HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-02-10, Page 8X17.. Sx .LNS£tLL, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. The regular meeting uC FSi. Paul's Women's ,Guild was held :n the base - t n s e e.i- sdtt v , 1. '1 tr tn4+c1 tui ctr ui t. Y rr of pert Mg, Feb ltiit The meeting took . tt e form of a birthday sgeial. There was a splendid attendance and a good pro gram wasprovided, consisting r g of an instrumental 'by MISA Margaret Drummond, reading by Ivrs, J. 33. Simpson, solo by :4r.1Ttueston, duet by'Mrs. Droiunloli.d:arr¢l Mrs, Thos. Co•. 5tnitlt Simpson, :;oto by Mr....,Geo. G. Vett , solo byJMr, W. (nee Miss Y) 0, 'Gootiw n,' At the :cto,e ofM Smith's solo, she as presented an beha'if of the choir and congregation with a purse of gold. The :addr s$ ,was read by Mrs. Thos. Simpson a the presentation nettleby Mrs., Louis Clark, Mrs:; Smith made, a very suit- able reply. After 'the'`presentation,. the remainder of the evening was spent to contests and :games. dainty lunch was served at •the' close lay, the choir, A'collection was taken and the 'Guild realized a nice suns -to help swell their'funds. The following is the address: "To Mrs. George Le Miss Petty).. 1< tt Pe s d Y) Liss C •t Y Roy Smithh rte+. It is with eeery good wish for your •future happiness that We, the mem- bers of St. Pant's Church, 'Hensall, present to' you this •gift of gold as a token of the love' and esteem in which we hold you. Nut only for a nru isber sof years have you held ,the position of organist in our church, but itt'addition you have contrihuted to every cause within the church. You were gener- ous with voice in . Singing: You 'ex- celled in plays and your contribution in work done in sewing for W. A. Return of Election Expenses, • consisting of. 100 acres, Well dfenced,; , CLEARING AUCTION SAVE , Re best r e bank e n' a 's g . , lhe,undersigtied itis leceived nistruc 1l, Neeli, ,one of the candidates for barn. 011ier barn, hen 113 l3tObatily i lie auction, ,Lot Riding of Huron at the implement she tions to sell by public u . , the ,aall't1t l.i r g d ` n e is Provincialo th i held Elections eCt 035 S La veli ranted of laud g t for Alexander nder r d ;Financial A S t Int lenients Of Farm Stock , and p Kiila one at the best faints in'McKillop, rods with'church, Winthrop,l adjoining t •to e indablachsmrt shop, Y For, . 9l 00 and lton, Fine ten roomed house, For Rent $ For Printing and Advertising '184.95 with wood shed. 'Good cellar with{ Telephones 43,52 furnace, Hard and soft water inside. For Telegrams and Tele. Protected by high evergreens on the' .Total $319.de7 P offered on day of o'F ,ex expenditures made west side.. Will 'be off. '. ,Statement n and paid personally by the candidate, sale if not previeus'ly solid, ' Alsogood frame house and lot pt. Alex. Tel phone 'Sea'forth with � 8.73 North 'Main street, Telephone, account•.,.'...,., 6,, No t Bell .r 1 ,23.00. Fall Rent henhouse, s-2 ' .`, , , � 3.55. _ F' ,orlon horses, Meals , , (' ,IFI�orses 1 team ,;x g Livery dire .. 240,00•• dtob 25, 'Concession 5, ,McKillop; on trues,, f ecm the s c foal' r d of Itis '0 e' 10 k s d•� It �15th,., at 1 a a P> 1 c<i e v Feb.Deb. of Deoetttber, 1926, I give a statement o k )" the `can- .following; Horses -9 pr. old" ge1_ding;, p. carred 5 111 by theen a. 1a con ' • agent s t ' h of 10 yr. old briding, 12 yr: old mare; a e Which 1 have paid as his g i dol tt road, .half way `between -Seaforth 10 yr. old driving ,hare (safe). Cattle layr. old Militia -in cow, iresli one month 5 yr. old Durham, due to 'freshen tune of sale or before; 7 yr. 1 it1 Durham, supposed to freshen May 6th;,3 yr.`oltl Brindle cow, supposed freshen Mari Sth; 2 yr, old Dur- ant heifer, supposed to freshen Mar. 8th; 7 yr. old Holstein 'cow supposed a freshen May 9th; 8" yr. old Jersey ow, supposed, to freshen Mar. 1st; 4 r. old Durham. cow, supposed -to iesheit Apr. 22nd; 7 yr. old Dur -ham ow, suppdsed to, freshen May 25th; 1 alf,: month old. Hens -7,0 White Leg - toms, well bred; 3 cockerels. Ittt- lements-1 Massey -Harris binder 7 t cuttal Deering mower, nearly' new; Xockshutt seed drill; 1 Cockshutt scuffler; 1 'hay loader; 1' Farmer's Friend sulky plow; S walking plow; 4 section .'harrow; 1 roller; 1'' hay tffl er• 1 rake,12 foot' one-horse set power b scale; 1 Renfrew 2,000 1 fanning horse clipper; 1 'Chatham f g mill; 1 top buggy; •1, cutter' with extra seat; _I wagon; 1 wagon box; 1 hay rack; 1 set double harness; 1 set single harness, (almost new) 240 -egg Jersey incubator, hot water; 2 brood- ers;'1-DeLaval Cream ,separator; 40 gal. gas or coal oil tank; shovels, .etc.; 1 .lawn mower.•Household Effects - 1 Coles hot blast heater, almost new; 1 Perfection- oil 'stove , with oven; 1 -extension •table; 0 dining: chairs; 3 kitchen .chairs; 1 kitchen oabinet; 1 couch; 1 Acme cook stove,. good' bak- er; rockers; 2 beds, springs and mat- tresses; 1 CroWn Huron range with' warming eloset'atid reservoir; lamps; linoleums, and other articles 'too nu tnerous to mention. Positively no re- serve as fartu is•.rented. Terms -Hens, 10. household effects and alt sums of$ and under, cash. .Over that amount, 12 months' credit given on furnishing approved joint notes with 5 per cent, off for .cash in lieu of notes. B. 'C. Rising, Prop.; Geo. H. Elliott, auct. to It 1 ntare'colts, 3 and 4' years old, 1 drover, y • Cattle -4 milk cows supgose f ate c with calf; 4 fresh cow With cal foot; i dry Cow; 2 heifers, 2 yrs. old; c 2 heifers 1 yr. old; 3 spring calves. I'igs-2 sows, 2 hogs. p 1 Speakers, 60.5.0 Office rent, etc. 90.50 Total .. ,,$486.33, HERBERT K. LILBER - Financial Agent Return of" Election Expenses.: 1$tnag ncial A ent, for William ::AS George Medd; one of the candidates for' the, South Riding of ,Huron at the ' Provincial Elections held on the1st t oi December, 1926; I give a statement of the expenses incurred •by the can- didate whieh'I'hdve paid as his agent as follows:, 0 Kent .,.. . Hall 1` $ 74.0 Speakers . 72:00' i -, Printing and .Advertising 136.31 Committee ]Rooms 40.00 Telephone, postage, secretarial 32.9 work and. exchange , 2 Car expense, -gasoline, etc: • , 26.00 Total sale of work- was of such amount .that. we who are left to Carty on the work of the church will miss you'iti;this. as in every otherdepartment of church activity: We take pleasure in the past that we can, in parting ting With your pass 1 you on to your new parish. as a good sample le of •tlie product of this 'church in Character znd ability' -and we trust that in ih • work of that parish you c • - '-- -and your husband will have a very anl. ;happy 'future, Signed on behalf of the congregation, A. L•. Case, Clark; and on behalf . of the • choir, Mrs. T: Simpson,- Mrs, E. Drum- mond." Mr. and Istrs. Mew, of 'Goderic'lt, visited .friends and relatives in town 6n Saturday • Mrs. George Smits of $t. Marys, is visiting ,her parents, Mr, and Mrs G. C. Petty. The services in, the United Church on Sunday last were largely attend- ed, Rev. Mr. .Sinclair preaching at both services In the morning a -communion service was held. On Friday evening last a preparatory service was, heldin the basement of the church and a nttmber of the new rumbas joined the church. The meeting•of'the Young People's 'League :o f the United Church was' held on :Monday ndaY evemiig. with a large a attendance present Title nseeting was in charge aird peeSided over by Miss Flora 'Higgins The neetiitg was op, ,, mad by the •singing of a hytun, after, wltieh Alf repeated -the • I,,ord'•s: pray' er. The' :minutes•af the :last meeting It were read ihy. the ,Secretary,• es Mary Mcl(aig after which Mrs. Rob't, Patterson read the Scripture lesson, Psalm 112. The topic was splendidly given 'by Mr. Eyre on "The'At'itude of a Christian towards Wealth and Poverty." 'Readings ' by Miss. Helen Miller and Miss Rtith Chapman, attd an iestrtunental by Miss Gladys 'Luker were all well rendered. The eneetittg was closed by the singing o4 a hymn, after which all repeated , the Mizpah benediction.- Next Monday evening Miss Katie .Scott will, 'have charge of the meeting and,ta Valentine social will 'be held, after which re- freshments will be served. The Literary Society of the 'Hen- sall : con'tinttation school held- its meeting on Friday afternoon, Feb.• 4th, with Ruth Chapman in the chair, and Marie ,Bell acting as secretary. The meeting was opened by singing "Massa in de cold, cold ground," after which the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. 'Ruth Chapman gave a reading on "The Goat," followed by a chorus -by Group 4. The topic entitled, "A Naturalist with McMillan on the Arctic," was given 4iy Mildred 'Scrutoa. The Treasurer's report was given by Scott Welsh. After which there was a ,contest, which was won by Mil- dred McDonelL A dialogue entitled "Mrs. Hooligan's New Spring Hat", was well rendered. The meeting was closed by singing, "We'll itever let the old flag fall," after which it was moved 'by Mildred Scruton, and sec- onded by Scott Welsh that the meet- ing be adjourned, The meeting of the. W. M. S. of the United Church was held in the Sunday schoolroom on Friday after- noon last, The vice president, Mrs. A. Sinclair, veal in the chair, in the 'd nt Mrs. Chas. absence of the president, , M McDonell. The meeting was opened •by singing hymn 95, after which Mrs. (Buchanan led in prayer. The lesson, Psalm 2, was read by Miss A. Moore. A clip sheet programme on crusade membership, was given by several of the members, led by Mrs. S. Merner,. followed by prayer by Mrs. E. Mc- Queen. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and adopted. A letter was read frohome m ess a o t rtheD ec front in Toronto, thanking the W. M, S. for the three nice quilts they sent. Twenty members responded to -the soil call, the collection amounting to '$4.25 and the flower collection $1,00. The treasurer's report was then read. phe ort of itvpstingmi8itshutinnae a re - homes, and three sick in bed, Hytnn 81 was -• t nee • Implements --1 rubber tired buggy, 1, sleigh, 1 wagon, 1 road cart, 1 cut- ter, ;1 manure spreader,. 1 seed drill, 1 cultivator, } disc, 1 pair iron har- rows, 1 pea puller, 1 roller, .1 riding P' lo w °and other plows, 1 s loe k rack, 1 'fanning mill 1 pair platform slings, lumber, planks, scythe,cradle, 2 sugar kettles and other articles usually found on a farm; plow harn- ess, trouble harness, single 'harness. (Household ,Furniture-3bedroom suites, springs and mattresses; 5 •par for table, 1 dining room suite, 1 organ, 1 desk, 1 drop deaf, table, 1 Moffat range, t coal oil stove (Perfection); 40 gal. oil tank; 1 cupboard, 3 hanging lamps, 1 churn, 1 Sharpies separator No. 3;• washing machine, tubs, dishes' and many other articles too numer= atus to tneution, A'quantity of 'hay, grain and pota- toes. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1921.. Taal Lite Insurance The.: Mutual .,. ,,...Ne York of h Coma 17 3TAR Li SFtED •-•X 843 Cores - The. oldest Life- insurance piny on the Continent $351.23 ¢SCA;R.B.L(1,PP, Fin. Agan, CE TO "CREDITORS. NOT( Notice is 'hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that 'behalf 'that all persons having claims againstthe the estate of Margaret Wallace, laof the Village of Egmondville,. Widow, deceased, who died on the 24th day of January; 1927, ate required to for- ward theirclaims, duly proven, to the undersigned Solicitors on or before the Second day of March, 1927, after which date the Executors will proceed 'to distribute the 'assets of the estate having regard only .to and being liable only for the claims of which they shall then havehad notice. Dated at Seaforth, 1927. 'Ontario, this 9th day olf February,. BEST & BEST, Seaforth, Ont. 8 Solicitors for Executors. FARM SALE Agues McElroy, Administratr'ix, has instructed Thos. Brown to sell by public auction at Lot 27, Con. 9,- McKillop ,at, one o'clock sharp, on Tuesday, Feb. 22nd, The farm, lot 27, on. 9, McKillop, are spending a few days this week here visiting their parents, Mr. and help Ed. Shaffer, and to also celebrate their • mother's •birthday on Tuesday. The hockey match here-on.Friday evening last. between: Zurich and. Hensall -was won -by Zurich 4-2. In the first period Zurich scored twice, Hensall `failing to score, in the sec- ond period neither side scored. in the third period 'Hensall scored twice and it looked like another tie, but in the last few minutes of the period Zurich got two more itt, making it 4-2 in favor of Zurich. This game put Hensall out of the finals, leaving Zur- ich and Exeter to finish: The prize offered at this match -by the commit- tee, a ladies' silk scarf, was won by Miss Mary ItIcKaig. Hensall leas still to play Exeter -twice, but which will not affect the final result. Exeter plays with •Hensall on the .Hensall rink on -Friday evening, weather per milting. Mrs. Wm. Consitt visited with Mr. and Airs. John Turner at 'Clinton on Saturday. Mr, Roy Webber has added a radio department to his 'business. - Mr, B. R. 'Biggins, of Clinton, was in town on Monday visiting his sister, Mrs. 'W. C. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Haden were in Seaforth on Monday visiting Mr. Hcdden's aunt, who is on the sick, Itat The Hensall junior "hockey team defeated Clinton high school on the Hensall rink on Wednesday :evening;: last 7-3. Mrs, Donald , McKeller of Crom arty, visited with Mr, and Mrs. S. Swan. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson, of Pilot Mount Man., are visiting with the Misses Mount, and' Emma John- son. Mrs. Jas. Coxworth, of Strathroy, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Alf. Scrnton. ' Airs. Simon 'M111er df Cromarty, visited on Tuesday with; Mrs. S. Stcacy. A number of young people of I•Iillsgreen ,net at the home of' Mr, and Mrs. Alf Smith on Wednesday, evening last, and surprised them with a miscellaneous shower. The evening was spent in euchre and dancing, after which refreshments were served. A very sad and sudden death oc- curred at the residence of Mr. George Grata, when his sister, Mrs. Grandy, i who was with ' 1e ch crust f Deckerville, M o > hint, expired suddenly on Wednesday last. Mrs. Grandy was in her usual health up till Wednesday morning, when she complained of feeling nn - well, The body was taken to her home`' in Deckerville, Mich., on Thursday last for interment. Mr. George Gram accompanied the re- mains to Deckerville. Mrs. Hunt, one of our oldest resid- Terms. --Olay, grain, potatoes-- •and. all sums of $10 and -under, cash; over that amount 8 -months' credit 'given on approved„joint notes. Five per cent. discount for cash on ..credit amounts. Terms on farm made known day of sale. ' lib's. Thomas: McElroy, Adminis- tratrix; T. (Brown, acct, • whichthree se..., prayers were given. Tho toppic waS1.;;1::, pattel•spn's taken by Mrs. McDonald on not i, "i?r o • il J'riday pt' mr'duin as r eltipxr ty,�a .ear zcu by. the Societyl setters of sympathy be sent to those recently bereaved. t The g hemne meet- ing was closed; by Miter which all repeated the benedic- tion. Mr. Wm. Consitt spent they John eek - end visiting his brother, Consitt ni Seaforth. Mr,Ernest Bates was. in Kincard- ine incard- in Mon rs. Monday on � ofess. St. George, and` Mn. (Norman Sheffer, of Toronto, sung, after underwent an operation for can- ( hospital, Mrs. Hunt is 5 - w 'I US. can be expected, Mr, and Mrs, Ali. Smith have got nicely settled in their new home on it South Richmond street, Miss ,Mattie Ellis took part in a I' Exe ter , concert in Maln •street church, several on Friday evening, giving readings. that was to be The skating party held on Tuesday evening was ppst potted Continuedtil sonyPage 5.)g Policies issued in 1926 for ii . `"$598,240,067.00 'Total insurance j:n' force Dec.. 314. 1920 $3> 515,355,080.00 `5 798, Assets $798,152,133.68 Ass Labilities'- $741,384,540.86 $nrP lus , - $56,767,592.82 All benefits and dividends ' to policy 'holders -no stock hold nuiroro �.} ers,,to:PaY. i tib: 14 „ I i dated to y our ctndiv' • leB & ohc y �. P circumstances. idual n ee d sand Fuil,,information onnapplica••tion to D. THE SU R LAN D District Agent.,_ SEAFORTH, ONT, Phone 152 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, Feb. 9th.$1 25 $ bestial b 1 'rt peru l'e60d-G5c B rlcy per 'bushel ea _cn Bu ckw h ea t, per e r hu a . , ,$. 16,754G Shorts, Per cwt , 0 IIrai per cwt. , Butter, terlb. • 35c Eggs, per e i• do z. 25c-360-400: c-6 Cc3 -40 Potatoes, perbag .,,, 1.25 I-logs,per emit. $1-1.25 PROPERTY IN SEAFORTH FOR • SALE _-roosed : frame hotse, modern conveniences,: hardwood floors, "front and back stairs„ Maple andspruce sitade .trees, 2 apple trees and small fruit. Large stable and garage. Modern hen house, 50'x14, large poultry 'yard; 2% acre d SEVENTH ANNUAL • � Sale Consignment Huron County Breeders Shorthorn Cattle 35 Head 35 ING A1V, Feb. 24th Thursday, Commencing at 1 p. in. sharp. Get in itoueh with Secretary for catalogue. THOS. KERR, Henfryn, G. R. PATERSON, Clinton, President Secretary PROFESSIONAL CARDS. " Me dical. DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician,:, and Surgeon. Late of London ,Hoe London, England. Special pital,. 'Lon , g. eye, ear, of the + ' t Y+ attention to diseases- • nose and ,'throat. :<Office : and resid- ence enoe behind' Dominion Bank." O Phone No. 5; Residence. Picone 106.• BURROWS, Seaforth, � , F. DR J Office. and residence, Godericln street,.' east -of the Methodist Church. Cor- oner for •the Coifnty .of Huron. Tele- phone No. 40. 5 of lan bar to a't'$3,500. Apply AN - real ga DREW . ARCfIIB•ALD, Box 282, Seaforth, Phone '.44W. • FARM FOR SALE ' 50 acre farts on Governmenthi' rth Seaforth, PS east t of 5 / mil . g Lot 5, Con. 1, Tuckersmith. All seed- ed, 8 acres • of alfalfa, 'balance to timothy and clover. Good frame 10 room .house. (Barn newly. shingled ed •. a 36x50. 3 good wells, rural mail telephone. Also 50 acres of pasture land Lot 19, Con:2, Hibbert, Vita: D bhp Apply P SPILL, FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres choice clay 'land, being lot 8;• •eon. 6, 'Mullett, situated mile west to'f the village of 'Con- stence, where there is 'a • •school,, church, blacksmith shop attd store. There are on the premises' aank -barn .43X53,, a. driving shed, and „a comfortable frame .house, with hard water tank in kitchen, also a drilled wdl with windmill, All cleared 'land, 8 acres off fall wheel, 40 acres.under plough, balance hay and pasture. Will sell reasonable, For particulars apply to 'Wm. Moore,• R. R: 1, Clinton. , Difference �ote the..,. 1 Pound Magic Baking :Powder . , .. 37c 1. Quart Forest City Baking Powder . ; •, ......., .. 29c 1 Pound Salada Tea 65c 1 Tin Snap .. .... 13c Cash with Order We sell SHOES and RUBBERS for less. W3. Finnigan imormanammimetsmursaztammumnorminewommoseammow 414681141611.1.211001110.1011 E. W. SATE MAIC ' Ladies' and Men's Tailor Suits from $25.00 up or Bring your own Cloth and Have it made up here. Over Keating's Drug Store SEAFORTH front y to G Debtin P:0. 'FARM.;FOR SALE. 60 acres of good land with good buildings and lots of 'good -water. One mile, from -Blyth, lot 25, conies- Psion 14, in the township of Mullett. Apply. on remises to William Aus- tin, Blyth. 9 FARM FOR SALE: 400. acre farm for sale. Situated one mile and a half west of Russeldale, on ,Thaines Road. -- Eight: .roomed Amick house, with furnace.' Silo, bank' barn 36x80. Five acres 'hardwood bush. 13 acres fall wheat, 8 • sweet 8 alfalfa. Two, never -failing clover, l walls: For particular s apply ' to WM•6 WAAL, Cromarty. DR, C. MACKAY.-C. Mackay, honor, graduate of Trinity `Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trinity Col- lege College; member of the C lege' of Physicians and Surgeons of "Ontario. DR, F. J. R.FORSTER-Eye, Ear, Medi-. and Throat: Graduate 9n Mad cine, University of Toronto 1897. Lst. Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefieid's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals; 'Len - don, England. At Commercial hotel,! i each month, e forth -3rd Monday a Seaforth, 3 :m.' from 11 a.m. to P DR, W. C. SPROAT: Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office to Aberharts Drug Store, 'Main St., Seaforth: Phone 90. Vitra! Trernsndous Extra! Price Sale Cut at CHEIFETZ BRAS: SEAFORTH Before you do any buying be sore and visit our t 1t will . .many dollar Dental. DR,I. A..'MUNN•.• • Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, gradu- ate of Northwestern University, Chi- ' cago, W. Licentiate Royal College01 g ,ffce Surgeons, Toronto. O Dental� ge over Sills hardware, Main `street' Seaforth. Phone 151. BECHELY, ' gt'adtlate DR. F, 7 Royal College of Dental Surgeon; '- Toronto: -O,ffice over W. R. Smith' Grocery, Main street, Seafoor '; Phones, office 185W, _residence. 5,, Auctioneer, , F. W. -W3'GG, -Seaforth, Licensed Auctioneer for the County 'of. Huroai,'" Fifteen years' experience „in selling; bj~ auction, ,farms, stock, implements, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.. Phone 168 Seaforth, or The Seaforth +Newsoffice. ' GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Unroll,.. Arrangements can be made for Sale Date, at The Seaforth News, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Musical • Instrttctton, 'CHAS, A. HOWEY- has resumed his classes in the instruction of piano; organ: and , theory., Phone 194,. Sea- forth. ea forth. General Fire, Lite, Accident & Automobile • • INSURANCE AGENT and 'dealer in Singer Sewing Mathieu store1 :save you: s. s ore<' you THIS WEEK MONTE BLUE VERA REYNOLDS OTIS HARLAN WILLIAM LEWIS EDWARD GRIBBON JACK HUFF: in TheThundering Melodrama of the Roar= . ing Rails THE LIMITED MAIL iProduced in the Royal_ Gorge of Colorado, Thursday,. Friday and Saturday PRINCES. James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT. • THE McKILLOP.. Mutual Fire insurance Col FARM AND ISOLATED` TOWN PROPERTY ,0 N L Y, INSURED Officers -James Connolly, Go tett; Alex. Janes Evans, Beechw Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors -'Wm. Rfnn, No. 2, Sea - forth; John Benneweis; Brodhsgeel James Evans, Beechwood; . M. Me'- Ewen, Clinton; James • Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3 Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4 Vlialtoni Robert Ferris, Harlock;'Geor a Me- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, iBruccfield. Agents--Alex..,i Leitch, r,r. 1, Clin- ton; E. Hinchleyl Seaforth; 5. A. Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesvil1e; R. G. 'actuates, Bornholm. James Kerr and John. Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any' of the above.named officers addressed to their respective: postoffices. FARM FOR SALE. : Choice 100 acre farm with .splen- did buildings, all in good repair, bei - ing Lot 20, con. 9, in the Township of McKillop, 6 miles from 'Seaforth and Walton; 9 miles from Dublin. 'Land is in high state of cultivation, 28 acres fall plowed, 8 acres fall i. wheat, 25 acres_ newly seeded to -al- t' falfa, 13 acres hardwood bush, bal- ance pasture. No waste land except small ditch, There is situated on premises : one main barn 44x64, with new cetnent' stabling. Water in front ` of cattle and horses, supplied by windmill and tank, Stabling for 45 head of cattle and six horses. Straw shed 29x52 with brick wall and floor- ing for •hens and pigs. Drive shed. 30x,20, two colony . brooder houses lx i 0 10 two storey brick house ose 36 x 48 including verandah, with, furnace, hard and soft water, slate roof, new ly-installed• lighting system. Light- ning rods on' house and barn, rural mail and telephone. 1/ miles from village of Winthrop, Store, black- smithsmith and church If not sold within one month it will be rented .to a suit- able uit able tenant. For- price, terms and . particulars, apply at' The _ News or GEORGE PRY,CE, ,Seaforth 8 R R.. . INoi, 1 FARM FOR SALE. A good .f -am consisting of 137 acres, large brick house, bank barn 54x80, •good' •cement 'stables, pig stables, driving' shed. Two ' drilled wells, Lot 2, con. 12 and 13 top; Phone 24-16 Dublin tMcKii- o Mrs. HENRY 'RAPI•EN, Walton R. R. No. 2. waili.er" "