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The Seaforth News, 1927-02-10, Page 2
DINGT. 'WI1 ER $Mlle ' Praictiie l `•Suggestions. • . • WW..'P. TAYLOR. tly increased. If one ,�dt durhige the short ldaya ' desires to mix d le would be �the mash at hone, the are. not used, all possible formula put. out ' from' otir college iarts of 'r be utilized. u >tihap- bran , orhould nmesl,in iddlingsttanal d ground "rt days, F +iportant, :, The sominx oats, withr meat scrap, ac - ton - aefast• aftor• writing twenty per cent. ofthe amount of milk thethe manning, the bet- cording to inee for the last hurl-, hensiare getting. This is the formula,: satisfied: upon going' said it i earid. to o improsalt veion. Usually ally is dually necessary,, k and plenty -of It, is from one to two per cent. of ground During the very' limestone (calcium carbonate). , mires extra. effortl A. PRACTICAL hIASI8. lk, • but it Hill pay, The writer has one bunch ofLeg- 'r the milk t" horns in whish he is getting interest- ' est- ' ^oti drink enough. ed_ In, this flock are 170 pullets. They ): duple Wt11 tend; were .hatched June S. We bought this bunch, cockerels and all, when they 'JCTNQ FAOTCR9• were seven weeks old ':'To begin with, k lays but 'Pew there were 100 of them but we"fed'the usually fqr I Weasels- pretty weal on two occasions, tains a ama'k.'sand the nnmbet was' ],educed. The 4 it is.,htrd'iz1i•ds never ate a,.ieernel of scratch miry to se islged after -we g'o't th :at until they t ld• hens leis four months old. fed -e math -'rt± yrea nOIO practically as', folioivs:' Seven average, •hui=dl.ed ,potilids rf :'yellow cornmeal, produce 'S0O pounds of good middlings,• sixty }stxue :meat scrap, ten pounds of salt. foil, land d twel'ye pounds of'calciulii carbon - We talo �t4Uc_ We 'had it mixed at the mill; Feeds' which saved some time and nal oT mind As. the hours of daylight silo, t fled; that and the, nights grew long, we t,'avefl; I pullets a feed of corn just before they ,et : went on the'roost. They began laying tit shotltly before they were five months a ole!They were five anonths and nine- teen days old yesterday, and we.gath- erect seventy—five eggs,lrem the 170 "birds - Tl> to bin several good methods uC tiding hens. They will conswue a the attractive daytime dress shown asto give the best 1•riety'.oi` gzn1ns. 'In fact:.; all the here. Tho bodice is slightly gathered and be so arranged • ills 'Cemmanrl known ell tlia Taft Ito the skirt in front, while' the back outlook and the greatest' amount of TO f dwithp I 7ti' i110k id con. lata, ant s4dill Jul! kion from on foo t11s ar4111not intitiea Th( balancelT roti r Led ,shiest .. era Ia•oil 'rho' 4v,ii'in, mo gastt'rtng tit ugi;sel3' hal; a :;.lfey i rates' to ,¢i;bi`lt, a; e not ptodiflsfng ErN NE®Eb eneral laolc o �ani- air f n, , on .ad. d°t tit a'rm an be' very, easily f •a dry .mash cern- va try, -proportion t of en are . several kttir excl. nfasli'ox the ilial"-' That • local dealers arae poult vory good poultr.'j^} prince )rites. If f'ttrntei;y, }ie kep this feed.and-asci clicks. these :spall tioclrs rho wbl, 'I'DrisktL Barley for ` reeae, eai t.There 73 d• p kiunlr p�11 i'ylnon hens that could tee avvi',1gur, i'orte(F corn; the erCaaurg, 2'A, pe>i>netfal.. Stq'(especililly?' rho.. linpa'r ng' • barley, l ofiol e4;,,farnn Iw'retioil• ,Four;,forts 01:e.iltad$ ill to -Were usefi`1t8. • is Co half 'the, nuns-il1154 laysIt hloi`e .at ted of one part"'»lllt breads e- erusilwf oa9S: espe6t4117.,, ilk' tib rvtclt-feed,.f bresds, tlre>rf;'i$: a an shares mid ,•uc 'eading:g''enerss meal and•corn glome emellot; .in sr; '1/4 the Other halt ;el' egge- It wot>a:0 that sI , must gtig@;ear, tv the maintenance' of Th can- be done orifi, et iron and tnatitlg, ' dire breeding. Tho +answer' st Ili tho'sum_ hatch only egg's of nu{mrd ]1'opnrtion'of, birds of good size and'seigr th' a *fitter.'hatch th anis eggs of nori'ri'lil alfalfa runs their respchtive breed er 1.1i11165.;'t'ntp 111 p�,l1On ,hurt of eggs the tandem 'rags, alfaif r often to put small eggs1.11.6 int era' imaritit.1'Research studies •tell urs that n 1'or' drink. i small eggs hatch small chicks orb greatly, grew .into small pullets, wht'• '• 21 t both as 'Ur Iny small eggs. If bh•a� i' Lbu c,1 nothing t f.' n t„t Y o tit tics eggs are set, 'poutzymeri"'nei 11 e duction 1 have no feat about the quality'of'th cg's' fo 'eggs, in ;referen-c9 to size at Irian, 115955th -i from the'•orfheoming pullets. e coria ra= i t " feed cosi.; • where 1 •Pay -Day l ' jccttan to i eying:n t 1.1.1; the ,A yotulg firmer , cis given' P know, Iloilo shrewd! -s wife; whom �op similar 'ration, ohttttution of in the ser•ttch-: h •i0'suiil adds-, I avere added A SMART DRESS WITH SLEN- DERIZING, LINES. Dignity and grace ,are combined in THE CANADIAN HOMEMAKER . corrariny PLANNINC?i Pi•iILD �`lG 'FINANCING. DECORATING" . rURAltS}tu'G: GARDE NI ea • r' ,- a n Vt16r r, CttG Ki D'• A ENGLISH DOMESTIC . DESIGN EOE, A SOUTH SIDE LOT B Craig & Madill, By 1 Architects, should designed )o' riven lo the arrangement cf the rooms stucco exterior is relievedb'y Ved brick 6 suit tins lot on which It is to be befit on the second floor' as on the ground base, sills and trimmings. oot floor. There- are three bedrooms' of is in keeping with the general design convenient size with, generous eloset;and is carried thedCriwn front eItiip1eaaing nglef- sIpa`cc. The owner's bedraotn, which ' Beet . ish has the Preference in outlook is the cottage atge casement rk int ce brown cola noes largest •t is provided with two did 1 wardrobes. Where possible two piThelco4ffof the building exclusive C lRiN ' AWKWARDNESS ' s ETIIEL C-P'ETsssoN. ' Johnny was a bit shy, and anotia than,a bit self-conscious. As a'con- sequence', he was awkward as a'puppY at almost everything •ho tried. to do. if 'ho passed a dish at table he in- evitably api11isd Some of its contents. If he wiped dishes ho nearly always dropped one before ,he was through. He could not bo trusted to fazdssand- wiches 'around at a party, or later they would land on the floor. a Mother—quick, efficient, capable— was mortified that a boy five :years old' should do such senseless things. So she scolded: "Whydon'Do t be careou t where you're going?"b that!" ful now, you're. going'spill She did not realize 'how sharp her voice was; nor how her rebuke hurt the boy's sensitive soul. Johnny grew more and more awk- ward. I' ie.dreadedthe thought of do- ing things when Mother was around if she wasn't them, things some- way seemed to go better. He would WA' and dt;op whats'ver he six's hold' ritg zf -lylnthsr -entered 'the J ootti, .:'Their: Cousin „Kate Cam's. to ti reit 'She' and Johnny were pals fron the '; start, for "-the understood and"roved boys, Sha •saw that Johnny, acted nervous when -,firs mother' cams s het'' }te' was • pla3ing, :and Unit seemed reluctant tei do small services for hes'.. Yet he was a loving little chap, and flew to obey llef••own'be- hests. ' Quietly, she studied the situation. One day Johnny himself gavo her a clue by saying, "Cousin Kate, I try so hard to do it right for Mother, but She always says, 'Now he careful; and .then I 'spill: things." ' The next morning cousin Kate had a heart-to-heart talk with Johnny's mother, in the course of which she persuaded her . that she had uncon- aeiously been instilling fear into her small son's heart. He wanted so much to please her, and that very fact made rt him nervous. Then her eons -an warn- ing before be -did anything, and liar fretful comment on an ,accident: "There, I just know you'd do that; You are the most careless boyl" com- pleted his discomfiture. Cousin Kate induced Mother first to change her thought about her little sort, to feel that he was going to de t right thing. Then she was to pray les attention to hint. Size could walls away, or turn and loop out of thewin- dow after she had asked some 'favor i l - anything to make fun foe Of Johnny, Y. as though he were doingit on his own." If sometimes there was is break .or spill, .sho was-to sweat" it in matter-of-fact way y, it isn't anything very dreadful; next time you'll do it right" And when things did go right, ,1loth' r was to overpraise a little. So it happened that within a few months ,Iohunly had very nearly lost that nervous dread -that expectancy of 1, 11 e✓.tttvd had acquired a new Ft x'ye, earl e "good is in one place. Slenderizing; lines ago lifiht to tits more important rooms. y Inas calif must ,rant, 's taw collar extending o 1 t e. cons'idecaLioti to the ltlbltc p ore rah • ways ie. a V r H' benude but theI 1 t the front, . ;accentuated by means of -the sleep Ufteii -we find the recoils so arranged e of the balani:ed ration vine' waist, :1;;d the plaited .front tunic. The as v give. I srnu e 01 windo'vs 135'1 1)e,,..•• ever in mind, and for pe't.. �� v}&s'd. in the ;adewants to give cissa or $9,600.t ould he III the neighborhood sleeves are {n two sectiaus, the ]also advantages only scoffs dl by of the real; 1 room which' or ycllev.•.corn is praferabls to cart tieing of contrasting material to a:dvtustages Posncnss'rI by the lot.fat• a circulation of air. The three r i flys The des'gtt l.ltustratod iter_ is } s'oa1tL and }las Lhree exPosnres,I Itoaders desiringtie. hiitlsio ndrlsuceiTi- mateli the testae. No. 11,1 is r> s.nn•th si{lo 0[ a Pnocs mines and is - - lot - - opens oft two at' the bedroom's and m Yy' i cations regarding s hawse should comtntlni- d d4 inches trust VS{ e38 requires r,ieee111a1ring a. desirable view 01 he used as u sou slitI1tg rnOill or e! rite with the architects ciliate, Ad - ;n 1 ^scion, living` 1 bmttr room is c gar - Vo .variety. ag for Quality Eggs �litarkctin .Pian 1x13... worked' out a ivLiy� tis racial �f th'ett• surplus 7 bs, 1Reyl• g rid, Stati prices,. products e •Noi ou and get' e i •'In .for them, t; good ante 1 soli 11 oti'' • a it t �b '�'tt r e t• � P la ;instil! st' 3 i n 1 fableat 4""';'."'”'a bu • 1;urytoty}<nEo.;Jye,� Pt' of 1)7 t; this roan has his n1 1j,kk,ear;4 and 'P,recli'in pieces of eats cold L ez - 1 fie does'•Iiot Coinvenient size. ak-s ,tip ! t encoura 'e'su • 'o• aright .11, haytial ,alt a l� , .o sales, s c• v n t 1 I a 1 s u t. oh t ' use u o' ! C rime. e. ni' 1.h t n ac ' t 1• ,. o h r, 1, he' . to fl o� • quae:'bitR P y Chemed and Can Bat., o't ani iU ;''id o1 50 'everything is arranged/ pt. bar+ 11 t1 buy/ .sit t. '.. � along I )1. 10, of.bcl'r•20- perk 5sdPiil�Cels. -q good' or the first lt1Tc'M re„t,y lenght e eltr a is q tic, s, Froin five to ;buil, ing.he upodn't hints, eit t.(tt,, a)s'),s� rlrsla Uitd than therwhi 11 Otllp utll•- z '••ac's `botch c•l.trhir ,rr i9' Sb attractive v it ,ui a,a)it Wet: : n!til l c will i n .:n pounds of fre, ,' asrsi. to•tlijfi},a sit- Family. 't'hr't111,5 o fttr in a Terse our e w'ri1 ' on; !.'t tions b..te, )a •r 2 tis Om v'er.y- The taxa in hi e5 1 r, d,su it will b Dstl to oibeen •e• pr,t, •'' te, 1151 Ii17Je, rigs, ire• e perfectly had been -0 to 'which P1 tie. livers and allra the scrisr s ane, ' liverb, had been a lecf"d_ TI there are irisin e, used. ' Pruned• plop Jtg to a c v'ineg Ma - during g 11E s, Lie chickens, eggs. cat- ' opand the former, at tta;zetahecs •.g•.. late as age, .had; pi'oditieed a1.vegatabTes 1 its, apples, Jr;.e•I c,rri »soy>;xPA,ea asr the acv ii' a he dozens of. otJicr• thit.gs,,-Fre r have showed of at . to ilui home at second- have had, an orchard l: would ti and third )esti. The for second rini'm.rnt, ra ctiaie. of and t go finer• e more jarishabte, D 1? pc'd, ,. bees things the g taate(, tii6: canned stll$° r.r) o not be afrafbl' !' o ,i'' tincglt l fruit. Ile X.Iv c1,. Sl• lsttn }ti f mostly 3 1 -:the l3. ' C- Y fa)• • . i E ; t tor' - district where 'factory :Cel on the eighteen. Oa fon ! Work:er on ns th „r [,S••t list et an the t. en fiches' to l tarsus and IaJt)nla1.. 2'11ey have th_ r'r1nriT(•s a big leaders if' yeti'. for s.1 . I, P_ g ti eoa ea]grY a 'snnd than i;}1gY Ca 1 P v of cheaper' �, e lives tanto. They '11.1',"1".9 Ret down town•'FIe a 11 °-ty stuff'• m•e kora :,in,i drat 3'n hip ,castor •,:-.._..-.�- liy ,taking a , who ahipR'e rMas ail fifa , lar, ;le [lu. ky stenciled. l has . ). nisi. out, .41' 1 Y an "r„„.• ct'stc the ...Zly!i&k1ng usaeity he does much •yot'ti es ikg., role'nto tli This' ree the o break u he h sillintente fi°rds to P n'tic �' • ii',01krri j o )• l number of 1_ all -1 045 gto One e roe his de - holy, wheh to;lcaktrfot5• Ilrs Patrons. tined $V a Platfornit,- ,. him of cit shot L'sti ing to one o I as ,e, money: yea (I; and,.11a1a rlr 'box be corner Laehable tags, lints a hal>t1>e' of d 'each among "le .Y,irs ill) -inch material and r}(, 4100 in the roar. T to s„ a til "t)ittg parch, T ter a crowing feeling, 1 • ontrastin g for sleeves roolt1 has a view on three sides. In ample fn size and ie eflulplt°S with a d Jess, Toronto, o Ont. dil'i, . 9P Woo and the: trade alike do-ienti. e,decch c b ! s is de -I ttx] le :lee;`Price 21?c the pattern. its L"'-allnitl the 5l-, ,) 0 1110 iii vC •t tub and lrede5tal Basin: The West, wi .e market egg l i « 1 y the site are utilized - to the utmost. o n )sae may re a tis of smart n stylus 1 }q p Y [ filo Y [ r lead t t e to this Is :nos at one end i. fexlittp t� that � f ural in Our Fashion Book. Uul Preach ut„ ' case an 1 j1I10 5011109 }i- 111 C'it'e 15 originate 'their } attt.11 :1 int, veil and th until garden to the south, o brood. od 1..J.0.1. ei0109 f. 1r 1-Ta11 of . thtr ',tyle centres, and' while rt group, of three easement wiil- to breiI their creations are., those of. :testedi,dows took toward the street, French :caned f'- t"khat if a . i.sld One continu-1!'apular{ty, brouglit::vittlin the means', give acosss Crornthe . living room R'�' of the average wnnuln. Price of the to the dining rt1500 The dining meal, '•1 •,C•' Inonl 11Vs exposure on milli -,r `^ ✓gh egg production, naturally li aV:et tendency for each 'n of birds to Iso - Ind to Jayl sina11- em, therefore, • °^nous atte-ntion egg ctuttlity v careful 5e - by careCulladdress your order to P'ttern rt1)apt., ,ic1 be ton -Wilson Pub:ishing Co., 73 West Ade- size fi•otn.:aide St., Toror t0. Patterns sent by and to return marl. calor for , variety. • y is sa.SPeeclirxi; Up the Bearing Age. boo 'i.tic the C t y like tilt - - ;r I three sides, WilE7nws 011 either redo ITOVJ TO ORDER PP:T'i',I:RNS. of the tltifflrt tante to filo lass}' labile a Write your panto and address plain -'groin of three easements face smith • ly, giving number and size of-'.sucit`and a. pair of Urenrh daura lend to the patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in` verandah on the Otte. 'Piero is )la waste space in hall - stamps or conn (coif, preferred; wrap ways In this iie9n„n and Die stairway trio{u:ly) for each number and is convonieu!ly arranged at the front of the Ircuso wiith the basement stair underunderit. 'The trades entrance to the kitchen is refaced at the basement stair' 15ndilig and also provides an entrance frout the side:drive to too front hall. 'filo kit1110n is of ample size, well eg6IPIr •d 101L11 euphoard9 broom cup - chine. these Though it is; perfectly natural to hoard t•tertr{e rtwf,e clad refrigerator. want to get our orchards into 112151no'i The same Considerations have been Nell .10,1 is quickly as possible, and though Ilac .0 are justified in putting more or less r:. that• i' about, yet we fre.q:aently overdo it. Tho • p11I1C 13.11 factors which inilu- S a Paultt, spay servo a ,pose ifn the pot, but should mit •et• toccupy. Zllli¢'�-11dt,w ': 'Si>aCe, got of pit ,art on thetees to bring cess Park these tow, arid:itri l a c bearr e `- his ern ss, itntt the culzoi tilts' name less ones 'tilde box 2ear,t;h'esltr%hgtar© hetod o°1ddershal tit see Lhe�ize as t hint to bzavpl�,.�bz[Is� the seta] is ,elicc early bearing are the following: :):'tri❑ precocious • : varieties, summer - while roup setting t h e trees t young, t 6 not arc ll Coils -which ar nn. . •• orchard - vfei.tlle, and being: conservative tit, list, of : cultivation and fertilizers a promote rol'th. my one of these is legitimate Within hound,: We aught oasil'y eft-ing• llclntvbh tvhlch conies t : j1T five or six A HEARTLESS VALE i`IE PARTY BY BE•1.TI.ICEPLUMB. Could ` anything be more original l wit fou J rt ''1 sta ;Tarty? :ban ti• heartless V nlcntnie . , 3 i x� r St, ,/• CC�ND•r'L4 ')LI'P1.AN 4n Endearment Contest. colne5 `next. Seeul part'ne'rs thus; Give to the Wren slip calling. for - some laugh- able atti,1t such Os "Snoring,'• "Do an aesthetic d,nee," "Smile sweetly upon d girl 1 some i}laiden. "Give an exhibit•}on of 1. TWOplayers,oboy and ' I cake -walking," "Dance the Charles- . at andr rtr l a `t; group r s .lie'7`lie of the r � 3 front o g pso <n, n roand ndr i” a t {at 11 •• r � kite 1 a b In �r t paper tel nlvan Blips cif gap b ease o1 action and confidence in his awn ability. In ether weeds, he had lost his "inferiority complex,” Barn Temperatures. In winter many,dair.y barns that are well protected are kept too but and • ate improperly ventilated. A little care with the windows will do a lot. in overcoming this The proper' temperature for the 55 degrees. If much moisture barn collects on the. wall's it means rite haat is not well ventilated Installation of a gooil'velitilation system is expensive.. IL is.not expensive to' open and cicse the 'windows in accordance with the L}t „ nt talk L 1 word Go both start i 1 ' tit : .. .. ,t - e 6 tato th the, favi ' •1'1'riend and each 's • is t '4 •Cott e telling t. n l I> ie •t la ,I h n a r to subject y t e , s b stunts $ b s. J f boy's Friend!, n 1 Ii 'e_ e ' anon 1r1's subject is `111,, Boy girl clams 131.1• }tanner when she 1 then h:'a ValentineR ins g Al g My party ^is a heartless 'olio! I e one who can talk thelongest w ognires his stunt as the one called for iris will give thalami the air ---;.'ha gala balloon, r on her slip. When all' have secured Otte 6 t__ before refreshments usher pencils and )a srs, are pass - 1 mesh in; fun. ' must guests partners, lent 9 k P course I only .Of. o We'll show no_heart at all, but then your guests out with an rill -pap relay, [et} and the players told to -write dawn 1 } ^er bag and line up as many terms of endearment as they can think Of. Later these lists are vend 'aloud • and each couple muse scratch off every term thought of by any one else. • Ten points are awarder] r no m1e else thought of, having the most points box of candy, if a humor- ous prize 15 desired, ix. tip mush inside, I retches tilled ati loft cu •, Serve { p 5a years It You'll t some cultured „'t F .+ to I Gn'e eneh a f n I L they'll prvmiso unytn,na;l each 'team rushes Lhtoubh n e . P meet doorway. 2w V It the do0 tact Ln Northern Spy, „hie -ill your two teams �” to fifteen years;' and we ho cautious enough ]n Dur •Cnona fertilizers se that ;oti c, amg, Cl lots od promising yOlrtr,(;' men,- On the Word "Poi" the 1:u'Si player' of 1 Bea dool•- n `tic''' .y stops, bless up his paper bag, Llcarts have no hlace.ixt your l:ai•l;y.Ix'aY, � , iops It and sits down upon the floor: instead. 1 11 56 d This mayA e. x performance. bows and'ar.tows d repeat the Perfurman '`Loll could have all left t t atmosphere , I nue,s until 811. ,of one team are of air 'nal temperature. I til y ' 0 id_ uts and water as much'a. part or the •f_,t::t Of animals es hay,silage and grain, and 1 believe, sine, these. Ingredients in the ration cost nothing,that we should take tare o: team first. A hard-working, highly fed cow is burning up a lot of fuel, and ,this 0505110 than she is pouring out a lot of heat and moisture. If .he is kept in 'a }tot, moi•et atmosphere. she will ntd have dearly so good an appetite as the coir that is leapt in a dry, cool atnlos- overgiao}v knolls, 0/111110 and P 1- far catty word phea•e. Coolness of the air will not wet that Cooing eaves, lovers F Th=• next two players rush to the dos and the couple high-producingl115 cow. it will slier hand, a harm n The. only r 1'1 Y appetite. that } •a ) art et it a an a )� ,tel e fa le P w i given � 1 i ' th 1s a• n mind her 1 r e In Y e give 1 til i1 dainty 01(1 a a 't(. C f t i; i;�l ` dfull WI co' t 1harmful •sears it least a calla cold sit that is as of tcuurina )lant' l7y':t liberal 1�s0 of spite men 1saP 14 ,,, 0, Pass popcorn halls to the 1us box with a tai t le may strike her as a draft, A .17 . } 1, ' •in le of. ic:tele , with cot l that nt this' Hite a r.r g the linnets think thI an rut team. m ''1 L returns for Y it i. •m bub r1. " or yr• procedure until r • drafts. should be t, B '�s 1 rho nr les e ..1 eat finely h 1 tit t with chopped i- nd t5 a girls are upstairs stlui s 1;1,41 itt•>•thean rt f til i s Ili L Lease Dile 'curl o oath yrs 1" t I {s Lime 6t. s hNd r -a ill 1 it:• y• hti•1e rtlm t r' P with their Ii4- scow. ]1 t f r t'1 t 1 I one sh nu t' ] f t ° 1 m' eat the ceo La � f. 1 mustcream, l _oral' - lis on rho gcover that, t .{ 1,N/ion-theav 1 th ' • •ut e'cl•'. Imtn j oft tniw7 lvia}1s bans b1 Mils without touch (, Pl �., a 1n the Dairy Barn. a . t, banister. lune s. d d �tl 1 the boys downstairs can't aiitau cuPID A. sack of art rialto-} lime around h with whipped rail h am celery salad in rad .apple ;: strawberry i ice a n_ date - cookies, cocc1 5vi', ' • cream andpeppermints. and }lav string w tele i 0)1115 {'erred 111111- . + o dpcl.lant l,o vii;il.' [i) the top gh Blind Cupid is .t sin li1k. r With -your ihe daisy barn is a mighty useful t ` Although I �ie i 10111 r )rhero d on the {loot's ,use i l e]glity ars': size gloves. "a a auie it is nio•u fun than you can I thing. I xral. Innes-' ,eye"are ue aiti1 pas crit 11 C11l . g 'Ivied it .anti What is- the hist les;,- Ihin, you save? t,}.ie gttlL.e1•,y ii iv}ll keep t1Le octur.1 n Th her. 'I3er xp in and }tasted on some Itmagino Valentino dei hays t f cupids earl everybody has something-- down., dry up 1110 floors, Many, late- r ch• g sale the Vailantint:,tlecar•<t{joit:vf 1 ,Nearly r ratherboard, eaulain to the buys tllitt s I Give numbered, str]tt or bottles, DY ]cit -over, p{eces {feria; Prat)ct tit<aj«sw sot '15 5 i+nd rlExplain of them 011 a string snakes {t ap})tapriata• C } } ' n 1 rnoketl old nails, or t goes out. in the Manure it will .e then I girl that the sue•when r g ill Shortly I slips bo the coasts as they arrival even:of of utittei ra , c in better condition, the airs n one tit numbed s lillAltin •1{1e thaf Th it tail , and that lr the to rho areal and old o k amd him t ( t;y+rq of advice? 1, limestone wiH'net do so well. fre downstairs find .t, 2 *illbe 14 •u we aR?e.r a i Ground lira... e j walk tlo a it•ls.' No: 1 and 10. It I 1 Y ' i some, tw•u- y t the w1 ui �n ithe down t t a 11t a n a ) t ul. atr, „ tel P m1 nn . • � caned a Y ' 9trow eLu 1 t 1n ..' 1liar. a or. xis bleb- c =orti Tie n ( ole • w hand y .. Mitten. . T the a7 7. y t nt t it • her anti. continu* 011111'9'10 '1dst to play game; i you .can, but get rid u," }1: Yo7), ,_1ours to lital,e a t+('filmy✓ hn c Just , ,to propose to evening' start liefora all have. aerirct •Istuff'if: yt c 1),t tit;attsntpts throughout "sho. ar•s blindfolded. , Tl1cy Chir.]: maybe • - wi1'1' heat} it 0x1100-rj istile Lite entrance door• to the stable whenever an lip etunity occu'rk , are l>lavers tds'-o1 a long1 t!ir, but you won't: • lair Y re ')la od at opposite etand force the caw1 to hall' flu's 11;13 ' ! Warn n.thit the lreaatl'ess ono will 1.i. nd i ,an or put it, this 't ay; if you aril I.ot,three :inches of dry lint in this 1.09, ar to Tieven him 19110 and told to keep one tit 1C ` to keep it or scrap it; T is absolute preventive of Toot do all in het I,ow I prize.. the t?ablo whsle "$lun.I, Cupid"tiles to su t.. tit hetllr p This 1S . • em completing any 'proposal. A1ni and site tries to eCrap it. Yen Will las tight LrreT^.ty test rote catch le vile rot and keeps the hoofs m l ctl r• con - ''ll b to the -boy who f ' k l and L f r•e Ye erre anti are t wrong. [t'tfn i then to the ono who l }• Lh fact. 4hat e chalk ..in t: t o, ) 1i8 .the questioli to his *51155470.. Each on,: nub, cep one )tiles a The coat 61 the lime is not ranch:.. s in 1. P1 as _Ion the table, but can move in either � ,•i•ournd limestone Ter ane' e ho in 1 trt(110 than the 1, The fun nes in the j •�- Shaval Ia'eats-a Knife. I•e rot a the most times during direction. I • l wltsli used in this way.w b „to � xpl1043 r knows OttoClt way x 111 lIh oar- i. 11st-g • ittdba a:, turnips' or; and 'neither �Z }1G11 cutting g :"tY' +}n • unless one has exc<rllsnt hear -I b , .. },e' ;.Lock. or horses 1 al. value Firo1l1 it in :Cour ways }n the explain. the 11?4015 h toe besot- moving back and ;Porth carrots for i i 5110stab0 and l9 Its. eso' value or, the P }fissure thiol that a lively i'succe successfully after dodging th bat. they re veru 'ways nee 'a sharp square shovel land' latae without havingll handle it successfully for a Lime, a n„tie a good strong box f"" his o " 1 I 1 ( eca11Y for t purpose. its bio girl who succeeds 01 e threatened proposal. On each heartless one walk 'ollov✓il� boo string L ll "beau to hand hila the sides 1S; a guile to start n t turn an "Cupid" a these uu to , }rube about 1 feet l g by two ss . 'u Li his G I' l bl the reel., } un 0 _00 o lr e ul t b "Cu a cast Its i. l e, he vegetables es -----1.----- girl i the When Put tx f L lisio W P I g,.^�o becomes- the pursued; sl and is i tele iv P Wireless is taught 01part the tint, he 1)econ T? ,' slip No, ;;,'tvltile cutting thin. xR ir, lt1d, T.onc been lanae 1•r, than science and hemdi 90' *' •1 who has b gmuch uii:lter way 1,n. unci] st•k} n �.. 11"Ue5 '' Co- nt. ,a County then .Ca n 03 y is "Blind Cupid." indefinitely, � ' Lo cut by h;trig]:---A. G. , No: 4, and so wi 11.,.5E .,•.