HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-02-10, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Mr. and, Mee. I o Iltts to visited
friends emBlyth an Monday,
aers, A, Dineen:a end, chileiren spent
the eneeli-eint 'with Mr, and Mrs, A.
, . •
Altistee, 'eV Meant McEitch . has
been ee With an attack of ap-
,Mes. Dore Holtnee has been on the
sick it for the past: two, eveeks, but
she eestuned her duties es teacher on
Monday of, thie week. '
, Autos, are quite plentiful these
daYs. The, roads are. ia good ,concli-
time if ,thieee is eoe tdo Mitch ice,
Me. Charles , Boyd,. 'Of:Walton, at-
tended' the 'Stratierd eorthal At-home
on,Friday, ,
Keep in inin d the dance in the
Wdeemen's• hall ,00 -Monday ' night,
Feb, 146,- :Redmond's orchestra in
tteeclence. •
Mabel and Edyth 'Bateman of Sea -
forth spent the week -end at R. H.oy's,
Mrs. Win. Farmeherson spent the
week -end at eeaforth.
Mrs. • W. liecEtechern and ,Gerald
spent the week -end at Cranbrook,
Mrs. E. Fawcett and son, of 'Lon-
don, are visiting with lier parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. .13alfour,
00 Tuesday, Feb. lst a fine baby
boy arrived at the home of Thomas
and Mrs. Williamson, who live on the
boundary east, of Walton. Congratu-
Death of Mrs. Robt. Holland. -An
. old resident df thie part of the county
passed away on Thursday, Janeary 27,
in the pereon Of Mary Ann Snell,
wife of Mr. Robert Holland, aged 76
years and 6 months, after an illness
of about two years with pernicious
anaemia, during which time she was
tenderly nursed at the home of her.
ntaughter, Mrs. Edgerton Roe. She
was born in Hullett township, daugh-
ter of the lete James Snell, After
hei• marriage to Mr. 'Holland they
farmed for many years oa the Huron
road near Clinton. eir, Holland is
now living with -his son, Theo., in
Meleillop. Besides her • bereaved
hueband she is survived by three
daughters and two sons, Mrs. Edger-
ton 'Roe, MeKillop; Mrs. J.. Peoples,
Yorkton, Sask., Mrs.. Giles, -of Ed -
Manton; Theo. Holland, Mein -Blom
and Moody Holland, 16th concession
Grey. .Also four brothers and two
sisters, John Snell, Winnipeg; Benj.
Snell, Sask.; Roland Snell, allititish
Columbia, James of the West; Mrs.
Henry 'Squires,. Exeter, and Mrs. W.
B, Cook, Yorktone Sask. The funeral
seas held on February 1st, Rev. Mr.
Lewin, of !Brussels, conducting the
ceremony. The pallbearers were
-genre. William Stewart James
Mose, James Simpson, john Bulger,
Thos. .Bolger artd Duncan Johnston.
Tatermenl was made in. Brussels
cetnetery. Among those from a dsi-
tance who attended the funeral were
Mrs. Peoples, of; Yorkton, Sask., and
Messrs, Herb. 'and Geo. Jenkins,
(Intended for last Week.)
The Guild of St. Georges • church
held the February. ineetiug at the
home di Mrs, Saltier.
Mr, and Mrs. jeeeblinston visited
friends at Selgrale on Saturday.
Mrs, Burly, Heidelberg, is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sellers.
Mrs. R. Marks visited 'friend, itt
Morris over the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Fergusou and
children returned to Toronto on Sat-
The dance in the IT. F, Q. hall was
uot very well pateonized last Friday
Mrs. j. Hislop is not as well as
usual. -Mrs. Berry is caring ;for her
at the present time.
in a•plae,this month ie St. 'Colette -
ben Their meetirig on Friday night
was enjoyed by al an h they
will keep up teeir good reputa.tion as
in the pastt.
Everybody, in the vicinity sympa-
thizes with Mr. Augnst Duchartne itr
his severe loss and many are helping,
Report of S. S. No. 6, Hibbert, foe
the ,inonth of January. Asterisk%
'mark tho'se whe miseed °tie or more
Sr. I.V.-Harold Gerdiner, Rena
MeLaren, Gladys Kay, Vera Allen,
Marjorie Kleinfeldit, Carl (Walker,
Leonard Houghton, ,
Jr. IV. -John Houghton, Jaime
Sr. HI -Margaret Allen, John Me-
Dongall, Lindsay Gardiner, Arthur
jr. HI. -.Bessie Austin, Harold
Austin, Beryl Norris*, Dorothy' Mc-
Laren, Anthony Allen, Albert Date
nin*, Alvin Crawford*.
Sr. Ie-Wilired Scott, Hazel Norris,
Marion Scott, Ross Houghton, Philip
Bonaette, Lloyd Crawford, Frank
Scott, Allen Austin,
Primer -Eldon Allen 'Beth Gard-
iner, Lorne Kay, Fred Selves, Harry
Dinnin. •
Teacher, Grace MacLean,
An ihteresting wedding took plac
at the (Cathedral of Joliette, Joliette,
Que., on Tuesday, Feb., lst, when
Miss Anne Marie Prevost, daughter
of Emile 'Prevost and Mrs. Prevost,
of Joliette, Que. beeame the bride of
Daniel V. 'McCaughey, -son of a Mr.
and Mrs, W. F. McCeughey, of Lon-
don. The bride wore a French model
gown in crepe eif apricot color cover-
ed with old rose and orchid sequins
and gold beads. The Misses Lorette
McCaughey. and 'Gabrielle Prevost
were the bridesmaids. Frank A. Me-
Caughey, of Windsor, and Guy Gui-
baul, di Joliette, were the bride-
groones assistants. The ceremony
was 'performed by Rev. Father Hec-
tor Leprohon, C. S. V„ uncle of the
bride. After the -wedding, -Mrs. Emile
Prevost received at her 'honie. 'Im-
mediately. after the reception Mr. and
Mrs. McCaughey left for a trip to
New York.
Messrs. John Nesbit, John Mc-
Nichol, john Brown, John Yeo and
Albert Kelly attended the Nesbit Ha-
milton sale in ,Brussele on Saturday.
The Blyth TJ, F. 0. received a car
load of 'corn on Saturday. It Van-
ished like hot oakes. There is some
intention of bringing in a second load.
Mr. Jas. Kelly is unproved. Friends
are glad to see him able to sit up.
Mr. Harvey 'Brown is holding alt.
auction sale of stock and equipment
on his farm on the ninth line of Mor-
ris, on Tuesday, Feb. (15th. Thelfarm
will be offered at the sale.
Mr. Walter Messer is holding an
auction sale Of farm stock and im-
plements on the 4th thee, Morris,
ebout mile east of Belgrave, on Feb.
18th. Mr. Messer is giving up fann-
ing as he has a positioa on the
C. N. R. •
Mr. Wm. Skelton has been metaled
to the house the past week. ,
A horse belonging to Mr. Raytteoted
McConnell, of Bullet, droPped dead
hi front of a residence in Blyth ore
Friday. The driver had borroWece
the horse for the efternoon.
Most of the Myth stores will, close
Mon., Wed., and Fri., at 6 o'elocle,
beginning Fele 1st.
The wind on Thuriday night blew
away many shingles. Part of Mr.
Michael Kelly's barn roof was torn
Mr, J. leicNichol visited his brother,
Jas. eiceelichol, of Leadbury, last
The County Chapter of the Royal
Black Knights of Ireland met in
Winglearn Orange hall on Friday ev-
ening, Feb. 4th, for the annual meet-
ing and etectiors of of liters. The re-
sult of the election was as- eollawsd,
P. County Master Sir Knight R. H.
Mew, Goderich; County Master, Sir
Perdde of (Itelgrave is vlsiting
friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffith spent Mon-
day in Blyth.
Mer, Peter Brown returned from
Goderich on Monday.
Mr, Fred Johnston spent the week
end at his ,home here.
We are glad to see Mrs. Rolet. Mc -
Cray able to be out again alter being
under the doctor's care.
Don't forget the monstrous chicken
Pie supper to be 'held in Community
hall, Monday, Feb. 14th. At the end
of the supper the young people are
putting on a play entitled, "Miss
Molly". Everyone come and bring
etour friends.
We are sorry to hear of Mr, Adams
being so ill. He was ,stricken with
paralysis on Sunda.y last and at time
of writing is very low.
Rt. War. Bro. J. je Hunter, of Ken-
carditte, D, G. ',teeter of Ontario
West. He' also gave an inspiring ade
dress on the work of the order. It was
passed enatiimoesly that the twelfth
of July celebration this year ;lee cele-
,breted in -131etle, • ,
Mrs. el. 11. Kelly speut the week-
end visiting Mr, and Mrs. Jos, Feeney,
Mrs:James Market= has returned
to ber home hi !mean after speeding
a week with friends here.
Mrs. Bird, of Brussels, is visiting
Mrs. Wm, (Ctineingliam this week.
The Mission Band of Queen street
United Church gave a concert on Fri-
day evening in the 'basement of the
clittech. The program consisted of
choruees, small boys' band, older
boys' orchestra, piano solo by Paul-
ine Robinson; ,recitation, "The Mis-
zionary Hen," by Eddie Taylor. Dr.
Bentley presented seine fine lantern
slides regarding the National Animals
and theeEskimos.
Miss Katie Jacklin •spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wan, Cunningham.
,Mts. Alex. McColl celebrated her
ninetieth 'birthday on Tuesday, Feb,
The iweeml Of the late James Wan-
less was ,held on Saturday from the
United -Church, and was conducted by
Rev. Mr. Durant. 'The remains were
laid to rest in 113aird's cemetery.
;Among those from a distance atten
ing funeral was Mr. Thomas Vitaaless
of Milvertoe, brother to the deceased.
Miss Logan has returned alter
spending a week with friends in Clin-
Mr. M. Elliott shipped a car load
oe live stock to Toronto Saturdiy.
Mr. Jos. Hood, our worthy asses-
sor, is on his usual rounds these days.
Miss Mossop has returned after
spending a week vvith her sister, Mrs.
James Stephenson, Gozhen line.
Mr. Frank Weekes spent the week
end. with his mother and sister, Mr.
and Mrs, McAsh, London,
Or, and Mrs. Lloyd Moffatt motor-
ed from London on Saturday' to at-
tend the fueeral of the late James
Mrs. Wanless, who has been spend-
ing the winter with her daughter, Mrs.
Turnbull, of Seaforeh, returned to our
village to attend the funeral of her
brother-in-law, the late :limes Wan-
The farmers are very busy these
days hauling saw logs to Mr. Rich-
ardsores portable mill on Mr. Elmer
Webster's faten. ,We understand Mr,
Richardson intends making cedar
ehingles in the near future.
Messrs. Wet, and Mel. Webster are
visiting friends and acquaintances in
and around Lucknow.
The Anglican 'church intends Pet-
ting on a concert Tuesday night, Feb-
ruary 22nd. Further mention and
details will -be given next week.
Mrs, �. L. Jordan end -daughter
have returned to Chetharn efier, a,
pleasant visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. Jedge.
Miss Annie Tudge, whceeender weot
an operation tee 'appendicitis in St.
Joseph's hoepital last week, is pro-
gressing favorably.
e At the nomination for Police Trus-
tees, which took place on Jan. 26th,
Mr. Ale:a Darling, Mr, Wm, O'-
Rourke and Mr. John 'Bruner were
nomineted. The latter gentlemen re-
signed and Mi. Darling was elected
by acclamation,
Miss_ Florence McQuaid visited
Miss Annie Molyneaux on Sunday.
Word has been received here of
the death of a one time resident of
Hibbert in the person of Mr, earries
Bergin, who died at the home of Mr.
Jaques Sweeney, of San Francisco,
where Ile was makinta visit. Deceas-
ed had been suffering for years with
Bright's disease. He had many friends
and was well known in this vicinity
and his death cast a gloom over all.
His remains arrived on Wednesday
and the funeral was held from St.
Colurnban church to the St. Colurn-
ban cemetety,
• 'elte following le the school report
fur eanuary of S. S. No. 3, St. Cole
turchan. Caner 75 per cent,, first class
honors; 66-74 p.c., Second Class
hors; 60-65 p.c., third class honors;
e11-60 p.c., credit
Form IL-Zoologyt Evelyn Mel-
ady lst, Viola Feeney 3rd, John Mor-
ris 3rd, Angela Burke; credit.
,Gramm,ar; Viola Feetley 1St.
lyn Melady 1st, John Morris 2nd,
Angela Burke credit.
leen Evelyn Melady ist, Viola
reeeeney 2nti, Angela 'Burke 3rd John
-.Morris 3r5.
(Form I -Geography: Joe Williams
1st, Frank Williams 1st, Clareace Ma-
lone 1st, Agnes 'McGrath 2nd, Camilla
Coyne 3rd.
Zoology; Joe Williams lst, Agues
McGrath 2nd, Clarence eialote 2ncl,
Frank Winking credit, Camilla Coyne
'Grammar; Joe Williams 1st, .Frank
Williams 1st, Agnes McGrath 1st,
Clarence Malone est, Camels Coyne
Art: Agnes McGrath 1st, Clareece
IvIalone 2ad, Joe Williams 3rd, Terank
Williams 3rd, Camilla Coyne 355.
Sr. TV,-ejohn Miles, Thomas Mc-
Quaid, Charles Miles, Norman Miles,
Atbert Cronin, Leo 'O'Sullivan, 'Alice
Flatmery. Made total but 'failed in
arithmetic, Leo O'Sulliv,an; grammar,
Alice Flannery; history, Albert
Croein. Absent because of sickness,
Dennis Feeney, Nora McQuaid,
Wee-Maey Delaney, ;Bridget
Delatiey, Rose Melady, John Mc-
Quaid, Jolla Holland, Norman Mc-
Quaid, Kate Flannery. Failures in
arithmetic, John Hellas -id and Kate
Flannery; spelling, Norman 'Mc-
Quaid. Absent owing to illness, John
Flannery and Edward Melady.
Sr. M. -4(0e Holland, Mary Hart,
John Hart, Alphonse Cronin, Hannah
Cronin, James OeSutliven.
' Jr. 141.-W:try IVEcQuaid, Loretta
Holland, Agnes Delatiey, Edward
Hart, Florence O'Sullivan, Mary
Sr. 11.-Iviary O'Sellivan, Fergus
Melady, Edward O'Sullivan.
Jr Merphy.
Sr. T. -Tom Melady, Jack Cronin,
Albeit Hart.
Primei•-Trene McQuaid, Margaret
lieurphy, Lillian .Tella O'Sulli-
van, Benedict felolland, jc,seph O'-
Reilly, Mary Hart, Jack Roach, Isa-
bel Roach, Edward Roach,
Literary Society Play. -The offi-
cers of the Literery Society are steg-
Report of S. S. No. 13, Stanley, for
the month -of January,
V. -Mervyn Keys 65 per cent.
Sr. IV,-.113eth efueclock 67. Willie
Murdock, 54.
Sr. Ma -Audrey Murdock 67, 'Glen
Dovrson 64.
fel.--*Harvey Keys.
Sr. Hee-George Dowson 70.
Jr, IL -Allan Keys 64, ellazei
'Sc. L -john Key e 74
Sr. printer._-Bohey Peck, Charlie
Jr. Prineer-Jtautie Flunking.
Thoee marked with ate asterisk
nere absent for examiaations. The.
iolloWing had perfect attendance for
the month. Mervyn Keys, Allan
S. S. Hogg, Teacher.
son; Dr. J. .
IIIoneton; Dr. W, Dalrymple and Mrs.
Dalrymple, Die W. L. McCutcheon
aud Mr. McCutcheon; Dr. C. E. Ma -
1 e end Mrs. Miloney; Dr, R. J. B.
st n and Mrs. perity tend 'happiness, The Inunigra,,
Ontario ,11)epartnient of glee I u
doing its utmost, through its agents
in the old land, to fill the require-
, .
Startburye Mr, and Mrs. W. • ments for farm help, y
ear thc
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. 'Knox, Mr. and ,Department has an increased number
Mrs. E. C. Beacom, Mr. and Mrs. H. Of applications 'from married men in
(Mdelately; Mr, and ,Mrs. (Catereenl (Britain to be placed with -Ontario
11 'd leetse ' • M ;of these men have
tion and Colonization Ileranch of the
Myth Choral 'Society will present
their cantata, "Jciseph'e Bondage,"
in the Memorial Hall on • Feb, 25th.
Admission will be 50e and 25c. ,
The /Myth continuation school is
giving a -concert on Mar Ilth in Mem-
. .
oriel Hall. Adieissiote will be 35e and.
15 'cents, -
Mr. Jas. Davis will take on the
duties of mail courier on Route two,
Blythe on March lst. Mr. Maclean is
retiring, having purchased' a store.
Mrs. Thos. Laidlaw visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw in Auburn on Fri -
den. •, •
Mr. Ernest- Sairderion hes pur-
chased a radio.'
Mr. John Foster spent, the week-
end at the hometof Mr. John Sand-
erson. .
The rentairts cif the late Mrs, Car-
ter, of Lucknow, were (brought to •
Blyth on Tuesday, interment taking
place 'from C. N. R, station to Union
Mr. and Mrs. A. e
Currell; Mr. and Mrs, A. P. Mc-
Guire; Mr. and Mrs,, Wm.. Downs;
Mr. J, II, Langton and airs. E. Lang-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. W, 'I'. Jones and
Miss liolinan; Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Newell and Miss Newell; Mr. and
Mrs. W. Graydon, Mr, and Mrs. H.
White; Mr. ,and Mrs. W. J. Tamblyn;
Mr. and Mrs, 15. D Stanley; Mr and
Mrs. Wm. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. G.
II. Hand (Weston), Miss M. Je
Walker ,e'Weston), Mr. and Mrs. R.
F. +Houghton, Mr. anel Res. Athol
McQuarrie; Mr. and Mrs. C. leee,
Doty, Mr. and Mrs, D. G. McLean;
Ms. and Mrs. Breee Anderson; Mr,.
and Mrs. Ogle Cooper and Miss
Cooper; Mr. and Mrs, A, E. 'Calvert;
Mr( and Mrs, Simmons; Mr. and
MIS. A. First; Mr, and Mrs. G. L.
Dyke; Mr. and Mrs. Jim, Welch; Mr.
and Mrs, H. W. Knight; Me. and
'vers. W, 'riffiehe; Mr. anal Meet
families -while others have no clul-
dren. Sufely a edace can be 'feenci
for some of these. people right here on
the ;fertile of Huron county. Send in
-alt application early and your chanees
of receiving suitable help are °onside
enably enhanced. See or write your
Agricultural 'Representative and he
will be glad to file an application for
Makes Breaehing Easy. The con-
striction of the air passages and the
struggle for breath, too latniliar evi-
dence of asthmatic trouble, cannot
daunt Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma
'Remedy. This is the fat -anus remedy
which is known fair and Wide for its
complete effectiveness even wider
very severe 'conditions. It is no un-
tried, experimental preparation, but
one with many years oe strong ser-
vice behind it, Buy it from your
nearest dealer.
Holloway's Corn Remover takes
'the cortnput by the roots, Try it and
prove it,
Mr. and Mrs. jos.. Wore= visited
with relatives in Centralia last week.
We are pleased to report that Mr.
Athert Norris is doing. es well as can
be expected.
Preparatory services will be hette itt
tbe church on Friday evening'.
The Young 'Peoples meetiag will
he held Sunday night with Mr. Sam
Norris in charge.
The W. AL S. met at the Parson-
age on Tuesday ,afternoon. Plans
were. -made to held a sale of home-
made cooking and aprons in the club
rooms on Friday aeterimote, Feb. tath,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Colgeihouta
who are in Toronto sttending Parlia-
meat, spent the week -end at borne.
Kt, .R. McMurray, Varna; Deputy
Master, -Jose R. efamiltont Walton;
Cheelain. Ce Peigrem, Varna; Regis-
trar, M. Harden. Clinton; Tree -S-
orer, j. Fe, •Ratlievelf, Verner Marshall,
A. Deeves, Clinton; Tst Leet,.N. Mill-
er, Clintonr 2rtte Lect., re If eL.eoci,
Gotterich- Ise Censor, je Guest, (Wing -
ham; 214 Censor, E. L. Epps, Varna;
let J, 1. Rapa(111 Clinton; 2nd
SR., A. McNevin, Gactereelre Pursui-
vent,. P. lieclefilehaet, Clinton, and J.
Fergneon,-COMM,. 5'.
Verna; 21id Cennem, T. Stewart,
Waltham; 31•te cormat, J. Vir. Dodd,
Winghame 44t coname Id. Schoen -
hale, Clinton; Seh commt, T. Drennan,
Goclerieln 6te, conune. R. Hoy, Wale
boon 711i COttillt., e. Wallaee, Blyth
P.C.M. J. eete Dodds presided during
the election and, installetioe of of-
ficers. It was decided thee Huron
County Bleck Kneglits weed cele-
brate in Laudon on: the twelfth of
Rev. .Dre S'aittby, i eeteeen street
teethed Church, gave a lantern lecture
on Friday- evening under the auspices'
of Andel -sea Miasioe ;Band on the
Eskimo end the Wild Life of 'Canada.
There was a good attendance.
Oe 'Wednesday eveteing lest week
the Sunset 'Male Quartette of London'
'gave it concert in eViernoeial Hall tin-
der the atispiees of the Horticultural
Miss 'Hattie Dexter, evho was quite
ill-, is somewhat, improved,
After the regular meeting of the,
Wornen'S Institute on -Thursday afe.
tereoon the girls' of the Short course.
gave a demonstration df their work(
Is Gtarlys Fawcett, president of'.
the Girls' Club, presided. Miss Armin
Richmond demonstrated sewing,
Missies Grace Shortreed and Louie
Herrington cooking, Miss -McLeod of
Auburn, home nursing. The
cry course, will begin in July.
'A carnival wile be held on Tettellieg's
rink on Wednesday evening, Feb.
Mr. Andrew Coleman, of Seaforth.,
is spending -a few days whit bis cou-
sins, Anson and Lorne •Colemate
Mr. David Anderson has (been teed
tip the past three weeks with a sore
ankle. His ineny friends hope to ste
him around again soon.
airs, Wm. Baker is leaving this
week doe Guelph to visit lier slater,
Mr's. Lew' Herman.
Miss Peerf Baker rettirted this
week to 'Buelness College ire TorontO,
She was called hotte owing to ilirtees
of her mother', -
There passed aveay,a1 her etonieon
2nd line of Mortis, Mrs, Jas. Mdfe
fate 'following an illness of More
than a year. The peiyate,funeral was'
held on Monday, Mits. Moffatt, velib,
was about 50 years of age, was -forme
erly Mary Venn Meleittie. Her husa
band survives,, along, with .one sister,
Mrs. Walter Davidsme Morris, and
one brother, Mr, Wiltbn McVittie,
Windsor. . , ,
Mr. ;Gordoti McDonete,,22 years of
age, snn of Mr. and M. Geo. Mc-
Donald, of Grey toWnship, near
Molesworth, Was foetid' dead on the
stable floor on Saturday. .131 is thought
that, • though -he was fond near et
•Iteirse, he 'fell down the' ateirn His
neck waa ;broken and no eteces of an
MIMI, from a kick from is horse
coald he found
Mrs, James jarrott has beat con-
fined to her room with a severe cone
hue glad to hear she is improviag.
Mrs. David Anderson spent the
week -end visiting friends in Exeter.'
The women al the W. M. S. held
their monthly (meeting at the home
of Mrs. Wm. 'Jarrett an Wednesday
of this week.
Mrs, ;Henry Coleman spent the past
week visiting her parents in Clinton,
Mr. wed Mrs. Sohn McKinley.
'Smolt blood will tell," NOleerith-
standing the severity of the weather,
15 below zero, *ver 600 ,Huroniese
braved the storni and were on the job,
Mr. and Mrs, a I. Morrish were in
'London and were unable to be
Whoever thottght thet Dr. Hoag
could "hoe it deem" as he did in the
old time dance.
There were nine doctors present,
end not one person. 'sick,
"This.association must be a temper-
ance organization," °heaved a prom-
inent business man- of teed -city, "I
have not encountered thee stnell o'f
liquor.tonight," said he. .
B, Stowe had chnersee of the
Card Committee, and so excellent -
were the arrangetnents, that' every-
thing was like clockwork., Mrs,
Stowe is to be congratulated Mr her
good management.
Mr. Beet MeCreatit was chafentran
of the progiranune committe, aiidihic
ran' :off the several 'events with Ids
usual despatch. ,
e,A, E. 'Forbes, the heavy weieelit
ifitter Senferth, was a proud man tier,
law ttee evening, and particulantee;
%viten his friend, Torneltandsniof Sea-;
forele won the ;first prize in the "Olaf
Fidelleeee Contest?'
Secrettery Comfy 'had a smile mit
as big'as the side oe a house, "Noth-
ing aucteeds hikts success," said he.
"Had veoefavonaliee. -weather we would
have hind, ON' people present."
Hon. leesident Je A. MeLaren was
in his -glen`Y. Fee• just walked around
the dining room like a ten year old.
Mr. J. Harry Lengton captured the
balloon .contaimengethe dollar in the
balloon ,daeree, and if. Harvey Hand
of Weston; captured -the, monkey.
-The proceedliegsacibsed at I a.m.,
but the crowd would Ulu littger
Tohn Wen makes is whirlwind
pr%sident. He le tr live, wire and
ne'ver qui ts' ttirtil lieb• is completed.
Mrs. R. C.' Kelm convener .of the
Blaclelocke Me. end Mrs, G. W. Pat-
terson; Mr. and Mrs. L. Pringlee
Mr, and Mrs, W. N, Babb neMr. and
Mrs, H. J Attwood and Miss .Att-
wond; Mr and ,Mrs. C. P. Carlisle;
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kay;. Mr. and
Mrs. J, Saul; 'Me. and Mrs, e. W.
Tufford, Mr. and , Mrs. J. W. Mor-
rison; Mr. and Mrs. IW. j, Kerr; -Mr,
and Mrs. J. N. ,Abrams, -Mr. and
Mrs. j. R. Montague (Niagara 'Falls),
Mrs. E. C. McIntosh and Miss Mc-
Intosh; Mrs. J. S, Timmins, Mrs. L.
Musgrove, Mrs. G. H. Armstrong,
Mrs, C. A. -Robertson, Mrs. Isaac
;Brown, Mrs, W, (Brown, ' Mrs, Me
Latnoat end Miss McCamenon, Mrs.
Pearl Hessey, Mrs, M. A. -Smith,
Mrs. 13. Luker,Mrs. E. Elliott, Mrs.
W, E. Hanna, Miss G. Thompson,
iss Olive arland, Miss Ea Mc-
Cellum, Miss TaeIleleatid, Mies E,
Freemen, -Miss Annie Hamilton, Miss
E. Ulamieton, Mies D.illaltare, Miss -
P. Fry. Miss T. Gray, Mise L. Currie,
Miss B. M. Mallough, • Miss Jessie
Walker, Miss Emily 'Bennett, e Miss
E. Watts, Miss .Olive Robertson, Mr.
Russel Brown, Mr. R. A. 'Stewart, Mr.
B. V. Windrum, Mr: Geo. Salter, Mr.
'Bea:dley, 'Geo.'Robinson Mr. W.
K. S Tinning and meny others
- Order Alfalfa Seed Early.
Alfalfa ote every .fietell Alfalfa:the
universel hay omit These are slo-
gans that aee becomitig more and
more generafeach year. The pre-
sence of alfalfa' on every faem in Hu-
ron county is ti highly 'desirable eon -
clition. course, there may still, re-
main a Sew whte take a. viewpoint op-
posite to that, Neverthelees , if a
large crop of. highly nutritional leg-
uminous hay ie Wanted, and surely it I
must be in is great' live stock county,
/ken why not morend it. Each spring'
finds- more eseee stequired to fill the t
incrensed demands of the growers,
old 'and new., There is plenty of high
Taney, hardy alfalfiet seed in Ontseuels
!but viewers are well advised to or- t
(der their supplies eaely. Our neigh -
;boys re, the south are 'buying carloads ,
me 'Ontario Variegatee, seed because:
itfiey know it is snitable' to their needs.
(Tlierefere; get in ahead, di 'them and
%wield embarrassment and higher
velem, Teter on.
A Household Medicine. -They that
are acquainted with the stetting pro-
perties of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
in the treatment- of many ailments
would not be without it in the house. et e
It is truly' a ;household medicine and
as it is_ effective in dealing with many _
ordinary complaints 11 is an inexpen-
sive medicine. So, keep it at hand, as
the cael for it mae come most in -
expectedly' ,
Mere,. Janes, of Seafortle in nursing
Mre. Beicklen, of DUblin, nrlib. L9 seek
with the. flu.
Mite. 5.. Fraser has returned' to her
home el, Seaforth after nutaing Mrs.
James' Mialoney for the pest two
Mese-re. Charles Kistiter aredejoseph
Kenny: Have the contract a - cutting
wood fee Vers.. Frank ;Feeneere.
Miss Mary Kenny spent teem week'
eed itt, Sera/ford. ;Refreshment Conumetee, es entitled to
Misses- Mary and Helen Deleneee .special tredif' fete the Merle* setts-
epent Situttay at their llazie'• UV:. , factory manner in wheal her commit -
John Delaney's., ' tee catered to the "hungey anultitude"
Mrs: Flank Kenny is visit -Ino' her land everything was earned' out with -
sister, Nis. Lotegeway, in (Glair/lit 'out the least hitch.
-Mies Helen (Dantzer, spent Salt"- Mr. A. C: M'acVlear d'otrated a
Connor.: .the Refreshment Cammittee, ;but on
CY" large tooked'hain; aiitatly sliced, to
tette with, lier filmed, Miss Itehry
di pressure of business, was
jaWmees erer.ce• 1.1s4t-re:sr.,tois oleneetrhe tall& hAi.erest:.
Miss Aimee eleentters returned' hoer unable to be present at enneentisento
tion 'of the same. I-ee was ably rep-
Detroit- last week, after spendihg ai ((resented in lee absence, by Mr. G. H.
Farm Loan Wanted
First Mortgage
5i P. 0,
TraprovedlrarIll PropertyFQIf''
ne orma,tion assessed
value, insuranee etc.
. 'General Insurance
Heal. Estate, -Etc.
Phone 152.
pleasant- vacation with her sisters,
Mr. Wm. Keeler lost a vainatee.
cow last week.
leiany fi•om aeoend here attended
the hmeral of the tete Jairees Bergen
041 Thursday last.
We- are- pleased. to know that Mess
Annie. _Petite, has rettiened home from
Lontitee eller her recent aperatenet
Men and Mrs. Wm. O'Rourke
spent. Shaday evening witeeMrs„'Weet.
,Mie nnd Mrs. .1.-)a,11. Costello, spent
Sunday evening' evith Mrs. Wm,
Mr. James Feeney event Suntiay
with Mrs. Wm. Teenene
Mr. Leo Feeney spenteStenclay -teeth
iMir, arta Mrs. Jos. Donnelly..
Mrs. Kate Gallag,her returned
linerne on Sunday, deter- spending a
few clays with her sister, Mrs. Jas.
The worms that infest children
'from their birth are of two kinds,
those that find 'lodgement in the
stomach and ',those that are found in
the 'intestines. The lattee are the
mose destructive, as they cling to the
vralls of the entestines and 11 not in-
teefered with week havoc there. Mill-
er's Worm Posvders .dislodge both
kinds and while expelling thern eeorn
Site system serve to repair the damage
they have. oatesecl,
The County Loyal Orange Lodge
of +North Ituron met in Wingliarn in
annual meeting, The election of of-
ficers resulted as follows: County
Master, W. 13ro. A, G. Smith, Wing -
ham; Deputy Master, W. Bro, C. R.
Coultes, Belgravet County Chaplain,
A er, wateen, Bluevale; rec. sec,, j.
V. Haines, Wing:herrn fie sec., A.
Patterson, Betgrave; treas.,. Chas.
Stewart, Blyth; marshal, J. E. Tanian,
Blyth; lst leet., jaA. Johnston, Dun-
gannon; 2nd lect., C. R. Copeland,
Wingliam, The election and Instal-
eition of officeve wes eeudeetee by
The many friends of Mr. Pat Feen-
ey, Sr., are sorry to, hear of his ill-
Miss .Rose O'Connor entertained a
few friends Suedee• evening.
The euchre anddance held Friday
evening was largely attended. The
prizes were won. by Miss Vera 'Feen-
ey, of the villege, and Mr. Fergus
Kelly, of Mcdeillop. The dance at-
terwards was eneoyed by all.
The Holy Name Society held their
concert, "The Mist of the Earth,"
'Tuesday night. tt -was etijoyed by
We are pleased, ,.to see RevV. Father
0Droski able to resume his duties
again, ,
(Too late for last week.)
lefesaj. Burns, 'cif Logan, is nisi -ting
at the home of her parents, Me. and
Mrs. .1'. Stapleton,
A- number c,f cete hockey enthusi-
asts attended the ceeme played between
Stnatford and Windspr at Stratford
on Friday evoiinge.
Hand, of Gunns Ltd.
Mr. G. C. Vanstone elece donated a
ham to 'the illelfiesietnent Committee
and no peesonewentaway hungry. '
Mrs, C. W: Doty- acted as pianist°
for the eveniteg atecie her pevfortnances
were highly appreciered.
Sir W. let Otter- sent leis regrets
and enclosed' his subscrintioe for the
evening's entertaerineett,
Mr. W. H. IStewert; formerly a
eeeeher ite Huron; and nonr Supe of
the 'Ohildeen's Alit Society fpr the
county of -Asatotn, sent Me regrets and
good wishes.
itienoteg.those present were the fol.
Mr. wed ,Mrsi John Moon; Mr. and
Mrs. Js. A. Meterene Mr. and Mrs.
B. 1/..-MeCreath; Mr. and Mrs. 'E.
Floody, and Miss ;Moody; Me. and'
Mrs.. -Pe C. King end Miss King;
Mr. arid- Mrs„.A.E. 'Forbes and Miss
Forbe,s; bIr. ated-Mes. Reba Heloses
ea& the -Misses Holmes;-' Mr. and
Mes, Leek Keened), aad Mies Ken'
nedye Mr. And Mreell. :Sepwe;
Mr, aed Mrs. N. aleiCobbledick and
Miss Cobbledick; Mr. and -Mrs. Dt. D.
Witson; air. G. A. Ne,wton, and' the
Ittieses Newton; Mr, and Mts. G C.
Vanstorie; Mr. and Mrs., H. Mqrtin
land Miss Martin; Mi. and MOS, g. L.
SU/It; Mr. (R. S. Sheppard and Mies
R. Sheppard; Mr. John •Robertson;
Mr. and Mrs, e), Thompson and Miss
Thompson; Mr. ,and Mes. D. M.
Johnston; Mr. mid Mrs. W. At. Buch-
anan; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Buchanan;
Mr. and -Mrs, J. Stodgiel; Miss Lillie
Patterson; Mies • Fannie 'Patersoo;
Miss L. AT, Flynn; Miss Anna Flynn;
Mise Edith Morrish; Miss Mary Mor-
eish; Mies Sadie Walker; Miss 'Jessie
Anderson; Dr. mai 'Mrs. McAllister
(Georgetown); Dr. and Mrs, B. A.
Campbelleareand Mrs. W. Hoag:
nr. Clw-Iciort ell& Mrs, Clere-
Farm Labor Supply. '
Iltie 6.'rtre Jabor situation in the
cieutety anythieg but a happy one.
many farmers are finding it dm-
peesilite ter do the thousand and one '
job's - monad( the farm without suitable '
tele, Something has to be 'neglected.
It may the Cure, thesliee stock,
the•hointe or politics. In any event, it t
is a sereetis drawback .to raral pros- I
- will -Dennison Si: Pillow
Barber Shop
(Successors to W. WV goltinl.
Every Tuesdity
Phone 125 for appointnient:
SOecialist in marcelling
Ir the Holi
T first,, *looked like. a hopeless task to saye...enougill
1-1, money to visit tlie old land. But as timewmtl• gni
the few dolIal:s deposited systematically in the gOReggpleptt
Sayings Office grew andgrew — and so,op, thespzweg.3
eMiloclungeyh. deposited here is secured by th tft,tft11.17MalkthoE
the Provigee, and may be withdrawnl withonk titzifts.
A dollar will do to start,
TORONTO ARANCNES: Co,. Bay & Adelaide: SO.. 545. Atanfot.1),
1.1111varaity 14,15 Duralas St. OTHSR BRAINC1-1E'S AT: Ao4mer4 So:WAWA,
Tiamitton. Noma:kat, Ottawa, OWQ11 Sauna, Vettbroka, Seafatttt, St. Cathiattnatt.
St. Mary's, Walaartua, Woad:tack.
Sea'forth Branch, K. *Millar., 31 eleger
I-lt,snt 9.30 e.t.a. to 5 pan. 5a4gx 8.3f1 5:54., "..:t; P.mt. 9.38 p31`
Ara 0,...FFIC.E