HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-12-16, Page 8fU8NSALL. and t'Mr A. ' ei z r tvir, a s w t o o 1 J' �S I.etroit, •visited aver the week -end ith''Mr. and. Mrs. tRobt. Higgins and l,.. ly The euchre .and :dance held ,the l i d by e :eat firemen' . in the town hall _am hursday evening last^was y enjoyed b ] crowd that 'taxed the hall to ca. icit The first prize winners in 3 1 tehre ere.`h Miss' i n ll: n w Miss Ella H g e and :r, ,Roy Todd.,The music was 'fur - 'shed by Old inge +Fiddlers of the Mage, accompanied by Mrs. A. C. inggarth on the piano. The fire - ten, under Chief Ernest 'Bates, look- •. ,1 after the entertainment of their ,oests ih excellent 'manner. The Pro. - , reds were $125.00. The bazaat- held in the town hall n Saturday afternoon last was a ;reat'success. The services in'the United ,Church •n ':Sunday last were 'largely attended, tev, A. !Sinclair' occupying his 'own ulpit at both services. The meeting of the Young People's eagle of the United Church was eld on Monday evening, The meet - ng was in charge of 'Miss Ethel Mur - lack and presided oved by Miss Ruth hapman. The meeting was open - 6 'with a hymn, after which seven eem'bers of the League led in prayer. ('he Scripture lesson was read by ',lies Margaret Douglas, after which the secretary, Miss Mary 'McKaig, •cad the minutes of the last meeting, Jesse ` Moir , , , ,, , ,, , ; , U Q ` 725 ,'Mr. and . . . 'Mr s..M r. s. James L aid ! w • Walter Fee .;,.,.,,..:1200 11 O of;Auburn, visited Mr, and.Mr D,pariy Smith 1000 11000 ~aidlaw last week. Richard Folli k' Est:800 725Mr. and Mrs,!Wm. Weber , � of Au- g' !T.' W. Skinner . , . ,.: , ... 1700 1625 burn spent MondaY with 'l r, and M ' John Elligson .... , _ ..: ' 6000 .5180. Mrs. L. Fear. Wm. McLaren 1600 13 0 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Ro ergoL. spent k Standard Bank .., 2400 2000Sunday with 1Mr add Mrs. Bean, Au - Mrs: S. !Rennie, pt. 1, 2.. 4500 4100 'burn. &' \ 'c-800..- Mrs ,It l.lcSod 9Q 'M r'ot'' I r ' a of J .,Sarnia is visit - Above �41 a ho. r tri..., •aninedt•1 t 1vLrs_ u' tU t e .R o1 a es examined by g 13e Meriot, t L 2 The fr} eaters 9 G. "ends of Mr. !Wnl.t n• Ct n ting - 'The total, 'figures for Hensall will ham are. 'sorry to know ,he isnot int be found in schedule on another page: proving as well as expeetei3.' t ; As it is'time 'for'the correspondence c Mr.,Thos. Scott was home -attend - to be' sent in we haven't time to give ing t'be funeral of his brother, he > t an opinion on the report this week, late William Scott; also Mr. and Mrs but will write tori an article next. week,Harry Fear1 Were forthe givi _) of . giving Hensall's ;side of the case. The funeral. three 'valuators were all from the townships; .the townsor villages g hay- VARNA, ing' no representative whatever, so Mr, and Mrs. Morris Johnston and next'week will give a statement of our little 'family 'have been spending a case. few weeks 'with friends and 'relatives Mrs, J. W Skinner was ,hi London and returned''to their home in Flint on Wednesday, Mich. Mrs. C. Johnston eetarned Mr, and Mrs. A. Sinclair visited in with thein, where she will spend 'the London on :Monday. winter. • Miss Nellie Carmichael was in ;Mr, M. Elliott shipped livast` Stratford on Sunday visiting her uncle PP ock to isseriously ill. :Toronto Elliott day, who .Ivlastef Elliott Cdtuter is lunch iii1- School Report. -The names are in proved and we are pleased to state order of merit, .Sr. .IV. 'Harold will soon be about again, -Munn 'Mildred 'Smillie, Jean Bel!, 'ilrlessrs. Russell and Harold Tay Royce Welsh, Clare Zenfle, Dorothy lar are. home on a visit From Detroit. Hoskins, Lulu Lindenfield, - Marion Mr. J. Jbhns spent Sunday with 'his Sinclair, Edward Little, Joyce Sere- sister, Mrs. Hutchings, of (Goderich ton. Jr. IV.—\label Workman, township. The United Church is_httaking ready for a Christmas tree. Several from our midst took in the concert in Brucefield on•TFriday night. 'Misses Annie and Emily 'Keys left on Tuesday for 'Oshawa where they intend to spend the winter. .l•he topic was very ably givenby j trace Brock, Irene •Daters, May Ken - Ars. Edgar McQueen on `Africa."'ding• Lizzie Bean, Beryl Drummond, \n instrumental duet by Miss Jessie Eleanor Skinner, Edna Wolfe, Flow - Buchanan and Miss Avis Lindenfield, and Hemphill, Bob Houston, Irene and an instrumental by Miss Fier- Hoggarth, ince McDonald were well rendered. Sr, IIL—Alice Higgins, Marion Mac - The League meetings will be with- hay, Florence McDonald,? Harold drawn till Jan. 3rd. Foster, Gladys Passmore, K.ili Nicol, The merchants of the village have their stores and windows nicely dec- orated for Christmas, all presenting a very flee appearance. - Mr. W. Lockwood, who has been conducting a 'barbering 'business here. has moved to llrtrssels, where he in- tends to set up a business. Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood made many friends during their short stay here, Mr. Geo.' Hudson is busy this week fixing up the skating rink and intends having it in good shape for Christmas. The choir of the 'United Church are preparing a cantata, "The Nativ- ity of Christ," to be given on 'Sunday Roy Brock, Aldon Appleton, Hazel Hudson, Isabel Smile, Eleanor Bell, Norman McKay, Harold Appleton, Willie Drummond. BLYTH. Miss Viva Wyatt, who has 'been :visiting her cousin, Mrs, Lorne Roe, returned home on Sunday. Miss Florence Rouse, of Goderich, spent the week end at her home here. Mr. James Dougherty, who has been seriously ill, is improving. Miss Laura Reid, of Dashwood, spent the week end with Miss Elva Richmond.• evening, 'Dec. 26th. 31r. and Mrs. Sol Shannon and The Sunday school of the United 'Miss Lottie Jenkins were Stratford Church are holding their Christmas visitors on Wednesday, e entertainment in the ,basement of the Reeve Jas. Dodds, of Blyth and chureh on 'Wednesday evening, Dec Reeve Shortreed, of Morris, were in 22nd, Admission 25c ad 15c, attendance at the County Council at Shooting ..Match. — A.. shooting match was held hi the park on Friday last with ag and alt�a atae from dif- ferent parts of Western Ontario. The following is the score: Goderich last week. Miss Grace Shortreed is visiting re- latives in Ilderton e ton. over the week -end. Q town attend- ed t e Quite a number from t t nd- ed the funeral on Saturday of the late Shot at, Killed \1'm. Scott. 5. Vance 45 41 The annual congregational meeting H. Kitchman 45 J. Vance 45 35. Long 45 W. Hodge 45 F. Kerr, 45 Dr. Banghart 45 J. Turner 35 W. Sanders 35 J. E. Cantelon 25 B. Vennor 25 S. Dougall 25 5. Ball 25 16 try, will preach in the Presbyterian P. .Passmore. 10 6 Church at the regular afternoon ser - Mr. Mitchell 10 4 Mice, Smiley, Dec. 19th, at 3 o'clock, Council Meeting.—The council met \f r. S, :Storey and Mr. 1Vm, Storey, on Tuesday evening for its last regal. of Roxboro, spent Sunday with Mr. lar meeting with all the members and Mrs. Jinni McNichol, Mr. 1 and 'Mrs. Clarence arence Tu ms present except Councillor Campbell.Johnston The minutes of the last meeting were spent ,the week -end at Bluevalc, read and adopted on motion of Hig- \l trris lost a resident of many gins and Priest. Fire Chief Bates years in the death of Mr. Wm. Scott was present and made a report to the on 'Thursday, following• an illness of council on the firemen's dance and '50111¢ weeks front glandular trouble. stated that the proceeds, over expense Burn in ?Morris 46 years ago, the son were $71.00 and this amount was of James and Emily Button Scott, he handed over to the town treasurer for 'pent most of his life there, with the the purchase of coats and boots 111d exception of the years he spent in caps for the new fire 'brigade. The the \\'est and overseas during the clerk was instructed to get prices on cireat 1\ar. Volunteering early in the coats, caps and boots for the fire- Oa tt'11' with the 161st 'battalion, he men, the cost to be about $150.00, The firemen intend putting no another dance in about a month to make up the balance for their new equipment. Mr. Milton Love was present and interviewed the council as to what Montreal, two sisters and two broth - for they would give him in paying Mr, weal, t oIre, Robinsons and of both - for his new drain on North Richmond street. Mr. Los's stated that the meal and Mrs. \Vin, Laidlaw, of Cal - street part of the drain had cost him gary, Alta: James, ofBlyth,andThos., about $90 and he considerer! that it of Canfield Junction, Ont. The fun - was more than he could pay himself. oral was held on Saturday afternoon After sone discussion it was decided from the home of Mr. Janes Scott to for the council to pay for the tile and Blyth Union Cemetery. Rev. Geo. in the meantime the council will look Telford conducted the service, speak - into the shatter and take up any fur- ing highly of Mr, Scott. The pall - thee assistance to Mr, Love at the bearers ,were, Messrs. Jas. W. Scott, January meeting. A number of ac- Thos. Scott, Jas. Laicllaw, 'WM. C. counts were presented including the T_aidlaty, Thos, Laidlaw Leslie Fear. salaries of the different town officials \Ir, J. G. Emigh left on Monday and ordered to be paid. The clerk for Grand Rapids, where he will was instructed to prepare a bylaw spend the winter with his son, Mr. appointing the .officials for the com- \Villiam Emigh. ing municipal election: Joseph'Iiud- Mrs. A. 1 .`IBrac(win, who has been son, D.R.O. and Nelson 'Blatchford. with her father, Mr. Emigh, for sev- P.C. for No. 1, and Wm, Sangster, crag months, returned this week to 1D.R.O. and Wm, Shepherd P.C. •fol' her Jhome in Arnprior, No. 2. The nomination is to be held Dr. G. W. Colborne, who came to on Monday evening, Dec. 27th, and Blyth two years ago, has purchased in case an election is necessary a poll the practice of intends Hai sbly of 'W'ing- will be held in the town hall on Jan. g there in Jan - 3rd from 9 a.m. to 5 p.n1, The col- narY• lector reported the taxes coming in Mr, Kernick i5 home from the West well and the roll is extended to Fri- visiting ']tis brother, Mr, Thomas day, Dec. 31st. Clerk 'Murdock re- Keruiek. ported that he had received word. The Christmas concerts will be held from Mr. Carmichael of the Lorne as follows: 01111531 street United and Fire Engine Co., of Ingersoll, stating the Presbyterian churches on Thurs- that he would be here with the new day evening, Dec. 23rd; St. Andrew's fire engine about Dec, 24th, The United on Tuesday evening, Decem- report, as far as Hensall is concern bet. 21. ed, was tabled, and ,will be given be- The Christmas meeting of Queen low. The council then adjourned on street United Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. motion of McArthur and Priest, to was held on Tuesday ,afternoon of meet again at the call of the reeve. last week at the parsonage. 11 was a The equalization committee on their Eery successful meeting, 'about fifty visit to Hensel] valued 26 places in ladies being present. A l5 -cent tea Jhe village and made their report was served. from that, A joint installation of the (Blyth and .Lon Equalization Report, 1926. Hensall.dcsboro 'T.:O.L will be held in William Hildebrandt . ,.:$,550 $ 500 Blyth Orange 'Lodge on Thursday, Nelson'IBlatchfarcl 650 700 Decenslber 16th, Mattie :Ellis1300 1300 tell!their Black Knights of this district Donald .Grassick 2500 1800 held eu monthly meeting in 'Wal - Nathan Peck ., 1700 1550 ton on Wednesday of this mwe'k, Sam Dining 750 600 The last day for payent week, Sam Dr. Jas. Bell 3500 3475 in 'Morris was. December 15th, Wm. A. IMcLat;e» 2600 1900 Those from a distance present at Alex,. Buchanan 2600 ' 1'800 the funeral of the late 'William Scott \l. ,Ryckman . ... • . 800 1000 were 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Pollock, 'Bayfield; Wm. Wilson 900 1000 Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth, IWingham; Mr. ".Co m Welsh 2G04 2000 Andrew Laidlaw, � B I ra ve• Mrs. May Y • Tohh Johnston , 2200 1700 of London; Mr,A. Armstrong, .Bay- ':reo. C. Petty 900 750 field. \W,m. McKay 800 925 Geo, Stnale 800 900 41 0f the Presbyterian Church was held 38 on.Friday evening in their place of 38 worship in the MacMillan block, with a lar i 37 ga attendance, race aster the regular business lh 36 gt e auditors Present - 36 rd a veru satisfactory report. At the 30 close of the meeting a social hour was ko spent, which took the forst of an 20 apron tea for which the ladies real- ized 522.00. 17 'Rev. Mr. \'carr, a Korean mission- McKILLOP. An entertainment and Christmas Tree which was to beim-been held in Duff's United Church, McKillop, on Thursday evening, Dec. 23rd, under the auspices of the Sunday school and Y. P. Society of D'uff's Church has been postponed till the new year owing to the. prevalence of whoop- ing cough and "measles among the children. WEST BRODHAGEN. Sad news arrived 'here on Friday night when Mr, George Kistner re- ceived word that his .son 'Robert 1tad. died -suddenly in Detroit. He had beers, working there for several months and on Tuesday last he was cgufined to his bed .with inflammatory rlitematistn and died ''Friday after- noon. The body was shipped 'tone Saturday night and was buried on Tuesday afternoon at the Lutheran Church, Brodha en. Mr. gnd IMrs Charles Regele visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Schenbarth on Sunday. On Monday evqing the friends and neighbors of this vicinity gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Regele to surprise their daughter,h er , Miss Adeline, prior to her marriage on Wednesday, 'by giving her a kit- chen shower. The address was read by Miss Nora Hoegy as follows: "Dear Adeline,—We, your friends and neighbors, have gathered here tonight to show you our love toward you and let you know by this gather- ing that .we will miss you from our midst, although we are glad that you are not going too far away from us so that we as friends will have the pleasure to meet with you and yours Now \ort• Adeline; we, as your neighbors, carate here to bring some little remembrances and hope and wish you will enjoy them in your kitchen, and we are sure that by using them your thoughts will wan- der back to your friends and honkie in McKillop. Signed on .behalf of your friends and neighbors in McKillop." Adeline thanked the gathering herself and hoped that they would all. come to see her in her new home, Then 'Miss Frieda read p few rules\ for the 113111 wounded, Returning after the bride -to -bee ear, he purchased the farm of Mr. Andrew Laidlaw on which he lived at the time of his. death, Mr. Scott was a member of St Andrew's Church. Besides his mother, Mrs. J. Scott, of S.S.eeei ' No. 1, Morris, is •holding a con- cert Friday evening, Dec, 17th, Never burn the water, Never boil a roast, Never fry a pudding, Never scorch the toast. Never seed a fig, Never scrape an onion, Never peel a raisin, Never core a lemon. Never blow the pepper, Never squeeze an, egg, Never•put the salts in salt, Or vinegar in a baggy Never sift vanilla, Never stir the lard, Never cut the flour, Unless its awful hard. Never pour the nutmeg, Never grate the starch, Never roll the cassia, Or' slice the cinnamon bark. Never beat the currants, Never chop the rice, Never soak vanilla Tu water over night. , Never knelt the soda, Never shake the cloves, Never heat the ginger, Or 'balce the pie in loaves. If these rules you'll follow, Without any mistake Every one will relish, Everything you snake: The rest ,of the evening was spent in singing and playing cards 'till the wee sma' hours in the morning, when all left and reported a good time. HILLSGREEN Mrs. Grandy is visiting at the home of Mr. Robert Love. Miss Grace Cbleman is spending the week end visiting 'friends at Strat- ford. Mrs. Eiler and little daughter of Cobalt, are spending a few weeks visiting 'her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. C, Cochcrane. Quite a number took in the shower on Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. Edgar_Allen (nee Miss Annie Turner)" at their home in Tuckersinith. Mrs. 'Hill, son and daughter, from Stratford, were visitors at the home of Mr. William Taylor y o last Week. MANLEY. Mr. and. Mrs, C. Eckert, who, were visitors in our 'burg last week, 'have returned bora. :1102117).X11 THE-SEAPOETH -NEWS• ' PRU1LS1riAY; 15ECEM'BER '16, 1926.'.. to young 'T. people of 'our burg; P p thered at 'the 'Motile of Mr.andMrCharles Reg* ''last' 'Moti3 y to give hisyoungest. clan hter Adeline,. ,. ,ga kitch - shower on the ,eve of her, rnarri1 e g which ,'took place on 1VJed- nesday. . The •shower' consisted of all the useful darticles of 'the kitchen. After .,the ,presentation all -enjoyed themselves in games, after which- a dainty' lunch was served, ` All left (wishing the young couple a smooth journey, 'through; life, 'It is r. s ou sad dutyto chronicle the a death of Robert Kistner atN the age' qf 23 years', which took 'place in' Detroit last Friday after 'the sho}'t illness of one day •from inflammatory rheunset- isrn which struck. his hh+art almost without a moment's warning, His re- mains .were brought home and his funeral took place last Tuesday to the Lutheran cemetery in Brodhagen,'fol- lowed`ti,y a'large :co course, of friends, showing the esteem in which he jWas held. He'is .survived 'by',his ,parents, three brother,' William. John and Kenneth, and 'four sisters, Mrs. Jos, Thornton, of McKillop„ Mrs, E. Schaeffer, of Kitchener and ,Annie and Vera at !tome, who have 'the syanlpathy of the.whole community in this their hour ,of sad affliction, The pallbearers nvere his 't'hree brothers, 'William, John and Ken- netlt.and his cousin, Charles Kistner, and 'Messrs. L. Messersclimiit and Albert (Seaman. • A number of farmers 'between here and Brodhagbn. have subscribed for Hydro power and the line is almost completed. It 'is expected the power will be turned on next week, which leaves us within a mile of the Hydro poWe'r. a 'statements tC1 Ilta� n e of moue r s y ett ustod to the `teaance of",inmates 'of which no ac cottrut y b y paying inma'tes and in each case "Mound' Mein correct. The com- mittee in aria'bl , ee Y Y found all the condi-- ;Lions ,.:at the house 'favo'rable' and the inmates 'well card .for and app airente Y t contented, .: '.Wti't regard Committed payt�ig' inmates or those - Col emittd^:'with small 'Properties, the committ e 're- commended that', e' at so, far as possible all settlements or arrangements' for the disposal of the proPert Or nc i£els be Made before The applicant' is admitted.The'goun' i + ' county or is oBficials" shotvld not in any y ! y way be connected 'with these settlements or relpon•si'b1e 'for ?them, as otherwise w the couiitx would t !become responsible for debts, which might, :prove greater than estates concerned would'n the matter of one inmate Pay. In the !mate who has proved unruly and ,disobedient 'to all attempts at control tlfe,comnti't•tee recommend that he be removed from the • House of Refuge and taken -care of 'by his 'friends. With; regard to the matter of 'the county solicitor being deprived of his rightful 'business at 'the ,House of IR'efuge •the committee recomanend ed that in future all legal businessof the county home be donebytlhe coun- ty 'solicitor and that' Mr. Torrance be notified of this decision by the clerk. In the matter of claim of 'Thos. 1Mc- %liichee9 .for additional pay for his work at the ;House of Refuge the committee recommended 'that no ac- tion be taken 'further than the pay- ment already made of $66.86, The report of the inspector of the "County Home 'for • the year ending +Nov. 30th, 1926, showed total number. of inmates admitted since the open- ing of the Horne, 623; number in the .IH'ome ,Dec. 1st, 1926, 92 (5'1 males and 41. •females), During the year five inmates were admitted from the Town of .Goderich; one from Exeter, one front_Wingham, two from Sea - forth; one from (Bayfield, one from .'McKillop,, one from Goderich town- ship, one' front Usborne and site 'from Howick. The average expense per inmate was 22y cents. (Received from paying 'inmates during the year, $1.919.20. During the year the sum of $2,545,63 was ;collected—for main- CHI'SELHURST. Richard !Kinsman returned from the West on Saturday with. two car- loads of 74 head of cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson visited' their"daughter, Mrs. C. Newton, of London, on Sunday. ' The Ladies' 'Aid met in the Fhur:ch on Tuesday. The annual meeting of the beef ring was held at Mr. Geo. Parker's on 'Thursday. The officers were re- elected for the 'coming year: mgr. Thos. Harris, president;, Mr. Cecil Harris, sec. treas. IMr. John Bell visited his sister, Mrs. Thos.'Drover. Mr, 'James 'Wright has -sold his fifty acre farm to Mr. David Chappel 'for the sum of $4,000, Mr. Chappel gets ,possession in March. We un- derstand Mr. Wright intends' buying a larger farm in this vicinity. KIPP N E Mr. RoyButt snow visiting with is g his brothers here. He has been in Detroit for the past couple of months. Mrs, B. D. Field and Mrs. J. W. !McLean spent a day in London the past week. Mr, and (Mrs, (Win(Hayter enter - in number friends neeen- ta ed a nu >er of f o e ds even- ing recently CONSTANCE. Don't forget the Christmas tree entertainment to' be given in the Con- stance Church on 'Thursday evening, Dec. 23rd, Admission, adults 25c, children free. McKILLOP. Entertainment and Box Social will be 'held at S.S. No. 2, McKillop, Fri- day evening,,Decenvber 31st, A good programme will be 'provided, 'coni- mencing at 8°o'clock. 'Admission 25e and 15c. 'Ladies 'bringing boxes ad- mitted free. Alive V. 'Medd, Teacher. HOG SHIPMENTS. For week ending Dec. 10, 1926. Seaforth—Total hogs 23, select 'ha - con 1, thick smooth 20, heavies 1. 'Walton—Total hogs, 121, select 'ba- con 33, thick smooth -80, 'heavies 5, shop hogs 2. Huron count—Total 1188,select bacon 388, thick smooth 675, heavies 44, shop hogs 60, lights and feeders 6: Exhausted from Asthma. Many who read these words know the ter- rible drain upon 'health and strength which 'comes in the train of asthmatic troubles. Many do, not realize, how- ever, that there is 'one true remedy which will usually' stop this drain. Dr• 5, D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy 'is a wonderful check to this enervating ailment. 'It has a countless record of relief to its credit. It is sold ahnost everywhere. COUNTY COUNCIL (Continped 'from page 4.) ant, as 'Wing'ham got_a grant last year—Sent to Good Roads 'Com- mission, By ltleasrs. Beattie' and Cameron that this council sincerely regrets that owing to ill -health one of our mem- bers, Mr. Munnings, is unable to at- tend these meetings, , and we hope that his health will soon be restored to him:—Carried. By (!Messrs Geiger and Henneberg that all running expenses- in'connec- tLn with the Children's Shelter shall be printed in the minutes of this council each year. --Carried. House of Refuge. On Thursday afternoon 'the House of Refuge Committee (reported having int ,four times due.-- the year, when acdounts were paid as 'follows: Mar„ 2,322.36; June, $2,501.40; September, 54,348.33; December, $2,068:69; total, $11,260.78. At each meeting the committee inspected the house, farm and outbuildings and found all in good management. At the beginning of the year, Miss Campbell, the as- sistant matron, resigned, and (Miss Mary Miller, of Barrie, was appoint ed at the same_: salary paid Miss Campbell. Steps were taken' during 1 the year to deal with the several cases of inmates admitted who were possessed of pro!pertyand the inspec- tor and the reeves concerned were instructed to take the necessary pro- ceedings in each case, Each .of these persons hada small property to,'he disposed of .or some, settlement to be made. These matters have ail 'been satisfacorily settled except the case from Hull bt. Miss Miller has since e given up 'her position and Miss of Zurich, has been etnployed in her place at the same salary Miss Miller started with. At each •meeting, the committee carefully examined the count was taken in Ther above. Since. the:IHonse ofRcefuge Act' 'was amend cd in,191d there have been eighty per: sonSWho, have -paid motey'to'khe credit of the count-, dor, maintenance,; am'outiting to 737,943,00 Of this m'''ount $8,47.7 has been paid .back to the heirs after the decease of the In- mate, At present sen t t r P t the a are six pay- ing inmates.' Who 'have 74,739 to their credit: The ':couuty'has therefore 're- ceived $24,727 for '.maintenance of paying inmates. Duringthe 'winte'r t months there was agood deal of sick- ness frbm `- flu. There wend nine d"earths aurin,,* the year, .The ;physi- cian reported hysician'reported the Home as kept clean, tidy and comfortable; the :food of good quality, well cooked and econ- omically 'served' And the matron had been very kind and thoughtful of t'he 'weak and sick. (Concluded next wee!:.) SEAFORTH MARKETS. WVednesday, :December '15th. Wheat, ger !bus. ..... , .... .. $1.25 Barley,' per 'bus. .60c Oats; per bus, 45c .Buckwheat, per bushel 70c !Shorts, per cwt 1,75 Blau per cwt. 1.65 Bram Butter, per lb. • 32c Eggs, per doz. , 45'c -58c Potatoes, per bag 71.50 Hogs, per cwt!' $10.50. - AUCTION SALE. (Miss, Jean-Cainpbeli will have an auction 'sale of 'Household Furniture on .S•attuday, 'Dec.. -18th, Beattie 'block, Maint street, !Seaforth. T. Brown, auctioneer. 1 NOTICE. A,ll books must be returned to the Public 'Library on or 'before Thurs- day, December 23rd. GRETA THO'MPSON, '51 Librarian. FOR SALE OR RENT. Hoose and lot on John street, with stable; seven rooms in house, town water and electric lights. Apply at .News Office. (xtra! Tremendous Extra! Cut Price Sale at CHEIFETZ DRO'S. SEAFORTII Before you do any buying be sure and visit our store It will save you many dollars. 1 Thursday Friday CONWAY TEARLE BARBARA BEDFORD itt The Sporting Lover'. London's famous old Drury Lane have melodrama brought to the screen with scenes from the world's most famous horse race, the English Derby, in the climax. Saturday Monday Tuesday MARY. ASToR LLOYD (HUGHES in 'Wednesday High Steppers adapted from the story "Heirs Apparent" by. Philip Gibbs, COMING FOR XMAS COIIENS and EhL Yc U e^ INeES PROFESSIONAL • O AL G,�RDS Medcais x D'RU HUGH (,RO5S Physician' and Surgeon, •Late. of 'London, Host- pitad,t'r+• London, ' 'England, Special attention to diseases`of• the ''eYe •r nose 'and throat cer Office'c and r i a-' enee behind- Domiaion, Bank. Office Phone No. 5; Restdence•;Phone 106. DR, F. J. BURROWS, `,Seaforth. Office and residence,"Goderich street, e$st'of the Methodist [Oberon,' Car- >' oner for the yGount of H r , u on..Tela Phone No. 40. , , DIR.' C;,: MA(C,IA .—C. X Macka honor i' gradwate of ZJnavere-. • ity and gold medallist,. n f `TrlriiY' Medical College; meinbei'yof the Col- lege of Physicians g''and ' Surgeons of Ontario, DR. -F. J. R. FO'RSTER--:Eye Ear's; Nose and Throat. Gr'ad'uat in'- e Idcdr cine, Universityof Toronto 1897, Lu:* Assistant New York Ophthalmic and . Aural Institute, Moorefield''s;Ea ati Eye, d Golden ;Square rhr oat-%hospifrala- don, England. At. Corti ercj m al hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each mon from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dental. DR. 5. A. 'MUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, of Northwestern:Universi, Chi- cago, bll, Licentiate 'Royal College of Dental ' Surgeons, Toronto. Office over Sills' hardware, . Main street, - Seaforth.. Phone 151. DR F. J. BECHELY, graduate Royal. 'College of Dental' Su eons • Toronto. Office over W. R. Smiith's Grocery, Main 'street, Seaforth:. Phones, office 185LV, residence 1855 Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County, of Burma. Arrangements ,can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges it moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, lid. General Fire, Life, Accident & Automobile INSUR'AN'CE AGENT • and dealer in Singer Sewing Machii%irs James Watson"-,. North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT. tr THE McKILLOP LOP Mutual Fire Insurance Go 9 .. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY. ,0 N L Y, INSURED Officers James Connolly, Goder- t,• ich' Alex .James J s Evans, Beechwood,: . Vice' President;' D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec Treasurer. • • Directors—Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth; John 'Benneweis, Brodhagea; i James Evans, Beechwood; )f 'Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-' .i erich; Alex. Broadfoot, foot, 'No. 3 Sea= ,. forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Me- e Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Ciba- ', toil' nc il E. Hi t ey, Seaforth;.J A. Murray, r,r. No. 3, Seaforth; J V. .f Yeo, Holmesville; R, G. Jarmouth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans act other 'business will 'ba promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed 1, to their respective postofficcs. NOMINATION MEETING. Tuckersmith, A meeting of the ratepayers for the nomination of candidates to the of.. '4. fices of Reeve and 'Councillors in the ?,f' Township of Tuckerimith for 19275', u will be held in Walker's Hall, Bruen- field on Monday, Dec. 27th, 'between the hours of :1 and 2 o'clock p. m and if a poll be necessary such Boll will be held on Monday, January 3rd 1927. Poll open from 8 o'clock a.m. to ;, 5 p.m, at the following places by the r; ,following officers: P.S.D. No. 1'—Geo. ,Hills' Shop Eg 7:. mondville; W. C. Govenlock, D.IRO.,,, J C. Reinke, P.C. P.S,D. No. 2-JS:S. No. 8. S. Me Geoch D.12.O.; H. Chesney, P.C. 1' P.S D. No. 3—S. '5. No. 4. • G. IM.,*'' Turner, D. R. 0.; G. W. Layton';, P.C. 'P.S.D. No 4-JS.8. No. 3.. Thos l' Ohalpman, .D.R O.; .J. •W McInt.i,'.. toslt, P.C. P.S.D, No. 5--1.5!S, ,No, 1. R. Tra qua's, D,R.0.; R. D. f13e1'1, P.C, P.S.D. No. 6—S. S. ,No, 9. W k'' ,Sinclair, d).'R,O.; A. Sinclair, P.C.'" D, F. Mc'GIRREGOIR, R.O. NOMI'NATTON MEETING McKillop, The annual meeting of ratepayers of the Township of McKillop; will be.. held at the Hall, Winthrop, On Mon' : day, the 27th (day of 'Deeem'ber, fton; .', one till two. o'clock' p.. for the pur'' + pose of nominating a IReeve and foul; Councillors for the year '1927, and in•' the eventof more ,persons (being nominated •than are required .to d`j15•' t'he several offices an "election will 11:4e held on Monday, the 3rd day of 'Dans ; ary, 1927, from 9 a.m, till 5 p.m. at '• (Polling Div, No. 1Jas, F. 'Carlirisi house, lot 25, Con. 4. Jas, Evattf, D' . .R O. Thos. Moylan, 'Polling Div. No. •24 -Jos. Hoggb house, Lot 25, con. 4. 'Jno.4dcDoweli,. D.R.O. 'ItIrs. Geo. Eaton, rP.C. Polling 'Div. 'No. 3 -Jos, ";Smithja; 'hDo.Ruse.O_, , L•Jot no, '10M, 'con.urray12.,Pno. Lee nin JC. No Polling o'Div,t26,NoC,on4-, S12 Jochoohn B l. hour@ , 't four, D:R;O. Willis Dundas,-P.C. 'MdN'A'Y, (Returning Officdt', CARD OF THANKS. l: To the peolple of Seaforth and. vI' inity: S wish to: express lily heartiest appreciation oIf' the support given 'to me in )the pony 'coniet;t. EDI\VIIN' 'H(AWK'TNiS ' )