The Seaforth News, 1926-12-02, Page 59l
of Meat you are.buyingiand see if.
it has the Solor and the appear-
mice of fr, �sb;-tender, luiey, whole
some beef. Don't buyit if it is
string, dry, dark, .full of tendons.
You get quality cuts here. It is
better to pay us' a• few cents a
ptetmd more and get meat you can
eat enjoyably;
Phone 58 Seaforth
Your Butcher.
Dw 11 Melones
chiropractor '
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Monday and Thursday After-
noons in future.
Diseases of ali all kinds success
fully , treated.
Electricity used
Red & jc hite
Orr Fr lee ler weekstas ing D. ll
Bab!' `i ttfied :mein: 2 .1be. 25e
Quick Quaker Oats lekg. `15o
Spy Apples, bushel basket $2.50.
Spanish Onions 5 lbs. for 26c
Cooking Onion, 16 lbs, laic 80o
'Fillet of (laddie, Ib. 20e
Free Pony Votes here.
This Conteei closes l ec llth. We
expect the beatitilul Pony to, arrive
any .day.
Get *lithe Vote's you eau. Remember
you are entitled to. Votes for 'money
paid On account
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
W. 111
��{{. Stewart Ph*" 77
If its groceries wC have thein.
Wm J, Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. 2. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers; Furnished:
c i
Night or day phone 67.
Want and For Sale ads, 1 week reiee=lee,
The purchasing of Creamy according to grade became
law on May 1st.
Your cream graded here by experts under dsovernment.
supervision and we guarantee: you the best of service.
All our grading is checked by the Department of
Agriculture. ' r
Aim to send Specials and No. 1 grade cream.
Send or deliver your cream at least twice a week and as
direct as possible.
AU cream graded as soon as we receive it.
Creamery Open Saturday Nightie ' -
-Seaforth Creamery Co.
Seaford", Ont.
Meals and Quick Lunches at all hours Prompt Service
Sodas, Soft Drinks, Chocolate Bars, Cigarettes, etc.
Fruits, Etc.
Oranges( 75c, 60c, 40c
We expect to have a big supply
for Christmas shortly.
California Grapes, special fir Sat -
15c a lb.
Table Raisins, 30c a lb.
Brazil_ it- Nuts, 250 a ib.
British Columbia Hothouse To-
matoes, 40c a lb.
Potatoes. 4 lbs. for 25c
Iieod Lettuce
Celery- ..
Fresh Oysters,
$1:00 qt.
tr io Asthma. I1 you
sniffer without snifithosni -,tint
wvthout hope'.of 'breaking'
chains which ,bind you do : not put
off another 'day the Purchase of 'Dr.
J. ID. Kellogg's 'Rem'edy. A trial will
drive away all do'u'bt as to its ef-
ficiency. -. 'The sure relief that comes
wilhconviuce you more than any'tlxuo
thai`ran the written,. When help is s
sure, ,why •suffer? This matchless
rernedy is sold by dealers everywhere,
• Mrs Redmond is visiting relatives
near '+BaYhcid, '
Mr. G. W. 'S'pencer entertained the
Senior Boys' Class, of which he is the
,teacher, to a dinner . in the 'school
room, of (First Pies'byterian church
last Thursday.
.Mrs. H. A. ,Lippert :'and daughter
Angela, of Kitchener, were guests at
the hone of Iter mother, Mrs. J. W.
Jones, ,
Mies Ashton spent the week -end at
her 'house in''Gorrie.
Iclessrs. +Broadfoot and 'Sinclair and
Mr. avIe'Iv'sn Crich are exhibitors at
the winter fair in Guelph. .
and Mrs. B. Williams, of 'Strat-
ford, spent !Sunday with •Mrs,'S. Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. W, Hagg+ slitttrrhetBS'd
of Stratford, were week -end visitors
the home of Mr. and IMrs. T. P,
''Miss 'Buchanan, of Hensel], spent
the week -end with Mrs. R. H. 'Sproat.
The many friends. of Miss Mabel
Thompson are ,pleased to see her able
to be ou•t again.
Mrs. J..M&Cormick and son, Mr.
Leonard McCormick, of London,
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Mr. Bruce Scott, of Toronto, is a
spent' the past fe'w' months - in the
ri!est, has returned to his home here
Me"V Marys journal Ai us: Tthe
heats of inte1 nu t B ansii'ard Town
skii(i werc_'/•saddened by the' p ws ,2if'
Ole •death of awell known and highly
respected resident'•; of the. Mitchell
Road, iu the p'ersoin' 'of Mr. George
Stacey, who pessed'away' in' St. Jos-
eph's hospital London Mr. Stacey
'who was•ibut •sixty-one years of age,
'lead been ill alyoat, 'a week 'iprevi'ous
and upon 'being edn'idted , ;to the hos-
pital, had undergone a seriggs opera-
tion, which was succeseiftflly .perform-
ed, but the resultant shock caused
his death, He was ^a stln of the ',late
Thomas • Stacey of -Osborne Tvt .
'where he was 'born. Fourteen years
later the family moved to 'Criosnarty,
where 'he married: Miss 'Henrietta
Bell. After this union Mr, and Mrs,
Stacey took up residence near 'Car-
?lingford, `and there they lived for 6
Years, 'finally 'consitug to St. Marys
and making their home on Welling-
ton street.' Ltt '1918 the. Stacey •fam-
ily .moved onto the old 'Renden Rey-
eynerd ,farm, just west of 'the town,
and fo'.ttr years later they took up
}li* abode on the East (Mitchell road,
Mfr, ,Stacey was a member of Knox
Pres'by'terian Church, ;Sn. Marys. He
is survived by 'his widow, one son,
Edgar of Saginaw, Mich.; one dau-
ghter, Mrs, Archie McNeil, of Ruth-
erford; one 'bfother John, of Crom-
arty, and the following sisters:—
Mrs, W
sisters:—Mrs,' W. Johnston, Willaceburg; Mrs.
J. A. ,McLaren, 'Seaforth; Mrs. Hugh
Miller in B:C,; Mrs. H. Henderson,
IWawanesa; 112rs, Wm, {Britton, Grand
View, Man.; Mrs. 'Wan. McCullough
of Winnipeg, and (kits. F. Sperling
of 'Brussels. The .funeral on Morn
day was largely attended, RevW. 5•
Burnett conductine 'the services. The
guest at the house of rMr, and Mrs. D - pall -hearers were 'Wesley Swutzer,
Thos. Driver, 'David 'tBonis, !Milton
McLean, in-Teckersmith, ' 'Switzer, Charles Bernett:fiiid William
?,tiss A'sinan, of the Collegiate staff, Blacklock, ;
spent't'he week -end at her 'home in To-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hudson, of Strat
ford, spent, Sunday at Mr. `Albert To. the 'Editor, :The Sieafc.rth News,
° --
Hudson's. 00 Friday evening, Ilse 1Q'th, Nfr. 1V.
C. 'Medd, the. Progressive candidate
Mr. S. Pullman, and his mother, for South Huron held a meeting in
'Mrs. T. 'Pullman, motored to Arkona Oardno's hall (fere The chair was
on Sunday. 1Mrs.. Pullman will re- ocoupied by our Mayor, 'W. H. Col -
main There with her sister for the ding, who, although a 'pronounced Li -
'winter, - beral, deolared adherence to prohibi-'
tion principle held by the candidate
Mrs. Jessie 'Beowrs returned on and the party he represented in res-
Tinirsday after spending several pect to the O.T.A. question. This
weeks with her sister m Brantford. Ilow had been devised "of a recent
was just fn front of Mrs. Brown'ss date" by an able Conservative and•the
sister's residence that the gun battle law :had been put into force ••hy that
took place between the police and party and k had gained great achieve -
robbers from Hamilton. One of tike merits. But this please -everybody
officers was wounded in capturing one party tnan Premier and his liquor al -
of the robbers, the other ,two escap- les got,men to be party leaders win
ing. The euce for the -people in mutilated the O.T.A. 'by getting pass
the neighboring houses was not al- ed, in the 'house the 4.4 measure and
together a pleasant one, thereby' they pacified their liquor mai'
Mr. -George Charters has accepted tens, who had expected its anitihila-
a positiote with IMr. R. E, 'Bright, Mr, tion. He is in the hole now and the
Frapk Cooke is attending Stratford law he is advising would bring us
'business college. 'back to the time when murder, suicide,
de'liriuni tremens and all sorts of
Mrs, W. Shiiling-law, of .Mitchel(, is crimes were the outcome of its opera -
a visitor at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, tions. The foregoing is very much
T. G. Shil'linglaw.the finding of those on the platforms,
which were Mrs. cilyslop, Toronto and
Mr. 5. E. Keating: is in Threats'Mr, :Roebuck of the sane place. A'lr.
`this week on business Neild, the candidate showed himself
Mr. J. J, Mercer, of Windsor; is a to be wellqualified for the public po
visitor at his home here this week. Sitiou in Toronto he is shortly to 'as-
sutne;and we trust he will do his part
Miss Lila ChajSmau, of 'Brucefield, in destroying the ruin traffic evil,
has taken a position r.e Beattie 'Bros,' About fifty years ago. what is now
store.• known as the north gravel road, was
mapped out and made a thoroughfarea
Miss Nellie McDougall is t (siting (between Wroxeter' and Seaforth, 'Lie -
her cousins in Goderich township. eased lintels were established all
Mr. Ernest Dinnin and son Lloyd Mace thwe way nIn theow three
as miles be
spent the past week in Toronto' rap and Leadbttry, there were
five aic-
41In's. John Sclater underwent art all ensed hotels. One most prominent
enation for appendicitis at the hospital was known as "Old Rob Roy, Pride
on Wednesday. of the 'West Kenneth McLeod, Prop-
rietor." "Si:. drinks for quarter, John
Mr. and Mrs. 'Sharp, of Arkona, Pogue goes free." Anyone still living
spent the week -end with Mr. and cannot but remember it. We tial caw
Mars, Thomas :Sharp,: James street. mill, store and other modern wonders
On Hallowe'en night Mr. A. A. of the day operating "no booze h•ow
was takenand
buggyMcLennan's.ever" and the poor besotted victims of
since then the 'harness has disappear- the traffic would seek employntetstwith as when they got rid of the(.
ed. Mr, McLennan is quoted as say- earnings. A mechanic who had left
ing if anybody brings back the buggy l+ts native laud'to get rid of his drunk-
ansi harness- he will give them 'the en associates there, carne to father for
horse. relief. He established him .in the store
(crowded out last week).
The annual concert of the Dublin.
Continuation School will abe, held ' za:
the Perish - 411 on Tuesday, rDecemtber'
7th,;beginning et -eight thirty Anin-
''teresting play, "IVir Bob," will .1be
„presented. You arc cordiahly tny'hted
to attend.
'Miss Mary ;Cummings, of Dublin,`
spent tSitnday with Miss ,Annie
'Brennan, '
'Mr. and Mrs. Michael 'NI -Money, of
Wartburg, spent' Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. JameseMaloney.
Mr. Jacob ,Bruxer, of :Detroit, we
are sorry to say, is dangerously ill.
Miss Minnie Maloney, of Buffalo,
is visiting with her mother, Mrs.
Timothy Maloney, of Hibbert.
'Mrs, Walter !Carpenter intends
moving into her new home this week.
Mrs, Joseph Maloney entertained a
few friends Sunday evening.
Mrs, Owen! Hart spent. Monday
afternoon with 'Mrs. August De-
Mr, Andrew Dantzer spent the
week -end at the home of his parents
)Mr. and Mrs. Pat, Woods spent
the week -end in Stratford.
Messrs. 'I-Iarold and Patrick Mal-
oney have returned from Detroit.
Miss 'Hannan',Bruner is spending a
few. weeks in Detroit.
The Altar Society are holding a
euchre on (Friday night in the parish
Miss Angela Mulligan spent the
week -end with her friend, Miss E'thel-
in a 'O'Z Iearuc.
Miss Lizzie Ryan, of Seaforth,
spent Sunday withher mother, Mrs.
P. Ryan.
Mr, `anl Mrs. Peter McIver end
.family have moved into the house of
Mr. Martin Purcell,
Miss Minnie Maloney, who has
spent a couple of weeks with her
mother, returned to 'Buffalo on Mon-
(Mrs. Carpenter and' son Walter
spent' Sunday evening with .Mrs. Dan.
Mrs. John •Donnelly is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Potter and hey daughter
Mary, of 'Buffalo.
Mr. Wrn. Byrne made a business
trip to Goderich on Tuesday.
Mrs. May is visiting with her sister,
Mrs. Conroy, of London.
Miss B.. Dyer, of Evanston, is visit-
ing friends in Dublin.
Mr. J. Ryan, of Stratford, visited
with' Mrs. H. Maloney on 'Monday.
The progressive euchre given by the
H. N, Society was a grand success.
Although the night was disagreeable,
a large crowd gathered and cards
were the order of the evening. Prizes
were as follows: Ladies for most
games was a draw between Miss
11'ollie Cronin and Miss Rose Flana-
gan, Miss Flanagan winning; gents'
first, a draw :between Mr. Jos. (Mur-
ray and Mr. Ed. O"l. earn, Mr. 0' -
Hearn winning. Consolation, ladies':
a draw 'hetwecn Miss M. Delaney,
Mss Dyer and- Mrs. F. Kenny, Mrs.
Kenny winning. Mr. Frank Semis
won the gents' consolation, After a
dainty ninth was served, music was
furnished by Mr. Gerald Holland, ac-
companied by Miss Dess 'Holmes.
Dancing was indulged in until one
thirty, after which the crowd return-
ed to their respective homes, •loud in
praise of the pleasant. evening given
by the- officers of the Holy 'Nein`
Society. t
'Mrs. Car'bert. of Seaforth, is visit-
ing with her daughter, Mrs. Geo.
holland, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence 'Beale, visited with
his mother during the past week.
Mr. and - Mrs. Thos. Purcell are
moving into°the house lately vacated
by Mr. Frank Evans.
• Mr. John Bruser was called to De-
troit owing to the severe illness of
bis Ibnother Jacob.
Mr. F. McConnell, Mr. 5. 'Dalton
and Mr. Russell 'Scott are loading
torn ips.
Announcing their new representative
who will be pt the -
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Thursday December 2nd
Mi'. Wurw it an ,expert on hair
goods, All your orders have been
under hie supervision for years.
Here is your opportunity to see him
personally where he can' give -your
orders his individual attention. He
is an artist in the bustiiess-
He will have a beautiful display o
the finest hair goods :to show you
and at :inch close prices es will stir-
prise you.
Give us a call or • telephone the
hotel for • appointment.
The W. '1'. Yembet' Stores Ltd.
1:29'Youge St. _
Mrs, Eari Bell is in 'Toronto 'this as, a tailor. He was very' devout in his
week, ways and considered we were corn-
ntit•ting an unpardonable sin if we, on
Mrs. Percy Manning attd 'little dau- the Sabbath, were found reading fri-
g.hter, o:f Londesboro, were guests at votous literature or 'singing other
the home ,of cher .'parents, Mr, amt than the Psalms of David in metre.
Mrs. J. (Howitt. • For a time he kept away from clriellc-
ing people and the :Government con -
31r. J. H. Best is having 'his cot- trot devices of the day aunt saved quite
rage re -shingled. a lot of money. He at .last got to
Mr. ;William Fowler, of Learning- drinking again add I dare not attempt
ton, was hen attending the funeral to relate the terrible things that hap -
of the late Thh'amas Mcllnoy, pencil in father's attempt to reform
dint. At last he said that if he was
Mrs,.Oharles 'Moline: is cnfioed to ,heed -from surrounding associations
her hoitiethrouglr illness. • he would try it again, He went to
Clinton, :brit while his earnings lasted
Miss tDiusinore, who has returned he kept on drinking and finally in a
from the "West,' is visiting friends int fit of delirium committed suicide by
'Luwit, - cutting his throat, Another quite intel
Mr. and Mrs. Maunders, of' Bras- ligent nvittt ca�lne°10 us whenever he
got over a spree and was a•ftne hand
sells, were guests at the home of 'Mr. ill the ini'l1. drawing up logs -arid' edg-
and Mrs. R. 'Coates. ing, but the moment he got hold of
i12r, and Mrs. Thomas 'Broome, of. some money we 'had to get an anex-
Mv(cIKillopi are •moving into Mrs, 'Hog- Perim -iced man to fill this place. Space
gard'It's house on Not+th h!(a'in street. will not ,permit my reoording.thc .hap-
penings to 'Geordie, save that he at
Mr. W. T. Coulthard, of . Toronto, last was :crit to the House of Refuge
was a 'neck end guest at the •home of and inter in -a fit of despondency
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Casc, jumped out of one of the windows
and was killed. Then there was . ae
old lady 'who lived atone, according, to
her usual custom brought -home iter•
jug of liquor. Next morning she vies
found horned to death in her shanty.
Of all !the poisons we have lawsen-
acted against, can any 'be more hor-
rible or deadly?
;, .
Miss 'Margaret McLean of 'Fillmore,
Sask.,'; is visiting friends in the vicine
Miss Pearl Tho psora teacher of
S.S. No. 4, Hibbert spent the week
end with her aunt, Miss P, %Hoggarth,
Mrs. 'Fern of 'Chatham spent the
past week with 'iter sister-in-law, 'Mrs.'
A. Robertson of the village.
Messrs (Edgar'and Frank Alien at..
tended the 'funeral bf their uncle in
London on Thursday last,
We are pleased to know Mrs, 'Don-
ald 'McKellar of this place, who is ly-
ing i11 at the home of her ,daughter,
Mrs. George W„a!llace, Carlingford, is
,slightly unproved,
Mr Dtirncap llMeKeller, Jr•, who has
('ides' Wrist Watch
in White be Green ' o`' 1d; from .
$10.00 ttp
Gents' Pocket Watches
$2.00 up
kings, Chains, Clocks
Pens, Cuff Links, e.. etc.
Buy here and sa'e money.
Expert watch, clock and jewellery repairing
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Opposite W. A. Crieh's.
Upstairs over Keating's Drug Store
Will Press Your Suit or
Overcoat for
This advertisement and 75c
Good until December 1st,
The St ecL Miivertop
We Have it—Give it a Trial. Mao,
Ground Screenings [chop of Ali [Binds
Miss Grace Ooicntan spent a few
days at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs
Nelson Reid during the past week,
nitrite a number from around these
parts took in the chicken supper at
Bru'cefield on Thursday evening and
all report a very good time..-
time.Mrs. Robt, 'Green and daughter
Wilma have returned from visiting
friends for the 'past three weeks in
;Detroit and Flint, Mich.
Miss Vera Smith has returned home
from BruceIield where she has been
spending the last three weeks.
Miss Emma Love has returned
home after spending a few days with.
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Love, of IHensall.
M‘tss Agnes 'Herron of Crotnarty is
visiting With friends itt the village.
Airs. A. ,H,ot'hans has returned after
a week's visit.. witilt relatives in Strat-
Miss Vera 'Ha'mbley'is clerking int
O'Brien & Wilson's store.
Mrs. H. Kennedy of Clinton visited
with her niece, Mrs. 'R'aymond 'Davis
Mr. and Mrs, Writ. Jeffery are vis-
iting in 'Buffalo.
Mr, and Mrs. 0. W. Reed spent
'Sunnclay with ..Mr. Reed's parents in
Mr. 'Arnold Jeffery of 'St. Marys
spent the week end rat Isis home here.
'Mr. 'Robert ''Norris is around again
after his recent attack of lagrippe.
We are pleased toreport that Miss
Norma Wilson is getting along nicely.
TIse Women's Institute are planning
to present their play, "Rebecca's Tri-
umph", on 'Friday evening, December
'The Ladies' Aid will meet on Th'urs
day 'afternoon' at the home of Mrs.
jos. Worden.
The threshers have all completed
their work for +tile season.
Fresh Supplies :lies in Demand.—Wher-
ever Dr. Thomas' E'dlectric Oil has
been introduced increased supplies
have been or'derecl, .,:Mowing that
wherever it goes this excellent :Oil
impresses its 'power cit the people.
No matter in what latitude it may be
found its potency is never impaired,
It is put in most 'portable drape in
bottles and can he 'carried without
fear of breakage.
Awful Asthma Attacks, is there is
inertriber of your .family who is int tltc
power of this ;distressing trouble? No
ser'•vise yott can render him will equal.
the •bringing to his attention, of Dr. J.
D. Kellogg's Asthma.Remedy, This
remarkable remedy rests ' its reputa-
tion' upon what it Ms done for
offices. -.Ithas a truly wonderful
,rncord,a .P.X9rnilAankeare. and, Ye$ C,.:nf
sucres's era almost ev'erypart of .this
oeirtiuen't, and even beyond ;the '-seas.
Your Auto Needs
Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all make;
of Batteries.
A Complete line of most called for parts of various
Now is the time to have your car overhauled
Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased
and cleaned.
Dealer in New and Used Cars,
Agent for Chrysler Pour and Six Cylinder Cars.
egier's_,ra e'sr
Valet Service
Ring up 227 or 210 and ask for Sid.
Then enquire about the new VALET SERVICE.
All our work is done on a HOFFMAN SANITARY STEAM
PRESS, an iron never touches your garment.
Sydney Dungey, Proprietor
Work called for and delivered.
No Brass Tacks
Usedby us in repairing rubbers, All kinds of rubbers and go-
loshes soled, heeled and patched by the latest vulcanizing
methods. We sell new bottoms for leather tops and sew thein
on correctly. High class shoe repairing. All work guaranteed.
FRED 8t71tiitt
oors south of Beattie's Varier Stdre
Two d y