HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1927-01-06, Page 5• ,,r14.L/iL,A4, JANUARY . .-192' • , • • ;.'4 ..41111P- 4,4‘ips , • .1. ate • eC RV E ONE OF cOITR ROUND ROASTS For dinner tbnight aud make a liumgry Mau happy. .,He knows that when he gets a generoUs gibe of our roast beef,with pot- / itoeti and genie green veget•- , ables, he won't get up from the table aiskatisfied. D.:.iI. STEWART . -• • , • Phone 58 . • Seaforth Your Butther. D. Hir McInnes 1 tghiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and, Thursday After- noons larifuture. DiSeases of all all kinda success- fully treated. • • • Elect.ncity used . • Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c s Our prices good Mail January 14th. Sliced Billeappfe, p'er tin. „... 18 GPears, in Syrup, per tin 'NeVe Canned ,Peas, 2 tins . Libby' s Pork and lBeans, tin .... 11 .Ptineittos 3 tins •for 25 • -L-. 3. qt. Aluthinunt 'French Fryer (with line draining feature) and 3 lbs. Crisco . $3.0(r-vaine for 'only $1.75. c c c c Yours fdr True Values during 1927. • • Ross J.Sproat P,h°ne 8 W. AL Stewart Phone 77 If its groceries we have them. • J1 Walker 86 Son UNDERTAKING -and-- , "- EMBALM/NG Motor or Horse Equipment. W. 3, WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone' 67. CREAM GRADING The purchasing of Cream according to grade became law on May lat. ,141111 Y.our cream graded here by experts Under GovernMent supervision and we guarantee you the best of service. 'Alt -our -grading -schecked by the Department of, Agriculture. .' • 441.1 to send Specials and No. 1 grade cream. Send or deliver your cream at least twice a week and as direct as popible. All cream graded as soomas we receive it. - Creamery Open Saturday Nights. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth Ont. • eie—eu—seete-me4,-•-,iou—ious oi. liTowa Topics L..4,-,....1....-.....,...,.. sea.....apeeoemee,...aaateeeeaseauc,e... Mr. Jack Smith, of .Detroit, and Mies Lola McDonald, of .Plattsville, 'were holiday, visitors act the home of Mr. - and Mrs. ,Wm, ISMith, 'Market Miss Norma Ifuirand Miss Annie &nth are spending their holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs, lames Edgar, !High street,.Londan. aliss Alma Dalton has returned to Toronto after spending the holidays with her mother,. • - Mr. Y, Oho, . of Knox College, Tororito, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne S. Webster, of Mc- Killop. Mr, Clemence Thiel has • returned home froth a visit to, London. Mrs.a4G. Black and Jas. Broadfoot were in Detroit last week attending the !ft -literal of their cousin Mil. C. Eligh. Mr, R. 13. Holmes was in Toronto' on Saturday. , • • ce. 'Mrs, L. ,G. VarrEginond--was in Stratford for New Year's.. Her father, 'aft% John Vanstone, celebrated his ninety-first 'birthday by being at home to his friends on New Year's eve. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hogg, Miss'llilabel IH,ogg and Mr. Leslie Hogg, of Strat- ford, .spent the week -end with Mr. and Mts. T. P. Habkirk. • Mr. jamas ,Grainger, .of „Angusville, Man., and Miss'Grainger,. superin- tendent of the Clinton hospital, and Mr. and ales. John Grainger and fam- ily, of 1Brucefield, spent New Year's „with 111r. and, Mrs. W. A. Wright, James street. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 'Beattie, of 1Luean, were guests at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs, T. :Beattie. Mr. Earl Smith has returned to re,. surae his studies at the Ontario Col- lege of Pharmacy in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hudson and chil- dren spent the holiday in Stratford. Miss Eileen Toward, of Stratford, , is visiting friends in town. Mr. George Stephenson, of 'Detroit, spent the holiday in town. . Mr. and Mrs. B. Johnson spent tht holiday in /Toronto. Miss Mae Webster returned Mon- day to Toronto after spending the holidays with her parents here. Mrs. :E. Lawson and Bernice, at Aucburn, -spent New Year's day With her mother, Mrs. W. Sclater. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Deem and family spent New Yea.r's in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. W. R., Plant and family spent the holiday in Acton: Mr. and Mrs. je. A. Stewaet and Mrs. A. Stewart were in. 1Stratford visiting Mr. And Mrs, Richards; Mr. T. E.•Hays,,who redently cele- • brated his 89th birthday,drove to f McKillop on Monday to east his vote in the municipal election. • Miss Alma Harris, of 'London, . is the guest of Mrs. J. A. McCrae. ,Mr. Leslie McKay, of'Kitchener, Was a visitor at the horne-of his -par- eras, Mr, and 'Mrs. R. .MoKay. Mr, 'W. M. Stewartahas purchased ,the billiard parlors 'from 'Mr. A. H. anarouts„ AMp..tand 'Mrs, , • a Webster returned to Toronto on Monday after spending the holiday Week with her .parents. Miss dllertha Beattie geft on Men- daY,for Tarot -ha; Mrs,•Tlios. ILeeming end daughter, Kathleen, „spent the ' .weekend with Iher,atitet, -Mrs, jokier' MieS Edythe lainita returned to Toronto on Mondaah.,., •'Mr. Jim Kerr returned to•his work Flesherton Monday after sp,ending the week, here, •, Mr. Laurence. Webster spent Igew Yeaf's with his sister, Mrs. B. C. Rising. . • - Miss Marion Watson left . on New Year's, Dak for..the city o'f Cleveland, on a "Visit to friends for a short time. Miss • 'Mary 'Muldrew ,spent the holiday wth relatives in town. Miss Grace ;Seat:lett. spent New Year's with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Robert ,Scarlett. Mr. and Mrs. james,diay, of -Tuck- erstilith'spent New Yeer's with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. „Ferguson, Miss Irene paterson is visiting friends in town. a - Miss 'Kathle'en Ratakio • and Mr, Frank. :Raillein, of 'Detroit, were guests Of their mother, Mrs. J.. J. Huggard, on New Year's, - Miss Jessie (Wright, of • Toronto, is a guest of Miss Norma Jeffrey. Rev. C.. Krug, coif White River, is a guest ut- the hams of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Rivers, John street. Ma, and Mrs. H. J. Trapnell have returned ,horne `after ,spending Christ- mas and New Year' with !Mr. and Mrs. 'Spencer Checkley, of Arthur Mr. and Mrs. •David Laidlaw, of Cupar. ,Sask., are 'here visiting Mrs. Inidlave,s mother Mr. McGonigle, and other relatives And friends in this vicinity. They went to the West 29 years ago, and it is about twenty since they have been east, and of course they notice that many changes have taken place itt that time. Mrs. Teamerson and daughter, and Mr. Jack Strong, of tWaterloo, spent 'New Year's with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strong, Eg- mondville. ' Miss Louise Allen returned to her school at Hamilton on Saturday. Miss Pearl McMinn is in Toronto at present. . - 'Master James ,Colquhoun has re- turned to Mitchell after visiting Mas- ter Earl Gillespie:: :Mrs. Armstrong, of Willow City, is visiting at the home of Mrs. 'Boyce, Egniondville. • „ Miss Sadie Hart has returned from a visit in London. Mrs. Jos. Nigh and Arlie Were in London on Monday. H'er son Joseph left for Detroit on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbee, of ;Brussels, are'visiting at the home of their son, Mr, H. .Wilbee. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Sulli'vati, of Strat- ord, are visiting Mr. John Cooper. • 1,1i`ss Mabel il-Ittisser visited her brother in tdwu.' Mr, •and. MrS". J. E. ‘Tyerinan visit - d Londe,sboro, friends :this week: • • • • • •• Mttfcular Rheumatism Subdued, - When ottc is'a sufferer from muscular hetunatism he cannot do ;better than o have the region rubbed with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Let the rub- bing be brisk and continue until ease is secured:- There ;is ntore virtue in a bottle of it than call he fully esti- mated. • 1927 CALLS, TO -you It offers you an opportunity to make both it and all future years both ha.ppy.and prosperous. Will you heed its ,call? It offers you an opportunity to prepare yourself for the future by securing for yourself a thorough Commercial training. • But you must act and act now if you wish to secure the most from it. Send for our free catalogue. Students may enroll any day. eENTRAL BIUS.IISIESS .eOLLEGE • R. F. Lumsden, B. A, Principal t STRATFORD, ONT. A HAPPY NEW YEAR Oranges, 75c,. 60c, 40c California Grapes, Spinach, • Cauliflower, Table Raisins, 30c a lb. 04011. Nuts,' • - • 25c a lb. British Columbia • Hothouse To •Innatoes, - 40c alb. • Sweet Potatoes. 4 lbs. for -25c •IleatiLettute " e - Celery .` Fresh Oysters, $1.00 qt. P11011.0_ Ihe..,r4vAges LL, 'of ri` • g'''',,Grays"*".Wis'rm' Eitterminator. -It' is, a, statidardreni, erlyand- years .of use have enhanced •, ti.S.,renattatton., -•••". ' Eyesight Specialist. Expert optical service constantly at Savauge's. Eyes examined lby M. Rohs Savauge, 1R.O., honour graduate Toronto • Optometry. • College, and member Ontario ,and American OP- totnetricai AsSOCiations, rfn our Op- tical Room, refractive errors of the eyes .aro measured, with. absolMe ac- cttracy.by the latest and best scien- tific instruments; which, Combined with the .servicen s of aexpert opto- metrist, whom you - rna,:y consult freely at any time, provides excep- tionally good optical service. Special Optical Week front Jan. 10th to Jam '15th, Glasses fitted from $4.00 up. • • Special Optical Offer. High grade he,avy, weight `gold -fill - :ad 'Spectacles and eye glasses with first quality flat spherical lenses for Only $4.00. All other style's 61 frame's and lenses at lowest prices,.Eyes ex- amined by our well known and pains- taking specialiat! Mr. Hughson, with 26 Yean Years' expeence. :You are tea- surcd of the hest aptical work to be obtained and atmoderate prices. Tivo days only, Tuesdlaa'` and WednestlaY, Jannary 1.1, 12. Beattie's,Fair, Sea - forth. • - ; Mothers Value this'01.1.-Mothera. who know how suddenly croup may seize their children and necessary cprompt action is in -applying relief, al ways,keep at, piict,f, supply, -of Dr. ThomaS' Eeleetrie Oil, because ex- perlientie "14Sa'tanght `them that.this is can exg,Otlenit,,:proparation for 'the te,e4t- ment of this aitinetit. And they tare, wise, far its various uses render lit a it valable 'medicine: - ae,e-a•to• r.' Close. Mrs. H. C. Box is visiting her par- ents in Strathroy, Mr. Harry Hinohley is recovering from a tonsil operation. - • . Mrs. James 'Stewart, Egmondville, spent New Year's in Stratford,. .'Mrs. W. D. Fair, Of Clinton, was in town visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Webster spent New Year's. day in Toronto with their daughter Dorothy, Mrs. A. Kerr is recovering nicely from an operation she under*ent at the hospital on Sunday for her knee. Miss Florence IMero, of Kitchener, and Mr. Albert Mero and son Earl, of 'Goderich, spent New Year's Day with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Met.O. • ••• Ile. A. Neilans, of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W, M. Stewart. • Mr. and --Mrs. Chas. Butler ana little daughter, of St. Catharines, are guests at the ,home" of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Govenlock, Egmondville. 'Mr. and Mrs, Charles Andrews, Port Colborne, spent New Year's with relatives'in town. Miss Anna Sutherland returned to business college in Torontel on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parke and 'fam- ily were in . Orangeville over the week -end, attending the wedding of Mrs. 1Parke's cousin, Miss .Greenis. Mr. George ,Parke was groomsman. Miss Thelma Johnstone has return- ed to • her school at 1Little Current, Ont., after spending the holidays .with relatives, ht Hamilton, and at her home here. lvtr, and Mrs. Charles Clark, of Aylmer, *isited their ,'parerits, Mr, and Mrs. R. I-. Clark, for New Year's Day. Mr. John A. :Hicnehley, of Stratford, was a week -end visitor at the home of his brOlier, Mr. W. E. 1Hinchley. Mr. ‘Harold Coates returns on Thursday' to Toronto University, Mrs,- A, L. ',Porteous is • visiting. friends in 'Clinton and 1Goderich for a !few 'days. Mrs, ,Geerge Hudson and daugh- ters spent the week -end in Stratford, Mrs. W. tp. Lane is Visiting her mother' in. -Toronto. Mi.- and Mrs. IS. 'Morton and ,c1111 - &en, of Hamilton, were New Year's guests at , the home Of Mrs, J. H. BroadfOot. ,:„Xrs. (Dr.) ;Glatifield, of Wallace - town, is -visiting her .fatther,...IvIr. W. Elco'at. Ur. J. McIntyre, 'Tovoilto, ;is spending' a .few days in town. ' Mr: T. A. ;Smith; Windsor, was' a visitor at Itis home here. Miss Mae McCliticherhals returned ',.tO Tot:Onto, after ,visiting xcher par. -mils; Mr.. and 'Mrs, •Jds..,MeClittchey. Mr. and Mrs. A. Muir, of Windsor,, spent the lialiday: with -relatives iniss. • i .:Margaret aASlitan spetW Hie} weet•thul.at her ;home cin;;Gorrier • M11... arid 'IMrs, Will Gillespie, • of Itrusselsaee visiting -the 'reheat eels McKILLOP. Address and Presentation: - On Thursday evening the Sfith December a number of the ,members of 'Coun- cil and officials of MeKillop niet at the home of Mr, F. ,Bruce Medd and spresented him with the ;following ad- dress: "To Mr. F. ,Bruce ;Medd, Dear Mr. Medd,-On learning that you have decided to quit the office of Councillor in oar Municipality, an office which you have filled for the past six years most acceptably, dis- charging the, duties of that .office without fear or favor,•and giving to the people of McKillop Whom it was your delight to servo, the ,benefit of a reasonable and impartial judgment on all matters pertaining to the wel- fare -of the Municipality, which we as a body represent,Wexpress our ap- preciation of your service. e often fail to realize and to value the use- fulness and devotion of lives that are spending themselves amongst us until they are removed from us, then we 'find how difficult it is to ,fill those vacancies to as useful a degree, so we will miss your valuable judgment as we meet to discuss the problems which confront us from time to time, but we 'feel however, that in quitting our ranks, you have 'an oppoetuoRY of serving us and the cbmmunity in some other way, and ,that the results of your labors may be enjoyed•by Its and the commueity as well as the country at large. We had hoped, as one of our progressive meirt•bers, ou would have, as your atn'bitious nature indicated, mayed upwards in an of- ficial ,capacity in our ilatimiciplity, ,as our representative leader and have given tis the 'benefit of your sound d jugment and capahle ,leadership; - but we hope that yet some day you cmay 'see fit to take a Part in the ad- ministration of our township affairs again -and bring to yourself and cont- St, S. No. 8 for the months di No- munity the honor !,V1tich your un- vember and December:Names are in selfish efforts deserve, We cfeel that order of merit. An asterisk shows we cannot let !this .optiortunity pass those absent for one or more examin- Without in some way recognizing the ations: value of .your deserving -tine and .1- Jr. IV - Lucy Eckert 87, Irene forts with us and in doing so would' Koehler 86. • ask , you to.' accept this club bag, not. Sr. 'Ill.--iGordott Kleber 85, Vin - for ifs itttrinsic value but as a token cent Eckert 84, Peter 'Connolly 78, of our appreciation .of your, valtia,bie Carl 'Benne,wies 78*, •Anna ,Manley 74, services and assistance as a.' fellow- Carl Elligson 74*, Jack ISionion 71. Councillor and in &it: jaunts of . Jr. IIII-iPearl ,Johnsem 88, Mary dety .pleastare' as you 'carry this Murrey 88, Verna Bennewies 82*, giff with you, you earrY the •goad- Laura Bennewies 70, Loretto Rapieti will and best wishes ' of your ',fellow 66* Marie Koehler 40*, laborers, and t.this particularly joy- 211 -Elmer •Kohler, Fergus Me- ous seasonw , ,e Wish •you and your Kay, Joseph /Manley, Austin Kop- wife and 'family, A Very happy and pier, James Eckert, Raymond Mw - prosperous ,Nevt, Year, 'Signed on be-, ray, Ruby Bomeivies, ,Annie Siemont, Hall of,th0 4connail aud cOfficials 'Of Lova Siemon, •, • the ,Towntsatia.,Of, clOrazicaa :''.1st'Class--Velinci;Scherbitcrilr; MyJ. McQuaid, !ReeVe; TAO' Eckert,. Edgar c'ettligsian,..' .iMerveisn M. ;Medd, making t'ePly„,„ Manley', 'Harvey Koehler, Gertie Sie- thanked the Council and officers• for Mon*, Olive Fiseher*,,,,MildredRi- pier) To wish you A Happy and Pr•osperous Now Year • J. A. Westcott Watchmaker and Jeweler. Opposite W. A. Crich's, 'Mother looks forward to my telephone said lielen to her _ "That. WitE Lc WOlcderfUl fieri of • fired tiler I should alternate my 15'.',era to mother with telophono , "She tee deal, an, 1110 SUnIt wet:1 Plie heard my vci Over tt Let nf thileee too thrp, minutes tine- we done LI • tavent/5 ISLot. Atetiel it's se mere' ice time ' avrii hoz! V e re heti: pleaseh nd that Vve :.rte.rgaa; re cal eraerae• •ow-" c!C IIMENNAMMRciaMMV::4c071m-,..v, swishes, and assured them that in w,hatever capacity he might be en- gaged that his best service 'would be given. After spending a social even- ing, all partook of a bountiful re- past prepared by the hostess! Mrs. Medd, Hackwell-Elliott.- Ott Wednesday, December 29th, a quiet wedding 'took place at the United Church parson- ag , Mitchell, when Lily Margaret Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John .Elliott, of 'Logan, was married to Thomas iHackwell, . of McKillop. Thp ceremony was performed by Rev. H.' D. Moyer, Mr. and Mrs, Hack - well •will reside on the groom's farm in cKillop. Hulley-l3olton. -- A quiet wedding took place at the United •Church Parsonage, !Mitchell, on Friday after- noon, ,Deceinher 31st, when Mabel Bolton daughter of Mr. Thomas 'Bolton, of 'MeKillop, was married to Mr. Lorne Hulley, son of the late Aaron Nutley and Mrs. Hulley, of the same township. The ceremony waa performed bi Rev. \I -L. D. Moyer. After a ,honeymoon trip to points East, Mr, and 'qrs. Hulley will take up residence on the groom's farm. Miss Nellie O'Rourke -entertained a 'few friends Sunday night. Me. August Krauskopf, of Vancou. ver, is visiting his 'brothers, Albert and Nicholas, df The St. Colaimban Literary Society, are holding a !fleeting fop Friday evening. ' Quite a number from McKillop at- tended the 13rodliagen dance Wednese day night their appreciative words and kind , ...,!7•0"2.-77,171 Ladies' and Men's TaiIo •• • c • • ' • • ••••• • •!... • • .• • ••• •r • •'Of,' • • • • • • . • ••Bringyour OWfl Cloth • Have it niade up here. . . Over Keating's Drug Store SEAFORTH • fiENLTHILIIR • The Saecial Milverton. Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Alec Ground Screenings lehop oCPill !Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER; PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs Winter Storage, Charging and • Repairing for all makes of Batteries. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Now is the -time to have your car overhauled Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased and cleaned. Dealer in New and Used Cars. Agent for Chrysler Pour and Six Cylinder Cars. Regier's Garacie PRONZ 147W. FORMAL, DRESS The season of formal dress occasions is here again, We specialize in the cleaning and pressing of formal dress and its accessories and can guarantee a good job. Do not wait -- have your dress suit or tuxedo cleaned and pressed now. Work called for and delivered. SEFIFORTH GARMENT WIRE Sydney Dungey, Proprietor COMMERCIAU_BLOCK PHONE 227 or 210 IIIIMIIIIIM11111111111111111111M11110M111111•111e eleeresemellealeaelienneleialiesioa No Brass Tacks Used by us in repairing rubbers, All kinds of rubbers and go-. loshes soled, heeled and patched by the latest -vulcanizing methods. We sell new bottoms for leather tops and sew them on correctly. High class shoe repairing. All work guaranteed. FRED BARLOW • Two doors south of Beattie's Variety Store Primer Harry IRegele, Clement McKay, Edna 1Leonhardt, Vincent Murray, Merwin Kahle, Dan, Manley, Oscar Elligson*, Adeline Sielnon*.- Helen M. Delaney, Teacher. WINTHROP. Electimi day is over again with the following results: Reeve, F. J. McQuaid; Councillors, John Dodds, 'JointicaE:y.ckert, Dan, 'Regele and Thos. m Don't forget the •dance to be held in Winthrop Hall this Friday even- ing. A euchre and dance will also be giveit on Friday evening, Jan. 14th so don't forget the date, Hog's or- chestra. - Mr. alid Mrs. W, C. Bennett spent New Year's with Mr. and Mts. Roy Bennett of Walton Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Johnstoh are visLtil(gfriend's in ToreiftoV:O. i • .• Mr, Joint Pryce wars 2 smile these days.' (It's'bo..). Mr. and Mrs. Fe Netv Year's ill 1•Valton, Lester Govealocic„, of Kincard- ine, is visiting friends in the Village - • thilsr rt.veIa errk. Storey, of Crystal City, 'Mail., is lioine froin ^thWest retiew- ing old acquaintances, VVewere sorry to learn of the death of Mr. J, i11.-ICatupbeli last week. We extend our' deepest syni- patily to those that are left to mourn. One of tlie most effective venni- fuges on the market is MillerVictran Powders. They 'will not only clear the stomach and bowels of worms, •but will prove., a yery serviceable • medicine for children - In regulating the iii,fantile system and ainincg- inaittf ifIt,,inasas....t.ciheraanitelotiy,.theoatttdcilltelo:i.-w' gttsi 'they can be given to childre*-fah iii hetc is novhittg it dtrettions arOfollnikesb, thetrnosit in,ircoattiefiga8tietiosIlt,i•9r;t141zit rtj • rgus Bellard spent • destroy them. ", • '