HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-02-17, Page 4THE SEAFORTH . NEWS anwownweiewewwwor ' • V7Af.,TON. ' ST COLUMBAN. , •Mr Chae.' Ma"loaf,' of Stretfotd; tlartlet Barron,0 or . spent the -week-end-with his mother, Mrs. f Olin',Barrom ' Miss Margaret Ross 'mid • Acss' Jes'sle Dennis- apentthe past *eii visiting, friends' in .Stratford. Mrs. Good, of Toronto, is visiting Miss Jean Archibald entertained her frienda '•6 a 'dance on "There'day night, All report a •gdod tiane. • a Mr, les. Ryan en.tertained 'his friends to , a dance on Wednesday night 'Joe sure kno-ws hoW to enter- ' tain as everyone reports a gapd time tridb Campbell is holidaying With J. Carter and family. The dance in tire A. 0. U W. hall on 'Monday evening, cvas very well at- tended •Mrs. A. Dundas and children spent • the week -end with Mr, and Mes. J. Watson. . J. Waft shipped a flee load of but- cher cattle to Tordnto on ,Salturday. J. Long, of Cranbrook, was 'buried on Monday afternoon, Soule from the village. attended the funeral. \\r 3, Neal is having a sale of sev- eral lines of goods. It began oo Feb, ,15th. • Mrs, D. Johnston- is getting along fine. The broken atm is causing very little pain. Miss Alice Hoy 'has been ander the weather with a bad cold, • Mrs. J. Hislop is improving arid is able to be about the house for a few hours each day. Miss Amanda Hoegy was home to spend the week -end with her father and her sister. Misses Amanda 'Ideegy and Freda Messerschmidt, of .Stratford, were home to spend the week -end with their parents. Mise Emma Jacob, of Kitchener, is home visiting for a week with her parents. ' Miss Ida Taylor and her sister, Mrs. Bird, of Motherwell, are visiting fricads in Walton and Clinton. The death took place in, Detroit Senday evening Of Alexina 'Buchanan, relict of the late Robert D. Kerr, in her 82n1 year, She was a former Brussels resident aad had made her home with her daughter in the city, having been in ill health the past year. DUBLIN. The many friends of Mr, Gerald Holland are sorry to hear that he is suffering dram an attack of appendi- citis. 'We hope to sec him around eoon. Mrs, George Holland spent a few days the guest of 'her mother in Seaforth. Mr. D. Elliott is visiting at the home of his parents. We are pleased • to .see him after his severe operation in Windsor hospital. Dr. ;Simpkins was his doctor. Miss Marie !Benninger, of Stratford, spent the week -end at the home of her parents. 'We are pleased to see Mrs, James Redmond is able to be around again. We are sorry to 'state that Mr. Patrick Feeney has gone to Londen hospital. We .hope to hear of his apeedy recovery, Mr, Hugh •Colquhaan, of Mitchell, has purchased a Clydesdale horse from W. J. McCallum, of (Brampton. Miss Helen 'Derazer spent the 'week -end at Chatham. Mrs. Frank Kenny has returned from Kitchener. ' Mr. Chas. Kietner mid Mr, Jos. Kenny have finished their contract of cutting wood for Mrs. Fnank Feeney, Miss Nellie O'Rourke, of Stratford, is visitieg her pareets, Mr. and Mrs. Jos,, O'Rourke. Misses Mary and Teresa .Delaney spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Dalton. 'The plea- entitled, "The Dust of the Earth'," held in Dublin Tuesday evening, was largely attended and en- joyed by all present. Mrs. John Brennan entertained a • few friends Sunday evening, 'Misses Katy rind Rose Flanagan and Miss Nellie O'Rourke spent Sun- day with Miss Mary O'Connor, • Agnes Maloney, second daughter Mr..and Mrs. James Maloney, 4th concession of Hibbert, had the mis- fortune to slip on the floor and break a bone in her foot. It is only a few years age 'that she' was treated in a Toronto hospital for 'foot trouble. gneelitel's orchestra from Stratford supplied the music for a dance on Monday night, which was enjoyed by many. Much •pleasure was afforded those who were present. The Valentine dance and box sop- ial'beld in St. Patrick's hall on Mon- day.evening was well attended. Many handsome boxes were offered for atm- . tion ,by our two popular auctioneers, Mr. W, J. Byrne and Mr. j, J. Bren- nan. Bidding was brisk and a good- ly sum was realized, Mr. John Flynn is erecting a new hen house. At a special meeting of the Hibbert • Council held 'at the Dominion Hotel on Saturday afternoon, Mr. Robt. Notias of Staffe, was selected as as- acssor for 1927. Mr. James O'Connor has left for Detroit where lie' ,has secured a good position, , Miss Anna Mcdyneaux spent Fri- day evening with her friend, Miss T,avada Rising, of Seaforth. Mr. James Kraffileopf who has • been on the sick is able to be • around once .more. Mr. Mac Burns spent Saturday with his sister, Mrs. 1,Vin. Flanagan, of McKillop. Mrs. 'Benninger, of Riversdale, is visiting with her son, Mr. Michael Benninger, of Dublin. • • Miss Ruth Dillon has secured a position in Toronto. Mrs, T. Corbett, of Seaforth, spent the week -end with her daughter, Mrs. Geo, Holland, jr, • Ifr. John Dbrreeteye is having- 'his new stable wiredfor Hydro. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drake enter- taitied a number of their relatives and fricna on Monday night. ' Mrs. T. Malomy is spending a 'few slays in, Stratford with her daughter, Mrs. 0, 'Ryan. spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. -John Ma- lone McKillop Miss Mary McGrath, of Stratfotd, has returned home after •taking a course in the Central 'Business Col- ege, Stratford. Mr. Joseph Hart entertained a num- bdr of the young 'People one night re- cently. Mr, Louis O'Reilly, of the •fifth line, Hibbeet, wears a continued smile, the cause being a fine baby girl in his hoane. ; Mrs, john IL. Downey ad son jack were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Dor- sey, Mr. John Lane enjoyed a few holi- days at the home of his brothers in Cllinton and 13rucefield, The Literary !Society are holding a meeting this Friday evening when a good prograntme will be rendered. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Cronin spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Horan, Mr, Daniel Cronin has bad installed in his fine home • 'here a new •radio set. • Mr. P. 'Flannery visited friends in Stratford last week. Mr. 3, J. Holland was in Stella on Wednesday attending council meet- ing. He is one of the •howtishiP auditors. The young people of St. Colum - ban, who attended the lbOx social and dance ID Dublin on Monday night, report a most enjoyable thne, making many new acqpaIntances whieh they hope will be lasting, STAFFA. Mrs. Remnant, of Thames Road, spent Sunday with her son, 'Mr. Harry 'Leslie. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tuffin spent Sunday with Mr. Jos. ,.Speare. Mr. Albert Norris aretureed home Monday evening from Victoria hos- pital; London, and Is progreesing favorably. The W. M. S. are 'holding a Sale of 'home-made coakieg and aprons in the club rooms, arstaday afternoon, Jean Dow, daughter of Mr. Cliff Dow, was taken to 'Stratford Friday evening and operated on for mastdid. At 'time of writing she is recovering slowly. The Institute are holding their "At Home" in the hall on Wednesday evening, Feb, 23r4. On Si. Valentine's Day, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Golding, of Staffa, cele- brated their diamond wedding. In the evening many friends and neigh- bors gathered to extend congratula- tions and a happy social time was spent, the ladies bringing a surprise wedding cake and lunch. 'Letters were received from distant friends extending best wishes 'to the bride 'and groom of 'sixty years and a very substantial cheque from the children was presented, besides nany gifts from friends. Mrs, Goldin,g was boen in Wiltshire, Englan.d, ort Feb. 18th, 1838, and Mr. Goldirtgain Hampshire, oe Mar. 28th, 1341. They were mar- ried and 'lived at Reading, Eng, 'for a number of years before coming to Mitchell 10 1874, and a few months later settled in Hibbert 'township where they have resided ever since. This union avas blessed with seven children, of whom five are living: Mrs. Sills, of Cleveland; Mrs. J. F. Turnbull, St. Marys; George 'Gold- ing, St. Marys+ 'Frank !Golding, Strat- ford, mid Mayor W. H. Golding, of Seaforth. IVIcRILLOP. Oti Friday evening a large number of friends and neighbors gathered at the borne Of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rising, IleKillop, to spend a social time ;tad bid them farewell before their cleparture to Toronto, Where they will ,reside,` During the evening, which was pleasantly spent in euchre and dancing, Mr, •Lapslie ,Stnith reed an address and Mr. and Mrs, Rising were each presented with a club bag and Miss itaavada 'Rising with a beau - Witt ivory mirror, Oliver Elliott and Donald Eberhant soaking the present- ation. After a dainty lunch all de- parted for their homes, extending best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. 'Rising and Lova& for happiness and pros- perity in their new home, The address was as follows: "To Mr. and Mrs. Rising, and Lavadaa— We, yotrr friends and neighbors, have gathered together this , evening to spend a social hour 'or two with yoti on the eve of your departure to To- ronto, and to extend to you the best wishes of the community, For the past number of yearyou have shar- ed with us our various adtivities 'but, though sorry to lose you, WC 'must remember that our loss is someone else's gain. AVe have always found you a kind and helpful neighbor. and hope, that whee you are settled in your new hotne, yoa will not .forget your old friends. In token of our kindly wished we ask you to accept these presente and join in wishing you many, happy 'prospercius years in your new home. Signed on behalf nE your friends and neighbors." Treasurer of McKillop Resigns. -- Mr. George K. Holland, who 'has fin- ed the position of Township Treas- urer of Mc:Kato since 1906, has re- signed after a term of twenty-one years as treasurer, Mr. !Holland was appointed to succeed the late D. M. Ross and he has ably fated the posi- tion ever since with credit to himself and profit to the township.. Mr. Hol- land was an efficient and painstaking .afficial and when G. K. entered any- thing on his books he was 'always sure it was absolutely correct. Caw- ing to his removal from the Munici- pality to Dublin and failing health. he sent ie his resignation to 'the 'council as 'soot' as the Treasurer's books were audited by the Auditors for the year 1926, This is the passing out from active work of a faithful and obliging muniCipal official who has ,served ids `township in many ca- pacities for over 'forty-five years. Mr, F (Bruce Medd has been appointed township Treasurer of .McKillop 'to lucceed MT. Holland. Mr. Medd should make ars efficient successor. to Mr. Holland as Treasurer of Me- Killop, WEST BRODHAGEN. 'Much petty thieving has 'been 'going on in this district 'for some time, and last week a constable from Stratford searched a spn Of a farmer. in 'Logan township, and found a large quantity of articles, including 'seven strings of sleigh bells, a couple of chillies, several pairs of overshoes, a buffalo robe and a set of harness. He had even taken a jet black cat and locked it op. The boy 'came up before the Magistrate in Stratford on Friday and was allowed off on suspended sentence, being bound 'to respect the pea ce. Mr. Geo. Leonharcit, who' lost his hay barn by fire is getting timber out te build another. It was burned on Feb. 8t•h, about 6 o'clock in the morn- ing. The buildjng, which is situated on Mr. Leonhardt's other fifty acre farm, is Used only for storing hay atid implements. 'His boys, •seeing light inside, went over, and found a small blaze just starting, which they were beating out, when they discov- ered that ,fire was also breaking out in ihe hay. A number of valuable kin -- elements were destroyed, 'besides the hay. 'The Blyth,Choral,Seciety held a dress rehearsal:en Wednesday even, ing. The cantata, "Joseph's Bond- age," will be sung in appropriate 'cos- tumes and the pails acted. 'Large audiences having appreciated their presentation of Queen Esther and Bel- shazaar, the Choral .Society is assur- ed a good reeeption. , Mr. I,. J. Blyth, has parchased Mr., Jos. Stother's store and has possession now. IA union meeting of the Councils of Morris and Grey were held in Brussels on Monday, Feb, 141 Road matters were discussed.' Trinity church ladies are .giving a pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday, March 1st. The Quarterly Board of Queen StreerUnitecl Church held its annual meeting on Tuesday night last week. BAYFIELD. Robert 'Pollock, of La Rievere, who has been visiting in this section, was here again 'this week fare- well before leaving for home, • Miss Phyllis Beacom, of +London, spent 'the week -end with her sister, Mrs. Hall, 'Rev. F. lin Pettit +and Mrs. Paull went to London to attend the funeral' of Mrs, Paull's grandfather, the late Alfred Drew. The Young +People's ,Society will hold their.'regular meeting :this Fri- day evening, Part ''Z't the;'programme is to 'be, musical and part essays on Canadian authors, A splendid coneert is to be held in the town hall on Friday evening, Feb. 25.th. Programme to he, given by, a number o'f the young people- of Bey - field. The'first part is to be vocal and orchestral; second part a farce co•medy, "A Likely Story." Proceeds are to pay for instruments forlhe orz. chestra. Be sure to come and enjoy a good evening's entertainment. The Valentine tea at Mrs. McKay's restaurant Saturday last was quite a success. The room and tables were •prettily decorated. Sandwiches, cake and coffee were served. The Junior Guild appreciate Mrs. McKay's kind- ness in granting the use of her room, BRUSSELS. S. S. No, 10, Morris is holding a re -union on July 21s1, Mr. George Dunbar, who was bad- ly injured by a falling tree lest week, is recovering. The doctors were at first unable to set the broken 'bonen on 'account of swelling. . BLYTH. A very enjoyable evening Was spent in the basement of St. Andrew's Unit- ed •Church on Wednesday evening, Feb. 9th, when the congregation gathered 'for the annual 'banquet and business meeting. The ladies as usual had The tables well loaded with dainty and wholesome food, After all had partaken of a hearty supper the pas- -tor, Rev. Geo. Telford, took the chair. After singing 'the old Psalm, "I joyed when to 'the house of God, Go up 'they said to me," and a few suitable words Of prayer, the secret- ary, Mr. Wm. McMillan, read the minntes Of 'the last annual meeting. This was followed bac reports of the different secieties. All had splendid reports, showing their whole -hearted- ness in 'the Master's work. This year 1927 marks a jubilee 'fotothis 'church. Seventy years ago, in 1857, St. An- drew's chinch was fisist organized. In 1877 the present 'church was 'built and it is now ten years since Rev. Geo. Telford was inducted here. In recognition of all these events, it eas decided to celebrate by a jubilee service to be 'held some time during the year. The sacrament of the Lords' Sup- per Will be observed in St. Andrew's United church' on Sunday, Feb. 20th. Morris Twp. Treasurer's Report-. Total Receipts, 1926 $78,763.06 Total Expenditures, 1926 74,845,17 Cash in bank, Jan. 1st, 1927 3,917.89 (After all collections will have been nia'd'e and liabilities met there Will be balance of $1,460.) Debt of the Township stands on the first of Jan- uary, 1927: Drain debentures $27,350.25 Bridge debentures ..,.., . 9,823:13 School debentures 3,602.97 • Total $40,776.35 Arthur Shaw, Treasurer. Mr, and Mrs. John •McNichol: were guests 'of 'Mr. and Mrs. Sam. 'Storey, of MVKillon, on (Wednesday. • Mr. and Mes, John Graeby spefit Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Riley and Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw, 'of J a mestewn. Mrs. Clarence Johnston spent Tuesday with her aunt, Mrs. Thos. Shoebdttom, of fBelgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nieholson were guests of Mr. and 'Mrs, Harvey Biernes on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, J. IvIeNiehol visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston •on Fridayoefening, Miss +Gwen 'Snowdon spent the w,eek-end at her hdme in Seaforth. • Miss 'Elsie Biernes, Of Brussels, is visiting her brother, Mr. Harvey 13 iernes. • Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnston visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston, of Wal- ton, last week. - Mr. Frank 131ernes, , Brussels :form- may of Blyth, is •recovering from a kick received 'from Mr. Dave 'Smith's horse, Mr. anti Mrs. Jas, Rioh'rnond visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Millar, Lon& ....shorough, on Monday. ivirs. Thosbaidlava • spent the week -end at Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. John .Brown and Ella anent Sunday 'witi Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham. Dr. l3aritby was again requested to accept the position of pastor. ' The Short Course Club is giving an eld time dance in the laletnorial hell on 'Friday evening, Feb. 18th. Mr. Steven White has purehased Mr. John Einigh's 'house. McLean Mission ,Banda held their monthly ineeting •on 'Saturday, Feb. 12th. The meeting 'opened With a hymn, Miss 'Stella Richmond• read the story of 'Daniel froan the Bible. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Jean Laidlaw, The roll call was ` answefed by a verse containing the word '1heart" in it. The Red Slip is in 'the lead in the attendance • race, which ends in Maroh. .Miss lEffie 'Laidlaw contrib- uted to' the 'Birthday Box. For les- son. period, Miss Barrett took the primary class, Mrs. Telfer took the Juniors ,and Mrs. Telford took the Seniors. The Mission Sand of St. Andrew's Church will hold an Indian supper in the 'basement of Si. Andrew's •on' Saturday, March 19th. Dishes ap- • prppriate to the 'o'ccasion will be served. t • - 'Charles ,Burling, who conducts the Opel -Can skating rink here, held a suecessful carnival one night last week which was well attended by cos- tumed skaters. The following were the prize-vvinnersc (Fancy costumee, ladies, Mrs. Teller; boys, Harry Ben- der; girls, Irene 43Junsden. Comic 'costumes, ladies, IVMSes Beadle and Lawlor; men, C. Watson; boys, Gor- don Lyon; girls, Helen Telfer. Fan- cy skating, ladies, Madeline Bell; men, Franklin Sainton; boys, 'Toni Haggitt; girls, :Edith Lockhart. Fast skating, ladies, Gladys Fawcett; men, Franklin Bainton; boys, Tom Hag - gilt; girls. Edith Lockhart. HURzOuN richNE, WS. Zurich pdblic library has a. balance on 'hand of $87.07 from last year. The election of Officers at the annual meeting resulted as follows; Presid- ent, Miss 'Olive 01Brien; • vice presi- dent, Mrs. IG„ Koehler; see.atreas., Miss F. KalbileiScli; librarian, Miss L. 'Faust. Mr. Ed. Morena, of 'Detroit, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cyrus Colosky. Kenneth Routledge has‘returned to Detroit 'to resume his position with the Ferry 'Seed Co., after spending several weeks at his •home here. Mrs. 'L. W. !Hoffman is relieving Miss Ikeda Surerus • es teacher of Bronson line s-chool, the latter being ill in London hospital. A, C. Wagner hag installed an elec- tric refrigerator in his ice cream parlor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry iGallman have moved into theie tfine new home at the west end of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner have moved into • the house vacated by Mr. 'Gellman. Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Weber •have moved back to their farm on the Bronson line, and' Mr, rand Mrs, J. 'W. Verner have moved into the resid- ence on Victoria'. street vacated 'by Mr. Weber - Ross Johnston is bolding an •auc- tion sale of farm stock, •impleinents and household effects on Wednesday of this week, a mile north of Slake. Miss Greta Schilbe, of Detroit, is visitieg at 'her home here. Brussels. , 'The Ford 'agency .partnership of McIntyre & Cudmore has been dis- continued, the !business being continu- ed bY Bert McIntyre. Alex, Routledge lost his dog last week by pbison. Elmer Ewan'a brown spaniel glso got a doge but is recovering. McDonald is president aud Miss E. Downing, sec.atreas., of IBrussels Horticultural Society. Mrs. C, Hoare, nee Miss Minnie. Moore, and daughter of the 'late Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ivloore, a former resi- 'de'nt df ;Brussels, .died itt Clinton last Tuesday. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Dark announce the engagement Of their youngest daughter, Carrie E., to Mr. Lawrence E., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Querengesser, both of Grey township, marriage to take place latter part of February. The death occurred in Grey town- ship of 'William +Douglas, who passed away on Tuesday, Feb. ilst, in his 81st year. Deceased was born in +Ber- wickshire, 'Scotland, in 1846, and came to Canada with 'his parents in the year 1857. They settled at Hamilton, for a time, later moving into Grey two., on ,0041. li, which was then all and he resided there until a young man of 22 years of age. He went to (Seaforth to learn the black- smithing 'and wagon -making 'with WIT1. 'and George !Gracey, and follow- ing this moved to Miehigan, where he worked at his trade in the lumber eanTlas, 'Returning to ;Brussels, he married 1111161 AnderSon, of Morris township, and they took up their re- sidenceat Blitevale, where he worked for !Frank Scott, who is still in the business. After a time Mr. and Mrs. Douglas returned to Michigan, where he spent several years employed by the ,Diamond Match Drilling Co. Fif-' teen years ago he returned to Grey twp, his Wife ltavitug predeceased 'him some years ago. He continued to live with bis brother. James ;Douglas, at • 'THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17-, 1927. whose home he died. The funeral Wanesla died on !Sunday, Feb. 13th. was held last Thursday afternoon, Tie ,was born inaF,hgland in 1849 and vith interment in Brussels ,cemetery. tante 'to Canada when two years of 'Rev. Mr. Maines, o'f Walton United • age. He is survived by his wife and Church, ponducted the services, The one' son, William, at home, Interment 3allbearers were James and Robt. took place Tuesday afternoon at the ;Huston, Jahn W. K110;4 and 0.,.Turnbull, Clinton. Miss Agnes Wilson; who has .been a patient' in Clinton hospital for some months passed away last ',Tuesday, aged 67 years. a She and her sister, the late.Miss Janet [Wilson, 'for many Year's .on the pubfic school staff, had resided together. " lairs. 'Stoma's, Sr., will be 92 Years of age on ;Feb. 21st. 'The South Huron L. 0. L. will join South 'Perth and celebrate July 1211i at iNfitchell this year, • Mts. Ann Grealis, widow of the late Owen 1Grealis, died last Monday at the age of 77 years. The funeral took place Thersday morning from St. 'Joseph's Claurch,•to the R. C. cemet-, ery in Hullett. • 'Clinton post office had a small•fire one evening last week, No mail was •clestroyed. -Fire is thought. to have Started 'from defective' 'wiring, - judge Heber Archibald, of Win- nipeg, visited his sister, Mita. W. W. Ferran, Clinton. A sudden death occurred in Buf- falo, in the passing of Minnie 'Beatrice Herman, 'daughter, of Mrs. E. Her- mon, of Clinton. Interment took place on Saturday last at Clinton, , Pieter. Brandon cemetery, Belgrave, Rev. r. Perris officiating. Word was received Monday of the , death of Margaret Martin of 'Birds - hill, Man., a former resident of East Wawanosh. The funeral will be held from Wingliant ;United Church on Thursday afternoon. Black •Brose have purchased the 175 acre farm of the late J. W. -King, M,P. This gives them a total of .675 acres Geo: Willianis has been elected •by acclamation to fill the -vacancy on the , Exeter council caused by the death of the late Joseph Hawkins. .• It is -proposed to run two hydro lines from Exeter through Usborne, 'linking up Kirkton and Woodhani. The service charge for the Exeter rural power district has been reduced from $60 to $39.42 and the .consump- tion charge from 7e to Sc for the first 42,k,w, 'hours,. over that amount 2c pef'ak.w,h. It as estimated at least 15 miles of lines will be built this com- ing summer. - The remains of the late Mrs. Earl were brought to Exeter from the home of her sister, Mrs, Adam Turn- bull, of Ethel, ,00 Saturday last for in- terment beside those of her late hus- band. The deceased had +been ill for about two weeks with pnennionia. Mrs. Earl's maiden name was Mary 'Sinclair. She was born in the 'Ork- ney Islands, August 19, 1842, being 85 years of age.aShe •came :to Canada with her parents and settled in Grey township. In 1878 she was married to 'the late Jaines 'Earl who predeceas- ed. her .14 years ago. 'After their mar- riage they lived for a time on the farm now owned by Mr. 0 .Frayne, on the Thames 'Road and 'from there .they went to Hibbert Where they 'farmed for five years before moving to They lived at Elimville for nearly thirty years until after the death of Mr. Earl, whenethe deceased went to Ethel to make her home. The 'deceased was one ora 'family of six, Mrs. Temkin being the only "surviv-'' or, Mrs. Ey. Tyndall and Mr. John Earl, of Seafortb, accompanied the, rentaina to Exeter. Goderich. Miss Myra ISIcNevin, Who has been bookkeeper for 'the Goderach Manu- facturing Coinpany, has taken a posi- tion in Toronto. An overheated stove in the band room a•t the skating ring set ,fire to the roof of the -building, but was ex- tinguished before serious damage re- sulted. - Only one case was on the record for 'the 'Huron county assizes, held by Mr, Justice Rose on Tuesday morning. This was •a ease hi which Mrs. Caroline Plaetzer, widow of Lawrence Plaetzer, Hullett township, sought to clear ,the title to a 'farm. in Hullett which was left to her and her soh by her husband's lest will. 'When the son, Frederick L. Plaetzer, got into some financial • entanglements, the plaintiff in April,3926, executed a deed of ,the farin - 'to F. W. Ray- mond as trustee for 'the creditors. It is 'pleaded that, being unable to read or write in English, ,planitiff did not properly understand what she was do- ing when she executed the deed, and the court is asked to set .the deed aside. M. B. IvIorp•hy K.C. (Listowel) andR, C. !Hays Jr., appeared fo•r the plaintiff. Counsel for 'defendants were Nicol Jeffrey •and David Robertson K.C. (Walkerton). Evid- ence was heard and counsel are to submit written arguments. 'Many ;friends sorrow in the death of Russell ,Stoddart on 'Tuesday, Feb, 9th, from •mteumonia. The young man was only in his nineteenth year. He was with the Excelsior team in the town hockey league and last summer Played softball with 'the Square tearn in the softball and was always well liked by his companions. Owing to 'his death the hockey games .scheduled for Wednes- day. night were not :held. The funeral took place Thersclay. Auburn, On Thursday, Feb.. 3rd, Mr. Itus• sell Carter, Of Westfield, and Miss Viola Harrison, • of _Auburn, were quietly Married at the 'parsonage by Rev. W. Alp. They left on the 12.20 .p.m. train for ,Goclerach and on their return will take up homeamaking on the groom's fartn at Westfield On Saturday, Feb. 5th, Mr. F. Rouse .and Miss Mary Medd were married ait iplyn, by 'Rev. W. :13. Hato - Mr. Geo. 'Snell is getting in a ,barrel of cod liver oft for his poultry. Won- der if he will have to holdthe hen's wises to Make them take it drank Raithby is president of Au- burn Egg Circle for '11)27, .0. •l'outtg- Wilt. Nice, p,resiclent, and John Mould- en, Wm, Ivic+Dowell, B. Marsh, Eldon Stoltz, Wm. Thom land C. A. How- son, directors. In 1926 a total of 30,- 858 dozen eggs were handled, having' a• cash Value of '$9023.27• , Winghare, John Cole, a pioneer of East Wa- The ,Poor Man's Friend.—Put up in small 'bottles that are easily portable and sold for is very Small sum, Dr. Themes' , Eclectric • Oil possesses power in concentrated form. Its cheapne'ss and the varied uses to which it can be iput make it the poor Illall'S friend. (No dealer'q stock is complete without it. Abraham Lincoln, Having taken note of the great at- tention that was' paid to Abraham Lincoln's birthday, 'Feb. 12th, by the American people and the 'holiday that had been observed on that clay, could -not help but think how deserv- ing he wa's of ',this regard, even at this remote date.. For we have every reason to believe that he is worthy of it all. True 'descendants, of the father of 'the faithful, Minable as a lender -hearted as a woman, he could not bearto injure anyone—not even his enemies. +He was endowed "with 'intelligence and common sense; a great statesman who won the ad- miration of the world; a great and wonderful 'benefactor of mankind, ruthlessly murdered by an agsassin— it was a great shock to his 'friends and thne cannot efface the feeling of resentment to such a cowardly act. Although (Abraham Lincoln was shot down, he still lives in the hearts of a thankful people, lives 'to be an ex- ample to The • rising generations to press forward without fear to ad- vance the wonderful things in the Making of the world better for hu- manity. Abraham LinEoln was a true man of God, a true disciple ol thelGosPel. His religion was the very essence Of what 'God wants in man. ---(Contriblited.) Items of news always welcome. - Change Noxious Weed Act. Hon. Mr: Martin's hill 'respecting control Of Noxious 'Weeds now before the 'House, consolidates provisiOnsi now existing in three different •parts 'f the statutes and also contaieaathis new provision: "Every occupant of land, or if the land is unoccepied, the owner, dselsnftletd'diO.UoU)Sr destroy at4 wccillations, usa often in every year as tai sufficient to prevent •tbe ripening of their seeds." 'The penalty clause has been amended, and provides that any owner of land contravening the pro- visions 'of the Act or neglecting to obey the lawful order of the inspector shall incur a penalty of not less than $20 or more than $50. The inspector is to give notice in writing, not later than such dates in each year as may, gerding the making of regulations. ity. Increased power is given the be ,fixed by by-law of the municipal - Lieutenant -Governor in Council re-, For years Mother Graves' 'Worm. 'Exterminator has ranked as a reliable worm 'preparation and it always maintains its reputetiort. ••••••••• • ••• town, • a ••.••••••• • 4 With„ the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out • 'Without Any Pail SOre eorns, hard corns, soft corms or any kind ot a cern aim shortly he lifted right out with the angers If you will apply directly upon the corn a few drops of fressione, *eye Cincinnati i authority. 05 It is claimed that at small east ono cauxet a quarter of anounce of frees - one at iany drug etoro, wb.tcli Is safe, dent to rid one's feet of every corn or 'callus without pain or eoresmee or as danger of Infection. 'This any drug is an ether compound, and while sticky, dries the moment it is applied and does not inflames or even irritate the surrounding thews • •T'hila announcement wM intersat many women here, for It in said OM tho present high -Mel footwear la Pot- ting corns on, praotioslly GT•ta woman's tots WANTED - $3500.00 - on First Mortgage • -p. c. C Improved! Farm Property _ Fall information re assessed • value; insurance etc. A. D. SUTHERLAND General' Insurance • Real Estate, Etc. SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 152. 4111111111141:1044:11.011011.10101111•4111111411411101111100111141= LADIEV- • HAIRDRESSER • will be at Dennison & Pullman Barber Shop (Successors to W. W. Robin- son) Every Tuesday Phone 125 for appointment. Specialist in marcelling massaging, shampooing:and ,„ Savc ow for %Jour next vacation YOU can make your holiday dreams cont true next Summer if you begin to' save now, Smallamounts soon become great. Begin now—and deposit your savings with the Government Savings Office where your security is the total wealth of the Province. Withdrawals may be made without notice. TORONTO BRANCHES: Cor. Bay & Adelaide Sta..'549 ...Danforth Ave.; Cor. University and Dundas St, OTHER MANCHES AT: ,Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound, Pembroke, Seafarth, St. Catharines, St. Mary's, Walkerton, Woodetock, 4 Seaforth Branch, J. a memin.n, .1111ffIr HAM'S 9.30 a.m. to 5 pm. Saturday 9.30 a.m. to 5 n rall. to 0.30 p.m. a21. PROVINCE OF U e EVERyDEPOSIT61/Jd • HEAD OFFICE 40' AVINGS OFFICE ARIOCOMMENT 150 , _JEW PARK .115