HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-02-10, Page 371 a ANCIENT NORSE TOWN EXPLORED EXcavation in Greenland Re- sults in. Interesting:Dis C4veries. Ool)enho,ges Denmark. — The Pant Norlunif expedition to Greer • bas returned. tur11e . to Cop'enhag'en after - lil,g Mel, e: irclin,eiciagioal diseove:ri ,greet li.ktorie interest.' The, ext 03'shail for their math object lb cathedral and Bishop's house at ko, as the natives new Writ— tv means abanciolled cooking place -- it i lace-_itt s do the vicinity of the pre co]Qny of Jultanelinab, It hal quite an extensive Norse settled of 0000 0l• 4000 people, - The main inter est centered in mine ot'the cathedral a,nd the Biel palace, tyhicli bentet'ed .o, main buil 150 teet•loug ttoutaiaing a bthnc(ue hall of large, dilaeasions, quite,•e to. these known 'no:ni ibe cid Tesla eaga5: • The oRtthous,ee menet have b able• to a:ceolnanIodate 100 cows bo horses, pidge and, 'Deep, apart from slndtot,w, Me., cove1'ing an area of b four *Meta Net far• trona the, Bishop's po was the. Cathedral, a" footway 1: w•?tal fiat '.stones connecting the The Cathedral had a length of so 90 feet 'about, the mime as the old cathedral in Nidoros• (Drontheirn) there, wore several chapels attaei to the cathedral. Suitable building material for cathedral was obtained from a sa stens quarry elope at, )rand, Norsemen of e'd 1)1:'1' 111 fi,M;kc t'6r.)eet atle„ built where, goal past tt',as found and pe0ivie'0a'e stilt 1414 there, doseenda,nis of Anders Olsen • ' Drtrleate6o settled there SIoare 190 ye ego, Tbaj leeway theinsefryee by fa ng, an although they are now 1 rape they 1 c p,attof from thesltim L It' st, \4'11 � t Ji''O� D de) :ve th. •0.2.7 ' t1 hI ft �. r '11C, 'Om the ,r lR Of Irik ,the lied no traces we found; .11e d?d, nal live, at Owls .sett n•ent but at IIen3u'fe nee, where bis i.t his 9arnr a,t Brotte lied on a fj0 010)10 b-. There escavatioats were: ale niltierizlien acid a 1'ea•y-- interest! stone \vil:h o lufij4e /race/Trion tY found. The stone has been bl'ou to Copenbegeti for inspection, Br Lane Real Wes ''heat:hen., but 1112 Wit Inti family became Cht'istians, and tri built a email ell Rif Ck.. , � et which D1. No ad benee es Ile has found th,e ruins_ 'Phe e 1 e eat iltlol2 1tasXbe�,..�tdreci' no ly eathel an:fo ii60 L suutmer Ilr hope i. oreef Stu again for distant Gree .tliFztl. and farther examine everythdt than can throw any light upon the Rodent seitl�emeuts of the Norse, Repeateas; Ne 1 els a 'mord that L:[a^nlo,' n x en 'in our current i.h. In our a• I,.I. lice d•tetiona1.3'-tlleie are a dozen dis- tct meanings net tlowu, from a tth that, on pressing a spring, "re. e.1t•:;". on a little boll the hour ami ate Inst past to a man who votes are, thaei onee at an election, an ath- o who repeats or duplicates, an un - ;al performance. and a gun or revel- • that fires a :ambler• of s'ho'ts with- • reloading. We are using too word o in sill another' sense,: one that 1 not yet found its way into the die - nary, .but le in common encu h use boy or girt who bee t0 take over 411 tbe.0tudiefeof et school year; be - lee of a failure to pass the exam diens' for promotion. i& you ever hear a. high-school stn= t say to his, father or mother. "1 nk 181ha11 flunk in Beetleh and ai- m and 1i'neach, There all too !" And have you heard the indul- t parewt reply, "Well, never mind. I can` take thaw over again next r, and they'll be easier then. You're ng yet, son. Another year in o0l won't matter!" We haves heard `aL conversa'tio'n mere than Donee•,• o the boy sto s ough his courses sueoessdirlly. He s, flunks his examdnatioee' and ae- Dr. 'land hay ;t Cs OC eve t- eold Igudl- Isiah and sent been ten,t the top's. ellug_. ring cin al nate eesh shies the 0:mie Mee raved; two. nae; esti and led:, the 1'a -- Tho parte ng ,a ars nu a4i•: ea, e.1• 3'e ,: le - 110 rt1 0 as �h t. 110 f e 1 e . l ft bl Pi t:1 WA Des. >tiiir 71' let 1'57 Ter Oq1 her ria do --a alga 104 inn den trb•i gob her gen To yea you OCII such s loaf pears, Probably he felts into habits of -Ind4, femme � c Made only frdrn'hard Western wheats, Purity Flour is ich"'in gluten '�--- the energy giving and body building food. Purity Flour is best forall your baking and will supply extra nourishment to the children, in cakes, pies, buts and bread. YEAR BELOW PAR Where the Best Wheat HOPES' FOR .F'UTURt Co esFrom. 1926 Reye' ted in 'The. Out- At the international 'wheat fair at IOOIL �+1 Pf London: Chicago last, month the prize for the The n n y0'rr enters lrapwfti r,y-, 1414)11 finest wheat and oats exhibited went ail new t4tr ,hh:e all year dies with, to Haman Trel.c, 'a grain farrnor (rat rogu• ts. 'rite last of 1926, like the the fatnom^r Peach River country irl last •of Hats C,1>g'pat y, has been 01) RS nQrthwesten'ir :Canada. The inte•esl- • hest behavior t9waidei the 9.11.1 01 t110 ing fact about this curtain, but trio, be att�e'9 aysp tntaneo 5,1)1Til is that Clic �w4+v:•A` a, t "': y"�' ''. ''''^ 4 " `e"'"" l' 1°��r. 5`� -" has certainly not rr,:t olncd f gmn was, ga'vorl in Lo'e latitude. 09 Send 309 in stamps for our 700-x0)100 bolt), Natty Cook Book 265 vlrous haat,, record. The 13001 that can n'or1hern L abrodor—as far ncrth oe e to pre b laid about the par twelve months Toronto, for es,amp}e, ass T Onto 3r Co,L�imifed �'a'oata, Moatr¢e!; omen, Saint TahD. 0 T W het,rn Canada flour Maid la that they 133 p.' beoi a testingtime, --- and that we lz v :Drill of rlotdd::. '1'146 Peace Inver a e, come through r•afh- Co�ntTY stJld sufters cram latck 09 Taal- - — — en better than could le[sor akly been eapeette But a general. strike,a 1 wo3' fa:dat, bet Lt 1)rts o, renal^]table exceedingly fwvorablo oli- o. l igh pevee to itay for the knowledge e, w rat re reilesfro C1th it e that John Bull ca'n still sihow a unity sax hurr[11 e l miles from. the Are• Canadian Ian oo a soil am �} al an strike, e, a11d a Coe IarnpanG hae been mutt 1 r when. leg tic etre., Psietieal ruggestione on:— PLANNING, 1 .n 1'e es,xim anal is fa.itl,, -;puna • BUILDING, FINANCING, DECORATING, in wind aard Dims) when stormy weather FURNISH/NG and GARDENING ovet'takesA MIK STOMACH 150 pages. Profusely illustrated, Plane by prominent Canadian architects front every province, • Homes suit- able for' any locality in brick, stucco pad wood, New ideas in roofs, windows', entries; bath- rooms, floor plans and other features: Tells how to make your home distinctive. Supplies facts you should know about COnet. action. Ready Now, Order Yours .Today. Special Price 50 cents per Copy, MacLean Builder's Glide 344 Adelaide St. West L.�� h1��A A deligbeful place for a winter sojourn, where weather conditions are Ideal. Aii abundance of hotels, apartments and cottages offers any desired type of accommodations at reasonable cost. Take one of these: lino tr',dns clott'p, The Flamingo The Southland Lv, Detroit M ' ( ,G.) 12:05 hon: C. IDC 1147111 ti (LLv &..Cil Cincinnati N)7:00t uatl Ar, Jacksonville n m t, snvville 0 nm, pr �,))i pp Ar. Tackeenville 9:3 pm :OO ani Ar. St. Petersburg AItami 9; 3p pm. Tama, 6 7:00 ani 1 7:00 ant Ai. Tampa S:Ob pm ' Sarasota 9:50 am " St. Petersburg 9:30 pm Through 11 g sleeping cries, observe- Sleeping cars'':' coaches. Ob - tie) and dining cars, coaches. servation and dining cars. 7:10 am a>••r.0_ rill Lauci o 1hi - f slow rotlr :nee and cha�-nc tYLY.iNeit< Orleans to Pensacola and East. Delightful ell_�.„ta, Ilxcellent hotels. Reasonable costs. Through train 54;.4.-8 riefin•ehlea is go e r•.. ti al the t It and e r d Louisville. 51441 e. rl sit as e l� for particulars u i' 1 rtcula• ls and Literature. e'' .r'•^1'i +1 14. E, PORTER, Tray. Fats' u• CSC rranrvortanu r Agt. Transportation e. PhanOe Cherry ;�r Y 8883;61-ne1r01f, MI01;, g J. LOUISVILLE S`�III�L . NASHVILLE se R. R. a Man and Boy Partnership. Pei ha is •1lotvh r y p here is the tuaii•boy Partnershin as prevalent as in naetlium sized cites'end the surrounding coun- try. A partnership between the city man anti th,.'citynboy is net a common thing, but City mea have often formed relations with country. boys in an et - feet to Stimulate the boy's interest in better farming, and to make hon, in0 his father thraugb.hm, betier farmers. In ) �' u n-� places, 1 tc,s, w'hern shore ,1'•e Rotary, Kiwauis' and sintilai' ort;auira- tions, such co-eperntion is in. evidence. The aura] press mattes frsqus.nt men- tion of such deletion, and a/Rr0o1 pub 1lcatloils o1 these commercial Organt- zatio)15 also devote :loch or their v valuable ab o sla C e t 1 o them. The • l recent t an f o 1 etsai`Y number of the, I�iw'auis. Club, a special number, referred to many inan•boy farm' enterprise.% These 'activities are supplementary to the boy's and giel ' club worlc, and ara usually in connection with 1�1. They mu, only benefit rhe, boy from 1r 011th work atualtlpeint,by enabling the boy toget <G e calf scat or pigs .far 1145 pro - Met, but they furnish a n added in• centive to the boy in having a success- ful business man back him up. n He gains courage 1n his contact with 113e lean, and puts 0031 extra effort to matte good his obligation to the :tan. It w•id'ens his 12ori on to have t:ltls con- tact with someone omtsitle 41f hie 3111' near it sirlteee of living' 'The 1'elatienerip also 51 of benefit to the roan. In most rases it will re- mind hits of his days back on the farm, and the contact with the boy helps to keep alive the human element 'which the•cares of life are sometimes likely to take away. ' Coal dust packed in strong 1taper bags and moistened with water in tivltieh a little saltpetre has been dis- solved will keep a fire alight when it is not required fol+ cooking, a Use �. SIMONDS SAWS ana Machine Knives SIM0000 CANADA 0Aw Co. LTO: MONTREAL VANCOUVER, ST, JeNN, R e TORONTO R „C' again the next fa=il to take' his i f•~" float • Year In .thigh school over•, again. n•ce acrd carelessness and loess year after year --together with moot' of the good of hie education. Repeaters gileat'1y incnease-the 001et r. of the public -school system. Tax.' payers grumble about the high cost of their schools and then, contribute to that expense bY.enoouuaging thedm a\vu children in a laziness ,that wastes' the i time and the -effort that h1rd-working teachers are giving to the schools. If i parents could be made to pay for the 1 cost of teaching :their chllal,ren the lj same eltbj:eots twice over, we should probably se.. a sudden fniprovem'sdrt in the quality of so11aab womb. Besidesthe money cost to the coat- i • reality thele is the harm: done. to- t1ie:� ohal•a,etear of a boy who in his- fo1•nia-'. Coe' years. is allowed to fall into the habit of Idstlesseess and indifference.' A life can easily be ruined. 1»- the de- g'eneration of moral fibre' so induced.] It is not bard for parents to finis, oat what sort of weak the01',boyg and girls, are doing in school, and a utile firm- nese on the subject is usually enough i to keep .the youngsters up. to the b, no means inaccessible standards of I our public schools. Don't let your clhiid drift into the habit of failing. Tl rtiNcelate road which leads •to a lifts of incompetence and unhappiness. Invalid children in a •Connecticut town are visited several tulles a week • by a public school teacher, so that they can continue' their -`education. I 1.. Canadian Farmer 'Tells His Expertence "Les" Booth, widely known Ontario' farmer, and a sick man for 20 years, suffered daily, only half alive. Now strong, robust, vigorous, credits new found hearth to Tantac Thoughpopularly known as "Les," Mr. Booth's correct first name is George. Bis horse is at 271 Perth St., Brockville. For the past three years he has enjoyed vigorous health but what he endured before then is best told in his own words. "For twenty years my arms, shoulders, bank and hips, ached tvith'rheumatisrn"'said Mr. Booth. "Often I had to quit work entirely and I remember one bad spell - that kept me in bedf or six months. "My case got to be so chronic that the help ran the farm. I w'as prac- tically helpless. Even my wrists bands would swell up so that I couldn't write my name. I dreaded bedtime, for -I got no rest, but,lay there in agony, waiting for morning. Nervous spells would seize me and I. would. tremble all over like a leaf. 1 couldn't get any benefit from my food and had - to force myself to eat. My weight was far' below normal. "Three years ago I decided to give Tahlac a good trial, for nothing else had helped bre.: I could scarcely be- lieve such results were possible 08 those Tanlaesoon shelved. The gehing stopped, my appetite came back and I could eat heartily. My nights be- came more restful too Sand j ale t soundly. I gained 16 pounds which I still retain, and I now Work hard out- doors from S to 10 hours a day. 'never have an, acre. It's hardly beiiereablef If folks want to know what Tania° eau do, loll them to write to Los. Booth, or to come and seeene. I'll tell 'cm." 1f your health is broken from over- work or neglect, piofht from Mr. Booth's experience, !r3 Tahlac, 1'a titre's, own body builder, macre from roots, herbs and barks lour druggist has it, Over 52 !milieu bottles sold. High Water Mark. The Government reached its water mallein maul-lifay when th era) strike 0914' ls,ell, 111141 once Rs fortunes have declined. Its ling of the coal,diijl)ate' was not gather happy, and, perhaps the drat can bo said4 for it le: that if a better show than the .Onpos t which absurdly-, denounced the ernmeni, ter hnell,etiveness at the Indolent when the llinems' 190001.1 was, treathr5 the, official Labor evit11 oontompt. 'bt may, of ecu Tse; be true, that Ah, Ramsay MacDonald tle- sery 11 '130 better ermute00n1 from his masters, after first Opeosin6' the gen- eral strike and .then accepting it, but, 11 is hardly for. this burst bubble too dei•ltle' other Weorl'e'l Impotence, One Bight spot. 111e"'one ee%%euctive achievement ,of 1920 was thO0iinlrel•1a1 Conference aIlicit ,--clatte1r the saga - guidance of Lord 13alfotir,'04l- modern Merlin, -per- formed the lnira"ea Of satisfying Gen- Lord Fierizog end, Ma Bruce, 11Iit bine keuzie Iain and .l 1 • Rang fi t .9e •r r 'i 610 1/1 Otte I n brief dacnnlen . t But while the Em.. Mee did beater than the pessimists ex- Idrtrpd 1!9rop0 ejtt a 6001 deal worse trio the -optimists' anticipated,' A year ago everybody WAS drinking tile new wine of Locarno, and moving that there hail nevem been any liquor lilt 10 11nc0 the world began. Now t t only tllo headache isg eft, the two tl know:s better. The Futuro. hi gli- e' gen- Cali Be Strengthened Through then the Use of Dr. Williams' al441 Pink Pills, best Made: Wonderful le the precess by lone- the chentietry of the body eha Gov- the food we eat into bloocl. And VEll'Y whole of our wel/-heing depends z ti ' eing maintained day after mrty yeer in and year out. Sometimes mooess becomes faulty, and then begins to poison the blood insteac feeding it. This is followed by all pangs of indigestion', etteh as gas. the storea•ch, pains around the he like foe all kinds of food. The may way to overcome fronbles Is to ten° up the digestion that you can aesimilate ail Your f0 a do WM you have only to take of these pills will quickly tone up stomach and banish Indigestion. H is ft bit Or convincing proof given Chas. Loather:, fellerelle, p.E who 2413"Sl—"Por some years wee sufferer from stomach trouble. hive meat Or Potatoes, and r grew autrnervous. No medicine seeine.d help me until I Wail Perallatied to ta Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and the which t When r 107 you .terve RED ROSEORANGE PRIDE to your familyvin y®u are: ivi�R ,. :them the best tea mQu can bl:ity, The Gospel of the Incomplete. Classified Advertisements, Scholars are agreed that of the Lour acrars. Now Testament narratives of the life' -1Attusns, )'t:T rtnlri s1'nurr rnln xo of Jesus the Gospel •according to John 1+ '405)0hw neo 41)0100 m: ,11'110! ui0auw _)/0 is much later than any of the otliee r'''''ent,nn "Ilron Ola 14'1'534:41- 4'1'564: 1roMhwxtus 50,114 three,' Its 00400 Ro501 6141'' Hold, aswuat,n terrknr.', hand- ':triol` was evidently fa- 6mn' ae' oatirt. sstZil Z1C 1'r :a and 'poem) :Briar with the earlier. narratives,, or., Moo. send for )fo) 001) ral4 p!1r41cri1nTa, Ston' to some of them, 'anti his work is both a) Wellington. ru"aw s. e ppiement anal an . interpretation, I FOR SAt:e. II the C t h pee. On the tan,03 'Or• 5)0.30 0,uivntt'er1, Potesm, 840 53005) 11Nl1300,1 E,sL ltontren4; - day, the ; ut he does not tell us that he thinks 301310la 8rr1Jt, ] U,1 canrl,.r, rieru get his nalz at}ve at all cont 1 t 1)) rraordn, 9a ,4000004o, nutonlune, 1,100 on racy, •e doses 1198 Look with the arts to the effect that Jesus said and did hairy other things, of which, if iii hY tmrenrJral7 en ear.11,6 uninoua str'attnnue they were Completely reookied, "elle 8r, year) sar0Rsn. No'a'h. 1't 410 Inial:. wnrrt9 fthwould „ Da0R Tor (rep bOak fl'raOca'a ::metre), Lim4ed 1(.)°0(10 vi'orld itseii net R not contain the Hoot, w„ 70 snood° hast, T'ronto. Canaan. teal ' the hanks." lire 010 not k)iow. anO wa n,evar ud= outs, shall know, the whole t h ' oe tory oft e art 11115 00 Jesus. Another, (11 5-1 No such statement appears at the `Five thousand •tvouidn't bogy thief end -of the Acts of^the Apostles, but house." the Acte is clearly incomplete. What "Count me in, too." esso e !we have itt` that most useful book is a od.jvery few of the acts of a very- few of syr,+the apostles, and of the apostle whose. se j deeds are most fully recorded an tlhe abrupt ending' of the narrative, at al ere most its most exciting point, The . 6401` of Paul's yu s arr •� serest, o t 'ah y 1 1 Y1..o :met voyage, sbi P n w1• P eCk, sojourn on the a island of Malta and arrival in Rome y- is Old. with dran'iatic particularity; it 1'I- is etidently. the work of an eye -wit - eat nets. Tlten. it two verses ve are told ,ak that Paul lived for true years in a rented' to :tedhoose, a prisoner awaiting ke trial, but preaching freely to those se Who cable to him. There the story 11e eels, j)s Was he tried and convicted'.' We rte rather think not, at that. tinge. W a judge that the case w s dismissed Jo oe lack of evidence, the long delay ha Be ing wearied out the prosie-cation, th he was set at liberty and later re av imprisoned, under conditions of great • is 01' seventy, and that he died amar- tyr. di- But we have to infer tbis from certain allusions in the later epistles: The narrative itself is incomplete. Life itself islike that.: At 110 stage do we find It finished, Evils die hand till and rise again to confront the C}u•is- e""tian after he supposes his wol•1 s- hai- e been elope. Unpleasant traits r, 0111' own character glare back at us ou of of ugly and moelcing eyes to remind v 's, how:' far our own lives are from th it ideal. The task is incomplete. Tl 11 incompleteness is our opportunity, ou st;.good news. In a 'Very real sense it is 1 the heart of our gospel. The Father 0i worketh hitherto, and we work, ttt _ s Minaret's Lln)ment for anlrnal ailments ci n s e' Scratches on furniture v i r t can be re moved by rubbing linseed oil into the e I wood in the direction of the grain, al using a cork for the purpose. by which time every symptom of t rob e rouble disappeared, and h p tele has u ince been the slightest symptom ton I t ne 1 trouble. No wonder 1 Arai Dr, Wilk:Ms Pink Pails." S'ou can get those 141415 through a medicine dealer or i y snail at 50 ten a box from The Dr. 'Williams' Mei Inc Co Brockville, Ont. Spanish Courtesy. There is 110 better tt i uta one• r ted 1) ' on this & tli than a Spanish gent! man, and when he 15 °stooling ho tam ntal V IpSi 1 it„ your Sylau(attFl, rich or pow tP$ le at his best. It is not the extent nal•}ty of the, hospitality that matte) t is the exquisite grace- with which is tendered, the innate)) suggestiv Id1n1 your 10)11for't in the host's fit' consideration. The hist net of hospitality seems 1 be born n ht the Spaniard, and he co !rives when you aro , 12yhtg in Ili house to put you at year ease an leave you there. His formalities a9 never aggressive, his kindness seem to time from the heart, and til foreigner.. who enters Spent with few good introdnettons will lied it lutr' to b)1(495.y' Itis W01001135, , With the beet 'type of Spanlard the old forms 1n'e no mere empty words Iiis hospitality and generosity Ole- a Part of his honor and the dearest thing! in life to hihn, anti the catholicity. of 1118 Ulna 1022 may ba gathered from I 010 fact that Spanish 11015 but oriel word "amigo," to express both friend ant/ acqueinlance. It. must 1101 be sup- posed that Spanish hoepilalily is lilni'Ced to those who can afford to dis- lrense IL On the contrary, the very poor are delighted to do something for a stranger who 1c 19Y111pnthetice It may be no more than , . , au orange or a h4ln¢tl'u1. of olives, hitt there Is some•• thing in the nen, in which the gift Is offered that magnifies its intrineio value a• tbausancl•fold, Even among those whose tittys, are passed in eeaae- leee toil, who live far remote from the compeuy 09 their fellowmen, you and Apart from the Inip*ral Conferehiee t then, 1926 line been a disappointment. s A balrrn Year in-potitte3 aud:indnata'y, s a batt year in dtplomocy'nil finance, D a. lean year in literature •az1)1• music, al a t \ r e ago year. in drama and art \whatever ltappeue, 1927 can hardly be w'O1S0 than, 1929, and the present un- e &Mations are_that it will probabiy be a great rloal.bettor, A mite more good will and a littler... es talk of elslseaw�ar, and England vtti will be lierseTf again. epl .d Pneumonia Neglected Aero) is bronchial colds am Gait- u, sa t them em ' tr ata nu With IIaakle ' , 7t Y s Illixt ui•R. Ito ac tion i InVo- lleying cte cough ith as d cls Cult clearing the cu t9 am 2 8 n t 1 A swift -and Y )• all druggists aure. t ggKisg ara tee, nue a boder tcd�aaitiia o safe. R,ry c bottle skit. 1•, and be Nate R', FC• Buckley, Limited, zr: 142 Masai RL, Toronto 2 C7:7�{!-4'4 � a lei t rA a 3f T' ilh� '• Yig !•)� a; z Acta 1tA: a Jfcslr- _ .�•; a single rip 000ves it IF SICK ORBILIOUS, CONSTIPATED CHILDREN g F1i13 Y LIKE THE �,a 6 sa B o 9 g' } TAKE E�1 !C tg���a �{r8 Tfgr g�9FJ �a�.4 d 1� No headache, bad cold, sour stomach ; or costive: bowels bymorning rIltSt $° t0 Getot lgreent box now.. n r 1 on re bilious! You have atWrob-, 11 bang eemsatlou 511 your head, a bad s taste in your mount, your .eyes :burn, e emir dein is yellow, with dark rings Th under 301))' eyes: 3'0119 lips anerarehetfi 1• No wvn'er you feel ug'13',.3nean and it. tempered. Yogi, system 1s 1(191.11? b!, • not properly 1)1000.4 off, and what y neer} is a cleaning up inside. ,1y rctn iu e be. ng a [iilious• uuisang yeurself and those who love you don't. 1.00- l't to harsh physics ay ; tate and injure, ' Remember thl, disorders of the stomach, lY bowels are Cttrel by morn, gentle, thorough 0aatheta'••-1 while you sleet>. A 10-oeW your druggist will keep y bowels Olean; stomach sew head clear for .months. to take Caoearets beery good and never gripe 1 Baby's Own Tablets Are Effec- tive and Easy to Give. You. do not have to coax and tlir•eat- eu to get the Mlle ones• to take Baby's Own Tablets, The ease with which they are glue:, as compared with 1tqu4d medioiuee, will appeal. to every mother. bone is spilie<1 or wasted: You know just how big a, dose has reached the little stoalttoh. As a rem etly for the lite of childhood arising front clerangementof the stomach end bowels they are most satisfactot'y, lOIre, Rose, \ eyor, \Vill7manlie, Comm, says:—"I used Baby's Own Tablets In the Canadian Nod'trlwest mot found them 11 110ude)'hrl medicine for child- ren's troubles, especially indigestion and constipation. i'hhve also given then) to my children for simple foyer and tIle restlessness accompanying teething and they always gave relief, f can reComtnen[t Baby's Own Tablets t0 all mothers." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by tiled& cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents £t box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Wants to be Shown. "I wish there were no such thing tie money." 'Penniless Ono ...'•13in I have no proof there is." "Can poll give me 0 -quotation from Shakespeare?" "Sur , 'TuWien-, 09 noWien-, aye, there s the rub.' „ Japanese to Denmark. There • has been 1t comparatively Targe influx, of Japanese into Denmark, mostly engineers 1'3141 mechanics. Te clean a bath, tir51 wipe over with a rag dipped in paraffin, and leave for about three lmnutes. Then dip• the same rag in salt and rub again. Wash with hot 503pl- water, Silver articles -:and ornaments soon tarnish when exposed to the air. The brightness can be restored by dipping the articles in a strong sbhttion of ammonia. 'and hot water. When ironing starched garments or lace curtains rub the iron with ct bit o/ Waste candle tied in a piece of clean rag. This will prevent the iron stick - log to the starch. Sixty smiles an hour makes n pleas- ant driving speed. Doctors vouch 1'01'41 10ard's Liniment, ta^-- q INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH Instantly l taPape's Diapepsin'o Corrects Stomach so Meals Digest The moment you eat a tablet of "Pape's Dia.pepsin" your indigestion is gone. %o more distress from a. soar, ' acid, upset stomach, No flatulorroo, heartburn, iwipita.tion, or nliserymalo- 1 ing gases. Correct your digestion for few cents. Bach package guaran- i leen by dmuggiet to overcome stomach trouble. ev1deu'ces of tb.e ie]'arn court 001 that is one of the nros•t striking charms of the complex Spanish zhareeter.—S, L. Bensusau, In"Nome Life iu Spain." Those old enemies gas, acidity, pain and dis- comfort are soon Shocked for a fare•thee•u'ell by Seigers Syrep, Any drug state, A Perfectly Good Present Spoiled. Sandy WW1 engaged toa girl who, a. few days before her nineteenth birth- day, succumbed to tho prevailing feminine craze and had her hair 011115161. A11 ber 81)1 friends core gratulated her on her apeeaaance, and it was Therefore 411110at any miagiv, ) ing that s'lte sbowe.11 herself to her sweetheart, But Sandy viewed' her walk grave disapproval. "It Is herd on me, lassie," he wailed, "versa hard! After I've just bought ye 0. paolcet o' hairpins for your birth- day." fS'S UE'Nc. 6—'27. T -HE GANGE1 A. sneeze 90 of a cold M mart's. Proved safe by'' Colds 1-7 Pain DO'