HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-12-16, Page 6or Thc Christmas Party BY LUELLA KINGSLEY. Tiny, mysterious packages,' on eight inch tall. Christeariss absurdly gay spot , fOr the inform Christmas dinner—either for t family group of for .guests --1 with pink and blue thread, or string an Tho blue and pink packages- with Abe' ari tinsel thread, or packages wrapped al with 'red, white, or green tissue paper he and tied with tinsel thread or red dr ribbon. grown-ups and kiddies, ' All will e joy the amusing gifts it holds. And V there is no group, and traditional Christmas dinnere,,a litt tree helps make the day festive --a makes a bright and eornfoeting co panion for a sick child or a lime pereon. An imitation evergreen about ele Inches high can be obtained at a can and Christmas, favor shop, or at t novelty counter in a larger stin Trees with tiny candles are more e aective, but of course, must be light n- Tiny "poppers" may b,e imitated by rolling some small object in tissue no paper, frilling the ends and tying in le two places with the gift between nd Eatables should be wrapped in wax ire paper—then in colored paper. In ty- ly ing all packages leave enough stiing to loop over branches of tree and tie ht firnsy. dy In selecting gifts miniature size he and light weight are important. Some e. suggestions follow or priseets for an f- inexpensive tree. Five cents worth of ed peanuts or animal cracked' would n supply many trees. Animal crackers, m etc., can he wrapped two together., Large nuts may be wrapped in silver d or colored paper—making bright yl spots on the tree. A handkerchief may el be evaded as small as a postage stamp. g Everything on the list may be obtain- " ed at a five and ten cent store, an art ht ahop, or a candy , and. favor shop. a-, Crackers and nuts of course may be a.' obtained from the groger. di Tiny calendars, colored thimbles, ce art gum, beads for stringing, beauty pins, lingerie clasps, invisible • hair - ca pins, -needles, paper olips, elastic g.' bands, waterflowers, tiny wooden ✓ tops, tiny scissors, dolls and dolls' ac- e: cessories—these are jest a few of the things which may be placed on the 11 tree. , This same plan, of course, may be el elaborated upon as much as one wish - • »s, Instead of the artificial tree a real tree, in a very, very small size I may be used. And gifts of more value may take the place of the amusing, inexpensive gifts outlined above. And where there are no kiddies—or where Santa overlooks bringing the kiddies a tree-- the tiny miniature one will be doubly appreciated. with ease, and the little flames blow out before a package is taken fro the tree. If the base of the tree is attache to a small box, fill the box with heav nuts or candy. Streamers of tins thread or silver paper make aparklin decorations for the branches, "Sneer and a silver shower may be boug anywhere where Christmas decor tons are sold, but strips cut from th foil, not necesaarily new, or " colore paper, do very well and cost next t nothing. If the tree is not in a holder, plat it in a box for convenient handl* • The heavier pacloages on the lowe brandies, on opposite sides, of th tree will balance it. Wrap everything. Cut mai squares from colored wrapping paper or bright colored scratch pad. Ti these with colored string, knittin silk, tinsel thread, .or bits of narrow ribbon. The brighter and 'gayer the colors, the better, but if one has dm o work out color schemes, here are two suggestions. Packages wrapped in blue or pink or white paper, and tied with silver or gold thread, the white packages see .'411111111111eAs , • A SUGGESTION ' On your Christin•as Het, like that of everyone, there are names which pre- sent difficulties. Perhaps .a friend in hospital, or a nephew who cermet get home for Christmas, er some far away friend. •You searoh the shops in vain and in despair you turn home—home , to your kitcheh perhaps, -"to prepare ' the evening meal, and then the idea comes—why not send a box or hamper of hame-made Christmas, dainties to bear your Christmas- greetings of cheer. Of curse you will want Christ- mas. Oaloe ft it, some Shortbread, some home-made candy and nuts. These boxes daintily packed and tied with a bright bow make attractive gifts. SHORTBREAD. 7 cups flour, 2 cups butter, ea cup fruit sugar, aa cup brown sugar. Cream butter, add sugar gradually. Add flour gradually and mix well. Put out on floured board., Knead until it cracks and is of even consistency. Shape into desired sizes. Bike in moderate oven, 350 degrees, fox 20 minutes, • FRUIT BALLS. 1 cup figs 1 sup walnuts, 1 cep dates, 1 cup seeded raisins, '70 tablespoon lemon juice. Put fruit and nuts through food chopper. Add 'omen juice., Mixiwell. Roll into balls. Then roll in granu- lated sugar, powdered sugar, icing sugar, or cinnamon. Christmas for the Birds. Among other delightful' traits of the Scandinavian people is their cus- tom in their Yule festivities of think- ing not only of the happiness of their little ones, but of teaching these chil- dren to bear in mind the happiness of others and in particular of the ani- mals about them. We have seen that they never omit to provide the trusty household nese with his Yale dinner of poeridg•o. But they also remember the birds. At the Yuletide season the market -place of Christiania (now Oslo) presents a very gay aspect, filled as 11 10 with spruce trees of all sizes for the childeen's festival. But there is a feature in the Norse Christ- mas that I have not heard of in any other country, in that in this market- place there is for each Chrigmas tree a Julene , 01 lit±1 sh 1 y, each person who buys a tree buying alto a sheaf. Then, when the tree is set up In the main room of the ho -use at Yule -tide for the bairns (born, as they are called in Norway), the sheaf of grain is hastened on the end of a pole and put out in the yard for a Christmas feast for the birds! If the degree of civilization of a people can be measured by its behavior to the animals about it, then this custom denotes in the Norsemen a very high plane indeed. Holly Berries. In some parts a Ireland holly is regarded as the special tree of the fairies, In Rutlandshire there is a super- stition that it is unlucky to take holly into the house before Christina% Holly is valued as a wood by cabinet makers. It is white and hard. Holly trees are grown in almost every part of the world, The leaves on a holly in the Himalayas are from eight to ten inches long. The South American native driek mate, is made from tire leaves of a 01 species of holly, on Holly has been popular for decora- lis tons since the time of the Druids. to a the Ideas bring in nothing unless car- ter ried out. Santa Claus, Pawnbroker. The trade lign of "pasvitbrokere is the familiar thee brass bails. Few, however, know that the balls have Christmas -origin, and owe their exist- ence as a "loan" symbol to Santa Claus or St. Nicholas, Russia's patron saint, He was a very rich young man.'an among his possessions were threeliar of gold, given to him by his parent and treasured accordingly. One nigh just before Christmas, lie was passim a nobleman's house,and through th open window heard him teR his thio daughters that misfortune, had cons on him, and that the house and all i it must be sold, and that.they weed have to beg' their bread in the streets Nicholas' heart was touched, and knowing that money would be refused heaonceived the idea of secretly mac ing one of the bars ef gold in the house. This he did and it was found and looked on as a gift from Provi- dence. He left another bar the next ght, and -was about to do the same the third ntat, when the nobleman covered him. Nicholas pressed him accept the golden bars, and after time the. nobleman agreed to take in as a loan, to be repaid when bet- • times came. The story—a legend, of course-- ead, and gradually those who lent nay took the three bars as their de sign. Later they were changed the "three balls," The Sailor Prince • Prinoe Gepnge, youngest sou of the King and Queen, was tee guest foe a few days of the Governiox-Gesteral at Rideau Hall, Ottawa, while crossing Canada, on ht.., way tram Oriental waters to England for Cheistmas. YE OLD, BT. NICK d We hear ye jingle of ye sleigh, 3 And gladly in our tpil we pause To welcome on thys Christmas Day Ye fat and jell* Santa Claus; g Ile dime% down ye Bootie flue * • To humble cot Or lordly hall e And singeth out hys loud halloo, e "A Merrie Christmas to You All." Llys smile is broad, hys heart is warm, He berhieneztli funne and right good And be there calm or be there storm, cometh surely once a year. And in our hearts he lights a glow, Beneath hys magick spell we fall, Till we, too, greet high and low Wyth "Merrie Christmas to You All." -CIIRISTMAS WREATHS AND DECORATIONS BY PLORENOB TAFT BATON, There is surely an interest and en- thusiasm le planning Christmas house decorations that will carry on into the wintere far exceeding that of any other season. The most stolid person in the world will feel a thrill et the thought of Christmas greens, and the least send- ' mental will glovs at the sight of holly and mistletoe. When we go for our Christmas things we take cutters, twine and a couple of big baskets. We go first to the big pitch pines, for we covet a ,few twigs of its brilliantly green ne-edles, selecting branches bearing the rough, chubby cones. Here we also find a certain v t f rich brown 1 f • 'is grass, heads that are very effective in winter bouquets. We. then go to. a certain hillside where we can find nearly everything else necessary for our purposes-- princees pine, tree evergreen, bar - berries, baybenles and so forth; and we clip branches of juniper and cedar and white pine, and twigs of glowing sumac berries, which retain their glor ious red color thirough the winter an are very effective in wreaths and bas- kets. For sprays of cone -fringe hemlock—eue of the most decorativ of the winter greens --we visit th grounds of a friend, where we• ea also allowed to collect a feW twigs of the more unique cone -bearing ever greens. Everything, except the so mac berries and the seed vessels a the grasses, we dip most carefuly with conservation in "nisei; and we novae cut the slow-growing and dim addling laurel or emit the rare creep- ing itaghorn. With all this wealth of greenery and glowing color at command, it la easy to wreath pictures with the trail- ing evergreens, branches of white cedar and juniper, and to Make exquisite weeetlts, baskets end *lea Ow sprays to contribute to the chasm Chaistixaastirn,e. Beware, h,owever, of using hemlock 'for permanent wall clecoloation; it ewe begins to dry and drop. For window sprays erre:rte. re flat d, g, , s spr mo tra to oval bouquet with stems overlapping and concealed in the middle, of ashes. Oh vitro, cone -fringed hemlock, hay and bright berries; tie a red bow over th 0 stems—wide paper ribbon is all right An —and hang between the inner and B outer window sashes. Thee are rap- idly made and exceedingly pretty. We For the aaekets, select one of grace- ful shape and effective color; place in it a container for water, and fill with ' Nor 1 - eanng hernock, sumac sprays T blue -berried cedar and juniper, sprigs , of everlasting and bayberries.. So For the "Welcome" wreaths make a i If Is round of a stiff but pliable twig; take i a pair of scissors and a ball of soft andgo to week. The foundation! i-emo 1 I sh H T I 18 W The Oxen. ristmas Eve, and twelve of .the clock. Now they are all on their knees," elder saici as we sat in a flock y the embers in hearthside ease. pictured the meek, mild creatures where hey dwelt in their strawy pen, did it occur to one of us there o doubt they were kneelieg then air a fancy few woulsl weave n these years! Yet, I feel, omeorie said so Christmas Eve, Come; see the _oxen kneel is prettiest made of all sorts of green- ery of the varieties suggested, includ- ing as many cones as possible. Inter- sperse the white everlasting and as many varieties of berries as you have at hand, using sprigs of bayberry liberally, Bunch a mass of ever- greens, cones and berries at the t if you wish. Haug on the front d000pr with a big red bow. Small pine or cedar frees or tiny junipers, potted, are charming. Then there is a moss garden made in -a big flowerpot saucer. This I flit with leaf MOM over bits of charcoal, then cover with rich green maps', in which I set all sorts af tiny wood growthe--partridge and checkerberrY, gold thread, bits of terns and so forth. This is sprayed every day, set in the sun ow:mime:Ey, and in it appears all cats of minute growths. Acorite, and hestnats sprout into tiny trees. One of the very prettiest. and most effective Chaistmes decorations I know is made by rapidly wiping over rregular and attractively sha.pect are twigs with paste, sprinkling hem sparsely with white confetti, a ow *7 which will adhere, and then' ; sprinkling thoroughly with the -glit- tering silver trim dust used for show - ring Olidstm,as trees, This results ri en arrangement exactly tesentbling , a handful *I breaches covered with oar frost. Two or three sprig's placed n a glass or silver holder melte a beautiful Oluagreas decoration. e b t • I i the lonely barton by yonder coomb ur childhood used to know," ould go laith him in the gloom, oping it might be so. . —Thomas Hardy. ' • he most• severe test of friendship hether it will stand a loan. Thys day he rules the world, hys laws Are laws of love and peace and , mirth; • Ab, would thatte gentle Santa Claus alight ever govern on the earth! - Yette are we grateful thatte he brings One day of Joy for Great and Small, One day when all ye planet rings Wyth "Merrie Christmas to You All." A Share in the Feast. After all, the animals have a right to take part in Christmas, for did they not witness thatfirst Christmas, when they stood around a manger,. in an old stable at Bethlehem, and watched the wise men, in their great wisdom-, bow before . the Prince of Kindness? There are always animals in the pictures of the first Christmas, in the stable where the Christ -child, first saw the light, and on the hills where the sheep, as well as the shepherds, heard that wondrous anthem. For the most svondeo.us chorus of voices ever heard on earth was not sung before an assembly of prmees, or where Wealthy ; er famous -people were assembled. It Was sung on a star -lit hillside where men who earned their living tending sheep were sitting about, waiting for a. When planning for Christ- mas one should not forget' t e possibilities of the hoinserna e ean:..es which may be used as attractive gifts and are flav- ored with the personal touch greatlY appreciated by most of our friends. , the same time, one thus pro- vides the candies to be enjoyed by the e eamily and guests in the home during the holidays. 1 The small box of salted almonds t • land peanuts, a quarter pound size, is suggested foe each person at the Christmas dlinner orate accompany a card for the acquaintance one w•ishes to remember in a siMple way. Simple paper doileys may be used to line both the bottom of the boxes and the inside of the dryers, Wax paper, a litle'red ribbon, a Christmas card, or a spray of hollY tucked in add very few pennies to the expense, but double the value of the gift, SALTED NTJTS. Prepare nubs, all except almonds and nomads must be shelled. With permutes remove the, red skins. Al - are placed in baiting water for about two minutes, till skins soften, and then pour, off, water and partly cool. Reaneve brown jackets acid dry them. Far all kinds put % cup cook - sing oil or 3 tablespoonfuls butter in frying palm Stir in 1 cup nuts and grease well, remove from fat and, drain on paper. While draining, sprinkle with sale. Grease another. cup full and so on. Next plaee in pan and in oven Nei as brown as de- sired. Watch well while in oven and have only moderately heated oven for this work. -Stir often. PLAIN CHOCOLATE FUDGE. 2 cups sugar, 2-3 sup a miak, 2 tablespoonfuls butter, • 3 ounces chocolate. Bail while stirring till thick enough to drop from simian as molasses will, that is, when poured back intolhe rest of the mixture it will pile up on itself a little and not readily mix into the rest as a thinner liquid will (ahent 7 in or 8 mutes). Remove from heat, add 1 teaspoopfal vanilla and beat tile creamy and just reedy to haeden, Pour into buttered paipand cut when partly cooled. Nate,- cooeanut, or , bite of marshmallow may be tidde,d -as . it is beaten. Tho time *7beat, ing is -about 7 or 8 'Minutes and this gives a more creamy y y result than longer boiling and les beating., In :IR candles thin salaam an very rich milk gives smooth; Velvet results, as compared with . orditer milk and part milk and part weeper ated Milk will give fine results when cream is not at hand. OLD FASHIONED MOLASSES CANDY. . 2 cups molasses, 1, cup sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls -butter, vs % cap ater. Roil till hard ball forms in cold water. Aad either 1-3 teaspoonful of cream of' tartar or `1. tablespoonful vinegar. Pour onto buttered platter till partly cooled. With wide knife fold over and over, and when cool enough, pull. , Butters the hands far pulling. Out in small pieces with shears,- Wrap ire -wax paper. ENGLISH TOFFEE. 1 cup white sugar, 1 cup brown eugat, '1 cup corn syrup, 1 cup light cream or rich milk, % teaspoonful salt. - Mix in sauce pan and stir over heat 13 five minutes, oia till it forme a herd ball in eoid Water. Add one teaspoon- ful vanilla and 2 tablespoonfuls butter. Pour into oiled pair. Out when partly cooled. Later wrap in caramel papers. For chocolate toffee with butter add one ounce of chocolate. Nuts and marshmallows cat in small bita• may be added as desired. Often these are chetelate coated, too. , Corn syrup is used in many candies with cane sugar. Candies poured into pans oiled with *king oils` or olive oil have a more attractive surface than when butter is used on the pans. PEPP15RMINTS AND WINTER- GREENS, 1 cup sugar, 8 tablespoenfuls water. Boll up well once, tilt bubbling all dyer surface. Put teaspoonfuls con- fectioners sugar into a bowl and pour syrup onto this, then beat till smooth and flavor. Drop on wax paper or olledlim—E. M. S, • NI PUT YOUR HOUSE TO SHAME AT CHRISTMAS TIME ,•••••• It Is the One Time Of All the Year When It Should Be Dressed Up—To Do Its Bit In $preacling Yuletide Cheer. BY HELEN OLSON. Even our homes, the houses In which we live, in their mute way wet. come with joy the advent of Christ- mas and the holidays. You may not have suspected it—but that is because you have never paused to consider that the yuletide season is the only time throughout the year that our houses are "dolled -up" or sillowed wear gay ribbons and bright calms and put forth their most inviting ap- pearance. HoOveor, houses like little girls, sometimes ere put to shame by the way their mothers „areas them up— some mothers, as you know, overdoing it—others by their bad taste— *7 still others -who seem to think that a "hair ribbon" is enough t* make one feel dressed up. - Chlistmas decorations in the home are not for the family and visiting friends only. Every housewife should realise this fact. Colorful decorations however are very, very essential t the development of the real Christina phit feeling, putting the ccaor and Mien into what otherwise poi merely be a drab winter week in D ember. clews is a bright red (aatificiall) poin- settia or small height red parser bell replacingthe tassel on the shade. This gives just the.right touch of color and a uniformity which is very PketIshig to passersby. Througho.ut the country the prac- tice is every year becoming moee gen- eral of decorating the living fir, or evergreen teeeswhich may be growing in one's yardr.. Tiny bright Oirrisiensts electric lights only are used. When the lights are turned on it is beautiful and inviting, 'When one has two living Chrietnta.s tees at one's doonstep--all ablaze with Brightly colored lights-- it spree& the Yuletide cheer. The least aa-tistic touch of aal—was that son: who first concetvell the idea of transplanting sintati firs, cedars or evergreen% to the flower boxes which throughout the summer had been such to a riot of gay color. During the holt- a day week one can pin red cranberries to branch ends of these little trees-- addling to the decorative, Value. 'You nets we have touched may Simplicity is always a good rule i the dawn. And then they saw that other light, and heard that wonderfel 131n song about a child born that night, who was to grow usi and teach people the lave of kindness.. 00 lime decoration for Christmas n 'svisich has to clo with the yjew from n the outside of the home, just one s more point; no matter tam size of the e C;leastnias tree you may have 131 the home, pence it where, it can be seen e through 'window, door, or &MM. -in s porch, so that all passersby may enjoy s 11 too. ny art—and who is there who ea y that arrangement of color doe at ca,X for a certain sense of th rtietic? ' First of all consider the size of tit house when selecting the decoration that are ±0 be used at doors, wind* and throughout the home. At the front door a fat bright holl reach with a plentiful supply of rec erries, by, all means. Tho real holly reath af course to be preferred " the Eastern States the practice i uite general of hanginth g e wreatl 1 tl,e outside of• the" door. This i ne so that it will not wither er dry as quicle-y—as it sometimes aPi when hung inside and behind, the ess panel. The writer knows one tidily from the Weol, who were quite coked at seeing the wreath on the taide of the door--expreseing tha eRing-that was.too euggestive ath in the home. m However, it is a atter of choice no doubt one oan well be govern - by the custom of the Ideality in filch they live. For the windows, all detorations e hung on the inside. If 011I3 has rise plate eass window's, then a ediura sized holly Wreath at each udow is quite a.pnrepriate. _If the tulows are smell—then almost any math obtainable is to large. The st artistic touch for smaller win - w 71 01 s0-31 lo l g'i ehfa ou e de 50 ed 51 111 Wiwi 11110 y 1 It gives that warm feeling to the heart to know that within- that home --the Christmas spirli.:—joy arid pence —is prevailing, • - • ' a For the it a aetsa ee. #0-111,118TMAS TEE.. • OTQCKIAGS theres nothing eqUalo the nifty 'beftuti- ' ftilly colored ' tr.w..O-LA DYE; OLLS. , 5500 an empty DY -0.1...A Dye package and 5 cent; (Stamps or Gain) for each Dell Pattern wated, Johnson- Richeadson Limited . Montreal. Farmer uncier-seoreterY of state in the federal gavernmeart and a dietingalahs el figure in, Canattain publie Mee, died- . 'at his home In Ottawa, on Dec. 2, aged 73 y.etars. Sir Reeler had player a 1)11 sa Past in the •civill service oS this country during the past fortyeive years. -He was the eon of the late/aeon. W. Pope, one, *7 the fathom of Contederas ton, • God WitK Us. oh, light the Christmaa candles And let them shine to -night Across the span of ages, • Reflecting Heaven's Light. .A. Light that brings creation Glad tidings of good cheer; -A Light forever burning. • One pathway straight and dear, Oh, light the Christmas candles, While chaeters sweetly sing, For once more ire a mance, Is throned our new-born King. With myrrh a deep devotion, And jowan,d things of „gold, Come spread a living worship Where wise mem knelt of old. Oh, light the Christmas candles And ring, ye, sherry hells; 11.ling out the cheer and good will, Each yuletide message tells; , Forgetting years of darkness, We walk to -day 111 Light. Come, set the shining candles' Earth sings with Heaven to -night! —Anne M. Robinson. • Carol. Jesta ayte of all the workle! - Thou to whom my bearte doth call When the storines affryte it, Bede me, for it is so smalls' That a sbarre could lyte it. Jou, lyte of all the warade! If too blaelc my hearbes darks For Thyselfe to handsel, - Lyte it with Thy is odes sparks' Foe Thy Christmasse caudal. —Audley Maine. Winter Apple -Blossoms. The branches of my apple -tree Seem very beautiful to me , When laden with, white bloars' of snow They light:6 lift and •bed and blov. The Beds may lie, dark, sere and cold,. And Summer be a story told, But sn,ow-bleinns 021 niy apple tree; Turn Winter into May for me. —Mariam Ott Muesen. The Hymn. The shepherds sing; and shall I silent My God, no hymn far Thee? The pasture is Thy ward, the str ams Thy graee, Enriching every pace. —"George Herber. L. Shk.—I 4srst LIDO IV how we eem out of haring a Chelstmes irrezri flue Aunt Maas She s goats, io leavC- her • money to tes you know," "Res—"Wl.y not let luit take ie cue ef the amok it - sh's gotilg to teisae es?" • Pea 1,Bedecked Canoe, Billbca, who viniter the,. Pekr1 Is, etude, ries,r he bey of Patiame, report- ed, that the canoe ofthe chief was richly decorate:d with pearls. . Use. of Aluminum Pit, • ' Alunsinum paha is beingeefted to etructures either hot or cold, b.e. muse It reelects heat Etna does not readily absorb It. Grand Banks Cod Catch. The total mental mach of cod on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland amounts to_ mono than 200000,000 fish, and this steady drain has, coetineed for hundreds of years set the supply shows 00 eigns of airtenisaleg. Wireless appareled is new installed in, 3,500,000 British homes.