot ref ' domestic stock, well broken and carefully selected. Terms: 6 months' credit given on 'furnishing approved joint notes or a discount. of 4 per cent. Straig'ht allowed' for cash. Chas. J. Wallis, prop. Geo. H. El- liott, acct. ` amounted to $52.00, Mr, Wilfred Chuter has engaged with Mr. E. Footer for the stunner. The many friends of Mr. Wm. Col - dough will be pleased to know he is able to be about again. She hockey players put on a dance in the hall Tuesday night, Mr. and Mrs. Epps and son Ell- wood have returned from a motor trip to Niagara and other points. CONSTANCE. lir. and Mors. Win. McArthur were in Kinbure last week attending the funeral of the late :Mrs. Barwick of Winthrop. 'Mr. and Mrs, Tom Riley, of 'Clin- ton, were Kinburn visitors on' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Robin' Red Breast have returned from spending the win- ter in a warmer climate. We hope they will not have to complain yet of cold feet. Mr. Joseph 'Riley purchased a new team of horses from Mr. Campbell, of Goderich township. 'Mr. John Riley, of Brussels, paid a short visit to the village last week. No surgical operation is necessary in removing corns if'Holloway's Corn Remover be used. • MACHINERY FOR SALE. 1 waggon and hay rack, 1 seed drill almost new; with grass ,seed sower, 1 'Big' B. mower, 1 'hay rake with ton- gue, 1 gang, plow; 1 set iron harrows 3 sections, new, 1 5 -ton 'cattle:. scales, 1 cultivator, 1 pair; team bobsleighs, new. A'll 'this 'machinery in good shape. Apply JOHN GOUE'NLOOK, Egmondville• . BUCHANAN DRAIN Assessed ratepayers who desire to paytheir assessments in cash on said drain can do so tip': to Thursday, Mar. 24th, 1927, payments to be made to F. Bruce Medd, Treasurer of McKil- lop. After said date debentures will be issued and sold for thebalance unpaid. 1By order of Commit 11 F. J. McQUAID, Reeve.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute itt that behalf that all persons 'having claims against the estate of James Henry 'Campbell, late of the Township of 'MoKiliop, in the County of'Huron, Fanner, de- ceased, who died on the 29th' d ay of Deceinbe 1926,' are required to for- ward their claims, duly proven, to the -undersigned Solicitors on or before the 6th day of April, 1927, after which date the 'Executors will ll proceed to distribute the estate, hav- ing 'regard only to and being liable only 'for the claims of which 'they shall then have had notice." Dated at Seaforth, -Ont., this 16th day of March; 1927. BEST &BEST, 13'•Solicitors for Executors: ROF'ESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. DIR. 11. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon, Late -of London Hosa nd England. . Special pita{, London, l og P a attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and 'throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. Office Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106. AUCTION SALE , Of Farm Stock and Implements.-. Mr, 'Thos. Brown has received in- structions to sell by ptrblic auction on Lot 21, con. 3, London road, Tucker smith, 1 mile north of Kippen, on Friday, :March 25th, at one o'clock, Horses -4 bay 'horse 1,600 Ib. 9 yrs, old; 1 brown horse 1,550, 10 yrs. old, Cattle -1 cow 5 yrs. old, due- in April, 1 cow5 yrs. old, due 3n June, 1 cow 4 yrs, old, supposed to 'be in calf, good milker; 1 yearling 'heifer, 1 yearling steer. Implements, -1 Deering binder 7 ft. cut; 1 Deering drill 13 disc; 1 Deer- ing mower, 6 ft, cut; 41 Deering rake, cultivator 1 .Deering 10ft. wide;g cultiva- tor; 1 tooth l 1 spring spring tooth; P 'g tor; 2 sets of harrows, 4 sections; 1 walking plow, Hamilton make; 1 three drum steel roller; 1 Sandwich hay press; 1 '•Mogul 'tractor; 1 aper buggy, 1 rubber tired top buggy (new tinea); 5 tons sweet clover hay, about 50 ,Barred Rock hens, 1 set of double harness, 1 farm wagon, 1 gravel box, 1 hay rack, 16 ft, long; 1 hay fork Acid rope, '1 pair of good heavy log- ging sleighs `with narrow shoeing, set of 1200 lb platform scales, 1 'De Laval cream separator. Household Effects. -1 Daisy sY churn, 1Quebec heater, 1 box stove,1 Gur- ney Oxford range, 1 davenport, 1 hanging lamp, '1 Coleman gas lamp, 1 rug. Positively no reserve as proprie- tor has sold farm, Terms. --Hay, hens and all sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that amount 8 months' • credit on approved joint notes, with 4 p.c. straight off for cash on .credit amounts. 'Samuel Cudmore, prop. T, Brown, auct, CARD OF THANKS. Janet and Russell Bays wish to thank their many friends and neigh- bors for the kindness and sympathy shown during their recent sad be- reavement, ROOMS TO RENT. .Five rooms over Silvenwood's Store,.) six rooms over D. H. Stewart's store,, Well. ventilated. Newly decorated, electric lights, town water, .inside toilet. Reasona'ble rent. For occup- ancy, cccu -ancy, April -1st..Arply to E. L. 'B' X. DDR.' F. J. BU'R'ROWS,, Seaforth. Office and .residence, Goderich street east of the Methodist Church. Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tele- phone No. 40. DR. C. MACKAY.-C. Mackay,. honor graduate of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trinity, Medical College;'inember of the Col lege of Physicians and 'Surgeons of Ontario. •-ao DR. F. J. R. FORSTER-Eye, Eat, Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi cine, University of Toronto` 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophihaliaic aid Aural Institute, Moorefield'a`Eye, and Golden Square th,roatitospitala, Lon- don, A England. Commercial Engt m hotel, i Seaforth, 3rd Monday n each mouth, from 11 a,m. to 3, p.m. L DRR. W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate rsf Faculty of Medicine, University of. Western Ontario, 'London, Member of College of Physicians :and, Sur- geons of Ontario. Office' in Aberharee: Drug Store, Main St., Seefortiek_s Phone 90. BABY CHICKS. I .Barred ?Rocks hatched :from care- . winter d 'fully culled high producing, layers, $20 per 100. Barron strain. single comb 'White 'Leghorns, $15 per 100. JAMES M. S'CO'TT, Scafotrth. Phone 32,on 251. FOR SALE Seven new bee 'boxes, made by the Ruddy Co., Brantford, Ont. Will sell the seven 'for $35.00 or $5.25 each, Some -of;them have never been used. Also •2 bee excluders and, a quantity of comb. CLIFFORRtD COT,- CLOUGTi, Seaforth, R.R. 2. _QDAY OLD CHICKS. Orders taken for day old, single comb White Leghorn 'Chicks,In April, price 13c; ,in May, price 12c; or in June, price 11e. Eggs incubated for four cents each. Phone 235r2 write LORNE S. WEIBSTER, RR, No. 1, Seaforth,. Ont. 11 MORTGAGE SALE • Of VaIuatble Improved Farm Lands -Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in an Indenture df Mortgage, which twill be produced at the time of sale, mere will be offered for sale by public auction by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, on Tuesday, 'March 22nd, at 2 o'clock in the after- noon at Dick's 'Hotel in the Town of Seaforth: Let Number 30, in the 7th Concession of the Township of :Hib- bert, in the County of Perth,'and con- taining by admeasurement 100 acres of land, 1be''the sante 'more or 'less. Buildings -Large two-storey brick house with brick kitchen and ,brick woodshed attached, in good state of repair and with cistern. New 'frame barn 36x100 and 40x50 'with hip roofs, stone and :cement stabling under- neath, cement floors, water in 'stalls, litter carrier and modern throughout. 'A never failing well and windmill and cement water tank. A good drive shed. The land is well ttnderdrained and •fenced with wire, There 'are on the land '12 acres of good hardwood bush. The land is in a good stateof cultivation and is six miles from 'Sea - AUCTION SALE forth and seven miles from 'Dublin and one and a half miles from school. Of Farcy Farm Stock, Implements' Rural. route mail and telephone. A and Household Effects, on lot 21, L. splendid opportunity is offered to R. E., Stanley township, 1 mile north anyone :desiring to buy'a high h class of Drysdale on Thursday, Mar 24th, farm with all modern improvements, Commencing at 12 o'clock the,fo1low- Immediate possession can be given ing-.Real Estate -Consisting of lots subject to privilege -to feed 25 head of Ni/.2-22, 77 acres; 5/ 21, 77 acres, cattle to 1st May next: Terms --'Ten S% N/ 21, 38 acres, all L.R.L., Stan- (10) per cent, of the purchase' money ley. 190 acres of choice fartrting land, to be 'paid in cash at thetime of sale. about 20 acres of good hardwood and the 'balance within thirty days bush with choice 'tim'ber, 12 acres of thereafter without interest. The pur- ftii wheat, plowing all done, t wo good ad cha ser w111 a ired to ,sign i an bank barns with good stalling, silo, agreement to• 'complete the purchase. implement shed, good pig pet, etc. The property will' be offered' subject, :House is a desirable 'brick dwelling to a reserve bid. Further particulars with new brick kitchen attached, and conditions of sale will be made good water. Fart. is 'well drained' known on the day of sale and may be and fenced and in a high state of gut- had in the 'meantime from the under tivation. It niay be purchased as 150 signed, R. S. Hays, Vendor's Solicf acres as one parcel and 40 acres as tor; T. Brown, Aecctioneer,•Dated at another parcel if desired. Terns -10 Seaforth, Ont., this 7th day of .March, per cent. on dayof sale,• balance in 1927. . AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Property. - Thomas Brown has been instructed to tell by peblic auction at the Queen's ,Hotel, Seaforth on Wednesday. March 23rd, at 2 p. m., the fallowing valuable, ble property: Five acres, one mile from Seaforth modern hotise with furnace, bath and toilet small, barn; good ,or- chard. Taxes, $15, Splendid chance to Start chicken farm, bees, etc. Terns of Sale. 'Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid in cash ono 7�RC5111NS Are you getting- your Share pf Our Shoe Bargains P Our Shoes , Are Priced To Sell 2 Packages Shredded Wheat 2 Packages Kellogg's Coma Flakes 5 Bars Pearl White Soap 5 Bars Somme Soap 3 Bars Palm 'Olive Soap 2 'Packages Lux 2 Tins Old .Dutch Cleanser These Prices are Cash at time 22e 22c 226 226-- 22c 2e`22c 22c 22e of Sale. W. j Finnigan Egmondv lle BATEMAN- Ladies' .E. W. llorand Men s '�a,�� ■0 u Suits from $25aOV p or, Bring your own Cloth and Have it- made up here. 's Drug Over Keating g Store SEAFORTH Dental. DSR. J.. A. NN Successor to Dr.121U . R. Ross, grada- ate of Northwestern University,CM- sago, L11, Licentiate Royal College 03 Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Offirs over 'Sills' hardware, Mani atreat,t. Seaforth. Phone 151. OR. F. J. BECHELY, graduate Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smiths Grocery, Main street, Seaforth. Phones, office 185W, residence 1853. WARNER 8R0& Present JOHN BARRYMORE in the GIANT SUPER SPECIAL MOTION PICTURE THE SEA BEAST The supreme artist of the American theatre in a remark- able characterization of the good and evil of -a strong man's character - of . a life swept by storms as fierce as . the seas. A magnificient 10 reel spectacle of whaling life, in the days of sailing ships, when then fought hand to hand the hales; orsP erinw o tost 1x from the stoiy9.10BY DICK" by Herman Melville One hundred and sixty. mine performances in New York •$2.00 prices. HERE. Thursday, Friday 'and Saturday. ' es Thursda 4 p. m. Saturday 3 p.m. _ Mattne y y nt bf extra length first Saturday Evening show' On;;ttccou ; cy , will start at 7.15 p. m. sharp. Auctioneer. F. W. WPGG, Seaforth, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of ;Huron. Fifteen years' experience in selling by auction,' farms, stock, implements, etc. Satisfaction. guaranteed. Phone 168 Seaforth, or The Seaforth News office GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. '- Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and' satisfaction guaranteed. Musical Instruction. CHAS. A. HOWEY has resumed-- - his classes in the instruction of piante4- organ and theory. Phone 194, Sea - General Fire, Life, Accident &Automobile ,Y r IN=SURANCE AGENT and dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT. THEMcKILLOP• Mutual' Fire Insurance Col FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY O N Y, INSURED Officers -fames Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex, James Evans, Beechwood„ Vice President; D. E. McGrcger, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth; John Benneweis, Brodfiageal James Evans, Beechwood; M. Me - Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, 'No. 3 Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve,. No. 4, W hoar Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mo- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; ..Mtrrralr Gibson, .Brucefieid. . Agents -Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin- ton; licton; E. Hinckley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Hoimesville; R. G. jarinontb„ Bornholm. James Kerr and ` Joba Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or •trans= act other business will be prompttr attended to by application to any ti- the above named officers addressed ra their respective postoffices. FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres choice clay land, being tot 8, con.' 6; Hullett, situated mile west 'o'f the < village of Con- stance, where there is a school, blacksmith shopand stori There are on the premises a banks barn 43x53, a driving sired, and 'a comfortable frame house, with bard water tank in kitchen, also• a .drilled well with windmill, All cleared land 8 acres of fall wheat, 40 acres '- plough, balance hay and pasture; sell reasonable.: For particulars aPp� to Win, Moore, R. R. 1, ciintoif�' 12 j FOR SALE OR RENT. An eight roomed 'house, full base- ment, furnace; hard and soft water, electric' lights,_ bathroom,, three .lots, large barn, also a ,variety of 'fruit trees, small fruits. Apply to Andrew Little, or 'Mrs. Wm, 'Westcott, High, street, Miller's 'Worm 'Powders can do no injury to the most delicate child. Any, child, or infant in •rhe state of adol• escetice, who is infested with worms can take this ,preparation without a qualm of the stomach, and will find in it: a sure relief and a full protection, from these destructive pests,. which are responsible for much sickness and egions of little, ones." 1N H great suffering to 1 eE ,''rid 'y i Want and: For Sale ads, 1 week 25c