The Seaforth News, 1926-12-23, Page 5'! 11, 4}/t1 X', LL' Vtri1
A large stock of choice fowl
for the holiday season now
in stock.
Order yours early
Phone 58
Your Butcher.
IL H. Mclnnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Monday• and Thursday After-
noons in future.
Diseases of all all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used
Want and For Sale ads,
Red & ' 1l'hite
chain Stores
Christmas Greetings
Here's: wishing you and those who
walk '
Old Main street up and down
The best that Christmas ever
To anybody's town.
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
W. M. Stewart Phone 77
If its groceries we have thein.
W, Jr Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. j. WALICER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
1 week 25c
The purchasing of Cream according to grade became
law on May 1st.
Your cream graded here by experts tinder Government
supervision and we guarantee you the best of service.
All our grading is che`eked by the Department of
Aim to send Specials and No, 1 grade cream.
Send or deliver your cream at least twice a week and as
direct as possible.
All create graded as soon as we receive it.
Creamery Open Saturday Sights.
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont.
COURSES: Complete Office' Training, Secretarial, Sten-
ographic, Commercial and Telegraphic.
Write for free catalogue.
R. F. Lumsden, B. A. , PrIncipttl
Christmas Is Coming;
Are You Ready?
California Grapes,
Table Raisins,
Brazil Nuts,
British Columbia Hothouse � o .
matoes, 40c a lb.
Sweet Potatoes. 4lbs. for 25c
Head Lettuce
Fresh Oysters; $1.00 qt.
75c, 60c, 40c
30c a lb.
r r
LEN.—`In the Seaforth hospital,
AIJ on Sunday,Dec. 19th, 1926, to Mr.
and Mrs. 'Robt. Allen, of'Brucefield,
a .daughter. McCAINN.—In 'London, on:
ber 3rd, 1926,' to Mr. and 'lift's, Thos.
McCann, a son,
Mr. W, Collison of Blyth was in
the village on business Wednesday.
Miss L. 'Brigham spent Tuesday in
Mr. 'W. Carter returned hone Wed-
nesday evening.
Mr. 'Chas. 'Watson is putting in a
new furnace. •
'Mrs. Harry 'Little is assisting in
Mr, Jas. ''IvMcCool's store for the
Christmas rush, '
Miss Esther Lyon was a London
visitor on Saturday.
Mr. and Mgrs. !Robert McCrae were
in 'Wingitam 'Friday
Mr. Cooper, district manager of
the Continental Life Insurance Co.,
was in the village on• Friday.
:Miss Parrott, teacher of S.S. No. 5,,
is bolding .an entertainment in the
school house Wednesday night.
Don't forget the 'two 'Christmas
trees and entertainments in the 'hall
this week which the churches of the
village are putting on.
Misses Minnie and 'Hattie Gray
have gone to' Aun Anbor, Michigan,
to spend the holidays.
Mr. John (Hart lost a valuable driv-
ing colt
riving-colt a couple of weeks ago by its
in the its back
g b
durthe nin is ht.
Milton Stewart has been
under the weather this last 'few days.
The many friends of Miss Margaret
Drover are glad to hear she is lin
- 'Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett spent
Sunday last with Mr. and 'Mrs. F. J.
Items of news 'always welcome. eY
'Town Topics I-
armee .e..nsee,,seermesieeN ees
Mr. /and Mrs. A..Dickson and Miss
Helen Dickson, of Toronto, are
Christmas guests at the home of Mrs.
A. Dickson.
Mr. (Russell Hays, of Detroit; is vis-
iting hrs mother, Mrs. John Hay's:
W. H. Little, of Delhi Continu-
ation S'ehool, is visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Little;
On Friday night last the Thermo-
meter dipped to' 15 degrees below, but
by .the following morning had risen
again to the zero mark. •
On Friday last; December 17th, Mr.
Thomas E. Hays celebrated his 89th
birthday, and received the congratu-
lations of his many friends, far ,and
Mr, Percy 'Hoag, .of II -lagers -Ville;
arrived home (Wednesday evening to
spend the 'holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Vit, D.' Hoag..
Mr, and Mrs. W. Laing add baby,
of Brownsville; are holiday visitors
at the hone of,Mr.and IVIrs. '7. C.
'Miss Kathleen Burrows, of Lon-
don, is a Christmas guest at the
home of her parents; Dr. and Mrs. F.
J. Burrows.
Miss Annan and Miss Foreman, of
the Collegiate staff, left on Wednes-
day for their homes in Toronto and
Mrs, Armstrong, of Willow City,
N.D., is visiting friends in town.
Mr. A. Deem is home from Toron-
to for ,the Christmas holidays.
Miss Edith Siegel is visiting friends
in Brantford.
Mr. Sma'le, of Detroit, is a Christ-
mas guest at the hone of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Smale.
Dr. Garnet Chapman, of Bridge -
burg, is a Christmas guest at the
home o'f his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Chapman.
Mrs. James Beattie is visiting her
daughter, Mrs, Smith, in IPeterboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Hargraves and little
son and Miss Gladys Shillinglaw, of
Toronto, are holiday guests at the
home of Mr. and 'Mrs, T. G. Shil-
Mr. and ;Mrs. Howard Kerr, of
Galt, are guests of relatives in town,
Dr. and Mrs. 'Moffat and baby and
Mrs. and Miss Moffat, of Port Col-
borne, are Christmas guests at the
Mr. and Mrs, !Harvey Moore, of
Detroit, and (Miss Ethel McKay, of
Crediton, are spending Christmas at
their home here.
Mr. Brenton Kerne, of Buffalo, is
home for the vacation.
Mr.. and Mrs. Con. Eckert left this
week for 'Detroit where they are go-
ing to spend 'their Christmas holidays
with their four daughters.
Mrs. R. (Frost is improving nicely
after a severe attack of tonsilitis.
The postoflfice wickets will be open
!Christmas afternoon from three to
four p. in.
Next Sunday night in Seaforth
Presbyterian Church the cantata,
"The Light Eternal," will 'be sung by
the choir.
Seaforth nomination meeting will
be held 'Monday evening next in the
town hall.
Mr. 'Malcolm Armstrong, of 'Luck -
now, is spending the holidays with
his parents, Mr, and 'Mrs. A. D. Arm-
Mr, Fred Archibald, of Jarvis, is
spending the holidays at his home
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Archibald
leave on 'Thursday to spend Christ-
mas with then son, Arthur, at'Cayuga.
Miss Dorothy 'Wilson, of Arthur,
is 'spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and.'Mrs, J. A. Wilson,
IMrs. \4tallace Archibald, of Toron-
to, is spending the holidays at her
home here.
The Public and Separate schools
and Collegiate Institute closed on
Tuesday for the holidays and will re-
o•pen on Tuesday, January 4th, at
9 a. m.
Mrs. Wm, ,Clark, who has been
visiting her daughters in Toronto, ,ar-
rived Friday evening and will spend
the winter with her daughter, Mrs.
R. S. Evans, in town.
Mr. James D. McGill left on Thurs-
day •to reside with his daughter near
Mr. Carl A'lierhart, of Toronto Uni-
versity, is home for the vacation.
Mr. and Mrs, J. C.''Greig are spend-
ing Christmas with their daughte:,
Mrs: 1J: D. Clark, in Toronto.
Mr. Arthur Ament is home from.
Toronto University.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Stone and chil-
dren, of Norwich, are Christmas
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
iaunes Hudson.
'Mr. J. Sproat, of Temagami, is
spending Christmas at the • home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James
'Mr, 'John Scott leaves this week to
spend 'Christmas with Iris sons Arthur
and James in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Siegel, of
Stratford, are Christmas visitors at
the home of'ltrt,!and•M s. S. Deem.
Mr. !Frank Coates, of Sioux Look-
out, Ont., and Mr. (Harold Coates, of
Toronto, are visitors at the (tone of
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Mr. Arnold Turnbull :and Miss Ella
Turnbull, rtibull of Toronto, and' Miss Mabel
Turnbull, of Huntsville, are holiday
visitors at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Turnbull.
Mr. IR. Jarrott is spending Christ-
mas with his daughter in IHiamttton.
Mrs, Sarah Troyer is spend Christ-
utas with her mother, Mrs. J. Hud-
son, in Kippen.
Mr. 'C. R. 'Smith, of Toronto, is.
home over the holiday.
Mr. Herman !Spears, of the On-
tario College of IPharttt'acy, . Toronto,
'c' ' Mr. James 1
lttm A
is v.
Edith C
Miss Mary Bell. of Wilf'on Grove,
is spending the !Christmas vacation
at her home here.
Mrs. Flett and children, Mary and
Jack, leave this week to spend Christ-
masin 'Grimsby. Mrs. Hahkirk-will
visit her son ,in Dunnville, -
Mr. W. •Aberhart,''of Toronto 'Medi-
cal College, is home for the vacation.
Mr; iGeorge .Murttay, of Brandon,
Man., is visiting his mother, 'Mrs.
Beautiful Designs
in White and Green Gold .
15 Jewels ,$10.O0 and up
The Latest in
Signet Rings
for Ladies and Gents
Useful Gift Suggestions -- Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, Waldimars
Knives, Signet and Emblem Rings and Pocket Watches•
Come in and see the new Shell French Ivory, suitable for any
member of the fatuity.
Would like to demonstrate the Famous 'Golden Throated
Fhonographs. An Ideal Gift for the Home.
Wonderful Values in Upright and Console Models. As low as
J. A" WESTeerrr
Repairing a Specialty
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Opposite W. A. Crich's.
RES. 64J
Miss A. M. Campbell left on Thurs-
day to spend the winter in Toronto.
Miss Mad Laing, of Milverton, is
home for the vacation.
Mrs. Carney, of Morris, was visit-
ing her brother, Mr. Miller, who is ill.
Principal and Mrs. G. W. Spencer
and family are spending the Christ-
mas holidays in Port 'Colborne.
Messrs. Arthur Burrows and Ar-
thnr Scott, of Detroit, and Clare
Merner, of 'Windsor, are holiday
visiting' at their homes here.
•'Miss Eva Fee, of Worthington,
Ont., is spending the Christmas holi-
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Wellington Fee.
'Mr. 'Dennis .Maloney, of Detroit, is
spending the Christmas holidays at
the.honte of Itis mother, Mrs. M.'Mal-
oney, 'McKillop.
Mr. Frank .Jordan, of Hibbert, who
underwent an operation • for appendi-
citis in St. Joseph's hospital, Lon-
don, is improving nicely.
Miss 'Florence 'Coyne, teacher, is
spending the Christmas holidays at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Coyne, Hibbert.
Miss ;Gertrude Stapleton, who has
been teaching down in the Ottawa
district, is spending the Christmas
holidays at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Stapleton, Hib-
Mrs. James O'Sullivan, who has
.been on the sick list is much improv-
ed and able to be around again.
Mr. Joseph Stapleton of the Ihnron
road, who has been confined to his
home for some weeks, is able to be
out again.
Mr. P. 'Gannon, of Mount Carmel,
visited at the hones of lir. and 'Mrs.
Terry Flannery and Mr. and Mrs.
Pat. Flannery during the week.
Many front this district attended
the funeral of Jacob '13ruxer, Jr„ on
Tuesday. which was held from his
father's residence in 'McKillop, to
St, Patrick's church, Dublin. Mr.
13ruxcr died in' ',Detroit and was a fine
young man just thirty-six years old.
The sympathy of the community is
extended to his father, brother and
The Young People's meeting next
week will be under the vice-presid-
ency of Miss Sadie Howatt and the
topic will 'be taken by Miss H. I.
Graham, who will speak on Wilson
McDonald, the 'Canadian poet. Wil-
son McDonald is rapidly forging to
the front as one of America's fore-
most poets. It is hoped that there
will be a splendid attendance at this
This Floppy
Christmas Season
To our Friends and
Clients we convey
our appreciation for
Insurance business
entrusted to us 1st
the past year.
authors was held, Russell Wallace's
group winning. 'Business ;part of the
meeting was discussed.
'Then the Secretary read the min-
utes. These were seconded and
adopted and then "Lead Kindly
Light" was sung, after which the
meeting closed by repeating the Miz-
palt 'benediction.
Ou Monday evening, December 13,
the Y.P!S.C.E. of Egmondville held
their weekly „meeting in the basement
of the church. Rev. W. D. McDonald
occupied the chair and after the sing-
ing of a hymn, led in prayer. Keith
Webster read the Scripture lesson ta-
ken front Proverbs 8:1-8. Instead of
usual topic the election of officers
was held and learned as follows:
President, Miss 'Billy Chesney; vice
presidents, Mr, Earle Webster, Miss
Jean Smith, Miss Alae 'Wallace, Miss
Gerfie Webster; corresponding sec-
retary Miss B.'Joynt; press secretary,
Miss Jeannette ,Finnigan; recording
secretary, Mr, George Holgate; pian-
ist Miss Sadie 'Howitt; assistant
pianist, 'Miss Laura McMillan; floral
convenor, Miss Margaret 'Patrick,
meeting on 'Monday night next. After this a vote of 'thanks was ten
Owing to the illness of Mrs. B• dered to the 'present year's officers.
Johnson, organist and choir leader The `business was then discussed and
at Egmondville, the
of srvice was e glad after singing a hymn the meeting
necessity p closed with 'Mizpait':benediction.
toof anuouncc that 'Mrs. Johnsonearis re-
covered and all preparations are
made to._ render the carols at the
Christmas service on Sunday morn-
ing next, Dec. 26th. A very hearty
invitation is extended to ail .friends
of the congregation to he present.
!A. very severe type of cold has (been
epidemic in this community of late,
and a good many people have been
entirely laid :aside from their ordin-
ary tasks.
On Tuesday the Y. P. & C. E. of
Egmondville held tlteir weekly meet-
ing in the basement of the •church.
After singing hyena, "Holy Night,"
Rev. W. D. McDonald led in prayer
c read
Wallace ' r 1
i d e
and MisslM 1d W.
c lesson John 1. Then
front T
Scripture tt
ri to
rc le
'Alt Earl'Wobster, the,chauman
the topic.;: Instead of giving the usual
topic he gave, an excellent and holm,-,
orous account of Dicken's "Christ-
mas Carols.", Those who have read
this story 'of Dickens can 'easily un-
derstand that the attention of every-
one `was held throhghout the dis-
course. ,Following this Miss Jean
Snaith favored tis by giving• a reading
entitled' "Katie Lee and Willie Gray."
Hymn 307 was sung anda contest or
In Country Court at 'Goderich last
,week .the non -jury case of Flynn et al
v. 'Kinberger was tried 'before His
Honor Judge 'Lewis. 'Tire plaintiffs
were Owen 'Flynn, of IHuliett town-
ship, his wife and his wife's sister,
Miss Evans, The three were driving
on an August evening in 1924 on the
Provincial highway near Dublin,
when,'as they alleged, an automobile
in which E. and Chas. 'Kinberger, of
Stratford, were driving and travelling
on the wrong side of the road, -crash-
ed into their buggy and threw them
out, carrying the buggy .
rr iu
into the Y
tamed more or
All three sustained ditch.
less seridus injuries, and the 'buggy
was 'badly 'wrecked. R. S. Hays 'ap-
peared for the plaintiffs; the defend-
ants Were not represented. judg-
ment was -given for the plaintiffs, and
the damages were assessed at $500.
Mr. Peter (McLaughlin left fast
Monday for London where he under-
went an operation for appendicitis in
Upstairs over Keating's Drug Store • ~
Will Press Your Suit or
Overcoat for
This advertisement and 75c
Good until January 1st.
The Si'ecial Milverton
We Have it—Give it ■ Trial, lilao.
Ground Screenings Whop oraAll Kinds
Your Auto Needs
Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all makes
of Batteries,
A complete line of most called for parts of various
Now is the time to have your car overhauled
Give os a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased
and cleaned.
Dealer in New and Used Cars,
Agent for Chrysler Four and Six Cylinder Cars. •
Regier's Garage
The season of formal dress occasions is here again.
We specialize in the cleaning and pressing of formal dress and
its accessories and can guarantee a good job.
Do not wait -- have your dress suit or tuxedo cleaned and
pressed now.
Work called for and delivered.
Sydney Dungey, Proprietor
No Brass Tacks
Used by us in repairing rubbers. All kinds of rubbers and go-
loshes soled, heeled and patched by the latest vulcanizing
methods. We sell new bottoms for leather tops and sew them
on correctly. High class shoe repairing. All work guaranteed.
Two doors south of Beattie's Variety Store
St. Joseph's hospital. He was ac-
companied by his brother Michael,
and by all reports he is doing as well
as can be expected. His many friends
here wish him a speedy recovery.
Mr, Con, Eckert, who was helping
Mr. T. McKay veneer some of his
rooms with gyproc, left for his home
in Sea forth.
'The Presbytery of Huron of the
Presbyterian Church held its regular
December meeting on Tuesday, the
14th inst.'in the Baptist'Clturch, Clin-
t n. T
• �tne M.A., p
report of the treasurer, Mr, F. G.
Weir, of Goderich, showed a surplus
after meeting all expenses of the year.
Dr. F. H. Larkin of Seaforth, con-
vener of the committee on remits
from the General :Assembly, submit-
ted the committee's report. Rev. S.
Banks Nelson, D.D., ' minter of
Knox church; Hamilton, was nomin-
ated for the moderatorship of the
General Assgrrt.bly .which meets in
Stratford in June. Rcv, R. C. Mc-
Dermid, of 'Goderich, presented the
report for the 'Schemes of the Church,
The Presbytery was keenly alive to
the interesting, report upon the im-
mense expansion in all the 'work of
the church as 'shown by the general
statement of the 'General' Board of
Missions. Tire increase .within a
single year its congregations and
mission fields throughout the Do-
minion gave its own testimony of
growth and blessing. The care for
the Gospel 'being conveyed to duce
million souls in other lands than our
own was felt as a challenge for the
Presbyterian Church to, do its share
for the worldit
w ose future is 'bound
upwith the res once which vv t ch this
church an all a 1 churches m'akc toward:
the world problem and the highest
hopes were entertained of the Pre-•-
bytery's allocation :to. the Schemes
being exceeded. 'Rev. R. C. 'MdDer-
mid was appointed interim moderator
of the Session ofCarmel Church,
Hentsall. The Presbyteryadjourned
to meet in Clinton' on Tuesday, 'Feb;
22nd, at 11 o'clock, --- James • Foote,;
Presbytery „Clerk,