HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-12-16, Page 5TFITJRSDAi','DECR`MBER 16,'1926:
•of Meat you are buying and see if
ltihati` the,Sofor and the appear-
•tatnce' of 'freith, tender, juicy, whole-
wome beef. Don't buy it if it is
Ytoudry, dark, full of tendons.
get quality cuts here. It is
better to pay us •a _few cents a
pound more and get meat you can
eat enjoyably.
Pone 58 Seaforth
Your Butcher.
D. Ht McInnes
Of Wingham, will''be a't the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Monday and Thursday After-
noons in future.,
Diseases of all all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used
Want and For Sale ads, i week 25c
►+ed .& white
hain Stories
We wish you all the Season's
Stop Viand Shop here
Wehave abundance of Candies,
Nuts, Oranges, Grapes, etc.
A Dandy Candy Mixture lb. 15c.
Chocolate and Cream mixture 25c
Mixed Nuts, all new 25c
Oranges fromd40c a doz. to 75c
All sorts of Candy Novelties, etc.
We Serve u rightat the Red and
• White
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8'
W. M. Stewart Phone 77
If its groceries we have them.
W. J, Walker &San
—and •
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
The purc lasing' of Cream according to grade became
law on May,lst.
Your cream graded here by experts under Government
supervision and we guarantee you the best of service.
All our grading is checked by the Department of
Aim to send Specials and No. 1 grade cream.
Send or deliver your cream at least twice a week and as
direct as possible.
All cream graded as soon as we receive it.
Creamery Open Saturday Nights.`
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont.
!Town Topics
Mr. D. F. Buck was in 'London on
Sunday visiting 'Mrs. Buck.
The Misses 'Cresswell left on Wed-
nesday afternoon for California where
they intend spending the winter.
Mr. Robert nogg, North Main
street, is ill with ,pneumonia.
Mrs.'Wills, of London, is the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. ,James McIntosh.
Mrs. J.;Cummings •and son Harold
are in Toronto where the latter is
undergoing treatment in the hospital.
Mr. George Peterson is on a trip
to •Goc'hrane,
Mrs. Geo. Sparks left this week to
spend the winter in lensall.
Mr. Fred Adams has rented apart-
ments in the Campbell'bJock.
The annual Christmas tree and en-
tertainment of St, Thomas'Church
Sunday school will be held on Friday,
evening of this week in the pariah
Miss Marjorie Wigg has been ill
for a few days. with an attack of
Mr. and !Mrs. R. S. Halbkirk have
returne'd from spending several
months at Grosse Isle, Mich.
'Master Billy Coulthard, who has
been i11 in the hospital with a slight
attack of pneumonia, is recovering'.
Dr. C. E. Briggs, of Cleveland, Miss
Florence Robinson and Miss Eliza-
beth McDermid, of _Stratford, were
here attending -the funeral of the late
Mrs. A. MdDermili.
Mr. Murray, of Walton, was 'here
attending the funeral of the late Mrs.
•Angus lIoDermid, •
Mr. and. Mrs. B. Williams, of
Strafford, spent Sunday with Mrs. S.
Rev. 'Melvin .and Mrs. Keys • and
daughter, of Dungannon, spent the
week -end with, Mr. and Mrs, W, L.
IMr, and Mrs. '\\r. Bright were in
Mitchell attending the funeral of a
'Mrs. John Kerr, ,Railway street, is
laid up with an attack, of pleurisy.
Mr. Lockhart Johnstone, of Lon-
don, •was a visitor at the home of his
uncle, Mr. G. McTaggart. Lockhart
is travelling for the Remington Type-
writer Comiaany.
fi14r, 'William Adams has leased
apartments in the Beattie block.
Mr. E. Barnett, of Detroit, is a
visitor at his home here:
Mr. Charles Neeley, of ,Buffalo, is
spending a couple .of weeks in town.
Clarence Westcolt, little son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Westcott, is ill with
Mrs. A. Gray is seriously 111 as the
result of a stroke.
Mr. Scott 'Ferguson, of Toronto
University, spent the week-en`d at the
home of his parents, Rev. and` Mrs,
J. A.• Ferguson,
Mrs. Joseph iHogg is visiting
friends in 'Toronto,
Mrs. H. L. Watson, of Goderich,
was a visitor at the house Of 'her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. G, 'Wil'lis.
Mrs. Jacob Wurm is recovering
after her recent hiltless.
Miss !Margaret Drover is ill with
'Mr. Wm. Sinclair. of Egntondville,
is very ill.
Meals and Quick Lunches at all hours - Prompt Service
Sodas, Soft Drinks, Chocolate Bars, Cigarettes, etc.
Is Coming:
You ead.?
California Grapes,
Table Raisins, 30c a lb.
Brazil Nuts;
25c a lb.
British Columbia Hothouse To;
` matoes, 40c a lb.
Sweet Potatoes. 4 lbs. for 25c
Head "Lettuce
s $1.00 qt.,
Fresh Dystef,
75c, 60c, 40c
T. Phillips
B'A'11EMAN-{HOY.--tAt ' the Rectory,,
Seaforth, y 'Rev. T. I -i. Brown,
''Isabel Amelia, second daughter of
Mr. and. Mrs. Richard Hoy, Walton,
to Edward Walter Bateman, eld-
est son of IIslr. an'd, Mt s E; W.'
Bateman, 'Seaforth,
'Mr. George Vipond is enjoying a
radio these days.
'We are glad to see Miss' Norma
Wilson around, again.
ibfrs. John Sadlervisitedin London
recently. •
Mrs. Solomon Butson of T-Iillsbo o,
N.D., visited with relatives and friends
last week,
'The W.IM:S..met at the parsonage
on 'Tuesday afternoon,
The Institute play .given in the half
last Friday evening was a splendid
success,. Each character ,was shell
played. A large number were in at-
tendance. •
Death removed a well knowni resi-
dent of the village on .friday morning
in the person of Mrs. Agnes .Roberta
Hallam, who had been sick only
about a week, She was fifty) -eight
years of age and was (horn in Halbert,
Where she spveat the greater part of
her life. The large funeral was held
in the United•'Church, of which she
was an active member on ,Sunda'' af-
ternoon— Rev. 'J. E, Jones condtjctecl
the services. •'She leaves to,,, Mourn
her loss, live' sisters, Mrs. E. Moore,
Oregon; Mrs. 'F. !Drake, Stratford;
Mrs. G.. Lodge, 'Cleveland; Mrs, C.
McVey, Dublin; 'Mrs. W. Jeffrey,
Staffa, and two brothers, George Dal-
ton, Galt; and 'Henry Dalton, Wash
ington. Those wh'o attended the
'funeral from a distance•..were Mr. and
�Irs. G.Dalton, and IMr. Rby Dal-
ton, and Mrs. Sims, Kitch-
en Galt; M ,
t ,
d;'. Mrs.
t illi s. ,Lodge, Cleveland; vile g ,
F. Drake, ,Mr. W. 'Drake Stratford;
Mf¢. 'Stewart McVey, St Marys; Mr.
Harold 'McVey, Mitchell; Mrs, R.
Dalton, Mr, and Mrs, 'Carl Dalton,
Only the uninlforaned endure the
agony ofcorns. .The knowing ones
apply 1Hollaway's Corn Removet',and
get relief,
Mr. and Mrs. 'John Cook, of 'Chi-
cago are visiting at the former's ,par-
ents, Mr: and Mrs. Philip Kenny:
Mr. and Mrs. Joint Brennan spent
Sunday, the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Joseph (Dillon,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan: O'Connor spent
IStutdf.y with Mr. fund Mrs, Philip
1vlr. 'Root. Kistler, aged 2.3 years,
son of George Kistler, died very sud-
denly last week in Detroit His
younger !brother, Kenneth, was with
.hiMr, Jacob Bruxer is visiting his son
in Detroit, who 'is seriously ill.
lIvfrs, Dan. 'Burns spent the week-
end with her mother, Mrs; Philip
Mr. Tout Ryan, of Kitchener, is
visiting at the home of Dan, Shea,
Miss 'Helen Delaney spent the
week -end with lir. ancl, Mrs. Frank
The children of the Separate school,
Dublin, arc putting on an entertain-
ment in, St. Patrick's hall, Dttbliu,
next Wednesday bight,- Dec. 22nd.
Everybody is cordially invited.
Died in Vancouver, B.C.—Tlte news,
of the death of Mr, Wm. Kleamau,
cast a gloom over our village and
surrounding country where Mr. Klea-
man was widely known as a good rar
pente`r. Mr, Kieaman left here 20
years ago and moved to Mitchell,
where he built a beautiful home and
lived there five years, He then moved
to Vancouver,' B,C., residing there up
to ,the time of his death. Mr, Klea-
fnan leaves to'mourn his loss a widow
and tivo dattghters, Mrs. 'Wm. Simp-
son and Mrs. Zack 'Simtpson, and two
sons, John's{leaman and Wm, K'lea-
man, all' of Vancouver,, B,' C. The
deepest sympathy of the community
goes to the dear ones left at ho}ne.
The annual meeting of the ;Ladies'
'Guild#of 5k<Mary's Anglican church
was held 'Fri, day afternoon, Dec. 16th,
at the home of ;Mrs. '.Archie Forbes.
The secretary read 'the minutes 'and
gavea very' satisfactory report of the
work of the past year. The present
officers were •• re-elected as 'follows:
Mrs. Wm. 'Hills, president; Mrs.
Archie Forbes, vicc,president; Mrs.
Jos, Moore, "Logan, secretary-treas.;
Mrs. Alex, Darling, cor. sec, A very,
dainty luncheon was served • 'by the
hostess, The meeting ' closed with
prayer: ;smile,
Mr..L, J.`Looby is wearing a
since Sunday -it is a girl.
Mrs. John Carpenter held a very
-sale on Tuesday
auction sa c
The cattle sold exceptionally
tt ell.
Mr.trchased Michael Nagle has p t
the farts of the late John Carpenter.
This is a fine farip"and very conveni-
ently situated.
Mr. Patrick Maloney ' spent the
week -end in Stratford.
Mr. John McGrath shipped a car-
load of (fine horses from •Dublin dtt
Saturday. They were consigned 16 a
dealer in Quebec - City. -
''• Beautiful Designs
in White and Green Gold
15 Jewels $10.00 and up
The Latest in
Signet ` Rings
for Ladies and Gents
Useful Gift Suggestions - Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, Waldimars
Knives, Signet and Emblem Rings and Pocket Watches
Colne in and see the new Shell French Ivory, suitable for any
member of the family.
Would like to demonstrate the Famous Golden Throated
Phonographs. An Ideal Gift for the Home.
Wonderful Values in Upright and Console Models. As low as
Repairing a Specialty
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Opposite W. A. Crich's.
RES. 64J
Christmas Tree and Program
hurch North Sade UJnited,
hilldren are giving a good prografn
ore and help the little folks enjoy them-
on.. Wednesday Eve. Dec. 22nd
Program starts at 8 o'clock
Under auspices of the Mission Band League
' Admission Adults 25c
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sadler attend-
ed the funeral of 'Robert Kistner, who
died very suddenly in Detroit last
TUCKERSMITH. to be given in
Turner's United Church Sunday HILLSGREEN UNITED CHURCH
'school are preparing for a 'Christmas
tree and entertainment which will he
held on ,Tuesday evening of next
A number of the children here have
been suffering from whooping cough
the past few weeks.
Mr. James Rielly: returned on Sat-
urday after spending a few days in
The/fourth party this season was
held at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Patrick when about forty of their
friends gathered at their home and
played euchre until .eleven o'clock,
after which the guests danced until
'the early hours of the ntoianing when
after thanking Mr. and Mrs.Patrick
for the splendid time, they returned
'Mr. James Rielly .visited' at the
home of his friend, Mr. John Doig on
Sunday last,
;Ladies' Aid No. 3 of Egutondville
United Church held 'its monthly
meeting at the residence of Mrs. John
MaoLaughliu. The meeting was open-
ed by the president, Mrs, John 'Mac -
'Laughlin by ,having the minutes of
the' last meeting read and, adopted,
after which the 'Scripture lessor. was.
read by the president, fdllgwed by a
prayer 'hy Mrs. John 'Taylor. As the
meeting was a missionary one, a very
interesting talk was given by the
president on "Giving." After the col-
lection was taken up 'a very dainty
lunch was served.
'Word was received Wednesday
morning of the sad death of Mrs,
James Earl, of Uslborne, that morn-
ing from an attack of 'deadly flu. 'Just
a 'week !before her young son, 'Willie,
aged 13 years, had succumbed to alt
attack of du and pneumonia, IIer
hulband, Mr. Ear], who is a cousin
to Mr, John Earl of'Egntottdville and
Mr. H. Tyndall of Tttckersmith. is
left with two little daughters and a
balby only sixmont'hs old. Mrs: Earl
was• formerly 'Miss Maud 'Cann, and
her father, Mr.'Chas, Cann, resides in
Exeter. Mrs, Roy McDonald, ;of
Tuckersmith, is a sister, The funeral
Will be held. Friday td Exeter ceme-
.Mrs. Badley and Jean spent a few
days in Toronto.
Mrs. Sellers was .called to Heidel-
berg last week on account of her ;fa-
ther's serious illness.
lMrs. A, Dundas and children visit-
ed with 'Mr, and Mrs. A. Clark over.
The bazaar held on Thursday of
last week was a grand success.
of. fancywork rl, t
fine assortment
neoy p
nearly all disposed of. The proceeds
amounted to over $185.
The public ,school children are pre-
paring. for a,Christmas tree on the
last day ,of school. •
'Mr: C. Sellers spent the week cud
in 'Heidelberg,'
The dance in the U.F..O, hall on
Friday. evening watt well' attended.
Mrs. 7. McDonald is able to attend
to her household ditties. after an at-
at 2 p.m.
A Three -Act Comedy
This is to be given by the Young
People of 'Hillsgreen.
Admission 25e and 20e.
tack of la grippe.
Mr. George Sholdicc..win, Inas been,
assisting at the C.P.R. in St. Thomas
Inas returned to his hone in the vil-
Misses licrva and +Hazel Speiran
of 1NIoucrei1 visited friends in the vil-
lage on Thursday.
Mr. James Carter spent the week
with Itis son, .J. W. Carter, at Water-
\•frs. W. Gillespie visited -friends in
the village last week.
The regular meeting of the \V,ibi.S.
oas held in the church, December Sth
with a good attendance,' Mrs. Mc-
Gregor presided. The meeting was
opened by singing hymn 399, after
which Mrs. Dow led in prayer. Mrs.
Haugh read the Scripture lesson,
Jolttt 14th chap., front 10111 verse,
.Mrs. MdGnegor had the study book
and gave a very interesting talk on
prayer, which all shall benefit by.
.Mrs. Haugh led in prayer and the
meeting was closed by singing hynut
489, after which a box of clothing teas
packed, valued at $30.00, and sent, 16
The many friends of Miss 'Marga-
ret Drover are sorry to hear she is
laid ftp with pneumonia,
The Messrs, Hart boys are busily
cutting mood for Mr. John Scott.
Mr. J. M. E+'ckert's was out of gtfar-
antine for' measles 'Friday last.
Mr. George B. Aberhart has been
delivering 'hard 'wood 'at • Mr: James
Aitches,on's the past week.
The Literary Society are holding a
meeting Friday evening. A pro
grannie . is arranged and everyone is
Mr. and '\4rs, Joseph Eckart, of
Seaforth, spent Sunday at Mr. and
Mrs. Dan 'O'Connors.
spent. Tuesday . ' 'Ruddell
Mrs. .
Clinton, the guest of Mrs. Honking
Mrs, !Brogden and Mrs ,Ball spent
Tuesday with Blyth friends.
Mr. W. Carter is in'Chatltarn this
week at the poultry show,
Mi'. 'Abb. Shaddick was in Clinton
Aft. and Miss Fauerviee motored
Upstairs over Keating's Drug. Store
Will Press Your Suit or
Overcoat for
This advertisement and 75c
Good until January 1st.
The Special Milverton
We Have it—Give it a Trial. Mao.
Ground Screenings jehop of, All Kinds
Your Auto Needs
Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all makes
of Batteries.
A complete line of most called for parts of various
Now is the time to have your car overhauled
Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased
and cleaned.
Dealer in New and Used Cars.
Agent for Chrysler Four and Six Cylinder Cars.
Regier's caraqe.
The season of formal dress occasions is •here again.
We specialize in the cleaning and pressing of formaldress and.
its accessories and can guarantee a good job.
Do not wait -- have your dress suit or tuxedo cleaned and'
pressed now.
Work called for and delivered.
Sydney Dungey, Proprietor
No Brass Tacks
Usedby us in repairing rubber:;. All kinds of rubbers and go.
loshes soled, ,heeled and patched by the latest vulcanizing
methods. We sell new bottoms for leather tops and sew them
ion correctly. High class shoe repairing. All work guaranteed,
Two doors south, of Beattie's Variety Store
to Goderich one day last week.
Mr, W. Lee is spending hisholidays
with his mother, bit's. William
a few
Miss Alice Tinglat,p,
days in Clitston this :week.
Mr. Thos, Millar is all smiles. (It's
a toy.)
Ivirs. 'Richards and Mrs. Johnston
spent Tuesday with 'Clinton 'friends.
Mr. Alex. Wells is unloading a car
of bran and shorts this week,
Messrs. Ernest and John Adams
are in Brantford this week.
Mr. W. and .Howard Cowan spirt
Sunday with .the 'for'nier's, n,
Geo. Cowan of the thirteenth.Tor onto
Mr, Chas. Josling is
this week in the interests of the
leis spending a few
Mr.W Brtunb -y
ys withhis daughter, :llrs.
Cud -
t•e o[ +IIolinesv
Mi•s. Rotbect'Scnit was to \Vit}ghrutt
on ;Sattu•day.
and, 'Mrs. Thos, Fai'slervi
M. at
ce at-
tcntled a funeral at ;Dungannon on
Sunday' end sent Mon-
Towns i
Mr, Robert
a w�itlt Clinton friends, 1 n
d ' s in London
rfr. , Jiis: hairservicc i, t
this week on 'business.
A little daughter has come to
brighten the home of 'Mr. and Mrs.
Charles !Green•
Mr, Angtts Mclzaig spent last week'
in Detroit.
\Lr. Andrew Tlantilton, of Detroit,
called on friends in this vicinity Last'
'.Che Marion Ritchie Auxiliary of
the Presbyterian 'Church held their
annual sale of work, cooking, etc., at•
the hotite of Mrs. �2usse'll Scott t,t
Friday last, The proceeds amount-.
ed to :forty dollars, 'After the social
part of the programme was over the
girls helcl their annual business meet-
ing. The officers for the•cotning year
are as follows: President,' Mrs. Rus-
s ll S
e t,ott• vice president, Mrs, Dunc-
ar t
McKellar; r• i• utea
s w !Miss Sarah'
'McKellar: cI ar;seCretary, lass Grace Mc
Recognized as a o leading, specific
for the destruction of worms, Mother
Graves' Vtrortn Exterminator has,
proved a boon to suffering children
everywhere. It seldom fails,'