HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-12-16, Page 1eafort WHOLE SERIES, 'VOLUME 48. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16 1926. ISSUE No. 50 SPECIAL XMAS Fancy' 'boxes and baskets, . . Extra Fay French- Creams -, ... Mixed Chocolates -and Caramels Old Fashioned Chocolate Crown's'', , ; . All kinds of Toffee... .... Xmas Stockings Xmas Nove ties and Canes CANDY ..25c and tip . • ..25.c per lb 290 per lb, , 29e per '..ib. ..25c per. lb; 25c tv 50e each 50 up See Our Window Display Look at our bargains before ,you buy. The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant llutchison's For Christmas Fruits Groceries and Meats ELECTRIC TIGHT BULBS, high quality, low prices. BAKING SYRUP in bulk at 6 cents pound. Quality better than in cans and cost lower. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD PRODUCTS.—'We are sole agent for Seaforth. Those who have used them find that IT PAYS. STA -ON STOVE POLISH in liquid Dr paste. 'This is represented to us as 'being the best to stay on. Price the same as C others .. . v DAIRY BUTTER. -If youhave `riff. fieu'lty.in getting good dairy but- ter, try us. We have a good sup- ply of splendid quality at 5c per lb. less than creamery butter. FANCY CHRISTMAS CHINA. Some of our stock we are offering at discounts of 1.5 to 30 per cent. Oyster Shell, per sack $1.50 Roquefort° Cheese, lb. GOe Lard, purekettle rendered, '20c Christmas. Greeting Carcls,. very choice, gilt edged, linen fabric 2 tlaz. 75cincludfng envelopes to Match, WANTED First Class. Dressed Poultry up to Dec. 21st. F D IUTCIflSON Phone 166• Phone for Food. FALI FOOTWEAR AND RUBBERS The Extreme Wet Weather –Guard your health during this wet spell by keeping your het dry. We sell the Dominion Rub- ber Co. brand- of guaranteed rubbers. Shoe Rubbers, for men, women and children, HeavyLurnbermen's Rubbers and overshoes for all. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church -Pastor,. Rev. W. P. 'Lane, B.A. Sunday Services, Dec. 19th.—Morn- ing subject, "Endogenous People." Evening subject, "Facing the 'Crisis.'; S!SBi'ble classes, 2.30 p.m. HURON ; OLD BOYS. ,Readers of The News 'who have Huron friends in Toronto are re-. iluested to send their names and ad- dresses to Mr. D. 'D. Wilson, 192 Silverbireh Ave., °for the purpose of having them added to the list of the Huron Old Boys' Association of To- ronto. Men's Black and Brown Leather Lined Shoe, with double sole at $5.00 School Shoes for boys and girls. at .r: $3.00 Dress 'Shoes' for ladies from .$3.50 to $5.00 Remember we carry a splendid °i;, range of Club Bags, Suit Cases, Hat Bags and Trunks that are very' appropriate Christmas gifts. . Wigg When the. Mercury goes down so- does your supply REPLENISH NOW. E L. B MX Phone 43, Seaforth MRS. ANGUS McDERMID. One of ,Hu'1lett township's worthy pioneers passed away .at her home in 'Seaforth on ,Saturday., December 11,• in the persons of Isabell•eamdtoii, relict of the late Angus McDermd, iit'her ninetieth year. She was a na- tive of Scotland, being born at Old .Kilpatriek, .Dunbartonshire, in 1837, aid after the death of .her mother canoe to Canada with her sister, bite late Mrs.-,1b1'cchie, atra4lived at Wal- ton, In 186_1 she was married to Mr. Angus McDermid, and they` 'lived in IHarpiirhey, afterwards• moving to Mavis Bank Farm, 'Hullett, where she lived until after the sheath of her hus- band on Marcia 22, 1917; when she came with her daughter, Christina, to reside in Seaforth, A family ,of four survive, Mrs. John McDowell, Mc- Killop; !Mrs. C. E. Briggs, Cleveland, Ohio' Malcolm McDerinid, 'Hullett, and. Miss Christina, at home. The funeral took place .from her late resi- dence, 'Goderich ' stet, Monday . af- ternoon, to 'the place of interment in Maitlandbanlc cemetery, the services !heft conducted by her pastor, Rev. F. H. Larkin D.D. TThe pallbear- ers .were Messrs. J. MacJ`avish, W. R. Smith, H. •Edge, J. Jamieson, G, A., • Sills, A. D. .Scott, W. M. AUX, The W. M. Aux., also the'McKilloli Branch, met in the school -room of the United ,Church, Thursday, Dec. 9th, 1Froin 2 to 4 the members were busily engaged in. quilting, fourr quilts being quilted. These:quilts were patched at the Me,Killop branch meetings. After the sewing the regu- lar meeting was held, being in charge of Mrs. Mclntosh's circle. A good rrogramtne was given consisting of the 'following numbers: Bible read- ing, Mrs. Stark; prayer, Mrs. Light-. oe'ler; solos by lvfiss F. K•iight and !Miss M. Armstrong; a 'paper on Christian Stewardship by Miss M. Somerville. The study, book was taken by Miss Robb 'and Mrs. ?as. Beattie and a duet by Mrs. Lane and 2vfi e. Cluff. Luncheon was served at the close of the meeting. POSTAL. INFORMATION. There remains less than ten days in which to complete the Christmas mailing. It is desirable thatall mail for -local distribution be placed in 'the 1?ost Office as early next week as possible and as an aid to this end, the public is informed that the parcel and. stamp wicket -will -ate kept o'p'en until 8 o'clock p. in. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. This should afford 'the people of the town especially, an,excellent opportunity to get their parcels away early as well as relieve the pressure ofibusincss at the last moment, .The Post Office staff is endeavoring to. give the public the hest service pos- sible and in return the public is ask- ed 'to co -Operate at this, the 'busiest season. of the service. C. P. 'SILLS. P.M. BARBARA KIRKMAN, Mrs. H. J. Gibson presided at the annual meeting of the 'Barbara Kirk- man Young Women's Auxiliary held in :the Presbyterian church on Tues- day evening, and conductedthe de- votional part of the programme. Miss Cuthill reit the Scripture lesson, The yearly rep its of the secretary and 0. H. M. S. Seaforth, Dec. 15, '26. Dear Helen, Have you; seen the pretty silk and crepe scarfs Brights have. Just in case you hadn't, I thought you might be interested in some- thing of this kind for your Boy Friend. The price is so reasonable too, only $2.75. They have some really pure Irish Linen. Hdkfs too, best quality I've seen for the money anywhere, in 3 different sizes at 35c, 50c and 60c. And, "Oh, Say," ask them to show you two sweater coats they have, one in cardinal and one white. • I'd love to have either one of them myself, not hinting anything, of ,course. Merry Christmas! ELIZABETH. Seaforth, Dec. 15, '26. Friend Frank,— You were asking the other day what you could get for your brother for Christmas: Here's an idea. One of those Japanese Silk Mufflers at Bright's, 'in a white ground with ;. a dark blue polka dot, "Gee, they're swell" and as you know price means something to both of us, they are only; 0.50. You see them anyway. Bright's are getting more this week,.eo don't. waste time or you may lode out. They have some rather good looking crepe ties' too, nicely boxed and priced to meet our wad. ''011! Yes," and say, if you are thinking of me this year I'll just have size 1534 of the mauve, blue, tan or white in Bright's fancy boxed shirts with collarsto match. "Thank You," Best Wishes JIM treasurerwereread and proved very' satisfactory, the sum of $273.O0 hav-; ing sheen raised'by the Auxiliary dur- ing the year, Miss Hazel Reid ,was appointed pianist and last year's of- ficers were elected again as follows: President, Mrs. H. J. Gibson; vice presidents, Miss !McLean, Miss E. MdKay, Miss iSpa,rks Mrs. Geo. lHflls, Miss Belle Stnith; secretary, Miss Edith Davidson; treasurer, Miss Belle Campbell; musical convenor, Miss 'Bessie Grievqu,lookout conn*ecor, Miss M. Habkirk, social convenor, Mrs. 'Leslie Scott;, supply convenor, Mrs, Manson; Tidings' secretary, Mrs. ,l. Cummings; press sec., Miss P. Pat- terson. EGMONDVILLE. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Ben. Johnson, the organist and choir lead- er, the Carol Service, which -was ";an- nounced for 'Sunday evening next„ .December 19th, has of ndcessity been postponed. It is hoped that iMrs. Johnson' will be;suffieiently recovered to permit of the Carols being sung in connection with the Christtpas 'service ou Sunday morning, Dec. 26th: A Sunday schookentertainmeilt, and Christmas tree will be held inthe school room of the church ort Friday evening at 8 o'clock. In addition to the usual programme of choruses, re- citations, motion -songs, etc;, ,a couple of beautifully illustrated sets of slides, appropriate to the Christmas season will be thrown'on the screen, A very hearty invitation is' extended to all friends of the children to join them. in this. entertainment. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE. The Young People's 'Society ' of Northside United Church held their meeting as usual on Tuesday, Dec. 14th. The meeting opened with a Christmas hymn which was 'followed by the Scripture Lesson by Evelyn Marburn.. The topic, "War as op- posed to the Christmas spirit," was very capably taken by Miss Gowen - lock and enjoyed by all. It was de- cided to hold: a 'Watch 'Night- service this year under ,the 'Young People's Soeiety and preparations were left in charge of the executive. The meet- ing closed with the' Mizpah 'bene- diction. MRS. McGILL.. One of the pioneers of Hullett 'and older residents of Seaforth passed away on !Monday in .the person of Mary Ellen McGill, She was born in Scotland butcame to Con. 3, 'Mullett, when five years of age. About sixty years ago she was married to her now bereaved husband, Mr, James D 'McGill, and went to 'Baden, Penn., for a. time. Later they lived on Con. 9, and Con. 2, Hullett, and six years ago moved to town. Mrs. 'McGill was a kind and thoughtful mother and wife and she will be deeply mourned Im. those who are left. Be- sides her, hidband, one daughter, Mrs, Thos. Neilands, Hullett, and four sons survive, Wm. of 'Colorado; Byron of Harpurhey, James ofClinton and John of 'Goderich. The funeral was conducted to Maitland Bank ceme- tery,'Rev. Dr. 'Larkin officiating. The pallbearers were Messrs. J. Abell, Robt . 'Boyd, W. R. 'Smith; G. A. Si11s, T•hos.'Habkirk, and G. Bunsch. WINTHROP. The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. held their meeting al the home of Mr. A. Cuthill with Mrs. C. Killen presiding. The meeting opened by singing hymn 666. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Aimira !Shannon, fol- lowed by silent prayer for Mrs. Gaul. After the roll call and re- ports from the treasurer of the Ladies' Aid and W. M. S., the min- utes of the last>mceting wereread and approved.. The topic on "New day in Old India," Was given' by Mrs. James Simpson, -followed by Mes- senger prayer by Mrs, J. Boyd. The meeting closed by singing hymn 519. and repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. Mrs. Nelson Govenlock and babe ,Lois have returned home after spend- ing a week .with 'friends in Stratford. !sire are so,-'• to hear of the seri- ous illness of IMIr. lames H. 'Camp- bell, We wish hianda speedy recovery. Mr, W. C. 'Bennett paid a flying trip to Toronto this .week. Cavan Church Sunday school are giving a Christmas entertainment in the church pn Wednesday evening, Dec. 22nd. Supper is ibeing .served fan the (basement from 6 to 8 o'clock, af- ter which a grand programme will be given by the young .people. Old Santa will be there with 'his pack, chuck full of good things for boys and girls. 'Everybody is requested to bring lunch and;spend a night with the kiddies. Admission 35c and 15c Itils 1' Christrnas Play "NO ROOMM; in the iNN" .Given in St James' Hall Thurs. & Fri. Evenings Dec. 16thand 17th Commence at 8 p m. You are assured of;a lovely pro- gram. En Christmas Gift making it is as well to remember that a ptu'chase from your ,jeweler is an Investment in permanent value. Without him there would be no per- m anent tokens of Life's big moments—Christmas, the engagements, the weddings, the anniversaries, the first -bores, the brahclays--no perpetuation in precious stones and metal of Life's great triumphs. Value v1ise shoppers today think twice before passing the Jewelry Store, for they know that even for the modest pocket -book the jeweller's stock is rich in articlhi both of utility and adornment that will last through a life time. And gifts are wonderful messengers. .In tact that is the very essence and purpose of a gift. So then if the message you would send in your next gift is worthy of living, say it with Jewelry, When you have a gift problem. don't "guess--- consult your Jeweler. Here areafewsuggestionsfroma;Ter ylarge=dwell assorted stock Beautiful Bar Pius $1.00 up Jl ancy China in Lovely Designs $1.00. up Guaranteed 15 Jewel Wrist 1Vatclt $SMO up Gents' Wrist. W ateb 15 Jewel Guaranteed $8.00 up Engraved Wedding Rings 18k Gold $10,00 Beautiful Blue White Diamond Rings $1.5.00 up Ladies' Stone Set Rings $2.50' up Ladies' Bracelets, $1.00 up Lovely Ladies' Compacts Gold or Silver 50c'. to . $10.00 Optical Gifts are always acceptable, Pair Glasses fitted complete . $5.00 to $20;00 Gents' Pocket Watch Gold Filled 15 Jewel - $1.5..00 Ifxquisitc Silver' Trays $4.00 up Sandwich Plates. $5.0() up 2 1111rnhlcarn Rings, t;'s, solid gold $3.50 up Mende Clocks, Tambour Style $10.00 up Waterman's Pens $2.50 tq Pen & Pencil Sets 93.50 up Sets of Silver in the best known makes. 26 pieces and tray. Al] guaranteed. $18,00 up Famous 1)eltah Pearls, beaut- felly curved. $5.00 up COMMUNITY SILVERWARE 1847 ROGER,S SILVERWARE Every article first class, quality, absolutely guaranteed. The great varietyand wide range of efts make this an ideal store to do Christmas shopping g pl � , at. Truly this is the Store with the Stock. SHOP EARLY Expert Watch Repairing Fred. S. Savau Jeweler & Optometrist Opposite Post Office ';'sl, l3 � 1 OPEN EVENINGS Prompt Service