HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-12-09, Page 8THE. SEAFORTII NEWS,
$4,1.1., :_ .
u'tet a'
atahber`>ftom•here at
ss. 'Ge:' iit
leaea Wd sweet
r,I.;:' t C1rete0 tle.UniE' ::the eafprtdt 'Collegaater`'e;othmeace-t waysrwas and"to he.;=Ppd„her.ons
useh held.,Shetx clnect5tg;met in Cardio'6 hall 0a Friday nlgt`,Shottgfifwa's.for thcatifprt ofihose
1e,bansnentof iciurchon Fie, teat atid were delighted vitlu,the pro a .61RI'ng!heb.enIlffitey b ..eall°Pr ttetsteraonsd
l:ei:.lawith a goodattend- 'gravitate.. It,wasclta,mly_ a,creit to gOeid<,orks•
ieepresent; 'The topic was grvet bobl tea hers and stix entst ' tyand one of the albarstn the Pariah
1;;rS lass ' (;onsitt; An instramenta[ it The tF.IS,, .h a a ver .';fteaneef ebutchis'aMonument to her'benevo-
:,,,,..wee.,,, ddiedMDos,soolo by t�ag lasrady wbtan.attedacePf t -i. .. e;Tdte funeraeblrayeadsskYofdtierolesmontf
siVelhe Ioh1e.an'd a.ze d,t by about fifty. Ars.t tnla son .st1_ Qequtnwas cel
„' 1' ss Gladys Luker were all ,greatly
ItAr, a "id oY , nt of L°11!4°''oii Utti�.
r Lil
. Y, :sit visited neer • 'the week -end at
i • honte.`liere,
." `Mr's, ll., lSillins and 1a E
iud c
lady e , f
'}etioit who halve been visiting rela'-
. yes. here for 'the, „'past two ,weeks!
e :rated 'borne. m
Mr, jos, Tapp, of London Norma1,
fished h's.bome here.
ReeveGeiger isin fGoderich this
. G g
week at theCounty Counc'il:meetitig.
The meeting' of the Young' P'eople's
,eagnegfthe cU
nited Church. was
'field on Monday. evening. The meet-
-ing was in charge and presided over
'ay: Miss Flora Higgins. The meet -
tag was opened by the singing of a
itY mn after which all repeated the
Lord's prayer,. The minutes of the
'est meeting were road ,by the secre-
ary, •Missy Mary. Mc'Kaig, after,
which Miss Gladys ,Luker read the
Scripture lesson:: Readings were giv-
es by Miss Bertha Coribett and Mas-
ter Ray Paterson, and' a violin solo
y Miss Greta iLammie, accompanied
by Mrs: Hoggarth on the piano,
'which were all greatly enjoyed. Mr.
Wm. 'McKay, in a very able manner,
gave the topic on 'Obedience," after
which Dr. Fletcher spoke a few
words on the topic. • Next 'Monday
evening will be :Missionary night, and
the meeting will be in change of Miss
Ethel Murdock.
There :lied in New York on Wed-
nesday last, Charles Wesley Jotres.
Deceased was well known in this vi-
cinity and was born in the Town-
ship of Stanley. Mr. Jones was the
yonngest son of the late John Jones.
He had not been in good 'health for
some time, and passed peacefully
away in a New York hospital on
Wednesday. The remains were
brought to Hensal'1 on Saturday. He
leaves to mourn itis loss two broth-
ers, Wnt. 5., of Hensel', John J., of
London, and one sister, Mrs. Henry
Johns, of Eli/twine. The funeral,
which was private, was held on Sat-
urday afternoon from the 'h'otne of
his brother, lir. Wnt. Jones, inter-
ment !being in d3aird's cemetery.
The firemen's organization of the
village are putting on a dance and
euchren the town hall on Thursday
evening, Dec. 9511. A lenge number of
tables are being provided for those
preferring to play euchre. The fire-
men are looking forward to a good
time, and a large crowd is expected,
-as this is the first dance once held under
this organization.
The services in the United Church
on Sunday last were largely attend-
ed, Rev. Mr. Sinclair occupying his
own pulpit in the morning, and Mrs.
+Mallard, of Exeter, took the service
in the evening, assisted by Dr. Flet-
cher, Mrs. A' l
I1 r
o a rfu • •
ave a very in-
teresting address on missions and
missionary work,
A shooting match under the aus-
pices of the Hensel) gun club will be
,held on the Park grounds, Thurs-
day, December 9th, Valuable prizes
will be given to the winners.
Miss Pearl 'Liebold, of Zurich, spent
the week -end with her aunt, Miss
Clara Vo'lland.
Mrs. J. Eisenhoffer, who has 'been
visiting her daughter, Mrs, Harry
Price, for the last two weeks, has re-
turned to her hone in Kitchener.
• Mrs. Rumford, who fell and .broke
her hip a few weeks ago, is improv-
ing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Farquhar were
called to -Buffalo owing to the illness
of their son -its -law.
A bazaar, will he held in the Town
Hall on Saturday afternoon, Dec, 11,
under the auspices of Carmel Presby-
terian Church. There will be booths
Of fancy work , aprons, homeernade
cooking, candy, etc., and afternoon
tea and lunch will be served from 4
to 7 o'clock.
Reeve 'Manson of Stanley, Reeve
Klopp of Hay, and 'Reeve Neeb of
Stephen left here Tuesday morning
for ,Goderich where 'they will attend
the County Council.
Election day passed quietly in the
village, the day being somewhat cold
and stormy. 13loth sides worked hard
getting out the vote, The women
titrned out' better than the then, about
100 available votes not being voted,
The result was 242 for Medd and 151
for Neeb, making a majority of 91
for Mr, T2ecld, the Progressive.
ed. Mrs;.? A, McGregor, gave the (Bi'ble.
reading: ;' There was an, especially 4n-'
teresting and helpful roll -call res'
goose, Dr. Elizabeth McMaster
Indore,'In'dia, was the special speak-
er. This well known and meth loved'
tnis'siIonary has worked hi 'India for
twenty-three ears: and is '(tommaw
on her third furlough, Those who
'heard ter.o tFridaY
a new and
fuller knowledge of the country,
people and their needs, and must'
heuiceforth have a special interest in'
Indore 'hospital and its head -al-
though iDr. McMaster 'spoke less of
herself and her town work than of the
Other missionaries ,and their work,
After the address those who were re-
ceiving life meimbership certificates at
this time received thein from the hand
of Dr, Master. • The number included
last year's 'Fist as well as this year's.
They were as follows, 1925;.Mrs.
Thos, Kyle, Mrs. Geo, E. Thomson,
Miss 'Margaret Meths, Mrs. Henry
Ivison, Mrs. R. Dalrymple, Mrs. Har-
ry Chesney, 1926: Mrs. Wesley
French, Mrs, J. W. MclLean and Mrs.
Wm. Alexander, Lunch was then
served and a 'pleasant social time
spent over the tea -cups. Very wel-
come visitors were Mrs, Rabt. Green,
Mrs, Wm. Jarrott and Mrs. Carlile,
of Hillsgreen; Mrs. Youngson, of
Granton and 'Mrs. Eyre of'Egmond-
The Mission Band Thankoffering
service was held last Sunday. Mrs.
(Rev.) Telford of Blyth, was the
speaker. Her address was an inspi-
ration to boys and girls and men and
women alike. A number of junior
memberships and seals were won by
or given to Mission Band members
and Mrs,' Monteith presented these,
Three of the senior girls have won
their life 'membersh'ips: Grace Fair-
bairn, Marguerite McDonald and Iso-
bel Alexander. Mildred Workman
sang very sweetly "A Whisper :Song."
Mfr. Mackenzie was visiting friends
in Goderich over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ivison arc visit-
ing relatives in Toronto and intend to
spend the winter there.
'Mr. \V, E. Butt has completed his
scales at the station and they are
read for
y use S now.
Mr. \Vnt Glazier, of Clinton visit-
ed Mr and Mrs. Thos. Butt.
Mr. and Mrs Thos. Myers, of Zee -
kb, visited Mr, and Mrs. E. Smith.
Mr. ,Charles 'Wasman of the Lon-
don road met with a painful accident
one day last week while engaged in
threshing beans. He unfortunately gat
Flus hand in contact with one of the
pulleys on the machine which lacer-
ated i't' badly. •
Mr. R. J. Cooper went to 'Fordwich
one day recently and (brought back a
• truck Toad of forty-five pigs.
Several men front the village and..
surrounding country were in Gode-
rich on Saturday last aszwitnesses to
a'•car accident which ,happened in tltc
Village one night last JntIy. The case
was tried before Judge 'Lewis, who
render his S dC'
on in the t tottrse
a few weeks.
The tltankoffering of the Kipped
Mission (Band ryas 'held on Sunday
last, ;Mrs. ,Rev. Telford of Blyth was
the speaker and gave a very splendid
address and those who 'failed to 'brave
the storm anissed something long to
be remembered, Mildred ;Workman
sang a solo; "Jesus Loves' 'Vole"
which was well rendered,
Mr, Rosa ,Chapman attended the
Winter 'Farb in Guelph last week and
reports a good fair and a ,big .crowd.,
The beat; machines are still 'busy.
Mr. Wine "Dotg'tlireshe'd his line cr y
this week, op
The teachers and scholars are !busy
$u present preparing for school and
Sunday school Christmas entertain-
'ni-¢pts. ,•,
Miss Ina i Scott of Londonsu ens
Sunday' at her home Here.
Mr Leonard Boyce of London nor-
mal, was at his home on Sunday.
'The young people of the commun-
ity are very busy preparing a play
which is to he given in Walker's hall
on 'Friday evening, December 10th at
h p.m. A three -act conicity "Lost -
A1 Chaperon will be presented. Mu-
sic and other attractions will also be
given. After the play there will he
dancing for a short time.
Mr. Bruce Berry is getting the rink
in shape again, which looks promising
for the winter,
Mr. Bill McIntosh has returned
from Loring, where he spent the sum-
ta er,
The children are busy practising
for Christmas entertainments both
for school and church,
The 'W.M.S. held their thankoffer-
ing at the morning service Sunday.
Mrs. M•ollard, of Exeter, 1st vice
president of Huron Presbyterial, was
the speaker, Mrs. Mollard spoke
-very splendidly on mission work in
\'rrica, which was listened to with
great interest. While here Mrs. Mol -
lard was the guest of Mrs. W, Ste-
ven's. •
Mr. R'o'bert Murdock took in the
fair at Guelph last week,
Mrs. II. Hotton, who has been con-
fined to her bed for a week or more
with a severe cold, is now able to Be
up. We hope she will soon he fully
recovered to be out again,
Rev. 'W. Bremner made a business
trip to Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Manson of Blyth
were visitors at Mr. C. Hattgh's on
Rev: T. tP, ,Hussey, with 'get1 Mc-'
Cardle,as deacon apd+Rehr,' James
Hbgan,; 'stub -deacon, while in the
Sanctuary were Rev, 'Fathcr.Goetz of
Seaforth, Rev. Father :Kelly of ;Mitch-
ell, -'Rev. 'Fattier
CantPeau• of ,Gode-
rich, ;and Rev. M, D. 'O'Neill .. of
Woodstock, who .er
'[ y ` eloquel'gly
preached this -'funeral sermon, !Spirit,.
ual: and.. P
floral bouquets were 'numer-
ous, . and the ;large concourse: :of•,
friends' in attendance, testified -to' ;the.
love and esteem :with Which she .was
held; -Besides. many °front Goderich
and other places;were "Me'and ,Mrs.
Leo Stock, Miss 'Maloney. and !Miss.
'M. Kelly, all ,of r{in•icona, There are
left to mourn her loss. three sons
Rev, T P. 'Hussey, ICinkora, :olitu;'
Goderich; Joseph, Youngs Sask';• and
five daughter's, • JRev. 'Mother Philo-
mena:and Sister 'Euphemia Sacred
Heart Convent, London;; ' Mrs.. T.
O'Neill, West Lorne; Mrs. W. Stio'ck,.
Young, Sask.; •Mrs. C, O'Keefe, Ash-
1eld, and two sisters, :Mrs, ,Edlward
Flynn of •Ashfield, and Mrs. 13. Young
of 'Coliborne. Pall -:bearers were; Mr.
T. O'Neill, Mr. C. O'Keefe, Ivir, M.
McLeod "Mr.: John' J,: Dalton, Mr.
James A. Dalttin and Mr. J.C. Dal-
ton. Her husband, Mr. Thomas Hus-
sey, predeceased her in 1902, but his
memory and example still remain
Possessed of more than the ,ordinary.
intelligence of the early ,pioneers, and
with that untiring industry and ,per-
severance together with his strong
Irish faith and peaceful disposition,
made his opinion and advice very
valuable to the whole community as
he always had an abiding interest in
the welfare and prosperity of his
fellow citizens." ,
Little Joe, a storekeeper's Batt, was
left by hisfather to remain in the.
store and tell him if any person
came in, as he had occasion to go
upstairs; Very soon Joe exclaimed,
There is a lady boy en the store,"
Daddy was much .puzzled at the ex
pression :hut was greatly relieved on
entering the store to see Miss Shehe,
Mr, William Cole, of Chiselherst,
shot a large 'white owl in that neigh-
borhood recently, measuring from tip
to tip of .wings, 5 feet, 2 inches, Mr.
Cole has decided to have the bird
stuffed and placed as an ornament in
his home.
The following .from. the Catholic
Record refers to a `lady who had
many Melds here and was an .aunt of
Mr. J. J. ,Dalton, of IH'ib'bert. "On
November 48th, 1926, the soul of Mrs.
Mary Huss'cy, one of A,shfield's most
respected residents, passed to her
eternal reward. Mrs, Hussey's maid-
en name was Mary Dalton, and she
member cr o£u
o e of
the earl pio-
neer families who eitc
of Saints and planted the Faith Is in
this part of 'On'tario. Deceased was
in her eighty-sixth year and the great
part of thin long life was passed in
Ashfield. ;Her death took place at the
Monte of her daughter, ;Mrs. O'Keefe,
surrounded by most of her large fam-
ily, giving every omfort possible. It
was a sajntly death indeed, the ;echo
of a life of ',pore than ordinary vir-
tue. Her early years were marked by
,the hardships and toil which was
every settler's portion,, but each trial
ofw'faith sanctified by prayer and a spirit
Which ;increased „-with .her
years, During heir illness, .her weak-
ness pr`evente'd any conversation, but
till the last moment, any sound of
prayer,. rousedher to perfect'con-
'Mr. Harold Ra•thevell is:here to vis-
it a few days with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Rathwell, prior to
their leaving for the Coast, where
they have many friends to welcome
them and the wishes of their ,many
friends here go with thea,as they
leave here on Thursday.' We bid
them safe journey.
l4iss. Welsh spent 'Saturday with
friends in London.
'Little Elliott Minter, ,who has 'been
under the doctor's care, is somewhat
improved but not entirely out of
danger, as we would like to report.
Mr. and 'Mrs. McAsh of London
spent Sunday in ottr burg.
\frs. C Weekes, :firs, McAsh's mo-
ther, accompanied then, back to the
city to spend d th
P e winter months there.
fonday being council day,
numbers were present and he all
business transacted,
'Miss Emily itleetty of London spent
Sunday at her home here.
The. W.M.S. of the United Church
held el I the
i monthly meeting last Thur-
The W.A. of St. John's Church
met at the home of Mrs, John Beatty
on Thursday dirt paciced their annual
Misses Mary Ross and Lottie
Champion, of Brussels, tvere Thurs-
day visitors at the home of Air. attd
Mrs. 'William Clark.
(Intended for last weelc.)
Miss M. E. Mfosetbray has returned
from visiting her brother in Detroit,
'Mrs. Alex. Gardiner has returned
home from visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Jas. Mossibray, in 'Detroit,
Air. and Mrs. D,'Sohier have moved
into the apartments over the 'Bank
of C'ottnnerce,
Mr. A. McTaggart, who has been
driving Mr, Neal's truck for the sum-
mer, has returned to his home in
Grey. .
Mr. G. Shol'dice; who is assisting at
the C.N:R. station at St. Thomas,
spent the week end at his home near
the village.
,Mrs, R. Naylor ani! 'Miss Lois, of
Rooltester, N.Y., who has been visit-
ing friends in the village, has returned
toher home:
Zurich, •
-Mr, Peter Gingerich, of the Bron-
son Line Stanley, has P urthased the
farm northof 'Blake, occupied for
a e, 1
some years by Air. Ross.Johns'ton,
from the owner, MT. Robert 13oyce,
of near Seaforth, and gets possession
in the spring.
At theannual meeting of the Zurt•
ich Jubilee 'Banti; Geo. Hess was
elected president; Henry Eckin'ier,
leader; A. G. Hess, treasurer. The
hand had very successful' season.
Mr. H. Utley,' who has lived on E,
Heidman's''fartn, west of Zurich for
some years, las moved into the house
in Zttrilch recently purchased from E.
Papineau, of Detroit,
The road between Zurich and Hen-
sel] 'becomes badly cut up at this
season, and many would like to see
the road paved.
Zurich Herald:. Considerable` ex-
citem:ent has been created -in the
vicinity by the appearance of a flock
of white Arctic owls, Who o scent to be
migrating to warmer - climates..A
number of thetas have 'been shot and
killed, while Mr.
E. Oesch barber,
wounded one its the win and has the:
same now in captivity wing,
has trade
arrangements to place it in the Lon-
don, Ontario" zoo at Sprtn.gbank
park, .which will make another ad-
dition to their :fine collection of birds
and animals.
and ` !s. 1B rti r' ''n : motored
un "fn.oni Toronto on ;Friday end,apent
the weok-end with, friends here.
Cooper utas. beet, spending a
week a theho 'f ht i r
se r
v k m ,o his."Sister,,,, s
e s
,.M .
MoEtttoy of Mc'Killop;'
• : Mrs Phillips and tMis's V, Phillips
left.•oit Tuesday for a -'visit with, Lon-
deslb'oro and Auburn .friends,
Mrs.. spentWed=
nesday with 'her', mother lit 'Minton.
• T .
The `Ladles„o'f t=1te. 'Kinbti"rn W, 'M.
S. helday;'uer.soccessful 'tea.,neet-
ing; one, eyeiiiitg.'last week,
Mr, and Mrs • TokatRileY,
of; Clin
with dlyfr. and Mrs,
'George Riley,:
an 'A
Ys,.Teo Stephenson -visit-
ed relatives atiBfyblr'_on (Sunday;'
hltir ' and 'Mrs. Charles Dolmage
spent' Sunday :with 'tri nds its: the vitt.-
Mr. E • ti
voad"of ,Goderich
, ,
spelt a few days With her siater,'Mrs,
Jos. 'Riley,
The banker has often e kelt nervous
'with the .money left; itf:' his care but
pity the poot`C.tax •man. driving' home
Monday eveningwith his Ii tie
t elack`
In all infantile complaints that are
the result of the depredations of
worms in the stomach and intestines
Millers' Worm (Powders will be found
an effective remedy. They attack the
cause of 'thesis troubles, ;and by ex -
ceiling' :the ,worms 'froth.. -the organs
insure an 'orderly working of the sys-
tetn, without whinh :the 'child' cannot'
maintain its strength 'or -thrive, These
powders :mean health and improve-
The Young 1Pe'oP 1'e pupils u ils of
S. 1S. No. 6,, MoKia'1o.p, are • preparitg
a Catt+istnas...concert to be+'theld
day evening, Dec. 17th,
'Miss ,Nellie O'Rourke is attending
college at Stratford, 'a
Miss Marie.,. itarray, we are glad to
say, is well and happy again -after be-
Miss 'Eileen 'Eckert visited Miss
Mary 'Malone on. Sunday.
Miss Dorothy Melady and Mr. Wil-
fred O'Rourke 'visited Mrs. Joseph
Mss Katie Flanagan spent Sunday
with Miss .Bridget. O Laugltliu,
Mr.Thos• McKay was in Toronto
last week and purchased a carload of
stockers, Tom its a ;hustler and will
be busy for the rest of the winter.
(Mrs, Con. Eckert is at present
spending her holidays 'wit'h her dau-
ghters, Mrs. Thos. McKay and 'Mrs.
W. -
Iay nl
Mr. A. Seaman 'has returned from
Kitchener and reports that times are
dull. , ;11 CI
Nolw that the 'smo'ke of the election
has passed away and the Ferguson
government neat sustained by a large ma-
'orit ' i t
J y t is to be hoped that the new
regulations' 'wi'll prove to be better
than the O. 1'. A. and that public
opinion will get justice and that the
freedom of the people will not be
taken eway from those who were al-
abiding i •
t at
.the law tf
will be
break itbn those 'who
Jack Frost called on a great many
last Sunday morning.
Rev. A. A. Tramper, 'rector of
Trivitt Memorial church for ten
years, left last . week for :Windsor
where he will 'have charge of St.
Paul's Church. 'Before leaving, the
congregation made a'presentation-and
address to ,Mr. and Mrs. Trumper.
Miss :Margaret 'Penrice, daughter of
Airs, hVnt. •Penrice, was married to
Mr, John Langford, of 'London, on
Nov, 20th,
'late sale of the Hyn•dman Tele -
,phone Line has been confirmed by
the Ontario Railway `'and Municipal
Board; which met .here recently.
W. N. Powe passed away in Ex-
eter on Nov. 25th at the age of 70
years. His widow and two sons, Her-
man of :Stephen •twp„ and Ewar4, of
London; and two daughters, Mrs.
Cecil Walker,_of ,S.tephen, and Miss
Hilda, at home, One brother, James
0. Powe, lives•yitt,Saskatoon, Sask.
Miss Pearl Clark' and Mr,. Oscar
Winmill were quietly married' on
Nov. 30th. They, will live in iGode-
'Mrs. A. A4, :Mactatnes died suddenly
in Alexandra hospital on. Dec, 1st.
Her husband, who is a marine en-
gineer, and two small children, sur-
i}t indeletedtd the'Tjblwnskiip on De-'
ceituaiber 31; "..1925, ;the 'sum of``$64.60,
'anti: 'that,,the Tow•nsl p is" fnde'lrted' +to.
hint the, suin of $244.24, -leaving a
balance tin his favor o'f $W9.64 at that
alsofind,' that tht, Over -
a"' efin
date: W
k1 :
utront i. Un-,
to August G 1 h �
(burn• S'wa'mlp Drain.,was $1,200.90 and
•no't $1280.00, as has :been reported by
some, I't is being runipted that, there
is a shortage el Some $3,000,00 in the
funds of the Treasurer. ;I bale,
written to Gordon °Peters & .Co,
(the Audi ors) regarding 'this rumor
midthey reply 'that the Township is
not shoat,ofithat eminent, '•
the .tumor• s 'Without any. ,fioindatiiin'
'Sn' ped art Armstrong,
Re ve
e ,
Of farm; •Perm Stock and Imple-
ments,. Wm. E. Nairn; . auctioneer,
has received instructions from the/un-
dersigned to sell by public auction',.
the estate Of John Carpenter, ,on Lot
25 Con, 1, Logan township (Dublin
village), 'Tuesday, Dec. 14th at 1 p.m.'
sharp The farm 'e'pntairie 97 acres,
'(more,oi` less) and is well situatted..on
the' Huron road, village 'of .Dtilliljn, in
Logan: 'Large frame ']rouse, bank
barn, 40x80, driving shed, etc; Horses
-2 general purpose 'mares Cattle-
, newly calved cows with calves by
:Wednesday, Dee.
Wheat, crib $
Barley, er bus.
r P
, ts' per `ons 450.
Buo]cwheaC per bushel ,
;Shorts, per. nwt 7S.
1per rcwt.
/Bran, 1
Bt 1'.
titer, e lb. 33c
�Bt 1
doz, Eggs,',
oto oes'-perbay •+,$
P k
1. 25',
Ho�Ss, P w $ ,
on ha ' rack,
stone steno boat,:wag x
'Clinton fan-
ravel bait,
stock Ya , $
it pulleys,„
ping atilt} }lay fork: rope and P t Y' ,,
setof. loot •s ropes and lock, quantity''
s g , P
of,.grain 'bags. `''1Feed and''•grain--'2
letof tSmothy hey, '4 loads of int
letafidhay, 12.laads green feed;`mdw
of -straw int barn, straw in'' stack, .100.
bushels' +buckwllteat, 100 bushels mix -
arc. 'us
ed,grant,,150 bushels b f y, 550 bus.
oats, maugolds, turnips. and potatoes.
Household Effects -.Kitchen stove,
large beater, book case, tables, chairs,
and nearly .all. of the household, ef-
fects.'TermsAll :sums of $10 and
Mader, cash; over that amount 9 mos.
credit Will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint mote"s 4'41s -count of 6 p.c.
per annum off for cash on credit am-
ounts, 'Gratin, feed - and church stall,
posh:' 'Terttt's' and, conditions on farm
made known, date of sale. •{Joseph
3 1 1 Catlpenter, David McConnell, execu-
tllefr side ;newly calved 'heifer,, 3. yrs; tors; 'Wm. E. Nadrh, acct..
old 'with calf bq tier side; cote to calf"
Yrs House and lot on John street, wit',
sta'ble;. 'seven rooms in house,, 'town
water and electric lights. Apply at
News Office.
in February, 3 cows to calve in
fat heifer, 2 steers, rlising 3
2 heifers rising 2 yrs, •2 baby beef.
ccaives; 5"spring' carves. Hogs and.
Poultry -3 sows in pig, 20 chunks, 75
hens and pullets. Implements-S'trat-
ford cream separator, puiper, water
troug1i, set team harness, set single
'harness, stall in church shed, Frost
& Wood binder 6 ft. cut; Deering
mower 6 ft. cut, ten hoe drill and
grass seeder combined, 12 ft. horse
rake, cultivator, land rollei, snuffler,
disc harrow, set 3 section harrows,
buggy, cutler, set heavy bobsleighs,
set light' sleighs, sod plough, Fleury
walking ploug, 2 sugar kettles,
grind -
1 wish, to express my heartiest ap-
preciation of the •splendid ;support
given me on Dec.- lit. And especially
do I wish to thank the large number
of workers who .'through faithful
work during the 'campaign and on
election day made my election secure.
Yours sincerely, W. G. ME'DD'.
Extral. Tremendous Extra!
gat - Price Sale
Before you do any
buying be care
and visit our store
It will save- you
many dollars.
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Cummings,
of 'Hepburn, :Sash where Mr, Cum-
mings is manager of a bank, are visit-
ing Mr, and Mra,'obertlMaguire.
Wingha•nt Council is elected byac-
lamati'on as 'follows; Thos, 'Fells,
•mayor; J. W. ;McKtb:bion, reeve; C. R.
Wilkinson, R. A, Spotton, John
Hanna, H. B. Elliott, tRo'bt. 'Maguire
and W. H. 'Haney, 'coun'ci'llors,
Mrs, John 'Imitiy died last week at
the age of 68 years.
Help for Asthma. Neglect gives as-
thma a great. advantage. The trouble,
once it has secured a foothold, 'fas'tens
its grip on 'the 'bronchial passages'ten-
aciottsly .Dr. J. 1, Kellogg's Aflhma
Remedy is daily hsnefIt!n.g oases of
asthma of long standing. Years of
suffering, however, might .have been
prevented lead the remedy been used
'tdh'en the trouble' was in its first
stages. g 'Do`
g ct athtna
use this preparation at once, , t
The Municipal Council of the
Township of S%udlett. held
meeting on .Frida ar special
1926, to consider, y'N ;Govern 26,
Auditors' Reportthe' 'Government
Members a•1'1epres-
ettt, Sinton' Mc'Vittie, collector for
tthe past 6_ years,,., presented •..a. state -
t,forthat period' stating} that•
bakrolis g inthe total. d'f the Collector'
or that term and co s
thetn'.with'the totals of the comparing
front the Tre'asurer,`and after deelttct-
ing, some small amoutlts 'that "'could
uot'be collected,', (here was ,only
shortage of 92 cenite \'In Considering
theAuditors' summary of assets and
:abilities, we'ind that the Treesttrer;,,
Medical. •
HUGH DR. "H . �
UGROSS,' Physician
clitn •'
and. a Surgeon`, La e`
t of-Codo
git t ' -London, • England. ..,Special
'fi ' disc s ��1
g tlie ,e
�� r
pose' and �throa't: whfice.,, a s1� eilitd•t• ; .
Bank. a,
ence 'behind Donninion Batik... Office e
Phone: No. 5; Residence' Phone 106.
DR, Pi .: BURROWS,Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of' the ' Methodist s o st Church. 'Cor-
oner for t' u
o he Go nt of Huron. T 1 -
� Y ee
h9 ne No. 40. •
P 4
LR. C. MACKAY.-G• Mackay,
honor graduate' of TrinitynitY Unfvere-
itYandgold medallist: -'of Trinity
Medical College;' member. of'the" r
S , _ Cols
lege of. Physicians' and Surge'`ns' of - -
America's turbulent south western border, during the_ dos-
ing years of the nineteenth century, brought to the screen
as never before.
Another huge scale 'Zane Grey western melodrama filmed in
the Painted Desert with Pararnount's famous 200 horsemen
as cavalrymen, 'bandits etc. •
Tuesday Wednesday
The Goose Womau
E NET'(' •
DR. F. J. R.`'FORSTER-Eye, Far,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine,'University'of Toronto 1897. Late
-Assistant New York Ophthalmic aced'
Aural Institute, Moorefield''s Eye, and
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon-.
don, England. .At Conn erciafi
m hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each month,'
from 11 am.- to3 pan.
- Successor to. Dr. R. R. Ross, gradtt
ate of Northwestern University, Chi-
cago, Ill. Licentiate Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office,
over Sills hardware, Main •street,
Seaforth. Phone 151.
DR. F. J. BECHELY, graduate
Royal 'College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto. Office over W. R, Smith's
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth.'
Phon'es, office 1:85W, residence 1855.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be made for/Sale
Date at The .Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
General Fire, Life,
Accident & Automobile,
and dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
North Main St. S'EAiFORTH, ONT.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Officers=James Connolly, Goder-
tch Alex James Evans, Beechwood,
os dent; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth; John Benneweis, Brodhagea;
James Evans, Beechwood; 3i. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich.; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, -Sea -
forth; J G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris,- Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; 'Murray
Gibson, ;Brucefield:
Agents --Alex. Leitch, r,,r. 1, Clin-
ton; s E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; - R. G. Jarrmotitlt,
Bornholm. James Kerr and John
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to .effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to. any of
the a'bovepnamed officersaddressed,
to their respective •postoffices.
r t' til
ri w -e:
"1 made. ray first
call. horn
to -day, . • y5
Two atlesrnen ntct in a small
hotel, . Said one: "Do you
lrnow' im , • 1
J , although 1 have.
- been on ',the toad over foto'
ycats,,e1..'nevrr thought of tstle-
phouin home 'til today -'-was;
altvay's-content to `drop alimo
,,very couple of days, From
now on it's 4,•oieg to be d ffer-
ent! 7.I4y wife teas so glad 'to
he:n• my voice -said it would
brighten llcr whole duty.
"1111 telephone her evet s' second
night around nine o'clock, or if.:.
I happen to be on the 'train, '
I'll call around breakfast time;
she's sere to be : it hone then."
Every - ,lay nituty' traveliin;,:
salesmen .are ti titg Toeg_Dit-
t:u r
z ce to keep in C'Otich with ;glia'
follrs at heme, .At 'slight
nepee they enjoy afew min-
utes I
i -rte uttintttte talk that, means
SO much.
/.' h k.4.t'LiUyFw�
3t Testifies for •Itself, -Dr: Thomas'
Ecleetric Oil needs no' testimonial bf
its powers ether than itself. Whoever.
tries it for coughs or colds, for cuts
'or contusions, for sptlains or burns, '
for pains in the limbs or (body, well
know that the .;medicine ,p eves atself
a 0, heeds' no guath'n. This shdwel
liy this Oil is in 'general' 1