HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-02-17, Page 2grocers Stock If you went cometh nd better—try it. ti ALot of .Money BY SOPHIE KERR. PART IL _eelsbegan to laugh. "Anne, you're ;camp. You're sitting here fishing trout and putting the trickiest id of bait on your line. Honey, my 1, I'll stand by you in whatever you nt to do except this one thing. You >'t spend your money to please my pity. Some day, and before I'm an man too, I'm going to have every - Ing and do everything you put on r list, but it's got to come out of sweat and my strength, not paid with money some old dodger left y Wife." nee laughed too, but protestingly. at what's the use of working your= f to death to get things when re's money ready for 'ern? Don't see yourself that's foolish?" 'It' may be foolish, but it's me. ger I live the more I see that what get without an effort does you good. And besides, Anne, you don't w what those people up in the '11 want you to do. A lot of money es a lot of looldng after. And you 'ht feel different, you know, when get it, about some things." hat d'you mean?" 'About tie, for instance. If you can in the city with a big house and my of servants and have a nice and go round to theatres and con- s and buy beautifuldresses and, time you feel like a change, travel abroad or anywhere, maybe you'd as if it was a big comedown to. cry a fanner like nte, with nothing fter' you except—" IIe was not d to revealing his emotions, so he gled at the word, but at last he it out, "-except loving you. I 't give you much but that, Anne." But what more could I want? at do you think I'm made of, is? If you'd been left some money, ld I say I expected you'd throw over—well, I certainly would not. 't you trust me at -all?" I trust.estxr=but I'm afraid. And ell you this, Anne" -he put his d over hers—"whatever you choose o is right with me. If you'd want eave me l wouldn't raise my finger top you. And I'd always be right loving you and thinking about There'd beno other girl for he leaned to him fondly. "If you t stop talking such old glaonis. 1 t know what' I'll do to you. And vier I leave you, Louis -mark fine, y if I ever do -you needn't wait d for me one minute. You can go off and marry some other girl,. ided it isn't that red-headed Eve - Massey. ven if I didn't want you myself, ate to have her get you, she's so y about you and been so hateful e"ever since we've been going to er:" - uis laughed again. "You jealous!. t's'funny, Anne." t they both felt the strangeness e moment, the unknown future,. ear, so full of possibilities they not guess nor anticipate, poss- es far out of their ken, beyond • Imagination. Anne clung to his "I. love you, Louis," she whis- "1 love' you," It was a re- ante, a promise for herself as as for him, and they both knew it, e ought to go back, i suppose,' Wrigley's ew DOUBLE MINT —Real „Peppermint Flavor• -=it's so wZnclerfully mfertlog, cooling, pd de19c sus, 'r_ Nytt61 ,t1iv{YE cr After - .smoking, Lob AFTER h1:nL cru v a, leeF NO. 7--'27. she mid presently. "I've not packed a thing yet." He turned the carr. "We'll take, the river road." They made` a short de- tour, and then the river, silver -pale under the early starlight; shone out to them through the trees along its bank. Anne went back to their' farmer contention. "You and Aunt Mary! The very people who ought to be.glad- dest for me, the only ones I want to share with, and you're both bound and determined that you won't. It isn't right; it isn't 'kind! What makes you act so?" Louis Haynes'answered "slowly. "I don't mean to be unkind, but it's im- possible. I can't use your money, Anne, or let you use it for me. I just can't." "Oh," she cried, "I wouldn't cars if you'd any good reason. But it's only pride." Louis became exasperated in his tern. "Call it pride or anything you like. It's so." A jangling silence fell on them now, They were both full ,of things they wanted to say, argument, justifica- tion, but neither would venture. In- stinct warned them that they were on dangerous ground, near an open quar- rel, and they sheered away from it. Still, the mental distance between them widened. They were really quarreling without words. When they reached Mrs. Chaner's, Louis said abruptly,' "I won't come in. Good night. Write to ire when you can." And not even the kiss they exchanged or the touch of his arms about her melted their foolish young hearts. "Good night," said Anne. "Yes, I'll write." "He might have been nicer about it —he doesn't know how long I might have to be away," she thought as she went into the house. , "She might have been nicer about it —she doesn't know how long she might have to be away," was Louis' same reproach as be drove oil. Anne's indignation against him re- vived during the lonely train ride of the next day. He was just too pig- headed for words, she decided. He wasn't reasonable about anything. As if it was her fault all this money had been left her. Why, he acted as' if it was something to be ashamed of.. And she'd been anticipating it so, and was going to enjoy it so! Her meditation swelled her grievance. The journey was long, the trip was tiresome, necessitating two changes that she had to scurry to snake, and the close connection got on her nerves. But on the last part of her journey she relaxed a trifle, pushed Louis and his obstinacy into the back of her mind, looked about at her fellow travellers and thought of the new scenes awaiting her. She was to go to the late Andrew Thorne's own house, where he had lived alone save for a distant connection of his wife's, a Mrs. Torrance, who, acted as house- keeper and sometimes as nurse. This Mrs. Torrance—what would she be like! Ile. Fink, the man sent by the lawyers, had intimated that she was "difficult." Anne hoped this did -not mean that she was going to be disa- greeable and snippy. After all, she didn't belong in the house, and Anne did. Perhaps site was very fashionable and would think Anne looked countri- fied. Anne glanced in tie mirror at her reflection and wag reassured. Hee best brown' crepe, her new brown coat and hat were not expensive, but she knew their style was good. Only-- there nly—there was a woman who sat in the Pullman chair opposite who made her feel uneasy, she was so exquisite, so finished. Anne looked at her sample but somehow bewildering dress, her hat—plain little black thing, but its lines enticed the eye—her slim gray silken ankles and -buckled pumps, and when she slipped off, hes gloves she showed slender manicured hands, and. on the left one a square -cut emerald ring that reduced Anne to a pulp of admiring envy. It bewitched her. She had never seen anything so purely,' perfectly beautiful. She felt she. could have looked .at it forever. "I wonder how much it cost," she thought. "I wonder if I'm going to have enough money to buy one like it. I'd db with- out almost everything else if I could have a ring like that." She was still absorbed in the ring when the train slid into a suburban station and Mr. Fink boarded it. At sight of him she knew just how lonely and how nervous she was, hut he re assured -her, he was so casual, so friendly, in a neat impersonal elderly CURLING ONE OF CANADA'S Lovesight. Dante Gabriel Rossetti was 'a dual LEADING VVIN ER SPORTS • genius. He was an0 of Eiuglanda sreatest ' painters,; and also a great poet: As aamet hissmemory'will, live Popularity of Royal and Ancient Game Attested by the Large and Growing N mber of, Its' Devotees. Curling, whieh Is akin to the glum- kateliewan, and Alberta ie reanarkable. mer game of golf in Ile appeal and its The sport' in the Canadian West dates physical demands, is rapidly becoming from about 1876 when a few games one of Canada's most popular winter were played oat•the . Red River in Win pastimes. The ideal conditions which nipeg. prevail during the winter' season have l The curling ;season in Canada starts gained for the Dominion' the name of about December 15 and continues un- "The Curlers' Paradise." Nearly every til about the middle of Marsh. For, province has its branch of the; Royal I the greater part of four months the Caledonian Curling G1ubo8 Sc:otlanld, "roarin' game" holds sway in nearly the parent body of the sport, and every every Canadian city and town and its sphere of social life in Canada is re- devotees are numbered In thousande. preeented among its devotees. In the cities where the, game is played Apart from the intense interest in covered ri:nics, there is little or no aroused by the gameitself, carting interruption from thaws. However in wields other and more potent in- the towns and villages where pond or fluences. Waierever curlers. meet there lake supplies the surface, the weather 1s formed a brotherhoodof goadfeblow- is always an important factor in the ship in which men from all walks of success of the season's play. li•Se fraternise and in which the honors Bonepiele are held in nearly' every go to him' who makes the best shot. section of the Dominion, and many The best curler itis the man who "plays Inter -club' ",competitions are carried the gams': and the qualities so devel- along. In the Maritimes tie important oped ere reflected in the SUe an of the event of the season is the series of individual in the social and business interprovincial conte's'ts for the W- itte et the country. Clelan sup, deflated by .the late Hon. Just when the first curling match A. R. McCle'lan, former Lieutenant• took place in Canada is uncertain. It Governor of New Brunswick. The an - is claimed that the Highlanders who steal competition for the Governer - served under'General Wolfe played the General's• trophy is one of .the blue rib- game at Quebec and there is little bon events of curling in Eastern Can- doubt that curling was played in other oda, the finals taking glace on the parts of Canada (Lower and Upper) rinks at Rideau Hall, Ottawa *the of- before the formation of the Royal floral residence of tine Governor -Gen - Montreal Club in 1807. Although Que- era' of Canada. Each provincial bac city claims the distinction of .the branch Ise the West holds its, regular first match, its senior •club woe not. inter -club contests but to curlers in formed' till 1821, while the• first club in the Prairie Provinces the Winnipeg Halifax is just over a century old, hay- meet, which has become the greatest ing been founded in 1825. About the bonspiel in the world, is the big event middle of the lest century the clubs of•tho season. Matches are held at M- in what is now known as Quebec and torvals between Canadian and Scot - the eastern part of Ontario were or- tell rinks, alternately in Sootland and ganized into a branch of the Royal in Canada, for the Strathcona Cup, and Caledonian Club, and this branch has the skill Cnnadian curlers have attains grown until it n•ow ,comprises 64 clubs ed is et -tested by the seocesss they have (of which 18 are ladies' cla>bs) and a achieved in a series of Aare in these total membership of about 4,000. With contests. • the founding of clubs in other parts of As each eucceeding year rolls by the Dominion, provincial branches of there is a greaten appreciation of Can- the anthe Roya1. Cateclonian Curling Club ado's 1$iuter season. The appeal of the were organized. Iu round numbers out•of-doors le becoming as strong dun there are 20 clubs in Nova Scotia, 15 ing the months of ice and snow as in ie. New Brunswick, and 115 In central the summer time, and no,small part and western Ontario, Of those In the in this beneficial -movement is due to Ontario branch at least six are ladies' the popularity of curling. Both sexes clubs. - are enjoying thisgreat sport and, as The popularity gained by curling In in other lines of outdoor 'recreation, the Prairie Provinces of "Manitoba, Sas. with benefit to the national health, way that seemed to take it for granted she was a sophisticated, experienced person and that there was nothing novel in her present' adventure. "I ordered your own car to meet you, Miss Thorne," ire said. Her own oar= -she didn't know she had one! "There's just one thing I want to ask —would you rather go to a hotel to- night and then toenorrow to your house? Mrs, Torrance- I believe I I told you—Mrs. Torrance is rather a difficult person:' "What earl she do; I won't be there with her alone, will I?" ' `Permit me to say that's' a very sensible question, Miss Thorne. No, the servants are there, of course. Mrs. TOM ancs 18 rather excitable, that's all. She fells ill-used by Mr. Thorne's will, Yet she had no reason to ex- pect 'anything more from hint. We can go into it fully lo -morrow, and then decisive action can be tarsen." Anne felt dimly that by "decisive action" he meant that Mrs. Torrance must be got out of the house. Well, that would be all right, she thought, Surely she could stand the woman for one night. (To be continued.) Dog Phrenology. The formation of a dog's head is the index to his breed. Furthermore, it le in the shape of a d'og's head that we will be able to discover wheat work or occupation he is the most suited for, There ran be no harm in making a phrenological study of a dog's head. If you require se man wbrains you don't look for him among a lot of 'humans with no breadths and depths of Ince'h'eads, and Long, narrow skculls. Probably, if you wish to discover specimens of an undesirable and vil- lainous: type, you would find them among the narrow-heacicd cities of .per - sone. Anil it is the sante with dogs. The brainy dogs have or should have capacious skublsy to accommodate the neoeaaiy weight or size of brains;, and these are the doge we should seek when we require sagacity and under- atanding in our hunting dogs. Nar- row down, by breeding, the hoed of your eperting dog, and you, will gen- erally paoduce a wild. 'and harcm- scerean animal that will be hard to. train, and one not as amenable to com- mands aa the bigger and broader brained or mindea dog- Again, the wider skilled dog, is usually a better equipped dog as a scenting or hunting nog. Whether or not the heavier and deeper fore -faced clogs, are saperior in regard to their olfaotory powers, re. mains an oven question. If we may be allowed to class wolves and foxes as "wild dogs," then we must allow that the narrow fore -faced wolves and foxes have marvelous scenting power's; and .that Nature in her thoughtfulness never gave unto wolves and. Vries the deep formation of the fors -faces of the bound families and the gun dogs of the dog "fancier;"—Heid and Stream. Bait for Wild Cats. 011 0f catnip is used as bait in catch- ing bobcats and lynxes. For Colds—Minard's Liniment. 06 liD 06 A DAINTY FROCK FOR TILE YOUNG MISS,,," Very appealing is this dainty frock having a two-piece skirt gathered to a bodice with the back ianping over the front at the shoulders.in an attractive manner. The sleeves may be made long and gathered to narrow wrist- bands, short, or omitted altogether and the armholes simply bound. Satin or velvet ribbon is tied in a chic bow in front. The embroidery, as illus- trated in View A, isa simple Egyp- tian design and is very effective when worked in a contrasting shade. The dress, No. 1523, 15 in sizes 8, 10,1 12 and 14 years. Size 10 requires 21/1 yards 36 -inch material, , or 1% yards 54 -inch, and 1335 yards ribbon for sash. Price 20c the pattern. The Transfer; Design is No. 1190 and includes Egyptian and • Floral Bordes, Motifs and Sprays (Blue and Yellow). Price 25c the pattern. I The designs illustrated in our new. Fashion Book are advance styles for the home dressmaker, and the woman or girl who desires to wear garments dependable for taste, simplicity and economy will find her desires fulfilled in our patterns. Price of the book 10c the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want, Enclose 200 in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept„ Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide Si.,'Toronto, Patterns sent by return nail. Always there is a black spot in our sunshine; and it is the shadow ,of ourselves. --Carlyle. tor•."The 'Blessed : Demozeb,":.written before he was twenty, and for hie son 'nets.'The. fo1lowiii is ped'haps the fli'est he ever wroedine When do I see thee:meet; beloved. one? When•in the light the spirits of urine - eYes . ,. Before thy face, thou altar, solemn- ize The worship of that Love through thee made known?, Or when 1n the dusk hours (we two alone) Close -kissed and eloquent of still re= piles Thy-,twilight-hidren glimmering via- age lies, And . my soul only mete thy sow' Its own?, O love, my love! if I no more should' Thyself, nor on the earth the shadow of thee, Nor image of thine eyes In any spring— How then should sound upon Life's. darkening slope The. ground -whirl,' of the .perished:- • leaves of Iiope, • -The wind o2 Death's - imperishable wing? - Athletes use Minardis Liniment: The Labor of Writing. Writing fe a long labor, in one mode or in another. Some authors work physically, writing and remelting, polishing ,and repoldehing, easting and recasting; others sit clown, doing note ing formenthe at a time save can themselves lazy devils, snack -backed good - for - nothings, self - Indulgent blighters and similar pretty names, until the Stuff that has been ferment. ing, below the surface all the time bursts forth and seems to write itself. It doesn't matter which mode Lensed, they are equally hard; nothing is born without pain. And, there is more pain in: this business• of writing than meets the eye, especially the eye of the poor folic who think authorship is an affair of an adventure, pen, ink and a con respondence course.' For while a story may take a mouth, a year, ten years to write, and black all other activity while ltwis being written, the author's stomach demands,- its tribute at the usual filmes: In Descending Grades. • When descending grades keep your car to the same gear as you would use iu ascending them. Make Better. Bread Askyour grocer for ROYAL YEAST CAKES STANDARD OF QUALITY OR OILER 50YEARS Perfumery Was Necessary. • In tris . days of Hummurabi, 4,000 years' ago, perfumery was regarded as eo essential that even eervante were ordered to use It. Within fourteen miles of London, the Kentish village of Downs hits neither gas nor electricity, no main drainage, no doctor,' no cinema, and no omnibus. PURSES Tho Toronto Hospital for Ineuronic., in attntotion with Bellevue and. Allied Hospital; Haw York City, offers a throe .roars, Course c1 Training to young woman, having the required educotlon, and desirous of becoming nurses. .Tills Hospital hos adopted the oight. hour system. Tho mals. receive uniform of the School. a monthly allowance and traveling ezponses to and from N,W York. For -UMW Information write the Suucrintendont • Canadian. Plan Il O:�x�.� Practical Articles on Planning, Building, Financing, Decorating, Furnishing and Gardening Illustrating homes that represent the newest ideas and latest treatment in Colonial, English. -' Spanish and Domestic design—bungalow. rrc cottage and two-storey residences. They cover all types of construction." Designed by Canadian architects from each province. Ready Now. Order Yours Today. Special Price 50 cents per Copy. _,,�.•r.- MacLean Builder's Guide 344 Adelaide St. West e, i* Gr. It depends largely on the flour you use. We believe you'll welcome this suggestion— try Purity, the rich, vigorous. Flour --made from the finest Western wheat. Thousands of cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread. Send 30c in stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 961 6Veatern Canada Flat Mille Co, Limited." Toronto. Mosinee!, 010,w,. Saint John. .ea r ._x Good;.y, , des We will, mall you, Prepaid, the following POPULAR MAGAZINES At the prices Indicated. Cheek Hare.. Maclean's 1 year $2.00 Maclean's 3 years $5.00' Goblin 2 years' $5.00 The, Canadian Magazine 3 years $3.00 . ...... Saturday, Evening Post 1 year $2.00 . Ladies' Home Journal . ........-1 year $1.00 <.......• Country Gentleman .............. 3 years $1.00. ...'.. Good Housekeeping 1 year $3.50 Cosmopolitan 1 year 53.50 Herpes's Bazaar 1 year $5.00 Smart Set 1 year $3.50 True Story 1 year 53,50 Just check the Magazines wanted. Fill In your name and address, enclosing cheque or money order. + Name Address ..,., .. .,, Send to "MAGAZINES"' Room el25, 73 Adelaide Steel: West Toronto 2 TREES SUPPLIED TO HOMESTEADS LAND FAI:LO*VED TO ` RE- CEIVE SEEDLINGS. Older Plantations Now Fur- nishing Owners With Ma- terial for Fencing. During the season of 1926.the Forest Service of t'he' Department oO the In. tenor, through the forest nursery sta- tions at Indian Head and Sutherland, Senkatohewam,;sent out 5,512,425 little . trees for planting on prairie farms, and since the begfniling of this work in 1901 the total number" of trees ,so sent '!.' out has been a little over 87,500,000. The resulting' plantations are not part• of a wood -lot echome, the trees being usually set in strips' or'sheiter belts about the farm buildings, but a new idea is gained of the extent of the work when it is learned that the 1926._ plantations covered a little over 2,000 acres, and that the 1ota-1 plantings made since the inauguration of the scheme exceed in extent 32,000 acre's. Thirty-two thousand' acree represents an area fo fifty square miles or nearly a township and a halt. The planta-. tions referred to, if grouped thus by - themselves, would form but a,small patch in the immeneity'of our Middle West, but, as explaihed in the begin- ning, they are not "by themselvegs" in any sense but form pent of a vast echo -me, which has already made more homelike and more comfortable 80,300 homes, and given an artistic, cheerful touch to many rural sohool grounds in the P1oirie Provinces. Give Farmers a Start. The arm of the Department of the Interior hes been to give farmers a bbart so that once a plantation was 'es- tablished the seeds and cuttings from it could be used to begin other shelter belts. That this is the way in which the scheme has worked out is indi- cated by the fact that under the in- fluence of these eighty thousand orig- inal plantations the general apneas - ante of the prairie in many sections is gradually changing and on all sides • there are splendid examples of cosy farm homes, set amid well planned shelter -belts and surrounded by gar- dens containing bash and tree fruits. It has been demonstrated that, . by breaking the force of high winds and by conserving moisture, shelter -belts increase the production of the farm but they return a dividenk'1 a theesend- fold greater in the Increased comfort and enjoyment afforded by theur to the* farmer and his household. The shipments of 5,512,425 .seedlings and cu•tttngs in the spring of 1916 were distributed among 5,590 farms in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and during the season an increased stock•, of material was prepared for distribu- tion in 1927. Over 7,903,000 seedlings and •cuttings are all ready for packing to meet: the 6,200 applications which have been approved by the inspectors. Inspector Gives Advice, Under the conditions governing the distribution of this shelter -belt ma- terial anyfarmer living on the open prairies may secure a reasonable num- ber of seedlings and outt(ngs by utak. ing application .to the Tree Planting Dlvislon, Forest Service, Department of the Interior, Indian 'Head, Sas- katchewan. In order to get this .trees to plant in the epring of 1928 the a.p- plicetion must be sunt In before March 1, 19274 Duriug the summer of 1937 the ground on which the trees are to bo planted must be thoroughly sum mer -(allowed and an inspector will be sent to visit the farm of the applicant to see that this Is done and also to advise him in regard to the arrange- ment of the belts and'iretlro0s o;L planting and caring for the trees. During the summer of 1926. the farms of 11,200 agppiieants were Inspected. Many al these' had already planted trees during the past two or three years and reports indicate that in aplte. of the rather dry, het period in June and July the newly planted stock,has ' come along splendidly. This result' would not, have been possiirlo if the soil on which these trees were planted - hard not been well atinrnier-falbo'.yed the previous season. Many of the older plantations set ou!: fromfifteen to twenty years ago are now feenishlrrg their owners with considerable material, which can be thinned Out without 111 any wey' irljur- ing tho plantations and whfcb is suit- able for fence pests, rails, and sum- mer fuel. The Miles We Carry! Statistics show that every inch of • cloth contains ae,out twonty-live threads running downwards and the. same slumber running across 11 so that a scivare.yerd is composed of 1,800 threads, each a yard in length. The average sirit`or costume needs foursquare yards of cloth, so that every roan or woman Wears iometdsieg Pike four miles of wool. Allowing two sets of grouter a year, wo find that each of us uses 400 miles of wool in fifty years. When we come to linen or cotton goods, with eighty or 100 threads each way lo the inch, the total length of thread becomes. agpal4dng.A single handkerchief may contain 2,400 strands,` each 15ta...t g., so that 1,000 yaa'ds of eaten thread are reghired to imake11. , A sibirt repreSearts about three mil of thread, ne-