HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-12-16, Page 4111111.0N COITNTY COUNCIL. The County Council held their rDer- reeMber ineetin n Goderich last week, Op`ening on TtieSdaY'&fternobn, Dceember Ith.Wardeti' Mel(iblion addressed the conneil on the work ot the council during this [December rses- sion, He said he was pleased tosee all here' again Tor this closing session of the year, it'll looking hale' and •hearty, and that- it was gratifying to have passed the year 'without a break in the "tumbers. Since the Pine ineetingrhe had had a very strenuous time, having passed, • through two e.lections (one Dom- inion and one Provincial). "I am go sure le said, the council feel hon- ored in 'raying one of our members, Mi. C. A. Robertson, Illees/e of Cpl - holm and an ex-Warderi of the ,eotin- ar• ty, elected a member of the Provin- on cial Legislature. 271, During the recess the Warden's committee met and appointed. Mr. Bi AleQuillin as a third valuator to by fill the vacancy caused by the resigna- tion of 'Mr, C. A. Ur:00nel', of Hea- t, salt The valuators have completed ' their work and their report will be le laid no the table it this meeting for your consideration, • "The Gond Roads Commission have had several meetings anti have care- fully looked after the work laid out at the June meeting. "Owing to, the prevailieg wet and • disagreeable weather of the fall, a 32; .greit deal of the work was carried on di • with much difficulty, brit much good work has 'beenaccomplished, al- Bthoegh much work has been left o "The House of 'Refuge comm.t. has had several meetings and general business of that Institut has been attended to in an effici manner, to the advantage of equity. "4 received a communieson fr the county solicitor, tafr, ,Hays, jeeting to county work ,being.atte ed to 'by other solicitors 1 wr asking Mr, Torrance heaceforth use our county- solicitor iintil 1 council meets, and other author was issued as 1 saw nothing in records giving authority to erne any other than the county solid for 'county work" A feeling reference was made the absence of Reeves Engles a Hubbard of -Howick, who were t avoidably absent owing to the lea of their popular and very efficie clerk, Mrs. Walker. School Grants, Inspector Tom reported the folio ing Provincial grants paid by t Province (the county council bei* required under the Act to pay equal amount) to the various srhoo men Union school No, S. nittield. ave age attendance 8.2, $133.70; No. Hay, average attendance, 12.8, $14( •30; 'No. , 5, Stephen, average mien ance 10.3, $150.60; Union No. 1 Stephen, average attendance, 4. $167.60; No. 6 Usborne, average 14, tendance, 6.3, $165.90: No. 4 'We lArawanciali, average atteadance, 6. $89.10; ,Bityfield, average attenclane 4.5, $152.0). The county has• bee paying double the Provincial gran and M r. Tom wrote: "All t hes classes have done satisfactory wor during 1925-26 and 1 recommend tha the double grant be paid to all thea schools" The Department of Education re ported the following: Grants to th High Schools and Collegiates in th County of Huron for the year 1926 Witighana 81,512.27; Seaford', $1, 574,50; Clinton, $1,475.00; Haute $1,485.01; Guderich, $1,920.50. The Department of Education also reported the following: Legislative grants to continuation schools; 131yi la $895,13; rinsels, $884.06: Wrexeter, 1874.51; No. 17 •Howick $801,94; iIensall, $829.97. As showing the cast to the county of Collegiate and High School work the clerk presented the following: County grants to Collegiates, High Schools and 'Continuation schools in 1925. Collegiate.; - Seaford", ,VO, - 047.20: 1 iins,u,S7,811.881 ilwlerich, $9.320.19: High Schools, $7,108.85; Exeter. $8,423,20, Contin- uation schools: Blyth, $2,118.42; Brussels. $2,301.32; Hensail, 51,695.- 40: Wroxeter, $1800,30: Fordwich, $1,764.18. Paid to school s outside the County Collegiates, St. Marys, $515.- 09; London, $766.02; High schools-- Lists:mei, $870.76; Parkhill, $36825; Har ris ton, $217.75. Continuation schools: Clifford, $715; Lucknow, 51,422.62, Huron County grants to schools, within the county, 552,451,23, grant to schools outside county, $10,- 876.31; total grants, 563,327.62. The jailer reported 66 prisoners ad- mitted during the past six months. 27 for 0. T. A, breaches, 4 for theft, 3 • for breaking and en tering, 1 having carnal knowledge, 3 assault, 1 rape, 3 'false practices, 2 unlawfully taking car to drive, 2 insane, 1 attempted suicide, 2 vagrancy. Daily 'cost of ra- tions per patient 1234 cents, An acknowledgement was received from Deputy Minister 'Squires of the Highways 'Department of the reaalu- tipti passed by the county sound! asking the Legislature to Mere -use the gasoline tax from 3 to 6 cents per gallon and to decrease the car li- cense fee 30 per cent, and promising consideraticin. A hill of $68.90 front the London Collegiate was for County of 'Huron pupils -attending that institution. 'Mr W. Brydone, on behalf of the township of Morris, wrote •with re- ference to section '4 of 'Bylaw 10, •1924„ of the county, under which ape- cial levies ,were assessed for highway work ou certain municipalities in or- der to equalize the expenditure, ask- ing for answers of the following spe- cific enquiries: (1) Does the .counts- council hold the section itt question to he le,gally enforeible? If so ' (2) Is the purpose of the council to enforce payment under it by those municipali.ties, if any, which 'have not paid their assessments wider it? Or (3) Does the, comity council re- gard the 'Section as void an d u n en - forcible? And if so • • (4) DOES ' the council .propose to remit payments made nuclei' the by- law in gooal faith by the township of Morris and other numicipalitiea. ti ver. ttee the ion est the ont ob- nd- ote to the ity the lolv for to rid in- tli nt he an is r- d - 6, 7, 1 11 e k e • Praise' for McKillop Moved by Mr, McQuaid, seconded' by Mr. rNeeti, that the members of the 'Huron Comity, Council •.at this our' "December meeting Wish, totender our sincere and hearty congratulations to 'Gordon MeGavin,, of the.TownShip of Me'Ki'llop, on the 'spfendid. recoid made by him at the recent Interna- tional Plowing Match held at Nia- gara, At whiCh he captured 'the sweep Oakes priie ,in Iris class ' and several other trophies, by ins splendid skill as a plowman. The skill shown by this young man, scarcely turned his ?OM year, is a most retnarkalbie de- monstratioh o•f whet the youth of our land can accomplish by devotion and aoplication in their choseal line of en- d eavor. 'Th.\ Wonderhyl record made rby' this young man we trust is but an earnest of still greater things in the future; and we hope what he .has ac- complished will .prove aia inspiration to many another young oven tO u,se his best endeavor to make good in his chosee occupation ill...life. At a quarter to 4 o'clock Warden 1114cKirlybou asked Ex -'Warden C. A. eobe.rtson to take the chair as he wished to attend the • ChildrerOs Aid Society meeting. • A motion of congratelation to 'Mr. Ro•bertson on his electron as inenthr of the Legislature 'had been moved by .Messrs. McEwen and Beattie, and was carried by a standing •vote add the members sang "For 'He's a jolly Good :Fellow" right heartily. mr. Robertson acknowledged the congratulations by saying this was even better than the night of Dec. lst, when •succesi rewarded ifour week,s of hard going. The victory 11•115 !lot his ut the.•people's of 'North. Huron. He hoped 'he would make good in the larger sphere to which he had been called and in the county council he 'had learned to fight. for what lie considered right ,bet as soon as a wetter was decided 'he was ready to shake hands with those who dif- fered with him. He hoped he would be no discredit to the •county‘When he went to the Legislature. On Tuesday evening the customary smoker at which the counCy council is entertained on the first night oaf the session was 'held at the 'Bedford Hotel. The report of the county valuators which was presented to the council at this session is based on the valuation of a certain percentage of the pro- perty in each municipality, the valua- tion of these parcels as made by the county valuators is then •c,oinpared with the valuation of the same par- cels as assessed by the assessor of the municipality and the percentage of increase of the county valu- ator's assessment over the assess- ment of the municipal assessor found in the properties valuated is ap- plied to the Whole assessment of the municipality-. In the town of Goderich, for example, 142 properties were valued by the county valuators, andtheir valuation of these pro- Porties is 8293,300, while the Goderich assessor's assessment is $229,225, an increase of 28 per cent. Increasing the assessed valuation of the town (51,- • 845,210) by the sante percentage gives the equalized valuation as given by the county valuators, namely, 521,- 361,900. The report of the valuators shows the following changes from the old equalized valuation which has been used as tbe basis ,of the county rates for the past twenty years. Increases by• the new valuation: Ashfield Township 99,800 Colborne township Grey township 213 Hay township 170,500 McKillop township 72,900 Morris township 17,000 Stanley twp. Stephen two. 87,000 '137,500 ['shortie twp, 36.900 E. Wasvanosh twp. • 97,200 W. Wawanosh twp. 100,200 Clinton town •161,110 Goderich town 939,300 Seaforth town .. ..... 37.4,500 Whighain town . 374,500 Bayfield village Blyth village Brussels village liteter village. TIenSall village roxeter , Decrease,. by the new valuation: fioderich township $ 36.500 T-Iowick township 127,080 Hullett township Tuckersmith township 4198:610090 Turiaberry township ,„ 28,0,0 to memorialize the .Legialature to 4. titE SEA.VORTH NEWS' - Aiinnaanclaiesdny, maintqpg aetneatinle, was taken up' in is diScussion • ,'0,11 stityject of making traffic more''.safea This came up 011 .5 motion introdticed ,V•Mr. rSanders'ioatlieeffect that this, council memoilallae' the ‘ProvineT1 ciovernitient It comouliory intergebtiOng Streets leading beta, arterial roads in all towns' and ,vittages throughout the, PrOvioce to insure a snore uniform ay'atem .of traffic It came out in the 'cliacussitan that most towns and vita' lages in .this county had already adopted this plan, • Mr. Sanders said he had had opposition in getting' this adopted in his own village, Exeter, bait when he • shoWed the. robjectors that the plan was for the protection ;both of traffic on the side streets and the main 'feeds and 'that the traffic from the side streets had about fif- teen chalices of ueeding such protec- tion to one on the main road, on. ac- count of the mun,ber , of side streets in proportion to the' main artery, all. objection, ceased,' and since the stop street idea was adopted" there 'had not been a single accident in Exeter. Mr. Armstrong sesoncled the motion and it carried.unanimously. •Cosiderable diseussion took place on Wednesday afternoon• at to what action should be taken on the report 'of the valuators, It was moved by Messrs, Farrish. and Shortreed that the counckt go into committee of th whole on the report of the 'equaliza- tion committee on Thursday after- imon and Chat the valuators be .pres- ent for • the discussion. ---Carried. Mr. H. Irwin, 'Provincial Engineer, was. present and asked to address the 'council. He said it was almost impossible to estimate the value of the work done the past fall, Partieul- 41-iy in view of the 'bad weather con- efitioes. 'He advised 'beginning work earlier in the spring so • that more tvork could be doge the +past fall, par- ticularly in view of the bad weather conditions. • 'He advised beginaing, work earlier in the spring so that more work could be done, 'and vests and bridges abould be con- structed the early summer. Con-' tractors should be held more strictly to their agreements and thus mach unnecessary delay and risk of the worknot being completed ;within the proper time would he 'avoided. Con- tractors s.hould be 'compelled to pro- vide good by-paths for the, oonveni- ence of travellers when 'building bridges. Good competent inspectors should be appointed to superintend the construction of 'bridges and Ora inspector should always be on the' job or loose work would he the re- sult. Mr. Irwin said the Good Roads Commission had the work well in hand -during the year and the work had been well attended to. Township roads had shown a great deal of im- provement during the past year. The road work as a whole was a great credit to the County of Huron. - 'Moved by Messrs. Farrish anti Johnston that, owing to the increased traffic over certain portions of- the township roads in Aslifield Caused by the county road avest of Lucknow be- ing under repairs, we would ask this council to reoompense the township Of Ashtielcl for damage done the abov'e-mentioned road on account of this heavy traffic.—Sent to 'Good Roads 'Commission. turned .for correction and that the , Moved 'bY Messrs' Erwin an.'d county clerk also furnish these high Backer that the matter of the doubte grant to fifth class. schools be refer- sfchool boards with the necessary orms to inake requisition for their red to the education committee.— Reams; that where a school is doing Sent to the education committee. fifth (lase worlc anal is• recognized Inv Ths special commatee recommend- ,. sti the Department, that the coenty grant no action on the request of Reit- be double the Legislative grant pro- frew colenty asking 'this county to niding they employ two or more tea_ memorialize the Legislature to i cners; that the report Of the Exeter amend the 'Public Health Act, so that high achool he returned for correction the Province would be compelled to and Mat we object to paying 011 a make compensation' ,for property de- rental basis; in the matter of the Lon- a atroyed 111 connection .with the main- don qollegiate Institute, one pupil, tenant° of public health. The section aemg a resident of Exeter, the county of the act as it stands providea that ts not Hewn eompensation niay be given TheWork on County Bridges.: verntriatee recommended that a 'bylaw' The road and bridge committee re - be Passed closing up certain streets Ported: Cement culvert ,between e0/1. - in Ushorne township in accordance cessions 4 and 5, Grey, on the boun- , with the request of Messrs. Gladman ,dor3. betWeen Huron and Perth, has 93,900 end Stanbury, aolicitors for the town- ,been repaired and made pasaable, and 96,200 $hip. The committee recommended signs placed at ends of concessions 367,800 that the !titter from 'Mr, ,Bryclone, limiting loads to 1,500 ;mends, at a. 194,600 Clinton, regarding the special levies cost of $16.90. We agreed that the made on certain municipalities bighwaY work be referred for abutment of the Albert Annett bridgC to the between the 6th and 7th concessions county solicitor ,for a written opinion of Grey, boundary of Perth and as to the validity of the section, The Huron, he 'reinforced with contrete committee recommended no action on tinder the direction of Engineer Pat- terson, the contract was let but the work was not complexed owing to ad - THURSDAY, DECENIBER 16, amend the act -so that the rcharge- for, verse. weather colfditions. Bowes' inaliienr,pa'tients ill a' pnblie inetitte, bridge and iMenzie's bridge n'oo. ;the tion:•wouldhe.mede againat the ,muhia b000dary of I.Eltiron and Perth were cieality „the pittient,;c6inea ..,friont in painted, a(t a cost 'of $464or work 'and 'place of against the cetioty;:,The idea 521:32 for paint, 'Ball's hnidge was of the 'Halton • council "avaS 'that" the painted at a cost of $14080 for work local munieipailts;'• knew hotter 'the Cud $51.45 for paint. The gtiard circionstances ' fence:at. Holineaville bnidge had been ' 'The Good Roads Commission iani'de completed. The ' south. ap.proach to a report 1:5 !I the -road wOrk nicnie,' Salt- core's bridge, 'Stanley and Goderich fordabill proposed imProvement had tp., swass-ividened and a guard fence not been .carri0 Oving ti-) the Ives built, the total cost being wet weather in Spring ,and' 'fall and The east aPpibach Betimiller the lieasiy- traffic dining the stiminer. bridge was 'widened at a cost of $47, All steel bridges with .Wooderc floors 44. Only a small amount of , work had beeti tightened and adjusted aed was ,clone at Med Creek bridge owing seven Ste'el btidges 'were painted.- A to weather ., conditions. A small number of hedges eausing xenon -Lula- amount of stone was piled' in at Turn - tion of' now hadlbeen removed. 'The cr's 'bridge in. Stephen to prevent' Commission- hadeptnehased six, small washing. 'Sunither'hill, B'enmiller and graders anti 'foto' wheel .scrapers since-Corey'S bridges were tightened 'up by - the June meeting. Reclaim W. J. Mr. Hill, it a cost. of $196.50; The Clarke for $1:00 • fOr damages to car Holmesville and several of the ,other 1Roadallo. 21, Turnberry and Grey, bridges require to be strengthened at the commission recommended no ac- the albutments with stone, ;and we re - tion; action on tile claim of Law- 'commend that the county engineer be reit& Forrest for $4.50 for demagog to empowered to have that work 'clone car in Bretconettl; no 'action on the diming the winter months, aa we feel claim of 'Robert Aninstrong for un- that it esti be done touch more cheaps stated ,damagea ,ftir" loss of 'horse ly -when the ice is on the river, and tlero.ugh the Saltford bridge. Re this work will prevent the undermin- claim of 'Messrs. Webster and Doug- big of the abutments, las of the Village of LucknoW, for The county .property committee re - $400 for personal injuries .and dam- commended alrat a telephone be plac- ages to car on 'Road No. 21, IWesi ed in the county cleric'.s , residenee, Wayanosh and kinloss, the Ceintnis'. The committee reported everything in sion considered the claim and found first class order at the registry o1. no justific-ation for ,paying genie. A fice, and everything in splendid con - writ had since been issued against the clition at the Children's 'Shelter, with county' for the eiallection of 'the six children as inmates at present. claim. the ThursdaY morning session request 'of Mr, Wilson of the Chit - The committee recommended that the the reports of the executive, educe- dren's Shelter for 100 'feet of lumber tion, road and bridge and county pro- for _outdoor playhouse for the chit- perty committees mere dealt with, caren, be granted The committee Executive COmmittee, extiressed 'appreciation of the .very The sexecutive committee reported satisfactory report presented by the as 'follows; Re appeal from the Ex- jailer, Everything. at the jail was in etet District Plowmen s Assomatiettl, d c client condition. The outside having examined -the 'financial state- 'painting was cempleted and made a anent of receipts and expenditures, We great improvement .to the building recOmmen'd that the grant of 475 be There are ten prisoners at preseqt. paid. Re appeal of the Huron Plow- The committee"reeornmended that the men's Association, having' received jailer's salary be increased to, 51,009,, the financial report, we recommend and that this he recommended to the that the grant of $75 be paid. Re aps incoming council of 1927, Re com- peal fawn the Childretes Shelter for munication of J. A, 'Humphries, in - an extra grant of $500 we recorn- specter of, legal offices, calling- atten- mend that this be taken up in open tion to thelmed of enlarged vault council, as 52,500 'had' aiready been room and steel filing cabinet in the paid for 1926. ('In council the extra surrogate court clerk's office, the grant was approved). Re the indigent coMmittee re6ommended that, as the patients in, the Toronto hospitals, we county is occupying two rooms, recommend that these cases be at- part of the late Judge Dickson's room tended to as the statutes direct. Re he connected into a vault and steel apnealafrotn the War /vIemorial Sick filing cabinet,...that plaes, etc., lee ,pre- tildeen hospital, ,London, for a pared and submitted to the January grant, we recommend no action, Re meeting of the council, accounts from Alexandra Marine and County Engineer Patterson ad - General Hospital, Coderich, amount- dressed the council with reference to ing to $457.50 for three indigent pat- the work clone during the past year. dents. we recommend that no action The program arranged in June had he taken et this meeting of ecamcil, not all been carried out owing to dif- but that the account be paid when ficulties in getting teams and to -the proof of claiin is furnished and the weather conditions, but much more 50 per cent. charged 'back to. minis work had 'been completed than was ipalities concerned as directed by the expected tinder the conditions. The statutes, expenditures would nut reach the 2 - The education ' committee i•ecorn- mill levy provided, and a considerable mended that the grants to the high portion of the levy world be avail - schools. continuation schools and able to be carried over to next year, fifth classes be printed in the minutes; Several questions were submitted and that the gran•ts to Lucktove Goder- ich, Blyt41, Wroxeter, 'Seaforth and building and road grants. Clifford be paid 1ylien verified by the Ur, Irwin, provincial engineer, also answered wtth reference to road • clerk; that the reports of the Hensel!, took occasiou to make some explana- WinghatuaClinton and !Clifford be re. dons regarding the difference in cost the request of the county of Halton SUMMARY OF COUNTY ,VALUATION Por Equalisation Purposes, made July, Aug„ ,Sept. and\Oct., 1926. .!..1 ;., .o :•., ... ...... p :..., v ; , ,; t. -E ' 0 ,z . 0:0 „ _ ' ...iii1.04,A,,ry ..0 •••• 0 0'6 .4.a; ..a.' g.'2,t' '71 '73 ii. 71 gt• ',..] P 4 1 i - ii,L4 :q44' ,,V, 8 t' i ,4-':•. s 1E6 R 1,,a. Cg ,5. 5-4 ,- fn cd •-' Cf• id ..• 0 ... 441 s4 Ll> .5,,t -r'A ig- a -1.›`,z1, 1zb.9.0., - Asiiiiidd .. ",_. 55 5267050 $231650 $35400 1.1 64191 542.00 52429350 $2696600 Colborne .," ... 30 152500 '14045012050 • 9 34361 45.00 1403706 1546200 Goderich 45 175800 151900 23900 15.75 52731 41,20 '1737534 2172100 Grey . , „ . , 77 316560 287850 28710 10 64762 47.58 2,791975' 3071200 Ray .. „ .,, 67 271250 . 237850 35400 14.04 51889 511.60 2444710 2577500 Howiek .. .. 60 318100 291,150 26950 9.31 67710 48.20 2983725 3261500 Hulled. . „ . 55 247350 188950 5840Q 31 33541 47.75 1948370 2552400 IfoKillop .. 52 289000 242700 46300 20 52111 52.80 ' •2293085 0751700 Morris .... ' 59 289550 231800 57750 20.5 55223 45.42 2008400 • 2508800 Stanley . .. 39 193050 • 1711160 22090 12 44825 50,00 1993802 2240100 Stephen , . 79 316600 303320' 13280 4,36 56879 50.67 2756130 2876300 Tookerstnith - 48 237400 223275 14125 6.4 40762 58.00 2194790 2364200 Turnbert y . • "41 178150 145115 33035 ,23 35697 45,00 1302986 1602700 (3sborne .. , , 43 246700 243700 3000 1.3 42700 58,00 2424575 2454400' E. •Wa wanosb . 35 163300 146400 16900 10.5 41741 , 40.80 1547234 1,702000 W. Wawanosh . 48 171700 '163850 7850 5 41725 41,80 1'630476 1714100 Totals .. '"853 $3834260 $3401120 433140 12.73 ' $33892848 38061800 1 o wns— CI inton . , .. .. 56 84350 73700 10650 14 45 • Goderich .. ...142 - 293300 229225 -6407,5 28 Seaforth .. .. . 68 143000 134840 8160 6.05 Wingham .. .. 72 '137700 133350 4350 3.26 -------- $658350 $5711115 $37235 15.3 26450 248.55 1595 6 42 ••••,•.— 'Totals -348 Villages-- Rayfield 23 746640 845500 ' 1845220 2361900 93 , 3870 991500 1044045. 1078100 $4571775 $5277000 Myth .. - .... 30 43125 34010' 9215 27.06 '287015 364700 221508 ' 231500 Brussels .. . 29 51400 48750 8650 5,4 395650 411200 Exeter .. .. .. 51 104000 85975 16025 21.8 746277 . '9060l) Reneall'.. - , . 26 46450 40745 5705 11.5 390460. 445000 Wroxeter . .. 20 29750 24980 4,770 20 132625 159200 Totals ., ..179 $301275 $26331# $47960 14.4 $21753,35 52523600 ------- ------ Grand Totals .1380 '54783885 54235550 5568335 13 9:40639958. 545892400 Valuators: WM ,11: Coats, Charles Stewart, Wm laleQuillin. of truck and team hattlage per nnle, ,being 22 centsand 32 units ,per mile respectively, on the average. Mr. Tnwin spoke of the widening of cul- verts on the lake 'shore road south of Bay -field, and 'hoped this work could continueg onfcathfd ettllverofs miGooueldrich.Th ie render accidents less frequent. The treasurer made ,an eXplanation regarding the present condition of the finances of .the county. 'The .following•motions were sub- mitted And tleali 'with: Moved by Messrs, Neeb and Mc- Quaid that the Mothers' Allowance Board of Huron 'County be paid $140, to be divided as follows: Chairman, 60; secretary, $35; three members, 15 each.--JCarried, By Messrs. Geiger and Sanders - Mut a special grant of $3,000 .he made to the village of )Hensall, as that village lies over this amount to its credit on the concrete road at ores - (Continued` on page 8.) For Scalds or Burns,—Dr. Thomas' Edectric Oil is a standard remedy 'hir the prompt treatment of scalds and 'burns. Its healing power quiek- la,'• soothes the pain and aide a speedy recovery from the injury. It is also an excellent remedy for all manlier of cuts, bruises and sprain, as well as for relieving the pains arising from inflammatiou of various kinds. A bottle in the house and stable saves many a doctor's and veterinary's 'fee. mamma Ladies' __Hairdresser vvill be at the Dennison 86 Pullman Barber Shop (Successors to W. WRP641- son) ' Every- Tuesday Phone 126 for appointments Specialist hi! Marcelling, nkassaging, shampooing and hair cutting. PIANOS RADIOS and ORGANS Some Speeiale this week in% Octave Organs. 1 Dominion, 1 Kern, 3 Bell civil all guaranteed by myself to be 0. IC. and, from $20.00 to 5135.00 N home or school, sl‘uld be without rnnsie when you cart obtain instruments 'for s fraction -of their valln. W001130 specialize in Radios and offer a guaranteed 5 tube outfit complete for $98 00 ' Also a new Player Piano and two Itegular pianos for 350,00 to 3200•00, lees than competitors,will ask yon A P6et eard iscldreseed to the will get full particulars. Y01111.1 1"i' Business. ionath n B, fluqiii, • 3 miles west of Seaforth, Onto R.R, 2 LET the good old Christmas Goodwill give you this year a bigger thrill than ever. Tuck into "someone's" _stocking a ready-made Savings account. This will make Christmas real indeed. And solreon, will long remember with grateful appreciation the wisdom of your kindness. * * * ,The Government of the Province of Ontario' guarantees every 'dollar deposited. Your money can be withdrawn without notice at any time. TORONTO BRANCHES: Cr,' Bay & Adelaide Sta.; 549 Danforth Ave.; Cbr. University & Dundas St. OTHER BRANCHES AT: Aylme r, Brantford, Hamilton, Newmarket, Ott wa, Owen Sound, Pembroke, Seaforth, St. Catharines, St. Niary'a, Walkerton, Woodatooka. 14 Seaforth Branch, 1 M. McMillan, Manager Hours 9.30 a.m.'to 5 p.ni. • Saturday 9.30 a.m. to 5 pan., 7 pan. to 9.30 pant. 4.) ,AVINGS OFFICE YONTARIOCOPERNMENT 15 QUEENS PARK PROVINCE OF EVERY OEMS/Mk? HEAD OFFICE PIDELIS )4. -4 •_.