The Seaforth News, 1927-01-20, Page 8kIENSALI,
o k ' who has'''bee v
Mr T ,k[1t tl;lu e.r,,. ' n ,is-
ll.ehde i,>Ls.vthis •viemity:for sor{t4
7iifsf tettfrned t'o Atiburt ,on Ttlesdayi
d5tat *.l'ii^utlr thtiit,:hls •two little 'grand-'
.f ' s, wlia;'vvll,ufsit with thin for some
, .Pies-,
A'1'reale last• of sickness s ,it
• lit 15 g i
n ed
hasb e,,c fi
` • arnet iC se e n a rl ...
•o•hls 1i,anse for nearly a'- week,' Mr,
ober` Higgins 'was threatened with
tneunfonla; but is recovering; alto
+frr aatd Mrs, • D"avlsl•-Foss and Mrs.
ahs. Johnston.
IVIr�,Petty and -tean 1 in
citron'Tiyesday evening,; installing the
ffieers'of the ,Glinton Lodge of the
The, People of the Presby-
.ot'ian'Church' held a skating party at
Are rink of Monday evening, A num-
'ler of prizes were given and after se-
serai hours, of egijoyntent'on the', rink
t dainty lunch was served in the base-
ment of the church.
The services in the United Church
n ,Sunday last were largely attended
Ltd a. quartette • composed of ,.Mrs,
Alf 'Clark, Mrs. 'Sinclair, Mr. George
ieollick and Mr. W. O. 'Goodwin,; sang
The 'Homeland, and at the evening
service the choir rendered two an -
thous, Rev. Mr, Sinclair preachingat
berth 'services.'
On Sunday morning, -Feb. 6th, coin.
amnion service will be held in the
United Church, January 30th will be
Men's day and a men's choir will fur-
nish the music.
Hockey Match. ---The hockey match
'between Zurich and Hensall on. the
Hensel! rink on Friday evening last,
after a hard fought battle, resulted in
favor of Zurich, S to 7. Prizes of a
nice scarf were awarded to Mr. Allen
Soldan and the tickets for the ladies'
scarf got `nixed so that prize was not
awarded. Exeter plays at Hensall on
Friday evening of this week. We
forgot to mention last week that at
the match between Exeter and ,Hen -
salt two weeks ago, firm. Deitz of
Kip.pen won the prize of ten pounds
of 1)runtmond's best beef steak. It
was real clever of the .hockey com-
mittee to be able to judge so closely
Bill's eating capacity.
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late Joseph Hawkins in
Exeter on Tuesday.
Mr. Wm. Stone intends leaving for
Detroit on Monday.
Mr. John Manson, reeve of Stanley,
was in town on Friday.
Miss Jessie Parks visited in Exeter
on Tuesday. '
The annual meeting of the. South
Huron Agricultural :Society was held
at the Commercial hotel on Friday
afternoon last, with a goodd attendance
the officers and directors. Mr.
Wm. Consitt, president of the Society,
presi.ded..A good deal of interest was
shown in the proceedings and a good
surplus from last year was reported
by the treasurer. It was decided to
bold a seed show t
ho ' in the town hall,
onHensall, n Feb. 25, with Professor
Squirrel of the Ontario Agricultural
Society as judge, and the annual
spring horse and cattle show will be
held in 'Hensall, weather permitting
on April 15th. Dr. Baker of Toronto,
will be here as one of the judges of
horses, The new officers of the as-
sociation will be: President, W. D.
'Sanders, Exeter; vice president, Dr:
Campbell, Hensall; 2nd vice president,
M. Clark, Tuckerstnith; sec,-treas.,
K. McLean; directors, Owen Geiger,
•Harry Soldan, John Manson, Oscar
Klopp, Milton Love, Chris. Campbell,
Win. Pepper, Frank Bean, Bert Peck,
Win Consitt.
Hensall Horticulturists. -The 'Hen-
sall Horticultural Society held its an-
neal meeting in the town hall on Sat-
urday evening with Mr. C. A. McDon-
nell presiding in the chair. The So-
ciety, with the co-operation of the
council, is planning to .make improve-
ments with flower beds in several lo-
calities, among which is the school
ground. Nearly all the former offi-
cers were re-elected. We heartily
endorse the work of the Horticultural
Society and police in the towns about
us these Societies are very active in
beautifying the parks and other spots
in their town. HHensahl has about six
acres of parkland and the north half
of it is being devoted to sports, and
we would suggest that the Horticul-
tural Society take over the balance of
the park property and see if in a few
years thcy could not create a beauty
spot for 'Hansail. The writer well
remembers when the Victoria Park,
Exeter, was laid out and in a few
short years it has grown up to be a
beauty spot in Exeter. A little money
spent judiciously, plenty of trees and
flowers, and a little work whenever
possible by our citizens, and Hensall
could boast of its beautiful park, as
well as other things that they have
The meeting of the village council,
which was to have ,been held on Tues-
day evening of this week has been
postponed for a few days owing to
, the illness of Councillor Robert Hig-
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Caldwell will be sorry to hear that
they are both confined to their home
through illness, Mr. Caldwell being
'confined to his bed. Mr, Robert
Caldwell of Toronto was sent for and
has arrived to help wait on his father
and mother,
The firemen of the village are hav-
ing another dance and euchre party
in the town hall on Thursday evening,
Jan. 20th. A good crowd is looked for.
Mr, Wm. Luker was in Wallace-
burg last, week attending the ,funeral
of his ,brother-in-law.
Mr, J. 'W.:Ortwein visited in Clin-
ton on Thursday.
Mr. W, D. Sanders of Exeter visit-
ed in town on Friday. c,
Mrs, Kyle, who has been visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Consitt, left.
Thursday for Toronto to visit her
son -for a few months, "
Mrs. ,Robt, Boithron is visiting her
daughter; Mrs. Jas. McMartin in
e" 'Barrie.
Mrs. 'Bertha Bell is attending the
millinery openings in Toronto.
'Wedding bells are again ringing in
• HetrsalL •
The Young !People of the United
Church., ;held 'their regular League
meeting on Monday evening with a
-1argee;attendancc present, The meet -
mg was in charge of 'Miss EMBY
Morr3sorn and li"eaideci over' byrMiss."
Fl n
ni '' v.
`iia'D' 1Fso /The,' e'tl
to t t me ng, r uVas,
ftjlieni;d;'br``Alidrgi •ing of':a;.liynin, aft
ter .rvhlclt ani repeated ' the :•. Lord's
prayer. The minute o ; the meet-
ingY s f.., last
were read by the secretary. The
Scripture lessonwas read 'by Miss
flick v
Mildred Scrutoi% Mr Fo gave' a
very interesting topic on ("The Model.
Church," Ah 'lststruinental duet by
7,Vliss'Eleanor Fisher and' Miss Irene
Douglas; duet by Mrs. Sinclair and
Mrs., Lee Heiden, and a solo -by Mr.
Sam )Rennie, were all greatly enjoyed.
The meeting was closed by all re-
peating the Mizpah benediction,
Miss Flossie Foss of Toronto is vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and. Mrs: David
Neelin-Woods. A quiet wedding
was solemnized on Saturday; January
15th, at half past three o'clock in
Trinity Church by Rev. F. H. Pauli,
when Isabella M, Woods, widow of
the Sate "Win, H. Woods, was united
in holy bonds of matrimony; to Fred-
erick G. 'Neelin of Seaforth. The bride
was charmingly attired . in a French
gown of brown crepe satin and cut
velvet with hat and gloves to match
and wore a handsome coat of taupe
needlepoint with raccoon trimming.
After the ceremony they repaired to
the home ,of Mrs. 3. H. McLeod,
where the wedding dinner was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Neelin left on Tuesday
for Loudon, Hamilton, Toronto and
to points in North, Carolina and Flor-
ida, where they intend to spend the
winter. We wish therm a very happy
The Senior Guild of Trinity church
held their annual meeting at the res -
'tory on Thursday afternoon last. The
same officers were re-elected as fol-
lows: President, Mrs. F. H. Paull;
vice-president, Mrs. W. J. McLeod;
treasurer, 2,Irs. C. 'Brandon; secretary,
Mrs, F. WasBaker. After which a
dainty lunch was served by Mrs.
Paull. The next meeting will be held
on Thursday, Feb. 3rd, at the home
of Mrs. A. Newton -Brady.
The a.nnnal meeting of the Bayfield
Library was held in the library room
on Monday, Feb. 17th, when the fol-
lowing officers and directors were ap-
pointed for 1927: President, F. A. -
Ed -wards; librarian, E. H. Johns; assist-
ant librarian, Miss F. Fowlie;t secre-
tary -treasurer, George E. 'Greenslade;
directors, E. F. Merner, Rev, •H. F.
Kennedy, Rev. F. H. Paull, `Janes 3:I.
Reid, Mrs. ,Robt, Scotchmer, Mrs. H.
McKay, Miss Josie Sterling. 'It was
decided to have a drive for members,
the fee is small, only 50c a year. A
largee number appreciate the
t good books.
of being able to obtain
It would be a good idea for each
member to try and get another mem-
ber. The circulation for the past
year was 3,154. 'A number of new
books are being added.
Theannual meeting the Cemetery
Company was held in the town hall,
Monday afternoon, when the follow-
ing officers and directors were ap-
pointed for 1927: 'President, John Mc-
Donaltl; vice president, James H,
Reid; secretary treasurer, A. E. Er-
I Elliott,diott, e
win; sexton,
tors, E. Johnston, George ''Mudie,
Charles B. Middleton, William Scotch -
riser, Thomas H. Elliott, D. H. Me -
Naughton. Improvefnents were made
to the cemetery grounds and plots
last season and it is intended to con-
tinue the work as early as possible
this year. The new system of perpe-
tuity is working well, The suns of
fifteen dollars extra is paid for each
lot and this sum assures the perpetual
care of it.
Dr. W. F. and Mrs. Metcalf return-
ed on Monday after spending a few
days in ;Detroit.
Mr. Oliver Goldthorpe left on Wed-
nesday for Montreal,
Mr. Samuel Eagleson, who spent
two weeks visiting relatives and
friends, left on Saturday to visit in
Loudon on his way home to Milton,
North Dakota.
The new council for 1927 met at the
town hall Monday evening, all mem-
bers being present. The following of-
ficers were appointed: J. Pease, clerk;
Jas. H. Reid, treasurer; constable,
sanitary inspector and caretaker of
town hall, William Osmond; medical.
health officer, Dr. N. W. Woods; as-
sessor, John Cameron; auditors, Lucy
Woods, Floy Edwards. A resolution
was passed as to hall rent for dances.
Continuing after two o'clock an extra
charge of 50c per hour will be charg-
ed. A grant of $25 was made to the
library. Two bylaws were passed,
one regarding the appointment of of-
ficers for the year and a petition be-
ing presented to parliament to grant
that Bayfield be made a police village
instead oftn incorporated village as
at present. The object of this being
to obtain Hydro at less cost than giv-
en incorporated places. A committee
was appointed to set aibout obtaining
curtains to replace those destroyed by
fire last month. The members of the
committee are Mrs, N. W. Woods,
Mrs. F. Edwards, Mrs. E. H, Johns,
Mrs. A. Seeds, Mrs A Erwin, Mrs. 'W.
F. Metcalf and F. A. Edwards, chair-
The Young People's Society will
meet on Friday at 8 o'clock in the
basement of St. Andrew's United
'Church. It is to he hoped all mem-
bers will be present and bring others
who will 'become members.
Mrs. C. Johnston, of Flint, has re-
turned to her home here for a short
The Beef Ring party last Friday
night was a success. Everyone pro-
nounced it ,A-1,
Miss Jane Johnston has gone to
Toronto to reside with her sister.
Mrs. Armstrong (nee Miss Ward)
is visiting at her old home here.
Miss Emily Beatty of Londori is
spending .a few days at her 'home
Beatty ,Bros., shipped a car load of
live stock to Toronto Saturday. '
Mr. H. Collins of Ripley visited
over the week end• at the home of
Mr, and Miss Logan.
Messrs. Taylor and Coleman ship-
shipped a car of live stock to Toronto on
Mr. G. 'Beatty, Sr.; spent a few
days, with, ' friendsinToronto. Toro n
Under the aus ices of the
P !;ivit'd
of -the- United. Church a play entitled,
"The Old Fashioned ` Mother,. was
Out on by the 'Hillsgieeen talent if fon
clay night to a full house which en-
joyed very much the different charac-
ters " whooe 'thei. its in a very
tso f �rpa
able, manner, especially the mother,
Mrs, Underwood, which, was acted by
Miss Grieve. •
Asthma No Longer 'Dreaded, The
dread of renewed attacks from as-
thma has no hold upon those who
have learned to rely upon , Dr.' J. D.
Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, -"So safe
do they feel that complete reliance is
placed ell this true specific with the
certainty that itwill always do all
that ltd` makers claim If you have
not yet learned how safe you are with
this preparation at hand get it to -day
and know for yourself.
Sealed Tenders forthe purchase Of
a house suitable for hospital purposes
in the town of Seaforth 'will be re-,
ceived by the ,Secretary of Scott Me-
morial orial Slospita,i, up to Feb. 10th, 1927.
c the hands All 'tenders be in a
the Secretary not later than Feb, 10,
1927, and must be addressed to Dr,
IR, 12. Ross, Sec. of 'Scott Memorial
Hospital Board. • 4
-We can supply your orders for
choice Green (Body Wood, 90 per
cent. maple. 'Also have a quantity
of dry wood, different grades. Apply
to Jos. Storey, teamster,, in town, or
WM. M. SPROAT, phone 136r2 tf
Of Farm Stock and Implements, A,
E. Robinson has' received instructions
from the undersigned to sell iby pub-
lic auction on Lot 32, Con. 8, Logan
Twp., a half mile west -of 'Brodhagen,
on 'Friday, January 21st, at 1:30
sharp, the following: Horse -One
driving horse, Cow -One Holstein
5 e�ci
,"08Tl I Carne ie Friay, JanSt'
ary •:Mr. Chas; McCurdy, our
chief live Stock salesman,. in Toronto,
will ,address us; W&• will discuss a
wheat pool for 'Ontario. Also some
numbers of entertainment, by Club'
members, All are invited.
A good, collo tion of household
furniture will be• •effered for sale by.
public auction • on Saturday, :January
29th, at 2 p.m. at.,the residence of
Mr. `George Bun'scln,, George street,
Seaforth: Terms sash.
SCitchen coal range, bedroom suite,
bed and springs, couple of rocking
chairs, half dozen: (lining room chairs,
kitchen tabler pianio, . some linoleum
rugs, pots, pans, 1 tinging .:lamp, and
other' household effects
T Brown, suet„ Geo. Bunsch, prop.
McCallum brain:
Assessed ratepayers on McCalluin
drain can: pay /their assessments in
cash to Township Treasurer up to
Tuesday, January 25, 1927'. After said
date Debentures will be issued and
sold for balance unpaid,' By order of
3 F. J. McQ'UAID, Reeve,
50 ' acre -farm on Government
highway 1% miles east of Seaforth,
Lot 5, • Con.,1, Tnckersinith, All seed-
ed, 8 acres of •alfalfa, balance to
timothy and clover. 'Good frame 10
room .house. 'Barn newly shingled
36x50. 3 good wells, rural mai; and
telephone. Also 50 acres of pasture
'land, Lot 19, Co.+n2, 'Hibbert, 2 miles
from Dublin. Apply to P. DILL,
Duliths P.O. 6
cow. Hens -46 hems. Implements- Agricultural Lime
Buggy, critter, carriage, 2 sets single �!
and 'A . A. Quality Fertilizer
Finely pulverized Lime and Super
Phosphate are proven to be the best
buy on the market for your soli
They biave shown better_ results than
higher priced fertilizers in 90 pbr
cent. of tests made by Dept. of +Ag=
riculture in 24 counties over the past
6 years. This may be verified by
writing for bulletins 321.and 313, but
there is no test like a test 'in your
own field under your own observa-
tion. Our 1926•users are welt satis-
fied and are asking Inc more. I have
Super Phosphate and' Niagara . Lime
always on hand. Can also supply
you with any grade of AA quality
fertilizer. You may draw home on
sleigh no v or weell er eas
� 'deliver Y
In the springwhen you are busy.
Service or motto. Special,prices
to 'Farmers' Clubs and others in car
MOVING' I'ICx 1REs represent-
ing Niagara Lime in process of man-
'r 'results will be
u act re and actual, es is
f u
given for your benefit in 'Seaforth,
Town Hall, Feb. 1st; (Brodhagen
Hall, Feb. 2nd.
Information cheerfully given. Or-
ders kindly solicited. Do not buy
without giving us the "once over,"
harness, buggy light, 4 horse blank-
ets, 2 robes, cook stove, 5 garden
hoes, writing desk, 2 set of scales, 2
oak barrels, wheel barrow, 2 chop
bins, grindstone, double set of harn-
ess, shot gun. ,(Household effects -
Kitchen cabinet, churn, wash tub, 2
butcher saws and 4 knives, sausage
grinder and filler, larbe table. Roots
-A quantity' of turnips and man -
golds, 8 bags of potatoes and a lot of
other articles too numerous to men-
tion. n Terms -Cash or four months'
credit on approved Jsentnotes with
sx per cent per annunits addeLoi
ly iso reserve as it thed. winding
up of the estate of the late Mrs, john
Leonhardt. H. J. Leonhard't, Jno.
Leonhardt, Executors, A. E. Robin-
son, auet.
C OLCLOUiGH -In loving memory
of our dear daughter and sister
Vera, who passed away one year
ago to -clay, January 11th, 1927.
Ever remembered byher•lo in
v g
Mother and Brothers,
One precious to our hearts has gone,
A voice -we loved is stilled,
The place made vacant in our home
Can never more be filled.
A bitter•cup,a shock severe
To part with one we loved so dear,
Our loses is great; we'll not complain,
But trust in Christ to meet again.
Thy will be done.
Sadly missed ,by her loving Mother
and Brothers, both far and near.
Wm. M. Sproat
Clay Drain Tile Manufacturer
PHONE 136 r 2
Note the Difference
1 Pound Magic Baking Powder
1 Quart Forest City Baking Powder
1 Pound Salada Tea
1 Tin Snap
Cash with Order
We sell SHOES and RUBBERS for less.
W. J. Finnigan
Ladies' and Men's Tailor
-Suits from $25.00 lip
Bring your own Cloth
Have it made up here.
Over Keating's Drug Store
All t` ter accounts are mn: ' d' a .aiiii
en ell - e
x d,- W stili
d . w_. �es,�,„�tf(ill 'rex
f e
quest a - protnpt'scttleinent -ns we re -
'quire the •fund' ' .' S,'ogrs respectfully,'
G10, A,•SILL5 .&;SONS,
3 Hardware Merchants
- Seaforth
well bred'Ducham cow, to fresh-
en in March, along with .young calf.
Apply WM. KNECIITEL, Egmond'
:Ladles' fur .lined
coat." Apply to
Woman desires sn es position as house -
keener, or work by the day, Apply;to
The News, 3
The Council of the Corporation of
'the County of Huron will meet in the
Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 o'-
clock ill the afternoon of Tuesday,
the 25th day of January, 1927. All
accounts against the County must be
in the hands of the Clerk not later
than Monday preceding the meeting
of Council.
Applications ;will be received at
this meeting for the position of High
County Olerks
•Goderich; Jan. 7th, 1927.+
The annual meeting of The Sea -
forth Agricultural Society will be
held in the 'Carnegie Library on 'Fri-
day afternoon, January. 21st, at half
past two ,o'clock sharp. Financial
Report for 1926, election of Officers
for 1927 and other business. A full
attendance of members and the gen-
eral public is 'specially requested.
���esday,• January' 19th,_'
ri l e'a v r bus. Wit, . $1:2.
Barley, per bits,
Vet ti ,45c-5 c
b §..
73uclevheak, per •bus, 65a
"Shorts,P er cwt',,. .�$
Lran,,per cwt, ' ,''�'.::, $3.65
3 c -35c
Butter; per !b,
Eggs, per 37c;' 42e•
Potatoes, per bag
Hogs; per 'cwt, . .$11.0Q
with ,
Clioice 100 acre'farm willn.splen-
Plen-did buildings, all in good repair, -be:
ing Lot 20, con. 9, in -the Township
of McKillep,_6' miles from Seaforth
and' Waltofi; 9".miles from -Dublin.
Land is in high state of cultivation,
25 acres fall plowed, 8 acres fall
wheat, 25, acres newly seeded to al-
falfa, 13 -acres hardwood bush, bal-
ance pasture. No waste land exeept
small ditch: There is, situated on
premises one main barn 44x64, with
new cement stabling. Water in front
of cattle, horses, .. supplied: by
windmill and' tank. Stabling for 45
head of cattle t le and six horses. Straw
Shed 29x52 with brick wall and floor-
ingfor hens and pigs. Drive shed
30x20, two colony brooder houses
10x10, two storey brick house 36 x
48 including ;verandah, with furnace,
hard and soft water, slate roof,new-
ly-installed lighting system.• 'Light-
ning rods oil' house ,find barn, rural
mail and telephone. 1% miles from
village of Winthrop, store, ` black-
smith and church. If not sold within
one mouth it will he rented to a suit-
able tenant. For price, terms and
particulars, apply at The News or
GEORGE PRYIOE, .'Seaforfh R. R.
60 acres of good •land with .good
buildings and lots of good/ water.
One mile from ,Blyth, .lot„25;..conces-
Ision „14, in the township,..sof Hullett.
Apply on premises to William Aus-
tin, -Blyth. 4
Before .you do any
buying be sure
and visit our store
It. will ,save you
`many dollars.
Tremendous Exlral..
Price Sale
Picturing the building of the first transcontinental rail-
„ road -the Union Pacific (1865-69)
"The white man takes our land, he destroys our game
that is our meat and now builds through Indians' land
a road on which run Iron Horses tliat eat wood and
breathe fire, and smoke. The Iron Horse brings men.
women and children to take the land from Indians and
drive out the buffalo."
(From statemeutby Sitting Bull famous war chief of the
Souix Indians. Colonel William A. Cody's (Buffalo Bill)
See This Gigantic Reproduction of 'Civilizations Relentless
Westward, Push.
Regiments of Troops, Thousands of Railway Workmen,
' Indians, Horses, Buffalo, Cattle-
Everything commensurate with nation building events it
HERE Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Matinees Thursday . and Saturday
Evenings 15c and 25e Afternoons 10c and 15c
(Tax Included)
On account of extra length -12 reels -First Sat. g
Ni -ht'
show will start at 7.15 P. M. sharp.
,.pR , "'dT . k r'S
•1?. S seals
O h
of London Mkt-,
P.ltal, London, 'England. • Special,
attention e
att 10 diseases dfthe>e eye, ear,
ngse. and throat. Office and • resid-
en`c e
ocherd, onu-D" '
nion Bank. 'Office
L' ap ne No. Residence Phone 10¢.
DR. F. J.;BURRO,WS,. Seafolih.
Office and residence, "Goderichstreet,..
east'. of the Methodist. Church.' Cor,'
oner for the County:•of Huron; =Tefe%-
phone Nd. 40;=
DR. . C. MACIA-X: C Mac
honor graduate of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold mRdallist of, . Trinity
Medical College; 'member of the Cols
lege of Physicians ' an
Ontario. Y a. •
Surgeons r
geons of
DR. F. J. 12. FORSTER-Eye, Ear
Nose and Throat Graduate in Medi
eine, University of Toronto 1897. Late.
Assistant' New York Ophthalmic and.
Aural Institute, Moorefieid's Eye, aadi
Golden Square throat Hospitals, 'Lon-
don, England. At Commercial hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd Monday Jo each month,
front 11 amt. to 3 p:m.• , •
DR W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate of
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, Lyndon. ,Member.
of College of •Physidiahs and Sur-
geons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart's.
Drug Store, Main St,, Seaforth.:Phone 90.
Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross; gradu-
ate of Northwestern University, Chi-
cago, L11. Licentiate Royal College of o'
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Offix4
over Sills' hardware, Main . street,
Seaforth. Phone 151.
DR. F. J. BECH'ELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeon.,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth.
Phones, office 185W, residence 185j.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News, Charges
Moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
Musical. Instruction.
OH4S.- A. HOWEY has resumed
his classes in the instruction of piano,
organ and. theory. Phone 194, Sea -
General Fire, Lite,
Accident & Automobile
and dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT.
Mutual Fire Insurance cock
Officers -James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm, Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth; John Bennewcis, Brodhaggsen`
James Evans, Beechwood; M. 'Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex, Broadfoot, No. 3 Sea -
forth; J G. Grieve; No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Hariock; George Mo-
Car-tney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Bruceficld.
Agents -Alex. Leitch, F:.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, 'r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmottah,
Bornholm: James Kerr jand
Govealock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous .to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers .addressed"
to their respective postoffices.
914 Tablets with "Saye.`' tom"
are Aspirin ---No othera1
ft you tion`` see the 'Bayer. or.xia"
en Elle ttsbiets, ryfuse Item -they are
not Aspirin et all.
There is only one Aspirin, that >narked
frith'the "Bayer Gross" --all other telt-
lets are only acus imitations.
Look for the "Boerr Grpsa!'b Than
it: is real Aspirin, for .which ethers is
ao substitute.
Aspirin is not German but is .made
in Canada by Canadians, aid is owned•
by a Canadian Company, all rights'befag •
purchased front the U. 8. Coverugtc it,
GenuineeBayer Tablets of Aspirin'
harm been proved safe by millions: for
Pain, Reaatache;,Reuralgia, Colds, Rheu•
matism,'Lumbago, Neuritis. ,
Handy tin boxes of 12 taltlots-alio
larger Bayer`' • 'leakages, n be ;•hail.
P+ any drug, StOre 0,
C9jilritt is the trade mark (registered
in Canada), of. Baytitr' 1Vanufactnro O
•Se naaeetieaeidoster of 8a o'1lt0.eld
Want and For Sala aro,.' week 2Se