HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-12-23, Page 7,:
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E�ci�Ts a �>� ><T
Lank of ontreal Annual Meeting
-.- .��____ _,_._ - �.
, Su�n���s. d `their Orig� •
ddeire and Marleaea w.'ere kflllied ill aa•
Wasn't .
Britain's 6ea S u rerriac ' W
tion.. But 134,000. dd'edr f1 Om1 SI( un t y.
Huilf Utr on Bip Guns bit{'.on
Sir Vfucront T(er<•dith, rr�laeny w,a amgey o General Managers Address I
Tale itltce of the Mine has, banished this..
- '"
fho holes of the, Llry1e:
ondlaona, unto fil partF sir ptederµuc wlnfn,ns 7nrior, gonvraz• rrunngor,'
Varl'atilon'- Massie, Demassy, de- Variations. -Ormesby,• Ormeson, Orm-
I 11
- s'cour'ge.
•. J
'A broad e0rrsv _ot erode conalllnae to Wo hr Ids nddraes. sofa In Patt: '. -
ma861e. skiric,-
Anoltheu fruit, that be now, in eyed-
. -- ., - ..
.pose under rawew.Uads much to hearten and Jr. declared that then tire,. tely.for new Can,
RaelFlt_.Or(aln •- Anglo-Norman and. Racial Ortgfn-English. j
inc'reasung, quantities camlmg to il5
Some years ago a state5mani, salUd
aloe to 'altaonroac. in almost every depnrinieat!adlw lesucs'noatca' 1,i'16udon lures ma pant
�groator-wW despite I;.oenh -
French.' I'8ourcc-A g1Yen Hamm
(.00aiity. •.
-}I1141t 1•t 1i'aG'gr0r3sam el+.th3'Ey'l/da of,:eeut4:.
or enm,norue: actlrltf le'. of an
... ... r )oar, ,rinii . Rl7pareotly, there le little
BOUrCC^A I'esrs,. in a gdoup of :family names
�`, .
m�eaut that, bound.- the Dominions and
camnetitlon, ora larger. Cenfldence ands .early n.entry to that ¢),hilt. lieadded, however,
demmrstmu.. 1. "Increased cppltai 1n- -continuos
With the 'excerption of those :In• founded on a given- uniume which is
-.., -. ..
Colon�ee Go tlia,1VIA•UuenlalLcl, says an
practical than Amerlaxn aaphd to flow into
vestment L,' development or resources and
stances in which this fannily, name is natlYi'ng ttbl'uaual, Our dives torics to -
'Eu' •lilu.h wd^tem: Now tb eine is somal
natural, panadn. -
.I -
to dssscrextan4 ezyer,alon mnnufooturlpg pl4ute..
traotvrible' to Gaeldc-sources, it 'tihou]d;daY •our#ala a rely hE'avy-pRn:oelLtitge
r „
"An apple a dro,y' I['eapsi 111.0 acarol
thing mare. ambsltanitiai-Prnittt Tho
, �a of -- OUtstandl$ Facts. 9
outptanding fn hla raannet la cue groNtl, lit sus
Tllioa l: M1!e
bl 1a - f r t
o c isle 1, according to it0 orm; as oP family aianus's which woull U ins
-4-Y is a saying that 'holds a world
ctdldasm aero supplying the wettish+, to
,n- 011txtanailla' (4at5 ICQRI'd111Q an ode
'roan and paper Industry, tire exptuuayun or Into.
j' 1 t 7+ O•
171eneri,.or eIts,a Engl sl1 ave of IYo'rman as pLifn to: tts as Jacls«a'an, R cards n
" +
ff h
th'a mutual pencil o•f soy
atsaxaed In the ropa)•t, with a rtnw to Informing
r'1 Ile ,Utlt an to LLnrnneem [' nurse Powers,
as x d u g o
` + - '. F ,^
t D America; i d of
i lit. a land ouch n eT eat a tial 1)avidtson iia the tvea names
sig g 9.. y d g, 7
IR thi9- (A:RnIEGtlon �i't'is aRinterflat
V4Eo¢Ilnl. Inrpstore In orenh Drltnln who neva. ILL.
c1u601y allied hlduetrlee Indlgeaous to Canada and.
We lit
arO.Enlil oC.�PalRily IDam,eawhiCb ara'ilnt w111Ch til@y aro•'C'OAlpOsiad remained as
to recall that :it was,tkia 4n1•piomlattoa
w0ltare-ot brat !ro heart
Is, 7naDa.t oC wWcl 'elle may be still: to stand un- u
Changed foTznS aY plata nit4mes' in Nor— papular with succeeding generations
' .,
,r- ,,
Into i' ..:"' ..
t B itslln of omE Piwlit frOmt.a Ca10ny
that saved mildto i o8 liv.es, and as-
_. rllulled," Flrxtty It in pointed; out that lens: than DO scare
- ago the tires, Pram, province were unlnitabit<d.
Surve of Conditional
Y fa -say an titperoepol
r a +:. , , r f h : � 'i a
Mandy' Chicle names ATe relics O the a5 haM@ the Haines oE..Jahn, R Ch rd
Norman invaislo'n of Engllan'd; find, David:
' .
the gda{rious a lea- tram N
tuned the s gentac 02 this doulttrY
two million oua yPaeoyla. wlthyomntlow of
':At the tlm!a 'oR that.: iltVa�BiQIL most Yet�at -One time, the voce of "Orm"
I '
on the ocean.
The president prec<edod to a -el, condition.
rich and Idle acres awaiting aetuera. in 1000' the,
m'e'n, in England, as well as among the • or 'Orme" was axtnemeiy popular
Colored by Climate.
In the leather and footwear Industry ' 1n tozEnes, value of the flail cloys df' lhoee provinces Ie Ufreu
fen 4nd steel and Dols, ad out the yoeelbllay of
Normans, -bdre' but a s'ingl'e .name.I among th'e, northeTrt Teutonic races;
That oi's--fruit wa@ ',the lithe from
tt. 02 mill
th ulldmil trades fIII-Ing a ion dollargi iiow It le close ro 700'
When something more than this na name., In -eluding the Anglo-Saxons, and Dames
. ,
the Welt Iuhdies' ' and the dile, 3e it
yetyewaott,'ao rtod, Tao nottoaapla. lnipev°motit.
was :ns0d-ad to:'difPehsentlato 'h:etweem (who also have •1E8t the i1 pites'a of
aeatched waft the dnte.ud'eld s'C71n'Y :' In
D[ bnala I has , btPUght lath It . aeaune m
'. - ,. .:
� ', tQatthe
secondly, although Canada Is linown •a. an
may not hp al abroad
lnddvld,uads, kkie speaker newish m'alte •their uame'nclatura in both the, ]wngu-
' the Seven Yeata'sr War only 1,599'6'01-
the Arm.. o
use aE •Semis ¢OIIv'emiant fi71a^lllam$,' 17Py.' aLu^eg Of bingleald alb(i';, Scotland) .and
ddeire and Marleaea w.'ere kflllied ill aa•
The aggregate or csn.aa•e roretgu trade nun: In
groes value of our'manufaaLured'i7rndnota
1021, uie last obtainable figures, was ;2,006,-.
Yemring either to a moo's trade, or the ; lila Normans. .The last named; 1•t must
tion.. But 134,000. dd'edr f1 Om1 SI( un t y.
expands, hating lied a value or ;1.2110;500,000 to 000,000,
nearly iwtua 'ria nL faulr4rR1 production
p'labt e . fmo!m which he had' come, to � be rememb:e'redy wed @ a Teutonic race,
Tale itltce of the Mine has, banished this..
- '"
the. seven mouths ending dotober Sid. or 1142.-, for
'tub aamo year:' '� - -
show which "John" lir "`Boger". or though they •hard, adopted' the. French
- s'cour'ge.
000,000 more than in the corresponding paries
Thirdly, auiLL Prugrex5. ]tae nuc¢ Innda lit heenex.-
o". he..was speaking 0•f. taIIi
g gnl'e. (It would be more cOlgect;.
Anoltheu fruit, that be now, in eyed-
haat yon¢ The character at Llw trade,: haw -s!' ma
.,¢ted power, that Canaan 'in now aid second
The Gleed• for these 'surnames:: was : perhaps, t'o suy that they bad' them='
inc'reasung, quantities camlmg to il5
t<. changing. lmporL, having 1m:ronecd and e.ever country
.Dor .capon '10 Gh1a .respect f. the woad,
1>antiewlar-1, strong ainon' 1
y g the Not,- s'edves formed: a'varfatloII of .'rite
e. ,
from the Domimions is also oat in a'
P• � g
as a consequence. of watch the rarer-
able liaise. has di nen shear' "'
who. developments now w dor way aro no.iviote,
coals often thalr ulvasioa of England. I French. tongue). But 'tbeis nomedlcie.
: ',
very' lau•ge 'Part in, decreasing disease,
win have w use 4,000,000 horan power,:
Gathered from all sections' of France; i tu'r�e -remained predominantly Tend -
' fnicaeasi'ng the standard of health, and
- Trend Upward.
a capital investment in power planta
rite Norman hast had' spread out ill a Oonic: ,History sllo,wa that in all, cases
@xteniding alis average,-.41em'gtb of 4ife.:
- ►lid
trnnsmleslon Haas °[ b01 million dollars."
strange -oauntry. Conditions were- un• wheme' dna aaco adopts) this language of
r „
"An apple a dro,y' I['eapsi 111.0 acarol
Describing pretest conditions In Canada, the
three facto ..lone,." the General Manager
-'should be the ot.
slettled', .There was much m'o'ving anolther, it retains, �how�ever,. very
-4-Y is a saying that 'holds a world
president drew the conclusion that the Dominion sKys,
enough to atrraot notice
about Eiwn1 place to p'laee. It ivas ns,- mwelt aP its. arigdual '1)nguage' in Its
of t171ti1,
tint emerged from the shadow or restricted boat- arluah
engineers, nromotorl; Investors• manta-
tliral; the'refor(y brat these Durnames, '. names.
When the Domlimd!On!a-6'aRlal 11s, fruit
Dam uinois and earnend and indifferent bol- rulers
ante chaeta - and we trend of business le Herr :
'end lhtanding emigrants."
-sir Nreaerlek reviewed oto various sar,•tcee -
referring. to, the •11'1'aoe from which a " So it will, be s'e'en that there are -s'ev-
they age acro simiply Dealing back what
distinctly upward h, practically nn linea of trade. tendered
by file band[ to ul<' interests, or the
man had, Caine, were, particularly son• erad explanations of the extstelhoe in
Me Hent MOM years ago. . The pick of
"I Banner aha- any indication that this Period or general
public and .that or C...do,. Inch so the
ventent. England .of •this.given name,
the gda{rious a lea- tram N
prosperity Is -on ' coming to an and. I helpin c.p
report. during ole crop season, die monthly �
Massey was.'a town and: feuld'all hold, - Olmbes to ' but 8, shortening of Orme-
r '6 8 ° � ° 'e 1 a
11 . � d )
� F
2 3
i�I I�Illlu
A�cy+�� ?. inn, �"G. _.
i :'i'^ • `� -'lo ��'-y -.1 4 j�lk: err
_ v
• ,7
No Battel•ies! No Chemicals!
LOUST 'THINK OF T'Ci $alio for Christ-
m:as without the usual ddsoauTagemeni 11
Rod Inconvenience of A. B. and C. Bat•.
be1•le0 or c11 hemical chargers.
It's really very much cheaper and convenient
In the long run for you to decide, on a x,og@Tit
FIRST and have no r@grata later. on.
This remarkable battaryl'ese oat operates from
your Tight socicst at a cost of less than 411 h
w'ee'k. It is 1114 complete in one ,cabinet, single _
dial coivt'ro1 and oonv'emd-0nt wave 1&igith dta'1.'
Bee Your Nearest Rogers Dealer;
You'll Be Glad You Bought
a Rogers.
the underlying conditions aro soundend the lit• huginess analysis and the parlous Pamphlets issued lingnear B '@vx, Normandy. y
and British ColwmbUa-,bhe Blraalileiy, I 119 Ther son. Ormesby and-Oltmsdnia'Ut wereQ.R.S. �LJ��(;' �a., CAN., LTD.
the Blenheim, and"thus Ii:Udul,taaz. pLp'pdin euro can be viewed With: confidence," to tarmere In Canada aa4 In taste¢ couutrteP, fallma 'p¢•efl8euh by "de"-- nepreE'ent Al'8C9 names- campoulid'e'd oR the ,giVe'A 590 KING STREET WEST
--'combs Pmamt British stack, grown'by •- -- farm's of the. family name developed Warn,@ plus, the navel's for "vil'lag'e!' and
WITH v�elapaDemts. sips are AIn llsll die- ,,,church.,, 'From 1rItLLce names th be.. I t-•�w';Sv+bk'���''•l��`�r •�'�'•���"'1 n
arty 11 ��gg1g155 FRANCE
g ' �
pdon,e7er's,etteems, CANADA'S TRADE HTliM gNCE inFrawc@. Th'eo�Ch oa7m@slurnamles. .. •.-._ vertl8CiileEltB. 1
Tho61e wain vds'it@,3 the, recent I]m-
( p1f@ Fruit Shoty In London must name '... QJ3SStfYCC�.�iCj
been struck by by the glortons'aolor!¢ug �D �1C Marriage �!"�C+If�.
o'f the' $ppCles,. ThaFC !s: cline to climaba. Atrcarding to, reilabl'e r'epo'rt from a'rraugeli between fire two co•umGi'das Above the iYea'ire118:: g
avenstaa,,, tileago'tiatlan'a are under way` am'd the excellent adv'emtl3dmg wh!'oh Above the gelid the evnUzaFina fliII STOMACH TROPE Among many 'mial'eading gensr:7.ti 'GRAMOPHONE.
Is, British. Columhi'a, for instamlee, � g
i'n London and Porta for this oTg,aniza- has been ePPe,Gt'ed• fou' Dominion gooldes• With blind - DUE TO song's, da•LP,tim ties il'eedintg to be nadlex9 to the masa
Oliere is mmch in'or@ sun. than here•, and • g through, I 'aT ICTROLA STYLT7,' FULL CAB-.
less'Tatial, tion 'o,Y itwa waw,sib0am'ship tl0rvi,c'ea Ili tive ltepvbdi'o there s1lovLd b'e uo God's glm•Y is a z•1c41e1r thing, �� E��>�D of falsehood, one oR the most peuni- V' IN1rT; inlays su1Q'records, 4S se:ee-
,, fiwlm Fila�ne@ to Calvaria, thi's :snitexpnie�e great ,difficulty in i`tlTtllen• incl+eraslvg And sweater singing, too. cions is that maTlded folk are not con tions,. 'autamabicr Vailue. $96.00 Yor
.Once 'Sampled, .Always Eaton. b;z'ia,g attli'butabds.in tam's measure to Canadian exports to that country wttll ----•- tinwlug .to live together. True, some $35.00 guaranteed, Poisson, 940 Mount
' P'eTlla'ps ,tll'e masa twtelnosting ex- t1y0 ePPorclbs of the was-
-agent-general a ¢lisle eflicieni,t transportation s'sT• - may not be, and, indeed, are not, a.nd. •
Ro al East Montreal.
Q Above 'the azure wide and high, it UsttallY DilaPP eats Where the
hiblwas- a first Consignment front tile. in England-, wale -has lnte'resbInterestedlar l the vice. Of these so much fuse is cad's that ' The steady, cardial blue, Oto @ulal:eE -
Gold Coast of •ldntlsa, gl'ape<Frut,t, Lpa,oi'eolt a group of F'nen'eh-Swiss eapi:,I Products to be Carried; Gad''s glory is a vaster sky',. Blood is Made Rich and Red. Lltplre Is heard o•f the tuillton@_ who. ECZEMA REMEDY
I ai'ang'es, said bananas. .Theme are vast ta,lipsts whlo are, forming the new now ship• I ,, ne7ither court nor receive -publicity.' -a- For ixtornal nae ontr ... ,w• _,
td�l,Gts aUo!Ilt to be d'evaiope:d th'es'e, ping The products, ,es'pecialty menLian:ed, 11'14nlitab4y tllu'e. Thin blood 16 one of the most tom-
', 'can,ceirn. According to. D'r. tehi•ch the anew line ivul Carry:. to No, the brill marriage has upon us For «Rte.:z<a a . le
-« rens.
mon causes. of stomach trouble. It � a p'eop'le Is not: weakened b ex- � v for Ez«ma, ltrh, Paant<a
and: specfal,attentlon i'6 bein'g glv'o13 to LOmieux, flue company will begin each•-' France, are fists, tiauber, 1rrE�pared' Above ill@ faintest, farthest staff h'0, Y m«rat<4 3•<gg ana.nr�
aiYects the digestion very gtuckly. T posul•es of the exesptionls to the rule. zt' 4leoaae.RAo coital now 1ea11
-�, ' the growth of grape: -fruit. - sting a line, of steamers to calu•y 'zln pn^tro•9,, natal• Pura. France is n heavy In distant c1i'aas� wrought, _
�Vo Nave been sam:awlttut slow in � fredg7ht am -:1 pa'stS�Smg7En's' in the• .very inl• niter. 08 CaaradL•*in •eaame,:1 6adanon how ad. Goth's glory; lnflnd•ted' • far glands that fitrntsh the digestive Rolla These .may excite our pity, OUP" 6y'm-. OeneroueblRr $ZTID ePoatDala'
•i:� "taltitig'° to ftuia d@lica'cy; bull:*"omoalnlearPutwre, an'd ponbS'ot calf w311' lit• P. .�, y ar@ diminished 'in tielr'activltY; the - "� - '
• - - d. aom:etime@ awl avea•6dan. nEe. Y. LEE.. -' .:
having in the 'paLSt flpiaa;i year- talcs¢ .Cramscem;tls ollT feeb-le tltoughk, patty, an
,sampled, always 'eaten;: It is of great � pl'wd'0 Montreal,, Quebec, an,dt pod'nts iv 173,883 cwt. )worth $1,97.2,016, and also stomach tnuseles are \vealt@red and threaten the majesty of the - P.O. sax ra2z, vlatorta, e.o,
but cannot ' .
• y mediolns'T valve dna de1[cious' to eat, flue Gaup•e region and- am, the Saguenay ?lit arts• . ttantbti'es of oanu'ed' lobsters, Yet God's rich glow, and Gtxl'$ great ihea a is a loss Of nerve Patca. In this social custom that is the Gammon like
It a sweet and r sires' no sugar, I state of health nothing wlll more . Got It At Leet.
04Fiver, as wellas New BrunswiakA'nrts•�ImportttLicniwaPwoocb pwbp have in- snDg,afall.TtiS i'nRriolaieyteaabl,e so long�'� What, separately( {s' In grape@. oranges Tiue eiY,orts ,o'P 'tills qui'c7cly restore the appetite, digestion.... A patient •tececher was, trying W
QuuU:ec office in creaslsd,heavil'y of recent Ye'a's, grow- And, God's. vast heaven of blue: as the Anglo-Saxon conaep�tion of
and normal nutrition than good, rich, civ111zatfonprey aiits• It f@ this respect- show the scald boy how:ta read with ;_ .r
t lemons and limes is in tasteful cam- ,England ore di'rectedti luatura,'.dy, to -..ling Prom nothing in 1924 to $56,296 And Go'd's far starlight ages long, red blood. expression.
bivation in tivo- gtupe.frwtt, wamdl5 th'e d'@v'elo, lit, 1925 and 633;094 in 11128, Import's- Collies down to to me sold vasal
;',' pmlemt of Canadian � Dr. Wil.11 liams' PiIIJc Pills sot directly � commoilpla,c@ in dally lite that fa- "Where, are, you going?" rear' Johnny
JaaII is being to b'e ch'eaperl Yes, airport" txa'de with Frames lather than I tions of all kinds, of furs ant8lar a anal -Antos R. Wells,. md11ar1ty does not asperse. And it i8
• ,tical �l'ewst An inventor has, now per. in:careael•ed Purchasing from that cove- g on the blood, making It rich and red,
+ �_____.r, eai>•resEedt Aen•1?aps most Ee1•icitously, lal>aTlanlSdy': with no accent whatever,
Peered anew "soft fruit" tttb-for' t I - lumber oma purchased and this enriched blood strengthens "Try tha4 again;' sada the teaohen•.
g ce7rta�in itin,3,s of 1 1n those over -recurring instances in
•, of this hall a'ntlal' 'exten't. In add'i'tion;. weak n'tirvea, stimulates tired imtscles g "Resrd as if Sou were talking. Notice
, s'piLe oR luicl egs�eld sales, !n Vire ' to a Cul).:,t _ which wedded couples on these
.., pOSt waT , -
Ty' Theme 1s�wr 'snit n,e 8dl rPalliCe last y"@aR•"p1Lt'G11atSled 'l,$$3,i211, ' .rind awakens LO normal activity the
s,tra\\:•herrL@s, rasrytUeurtes' anal ss, on. �
t„ The Galt tubs hltharto used weighed period, to adua't the balance of trade.. , , pa+a:inleat have lived together, have that mark at the end" ;
• batsltel's of C'ana'dian \shes:t \i•orttl $4,• -. ghouls that supply. the digestive fluids. Jahnuy studied the interrogation ;
�„ tt't+ettt3'•out:o pounds, and holds fifty-six b7ve1•p Paci'Tity im 'ef4eat thio' i& afforded gZ4 886 hitt bought no C,`a,itatrifanl maanl- =0i .il h e e tolled for one another, and often
This Is s owe by an improved -app tit , minTlc a n1'om•emt. and a:II id,Ela'&b.'ateal:. .-`...-J•-
,.� , __ ilouwds.gf fruit. Railway ca'rria'ge lltid by the France -Collado treaty anrangsd I factti're'tl itanr. An ianpartaart helm 118. � � .and soon the effect of these blood on- r,onght a-1Lh each oR•her, have drunk to. -i
. , to be, ,p'aid on the whole tv'eigilt. The u few year^s ago um47sr which a i•e'e• I I " •� � geth'cn' alit oP th'e a&me •Claps of icy and to dawn upon him, Than he heady .
new tuib' urea hs cul seven 'g Import is Canadian agr:,ctrlitnral 'm's,- r I richfaig pills is evtd•anC throughout the trlurelghau+tly: a
g Y Pounds, meu't Canada gl+an'te,11 to Friince, this chianel•'. Franc's• being the lmr ,Est pier- �••'•r' -"' sorle,w; but yet remained together,
y g ° ,� whole cyst@lit. You find that what ,lou content, marled, lndlsstsluble: in their i.�rlLere arra you gof'ng>, 1�little button-
�^ label losses, dole to tubs bein8 ktuocksd Fl•e'nell c'olnnl:les, poss'essdans anvil 1)1'0-�cllas'ET of harvesters' and binelers, mow• / . - . 11 1 eat does not. distress 'you, 'and that you '
+ . oti*en• 'tlmrl'ng tsllulnting am eliminated. teGtontatss, fahn+rin'edlato tariff sad I lmmleralon' Of e'ach ot111sr's camlple-
t; bine-'S, sial hay rait'es. Other I are vigorous instead of Irritable and ,, _
The u'env _twb, by a simple "slotting" Ing moo
I' favored ¢allow 'trea'tni'sm,t gewsla.lilY;'I jtu,pol,taa1t l,mpoTts iii point oP vaine 1'Istless. 1P your appetlt0 is iic}r1e, lP m�ents, tld,T, ofith znvtval pnLda:' and pt+ob-
arraa:gem•enit, cannot be upset: A.nd whll'st 1pl'anCE accorded Canada tin I atu19 net a little to forgive, they ora- Gns. Uujonanesa; heartburn.- dyspepsia, and
a'ye \era'pping 1%open•, cliaveT seed, bacmt ' you have any of the :distressing pains r s'tmitidr 111s will 'not trouble you h you take '
t it its a British inv'emtil>n, British made•. equally � claim t41•e rel'eGrations• o- their silver, t '
''; pa•e'fel+entla9 treatment with anal hams', 'Condensed, milk, 1VIa•d, and and synlptonts of indigestion, you•
Sei6n1'eSyruD. Any druastore.
I•, Real Garden Flavors: ' advantages equal to the most favored rubUeT times and immer tubes for ._ I should at ones take Dr. Williams' Pinit golden, a. dGgmand wadding anntver•
nation, swrlea. Om,e. suck Connubial o•caaeinn '
The development of British fruit. 1"ehiclss•. Pi'T1s ,and At'oiit by Use Vetter condition A Canny Child. -
eulvntng, Holier the gud'dance of the Canada's Purchases 'from ' France - •----- A Needed . Tool. in which they will put your 1)lood;
proves far more the permanency of our Umdla pity had giv'e'n hfn; small ,
�'•. """�" , marriage casta'm than a thousand an-
Baand of Agalcultul+e, is making extra. Heavy. �p LIFE
`"jVeil, If you're afl•ai:d of hU$E here these lulls s1^e sold by all dsa:@rs 1n nephew a clime'; but not lbmg aPpea^'
tt� � p • medicine, or you can get them by mail counts of dissolutions foreshadow its
ordinary progress. If pont desire, ae ��E9J � /p� 9y1�`�ty C L F lob, hss•ets' a screw-tlerlven•;" r d'eCline.-\fanitgba .Free T'e'es,;; ward t7te child 117)pvaredy, long of Ys'caa, ,
r_ This, Cra:de t1•elaLy'; 'loge•lher with the: Sa B'm&D Y iy g JL "What o at 60 cents a Uox from Tlae Dr, Nt il• - ••- .•�-- to repo'rl : "'Pkat dv1e You gave ms
ynu E4latlld, ko slippart IS'Ome lin,dtl9'i ' 1 want Clla:t for?"
tries, get British canned ft•ttlis, advertising eff'ecbe�di; by the: C:ava.;lhtst _ r.,._ "To zaal••ew up your aaatrage' with- lianls' lIedietne Co., Brockville, Ont. � slipped through a hale in my'pthclnet" y
edt3lbition tta.n, ttln'e7t toured the Re- ,,-.-�-o«_._._ se'21ttd 1.,Ozt,AfDt1 3t Home.
•• +ri.es, black curramCs, rtisp- lvlrs:" Alfred Tranehemoutagne, St. sE,e ." "Well, here's another," said j71ta11,'e
^ helli'e4, 1,0' nbeldes, and so so on, li'abd,te in a. welly t.11oravgh manner, ox-
ga pro. Michel des SaJ'n•tes, Quo., writes:- '-�---�•- Another Use fah• a Hairpin. 'are a.re som'etiro+s• told that Uig Jinn, "Don't let tlils-One gest lost talo."
h'iblitinlg aC every c'enl;re 'tat any laze;
�;: paced hi this way, a¢'a now "om the � "Baby's Q'tvn Tablets ss,+e an excellent The Thede -.Buttons.. i Who has not at some time raised American y.lsdtor sets more of I.onilan Til@ y'A+ingat0l• 4WOJriERl though'tttt'14'
mal4t'et, a,i'1
' lt the. teal ".wlthas tem'dleid, to elevate th•a value of jnedicine. They sa't'ed. my liabY's ilio A s'choal 1 eacher said to ]lar class of umbrella and Baan ant at the short Lhan the People 1 tla who if,v:e in it. This 1 "perksA s haiR a dollar would b'e' 6aP•ea',
I flavor. t
I�„ The
he fruit is ' w4lale,' and this CanadTav exports to Franbae amcl -ap_ and l can Highly recommend them to Uoys; , tin1. umbrella
unexlle'eteel'ly fall out of phoria? think, is bane oal'yn :1 isuperfiota] 'wawldn't 1t, unc•1'eT" lie said.
no•uch nearer a Irlut of a balance of , +.
' cans sae the last \vor17 in itygi•enie and 1 � '` p' sill nlolhea•s,' Airs: TranCheman- "I am going to give coli of pont 1P the ri'h is broken, lhiq p>•nUairly sense. Th,e American sees more :oP
k 0clemtifio col n'r i e,a'Is3 an,d purchases. In rt t+i;A'rssealta- .) P . means r r•
1.t n at�'on: Fermentation Cagne's experience is that o thousands tlll•ee bu'tton's. Poil mast Cllittk of the cal s i lob Ean• the umbrella mender; gold's -Doak In7ri'don;. Ua•t the l:,oudoneT Almost i-iin3 to start tluihrki]+g about .
Is fm . !a'ible, and the i"lllit.e,aids ettm- tiva Year before t]ve lv'aa•, 1913,' Canada of orb's¢• mothers who have tested the I frequently, though, there is, no break . s'ees more at the London ills 1 '
sold to to ;France only, to •Uig• 'ex'temlt of - The
flrs,C as 'i^e4n^es,earting Life, the second t s worth your New Year's resolution.
4 not affect ' the till. ,° ,, a;• worth of Baby's Own Tablets. the Liberty, and t'It'o third I•lapj)iliess, in i but the 11LI:le siv'sL which ]ioTd,s' bile two seeing. I3•: less his own house and his
At'r�o'ma e:mganis we smfd,0 but "Eat' +..,664,803 \\117110 ptnallasJn., from Chat Tablets are a sure unci safe medicine .. ribs together ]las come ayttl. When this frlen'ds' houses •bui.'+;lin " that eantltln
e 11 1Uhlre:@days I want you to producC hese g, i country to to t•1te• vadnl'e aP $1G,632,144: for,, little cies and never fail to logo- hapirens, it f' quite easy fed• coupons to far stars of the things fu>terest-
mnre�'Pruit" is the best that was ever buttons, tvll•en 1 shall expect y^^cit to �]�t y.,t
The iJomivlo:us poi^cl)as'es Ta•'n'm L17.e Ce.11 mo what Ui•e .etalhl Car," Pitt the 'umba•ella fa14u good condition ittg do him than ,cathedrals ztud pa,lnc@s t"f01?J'�i,/LOEi%E✓`
) inn<enteal. I late the bowels and stolnaclr, thus 1•s- Y _
' : Ite'publd,c Ju We das't .Uline,e tweave- On th•@ a >oln'ted tta .fie aslte4l ou � ••
+�-----,De--•-'-w ,, lieving all the minor ills:: from :which pl y e in a few ulTunites. Phenre are two and mtisl=tuns of -the arts. I.1•e s@'es lijs %Fut wordin builders red. Practical,
t iwanths. periods, ending July have been children suffer. They are sold by llail'as in the end of the short rib and own a1+d'etl, which conto•ims in ",-a � vp;fu-dafa,stiQgestions on planning
Sand MelnOry. of this Uor•s for h1h Uuttons: g a
Pes•pectivedry $16,934,103; $18,020,874;I medicine dealers or by )nail at 26 ets. „ i , , „ „ ,, t 1 one 4n the -long rib where they loin. pleasures for l}fm than this realest of ; building, futnuhing, .decorating an
Snftly the •s•ea and 2U,86.1,04"r, lit .the c'am'e thr.eis l,a bot from The Dr. Williams' D'Iedi• I a n t got 'em aril, 110 said. Hetes Put tbl@ thrall. tete over the Som Dale g
$ t•' A g the park's, and Ito sees his ow'll csat,I gatdcntng. Profuse]yy.illustrat ed,
With its handful's of nlohnlil:gltt, -periods Cana'd,a's sai'.es tet. Frav,ee h:1ve i ire (to. Brockville Ont. Ll'Pe, aai:rl here's Liberty, but mother' with an e4l^'e on each side of dt so the and scores oPactual t&)llar,saving tug-
C + has Bowe am.cl sewed' Ttappf'n'ess'. oil my � w,hioh surpasses the King's horses or � 'gestions. Sand Y3 oegts for
Its armfuls of moonlight, been $17,7.73,782.; $8;367;042; and $14,-1 -
....._,,a____ -..-are in lilac, an'd iltseTt a One in- the lorid'lile,sE b•Eas•t in the Zoo as the cucTMa �� B
- Ta]ting •bh�em In to the beach dusk, 90?,288, ___
� trouse)•s," boles are ?.
--,_..__� ,_„- visible hairpin. Twist the ends of the paragon at anin'la]e, I �
Sitting hem over the darlc'sands Canada Consistently pwrcllar�0s goo'd's , _--- ,. aruovaty Ver Dead. IlairpIil around the ribs so no points � 4+11 Aactande st. ---
Slowly And do not thlDik .that 1>,a do@q itoC
S1os'd,y in tvfdo 'cun•i''els. from France to a' hle'avleu• .exteiut t1Lam� ° Cl p will he left loose, to rub holes in the t I rPr<am, oat.
.,,•.... `Ch@ Dead Sea. is 47 tulles long .ltd thea as many novelties as i£ Ile were.
from any athe'r country after the __�. '� covering. The writer repaired: an um- taxi-i'ng fra�m ohne+eb to edtva•ch atria i
-Softly and sloavly the sea United Iitng;dwmi amid United S'tat'es. Y tenmi4'es \vide; Its sva•i'a'ca fa ap'plro�i•
a ==� � nt'nt'edy 1,3011 fest ]on':eu• than s0a level
Urella itt this way ovs'r tt yeaT ago amd from lnnts+niimto m,us,eum in a, foreign
S'rm'tten:ing:ivo'ambttbhl'e's, As is,•. buyer of Ganat,dlian, g•ood•s, how- � � and at Its, dSEpe:;'t point, 4:Cs Uottonn 1,s' las had no more trouble with the rib. city. The seas•ai7s alon,a should give
FIa'ad'fitdts and. a1`mPnls ever, France hao lio't"h'slil 'lle'r p'osd,Uon - � If it hairpin is. not VA. hand, any kind of a moa sill the nloved,ty :hie u'0ed'a. The
. ==-!s awethrer 1,300 felat down. A fl•lend of. �����
On dusk-claa•Itenacl 'beac'1lEe; and Is now e�oe_IdrEd, ill value. of illi- , � - coils, who vlsit•ed •tb'ere 're'cenLly, sa1c1: fine w•Ll•e wil'1 answer the i>urlrosre, vary street ]u whdwh he ]lues changes �e T
Over and nivel' ports, by Japans Germany, ' dhimut;' Pram 110,11"to 11011T. It Is, one Finest
� "I d'cutft know when it Ned, bu11, t it is • ,..Yr _
ma111a1g s,tamiHsloP lnwoilspnay Neltberlauds, ]3olgitian, New Zevlamal : 'Twas She. , ; when the sun Is shlmfu.;, another street �®
'Gen•ta:inln+ dead now." til a guess h'a Is The prosperous ]aokin'g cam was a � n+a:lna and a,natdloa• un,d,er .the' dull
• 1• t•drlpglDg wings, anti �ustn•a;1i;a, WJUh the ami'cahlle' re- Righto• right, � ��
And ¢high
,� Over anti over anal 'oven•. ]ahhons existing between CamaalaL sold stranger to the n0i'ghbar'haod. You . � .� .
>RSip'oollofCotloJt--;,I,mgda,d T'n1 D:ot._raobn. FanseSgu, travel 7s pYe.'as'ant t:'hfet-;,,-Fredlerlck R. 1vlcCreaty. 1>tlalvice', the. advantageous'tlgad,e`tt+entity, a phuaushlan." _ could tell that by the way he kept yyb'e.caysb i1. makes us realize that we �
* -" ThilmUhe-,;�'(11Y.,, u � � � L1•aasmg uncertainly 'lo look .ah the o 1 ,� a
t v *--��„ ... vt I az''e aanotig nove:ues', but, tvtieat wa' at••e 1
Duty of Spring Donned. ..�„_:,...� ._: "They get so n'auue:3 paluta;l on Glie gates of the sut0cie'u!t1tQ awalee 20 s�eo, the eoateEailt! � • v '�
Spool, of (.oUt�o'n 't,f
1: -An,y spring` is smpposed to n'educet 1 t' '•0yw. houses in the street. j � a, 2r
tl+aetlnat resistance. This lnaY sound!
i 6 {tr, atu'c1t1iA1" floor• or novelties, in ihe wm•ltl at aur I
I ('+ ` , e H[1v-bll �,�,� i Presently 170 uraimtc-.d' the s'teps aP dicot^s, >so call t•,nioy all k.he'eseiiclm,e:nt, �
• te'ohnicad, Un.t it is"really quite snnPl,e-I' H, one of We hooses, -and rang •l1De bell. q' 11 r O
I•t• a sCrin ; is resi'llenC sant Uie• can' ! That Was All. "< ''.L'he d'oar opened and a smart maid. , I of forceigu dated along wltil CU•0 j)]elas- j <,�,> '
strikes a Uu r L1 h' ' read ,
i' ill. t @., o3d_th's body -,, fast cliauds. of ama'ke and; big. aA urs of being at Liomle. '. if 1 wz:^el
g Rays
. . _... -., . ., _ I , , Q A7 I .. ,, I pean^ed, nff,0red a. Tn+e'o Cr1p ^s�,nlhrl the ti•t.+•1d..l' ta��rb 11VE'gr
;'` qJ" klue m•aehiue ]y' lt11 ss 1'lkEly to Ue.l � tongues of flamre began to Issue 1Ram .. „ ,vAf4Ctt
:; i I auu trying to find a woman ,whose tnigib:t trees t G
` ' I' • . ' '`'i 1 : - -� c.: , n't:utie T dtave,'t1 r 1 ,, 11 . • „ I A the offer through wtsak• I
�`' thrown Into the a.ia• til'anl if, the. sharing' E� the tad> wlNldniwlsl .af. a 'house,. A uta:¢ , o goUe t, a vegan, bat. ,�, , ,,, •. '
,. wet,e n'ot so elastic. silastic. lE th who'' A FR Ira u. over -to It 'sold prasLSed'"tile elacta•lc , n0s., l)tt 1 do not w sb to go tyand the ;
n e this .neighborhood. , --•
r� e e ant I I ]tnow tare live- in'tl
f is :11'ttecl 'qn evFary buaup It 1s -evident BOOKLET s I In neral, T•I•aw•a I not be'r-.at lnuv,d the San ' ....._
UeJl• ,She is a woman. easily doScrUed, and
i nn.CO ..'year ea Fr sgnce'I \vas harp?..
that thus engine' will have some extra The doaT wets o'penei by a w'onlaar , { „ � i -t
Explains the simple 'metltods 1)f' lishan lues -:i sAngularly � Tha:l se'euts til halve L'z.t7s!flel :til' • eTa •• I {-.. p� -
'1'' s'o't4; to dn.' This mesas )ower 10:5:., who svffer,ed Pn'om dleafnese. •;: ;`" 'U'e•a'uLiful craa;tn.'re \with )'7nlcsnd'tvhi'e y y " rost �i `e�•
• I, .. I s, tit•@atnt:eglt iu -your home fol• the re.. .t„ � .•, .... � , l; t
fngsS may have head fom di.-:kan;t U'avel, i, '
('' :;, I I "]VIshda4n, your, house is on• fll•e. ex- •, : ;?
. lief a£ pain and the restoration of ,'.,., ; complexion, glor'iou's eyes Ido.-@ $ta•rs Minards t:tlies lite sllu�; cu't o8
o•r at least, to have "made a iavmi. rouual f ,
- :.; Good Reason. health' by hiolet ltay, wdtb rite daimied.themau: xfr �!' an a svnumel• vig�ht, and hair whi'ch this )i my +- them: Quickens circiilai.jan aQlc3
Widii's "Wllz,t's Your tier' time?"I 73raltstcn Voilet Iiay Generator. "\irha't's ,that?" �. . ak`.z.:><:. I+iutri'vals ftna> a;'rl izu vaH•t' :and i g - cairn a matter aL sdnai]liul-i
rc -�, tis tt . • "loon• bout's fs dna lir@i,; lua repeat.- \�•,. `', f.. '. g �' Y poTla,ttce.-bloc "The A2olier Boy," ' Tu•ei•ea'ts complicrttimrs.
I Fre,Tdi•e="Ccy°,tal." Any Baine Cgliipire'� with electric p - ,. Tns'tre." I by Rab•erELynd.
ti Wflilie-`Thea a flizrliy one. Why lighting maY h'ave:.the 'Brrins,io'n ,, I l „T'm afraid 1 do�nL• know h@n•," re•
r ani pilo as 11 flim Ciys,tal?" ' Geuara or retuly a,ttal httudy- aC ,1111 : "What's thtat. %:Tousp oat fire? Ob, r: pil'i:ed ,the servant: ;•�~�
;•; r, 3'atllnutaIlT" Elephant's Appetite. I
;; T•.leddi,e,- Because• he's always .0111 limos' for imnladTato use, .and reldef, l . , � z ;: "Jan7a, #,011 the gentlemiau 1111 he I
thewatch." .. Drop . ,r `A4eJl', replu'eti• 'the: tnaLn.; agllat,yt, , " _ dawn is a; nuinultee" suinl a -voles from An elephasrt w,ed�llQllg 01'0 tons sin v 1
- 'IIP Op eta tl p0ar; G2rtl. Se7tll'. ?120 N .: .. �®pp �.-. ..'
• ___..�. �.„,.,.. "that's all I can think of at paesiealt!-" cart 100 retails of hay solei ttt'i:�n;y fiveNa �� 6"AiilN ...
i' Cri'oss tonus a Is, this sunt`in' copy' of your booklet free," and T•- -�_^._ rise he^_Id' of the stairs•. of grain a du}•.
g cubic8't9'IL 'R(U't49' nta:'!)LO l471i1 atlrlre35. '.. "`--'�"�'�"•
feet of alt the enclosed snaCes o:f al Keeps the Heat :In. . ' To Renew Ye•Ilow Stickers. ( ��----�••�- � -
' ,.• . Sir Samuel Hoare Wa;�Jl ill slide, rings in I'iilte\varau+ A micz+oscope capa�7lie of ma Hili. •-' I `'' � `•r - ♦�
: y � Branston, �„111fi1ted .Lluntllatlm paint. is used on all tanks, , .: g !' ;
•_ •:. _ ,, :• ' wa.ten• a:uni ia'Ge rni a hanger to dry. In a» ob'ect 12,000,4000 tam's i,-, r .' 7
vessel cliv3detl b- 1C0_ Chas. A, 'Euotro-lnodianl Apparatus toil'ee`s and steam Pipes, to reduce, heart I Blltts'ii r1S'r 11'liniator, w7lo pl elic.s , p .v $ J betltg
Maoufuohna,a of I - 1Vhedt-'they site^th'a,ra hJ dn'v spread used in the detection of disease „el ' I �•-
�Now. center rile days; whew\sonl'e of 126 Wellington Street .West ln's:5Be. big strides ill bympi're an'iation alpvElap �, lY' ., l 6 ^ins.' ' '' •' ` '
m'ea't as result of lmpea'ia.l Conference them. out fl, o'ii � .
'.Il ih'e day -light saved 9n` the summer Toronto 2 -"'-•-•^:1"'--' ^� a. table soul' wl}p'1Val
z' wou;d come, in haaltl'y;. _;i .�..�:...��, Mtnal•d'e Liniment fon
Dletempor, - (di7iemssiolL i Lhln coat of shellac. i,Keep Minolta's Liniment In the houea ISSUE No, 62-'20:
.i �
I:... '. ... ...�. ..- .: ,•„ :... ..,'-� - ...:. : :`.... .� ::.r ^,..:, �. . r, I1
. ,..
. - ... v . ... .... •.t x_. ,.1.. lit
,h. :aJt .. ih