HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-02-10, Page 1WHOLE SERIES VOLUME ,�
and •Suppers:
t Lunches
at all . hours
Prices Reasonable
The. Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
Brand meats,prodnced
by -Coleman's of Lon!
don (formerly of -Kin-
cardine) to be had at
Headcheese, of splendid quality
lb. ,15c
"y' :leetrie Light Bulbs; cheap,
good and guaranteed
Prunes, - at 12i to 20u ib.
Oranges, Seedless 'Navels are
Phone 166
Phone for Food.
Start your New _Year Shoe' Buying
One Hundred Cents
Value For $1.00
for men) are second to none in
ilk the County.
nagN'S Genuine. CALF SHOES
Brown, 85.00
Leatherl lined Shoes for Men
In Black and Brown 85.00
' IslorthkSide United Church—Pastor,
ing---"Where Would Yoe Like to be
Buried ?" Evening—Service in aim-
ed the Tusos Squares. S. S. and Bible
A pleasant evening was spent on
Monday, Feb. 7th, at "River View"
in 'Egmondville at the- home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Coulter M honor of
Mr, and Mrs. .Satnnei Horton of
for some time visiting friends in this
vicinity,. Also in' Detroit with their
son, •Bert and 'family The
was spent in p.rogressive euchre and
a ainty lunch was served,
Mr, and sairs. Hoi-ton go back west
soon, and they like others, enjoy
seeirig their old time friends.
The regular ineetitigosf;the Ytaltfl
Peeples taagitei of, Nortbdide Visite
Church -was held on Tnesday evening.
After eatne coontansitY singing the
devotional exercises were held. A
special feature of the. pregrAm whs
the topic, •taken by Mr, Alvin Sillery,
who gave a repott of the Boys' Parl-
lament held •ht Toronto. Miss' Elsie
Pullen gave a reading. the meeting
closed with the Mizpah benediction.
The Young People's Society of the
Presbyterian Church held its monthly
meeting on Tuesday, 'Feb. 8rh, with a
good attendance preseot, The Pres-
ident: W. Smith, presided. The
meeting opened with a hymn follow-
ed by prayer by Rev. Dr. Larkin. The
ininutes were adopted as correct.
Hearty community singing was fol-
lowed by a most eloquent reading by
Gibson White; the topic of which was
"The Spirit of Canada." Miss Flor-
ence Beattie and Mr. Jas. Stewart
rendered -1- most delightful duet A
very closely contested contest follow-
ed, the winners of which were Karl
Ament and Fred Willis. The meeting
was Vhen closed by singing the Na-
tional Anthem. The next regular
meeting will be on Tuesday, Mass fith.
Mr. W. T, Pinkerton's many Mends
in this, vicinity, will be glad to learn
of his re -appointment as poitmaster
at Fairbanks, lAtaska. The' Alaska
Weekli of Dec. 24th, contained the
followmg: "W. T. Pinkerton, post-
master at Fairbanks, hes won a re -ap-
pointment, his name being sent to the
senate by President , Coolidge .one day
last we There will be no opposi-
tion to nomination end he will be
cbitfirm is is expected., within a
Sew days7's „his re-appoin-tment was
made in recognitibn of the efficient
manner in which Postmaster Pinker-
ton has handled the constantly grow:,
ing business of the interior Alaska
FE13RUARY, 1927, ICE.
Old Bruits came out his shadow to see,
But he had to go 'back it vs d 11
If he'd just glanced around and look'd
in the ice,
I•Ie at least emits! have said, "Oh, /
look awful nisei"
For the froat streets and back streets
You could skate right up Main street
as far as you see
Some fell here and there, broken arm
or a limbo '
The doctors were rushing, their suf-
ferings to dim. ,
The telephone service kept up to the
For the operators there are as brioht
as a lark, 7
The forecasts say inilder, hope it's
going to be nice,
13ut the problem remains and so does
the ice.
ISSTrrE No. (5,
ENVIABLE RECORD, Lindsay, of Goderich township. The takes a new course, heading f
s. sasseassaass.asstassaarasso,„,sooso....aansisassesessosssossessaseneassassassooseassaasassameessoassaseasessiseesemseraraeriassaaseassasaissiaessarassosissmasaies
'Seaforth hospital has an enviable funeral took place on Wednesd mondville goal. Baircl and Grainger
•afternoon from the home of Mr. arid slay combination but are /logged by . so.,_,.....,
Mrs. Lindsay. The seririce •was con- Bob McDonald and Finnigan, who ,..,,,
ducted by Rev. J. E. Hogg of Wesley has now returned from a ViSit to the ja
Willis church, Clinton, arid the, pall- penalty box. MacDonald has the
bearers were the two stins and four Tuck but before delivering it, views DEPENDABLE
grandsons: Earl and Keith WebSter the ice and figures out oarehilly just
of Seaforth 4nd Harvey and ,Thomas what cosy nook to send it to. His
funeral was largely attestded, advantage, Bert Haney in goal i0K
was made in Clinton' cemetery, The him and were used to a very good Alar Clocks
,Thirnin of 'Dungaimon, Interment cool headed plays still ' hang with
HOCKEY NO'PES. tick, with his goal stick barred, the
, goal quite ably. It was. thought that
record, as it cOmpares very favorafily
with any other hospital in the Prov-
ince. rt has been inspected regularly -
'by Government Inspectors who pro-
nounce it to be in a high state of ef-
ficiency. A new hot water heating
plant has just been installed.
'Summary of affairs of ISeaforth
.Mernorial hospital as of Dec; 31, 1924,
from its inception, August, 1922:
No, of patients admitted „ .850
Collective days stay of patients 7,824
Average days stay of patients • 9
No. :of births 83.
Minor operations- 297
.Another statement .of redeipts aad
disbursements will be published at-atO
early date. "
s he
and f
no t
et -
'Stratford Collegiate sextet defeated
night, but droppedsthe &ono lame]; a compiete barrier—not quite, be
to the Locals by one geial on' sae after considerable manoeuvring •
the edge In the' opening .period, while
Jatie,Hossaek; widow of tthe late
:Alex. M. Campbell,. passed peaceful- ',Play take hockey. Stratfo0 Was held
ly away at her' ficitrie on .North Main zoalless in the thirdoneriosl, -the See-
the -locals came tack in 4;0 second to theft' wa,i3sn Cdieovis;votnaseettowii:thfizovtilteteehretna•
after an'illneas, of six -weeks' duration. ip..their, own goal zone, ...but 'neither '•u• in.
street, son Saturday,' February • 8th, forth team giving Itheho.e,real hatile esgeVeodndaviicionsiadserNavbelle1 .o.alinneitciioert
She was of •Highland Scotelo deseent, °°nuted• -Wee tua-----5 eafortlis. 13rowns goal., who:got in from elf several Si
,ereflThaladk,..Of 'Vie Town Line; West fensej. Mai'," ceritreO Willie .a•nd Mc-
Z.Orras. ari'cr,'ilia..' the ' /ask ., survivink Milian,' Wings; 'Oatdho .and Weiland, pi
beim ,a,claughtet:of. the -late Ajegina:. le'e; 641; igai..he'r and ,EdtitiStids, de_ 13shaaoik,ad. eaCseuldesintieteofirreeiglyahmelepenewdtiGeenrawinign
inetribe/l.of aSSfamily of:stivo ibrothers Subs. Stratford; Tondo-. goal; Jsoss lfor- one of the 'defensive positi
and three aisters, 'She came to sea'.: and 2ulatta defenSe• CI -; , s , difill'' MacDonald' rushes as us
b d,. a t. , st . Campbell', who 1 eY and Oclbert, subs, -, Ref ' eeoter's- he broke .oat with some fierce gu
forth in iis early' days with her hos- Roberts and DenipseY,, W, psis; .Doxs thrilled the „goalie several times w'
predeceased her • some -ten •-years agool.lakes:Seafiartfi. ''..,. ' . ' • of speed. Case and Ferguson star
and settled in the Southern part of ......s..._ ar Egmondville, playing combinat
the town for a few, months afterwards, . .' Will -Be -it Good G e. quite well, also Haney in goal is
street,. where she tlied.
moving to the home on North Main 'The tensest moment 'in ; he Wossa to he forgotteh because he stop
She, was the hockey for Seaforth has Arrived at several hard shots. , After consid
•on a lqng, speedy shot. The referee,
overcome by the 'Intense cold, asks
for. a change for the last petiod.• A
substitute is placed on the ice and
the game continued, The puck .was
carried to the Eginondville defease-
and then to the goal where , it and
the goal' :oder are shoved in Past the
blocks together, Considerable dis-
cussion arose over this one as to its
postibility of being an offside pass;
however the puck is 'centered and the
play resumed, each team struggling
to score, bat all of no avail. Time eiss
up and the Score is -2-2. Ten minut
.overtime is played, hut is of no use.
s the play was •evenly. matched
s loq,ers hope. to make this ohe most throughout, it is quite evideut that .it
uncomfortable 'visit 'he -will ' vet' have must
al and McCallum on de ence . hay& been 'Brucefield that was
him great support, -give I Egmondvdle's opposition. Neither
an Trishmamoperforms at Ontre ice.
sone spenea, ,one segrns •to have much advantage
'The • most dangerous .playeys,on the over the other: Owing to the •dispnt-
L,C.I. roster.. are 'Gramger• and .Till-, ed offside. goal it was decided to play
the final' garri-e.of this. sales in Bruce-
er ahd will bear constant ',Watching
the moment he steps •on. the ice. The fense, Bob MacDonald and Finni-
other substitute is Laughlin, Who is a
steady, though not a .brilliant plaYer. g'zi'tki centre, Cate; wings, IBM Mac:-
Do/ald and .Ferguson. ,
Grainger is the high scoring ace of :Brucefield—Goal, Snider; defense,
thc team, w.ith Tillatann closely 'fol- 1.1u,stard and Cuchnore; centre, Baird;
and increase•the team's following, be- .. '
cause this is the hockey bright -light , TUXIS.
of the seasiiIrs- The .wioner of the Bondsl. Have you bought . your
roand plays the winney betWeen Pe- bond yet ? If you haven't, well expect
trolia. and Simcoe. The winner of a caller -soon. You will naturally
that will play either 'Eitchener or ask us What the bonds 'are Tor and in
Owen Sound -in the finals. The re- 'the followin,g we will try , to make
turn game in London will be on Mon- the matter clearer to you. The .money
received from our bond ' campaigns
is used for iour things:
2. To. caery out the fourfold pro-
gram for the development of boyhood.
3. To maintain two worthy field
workers and a stenographer,
4. To pay for suitable literature for
young boys and men.
We suppose that you would like to
know what C. S. E. "I'. means. It
means Canadian Standard Efficiency
Training and one of these groups
meets on Sunday and through the
week ' for the purpose of discovering
and learning what it means to live
the Christian Way of Life. Tuxis
and Trail :Ranger groups belong to
fold program ? Physical, 'Intellectual,
Social .and Spiritual. You will notice
that our •program 'covers everything.
What do our field secretaries do ?
.Well, we Understand -that Jim Pin -
lay, cum of the secretaries, will be M
towo next month, SO we better let
him explain. ,Be sure and hear him --
Lastly, -our literature is of the high-
est type and open to the public
whenever they wish to see it. Help
us raise our objective lot' South
Huron, It's only 875. Let's gol
liVliere ? Over the top, sure.
vvhom died in youth, the others, Mres particle of hockey gossip, ditcussingit
R. B. Jackson,. Mrs, John M. Cardno, i fully, and enlarging or ditninishin.g
and Miss Heim!' of Seaforth, and l the chances. qf the local temn in their
Mrs. R. N. Hays o? New Yo I , ll 1 qwn .o.pinions. A large crowd' it 'ex -
being present at her des*. She was 'sleeted at the local rink to" cheer •the
a woman, of charming personality, best hockey team in the school's his -
home 'loving, sterling qualities ' sad tory to' victqry. Although: the fans
her death 'will be keenly felt by her are milling for .the locals th win, they
family, She was "a" member of the ihtist remember that there will be a
Presbyterian. churth and the funeral great struggle before eitho, of the
service presided' Over by the Rev. Dr, teams are eliminated. The Rae( liae-
Larkin took ,place on Tuesday, in- up is well known and will' not be
termene being • in Maitland. Bank changed. - A short resume 4f the me -
cemetery. The pallbearers. were tits olf the London -team Z. discloses
Messrs. John Cluff, R.. E. Jackson, J. that the whole team is of tfilie Calibre.
M, Cassino, W. R. Smillic, j. M. Gov- Edwards in goal is a former resident
enfock Geo A J el of this town and' the Seaforth sharp
The death of a well known and
much beloved resident, Note Me-
Ilhargey, relict cif the late Frank Car-
lin; took pla,ce at her home at -111.39
-4411M' late Mro- -Irak.' born *in
Biddulph township n years ago and
had lived for a number of years in
Mitchell, after her marriage to Frank
Carlin. Later . they moved to Staffa
arid Hensall. At the latter place Mr.
Carlin died -some eight yeara ago,
after whioh ' the family- moved to
Seaforth, where they heve since re -
The deceased lady was a devout
member of St. jaines' Cathrdic Church
and was a wornan.of Very fine that.-
acter, whom it 'Simi a privilege to
know. During her last illness she
received all, the rites of the' 'Holy
Church which she loVed so'•well. She
is survived by two .soni,sFranis, of
Detroit, and James of ISeaforth, and
two daughters, Mrs. Swartzlander,
of Oyen, Alta, and Miss Dolly Car-
lin, of 'Seaforth. Two sisters, Mrs.
P. J. Quigley, of Detroit, and Mrs -
Thos. Ryan, of Dublin, and a broth -
et, Zack 'UOIlhargey, of Liman, also
The funeral took place at St. James'
church oh Tuesday morning. Sol-
emn Requiem High Mass was sung
by her nephew, Rev. Father Quigley,
of Merlin, with Rev. Father Goetz,
as deacon, and Rev. Father Gaffney'
of ClintOra, as subdeacon. During She
offertory Mrs. Harrigan, of Saatford,
sang "Ave Maria," and at the close
of Mass, Mrs. Leo Ftirtune sang
,"Face to Pace." Mrs. Frank Dever-
eaux presided at the organ. The
pallbearers were Messrs. joseph Car-
lin, Stratford; Joseph Carlin, St. Col -
Hutchison. Interment was made' in
St Columban cemetery, her pastor,
Rev. Father Goetz, Offidiating ht the
grave, The funeral was largely at-
tended; those 'from a distance 'being
Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Catlin, Detroit;
Mr, Zack McIlharg-ey, •Lucan; Mrs.
Harrigan, Miss Millie Williams, Miss
Way and Mr, Joseph Carlin, of Strat-
ford; Mr. Leonard. McCormack, of
London, and Mr, and Miss Ryan, of
• Mr. John H. Dempsey, an old resi-
dent of .God.etich township, but 'for the
past eleven years a resilient of Clin-
ton, died at the home of his
• daughter, Mrs. David Lmdsay of the
skturon road, on Sunday, January 3D,
after an illness of spine weeks Mr
Dempsey was a son of the late John
Dempsey, a pioneer settler of Code -
rich township and was born seventy-
eight years ago in that township. He
continued to reside there until eleven
years ago, -When he left the farm to
his son and moved into Clinton. Mrs,
Dempsey died three years ago in Oc-
tober. He continued to occupy his
own hpme until about two weeks
ago, although the was failing in
health, then went out to his daughter.
He is survived by two sons arid five
daughters; John, on the homestead
on the 9th concessioit of 'Goderich -
township and Sterling , of Clinton,
Mrs. Durnin of Dungannon, Mrs.1-
foi th and Mrs. E:1Miller and- Mrs, D.
On Saturday afternoon, Feb: 5th,
a very exoiting hockey match was
witnessed by a group off enthusiastic
spectators on the Egmonclville op.en
air arena above the ' dam. The ace
was -in perfect condition for the heart
thrilling manoeuvres of the starring
members of each team. The puck
was dropped between the two centres,
Case and 'Baird, •by the able referee,
Mr. Roy Weiland, who handled the
game during his time as referee, to
the entire satisfaction of all. From
then on 'the battle waged furiously,
even so furious that the referee
thought it necessary to deal out a
penalty for slugging, captured bY
Finnigan of itgmondville. It would
be impossible to mote the separate
plays and passes as the puck was
shot around so rapidly and was es-
corted here and there by so many
sticks. Silt the more spectactilar
plays are only to be mentioned here.
Case brotight the puck 'from centre
ice accompanied by his able wing,
Charlie Ferguson. Case and Fergu-
son play combination until nearing
the goal, then Case receives the, past.
and is rbout to shoot, The specta-
tors mouths were nearly ,open to
cheer, when Case's shot 4s foiled by
someone's stick purposely placed in
front and is checked, hilt that in-
tended cheer 'is not to be thrown
away becauSe MacDonald now ap-
pears on -the scene and aids in the thSicekafc's'rntsilo—othT°t5a21, 94liesaeviie:st 1)2a,c°elixt3r1a,
'transportation off the puck to clear •heavies 2, shop hoge 6.
ice, where it is passed to Case, who
rushes in at a breakneck pace and g, Bthriuceltefismeldo—othTolt9a.l 27, select bacon
drivo the, rubber clean past the Huron County—Total 1,448, select
goalie. A very loud applause from bacon 456, thick smooth 829, heavies
Egmondville echoes from
ank. The puck is centred again but lights and feeders 6.
'bunk t° 35, extra heavies 7, shop hogs 86,
pieT NOW!
We will pat the:best quality and newest designs of
in your home at the right prices
1 50
We offer this guaranteed Alarm Clock for
the remarkably low price for a limited time
only, just until our stdek is redneed,to nor= 1
'mai and you will be advised to provide your-
self with a good alarm clock at this Mone
saving price.
Other Alarm Clocks up to as high as:88.00
Fred. S. Savatege
Jeweler and Optoraetrist
Opposite Post Office.
Phones 194. Res.:10.
Valentine Dance
,Mooday bee Fet 141h
Special Novelty Prize Dances
Balloon Dance
Lucky Lady Dance
- Railroad Dance ,
A Night of Real fun
Lunch served.
Admission 75e—Tax included
We have
Phone 113
SOW alWer
$25.00 OVERCOATS for $16.00
All:Woollen 'Underwear 20 per ccnt oft
Your Choice:of Work Shirts $1.25
Socks 25c to 800
20 per ceiit off all Dress Shirt;‘-‘,,,
Big Rednction on all Men's Furnishings.
Just see what we mean about the Underwear pr,4:?positioir
anyway—It will pay you.
Cash only in these bargains.
7 altering and 19O5ordasherli
Phone 42
Dress Well and Succeed