HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-02-17, Page 8f Il^
IYIiss Florence 'Welsh, ; of London,
visitedaver" 'the 'week end with • her
Parents, alr.tand Mrs, Thos, Welsh.
Mr, Fred:. Stcacy of . Lucan vis+ted
aver 'the week: end with his mother,
Mrs, 'Samuel '!'teaey and sister, ;Miss
Lillian, : ,
Mks. John,' Elder is visiting relatives,
in Toronto s;' hie week, "
Mr, 'Frank 'Wickwire. of Exeter was
in town on Friday on business.
Mrs. A. MCi aig and Miss Eliza
Newell visited lit Kippen on Thins
Mr. T. G..Jbynt visited over the
'Week ek end wrth'olatives in Toronto.Mr. Wm. Wilson dl 'Goderich vis-
ited in town, on. Thursday,
Mr.tae rtof
J. St tiva London was in
town Friday on business,
Mr. LairdJoY tit of -London :Uri
versity visited over the week end at
his 'home here.'
Mrs. John ;Fisher is visiting her
daughter, Miss (Helen, in Totonto,
this week,
Miss Helen Elder and fr=iend of
London visited over the week' end
with Mr. and:Mrs. John Elder,
A 'fast garde of hockey, was played
here on the stalk Wednesday evening
between Varia and (Hensall juniors,
resulting in;a score of 10 to 2 -for 4leir-
The •most successful skating party
of the season was staged :on the Hen -
sail rink Thursday evening last, with
a large crowd•present. The rink was
nicely decorated with Chinese lan-
terns, and the ••Hensall orchestra pro -
aided the music. The following were
the prize winners: 'Gentlemen's race,
Lee Hedden; , ladies' .race, Mildred
McDonnell; couples' race, Miss Mil. -
tired MoDonttell and Mr. Claude
Harvey Hudson was the holder of
the lucky ticket, receiving a $2 box of
chocolates. Proceeds amounted to
around $20 and was handed over to
the hockey club.
The Mission Band of the United
Church held their meeting on Sunday
afternoon in the basement of t'he'
church, with a good attendance. The
meeting opened by singing•Hymn No.
410, -after which Mildred McDonell
led in prayer, followed by Mildred
Scruton reading the Scripture les-
son. The minutes of the last meeting
were read by the secretary, Bertha
Sai'dan, after which the roll was call-
ed. Mrs. Dougall read a story en-
titled "'Little 'Gold," after which Ca-
therine 'Drysdale sang a solo. Mrs.
Legg gave a very interesting talk on
missionaries in Korea. Mrs. Dougall
closed the meeting with prayer,
Mrs. Legg of St. Marys visited ov-
er the weekend with Miss Mattie
The services in1t
c s the United Church
on Sunday last were largely attended,
Rev, Mr. Sinclair preaching at both
services. Mrs. (Dr.) Reid of St.
George and Miss Florence Welsh of
London assisted the choir at the.
morning. r g. service and in the evening
Mrs. Reid sang "Beautiful Isle of
Somewhere" which was greatlyen-
joyed by the congregation.
Mr. E, F. Knipe purchased a new
Chrysler car 'from Mr. Pilon of Ex-
eter on Saturday.
On Sunday, Feb. 27th, in the Unit-
ed Church the services will be espec-
ially for women, with a women's
choir leading the singing.
Mrs, Doherty and daughter Miss
Eleanor of iLondon are visiting
friends in town this week.
At a special meeting of the village
council on Saturday evening last it
was decided to enter an appeal
against the county valuators' assess-
ment of the property Of Hensall, and
Which was adopted by the county
council at the January meeting.
Three reasons are given for the ap-
peal, first, fhe urban centres were en-
titled to representation on the com-
mission as passed in the minutes of
the county 'council; second, the valua-
tors asked our village clerk for the
total taxable assessment of Hensall,
which he gave them, this including
the lands, buildings, business and ;in- CLEARING AUCTION SALE
come assessments and this amount Of Farm, Stock, Implements, Feed
the valuators used in their report, atul Furniture. Undersigned has re -
Sec. 85 and subsections of the assess- ceived instructions to sell by public
ment act are quite plaits that valuators auction on Lot 19, 'Thames road, 14
for the .purpose of making -their re- miles west Of R'usseldale on Thurs.,
port to the contny council shall as- Feb. 24th, at 1 p.m, Horses -9 yr.
certain the value of real property old mare, 8 yr. old mare, 'colts ris-
only. Therefore by taking into ac- ing 2 yr. old, Cows -Jersey cow 4
count the business and income as- yrs, old due end of May (supposed to
sessments of the village, they have be in calf); Durham 4 yrs. old due
made our county -assessment $40,000 end of April; Holstein 10 yrs old, due
too high. Third, taking into c'onside- March 16; Durham 9 yrs old due Mar.
ration the number of mills and afar- 26; Jersey,9 yrs. old; supposed to be
tories and the population 'that Hen- clue end of June; Jersey cow 6 yrs.
sail had 20 years ago when the last old, due April 2; 5 yearlings. Pigs -
county valuation was made, and what Young sow due Mar. 15, sow due be-
Hensall is today, we consider that to ginning of May; 4 chunks, 75 lbs.
raise our county assessment $195,000 each. 90 hens. Implements -Mas -
is out of all reason, to the growth of sey Harris binder, mower, drill, stuf-
our village. flea walking plow, 4 section harrows,
At a meeting of rhe 'Hay township horse rake, scales, disc cultivator,
council last week they have also de- etc. 2 sets of double ahrness, 2 sets
tided to enter an appeal against the single harness, Massey Harris creast
county assessment on the ground separator, rap. 500 labs., nearly new;
that it is altogether too high, consid- quantity of wood, bags, shovels, forks,
Bring the amount -of swamp land in etc. Ila, and Grain -100 bus, inlxed
the township. In Hay the business grain, some oats, 15 bus. seed peas, 6
assessments of Zurich and Dashwood tons of hay, quantity of silage. House -
were included, which they should not hold articles -Dining room table 12
have been, feet, sideboard, 4 chairs, 2 small
Mr. Robert Caldwell left on Monday tables, Singer sewing machine, all in
evening for Toronto. Al condition; kitchen cupboard, mare
Friday evening last Faceter sent tip ble clock, bedstead :attd springs, chif-
a junior hockey team to play the Hen- fonier, 5 kitchen chairs, quantity of
sall senior team, Exeter team being pictures and dishes, toilet set, 5 lamps
defeated 10 to 1, A big crowd went hanging & Alladin lamps, 150 sealers
f om Hensall on Monday evening to crock churn and bu'tterbowl, washing
Zurich to sec thegame between Ex- machine and wringer, Process oil
eter and Zurich, those teams being in stove and oven, and many other .arti-
the finals. Exeter won 2-1. This les. The Farm -Consisting of 100
looks as if Exeter will win this year acres more or less, situated on the
and the McMillian and McDonald main road with rural 'mail and tele -
cups will go to Exeter this year. phone, close to school and church.
Mn Wm. Consitt purchased a fine On the 'premises are a two story
young horse at a sale near Mifeitell brick house, with furnace and Al cel -
on Saturday. I•tr, bank barn 36x80 ft., cement silo,.
'Reeve Geiger was in %Baden on driving shed and hen house, .Abund-
Monday on business. ance of water, PA acres of choice
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Patterson motor- young orchard. Faot"ni is well fenced
ao Kitchener on Sunday to visit d drained and in first class state of
'friends. r"t ,Yattof1, 35 antes for spring.crop
M. J. Chas. Metionelt is visiting re- 13 acres of wheat 9n, 5 acres of good
latives in Toronto. bush, balance hay and grass, Terms
terms. Terms made known on day of
sale. Positively no reserve as pro-
prtetor is tluoiglt farming. Furnit-
ure hay gram and all sums under
Over that amount 6 most
Scot and presided over by Miss Al
Scruton. After • the opening hymn,
_repeated the Lord's prayer and
$criptute lesson was : read, byM
Flor Higgins.
a I ggms. Solos=by Miss. Cat
rine` Drysdale and : Mn. Sant Ren
were splendidly' rendered. The
El -
The der and 'Broadfoot trio 'fa'vbred the
audience with several selections. A
very interesting feature of the pro-
gramme was a story of St. Valentine
given by several members of the Sun-
day school, Miss Elva-Shaddock tale-
ing the -leading part.. This was follow-
ed by a solo by `Mr. Thos `,S'herritt.
Miss Mattie Ellis won the audience
with a reading a m .entitled, "The Three
Lovers" and !r ' ton'ded with an en -
core. This concluded the programme
after whichr`'a contest, "A " Musical
Romance, was indulged ha Mr, E.
ICnipe's group won the prize and re-
ceived a box of chocolates. A dainty
lunch was served after the cbrrtest.'
',Miss MildredFollick pleasantly en-
tertained a 'number of her girl 'frien
to'a birthday party Saturday aft
noon last.
Ma, Robt. Higgins is `visiting :
brother, William, in Clinton t.
The many 'friend's of Mrs. J.
Skinner will 'be sorry to learn the
confined to her home through lane
Mr. Floyd Smith, who 55 attendi
Stratford business college, visit
over the week end et his 'home here.
Mrs. Robt. Bonthron, who has
been visiting for the. past month with
her •daughter in Toronto, returned
home Monday evening.
An old time dance will be held in
the town hall on `Thursday evening
of this week. Collins orchestra of
,Brucefield will' 'furnish the music, and
a good time is being. looked for.
A Valentine pie social was held in
Carmel Presbyterian church under
the auspices of the Welfare Club on
Monday evening last. A good pro-
gram was given, after which a dainty
hrnch was served.
Miss 'Rena Hudson underwent an
operation at Mrs, Patterson's hospi-
tal on Tuesday for the removal of
her tonsils.
Mr, Fred-Steacy has been transfe
red from the Standard Bank of Lucan
to 'Beaverton.
Wedding bells are ringing again in
nra,'credit will be given on furnishing ap- FARM SALE
all • 'proved joint notes' or a discount of
, 'Agnes •
. McElroy, A�dmi
the 6 per ce t per
nalumna nz off..
tt for
cash at.
iss lien' notes. bas instructed, Thos. At
Lot Brown,ton sell
t W: E.Nairn, alma, Wil-.
by public auction at Lot, 27, Con. 9,
Ceti Liam Waal, prop. ;• McKillop at ',one 'spar on
Tuesda aFeb.'22
Y, 22nd.
:farm, lot 27 con 9 M Kill
consisting of 100 acres. Well fenced,
well drained, best' of land,, Large bank
barn. Other barn, hen house, large
implement she'd.' This is, 'probably
one of the best farms in' McKillop,
located within 40 rods of school;
adjoining Winthrop, with -church,
store and, blacksmith shop, on a coun-
ty road, half, way between Seaforth
and 'Walton, Fine ten roomed"house;
with .wood shed. Good cellar with
furnace, Hard and soft water inside.
Protected by high evergreens �osi''the
west side, Will 'be offered on day of
sale if not previously sold.
Also good frame house and lot pt,
6, North Main street, (Seafonfh, with
ds County i henhouse.
er- 1 Horses -1 team working- horses, 2
mare colts, 3 and 4 years old, 1 driver.
his g P Cattle -4 milk cows supposed to be
itis with. calf; 41 fresh cow With calf at
foot;'1'dry cow; 2 heifers, 2 yrs. old;
; b 2 heifers 1 yr, old; 3 spring calves.
is Pigs -2 sows, 2 hogs.
ss. Implements -1 rubber tired buggy,
,Separate sealed tenders'. marked,',
"Tender for Contract No....." will
be received by the undersigned until
12 o'ciock noon eon on Monday, March,
7th, 1927, for the following work on
the Provincial Highways;-
Contract' No, Mileage
27-02 'Cliftton north to end of
concrete 5,6
27-03' Dublin to Seaforth 6.17
27-11' Kitchener to Wellington
line omitting'
mile at Grand River.. 6.5
27-18 Freeport Bridge ap-
proaches .• 0.83'
Plans specifications information to
bidders, tender 'forms and tender en-
velopes may, • e obtained on and after
Monday, 'February 21st, 1927, at the
office ofaatlhe undersigned or from Mr.
,. c i oP,
nag 0. A. Downey, 'Resident 'Engineer, 1 sleigh, 1 wagon, 1 -road cart, 1 cut -
r -
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
The undersigned has received instruc-
tions to sell by public auction on
Lot 24, Con. 13, Logan, at 1,pan. on
Thursday, March 3. Horses -Grey
Percheron team 9 and 10 years old,
well matched; grey general purpose
horse, I1• years old. Cattle -Hereford
cow due 'time of sale; Hereford co
clue Feb. 10; Holstein cowdue Jun
10; Durham cow due in May. Pelle
Angus cow due IMLarch 20, Hogs and
Hens -Yorkshire sow due time of
sale; Tamworth sow due March 15;
6 sows due in, April; 10 chunlcs, 50
hens, 2 geese, gander, collie dog, good
worker. Implements -Ditching out -
lit -rooter near new, 6 good scrapers,
60 ft cable,chains, picks, grub hoes,
shovels,etc.;Deering mower, Mc-
Cormick mower, scuffler, seed drill,
cultivator, Chatham wagon, wheel-
barrow, 2 sets of sleighs, cutter, steel
tire 'buggy, rubber tire buggy, set
barrows Deering rake, separa-
rte cream sea a
g , P
tor, Massey -Harris plow, .gravel box,
hay rack, wood rack, set breaching
harness, set backhand harness, extra
set of traces, set single harness, buf-
falo robe, 2 set of horse blankets, 30
gallon milk can, mail box, new horse
clippers, cosy home Quebec cook
stove, new; 01d Homestead cook
stove, gasoline stove, small kitchen
table, sink, washing machine, Star
cou9e 1925 model, and a host of
other articles. Terms -All sums of
$10 and under, cash; over that amount
9 months' credit on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes. 6 per 'cent, per
annum off for cash on credit amounts.
Land owners for security. T. M.
Idclly, acct.; Jos. M..Gaffney, prop.
Stratford, Ontario,
,A marked cheque for $1,000.00 pay-
able to the Minister of Public 'Works
and Highways., Ontario, must be at-
tached to tenders, A Guaranty Com-
pany's Contract (Bond for 50 p.c. of
the amount of the tender will be ,furn-
ished by the Contractor to the -'De-
partment when Contract is ' signed,,
Maintenance Bonds for 25 p.c. of the
value of the' p'avement alma' be 'furn-
ished to the ;Department when Con-
tract is signed.'
All bonds inttst be made out on de-
partmental forms. The 'lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted.
Deputy Minister of Highways.
Department Of Public lIighways,
Toronto, February 14th, 1927.
The Carlin family wish to thank
their many 'friends, relations and
neighbors "for the ,many spiritual of-
ferings, and for the beautiful expres-
sions of sympathy received during
their recent sad bereavement.
Since e our friends are too numerous
for us to reach personally, we take
this method of thanking all those who
assisted us in our recent serious loss.
cot Sincerely yours,
Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Ducltarme.
A Valentinesocial was
the -This
farm will 'be
sold on
Young People's League di the United
hunch 'oil Monday evening With a
rti'g.ca'oae d„pr oe t�,for a he atneht Occasioas
That well built brick house on God-
crich stir. west, adjoining Town of
Seafm'th, formerly occupied by the
late John 'Beattie, Esq. One acre of
land, abundance of small fruits.
Country taxes. Apply to owner on
premises, W. Si. PRETHEWEY. 7
5. W. MacVrcar, Goderich, Ont,, is
prepared to issue auto licenses for
1927. Prompt service. Mr. MacVicar
disabled it
t the 'Great War. 10
Two, grade Jerseys, one fresh, other
One to freshen; 'also two loads millet
and a few loads of sweet clover hay,
first class, saved without rain. Also
lour acres land, west of recreation
grounds, well drained and seeded to
alfalfa. No seasonable offer refused.
D'A'LE NIXON, phone 273w or
144 r 2, Seaforth. • 9
ter, 1 manure spreader, 1 seed drill,
1 cultivator, 1• disc, 1 pair iron har-
rows, 1 pea puller, 1 roller, 1 riding
plow and other plows, 1 stock rack,
1 fanning mill, 1 pair platform scales,
slings, lumber, planks, scythe, cradle,
2 sugar kettles and other articles
usually found on a farm; plow harn-
ess, double ]farness, single 'harness.
!Household 'Furniture -3 bedroom
suites, springas.and mattresses; 1 par -
tor liable, 1 dining room suite, 1 organ,
1 desk, 1 drop 'leaf table, 1 Moffat
range, 1 coal oil stove (Perfection);
40 gal. oil tank; 1 cupboard, 3 hanging
lamps, 1 churn, 1 Sharpies• separator
-No.'3; washing machine, tubs, dishes
and many ether articles too numer-
ous to mention, '
A quantity of hay, grain and pota-
toes. :..
Terms. -Hay, grain, potatoes and
all sums of $10 and under, cash; over
that amount 8 months' 'credit •given
on approved joint notes. Five per
cent. discount for cash on credit
amounts. Terms on farm made
known day of sale. -
Mrs. Thomas McElroy, Adminis-
tratrix; T, (Brown, auct,
'Lot 6, Con. 1, Stanley, containing 97
acres df first ejass land in a high state
of cultivation, well drained and fent-
ed, situated on the Provincial high-
i t -
wa London to Clintonin the t t e banner
county of Huron. Convenient to
churches and schools and one of -the
best markets in the 'province. There is
on it a 2 story frame dwelling, parlor,
dining room, kitchen, wash room,
and bedroom 4
bedrooms up. Hard n f and sot welter.
Cellar under whole 'house. Woodshed
attached, Barn 52' x 60' with stone
and brick stabling under; floors of
flag stone. Cement hog pen 24'x40',
flag stone floor. Implement 'house 26'
x 40'. Ten acres of good maple bush,
and small orchard with evergreen
windbreak. Two never failing wells;
one at barn has steel windmill and
supply tank, piped' to horse stable and
watering 'trough in yard. Ten acres
or snore of fall wheat and fall plow-
ing done, the remainder seeded to
grans. Will be sold on reasonable
terms. Innnedia'te 'possession. For
further particulars, apply to R. P.
BELL, Box 382, Seaforth, Ont.
Phone 255. 13
Our Clearance Sale of Shoes
Starts March l st
$3000 Worth of Shoes to Clear •
Our Prices Will Positively be the Lowest
Highest Trade Prices Paid for Eggs in exchange for Shoes
'tell. J. Finnigan
Ladies' and Men's Tailor
Suits from $25.40 u
Bring your own Cloth
(lave it made up here,.
Over Keating's Drug Store
Th to
The Mutual al life ' Insurance:
Com an t
o N�
p YNew Y rk
Tho, oldest Life, Insurance Com-
un on the Continent
Policies issued in -1920
5 2 ;.
07 0
� U
Total insurance;.` in forge
Doc. 31st. 1026
Assets .$798 152133.68
Liabilities - -41
$7 ,384,540,80
Surplus - ;$56,767,592.82
All bene11ts and dividends 'to
policy holders -no stock hold-
el,8eto pay. •
Policies elos oda ted to your indiv-
idual needs and circumstances.
Full.information on application
A .'S
District Agent.
Phone 152
One hundred acres choice clay land,.
being lot 8, con: 6, 'Hallett, situated
mile west o'f the village of 'Con-
stance, whefe there is a school,,
church, blacksmith shop and store.
There are on the premises a bank
'barn _43x53, a driving shed, and a
comfortable frame house, With hard
water tank in kitchen, also a drilled
well with windmill. All cleared land,
8 acres elf fall wheat, 40 acres under
plough, balance hay and pasture. Will
sell reasonable. For-particalars apply
to 'Wm. Moore, R. R. 1, Clinton.
Wednesday,, Feb. '161h, '
Wheatper .b h
, us el' ;,. .,.;'$1.25
Barley, per 'btishcl . -: 60c -65c
Oats, r
t ,.pe,. ,bu's ;�:,.:45c-50c
Buckwheat, per bus•' ,,• 65c
Shorts, per cwt. . . $1.80
Bran, per cwt, .. S1.70'
Butter, pee .1b. . 35c
Eggs, per'foz. 25c -36c -40c
Potatoes, per.`bag , $125
Mugs, per cwt. . , 10.75
Notice •is 'hereby given pursuant to,
the statutes in that behalf that all
persons having claims against the
estate -of Marrgaret Wallace, late of
the Village ,of Egmondville, Widow,:
deceased, who died on the 24th day
ofanuar 1927,are required.-
J y, to for-
ward their claims, . duly proven, to
the undersigned Solicitors on or
before the Second day of March, •1927,
after which date the Executors will
proceed to distribute 'the assets of
the estate having regard only to and
-being liable only for the claims of
which they shall then have had notice.
Dated at Seaforth, iOntario, this
9th day Of February, 1927.
Seaforth, Ont.
8 Solicitors for Executors.
9 -roomed frame house, modern
conveniences, hardwood floors, front
and back stairs, Maple and spruce
shade trees, 2 apple trees and small
fruit. Large stable and garage.
Modern 'hen house, 50'x14', large
poultry yard, 24 acres of land. A
real bargain at $3,500. Apply AN-
Seaforth. Phone 44W. •
60 acres of good land with good
buildings, and lots of good water.
One mile from Blyth, lot 25, conces-
sion 14, in the township of Hullett.
Apply on premises to William Agus-
tin, Blyth.
Want and For Sale ad's, l• week 25c
Extra! Tremendous Extra!
Cut Price Sale
Before you do any
buying be sure
and visit our store
It will save you
many dollars.
Thursday; Friday and Saturday
The Shamrock
The story of an Irish' Jockey and a Famous s Seo to
Chaser on an American Track
written by '
and featuring .
Leslie Fenton
Janet Gaynor
J. Farrel MacDonald
One of the finest of Race Track 'Dramas
Full of '' Pathos and Irish Wit
DRH. ,HUGH .ROSS, Physician
Ph s'
and Surgeon. Late. of London Bioat-
pital, London, 'England. Special '•
attention to diseases of the eye, ears;,.
nose and throat. Office and resid.,,:.-'
eine behind Dominion Bank.' Off$ee;;'l','
Phone No , 5; Residence Phone 10*
DR.. -F.:J. -BURROWS,-Seaforth.'
Office and: residence, Goderich streef,
east of the Methodist Church. Otar---
on r
e for the County, of Huron. 7['tt1�
phone No. 40.
AGKAY.-C.. Mackay,•'
honor graduate of Trinity'.Un'
rvero- r
sty, and gold medallist of Tr `
Medical Colli eg, • member of, the
lege of Physicians and 'Su
Y rgcamss.
Ontario. .sac
DR. F. J. R. FFOIRSTER-Eye, 1 r
Nose _aqd Throat, 'Graduate in Meir `
cine University'of Toronto 1897. Lelia, - -
Assistant New York Ophthalmic ape(
Aural, Institute, Moorefield's Eye, sad
Golden Square throat -hospitals, Law,
don, England. At Commercial hole'
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each nsom0
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. k
DE. W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate Cif
Faculty of Medicine, University a£
Western Ontario, London. Member,
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhates
!Drug- Store, Main St., Seafot,,.
Phone 90.
Successor to Dr. R. R. Rasa, grafi-'.
ate of Northwestern University, Chs-
cage, 11!. Licentiate :Royal College e&
Dental Surgeona, Toronto. Office
over Sills' hardware, Main steer
Seaforth. Phone 151.
DR. F. J. BRCHELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental- Surgeon,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smiths
Grocery, Main street, Seafatartls,
Phones, office 185W, residence 185f.
Auctioneer. ,
F. W. WIGG, Seaforth, Licensed
Auctioneer for the County of Huron,
Fifteen years' experience in selling by
auction, ifarms, stock, implements, etc.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 165
Seaforth, or he Seaforth News office,
Auctioneer for the County of Haien.
Arrangements can be made far Sal*
Date at The Sea
forth News. Chargee
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
-Musical Instruction,
OHAS. A: HOWEY has resu
his classes in the instruction of p'
organ and .theory. heor
Phone 194, ,
General Fire, Life`
Accident & Automobile
and; dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watso
North Main St, SEAFORTH, OI4T.
Mutual Fire Insurance Got
Officers James Connolly, Godes,
ich;;.Alex. James Evans, Beecha &
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Scaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm.. Rinn, No. 2, Sear
forth; John Benneweis, Brodhaggeseaer
James Evans, Beechwood; 34. Mo..
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, Gads _ 1
erich; Alex. Broadfoot, 'No. 3, Sew.
forth; J. G Grieve, No. 4, Walt i.
Robert Ferris, Hariock; •George Mie-
Cartncy, No:'3, Seaforth; Metreg.
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents -Alex.' Leitch, r.r. 1, Cffar.
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth;
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth;
Yeo, Holmesville; R, G. Jarnnomthe
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Partre* '
desirous to effect insurance' or tram-.• ;
act other •business Will be ,ptotmptfy ,t
attended to by application to any o$
the above named officers addressed
to their -respective postoffices.. 1.
Choice 100 acre farm with splen- to
did buildings, all in good repair, be -t
ing Lot 20,con 9 in the Township i{-
of McKillop, 6 miles from Seaforth
and Walton 9 miles from,�,Uublrn. .
Land is in high state of cultivation
28 acres fall plowed, 8 acres fat- ti
wheat, 25 acres newly seeded to>ail'_
falfa, 13 acres hardwood bush, bat
anee pasture. No waste land except -i
small ditch. There is situd ois p.
premises one main barn 4 til "la 4th' u,
new cement stabling. Watrob- sc'`
of cattle and horses, sCi grid by
windmill and tank. Stabling for 48 I'
head of cattle and six horses. ':Straw. ;,,,
shed 29x52 with brick walll,@pd flour
xing ihes and twon colony brooder1Ye -shed, 1
3020, '
10x10, two storey brick house h 36 x usec i,`;
48 including verandah, with furnace, i;"
hard and soft .water, slate roof, new'.4
iy-installed lighting system, Light J
ning rods on house and barn, aural ;,
mail and telephone. 144 miles fretstai
village sof Winthrop, store, 'blacks
smith and church. If not sold withi i
one month it will Abe'rented to'a suif-,
able tenant. For price, terms i•;t sit
particulars, apply at TheNews ` or7I
GEORGE PRYCE, Seaforth R. a
No. 1' 8 s
A good farm consisting of 13
e brick
bank b
a'i54x8; good cetnent stables,"p•
stables, driving shed. Two drillle..
wells, Lot 2, con. 12 and 13, gam
fop, Phone 24r16 Dublin to ' Mri