HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-03-17, Page 7Thi: Sum II Farm Revenue Sources. 13 �. W. PET> ns3N: , If anything i npresse5' the oveisee visitor Lin travelling through a;gricul treed Creat Britain. and Europe i is almost universal attention to de tail 'ort the farm, the, developmen ,of what we are pleased to etpll'th "side issues" and the eareful systr of cultureg, We.could not, if ti would, advantageously, adopt t'' same painstaking methods, . bit l can assuredly come vastly netercr° t it than we are doing and to the ever lasting advantage of everybody "con cerned, There cannot be any res sonable doubt about that. It is quit true that. people did not come t Canada -from overseas with the ide of grubbing along in the sante nar row way they had done at home, ,bu is equally true that we have al gone from one extreme to the other We a'e alt to re ga'd conte" 1 withm 1 gP 1, the smaller sources of farm revenue 1 We have acquired the 'habit of think ing only in terms of hundreds acres •:and thousands of bushels whet we should give erious thought. dozens of eggs. 'On the . European farm, the smaller revenue source form the'mainstay of farm economy They live on what we waste. I an now. speaking generally and not in dividually. The most catefuletillag of the land -is a•necessity.forced opo the' people there. Without cit there is no Crop. Throughout Canada agricultural object lessons etare one straight in -the face wherever one.goes. Thirty bushels to the acre on one side of the road and not worth cutting on -the other. , Thcfree translation of this means, summer -fallow on one side and stubble crop on the" other. And not alone summer -fallow, but good summer -fallow, completed within the proper season and kept clear of weeds. And I am pleased to reeprd the opinion; that the lesson has sunk into the minds of the farmers with a vengeance. It' is commented. en wherever farmers meet together. The contrast between good and: bad farming this year is so obvious that it cannot be misunderstood. While we are only having a fair crop year; the aggregate return to the Western farmer is going to be enormous. He has absorbed a lesson which could only be learned through 'experience.. The past unfavorable years have weeded out the weak brethren on our Canadian farms. Those -Wren who remain are of the type upon whom this year's lesson will not be. lost. Wood Lot Furnishes Important Annual Crop ' Few farmers realize the potential , value of a possible income from a swell -located wood lot. The reason (Lax ,this is probably because that, while they appreciate the shelter and convenience of the `hood lot, they do not understand that it can be made to yield a direct profit year by year just like any other crop. The last census showed that the total value of forest products pro- duced front the Canadian farm wood lots was ti 72,000,000. Compared to other fairs products this was: over `'i' 11 per cent. of all grain crops; over 82 per cent. of, all 'foliage crops; nearly three times the value of all fruit crops; and greater than the to- tal value of the egg production. 1t Wright also be Pointed out that about one-third of the pulpwood- used in. tnadian pulp stills comes from farmers' and settlers' holdings. The. wood lot properly handled can be made to provide shelter for stock, gardens and buildings, and to yield a perpetual crop of considerable va- riety, namely, firewood, fencing, lum- ber pieces and frames for machinery, pumps; wagons, etc., maple syrup and sugar-. products, a variety of edible nuts and in some instances products of medicinal value. It is etjtimnted by one well-known author- ity that the average farmer makes use formally of about'2,400' pieces of lumber each year. If this is not .Motown on the place, it has to be pur- chased and often enough freight paid to have it delivered. A wood lot of 20 acres,, properly handled, will provide all bile fuel need on the farm for all time. It will provide, fuel fence -lost p 2 s and timber and will leave a surplus to be disposed of. at n profit. The inclu- sion of a few maple and suitable •varieties of nut trees means an add- ed asset which may he annually uti- lized;at the owner's will. Trees grow quite suceessrully'on laud that is not euitable. for other forms of agricul tore, and timber .ereps know no 'res. They are not subject to rice fluctuations of food crops, uyay„hen• maintenance can almost be lodeked upon in the light of a national duty, -- Her I.dca of Sundlals. 'she Giltbegs had matte thole pile and hadboughta country house. Mrs. Glitbags went down and euper• Wended the alteration' herself. "Now, look here,” she said "this snnd!ai is completely wasted here." "Well, mum," raid the ,patient work- men, "where would you like me to put If I" "Pnf i.l under the electric light In the hall," inetrueted Mrs. Gilthaa's. "Then we tan Hee what time it is at night." Well Meant. ' Customer—"It's really very kind of you to pick up that parcel I dropped." New Clerk --:"Not at all, ma'am, We mea are getting tired of being excused of being' polite only to pretty girls,`' 1 m ve he ve 1 of to e lapel W BECAUSE giiar'anteed to cut 10% iridre timber in sante tittle; with less labor than any other saw. SIMONDS CANADA MAW CO. ere. MONTREAL VANCOJVAR, ET. ,Int1N, N.n.. TORONTO 1r We will ship; No obligation to buy, but if you do, easiest terms are arranged. Guaranteed for ten years. Write now for particulars. Agents wanted whale ted are not rafwetented, 10 . Swedish Soparetor Company, Limited 25a Notre Done St. West. rioutecar "SenWEetEleSt _THOR 0:B Sell'isl'A„, of arruve;ANo 1.0YW,CH1CIICa Our breeders are bred for high •egg praduarion, White, Brown .an Buff Leghorn, Barred and White Rocks, R,1. Rede, An, cones. Buff Orpington, While Wyandones. 12cand up. 105% live delivery guaranteed. Write SCHWEGLER'a HATCHERYZla gannI rtofor FREEl SUFFAIO,N.yHICK . The New Freely -Lathering Caticura Shaving Stick ForTender Faces EMOLWIEN7 MEDICIIIAL ANTISEPTIC • �1- ���° COFS lO S THAT A Northern Iithe turquoise CALLSy q4- {(��i'sg��xpt1, The sawmill chatters to the tut uoise FOR A TONIC The resinous dust whirls off etorose the snow, Across the bridge the oxen trudge, O. W. aro (Om Mitt Laughter) A e10efe111 •Callv'ass .allows that the in- fant death rate in •cultln'eti homes has deevelased from one leve y clog in every five f31m'iliee to one puppy Clog in every 'ten, A . better knowledge of dog hygiene, se taught by Radio, is thought to be the reason, "My wife's ina.in subject of rouver• sateen Is clothe ;" . "Well, after geeing her no one could a.ccuso her of being wrapped up in her subject. It he has that hunted look, his sett- , Lasso may collets either a-liayroll or a Quart. Music lives forever, jazz dies in a day. No Compliment From Mildred. The gill for nee is Mildred Bliss, She always greets me with a kiss. 11. seems to us 'tis most unkind To take advantage of the blind. The girl is desperate, we fear, But Christmas comes but once a year, [Peat love is blind I've heard from But now 1 know it's deaf and dumb. some, If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, maybe two would keep the doc- tor and undertaker both away. "Wiry do YOU, go on the porc)]. when I slug? Don't you like to hear me sing?" "It isn't that. I want the neighbors to see tilat I an not beating you." Young Mrs. Perkins is so lazy sho puts popcorn in her pescalces to make them turn themselves. Rheumatism in Every Joint This New York woman suffered untold misery Until Warner's "relieved her. Read her letter:—"I had rheumatism in every joint in my body and had'to be turned and lifted in my bed. This was followed by yellow jaundice. Aly liver and kidneys were out of order. I had no appetite and felt low spirited. I wanted to sleep all the time. I was then persuaded to try Wegner's Sete Kidney, and Liver Remedy. 1 . WKS so improved after laking one bottle that I con- tinued,w'ith excellent results.' Name on request. • Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25 per bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., .Toronto, Ont. liereaMatellesealantalefalagallitniegannenegraausgssagengefalliglinalessisnamesseemal High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by taw to establish • INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted In accordance with the regulations Issued he the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given In various trades. The schools and clessee are under the direction of AN ADVISORY .COMMITTEE. Application for attendance.' should be made to the. Principal of the school. - COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING HOUSEHOLD OLD SGIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE arare provided for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the. Regulations Issyed by the Minlater of Education may be obtained- from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, 'Toronto. "Worth its weight in gold" Says Ottawa Matron Mme. Beatrice Charlebois could not hold pen to write. Nerves completely shattered, health. ruined. Now alert, vigorous and strong, she gives. praise to Tanlac The two-year ordeal which, she passed through before Tadao came to her permanent relief, was reclently de- scribed by Mem. Beatrice Charlebois,. of 22 Rose St., Ottawa. "What 1, endured in that time cot!ld not be told," she said. "I was so weak 5couldhardlywalk, My appetite was poor and my stomach gavo no end of trouble. Gas' and pains would bring on fainting spells. "My nerves were so completely /shattered` that I jumped in fright everytime the doorbell rang. My hand trembled so that it could not hold the pen to write my name. Night after night I've gone without, Bleep, fix,.-.• toos�geervous to lie still for even a feet/ elee • It morMnts. Even my houaeivorlc be- came too much for me. calls and steady as ever. Tanlac is ' I: tried all kinds of remedies in worth its weight inagold." those two years, but can honestly say • Build u'fi your health on Tadao, Tadao gave me my first real relief. It nature's own tonic made from roofs, built me up Ho that I've gained 11 lbs., herbs and harks. Your druggist hits it. Cat and sleep fine and have nerves as Over 52 million bottles sold. Symptoms That the Blood. is Thin Should Not Be Neglected. Weak, lacking in etrengtb, energy and ambition, nervous, sleepless, Poor appetite, digestion disturbed —'.these are tho.synmtoms of a great major'i'ty et people who have been benefited' by the use of Dr, leriltiama' Pjnk, Pills, The great value of this medicine in eases oe this kind is proved by the s•tateinent of Mrs. SV. Honsher, King- ston, Ont., who says:—"iiollowiilg a Severe cold I wee left in a tun -down, nervone condition I had paints in the back and limbs and could scarcely move about. I d'Id not sleep well at night aaed was <lespontlent and dis- couragecl, I decided- to- try Dr' Wil- liams" Pink Pills, and can truthfully say that after the use of sixboxes, the change in my'condition 'was nothing short o'f-marvaidous, Tris pains 'vart- iched, I slept well, had a good appetitte and in every wily felt well and`strong. I also gavo the pelts to my daughter, who was in an anaemic condition and feeling quite mioerab1e, and in .her ease; too, they restored healt11. I hope MY experience may help some ocher weak' person." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are solar by all medicine dealers or sent by marl at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. A little book, "Building Op the ]Blood," which centaine many useful heartshints, will be sent free on request. Open Wider, Please. - "oh, oh, doctor! Can't you get t' work on lay mouth guick1" "Yes, just a milette now and T11 dive right 1n." "I Am Music." voice Of the Universe, Priestess of Earth, Life's Lyrde of Love, am I. Song of angels in the house of good; the snare and .delusion of bell.. I whisper of. passion; I breathe ro- mance; I am the inspiration for work and play, Though I am a balm of peace, yet on the battlefields I stir men's hearts and urge then on to greater &tells of valor. I dwell in the peaceful chambers of content, but I am present always in the pita of war. I lead true lovers to the altar, I muse by the cradle, I stalk by the open grave. I am the incense upon which devout prayers rise heavenward. Know me, and I will comfort you always, If Ina' song be in your heart, you will hear my voice in the babble of the brook, the•Shunt of the birdie the rus- tle of the leaves, and the billets of the sea, The [rind and rain and the flowers anti the dew all epeak to you Of me. The rumble of traffic, the clat- ter of bode, the hum of the motor, the song' of the mill; alit I change the very cur, Down through the ages I have walk- ed with men, yet none have ever fath- omed me. With the prince and the beggar 1 roam the earth and all meet love me. Per I ant the spirit of the very best that is in them, and they Braise and strive for the best that is within me. I ant the soul of the art, I am .1131514—Rohert L. Shepherd. .> _— - a 'rake the pep from roar dyspepsia with 15 to 30 b drape of Seigel'a'Syrup in a glass of caster as h directed on the bottle.Anydrugetore. 01 0 t co Ii were wise. They hear the yoico in patient calm, • • they know Tho long Toad's end will bring them rest, and 'hay All fragrant with gay summer's rare perfume •The sun slips down, and purple shad- ows play Upon the 5110w, the friendly mous- tains loom Proteetlregly around the little town. Lights springlike jewels and stab the gathering', eight. The jingling bells of homing teams heat downndo, The traders' wiws glow with friend - And And cheerful 001555 call,Iaa rises soon The stately, golden galleon of the SIMPLE -C. G. Wilson, A SI IY11 � TREATMENT FOR 1. Ii CH1lU��N: S COLDS 001(1 111 the•heed is very <xnrnmon at this time of year, especlaily in the very young, Neglect of a cold is prone to lead' to serious con'sequ•ences, 1'.n relieve all congestion of ono systems is (he first step in treating 4i. cold, whether in infants or adnl'tst For the very young, Baby's Own Tablets aro the ideal means of doing this. Con- taining no narcotics or other harmful dt•]lgs they soothe the child's fretful- nes:'s, relieve its suffering and ensure convalescence. Baby's Own Tablets are without an equal for relieving indigestion, ronsti- peitien and collo. They check (11150- rhoea; break up colds' and simple. fevers; promote J1•ealtlegiving sleep and snake the dreaded teething period easy-, The Tablets are the one medi- cine that a. mother can give her little ones with perfect safety as they are guaranteed to be free tom injurious drugs. They are sold by 1111 medicine dealers or by mail at' 26 cents a box ero'm The 17r, Williams' Medicine Co„ 13rockvill'e, Ont. • Drop the Minor Key. That the smile Is mightier than tbe frown, and "Do" a far better soldier than "Don't," Is a reason which most reformers are sadly In need of learn - lug. It is easier to scold than to in- spire, but ode tete inspirers letid for- ward and win humanity's battles. Words of, warning are needful, `but When prolonged into lectures of pes- simism they delent their purpose be' driving tbe audience away or putting It to sleep. Take the matter of conversation. The country was impressed when told that its natural resources were being destroyed and wasted so rapidly tont ruin wm11(1 result unless there was a change for the better, But after that had been dinned into our ears for a decade, we would have preferred to let tate do its worst than listen longer' to the prophets of despair. The effective conservationists are those who, leavieg the negative for. positive lines of [bought, bid us feast our imagination on the glorious pros- eecte in preserving and increasing the treasures with which nature has en- dowed our land. In all concerns of the Comntonwesltb, and of individual affairs as 17.811, it wilt profit us to get out of the minor key soil to think less of the liens In the way than of the re- wards ahead. Keep Mlnerd's Liniment in the stabil. English Woman, Engineer, Finds Way to Color Steel Many of the fil'l'ings and nrnamef13 bout our houses, instead of being of rase, copper, saver nr gold plate, may ereafter be made of attradiv ly col- ied steel, now that a woman englueer, f Birmingham, England, has found a eereteirocess of-'oloring said to make 10 manufacture or colored ornanlent:' ommerclstly practicable. The new roduct will be used, among other hfngs, for bnttol's, buckles and other ereonte ornaments, furniture end (loo' trimmings. World's Largest "Bughouse." The Smithsonian Institution tat \V118htingt-on comes nearer qualifying as 3,110 ehauilrloti 11315-ltnuse, of the. world than any'othe II lets. r. rulIve. id be o1 113.000 epeele€- Every dxy bug ount03' add to the mimes-. 11ntry a<1 dto.'tlee supply, Coal Still King. Experts in all parts of the world are tackling the problem of hon' to tete al to the best advantage. Professor ilergius, of 1leidelberg, e !s reduce p has d coal to .- paste, and cone bines it with hydrogen at a very high temperature ami pressure. The re- sulting field has all the pt•opertiet of crude petroleum, and. can be treated in the satin way to prod)ce petrol end 011101' ells• A.nothea' scientist redeem] real to a gaseous form and then liquefies the gases. He has produced methanol, which 3001530 to have 1111 the properties co of wood alcohol; eynth01, equivalent to a high-gradsret:rol; sold a substitute for benzine. 'General Patert,_a Freuehman, has. sen experimenting with coal -pro- ne d synthetic a 1c:ohne ehshews saving of 15 per cent, 1trea)ories over eteol. The lcltlperauu'e of the ra<1!- to' in which it is used was consider. ley lower thee in tars using petrol,,' Soon it will be possible to disai1 coal 1 the pit, recover the valuable print - ray oils and gases, anti then transmit tem by longelletance piping to where hey are wanted. Estimates show that cast of transmitting 100,000 British termed units would be slightly over tree hirelings for seventy-five miles. An intelligent w'oikln menti Inc a ocILbUlary of 5,000 weds, .While an 000 to 10,000 words, heated man should enov,• front Minaret's Liniment nt for rheumatism. b 7l u D nt it a tl t. tine ti tt v ed 8, STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION "P,ape's Diapepsin" Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at Once ' syMM.w.H�iM.NNii4M�MMiM.M�..H.eNN1j "PaPh's Dispopein" is the quickest, 'un -eat relief for indigeetiou, ga3ee, flatulence, It one burn, 140lrrnese, fer- mentation or etomac'h distress ean;;e'd by :wittily, A few table -to give dulcet immediate stoii1ach 1'05ie1, Correct y0tu' stomach anti digesGiol WOW for a few rents, leruggiets sell millions of packages. ISSUE f10. 12—'27. Over - 30 years the same good tem Now packed in Aluminum. RED 11$ OSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Paying'a Debt. 1 -laving enriched itself many times by borrowing convenient and expres- sive worse from the French language, the English language is now paying a goodshare of its debt by making Prance a present of one of the most valuable and cllerished wordsit pos- sesses, a word dear to tllo heart of every English-speaking persou--- "home," Singularly, bonsidering that the French are a hone -loving people, France has never had any equivalent for "home." The nearest she came to it was "foyer,": meaning hearth, or "chez nous," at our house,' both of which fall short of: the signideance of home. - ]English-speaking people have often remarked the lack with comini- 15le serIlut nn.ow the phrase "le home" is ap• pe310t1115 iu French newspapers ,as a caption for domestic and women's news and .in advertisements of depart- ment and furniture stores. At first It was used in quotation marks, but, hav- ing passed that probation stage, it appears on an equal footing with auyFrenc'h'word—home, just like Ghat, If we bad had to get along withoiut- home when France adopted it thele would have been some prompt and vigorous objections. We could no more dispense with the word than with what it stands for.. But, fortunately, there is plenty of home to go around, and the more the word is used, the bet- ter. You're welcome, Prance. "1Wr11l you pleeze :name my Maly 931)110 as 1 give ya?" HEADACHE, COLDS, COSTIVE BOWELS, "CASC �� itf !9 TAKE ETA To -night! Clean your bowels and end Headaches, Colds, Sour Stomach Get a 10 -cent Vox, now. You men and women who can't get feeling right—who Have heaclaebe, coated tongue, bad taste foul foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bili- ous, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, geesy, disordered stomach, or have a bac] cold. Are you .keeping your bowel' clean with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passage every few days with sells, cathartic 1)1110 er castor oil? Cascaa•ets work while you sleep; cleanse the, stontaeli, remove the soar, undigested, fermenting food and foal gases; take the excess .bile Isom tbe liver' and carry out of the sysiem all. the eon0'tlpeted 1'este matter incl pois- on in the bowels. A Casoar•et to -night will straighten Yoe out by morning—a 10 -cent box gram any drug stole will keep sous stomach sweet:; liver and bowels re- gular, e-gu-1 r, and (read clear for mboths. Don't forged the children. They lore 'Ca6- carets bedtime they tate good --never gripe or Fic1Oeu WORST "INWARD" KIND PREFERRED (Featpeke, trembling, etc.) Imine 1mat incnrl, li -inn (Aly qualified pby'siciau. Dram to 4, Castl:tom Ont, Classified' Advertisements. AMMO r2 ' s1oN iu NC9 r1!' t L1'U10N Crl.- MIDIS ro rInH Guaranteed top110Wks. Yacerd klston IlIng `o., 82.54 Frott't. w.Toronto. HEALTH' GLASS. U1230U5Akem7,1 GLASS SU55TJ2112.0 FOR Poultry houses, bot bads; speeds growth, 11403'5' Son. plants, Delivered 020 55MM O yard, Perr108a footle,,, Elmira, Ont. 8001' DESTROYER. cL10A 's INO anything bin the roo'WITHOUT , 15111 l cxtnattian Mat - nor ane,, Absolute] a aok- ago, 1 pmettagee for (1.00 00011,004. '000 55. 10. Tho mill Coo 590 None Dante .street Wow[, BUILDERS' ER8' SUPPLIES. T 516VT (5LATI5•t;OATID(. 1(0000NG, 12.081 T }Immo rain 02.40. canon[ 110sre, lti wdon•.r, I•ndnes. Flooring, Wallboard. 0800,0nda bf 111104 - .bug nargalns, .•Tee Ustalogue. Ilallhlny CaWlau, Box 21111 I7aullane, W1 HELL 10 000 110115ES A 00116 20y �' ratlaaen nariowera, Feud for our Marne , Catalogue; it 1111 are you money, Tato Bepo;lto:y, 10 3101son Street, Toronto. '01.016 n0 10u 3431055'A ilAT ((1--1.1511. la vole, Oulu anterd PrOttlieln. Will net 101 000,00 10 570,00 pet 151,01, all' the year retina 1.50 Dag. aolllng Viten. lute for full potticulnre. Dent• John 1L i'rora> Co„ 200 Gl,dateno Arrnne, Tnronl,,. e (Aria enoyl 45 ''40 110 ,0X1.6 iN mon 4 to f meelia' III , eat trots any reader tr this nI 8 In, bon' to get: ahem. Write for 104 - 1150)0,, le. A. tfadles, Saagata04, Ona.' t in1c•111Ltx RABBITS or, ORALITY, Initerratte &live*, all ages, 11,4;, fur 5001,181 00.1 pi '! , ASSIONt'En RA11B1210124, ,P.O. Bee Oar, Amadei Ont. Stenther 0,50,1. t 4ln.hllla 2lr leu' A n Irttun. yfemlwr' AmerL•att :t'bin^Ants Brettara. A snel:tlIoru. Art,ENTS A LW of "Wanted Inventions" and Full Intermailon Snot tree on Redden. The Ramsay Co. W ';oti Bechar.. ontL. an et atonia ia awift—nud aura Neglected bronchial colds 're dan- gerous. Stop them instant* with Buckley', Mixture, Its action In re- lieving the cough and clearing the All drugubes le gists sol!£i"Bumdey's" under positive guarantee. Buy a bottle ..today, and bo safe. R. 1{. Beckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St, Toronto 2 UMC xwu,,, 123 Acts W. a flash— • single sip proves it ,. ATHLETES! Mlnerd's will limber u'p stiff muscles and sore joints, Lllso It for 11 rub clown. • MORE MONEY IN POULTRY AND STOCK When You Feed VITA 11111 A , D 0 � g Col) E9I C IsOIL Vitamins Tested Send money order or 041811 (no cheques). for trial 1,, gallon can; Postpaid $1.75 To Your Address Lcwer p.ria'es on gnantlty. YOCUM FAUST, LTD. Dept. Y - London, ,Ont. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART 1110.9•7.111•CIS 111•1•11.140 Accept only "Barer' package • which contains proven directions. Bendy- "Bayer' beetle of 111 tablets Also itottlea of 24 and 100—Drugglete. eeplrin IHthe trade wart (registered to Co,aioi or gayer Manufacture of Mouoacotic- aoldesle1 or.Ralteylletuld (Acetyl Setleyll 501d, "A. e. 5."1. while 1t is well kttewa that Aspirin means Bayer mannfalurn, to asolil the public against lmttallone, the Tablets of serer 00mpany will be n:nmpod with 0410 100104 made stark, the 'Rayer (hope,'(