HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-02-10, Page 5i THURSDAY, FEB1WARY:10, 1927, l'HE SBAFORTH'NEWS SERVE ONE OF OUR { ROUND ROASTS • For dinner tonight 'and , make a hungry man happy He knows that when he gets a generous slice of our .roastbeef, with. .potatoes anti some green vege- table's, he won't get up from the table dissatisfied. D H. STEWART Phone 58 Your Butcher. Seaforth D. N, McInnes p actor Commercial hotel Seaforth, �, Wednesday of all all k' • Chiro r Of Wingham,'will be at the e -- Friday afternoons Diseases and es Inds success- fully treated. Electricity used Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c Red & ii '•hon .'Mores. WHOLESALE WEEK 1. Case P. and G. Soap, 100 Cakes $4.95 1 "Case Somme Naptha Soap, 100 Cakes, 4.95 1 Case . Sery-us Tomatoes, 2 Dgien for 3.35 1 ease Sexy -us Corn, 2 doz. $3.35 1 .Case Ever Green Peas, 2 dozen for $3,00 7 rolls Toilet Paper for 250 Reilpath Sugar $7.00 (Cash with order only) The quality is always paramount Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 W. At Stewart Phone 77 If its groceries we have them. W! J. Walker 8( Sen UNDERTAKING --and— EMBALtvIING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. ,J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers e s F tant4 s ed. Night or day phone 67. CREAM GRADING The purchasing of Cream according 'to grade became law on May 1st. Your cream graded here by experts under Government supervision and we guarantee you the best of servit e,- All, our grading' is checked by the Department of Agriculture. Aim to send Specials and No. 1 grade cream. Send or deliver your cream at least twice. a w eek=_and as direct as possible. • All crearn graded as soon as we receive it. Creamery Open Saturday Nights, Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, Fruits and. Vegetables Oranges, ~"-rattfornia~Gra pes, ,— Spinach, Cauliflower, Table Raisins, 30c a lb. Brazil Nuts, 25c a Ib. British Columbia Hothouse To matoes, Sweet Potatoes Head Lettuce Celery —:' Fresh Oysters, 750,90c, 40c 40calb. 4lbs. for 2 6c a e It fe . FAa 'f an w of he WINTHROP. The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. held their regular meeting at -the home of Mrs. John McClure, on ,''Wednesday, 'Feb, 2nd, with a large attendance, with Mrs.'Hillen presiding. The meet- ing cued 'h singing g P Y s ging hymn 374. The reacting from the 6th chapter of Matthew was read by Mrs. C. Dol- inage, followed by silent prayer 'for the safety of our missionaries in China. After the roll_pall,and reports from the treasurers of the L. A. and W. M. S., the minutes oY the la Meeting were read and approve followed by hymn 416 and .Messer prayer, by Mrs. E. lHablcirk. T1 topic on ',`India's Problems," wa given by Mrs. Alexander: The W man's Day of (Prayer will be held i Marclt, Tg,lneeting closed by, sing • ing hymn 480 ad -me -14611P the"Loru:;f Prase in unison. Mr.'. 'Hiram )Blanchard.; wears smile these days, 'I't's a baby girl, Mrs, ]Peoples .end Master Gordon 'Giles, o'f the West, are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Theo. a Holl i a td 'Theprogressive euci trc, box social and dance 'held m Winthrop hall (Fri- day night by the ,footbafll club, Was a big success. 'Those winning prizes or .most games: Ladies, Mrs, ''W. C. Bennett, a ]box of chocolates; gents, Mr. 'Jas. IDolmage, • a • 'founta'in pen; for most lone hands,'ladies, Mrs. P. Little; box of chocolates; gents, Mr. I Robs Ho a'fountain g ff pen. Then on sola ' tion prizes es P went to , Miss s jean Holland J lad t and Mr. Samuel' Pethtck. Mr. W.M. Kinney was auctioneer and id his part well, the 'boxes bringing fair price, After Mach the hall ,as cleared •for dancing,. which last-. d tit 4:30. All reported a good time. Master Jack Smalldon, of Walston, as returned home after .spending a w''days with Mr. atr.d;�irs, ,George ton. !Mr, , Wim Johnston wen.t,r„ to 'Sea- o'rthlhospatal Tuesday morning for operation • for appendicitis. We ish hits a speedy recovery, • Little Maudic S a'rt' : . to p g daughter Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sporting,. r tonsils removed last week. g,. sl' d, ger ne s s(:. .1111;..,..9.-..r bvveegnir.vent.....0 ^i. tiTown ToTopics Mr. John J, ,Broderick brad the infs.- fortune to fall and break 'his arm while going down the.hill on Goder- ich street east last Friday. Mr, J. E. Willis has been in charge of the store this week. Mr. John McKinley, of Winnipeg, spent a .few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. IR. McKin1'eY, Miss Maybelle 'Rands and. Miss Ev elyn •Harburn attended the' Stratford Normal at-home .last Friday. Mrs. !Bert Horton and little dattgh- ter Shirley .left' on Wednesday for Detroit. Mrs, C. lEckart had the misfortune to fall on :the icy sidewalk last Mon- day, cutting her hand, 'but with no more serious resul. Mr, J. R. Lane, of Lucknow, visit- ed over the week end with his brother, Rev. W..P, Lane, and .his sister, Mrs, W. D. McDonald, in 'Egtnondville. 'Mrs, !fames !Bremner and .son, of Ethel, are visiting her mother, Mrs, 'B,arn and sister, Mrs. R. J, Wegg, "Christie Stiffs" are •the rage this week among the Collegiate ,boys. A few years ago a severe epidemic of high collars broke out, which,.causing many sore necks, did not last long. Mr. and Mrs (Hiram 'Harburn, of Youngstown, Alta., are spending'a 'few days at the home of Dr, Harburn. Miss Rena Johnston of Varna, who .is visiting her aunt, Mrs, R. S, Evans, leaves this week for ,Stratford hospit- al, where she will train for a nurse. Mrs. Joseph Hawkins; Exeter, is visiting 'her son Mr, Wilson (Haw- kins, Mr. IH'awjcin's sister, 'Mrs. Wit-. bent 'hunter and daughter Sarah, ]Salvador, Sask., are also visitors his home. The wonderfully mild and spring like weather the past 'few days is et joyed by everyone. Mr. 'Henry Cud more steps into first place as weath er prophet, having predicted thi weather a month ago. He now say the .dust dil I t l.be flying before thet of March, g et Mr. ,R. J. Wegg, who has beet ,managing the 'Dominion Store here left Tuesday to''take charge of th 'branch at iStnathroy.., Mr.` and Mr Wegg's many "!friends here arc sorr they are lcavig town, both being pop alar among the young people, especi ally in musical circles. Mr. [Kellogg Stratford, is here closing up the loca 'bra'nch of the store, which will he dis- con•tinued. The stand has been rent- ed to Mr. E. Close, Who gets pos- session March 1st. 'Mr, Close will move his barber shop to •this stand and will also install two bowling alleys at the rear. Nfr.• Leslie Mullen, who has been visiting ,his uncle, Mr. -J. G. Mullen, returned this week to Toronto. Mr, P. Scott -and little grandson Freddie, of. Brussels, 'were guests 'at honce of his sisters -.in-law, the Misses B rine. Mr, 3."Tuo'hey is spending • a few days' with friends in London. Messrs, R. J. Sproat, O. Dick, R. Winters and E. Bright are in'Hamil- ton curling. In Poland, geese having to be driven a long distance to market arc "shod" by being made 'walk first through tar and then through sand. What a'blessing'this idea would be to humans if they could thus sand their feet -during icy weather. 'Mrs. IR.IHbward, who has been visiting her .daughter in Guelph, re- turned on Monday. Ivir. Scott Cluff has been transfer- red to 'the East end 'branch of the Do- minion ;Bank in London, Miss Gladys ,Shillinglaw, of To- ronto, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. G. 'Shilling - law. Mrs A. A, McLennan had the mis- fortune to slip in front of the hospital and break her wrist. Mr. Harry Adams, of 'Toronto, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Adams, me, J. Mustard, of:Bruce,field, is re- covering 'from an operation in the hospital, Miss Mary IBc11l, of 'Wilton Grovel spent the 'wdek-ettd with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. ]Bell. Miss Dorothy 'Reinke, who has been •ill for several weeks has recov- eredsufficiently to return to :Strat- Investors' Opportunity Wo offer foriinniediate,dolivery a small block of Municipal • Bankers and Montreal Debenture. 51' Per Cont. DOLLAR ForDOLLAR BONDS Interest coupons payable half - yearly without charge at either the Canadian; Bank of Com mere° or Dominion Bank, DIINOMINATIONS $100 - $500 $1000 A Safe and Secure. Investment A. D. SUTHERLAND General Insurance -•- Invest; meats --Real Estate SEAFORT1I, ONTARIO Phone 152: the time but was found shortly after- wards by friends. She was uncon- scious for several days, but at time writing, 'Wednesday afternoon, her condition has improved somewhat. The social evening to have been of 1 held in St. Thomas' parish hall on at! Wednesday evening of this week, has been postponed to a future date. Mr. Geo. Holgate has beets laid np t. with a cold. Miss Gertie Webster is with Mrs. Manson learning sewing. s Mr. Arthur "Nicholson was a Cfin- s ton visitor on Wednesday. Miss r d Margaret g t and Jack Ferguson, of Egtnondville, 'entertained anum- ber of their yotteg friends on Tues , day night. e' Mrs. James Cumming, of Egmonrd- s; .ville, is seriously 111 at the home of y 'Mrs. John Manson at present, Mrs. Esther Mc+Leod, Who fell a - couple of weeks ago,.- having injured her hip, is able to be out again. WEST BRODHAGEN, Quite a number of the 'farmers around. here attended the big stock sate at Mr. Thos. McKay's last Wednesday. Everything sold well under the hammer of Mr. Elliott, auc- tioneer. Master Geo, •Regele, accompanied by Miss 'Adline Messerschmidt, went to +Fullerton last.Saturday' to visit his sisters, Mrs. Pia:liar 'and Mrs. -Stock- ppf, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry 'Weiterson spent .Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Eggert, ' Mr. and Mrs. Wnt, +Koehler spent 'Sunday last s with,lr I . and _ifrs Lotus tBennewics. What atcight'have been a serious ac- cident hap,petied on the farm of Mr. Chas. Regele. !Hc and his brother Ezra were working upstairs in his driveshed, when Ezra.made a mis- step near the trap hole and fell down 10 feet. Dr. Trainor was called hur- niedlly, and although he found no bones broken, he found that the in- jured man was suffering from a bad shaking up, and was bleeding a lot from one ear till !Sunday night. !Since then he has been resting better and the 'Doctor thinks he will be all right in a :few days. Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred hioegy and 'fancily spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. 'Eggert. • ' Mr. Peter E'ckart and Mr; 'Martin 'Purcell ce are around collecting 'money for Mr. Duchartne who lost his .barn and all his stock through fire last week aird arc ineeting °with good success. day next. M.ANLEY. The "All for Fun" club has been reorganized and while the good sleighing lasts it will carry out its o program by surprising the ticightio n ford to resume her studies at 'the a uesday night they .geve.et , 'surprise !Normal, Mr. and Mrs, John Wolf, when p r The many iriencls elf Mrs, 21. A�. gressnc pttchre }yes played loner, "- 'dt iunrll r,•r un 1'Chesitey will 'be 'pleased 'to 'learn that - laieh Balt 1 a she is able to be around again after 'by the vi'si'tors, afer which 'all i !ler recent illness 1 dinged in dancing until the wee stn !tours in the morning. Alt left wish- ing their.. eu.. to host and h est ess trimly ha returns PP et rn of Y s uc'h s occasions, cos ons The many friends. of 1.1 's. Jerry O'Hara; are sorry she is not Intone - Mg., as rapidly as they wish. $1,00 qt. T. PhiIIips CONSTANCE. We are .sorry to hear that Mrs. George Stephenson has been on the sick list lately. Mr. Joseph Mann and Brister spent Sunday with friends in the village. Mrs. Leo 'Stephenson spent a.:few days with her parents in Blyth;' Quite a large crowd attended the AtlHome'iven in' the Foresters' erecters' 'hall last (Friday night, 'Miss Edith ,Riley is spending a few days with friends in Clinton,. +Mr. and Mrs. (Duncan Tit -dor spent Tuesday with Mrs, 'Tudor'''s 'father, Mr. Wm. ]Stanley,: of Godenich ,towvn- ship,' who has been very ill. Mrs. Wnr, Moore, Sr:, of Toronto, is ;spending a few days with lier song. Mr.. Wm. Moore., . as To Have ,'t}te ,children sound and healthy ns the 'first' care of a mother. They cannot be healthy If troubled with .worms. • Use Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator: Items of news always. welcome. nsrrr.4.., Mrs, J, McDonald is visiting ]friends in Windsor.. Mrs, Thos. Kyle has undergone a serious operation in London and Mr. Kyle is now there. 'We are alai/ to hear that Mr, Jas, Mustard is improving nicely after his operation for appendicitis in the past week. Mr, Wm. Cooper of London is vis- iting- his sort William of this village. Mrs. Stafford left on Saturday for her future home at Vienna. We all hope she will be as good to everyone there as she was here. People will miss her from here as she was a great worker, Miss Grace Fairbairn, west of here, is visiting friends in Welland. Miss Jean Ivisoit was appointed to attend the ,provincial meeting of, the Horticultural Society at Toronto; and will stay with friends'while in the city. CHISELHURST. Mr, and Mrs. 'Orville Carni of near Thanes ]Road, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'MeDbnald on Sunday. Mn Ira Chambers sold his 'black Percheron team to a farm near Clin- ton. Mr. Martin McTaggart went.to Victoria hospital, London, on Sunday, where he underwent a serious opera- tion on Monday, Our sincere wish is that Martin will be restored te. health in near future, On Sunday afternoon, the . Sacra- ment of the Lord's ,Supper was ob- served in 'Chiselhurst United Church,' Owing to the scarcity o'f snow on roads a number are running their au- tomobiles. The Ladies' Aid o'f- Chiseflmrst held their monthly missionary meet- ing in basement of church last week, BRUCEFIELD, Horticultural Notes.—At,a .meeting of some of the directors on Monday night Spring premium lists were pre- pared and will Ibe in the secretary's hands in a few days. A large number have joined this year but if any more wish to do so they may hand their names to the secretary or any of the directors, It may be of interest to know that if a person wishes to order more than their membership fee they may make another ,member of the fancily a member and receive special. rates, If a family has two members they receive $2.50 worth of goods for $2.00. It is hoped that many will avail themselves of this opportunity. Miss Leila 'Stackhouse has return home from Guelph where she has been visiting' friends. The many friends of Mr, Jesse' Free- man will be glad to sec }tint out again. Mr. Alvin Smith is visiting with his sister, Mrs, H. Berry. Mrs. J. Addison and Miss Janet Aikenhead are attending the Ontario Horticultural convention in Toronto. The members of the Kelly Circle he'd a cyuilting bee at the home of Mrs R. Watson on Wednesday. A very pleasant time was spent at the house of Mr. and Mrs. T, 'Chap- man last Thursday evening when the officers and teachers . of the Sunday school held etc the! r annual upas oyster sup- per. ,per. There was a good attendance and a very pleasant evening was spent in music and games. HULLETT. The following verses were written in memory of the late .Gordon Mc- Michael: Dear Gordon, you have gone, So good and manly; kind and dear, Passed to your. glorious rest so swiftly on, And left 'us weeping here, Cahn on the bosom of your God, ].Young spirit 1 rest you now, Even while with tis your footsteps trod, His seal was on your brow. Ohl front that land of love, Look you not sotnetimes on this world of woe Thunk you not, dear one, in brighter bowers above, Of those you left below r• Shall we not feel you near, In hours'of danger, solitude and pain, Cheering the darkness, drying off the tear, And turning loss to gain ? r ' (,}'lt yes I to us, to us, Primary. Room—Jr. Pruner—Lloyd Brock 176, Herbert Drummond 175, David Sangster 1172, Agttes Fairbairn 169, Margaret (Shepherd 161. Sr. Primer—Loretta Bell 182, Grace Wurrn 18'1,_ Jean 1Fogter 1811 (equal), Alvin Lindenfield 173, Violet 'Bees- wax 164, !Robert Drysdale 457, - ,Sr, First.—Leonard tHoggartb 260, Ronald Peck 245, Irene (Hoskin 244, Cecil Lemon 228, May Wolff . 215, Ruth Bell 86. Jr. Second, --{Harold Bell 325, Har- old Bondman 318, William Glenn 312, Muriel /Hoskin 307, Dorothy Mc- Queen 294, Edgar Wurm 228, [Nellie Fee 227, Dorothy Deters 224. Jessie Buchanan,' Teacher. „Mold the Fix in your mind this one thought, and "hold it" --speed is a neces- sity in present-day business, and hang Distance snakes it pos- sible. 11 ■ ■ "No amount of indus- try or increased ex- penditure will protect a merchant who is not using the telephone to make sales. He can't move fast enough without it"; — says a leading authority. ■ ■ ■ Many subscribers who used to think they had to snake Person -to. Person calls now find that they reach the person they want with Station- to- Station calls. They are quick- er and cheaper. /Ive'ry. Bell Telephone fe i6 Long Theeenoe Starlet!, J. B. 1 6 IIT formerly with DOR NW ENTD_PEMOER Commercial Hotel, . S aforfh Wacfnesday, February 23r0. HAIR GODS LADIES and GENTS zldvice on;ithe Scalp Makers of Patent Structure JOHNSTON & KNIGHT Eyrie Birks Building Yonge & Temperance Sts. TOItON'I'Q In order to lay lots of :ggs, hens need a dozen little 11cing q they pick up ranging in summer, theycan't a to winter. er.. get. s+rt The bitters', tonics digesters, liee•bs and minerals als necessary to egg -development are combined in Pratts Poultry Reg- ulator. "],fore Eggs" guaranteed. itS Poultras Y1e u1alkor Sold Ug De`tt.,e_s .,1 n ear•.edx wrist fur PRAM F6i/CTRt' arose 7Iner PRATT FOOD CO. of CANAiDAAtfs ]est • 26 Comiaw Ave..T.»•onku• `�w.tmsr BBN=14CR The Svecial Milverton Flour We Hare It--Givs it a 'Th'9AL Also. hop ofITAII Kinds Grannd'Sereenings C. G. TIIOMSON I G AIN.: U,A E F L P R R PHONE 25 [voiiiiii*o Needs to' r v,our converse still be Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all makes pr A Portnott of llatteriss. ( given, r,• Struggling affection still would hold "'`-� o ll- us thus, f mast Ballet; far parts of varinus a, Nor yield you all to heaven. A complete ears, 1 fr. lftt} ,Mts. !Henry McGavin, :of Tucstnit ler )1 ' ePJ obrat d e ' 1 the 64th 1' ' an- niversary of their' t .air t fi t to C on gTues- day, 'Feb, 8th, 'Mrs. Nelson (Hays, of New York, is ]here attending the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. Alexander Campbell, Mrs. A. McKean, who has been spending a few weeks at the home of her'byothe'r, Mr. 'P, M. Chesney, re- turned to , lI' ton on t Wednesday. a, Y Miss Mary 'Hastings, of V'm za nttnd Mrs, Geo. l Ha 1 bl.frk visited for the kf McKillop. past week with Mrs. Jessie Brown. Nfr, John McLennan has been laid up with a very severe cold the past week, but .we are gladto-state he is a'bte to be up again. Mr. 'Wan. Adams`is acting, as 'caretaker of the post dffice during his illness. ,Mrs. Geo..Hunter oft Centralia., re- turned home Saturday after. visiting ;her brother, Mr. Wilson Hawkins, Miss Mary II -lays is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Roy "14ic eo G Y ch underwent an operation for appendicntia in the Sea - forth hospital on Saturday ° ntorntng, Master Lloyd McGee, of Tucker - smith, underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis on Thursday. Mr, John Beattie was a Hamilton. Visitor on Friday The many friends of Mfss Franc' Fowler are sorry to know &lie is ser- iously ill at her hoarse on James street, having suffered a paralytic stroke on Saturday about the noon 'hour, while preparing dinner. She was alone at TUC ER.SMITH, On Friday everting Mr, acid Iles. John MacL au lli n entertained ante d shop t sixty oftheir fr herr ' . ten ds to a Cne hY� Y t. and a• dance. Aid No, 3 of the Egniotid ville United Church was held at,the home of Mrs. iSimpson on Thursday afternoon, Mr. Alex. Simpson has been .con fined to the'hoitse for a few days with a severe 'cold. Mr, and Mrs. Youdell returned to the'ho'me df Mr. Jahn Story last week, • Mr. Peter. MacKay is confined to bed with a, severe cold, Mrs.: James rGetitmell returned. house lest''syeek after ,spending two wceka at" the home of her daughter, Mrs: George Hanley, 'of •[London, , Externally or Internally, it is Good. —When applied externally by brisk rubbing, Dr. Thbnnas"•Eclectric Oil opens the pores alld penetrates the tissue, touching the seat of the trouble and immediately affording relief. Ad- ministered internally, it will 51111 the itrrt'ation in the throat which induces ;coughing and will relieve affections 'of the bronchialtubes and respiratory •organs.' Try it and be convinced,. Len •° d our taint steps s t o God, od • Now i s B � r the time � with to h us wli • •have Willie the o • u etcu1 BertY car o here verb t weoverhauled u, Give us a call and. sec how reasonably it .can be repaired, greased Teach Its to a and cleaned, Dealer in New f and Used Cars. i Agent for Chrysler Four and $ix Cylinder Cars. roar tread the path which go have trod, 7b find with you otir home! HDII'SA.LL. (Cotitittiied fia9iti,Page 8.) !Otic off' account bf !elle intid weather Mr, Lee H i ' ec der] hie t alter]1 ' tie ac r'tts mII• Y Ien't s, it fore the Jewett J Paige ca"r. Lac has 'already several goo prospeets .as Inc 'has a very nice car. The rain and sleet stoiints of tlt last few. weeks have made the streets ;and roads in a very icy condition. Mr. !Harry, Cook is able to be out again after his tecciif accident, Mr: John' e wait! is' busy;sttpply- ing, some of our citrzens with wood. Jatfuary'School Report. --4S1'.• ITarold Munn, Clair Zuefle, Jean '$eh Mildred,]Smillie, Royce Welsh, :Dior ottty Hoskins, ;Ed. Little, 'Eldred Smith, ivfarlan Sinclair, Lulu ''Lind- enfield,'Joyce Seruton.,• r. T IV. -- Bob Houston, sten Mabel Workman, S be an Irene e Da• r tc s Albert. Wolfe, Seryl 'Drummond, Y mond, Howard Huntphil1, Irene •Iioggartit, Eleanor Skinner, Grace Brock, Lizzie 1Beaet, May Kenning, Orville Lennon, Edna Wolfe. Sr. III.,Marian McKay,, Florence McDonnell, lHazel 'Hudson, Alice Higgins, i' Will Nichol, Platelet `' o d Fost- er, T•V'ilt Drummond, Roy Brock, Nor- man McKay, Gladys ,Passnore, Iso- het Steele, !Eleanor Bell, Alden Ap- pleton; Harold A,ppteton. Win, McKay, Teach.cr,.. 1 Regiees C d PHONE 147W. FORMAL DRESS The season of formal dress occasions is here again.,. We specialize in the cleaningand pressing of formaldress and ltSC a Ce ssorie Sa nd c anu g arantee a good job. ob. Do not wait -- have your dress suit or tuxedo cleaned and Pressed now. Work called for and delivered. SEAFORTHR1� C y Cs�A Sl'.dn ey ge'y,,Proprietor COMMERCIAL ,BLOCK PHONE 227 or 210