HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-02-17, Page 51' CF.I1F(1R'i'H NTt7WS 11111JRSDAY; F,haiiia)7leeY ie, wee • " ' .. .�A�• `� a y�q .. � ......-...-.....,s...____., SERVE ROUND ,Icor dinner" ,a hungry- - 'usat when' dice of �sstatoes he table dissatisfied. table • ��� � 6l �� ”` titan he our and won't fir 11„ ' �� Ill s /a �-. \. �I /rri ' f ONE OF ROASTS tonight -HA'RLOCIC. happy.. "gets roast some' green get up ` I i, /� OUR He a generous beef, from t // { make - knows with vege- the'Eggs #feu • f•� h/. c ; 1N1��: = tore Our ]'rices for one tveelt from today ., '. Y Schnel(101 s PIM Lb1d, .1n 20 b, a41s 1.8c :a • 1b. l pDistance Maple Syrup, qt. soalois 80e Apex: Orange Marmalade, i? • glass 20C etaren's Jelly' ::Powders , 4 for '25e Red Cherries Pitted, Tin 25c Pears, in S ru , -Till 15c y 13 . ' Wanted for. Cash BEECHWOOD e--:----------"""'''''''''''aart ;;' ITOwn ��n. �� r .mow.. ow. ..a +r r..a�..a 'or--.��.....—u.—.ter---� Miss •Romanoff, of Philadelphia, a guest a't the home of Mr, 'and Ii2rs. J, G. Greig, Mr. W..Abetltart of Toronto -Medi- cal College, spent the week -end the home of his parents, Mr.'an—li Mir, C. 'Alberh'art, pOne Mr. and iii a„les Baxter . and Mrs. J haby, of :Stratford, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Grieve, Mr -e J. C, Biachns, of London, spent :the weekend in town. ' +,t is at r One ing One first with R14 oe 5 ,, Brand NewChevrolet Car will be sold at cost. ..' .. Star Sedan 1921: License class 111echanical'COndit10parties!� Turin EXCelSlOr Motorcycle side car recentl overhauled y r + • ■ Oa SEPti{QRTII Tour- in ear o e Mr 's, V, Pl' ed t se . i e Flanagan able 'to''be a 'bout again afterowsrEQ��r Inns rcent ,illness. Miss +Ri!ta OhRouxke spent Sunday at the. home. of Mr. and Mrs,-Wxi. Jordan, of I rbbett. Mr. and Mrs: J'as.'S'loan spent Sun - day with Mr. and Mrs, Jos. 'Flanagan. Quite a number around Here are busy liaulang pine roofs •for, summer twoo'd, . Mr..and Mrs. Wm. 'Cu'rtm, of iDub- lilt visited at t e home of Mr, acrd Mr's'. Ed. Ilioran a 'Sunday last. Mss Marie 'Murray 'spent Sunday evening with her friend, Miss Nellie e Rourke, Mrs, 'Thos, :Maloney had a success- fel quifting'bee one day last week. ec CALLS speed up � r •— Anyone who calls sev- eral by Long more or less regularly Can —and should — use this new method to save time. --It represents a great advance. All you have to' do is give our Man- k �. �r ,=i. r,f � t. m 4• n” z $ r n' t f r 9 .r .. Mr. W. 'Patrick was 'home from Exeter over the week -end. isr :Gertrude we k- nd.f Walton is M G t Phone' 1 111 1: The ladies of Burns' Church 'held their .monthly meeting of the W. ager a list of the names and addresses. tr ,F •; �i ;..,;� �^ r� ,,:: �)•�' ' the guest of Miss Violet Rankin. Jvf. $. at'the home of Mrs. 'Len Watt. Mr.-'Walthers, of Exeter is reliev- fag Mr. W. 'L..Kress, of the iBanlc of -1 The meeting Was presided over by Mrs. Anus Reid. A large number It can be used for either Person -to -Per - H B. KNIGHT J. r Commerce.g ;Mrs. A. A. ,McLennan was a ,Strut- of the members took part hi the pro- gramme and made it a very interest - cdtiol]-fo Sta- son or Station-to-Sta- formerly with ford visitor. ing meeting. tjori, 21t7d y'oi1 Can Call _ DORENWEND PEMBER Miss ling Scott, of Bruceficld, was a visitor at the home 'of Mr, and' Mrs. J. ,Beattie. Mrs. H. on rth, John street, was in Clinton this week visiting her sister, Mr, W. Greig, of Toronto Me'di'cal school, was a weekend guest at the h meIGrof g• 'his 'p'arents, Mr. and Mrs. J. The Mutual Life Assurance Company ,' of Canada Established 1869 Miss arjorie IPickell spent :the week -end with her :friend, Miss Louise Mills: A goodly- another from this vicinity attended the chicken pie stepper held iii Londesbnrn on Monday evening the auspices of the Knox under Church 'Ladies' 'Aid, The play was enjoyed by all. all the names, OY Orily tat yon] designate. It 116 Si Call our Manager and ask him to explain the details. Commercial Notel, Seafertb Wednesday February 23rd, Yf Y AI HAIR GOODS D. �• STEWA T one•58 Seaforth Your Butcher. Ross �• �praat Phone $ Phone 77 W. M. Stewart If its groceries we have them. Miss Margaret '.Ashton, of the Post Office staff, spent the weekend with friends in London. �. Mrs. M. M'CCarrol,, of !Billings, g. Montana, is a guest at the 'home ofbers Mr. and Ivl vests . 'D, Sutherland, -A socia'] evening will 'be held in St. Thomas' parish hall'on Friday even- ing, ,Feb, 18th. All members of the g atiot 'are cordially invited to. at end. W. -Johnstone; who has been in town ' The old Reliable all Canadian Company Policies to suit your requirements MONEY �� LOAN on approved First Mortgages at fi per cent. } John 11.Archibald} Agent' SEAFORTH Phone 163 •CROMARTY, A- very pleasing event took place -last Friday eventing when the them - of the Scale Company assembled at the :Home of Mr. and Mrs. David Bruce, for 'their annual oyster supper and social evening. About 'fifty guests were present,. After the sup- 'Per, 'the evening was -spent in cardsThey and dancing until the wee sena' hours o.f 'the morning, when the guests re- turned home after expressing their lVTany subscribers wh.o ll3"tl t0 tltjnli the 17x(1. Y to make Person -to - Person calls,now find that they reach the person they want with 1,R Station -to -Station Calls. are quick- Er and cheaper. IN o, 4 6 LADIES and GENTS r Advice on,the Scalp ' Makers of Patent Structure JOHNSTON & KNIGHT io Birks Building, , Yonge & 'Temperance Sts. g P 7 ORONrO TORONTO D H MUIlI11GS Hg 0 Gil McInnes Chiropractor . ' W J a t _Walker' Son • - Of gcongregation me halm, will be at' the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday,Wednesday- and Friay afternoons Diseases of all all kinds success- fully treated: Electricityused ' UNDERTAKING —and—M BMBA:t.rvIING .thanks Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER holder of Go- visitingrelatives and vicinity, Y: to their host and hostess for ah �c left on Tuesday for .Port :Burwell. the splendid evening they had spent. io 0. Miss Mary Laing, of Milverton,.'®•— spent the week -end at her 'home here. We are sorry 'to learn that S. S. a1, t e No, 5 school has •beets closed, because Mrs. )'. A. Westcort is spending a.. "' ri yJ. vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. BRUCEFIELD. of the epidemic of measles in that few days with her sister, Mrs. A, the Anderson, Miss ss nde, Cudtinore at K}Nchener, The Tux -is and Trail Ranger .:boys community.ice Mrs. R. S. Hays is visiting her have all made for the teacher, has also -been sick, but we has np' epee? - ax i.- • b ` • r t •f • Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c Night or day phone 67. ., •- darrangementsSon" are glad to hear that she so soon McClelland, daughter, Mrs. E. 'C, in "Father and Son" banquet in 'Bruce- recovered from her (illness. r , "' 1 Toronto. field United Church on Friday even- Bank- Mr. 'Wan. Hartry attended the an- ing of this week. The outside speak- nual convention of the' Ontario'Horti- ers are Rev. W. D. McDonald and ' EGMONDVILLE, cultural' Society. in Toronto last week, Mr, Alvin ISiliery. It is expected :that (Too late for last week.) Mr. Hartry, who was reappointed a full eighty fathers- and sons will 'be On Monday evening, ,Feb,7th, the Y g Yback director, reports the largest gathering present, and the 'programme 'that is Young People's Society of .Egmond- in the history of the onganizatiou, being prepared will leave nothing to vine, held -their weekly meeting. there .being 350 delegates present. be desired to insure for all present a There were only a few at the gather- Mr. andWMrs. :B. Rising and 'Miss real good time, ing, but this did not interfere with Lava'da leave this week 'for Toronto ]Next Sunday evening the "Father having an enjoyable evening. Rev. where they will in future reside. and -Son" service will be held at 7 W. D. McDonald occupied the chair Mrs. F.H. Larkin was its'Goderich o'clock. The service will be conduct- and conducted devotional exercises, visiting Mrs. (Rev.) James' Hamilton, ed. 'by Rev. W. A. -Bremner- and The topicewas taken 'by the pastor, 'has 'been ill for Lance Norris, Mr. C.' H. Haugh and was entitled "What does the A Foe to Asthma. Give Asthma half a chance and it gains -ground rapidly. !But give it repeated treat- tnents of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy and it will fall 'back even faster. There is no half way .measure about this remedy. 'It goes right to work and drives asthma out. It reaches the inmost breathing pas- sages and leaves no place 'for the trouble to lurk. Have it by you for ready use. y Sure as ; _ ing. ADollar invested is productive Poultry brings e two or dollars, lc is lath a theory and threea fa onthat there is "Money in Eggs" and the : sure way to get it is to ' make hens lay marc eggs" by putting in their daily feed a dose of CREAM'GRADING ( l - The purchasing of Cream accordingtograde became P g law on May 1st. .i- Your cream graded here by experts under Government supervision and we guarantee you the best of service. our grading is checked by the Department of " Agriculturer •••° •g Aim to send S ec cls and No. 1 rade cream.iter, P } g or deliver your cream at least twice a week and as direct as'possible.e 1 f• All cream graded as soon as we receive it. Creamery Open- Saturday Nights. • • SeaFo� t Creamery Co. Sea�OPth Ont f • } who so,me.4ime. while . 'Mr, Walter Hoegy underwent an ,and Alex. Addison, representing .the Church teach about 'ourselves." The operation for appendicitis at the hos- 'fathers and sons, will give the ad- discourse was quite interesting and 'pital lately. dresses. held attention Throughout. The meet- 'Thompson ing closed with Mizpah'Benediction rho case with which coats and warts cal 'be removed by Holloway's Corn :Reprover is its strongest recam- �( Poultry Regulator writer rrsPbrerlrSkf 1PRl g PRATTOO1 C0.9'CANADA limited i """"'"e"T"'^ra 8 Mrs. J. and are Cm Friday last service preparatory ymet visiting at' her home in,Auburn, to -communion was held and on Sun- and a 'hymn. Mr, 'and Mrs. R. Mc- 'Egmondvillc, dation. It seldom fails, 14r. Eric Edwards; of London, who day the 'Sacrament o'f t'he Lord's 'Sup- Kenzie, of allowed the 'hockey snatch was observed. 'One hundred and Society, to enter their home and hearwetwwweeetesmesseiseseesa _ �^ _-- __ . played at the Wossa tier Thursday, •called on old 'friends in eighty-six tnembcrs partook of -The their new radio, and for a couple of town, sacrament, which was administered hours the Young b the pas -tor, the Rev. W. A. 'Breen- hospitality of the People enjoyed the it ,bonne. The music of Stratford, is'visititt y Mrs. daughter, assisted by the tet, elders of the was clear and when they left, Rev. her daughter, Mrs, Wiltse.Send Mrs. G. 1F. (Rogers and daughter church, bir. McDonald •Proposed •t vote ofBEN,,fluR Betty, at the W M. S.—The regular monthly t},anks to Mr. and Airs. McKenzie. of Toronto, are guests meeting of the W. M. S. was -held Queens, - last Friday afternoon with Mrs. MANLEY. 'Commencing •next Sunday the Brock presiding. In the absence of The L:h:F. Club were entertained Men's 'Bible Class of. St. Thomas Mrs. Addison, -Mrs. Wm. Douglas at the home of Mr, Fred Eckert last Church will meet at 2.30 p.tn. in the acted as secretary. 'A letter was read Friday night call all spent a most en- Sunday School room, so that they can {rout Mrs. J. W. 'Bundy, Dominion joya'ble evening in games and danc- take part' in the opening exercises Board secretary of finance, suggest- in• ge before ,meeting in the church as ing that an -Easter Thank -Offering 'Mr. George Leonhardt lost •one of he asked for. It was accordingly usual• his 'barns r .fire on Tardt to morning, Miss Gwen ,iSnow'don, of Blyth, decided to comply with this request Feb, '8th, wi't-h conteu'ts. It is two and spent the week -end at her -home 'here. and a Special 'offering will be tureen a' half miles east of here. The cause Coming, "Tube . Old 'Cabin 'Haute by the -society sometime 'before the of the fire is unknown. They had bfiustrels," local talent. Watch the cud of March. The topic for the been hauling hay from the barn the a er next week for the -date, day, "New Days in Old India,", was day 'before and it is partly covered by p Mrs, '1Vesley Nott,''iHuron road taken by Mrs. Dow in which she 'fol- insurance, Mr, 'Leotihrdt has all sPeut lite week -end st 'Wood- lowed up 'the study which is being the timber at Mitchell's 'mill already■ 'Wood - taken up by the V'<r.'M. S. for elu and intends le, start building as soon stocl• , visiting- a friend, Mrs. Bicker- current scar. Arrangements were as the weather permits. blr, Leon- tort• also made to have the anneal election tiara is a.hustler. This district was visited by 'tlte of officers at ,the Maroh meeting. The •ftrs't thunderstorm of the sea- first thttndes'st-erm of the season early Mr, Robert •Pollock, df LsvRiviere, son visited our burg ,Wednesday t p�u� L� The as►3P ecia Milverton Svecial Flour We Hare It --Give it a 3'tlat Also. i mee sit Grolilldl'Screelliilgs lehop o1 I%il kinds ---- C Ge TIIOMSON �! GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 JIM HOCKEY NOTES. ewest, F( Fruits Vegetabies n it (Continued frm sPage 1.) from a more 'decisiveadefeat, 'Muir was- the star for Seaford'. He played consistent 'hockey at •centre ice, while Weiland, also, is a smart forward" player. London Central is note waiting to enter 'the semi-finals of the se`n.ior series. 1A'-ednesday morning. Man., visfted'friends tt the ncighbnr- morising and likely a cold wave will The unary 'friesids of M}ss Frsatces •lfood one day last week. follow. �"� Fowler will be .glad to know that Milton Taylor, third son of Mr. and Air. Fred'Eckart spent the week end while 'there is not muds change in Mrs. Harry Taylor, was taken to with friends ck-art 'pent thth. her condition, there is slight int- Cliufou hospital last Thursday night,Mr, and Mrs. W. Manley and baby provement. where he was 'operated on for ap- spent Monday with Mrs, Manley's Mrs. Jos, -Grieve, o'f Trenton, bitch., pendicitis, Hilton it improving parents, Mr. and Mrs; •C. E'ckart, is her mother, Mrs, 'Cron- nicely,• ll it Needs Your Auto c Merchants 2, Bankers 1. Oranges, 75c,860C, 40c California Grapes, `I*=i+':.aCh, Cauliflower, Raisin, 30c a lb. 25c a lb. Brazil Nuts,goal; HOthOuse T07 British Columbiaa 96BatOe3, 40c a 117• ' - !Sweet Potatoes. 4 lbs. for 25c sed Lettuce A secret game of hockey took place in 'the 'palace rink on 'Friday evening last at 6.30; behind locked doors, the management of the rink 'refusing to be respotsi'ble for the safety -of spec- tatorst'wlieti'the Merchants and Bank- crs inef to settle an old 'score with theirdec'hockey s'ticks', arbitration ha�- ing ,failed. The Merchants won thisattended half of the angutnen't and the other half will .be decided this week, The line-up; IB.tukers—,Devereaux, Faulkner and Archciba'Id, de- fence; Daly, 'cen'tre; iWa4'ters anti Dick, wings; sub, Edge. Merchants— gg McRae, !Stewart and -Gallagher, defence; Smith, centre; J. 'Stewart and Crich, wings; E. (Daly, sub. Referee, 'Reg. Kerslake: visiting snings, who is quite ill. Mr, Alexander Thompson is under VARNA, Mrs. Course;'of McGregor, Man,, the doctor's care, 'We hope to soon is visi•tiug }ter mother, Alrs. liesee him out again. Miss. Rena Johnston left, ors Mon- isvi!le, North Main, sit,, and Iter• aMr. and hies. Wilson Armstrong day for ,Stratford where she, intends :the funeral of nurse Miss training for a nurse. ''We wish Miss . Hunter 'in Clinton on Monday. Johnston success. 'brother, ilii'. R. 'MoGonigie, Egmond-able va1'lc. Mr, Norris Sillery, who underwent At time -of writing we are sorry to Miss. Jean 'Smith, of iEgmrntdville, a very critical operation for a'ppendi- report that Mrs. W. Reid, Parr line, has been Ill the past week with eitis in the Se forth Memorial hospi- is confined to the house. !Her many measles," tal. about three weeks ago, is not mak- friends hope to see her about soon. A meeting of the Scott Memorial ing as speedy recovery as tris neigh Mr. M. Elliott Shipped a cat of Hospital Board was held on Tuesday ]tors and many frien'd's would like.. live stock 'to Toronto Saturday. evening to consider"the tenders re- We -trust, however, that with the The many friends 'of Miss Margaret ceive'd .foran hospital 'budding, and- good 'medical attention and careful Johnston, who underwent an opera - it' „vas decided the ]'Board !would nursing 'that he is receiving, he may 'tion for appendicitis, will 'be pleased inspect the various properties offered. soon be CO[1'l"title S'CCn t• to know she is so far recovered to A successful Valedtine social was reach hone and will soon be out 'friends again. Winter *Storage, Charging and. Repairing for all makes of Batteries. A complete fine of most dined for parts of various - cars, Now is the time to have your car overhauled • Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased • and cleaned. Dealer in New and Used Gars. Argent for Chrysler Four and Six Cylinder Cars. _ w ' -sae lery Plash Oysters, 1A0 t. q 6 The tied he Mill Road and Brickyard bat- through a scoreless game of the' Whirlwind iisc 'See The gave was played in elle 'Sea!forth rink on' Sat- ,urday. ;Despite 20 .minutes overtime, gained a goal.' neither teamp held in St. games' parish hall ots among ;her of the C.W.L. The winners were, 1st of the Anglican church assembled e.t of 1-hday evening unlet the auspices HILLS,GR'EEN. -� g'hbdlg number of the meutbers at rize Miss ]Heffernan and Mt. 'W, J. Air: Normae Jarrott; of Toronto, the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Duncan; consolation, Mrs. 'F. Sills was lucre the past week visiting 'his l,)eilil on Thursday evening of 'last and Mr, J. F. D1'ly; ne hands, Mrs, mother and brothers cud sisters• week. In all ratite 35 or 40 guests to a �'� e ler s `O a PHONE 167W. e Pbilbps HIBBERT. Roland Kntied seat this', Y P W eek -end with her daughter, Mrs, Augus'tlDucharme,, Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo, Coleman arcFlanagan and Mt. J, Cleary. , eiib}=d Thmselves thoroughly.bier.: for •pay- spending a few days visiting her Mr, and Mrs, ,Deihl spent Monday Tenders 'are being called mother and ower friends in Ltscknnw• evening with Mr. and Mrs, Frank 'itrg -tire Huron :road from :Dublin to Mr: William !J last spent a day or aekesamemonge : Seaforth and Clinton 'to Taylor's two in LLondon last week attending tic W. Taylor s'ir Corners. -Pavements have long been , aped live stock looked upon with disfavor .by,•coun'try the thresher's 'convention: to Toronto Saturday. Wan. Love made a visit to i.on- On • Tuesday evening, Feb. 22nd, town merchants because they giveThe easy access to city' drygoods' -stores, don during bhc past week, there will he a concert inthe 'totvn- is to a . ship -hall, Varna, under the auspices ®R "j� DRESS R C `� A j,J 11 E FORMAL, season of fon71a1 •dress occasions is here again. We specialize in the cleaning and pressing of formal dress and We are sorry to hear that Mr. Frank Report of Hog .Shipments. For week eneling 'Feb. 10, 1927. Se'aforth—Total 96, select 'bacon 37, ilsick smdot''h 54, (heavies 4. Walton—Total 81, select bacon 40, thick. smooth 37,'heavies 3. Huron Count -Total -,1,461, se'iect, bacon 449,' thick, smooth 835,heavies S6s, extra 'heavies 3, shop 'hogs 53, 15gbts and :feeders 12,- Melody is on the sick list. We 'hope for Isis speedy recoverIvir. Y• • Mr. Robt. Norris, 7th concession of Hib'bcrt, has been appointed assessor of else town's'hip: Mr, Patrick Feeney who d}t} the work for ,nary years, resigned J owing to i11 -'health. Mr. James"Murray, of 'the 3rd con'cession of IHi'b'bert, received word from his brother John, of 'Kinkora, that 'ane' red. brick house at the and now, it said, ntaylbe moister variety -of store. When these of St. John's Church, A good ,pro - contracts arc completed; 'the Huron KIPPEN. gramme is being prepared. Now Pa, itfgh'tvay!bcttveeu paved -with'c}i and 'Strut Mr. R'o'ss Chapman has returned Lau t to surebri and come and don't ford will be all 'the ex- }hone'after spending pleasant eek- orget bring bra and 'the children. Admission 15c and 25'c, ception of 'the portion be'hveen 'Clin- end iii Stratford. her its accessories and can guarantee a good job.' Do not Wait -- have you dress suit or tuxedo cleaned and primed now. tot and ISeaforth. Mrs. Thos. IDay'tnan visited ,_,,—.-.. Miss Marion Scarlett is teaching niece, bliss Ethe'1 Warner, of London, at S. S. hro:'2; Tu•ciccrsm}th, owing to last,week, We are sorry' to hear The Oil for the Farmer,—A bottle Unless 'of the teacher,' Miss 'Warner is not improving after 'leer of Dr, Thomas' lEclectric Oil in the 1 l ivingstoiae, recent il3ncs!s as well as her friends farm hawse will save many a journey would like to see_]ler, for the doctor. It is not only good Robert Dayman is 'btlsy haul- 'for the -children when 'taken with Work called for and delivered. - 'E SERFORT H GARMENT. 4°' ,�■�■ (y . -.- •With so Thorough a preparation at with Band as Miller's'n• oren Powders the `Tuanthe mother who allows her children -to seder from the ravages of worms is d'ceil 'culpably careless, A child aisiwisc an p Y�lllr sgib ected'to the attacks of worms is JWIN'THROwS� always unhealthy, and will b.e .stunted Y merciful •act to rIt is a fin its growth. i atasites, destruct P .the old home was burned about 10 pen, Saturday' night. Work is under way preparing ,fnr the new steel barn to he erected 1n place of the:one recently 'destroyed .liy fire -on Mr. ,Auguste ,Diichaniie's farm. fit is expected the new strut:- tore will -be comp'le'ted by ,April '1st, Mr. P ing gravel and 'preparing for,raising colds and croup, and for the mature his learn this summer. who suffer from grains and aches, mut A stag euchre .will be held to Win-Ross)there are 'directions for its use Ott Mr. Ross BroadEbo't and 'Mr. thro on -Wednesday 'night, Febru- Cha 'man are busily ,engaged .cutting sic'k cattle. There should always be pChap:mass 23rd, at 8:30 o'clo'ck. Come and for Mr,: Wm. 'Sproat. ' a 'bottle of ilia the 'house, wood yy•�� pp L�� Troprietor ® y* wsr COMMERCIAL BLOCK PHONE 227 9r 210 cad it of these ve whets it 'can be done with-: out 'difficulty. ' . ` I I ! intik ii t t.sod For Sale ads, l week 25e •Wit. at'y bring your pipe and rartner. 7