HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-02-10, Page 6au Cannot
in bulk.' S&.d only $n sealed packages.
;off o Money
"Dona worry about me, Aunt
Mary." ,said Anne Thorne, "That Mr.
Fink who Was here will meet sire, and
anyway I ,in take care of myself."
Her appearance bore out her words; tot you. Why, you're my mother,
a handsome girl, with cleat• gray eyes Aunt Mary Some women are moth -
and clear pink cheeks and a fine, dI ere with their bodies, and some with
sect, up -headed way with her, The 'their' hearts, and that last is you." ,.
pink was burned to rose -red now, and Mrs. ()hailer's eyes twinkled with
her eyes, usually so serene, were brit- quick tears, "you lamb-you''ve been
/WAY alive with an inner fire. more to me than I could be to you,,
"I know you can," agreed Mrs. precious. I feel like, you're, my own
Chaney, "But if I could be with you --I took you when you were such a
--there's no use talking though. ° 'Ade- little tike."
line can't run the house herself." She "Then why—"
"New, Anne! Let's have it straight
once and for all. Just becausgyon've
inherited this money I can't letsyou
clump a lot of it on me and get my Life
all out of kilter. That's what it would
amount to. You don't understand yet
about money. It does queer things to
et elm/ •alai +
c c over Anne's bright-
ness "That's true anyway. I. can't
tell you holy many people have spoken
o hie—asked are If maybe be I'd like to
give the town a hospital, or endow
the library, or build a new Methodist
church, or a parish house for the
Episcopalian, or give. a townelock-"
"The nerve!"
"And Mrs. Devlin thought I might
like to have Lelia trained for grand
dont let"s begin that argument all
over again. You know how I feel,"
I. do -anti I think you're down -
eight meati: After g11 you've done.for
me, you don't want me to do anything
looked. at the girl with affectionate
concern. She 'and Anne always lin-
gered a little after the last meal of
the day, when the boarders lied gone
their several ways to movies, prayer
Muting, lecture or whatever other
• evening diversion Cartertown pro-
vided, -
"11 would be lots more fun with
yon," said Anne. "Oh, Aunt. Mary,
'when I get thinking about it I'm al-
most too excited to live, Ever so much
money -ever and ever so much! You
can sell the boarding house and never
do another bit of work as long as you
"An idle life is n useless life," said
Ivfrs.''Chaner sententiously. "I'd go
braxy holding my hands. However,
ores, and Mire, Case wants me to ono of the close-Iippeci,'silent "Haynest .!. +a 4 yam. �/p ,
send young •Edg i` to seientifie schools- prond,.end unapproachable:; i 'i'P IL )Ig��CC� I�� i ,. LFS o"t'�n:
because hes going to be en inventor, "Salt • of tho earth, but just a teeth
"the lazy little rat I wish she knew Mite'toueliy," went the local phrase, • "
what I know about hint. Everybody But now, suddenly, out of a clear ®.The Royal. B nk 0f Comics
wants to help me spend but you, and sky, came news that Anne was heir to
you're the one who ought to help ate." all of the. properties 'of old Andrew ' The fifty-eighth annual E'etresal meet- the hank's growth and expansion dm- ,
Now, now, don't start that .again Thorne, the great-uncle who hart' so tag of The Royal Bank of ,Causele, held
Folks ought to be. ashamed! Anne, .wickedly deserted her helpless' in- at the•hsaad office, marked the close of
what does • Louis say -about the fancy, A dry, well-dressed, gray little a very smocalssf01 3`eez• and was attend -
money, I:me.1?" • 1 man namedfink had appeared at ed byalas gagathodaeofe'Ue.rehoidece.
"He didn't say much of anything Cartertown only a week before, sent is Several annelm oemento of special
when l told him ee,; the phone. And by Andrew Thorne's attorneys, who $fiterest' wea'e made both by Sir Nee
I.heven't seen him," Happiness came had been searching for Anne ever beret Holt, president, and C. E. Nom,
back to her face as she spoke of Louis, since the death of the unrepentant old general manager, In his address, 31r•
"He7l be, in this evening, and I've got sinner, their clic et. It had taken over I kiea'lb'ert Holtgave a complete review
to run over to Thelma Downes' and a month to find her; tor though he had of the outstanding features of the
give her the key to the apparatus clo- expressly willed everything to hes', he -growth in Canada's tirade and industry Iset. I brought it home from school had -seemingly with malice. afore- and took the view that during the past
inc this afternoon. She jumped thought -loft no direetioris as .to her Year there had been steady and' sub -
up itnel came round the table to Mrs. whereabouts. ' ',Having fey eted her stantlaul improvement in almost every
Chaney and hugged her tight with her out, and through then'. invaluable 'Mr. department of Canada's busyness life.
strong young arms. "I wish you Fink verified her claim, the attorneys Disoussang the necessity of the re -
weren't so obstinate. You don't help now required her presence in the city.
me one bit." I In the morning site was to.start,
Myst Charier returned the hugwithlys. Chimer rose
and bo anto 1e
" ,; tl
merest. Ityou obstinate,' 7a table dis' i '
hot oust na 'rte I
s who're ' helper P d y, Aciehne the
and always were." She sighed with ler in the kitchen, was waiting.. to
pretended regret. "If you weren't too }rash the dishes. There was no use
Lig to spank—_"
"1 know -you'd love to! Tell Louis
I'll be only a minute, if he comes be-
fore l'in baek," •
She hurried away on her errand.
14Irs. Chaney sat still, .thinking, her Peril in it for the Irving maternal"relit-
capable working hands folded in idle_ tion she held to the -girl. She knew it,
nose. Her thoughts ranged back over but was helpless. A ring at the door -
g g
the years. .Anne's historywas simple
enough -until now. Andrew Thorne,
a tall, quiet young man had been sent
to Carteret:17m'by a teachers' tigen:ey
to rule over the newly created high
school. He brought with him his wife
and three-anontii1-old dapghtert and.
they boarded with Mrs. Chaney. A
early epidemic of grippe naught them -
both and there was the baby, left with-
out a penny for her ,care, without a
worrying -about it, she supposed, but
she was a shrewd and sensible woman,
with only one great affection in her
life --Anne, : This , sweeping change'
that had eonie to Anne's status had
bell brought' anend to her meditations.
It was Louis Haynes, and directly s, a be-
hind him 'came Anne, so Mrs. Chaner
did not need to give hint her,niessa e.
"It's so nf' g _
CC this CYeiling, T thought
You'd ' like to drive," he said, and Mrs.
Chaney watched them as they' Went
G?wtj the walk and get jute Louis'
shabby elderly liivvct'. They made a
striking couple, both tall, both straight
and both good-looking. Mrs, (limner
friend, and seemingly without a Tela_ shook a discouraged head at their
tire save for one uncle ot1 out father, backs: '"Louis Hamel' never: live on
an older Andrew Thorne, to whom any wife's money," she told the parlor
iVIrs. Clianer wrote, and who replied,window curtains: "Never in: this
briefly that, he would not burden him-}world.'.
self )villi h.er, and she c
They drove off together Louis
to ould be put -in Anne, into the soft springours and
an asylum or sent to the poorhouse twilight,
for all of hiiti. Through the little town and out to
• Mrs. Chaney tore up the letter and where the road stretched its concrete
' child oroand brought letter
„up, smoothness between the Tolling, pros -
fondly and tenderly,and A»ha had porous farn7s of Carter County like a
grodzr straight and ,=-mart, helping path in swell-ortlerei!, Drell=cared-fox
with the tVor- of tita.boaxi;tli
helping garden. The orchards were in early
rat books and. fbx botharding
last:two blossom, delicately pink and white,
$w bridesmaids °f sRejsm, stn teen
years teaching inthepriniari echoed roldsldt? ti ".unb the
(If the town, and "going with,” as'the le beginning greens; still
called it in Cartertown, Louis Haynes pate' but at rah fresh, a eye a' border
owner of the spacious Haynes farm, of soler that allured the eye. Beyond
were the
three miles out on the highway, and fields, some of thein already
seeded; some with hared bosom wait
-- ' ing. A fair land; quiet; tended know -
The Father; of Confederation
ingiy, for many generations:
Louis, a little more pinched of lip
than usual, drove silently and did not
look at Anne, but she looked at 1,110 -
his tainted straight features, the ras-
cally curl of his lashes that belied the
gravity of his expression, his strong
hands, all the bigness and straight-
ness and `brownness of him that were
so endearing. She didn't; know why
she found it hard to begin. She had
meant to chatter nineteen to the dozen
when she got with Louis, She had
thought she could tell him everything
she'd thought and felt in these four
extraordinary upside-down clays. But
he seemed so restrained, so stiff—
"Aren't you glad, Louis?" she asked
at last. "I mean, foi' nit"
• "I don't know whether I am or not.
It's made me feel strange --crit ori'
tra , from you."
"I don't see why. Now it's no use
you looking lie that, Louts, We've
£a. got to talk this out,"
"How'm I looking'"
"Like . one of the silent ilayneses,
Stop it."
He laughed and se did she, and the
restraint relaxed. "I've stopped, Now
begin the oratory."
"I don't now where to begin, Some-
times I'in eying so high I can hardly
come down, and then -well, I don't
know, My- gracious, Louis, think of
the things ,I can buy, pretty clothes,
the useless kind I've always wanted
and knew it was foolish to get, andall
the books 'I want, and -and every-
thing! I've got an awful spendthrift
streak in. me, Louis, and it's certainly
been working on my imagination ever
since I knew about this money. Ant I
very silly?"
"I never think you're silly."
"Oh, Louis, you're so dear. It will
be fun, won't it?"
He looked straight befol•e him.
"That' just it, Anne. You've got so
much now and I've got so little, I've
got the farm and a good house, and
They Breathed Life into Confederation
and ; e old . . e a Nation was Born
,Out of the separate Colonies of British America, they
created a powerful Dominion, forming what is now
an important part of that great Empire upon which
the sun never sets.
Shoulder to Shoulder with the Progress of the Canadian
Confederation Marches the Record of Confederation Life
Sound, conservative, avoiding. the spectacular, but building astruc-
ture of enduring strength, Confederation Life Association records
another year of progressive achievement in 1926.
1867 1871
Confederation Life Incorporated
by Act of Parliament
Confederation of
Canadian Provinces
60th Anniversary
Confederation of Canada
The Association enters the sixtieth year of the Confederation of Canada with
INSURANCE IN FORCE « . . - - 230,747,937
ASSETS_ _ _ _ 50,660,858
INCOME, 1926 r ..
Paid and held for benefit of policyholders since 1871 $107 6
Full Annual Report sent upon request
I'll make you a good living. Of course
Bret' Fred taking out his share last
fall to go to, Alberta. has crippled me.
I've got that note in the bank to pay
off, for the money he got. But .I can
do that, give[ me a few years. But you,
with thousands and thousands of
dollars maybe, and Lord knows what,
besides in the wry of property -
where am I ,alongside all that? No-
where. And I know it. It puts things
out of proportion."
"But why does it? It doesn't change
me. Why cant you share what I've got
just as I'm going to share what you've
He shook las head violently. "Never
in a thousandtyears. Before I'd he the
kind of a louse thatlives on a woman's
Ns '''i SES
The Toronto Ile,pitai for Incurable, In
affiliation with Bellow. and Allied Hospital,,
Now York City, afters a throe, yearn' Coupe
of TroIeei lto Aunts .women. Iinvinp tits
required education, and &Strm,p ahbseominp
nurse.. This Hospital has adopted the aloha,
hour system. the pupil romans, uaitorn, at
the School, n monthly alloWenec and: iravelina
cocoas, to Ind Dom New York. Fpr DN.,
Information write the.SucorIntondenL
38805 No.'6—'27.
CO! i•ERs4TION Al , -
Ing the year. or epec:iel tnipost was'.--"----------------------7----
-•--•- -._ - =--
the Ino eaee of .$0,.504,1137 in eemaner: no ious,.reuren ber the ou falt'Y tale
ciad loans In Canada. This, reflected of the two sisters who were so (11'
bgalneao' stogy Ity . arising from tate fere 0t in dfee csltion that every .tine°
country's growing peosPerl'ty. ' care of them spoke pearls fell from be,
i laps, while, wheu'the other opened het'
11,atIonng to tiro constructive co- mouth,. toads jumped out?
opet N Bron the Bank had been iii ,r pose-
• f`lie'nrosds people say saws nearly ns_,
P;101.1 to gave. towards
oreign .the e, devolvement' - tclltal�o. in rel'ealin tkstr clinma.etea•s
of Canada's, foreign trade, Mr. Neill K
and tls0n hfs as ponies i+,ltd tsar•
said in parte: ., would be. Their eonvessation,"althoagii
"Sin hi en tlI I
"Since t s bank first tom once, they are often 'not consv,ious of it,
to establish branches abra,til over shows whether they are kind and 'e
twenty-five_years ago, we have ec- tho:tghtfui1 or self-centered. (louver. ,C'',
I(mired an intimate'knowledge of many sateen etiows, too, wlletherpeople tave
foreign markets. We have done 0Ui' made any use of their brains' and of
during at all taxes, Sir Iler'bert said: utmost to use this knowledge for the .theta• ltav'ots of obseavati:on. ,
"What Canada needs is to follow the'benefit of Canadian- trade by placing All of _us want to be able to talk
examine e so
f bY the .
United 3t les in ft
tei n UuvafiM. touch with eur ex- well, all to
saythings tla� wtd1 UoP
pleas -
Ghe red tioa of ell. taxes and in
the porters and boating advantageous ant' and agreeable anti interesting to --
cost of government, so drat by econo sources of eauppay for Canadian import-otherb. The Bible takes, n•otice 01 the"
macs due' to the efficiency 'of'adminis- ers. - The'Nanagers of our foreign fin -
tS o art of ronvorsatiou, olid in Pro-
branchee are familiar with Canadian ; verbs w'O find, "A word spoken In due
produoi.s, and tt- goes without saying season/bow good is 1t!" The way to ,
that our opportunities'10 be of service interest people is to make theist feel ,i' a
have ben numerous, 'more particular- ', that they have a Part in tiro converse,
ly since' the majority of our foreign tion. '
branehee .are located in countries The first thing in becoLiTn
g a gook
.which are not competitors' of Canada, couversatltouailet is tet cultivate a0 in- '
but rather buyers of our Products andnem• sweetness and thoughtfulnesti that
suppliers of bbur•neoessities. T knew will express themselves in a tolerant
that during this past: quarter ofa esu-' and sympathetic attitude of mind to-
tury wo have been able to facilitate ward others; the next thing' is to de-
the movement of Candi:ut goods to velop your intelligence so that you of-
the extent•of-many noL1liens of dollars." for something to tlioae with whom You ...s.
Dation we may ,s-ecure a substantial
reduction .in tie.tattie burden of taxa-
tion ret'hea• thania change of -incidence.
Canada has frequently shown that .site
is not without courage In facing, her
economic problems, and there ars hi.
deeatfons that a bold eo-ope'rative
policy of administrative economy en
the 'part of all governments would
inset with sltrong pubi o',approval and
support." • -
C. B. , Neill, general manager, , save
a number of interesting pirticulai•s of
•property -and that's what it would A13, it
dada Cif t.
u r it -I'd amount to,i
and you knew it -I d t>haot
Additional Qualities.
.kfter.,we have cultivated the right:
" t kind of feelings inside, there' are eneny
myself." �-- ; • As is. already rather generally things wo should attend to so that the I
Jts not fair to talk like that, known, the University of Toronto is 1/10)' give as much pleas pre as we can.
You re as bad as Aunt Mary. If I'd 1 t
to celebrate, nett, October, the one In Conversation.
asked for this money or tried to get at, hundredth anniversary of its -found Of course we want to make our l
it would be different. But, for all ing, The Alumni Federation i utak- voicesgentle,
Great-uncle Andrew wouldn't do n s and easy to from e
ing plans to arrange .for a birthday A loud, harsh voice detracts from the
thing for me when.I was a baby, he gift to the University en that coca- charm of any person.
left it'to me, straight enough, and it's sion. Various suggestions of a suit- • it is Inconsideratet• - .
honestly urine. And loolc what wet Kgo as it •as ae-
could.do right off.- You couI(,pay that he,giffay se ms made , but. the one less tot tale indistinctly it di or very under -
note for Fred; you c tild build the new that so fay seems to make, the great- en that others tlnd it difficult to under-
y 4_.. .est•a p al to the graduates is that the stand, And It does not show much
stable and hog ,house yourre. been' none
needing acid bund 'eat the bast new- 3 be used to place a carillon of pride in our speech If we lease off the
est wa , ou bells . ir, lite 7oldie>'s 'J ower, which Mast lettere of words lvh?n' the .say
y, y coutcl got a• tractor and the graduates ey 'a 1 foil sora a 'o.
"running,'," Ilin '
r .. 4t.c- d 5 $ g, ," to , , u we ad'tl a le't•...
buy some of the pedigreed cows you're The Soldiers' Tower P.01
f iba Univer- I5 as in "hvitit" anal "onot',; om if' w•o -
so crazy for; you could mane a i'egu 5iiy of 'Foronta is said` to be the tang sti.de our w-oisie Logetiie•,: ns, "Comms
a.o model Smiu—:' est sinle mini tial of t Great'Weir try, Ironttcher?" It no affected
(To be continued.)g P he Pip is t e c-tl 't
i» tile; 'British Empire. 1t ',vee built say "Tannin;;" ;tad `riot me try, won't
with' money raised by graduates and you?" ane to add letters to words apt •t
to- "^'"-- former students of the Provincial peat's illiterate,
Charmingly youthful is the Attrac-
tive frock shown here, having the
modish surplice closing, tuck, at each
shoulder and a becoming i•ounrd col'l i%
The long sleeves arct gathered to
wrist -bands and. etc finished with
frills. The front of the skirt is shin
t 0nor- c +a
roCw lett to ltuc�oss the odice and there
back. A
chic bow is pieced at the left hip end dm g
button- adorn the front cursing at the � Underwear
uncle Nn:1473 is for misses and sn1a11! 'tor 15 cts
University of Ontario. At the. time And when you stick an conversation's
it was built, the filen, was to pit a burrs • •
Carillon'oi` tells in it but there wa,t'Don't iitt'ew your pathway with thee'' '
not sufficient money for tlie'purpo5e,tlaondful urs.-
Now it is proposed to mark the one So wrote Oliver Wendell JZohnes. i
hundredth anniversary of the Univer-It is a bifid habit; -that of throwing irr-
ityr in this distinctive way, and ser- meats -into every sentence, -but an -
thus vyauld be a birthday gift outer
chabit, Ltslly formed and 'Co
that would neves' be forgotten: more desirable, to that. of tieing worn-' 'e -
For Colds-Mtnard's Liniment. °tiSt phnlre coni PlaI. _..,anid4''o.ids orighi Ln be left out of. . f.
- Reason.
the con ersation•of discai>mntt.ting pee
The Reason. pie, because they do not belong li
Mother --"Ir you wanted to go slcat- good comp.Uty. This dace not mesa.' ~"� '
trg, why didn't yon conte and ask me that, all slang has to )>0 given up, fol•
Tryst 1' 90010 slsn. expressions aro 050ept-
Ssnnnle--"'Caus'e 1 wattled to go," able, but it does 01000 i.hat lnouy
_ __ words have coarse assoelations. and
It Depends. belong only to the street. __Examples
"How long )vin this lawn mower of these are swell`" 'put," "her fel-
last?"' asked tho careful buyer. ler" and 'beau 'Air [;tilt Yep Icitd
"Flow inane and what kind of neigh. din' " is back-al1•ey tall: olid 8"u111.bolls have eons?" countered the ex- not ba beard from nice. 1°118. "Wire"
perleneed htudwnre dealer, for telegram, "photo,' ad," "auto"' '
a.ud "0 K," as wall as other shortened
forms of words used in business, do ' ,.
not sound well i11 social conversations
auh hppnal a'' ti
" inolth051�0g" haitvealbeeens adttt0�p{,crltbyxigoodan
Things to Omit. - • - -
Too much cnrlo1ily and boasettilness.
nre qualities to be. kept otlt 02 conveys�
sation. 1t Is never relite to ask poo- -
pie very personal questions. Some
girls do not like to be asked what
grades they maule in their studies..
Boa.stfuIneea may show Itself' not only.
by "bragging," es boys and girls says
hitt In-ttillshig about 0110'0• self con
tinually. One of the worst fortes it
rowel take would be for' a girl whose
parents were able to do many things
f01• her to make her entire converses
tion with a girl typos a te.,w-gre --
pour centre -.mind the dresses she
Faintly, if we want to be charming
and to be popularin conmeny, one
thing is especially needful--etmpllcity ,
and naturalness. ' To be sincere and
unaffected in manner adds toOle
therm of any girl; to be gushing, illi
of poses and pelt to her 'elder's mars.
beauty, ''Da nus' contradict hie ntly;
do riot be too positive In what You In-
sist is true; be gentle; andthen l}i}.
yotirse!t tvil.hoiit affectation, andydu
will something deo offer 111)3'• sone
For the Radia Fan, Dealer or
Professional Set Builder.
Wo are 00* ready to place o,, the morkct a coin -
Otte N¢,, 1017 line of Low•Lou Coils, Cohdental,
Transformers, Vernier 01,1,, Vacuum Tubes and
Cmnplore Set..
All ere Wieldy Products, I,,it at a remarkahly
Low PriemWe pre Convinced that we can ave you nervy,
Patin—Our IiaJr 11511050. No: T. Pend for It.
also fin • copy of alucprhlts of Standard Clrel,it,,
We make Edison Type Storage "E"
Batteries and Kits, aiso Short Wave
Earlsoourt and St. Clair Axes,
Toronto, Ont.
women and 15'it7 sizes
7. $' t, 18 and 20
years. Size Ir; (3ti bust) requires 3%I Tions delicate, 'true tints the fabric
yards 35-incli inatorial or 3% yards had 'When nt;tii•l You can do such The caravanBeaumoon fume., -54 -inch. Price 20c the pattern. I tinting if you use 'caleYe. Solt, bit An all the hosts of slurs
Many style.s of sntart apparel arty. perfect shades ler ail your udder- Forever restless go:
be found in our rash ion 13ooli•, Our I thtngti; 81•04`714g8, ata
designers originate their: patterns in Anil il0111 it!) with. tinthr,gr Fou Traveling
Unwearied ce cornea rues' ,1
the heart of the style. centres, And eelcan-1ielle tt dye cllvysses, even Yost J.'rale•Fiei 'the centuries.
Toad -
their creations are those of tested I dyes
suit: The irtie' Bing iu •t): s per. Ttaeh+i Field, 1n 1'asf .and Toati• {•
ori y brought n dyes male I _
The Oldest' Gypsies.
Over the sky's Clark renals
n ui t 1
tomo dyeing just •ts p stools
P ht
P within g he means' cans feet es any professional c mtirl do. •Anvl
woman. material, 111)3 0010, tight oven' the old. There to Stay,
Dia/nand du
ie your deities 011111 cur -I - A Utile boy 11a41 boar 19 Sunday i`-
tan15 1.00. Sc eas3 it's fun -and lion school, wherd: e -he halistened open
econoric:aI! 183e11 to the teachers ••explanation of
FREE; your druggist wild give You the "kingdom of heaven." '
the Dtan>oud Bye. C yclopedla valuable As he went dowot. the street he saw
auggesdions and easy' dor°ctirons
of the average woman. Price of .the
book 10 cents the copy,
Write your name and address plain.
iy, giving number rind size of' -such
patterns as you want, Enclose 20c in ti,1th
stamps, or coin coin piestraieds sok seri of raft Qi, bJg • Pto t bo3'.Y playing, and as he sine
P C preferred; wrap I iilaistraleti book (".cion Craft paehpciid–._ °p to thorn; they pushed trim out into
it carefully) for each number midi Write DIAMOND DYES, Dept. NT, the mud,
Wilson PublishingCo 73 West -
laide St,,' Toronto;, PAMerne ns sent by i there
is one tiling you can't. do. You can't I
1 push me out •Oi heaven." .
Ishould never be uttered at all, .
address your order to Pattern Dept i5 ntt'ser Ontario
s Ade }
IHe jumped up and brushed the dirt
off and with a smdesaid "Well,
return mail. t
.Athletes use Minard's Liniment.
tsa 1.
r69a?rei6NEWAar PSefe•1
The truth that must be whispered