HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-02-17, Page 3Canada" Possesses Vahlable
Shell Fish Foods.
Shrimp, orates and oyster's shoultl:be
included in the diet of ,any one at
dieted with rickets, goitre cr anaemia
according to Dr. D: Bre'see Jones
chemist in charge of the protein in-
veetiga'tiou laboratory, Butreau of
Chemistry, United States Department
of Agriculture.
Speaking at the annual meeting of
the American Public Health Associ'a-.
Mont Dr, Jones declared Ihat his in-
vestigations, carried out with albino.
rats,; show thatshrinhp, clam, and
oysters contain peoLein of high nutri-
tive value and are iin01ortant•to' the
diet of man,because they contain ele-
ments essential to the growth and re -1
pair of body tissues.
The mole general appreciation of
the nutritive and corrective Values In
these foods and consequent increase
in their oonsumption wound be a great
boonfor Canadian fleheries, con iruents
the Natural Resources Intelligence
Service, Department of the Interior,
Ottawa, since Canada has on
her Atlantic and Pacific coasts some
of 'thee
gr crest potential Shell fish-
eries In the world to -day. Shell iisb
are also known to exist in Hutrson say,
Which has a shore line greater than
the Mediterranean Sea, but the eoin-
naexeial• pos'hibili.tte's of the fisheries
in these waters will require further
Some o'f the varieties of shell fish
already being caught and marketed
each year from Canadian waters ,are:
olatue and cluahange, 55,000 barrolt;
cockles, 200 cwt.; erabe, 67,000 cwt.;
,lobsters, 340,000 'cwt.; mussels, 76
cwt.; oysters, 21,000'barrele; scallops,
18,000 barrels; shrimps, 1,200 cwt.;
winkles, 2,000 cwt.; derOse•, 5,000 cwt.
In the ocean are found all of the
1 eighty odd elements lcmown • to exist
on the earth -and the plants and ant,
mels that stay in the sea all their lives'
live in a medium that contains' every
chelhuicaul element that can be needed
in physical growth. This cannot 'be
said of land animals and plants that
derive their mineral constituents from
the soft in their ian:mediate neighbor-
hood. In man and so-called land ani-
mals, disorders and diseases are
known to be caused or influenced by
deficieuaiies of calcium; phosphorus,
iodine, iron and many other sub-
stanoe's, The inclusion of sea foods in
human diet goes a long way to correct
many . of these common deficiencies
and a more general consumption of
such marine foods as shell fish forms
an inexpensive and pleasant corrective
for many of the physical ills of life,
Shell fish as a class are a safeguard
against miner•ai and vitamin'e deflcieu-
cies in the diet and they deserve more
attention bran they have had from
, chemists and dieticians from this point
of view.
Modern research on food and num-
trail have
s brought
to light
g many eur-
kesq;" both as regards the nutritive
needs of the body and the dietary pro-
perties of individwaisfoodetuffs, among
which the most narked contrasts have
been found.. In no case :a0cording to
a the Resources Beret*, have any foods
gained more recognition as having.
unique dietary values than have the
principal fish and she'll fish.-- Itis alae
comforting to know that Can.ar1 e'e. sup-
ply of these foods is ample and that
the immensity of the fishing ' ground
worlal indicate that with adequate re-
gulations, the supply can be made to
sustain a pernlanentled•uatry of great
cornnrerc!a-l. value.
_. A Tryiltg Time ;toe People With
Weak Watery ?dlolid.
A Matter of Expression. -
Once upen a time, two men met and
tanked literature. One:of them was 'a
Hugoi'nter, the other was not, And
the i'nfid'el said to the faithful disciple•
"You worship a god that is no god;
His cranes are 'ho'l'low." The Hugo -
tater denied this. Then the -other
picked up a random volume of the man -
ter and said: '"I will read from his
works; listen, and interrupt meat the
first original thought," And the in
fides read, and the hours passed, and
tire e.a.y wore on towards evening, and
still lie read uninterrupted. When he
lookedup he saw that the faithful dis-
ciple was fast as'tcep. Was it because'
et this that the had not interrupted the
reader? Be that ets it may, when the
other had awakened him, he cried out:
"At least, 'you cannot denlr that Hugo
has a wonderful flow of. • usels."
The worshipful admirer• is quite
right: Hugo is:rt marvellous master of
expression. In- gamut and in variety
of resources he is almost unrivaled.
Ill occasional felicity, in effulgent
splendor, and in burets of eloquence,
he will bear comparison with the very
greatest. Such 'gifts belong to only a
few in the ioaig roll of t'he poets—
they belong only to those who are like
Hugo, marvellous masters o0 exprea-
elon. Accordingly, in a -study of his
style, after the enudneraion of each
oi' the many faults Which unhappily
are the nhaalte•weight of these remark-
able qualities, the critic ought to add
the retrain: • Sall Hugo is a marvellous
master of expeessdon. tut to do this
a hundred times in succession would
be to tet oneself fall into one of
Hugo's most persistent faults, repeti
tion—unredeemed by his equally :per-
sistent virtuosity. So let the reader,
lheoughout the present chapter, after
•the m'aldng one by one of the ,'stric-
tures that Hugo's style'i'nvites, imag-
ine each ons fodl'owed by the counter-.
blaast of a "band of devoted temires's
hymning in constantly gtrowing'cres-
cend•o. the triumphant refrain: Still
Rego is a marvellous master• of•expres-
etonl—William F. Giese, in "Victor
Hugo the Man and, the Poet."
To give awkwardly is churlishness.
The.moat difficult part is to give, then
Why not add •a smile?
Canadian winter weather is a trying
time for 'debilitated, runrdown people,
The close air of shut -up house's, tacit:
of out-of-dooa "exercise, the restricted
cliel. of the season, all .'hove their ef-
fect in 'weakened systems, There is
always in such cases the danger of
severe colds, attacks, of influenza, 01•'
the still more dreaded pneumonia.
There is no other tinte be year, when
a bountifulrich„red blood is
so necessary; and the one way to keep
the blood rich and pure and ;thus avoid
winter trouble is through ltheluse of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 00, enfox-
telnatelly, you haves fallen a victim to
influenza, or ether winter troubles, this
mane med'inl'ne will restore your health
and stl'engt0l, Among thos'o who iso
proved the value of Dr. Williams', Pink
Pills le Mies Margaret Pearson, R.R
No. 9, Chatham. Miss Peamsq had
passed through a severe attack of in
fiuenza and slays. It left me s'o weak
and run-down„,that I could scarcely
walk, Anaemia set In and it almost
seemed ac iS I would notpunk' through
the winter, as I grew so weak that the
least exertion would bring on fainting
spells. I was under medical treat-
ment, but it 011 not help me. Then
one day in our local paper I read an
advertisement of Dr. Wilelams' Pink
Pills, and decided to try them. By the
time I had used three boxes I felt
much better, and continuing the use
of the Mlle it wad not long before I
felt better than I had been .before the
influenza attacked me. .. 14ry rapid re-
covery surmised my friends, and when.
asked 'What did yon do?' I would
proudly' say, 'Nat my: doing, but Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.' To me, at least,
the pills have been worth their weight
in gold.”
As a ,precaution against winter ills
take Dr, Williams' Pink Pills now.
Sold by all medicine dealers, or sent
by mail at 60c a box by The Dr, Wil -
Items' Medicine Co., Brockville, .Ont..
r i
1 Will Hew Me a House.
I will hew me a house of s'l'ate -grey
Between a hill and a hill, .
The forest 'Will march to my very doors
And my doors will he open wide,
And then itit climb 1
w I est myslate-
/ grey roof
Isar up on the mountain -side,
As close to the wind -clipped peaks
'twill go
As the stsu•cliest fir can stride.
I will wacLOlc the dawn come rioting up,
The dusk come widspering down,
And Spring will hasten in frail, green
And Autumn will linger in brown,
And mole wax man' a mi
3andw '8
Undevamed by the shuttered town.
--Margaret Tod, Ritter.
When you get that tired, lar-me•down•and•die.
feeling take 15 to 3c drops of Seigel's Syrup in e.
glnssof water. Doesthetrickandsafely.You'll
Soft Bed Saves Two Hours Sleep,
• Says Psychologists.
If you earn your living mainly by
brain work, you can save a£ least two
hours 00 rest every night by sleeping
ona good soft ked. each is the con-
clusion, yyeaelueel by Dr.sDonalcl A.
Laird, following a series of experi-
ments with students•. Bymeasure-
ments of mental reactions In teems of
calories, he found that a soft bed
will build as much mental energy in
sec hours as a hard bed will build le
Their teeth are of a tough-
ness which malcesthemhold
• their keen cutting edge un.
der every usage. -
(Ota With Laughter)
The taxicab swum; into the street at
high speed to give berth to the rap -
oar. Taxicab and
e .doting neer,.
"Dear Doctor: MYIs
r f et b 1 goat
Y1 Y
aeriously "111 from eating a oomOylete
Heather -bound set ' of • Shakespeare.
What doe you pfeserihe?”
Answer—"Ara senddng Idtera,ry Di-
gest by return mail."
Change of lipstick now and then, is
relished by the best of men!
Completely Unnecessary.
"I'd like to know the reason why,"
Said good old 'Hiram Johnson I.-uggy,
"No matter where I go theso'days
I seldom see a baby buggy,."
With what Insecticides, I ween
Aud ether applications draggy,
Like resinol and listerine,
There's no need for it to be buggy.
With sanitation what it is,
And daily bathing such a wow,
We guess the reason of that is
There are no buggy babies now.
Since Mussolini stepped on the
scene, we wonder how many people
remember the name of th'e Italian
John—"You wouldn't marry her for
her money, would you?"
Alex—"How else can I get it?"
Some one asked Ragson Tatters if
his wife didn't miss hint when he was
out late at nights. Fie replied: "Not
often. She throws pretty straight for
a woman."
North—"Who writes the advertise-
ments for the bank?"
West—"I don't know, but I'm sure it
Isn't the sante man that makes the
There is.- not much chance for the
aged peroxide blonde. It is said that
only the yonng.dye good.
Cash Consideration
A friend may lend
Wirth -liberal heart,
And yet a debt
Old friends may part
The mau Was very sleepy,
In a barber shop the crawled.
"Just trim ins good," he said, and when
Ole woke up he was bald.
Soft jobs make soft people:
Instinct tells you when to eat. Hut
brains ought to tell you when not to.
What the Well -Dressed Woman Will
Wear: LESS.
Nothing is Profitable
—Which costs .a man his confidence
let himself.
which must be,paid for with hon-
Which mixes deception with life.
Which, makes money -at the cost
ot•ather meals tears.
Wlhich piles up wealth while souls
—Which blinds, the eye to truth, jus-
tice, on• mercy.
—Which sacrifices bappinees for
Health Broken—Lost 66 lbs,
Now Well, Won :rack 82 lbs.
Ottawa merchant, forinerly city officer; rundown by
kidney trouble. Wasted from 201 to 13.E lbs.
Tanlac restored robust healthy now
weighs 217 lbs. and feels fine,
P1111105 Sequin's grocery at 280 SI.
Patrick SI., is well known in Ottawa.
Mr. edema was formerly a police
officer. When ill -health seized him he
lost weight rapidly, "I had kidney
trouble for 6 years," he tells, and
was given up as a hopeless case. Many
times, frorn sheer weakness, I havo
fallen where I stood, and had to be
helped to my feet.
'Pains ranted my entire' system,
especially my back, which felt like
splitting. Needless to say, 'I could.
neither eat nor sleep normally. Weak '
spells and nervousness would leave
me trembling nil over. I faded away
from 201 00 135 lbs., and tried endless
treatments and remedies in those 6
years without result.
"I clad begun to despair, and. when
a friend aclvrsed Tanlac I was skep-
tical. But one month's regular use of
this wonderful' medicine_wconviuced
me that I was on the road to health.
I kept on taking Taulao and to my
delight and surprise it made me a new
Mail in'a surprisingly •short:- time.
Now) weigh 217 lbs., cat and sleep
like a healthy boy, pili feel like a
different man altogether."
If neglect or overwork arc taking
toll of ycur lhcalth, try Taniac. 3t is
nature's own ionic shade from roots,
barks and herbs. ionic,
druggist has
it. .Oyer 52 million bottles sold.
Fun Life Amami Statement
An 'Outstanding Report.
The Sun Life Assnranee Company of
Canada continues to eclipse Its: own
transcendent records. At the annual
meeting" for 1927 which has just been
held, President T. B. Macaulay was
able to report that the total business
Paid for in 1920 amounted to 5265,889,-
546, double that of 1024—only two
years ago,' The assurances in force
now exceed one and a quarter billions
of dollars,
The Sun Life has become much MOTs
than our greatest Canadian eompany.
It is one 00 the leading Life insurance
companies of the world. Its growth is
equally arresting whether compared
with its own recoil or with the totals
of insurance on this continent. The
inlorease of its buriness at rislt in 1926
is greater' than the entire business ear-
rietl by, the SIM Life at the outbreak
of the war. It has now more business
in farce than the total life assurance
in force in all Canaa, with all com-
panies, Canadian and foreign, when
war was declared. Latest reports in-
dicate that the general increase in 110e
ineu ran
co secure
d dttrin
x in the
United States and Canada is six per
cent. in excess of 1925. The Sun Life's
increase for the year is 3734 per cent, I
Fully keeping step with this great
aeceee 'of business, the assets of the
Company have increased during the
past twelve months" by $42,195,000,
"swelling the total to 5345,251,040. The
Company's assets have multiplied Rye
times in. the last twelve years.
The Company's , eueoessful invest-
ment policy is reflected in an analysis
of its securities. Government valua-
tors appraise a further increase in the
excess value oSOle Company's securi-
ties over coat, of nearly 57,000,000.. A
profit of 51,700,000 has been realized
T. B. Macauley
President Sun Life,
by the rellemptlou or stele of menieipol
,debentures s and other holdings which
had risen to high premiums. The rate
earned on tee mean
ed assets
for the year rose. to the phenomenal
figure of 6.69 per cent., this• being con
tribute'd to by dividend increases,.
bonuses and other privileges granted
on the Company's holdings,
From the total surplus earned der-
lng the year, 520,457,077, the Company
has made large and prudent appropria-
tions. After making these allocations,
which add substantially to the unas-
sailable security of the Company, an
addition of $5,715,564 bas been added
to undivided profit's, bringing the total
surplus over all liabilities, ooatingency
accounts and capital stock to 534,011,-
• Perhaps, howeyer, the features of
the report of outstanding interest to
the public are those relating particu-
larly to benefits to policyholders. Dur-
ing the year profits .amounting to
$9,235,526 were paid or elicited to
policyhciclers,'this amountbeing eight
times in excees of the amount paid out
ten years ,ago. Par six years past in-
et•eaa s In pieties to policyholders have
been announced, resulting in a doub-
ling of the. profits r:c.ale during that
period. Par the seventh success'lve
time a further in: se is announced.
The great total of ;70.450 has bean
staid out during the year in respect of
death. claims, natured endowments,
etc., bringing the total so paid since
organization to $257,56,174.
The high rate ofr'interest earned
enables the Company to distribute
prattle on the assumption of 53per
cent. per ,saofhn being eareetl on the
Reserves. The same rate of interest
is being allotted to heueficiaries on
the proceeds of matinee endowments
and death claims left with the Com-
pany. In"this way again, policyholders
are participating in the greet pros-
perity of the Company.
Not the least gratifying portion of
the report is the flue showing of busi-
ness written within the Dominion.
Here again anew record is established
for Canada in a massive aggregate of
$102,000,000 of paid assurances.
Tho Sun. Life Company is as'old as
the Dominion. But it has greater
define to Canadian pa•ide than that. It
is today cue of the foremost of the
emelt group of great Canaltan flnan-
cial institutions which are making
Canada fa'mons.
Seven Outworn Alibis-
-"My folks. made me go to obtuse
too much when I w'an a kick"
--"S0mebody was going to get the
money and it night as, well be ma"
—"1 did'nt want to spoil the party."
—"I know he le a crook, but he is
our crook and I must vote for him."
"There is no chiiilce for' a poor boy
any reg"
It's a ood law, but 10 can't been -
"I would 'be religious 10 it wasn't
for the hypocrites 811 the churches."
Displayed on one window of a Lon-
don laundry was an announcement of
a change of ownership. On the next
window it was stated that henceforth
"Ironing will be done on the new prin_'
cipal" !
I see her inoviahg with a sunlit fare
Each pleasant morning in that tras.
grant place
She calls her garden, clipping here
and there
A sprig of heliotrope for us to wear
Or spray of white vetbenna .that has
Too far b'eyoud the borders of its bed.
And while vahe loosens soil and
t\tieake a weed
And manus a poppy tiseat will go to seed,
To flame again next year -sire• smiles
to see
How clamorous. a garden spot can be;
Crying her care like children sloe has
With tugging hands, that are too early`
And now she spends iter lonely tender -
Upon the flowers catching et lie•r dress.
—Mildren Weston,' in "The Singing
�j ig
Avoid Serials Results by Using
Baby's Own Tablets,
• When a child shows the first eycne-
toms of a cold., Minh as sneezing, red-
ness of the eyes, clogged or running
1105e, prompt measures for relief may
avert serious results. Mothers should
always' have .on hand some simple,
safe and effective remedy for . imme-
diate use.
Baby's Own. Tablets act quickly, cora
Gain no opiates or narcotics, are taste-
less and harmless.., Mrs. Joseph Ca -
Melte, Holyoke, Mass., says:—"I have
used Baby's Own Tablets for my child-
ren aid find them a very s'ati'sfactory
medicine. When my little boy had a
001(11, gave him the Tablets at might
audile was well next day. I give them
to- the children for constipation and
they always do good. I think Baby's
Own Tablets are much easier to give
a child then liquid medicine. 0 recom-
mend the Tablets to all mothers who
have small children and believe they
should always be kept on hand."
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all
medleine dealers or will be sent by
mail at 25 eents a box from The Dr,
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Must Forsake the Downy.
"0h; that I could make -my dreanle
eon e true!"
"Wake up!"
Some Musical `.`Storms."
There are two ways of describing a
storm at sea in music, one by experi-
encing it and the other by imagining
it. Haydn wrote a very effective des-
cription by the latter method long be-
fore ever be saw the sea, though when
he did first sea it he had to cross tbe
channel on a rough clay. The story
is that for a certain opera he had to
introduce such a storm. The 14bret-
tist told him his own experiences of
a storm and the composer tried to re-
peat even if ever so feebly what was
described. At !net the patience of
both was about exhausted and the Ca1hh-
poser hammered with This fists an the
keys and exclaimed: "The devil take
the storm." "That's it, that's 11,"
shouted the poet. "You've got it." All
his trying had resulted in nothing, but
an accident gate him the idea which
he was able to carry out properly
when writing for the orchestra. Wag-
ner, on the other heed, wrote the fine
storm which opens his opera,. "The
Plying Dutchman," with the memory
of several days of bad weather tra-
velling Clown the North Sea.
Doctors vouch for Minard's Liniment.
Kruger's Traveling Coach.
President I`,hniger's traveling wagon
which the city of Loudon corporation,
decided to env to the dominion of
South Africa, has now peen shipped to
South Africa.
One way of seducing automobile
accidents would be a general agree-
ment among motorists to use their'
brakes instead of their horns when
they see a pedestrian ahead.
Jack Feast's.annual exhibition of
etchings are now noticeable on your
Repairs for Fanning Mills
\VIIIyour nl:ll croon all kinds of Grain
0,15 seeds? if not, let me supply, wire
Moe .coniine or cliythInll for end Olean.
log wltft Chatham or :my odor mnknof
mill, Also repairs for Chatham Incubator:.
Chatham Ont.
Minard's Liniment for animal ISSUE No. 8—'27.
low packed in Aluminum.
"is cod, ted,
Your grocer knows when you order
are a judge of fine tea.
The Tale of a Coat.
The girl wanted a fur coat. She was
working in a bus'in'ess office, but all
was engaged to be rnarrled and wished
to look well when she went out with
her fiance. Slhe had no money saved
up, -but she wanted that east; so she
want to one of her brothers and asked
flim to Renee* the matter for her.
He told her, kindly but plainly, that
he didn't care to do it. "You are
working ands earning money," he said,
"anti you live here aft home free 03
any expense for boars or lodging. A10
the rest of us contribute toward the
family expenses. You must not ask us
to buy your clothes too,"
The glees molthor told her that voider
no consederetion must she contract
bills that she could not pay before she
was married. She must carry no debt
iuto her new home for heat husband to
But the girl wanted the coat, and
finally bought it on credit. Within a
very, short time an unexpected busi-
ness opportunity that tame to her
young man madder it desirable for the
eouple'to be married at once. The gtrl
had paid but little on the coat, and
dared not, or at least preferred not to,
tell her husband of the debt. She Lias
made .skimpy and irregular paym'ente
from such money as she could divert
from the household expense fund, so
that the original bill of two hundred
and Ilfty deflate is now down to one
hundred; but meantime a 'chile] has
been born to the couple, so that there
have been extra expanses, and there
is naw a t lad member ofthe family
to be provided for. The firm that sold
the coat is getting 'impatient and be-
ginning to send peneeoptory letters.
And the coat is no longer new, but is
a Tittle worn and shabby, and not fn
the best style.
The story, which is true in every de-
tail, needs no moral, says a writerin
Yoweh'e Companion. From the dealer's
point of view it is so familiar that it
is commonplace, but from the girl's
point of view it comes near to tragedy
—in feet is tragedy. Sooner or later
she must tell her husband, or the deal-
ers will. .What is he likely to think?
How shall be regain the confidence in
his wife that two years of silence and
oaneeaimernt will have shaken?
God never made an animal. whose
Deur in so beautlfu•1 that it le worth such
a risk. Yet some persons seson to
think he did.
Classified Advertisements,
Fan''sALg. !:
01010110x0 erri;n, 'VDU CABINET, rr.AY1
V all records, 48 .selections, -automatic. Yalu,
a06.00 r as oo aranteed rot con 840 Mount
a0y0.1 Bast, Montreal.
Honesty for policy's sake isn't the
best honesty.
Will final Minard's Liniment
invaluable in the woods.
Geed for sprains, bruises,
and for coughs and cotes.
Beat the Moderns to it.
' ]Pout. centuries' ago a cantle: in Swe-
den contra!inea a ce'titral heating plant.
in the baeeanent with conduits through
tb,e walls,
To say that a man has no vices is
not always to say that he has any
Pape's Diapepsin" Corrects
Sour, Upset Stomachs
at Once
"Pape's Diapepsln" le the quicketrt,.
surest relief for indigestion, guess
flatulence, heartburn, sourness, fen
mentation or stomach ddstress cal ed
by acidity. A few tablets give almost
immediate stomach relief. Correct
your-s'tonva'chand digestion new for
a few coats. Druggists sell millions
of packages.
Don't NegIeet
Bronchial Rl Lord8
Pnenmoaia, "Flu" and other danger-
ous maladies develop from common
colds. Te prevent trouble take Buckley's
Mixture. It quickly relieves the Cough
and removes the ranee. Different from
old-fashioned oyrups. It's a scientific
combination of proven virtues. Sold by
all druggists and guaranteed.
Vg. H. Brickley, Limited,
142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 sac
Acta like a flash• -
n si
nS Ic sip proven It
WITH 86Ct:.' C i1` ';TS"
No more Headache, Bad Colds,
sour stomach and
Get a 10 -tent box now.
No odds how bad your liver, stomach
or bowela; how march your head• aehes,
how miserable and unconifol•table you
are Prem eonultipation,-indigestion, 111-
liaueness and sluggish bowels—you al-
ways get the desired results with Cas-
Don't let your stomach, liver and
bowels mnalce yeti miserable. Take Cas -
carets to -night; put an end to the head-
ache, biliousness, dizziness, nervous-
ness. sick, solo', gassy stomach, back-
ache and all other distress; .elsanse
your inside organs of all the bile,
gases and constipated matter which is
producing the misery.
A 10 -cent box means health, happi-
noes and a clear7head for months.' No
more clays of gloom and distress it you
will take a Cascaret now and then.
All druggists sell Cascarets. ;Don't
hr_ Cl forget the children --their little insides
�.� I need a gentle cleansing, too.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds • Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
- ,.Accept only " proven player" .package
•--`-r .
Which' contains oven directions.
- 13antly "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. '
Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered Is Canada) of Bayer Manufacture at Slonooeette-
aeldester of OWloyneaela ,(Acetyl Salicylic Acid, 'A, 3. A."). Willie it 1s well known
that Aspirin meana ]rayer.Manufacture, to assist the pabite against imitations, the Tablets
00 Bayer Company will : be etanmad with theirgeneral trade stark, 5Ite "gayer POW,