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The Seaforth News, 1926-11-18, Page 5
A •.TI•IUR'SDAY-;; NOVEM'BER 1S, 1926: y11 ite 11;�� �T � ■ ���iC�7 LOO/ AT T} CUT''. of Meat you are;buying and see if , it has the : color •and' : the'appear- once of frosty -tender, juicy, whole- some be Don't btty it if it is string, dry, dark, full of tendons. Tim get quality cuts :here. Itis better to pay us a few cents a pound more and get meat you can eat enjoyably. h .:vfessrs.'Gordon Webster. and Nor - Our Prices.. from Nov 19thto • 25tinclusive mei�week-end.visitedrela twsntawoverthe r bar 5c The young ladies'' Of .'St. Jaimes'. Pond G Soap, )?e •' Chterch are holding a social evening Tuesday, No v- F `etd'er !b till 29c' in the Parish 'toot •on T Y, I r tln 9e will furms'h the music, D. ` 11. STEWART Phone 58 Seaforth Your Butcher, • 0, H, Mclnnes chiropractor' Of 'Wingham, willlbe at the onaynd Thursday f After - Commercial BlFonday poops in future. Diseases of,ali all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used THE SEAFORTH NEWS E• ggo Baking ' o t ..miter 23rd: Stewa•riN's Haratr;ony +Bogs Dutch Cleanser, .pe •t Flt . J C. Crawford arrived 'home •10 os.'Dugar, R d ash lac last week after spending several months in $outhcrtt Wf 'd' e" oris excellent ,crops fn 'that. see ton- ht at: slit*d aJ]d as high as; 40 'bushels to the acre, .geyv.0 rig s+ e Mani'to'ba . 'Mr• in, ..Cru i •or r P 2 lbs.Dales t this year ,wheat 'pinning We• ••Mrs, ,B, F. (l?pteegroNe, of Elmira, white, t ^ who was visiting 'friends in town for on Sat- , here. a few 'ays, Free Pony d returned home to-d'ay, a4 Phone 8 M,r. James /Brewster has returned A 0' C r� b to Toronto after visiting his sister, J. �7 Mrs. John Taylor, •Tucker'smtth, Mitchetl, are visitors at the 'home'o,f PROGREssivE MEE�116 Cardno's Hall, Seatorth Nov. 19th Friday, ata p. }}�� art Phone 77 . MIrf `MeHetfdry and senoGieen, of W. M. Stewart H d on of town. Mrs D. i u s £f its groceries we have them, Mr. Frank Ha'bkirk and family, of asloKillop, .are. moving into the.house recently occupied by M(rs. W. 1-la'b- V , �, Walker Oen UNDERTAKING —and EMBALsIING Motor or Horse Equipment.,, W. �. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. — Night or day phone 67. Want and For Sale ad's, l week, 25'c t tinder, anspites of 'South Huron Pro- gressive 'Association Speakers: - ARTCCitt W. tOEBU9K, K. C• Toronto W. G. BMD?), for South Candidate' of .Exeter, Huron, Chairman: W. 1I. GOL IDG, Mayer of Seaforth • kirk. Mrs. George Israel was in Toronto for a few days. Miss Argo,of ;London, wasthe guest of !Miss Wilson, at the ihoSprtal. Miss Florence taidla'w, of Toronto, spent the'week-eii�d with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw. Dr. H. J. Hodgins motored •from Toronto and spent the week -end. !Mrs. G. E, ,-Ienderson and Mrs. L. T. De- ' .Lacey returned with hint. ' Mr. Sheffer underwent an operation' far. appendicitis recently at.the Sea - forth hospital: - Mrs. (Ross Sproat has returned from a'visit to ,Detroit. Mrs. Fisher, of Godericsh, is visit- ing Mrs. Butt. 'Mrs. Stewart Martin, of Toronto, and Mrs• Moore, of'1)es Moines, Iowa, are guests at the Thome of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McLennan. Mr. Lester Govenlock, of Kincard- ine, who is recovering from a tonsil hiis parente,s Mr. and rMts. J home 1 k• F minder a 'Con- - . OTA came into effea servat'ive government in 1916 Io 1919! plebiscite the ;Province •voted to; cone tintte the, Act,, iby .a majority of 400;- 000.' 00;000 'In 1924, although the total votes cast were pra;&t'4cally the sante, the 0. T. A. rriarraf was less than 40,000, which .'beans that 51 per cent. of the pedp'le, wanted the • O. T. A. continued and 49 per cent, believed in a change. An •act like the 0. T. A. cannot successfully be enforced when half the people of the 'province are 'tot' In sympathy with it. Certain people 'blame Mr, Ferguson for : the O. T. A. being a failure. It was just as mucli a 'failure under Mr• .Raney's' guidance, r Fer- guson's showing how Premi_e policy Of ,government con- trol would positively +improve condi- tions, ;the speaker pointed out, ' that the 'present acct is not "dry." No one question the it ue o e g ;would for am m t . statement that not one-third of the liquor sold through doc'tor'sprescrip- tionswere for medicinal purposes, In spite of the government - 'having re - Citizens of South Huron, ladies es- pecia1ly, are cordially invited to at- tend. e • Government Control of liquor sales and othe' issues will be discussed. W. /SLACK, . Mxs. W. GLENN, 1 Pres. Vice -Pres,' • G. W; Layton, Sec. GOD SAVE THE KING/ reassemememsestwassawswesseetwesessmsesesw CREAM GRADING me ca be rade to din cCo r g according The purchasing of Cream � .,.�� law on May 1st. Your cream graded here by experts under Government supervision and we guarantee you the best of service. All our grading is checked by the Department of Agriculture, motor accident, Mr. ;and Mrs. James Allen, of Tuck- eto del Specials and toNCeaste twice a ensmith s. 'house iv. hortly o Nr. Send or deliver your cream at least a week and as ensm4t. inlrend to' ao -ep tartly d Mr. 1 't e'Im 'Allen direct, as possible. Toronto. All cream graded as soon as we receive it. r Creamery Open Saturday Nights. en', OC . 1{ Miss Gertrude Miller. of Walton, is the guest of Miss io Mrs. Norman •Halbkirk; .of 'Grosse Isle, is the guest of Mrs. T. P. H'a.blcirk. Mr. and .Mrs. Louis Brall and for their daughter, of Detroit, left fo all was �B r Mlrs Monday. home last Mon Y mens' nttns'ing .Far mother, Mrs. Coit. Eck - art, in her late illness. mond- .Mrs. Isaac Townsend, of En ville, has gone to Sault Ste. Marie to spend ssstBetty1ter with 1Hotitouer hn Biantford visiting her 'friend, Miss Jean Moffatt, who was seriously injured l'a'tely in a V I t Rankin =-Chicken _Dinner s' dwce'd the maximum .from 100 'to 30. prescriptions' a month, 'there had !been a 'continual increase in liquor sales thitough ;the .government dispensaries. There was the system of 'home brew permits, granted sby the 'Federal gov- ernment over. which the province has no ,control; and a low estimate of the bootleggers' sales is p'a'ced at 6 times that of the dispensaries. Mr..Fer- ,guson's policy is that the ;government has the responsibility ,for and there- fore should have control of ,the liquor sales. Mg. •MoCrea said Hon. N. IW. Rowell at ;Guelph the previous night' had blamed the Senate •for throwing out Mackenzie King's legis- lation to help the British Columbia situation. Mr; King could remove the incise .tas'and put the bootlegger completely out of ,business, without consulting the 'Senate; +but had= not done so, nor had 'there :been any agi- tation raised by the •prohibition'forces. In closing, Mrt McCrea read the opinion of 'Judge Emily F. Murphy, ,Judge of t'hc Juvenile Court of Al- berta, Mr, Ferguson's proposed sys- tem is founded on that of Alberta, only Alberta has beer parlors and Onhy hastario distinction ald nd authority among the women of Canada, tier books, written under the name -of "Janey Canuck," are read widely. She has been president of the 'Federated Wo- men's Institutes of Canada and of the Canadian Women's Press Club, and vice president of the' National Council of ;Women, of the Social Ser- vice Council of Canada,of the Can- adian Association of Child Protection Officers, and on the Canadian Com- mittee As a ;Hygiene. Social H Yg n 0 int tie q ' the judge of. and g pali'cc magistrate 3 juvenile court, she has won a reputa- tion for sound judgment and wise but sympathe't'ic treatment of of- fenders. "'Government Control,' said Mfrs. Murphy, 'may not control in other Provinces, but it sloesl cameol o iue n hAl- berta. I ersona'lly, o 'claims that neither whiskey, nor 'beer. are hygienic drinks said Judge Murphy. 'We would be vastly 'better without t'hern —'better ,physically, mentally, and cnorally, but as long as these are produced for consumption we must regulate them 'in the best manner possible. To argue other- wise, would be imbecility. There is no doubt that education along tem- perance lines is having an immense- ly powerful effect, and that one day, the gospel of abstinence will gain a vastly greater hold upon our Canad- ian people, but until this happens, we mtu'st rigidly control the �co•nsunSptran cf ligtcot•. Before 'Government Con- trol became the law of Alberta, I op- posed it vigorously, both on the plat- form and' by my pen I was' fearful that our last state would' be worse than our first. It seemed only logical that if the restrictions were removed •there would be more drunl.cnness' and crime. No living person could per- suade me to the contrary. I had a fine line of arguments on the subject, too. It .was difficult for me to take this s'tand'because 1 was a provincial officer and :paid ;by the very Govern- ment whose proposed statutory en- actments I was opposing. In this, 1 was joined 'by •the Hon. Irene Parfby, a member •of the Alberta •Govern- ment. On one occasion, when we voiced our opinions in the Macdougall Methodist Church in Edmonton, the Lieutenant -Governor and some of the Gaibitlet Ministers carne out. .to 'hoar .its. ;After a period of several years in wlltich I have been called upon to en- force the present Liquor Control Act,! both as a city and provincial magis- trate, I sin bound to acknowledge' that my fears were largelyunfound- ed. There was not even a rush of inebriety as 'I' had 'predicted, 'the people showing a remarkable degree of restraint. The condition has stead- ily improved—again -1 ssay, not from any degree of spiritual enrichment on the part of our peaple•Lbut 'because the law veieS avell conceived, and is being well enforced" .' CLINTON. The Annual Chicken Dinner of the Kelly. Circle will be held in The United Church, Brucetield 00 Thursday, November 25th Dinner served. from 6 to g After which a good program will be given. Adm, -•- Adults 40c, Children 25c Ladies' . ;Wrist a es in White or, Green Gold, from' $ 1,0.00 op Gents' Pocket Watches $2,00 rip Rings, Chains,Clocks ■ Pens Cuff Links, etc, etc • Puy here and: save money.- - Expert watch, clock and jewellery repairing Service. �+ It T d J. Jeweler. 1V'alclima}te3 and J Opposite W. A. Crlch'S, waseestionewsesseessweseselemasmasisarleassisseeireisewa which i . ,Miss 'Annie .MoN'ay is visiting with friends in Barrie and oro . Mr. and Mrs, !Robert Strong re-, turned on Wednesdaylast after spending 'a few days with their tau- •Iter, Mrs, Tdamerson, Waterloo. Mr. Janes I. Johnston was aper, atecl on 'Phursday evreninsg last a't•'tl% Seaforth hospitalw for acute ap- pendicitis. p-pendic•itis. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Out, Hon. Charles McCrea •said Seaforth ;because e him era to name , familiar as a w .,�Sto • ne' Jackson well he had known Y' in his college days and had learned much about Seaforth from him. He conveyed to the people of Seaforth and surroutiUfng country greetings from Premier iFergusdn, He gave an outline of what 'had been accomplish- ed by the Government in the various departments how Hod, Gen. S. Henry, by efficient methods, had givdn^•the'Province a large mileage of improved road's at a -saving of mi'dlidats ;af ,dollars rover his•ipredeces sor; Hot, Dr. ;Godfrey's achieve- ments in the department of health; Hon. John S. Martin, minister of ag- riculture. When 'the 'Ferguson gov- ernment 'came into power ii00.1123, there was a deficit. of $1'5,000,l by the Drury regime; 13y ;business methods, and instituting an audit on receipts as well, a5 expenditures, the deficit had been 'red'uced until now it was less than a million &oilers, which meant taxes Would he reduced. In his own department, mines and forests, the great resources of Northern in Ont tn- ario had been opened up, American capital 'earl been encourag- ed to conte in, and the people of lower Ontario would realize the ,bene- fits ofthis.. increased activity in the ;Korth. Forest fire losses had been ;re- dueerl to a minimum by efficient fire. patrol methods. The efficient admin- istration of the Ferguson government was submerged in the present elec- tion by the'telnperauce issue, :Before outlining 'Premier `.Fergusbn's policy; ;Mr. McCrea gave a brief history of the steady,•advance glade in temiper, ince legislation by ;the Conservative administration under Sir James 'Whit:- nese Whit-ney who :had been maligned by the prohibition forces;,of that 'time• The Belle Wright ,59 'William Chainbers 57 'First -Robert !Brooks, John Chap• - bens• Sr; Primer Pe, ' 1 Lorne Chant/ Earl Drover Benson 5 EAFORT CAFE. Stoneman, 'Jr, Primer--Frla Treffry, Rae Chambers. .Number -on roll, 20. Average attend- 'A 71 Ce 18• Teacher, Victoria E. Bolton. REGULAR DINNER 40c Meals and Quick Sodas, Soft Lunches at all hours Petimpt Service BISSET'S] ICE! CREAM Drinks, Chocolate Bars, Cigarettes, etc. PERCY OOWE Prop. • • HI•BBERT.` Fruits, EEtc; RO ilr. Joseph Broom is comfortably settled in the place he has purchased from Mr. C. ',Ward. Mr. A, -Harrison wears a smile these days, since . the arrival of a baby girl in the home. Mr. Thomas. Carter who has been working the pa's't three years for Mi: F Coleman, has engaged with Mr. XBORO. A, McDougall, of PIub'bert, year, Mr. McDougall is fortunate in securing such a first -crass -man a5 Toro h'a's proven himself an efficient Report for S.S. No.6 Hibbert.-- worker for a n Names•iii order of merit, Sir: IV. 'Rena Ploughac cryis ng lt'arclrtmffmhsll up Oranges, 75c, 60c, 40c We expect' to have a big supply for Christmas shortly. California Grapes, special for Sat- urday, 15c a lb. Raisins, - 30c a Ib. Table 25C a ib. Brazil Nuts, . is 'Hothouse To- matoes, Columbia 40c a lb; matoes, es. 4 lbs; for 26c Sweet Potato ce to Head Let; Celery Ce y 1.00. t. 'Fresh Oysters, � ! q McLaren, !Harold Gardiner, ;Gladys Kay and Vey�a 'Allen equal, Marjorie Kleirvfeklt,- Leonard Houghton IV., John 'Ho•u'ghton,itx Jimmie -u in ISr. '1DI Ac;fhur ID, len, 5ohh MoDotegal, Lindsay Gar -din- er. Jt .lIi•, Aubert Dinnin, Beryi Nor-. tis, Anthony: Alien, !Dorothy MdLar.- en, Alvin Crawford, : iBes!sie Austin, Harold IAdistin Sr. I., 'Wilfred 'Scott, Hazel ,Norris, !M'ari'on Scott, ,Ross Houghton, Lloyd 'Crawford, Frank Scott, Allen+.Austin: Jr .Primer, Eh i Beth 'Gardiner, Harry T. Phillips QOn tui, as some and emud. lilting are turnips his yearwill be longt of aa re- membered. _ MR.NEEB'S .ME•ETING. The first political meetingof the. Cardno'a hall ign in eloas n Fridaforth y'night last -arll st when Mr; A. H, 'Neeb, Conservative 'catsdid'ate i'n S'outh Huron, and 'Hon. Charles McCrea, minister of Mures,. addressed 0 well -attended. gathering. Jn which all shades; of politics were Fred 'Selves,. Lorne• 'K'ay.. represented ' ' i; r; F• Fiarcburtemawl Teaoher, 'Grace M'adLean. MMns Marga et'!Walsh of MoK'tllop is spending 'a week at ;the ' home of her daughter, Mlr.iand'Mrs. Andrew Kelly; Stratford, Miss Margaret Doyle:of the teaclfi- i05 staff 'at Maidstone spent Thanks- giving at the 'home of her parer '1 -Ie had 'always lbeen,a, Mr. and Mrs. James Doy.Ie;:'HiIbbert. and study: -Mr. Joseph Nigh sof Deitroit, spent- temperance sut�Qd{UeY and'et the p h:b-- eek end. with, his parents, Mr, Iscites voted for :the b T':•,A,, but,!lie week of. the a ce • i n fro v d res 4 bh to reals m r ea�for c me i Nigh, 5 ;had o h Nrl ha as g \Iis•.J ep • ltd in' a is o r g an g 's.t d 'Mrs. i'• mid 1 i in 1 'Mrs. .Roland Kennedy- a1 d honor u Thomas iQ'Laughlin, of Tuckersmtt1h info •t ie ,'hands `of our youiug people, spent' Thursday last''at, the 'home -of 'toast it was bane ,for ,improvement A to otneth uaS S g 1 t August, S1t10t Alt Mas. g i r's• � r premier., h ter Mf t e d p f g chairman and in Nis opening r explained that, he was a total prohibi- 1 tionfst; He Was a friend of Mr. Nceb, and lead every 'confidence in him Mlr. •Necb impressed his hearers as being "a. sincere man,:who arrived at t lconclusions patty after ,ca:reful though sevesseaveseinsmis POWER'S Announcing their new representative MR. Wi3r N1 Every careful and 'ob'senvant ffer. ill su 4 iris child mother knvow's when m worms, . She also knows 'that 'if- so lied some remedy be trot, speedifheaPPant. m,udh harm will ;result tot 'his • • nt. ' lfo rt P ^ ltot An excellent vtti a pose is 1Mliller',s Wonnl. Po dr:ancl set drive worm's from' the'system tip stiniulatiing and soothingeeffects, so 'that the child s progreaset 1,5 tpainless aid ssetisfy'ilig. ri per s au the o t t in rltt _ pas his -duty: ' a ie cvre''s it v 'lar to fluef'sin Hibbert. barn ne eo welfar ' for the of ,. r rl best Mlelad w 1 a a 5 U Thomas Y to d , Mi 'Il IIr, and s M Seaforth, were guests on 'Sitdday last. at Mr, and Mrs.' Michael I)oyle's,, H H 'ward Ferguson S•Ii1b!bert, 5. Miss Kate, Murray of.ICtnkora, t , visiting her:si�sitcr, Mrs. Joseph Con- nolly, til lop. c. so t 1 ,\II p n 3 the e anon for th e ort R S. S. No.P. of September and October, ---"Jr. IV-- Janet ..hIIT ,fanet•Ghiappel 66 per cent. Sr . Edith Brooks 76, Clayton Horton aiid (Mildred Maude •Bolfou', (equal) 71,ire's Robins 68• „Jr, `113 -!Bernice. H. 67, Orval Cooper Yi'4, Doris Sararas 62, Lloyd Wren 56. 8r. IT-113eatirice Dreyer 80, 'Foss hloggarth 60, '/.aura for his does the province as a reeve township. on. .. • i an'd 'hi's government have accontpliali ed titch for the !benefit of the Prov- ince, He lead perfect confidence in nc he temperance e t Ferguson' usbY n' :m p Mr. g has a cel said he s question. Mr, N fa'ntily of young childreh,;' andlike any other 'father wants them to grow up in'as wholesome condition's as 'pos- t exist do no conditions i , ch cilli., Wand su at 'present, in this province: He au- -pealed to the electors to ,calmly con- sider the question ancc he was cortficl- eut of the result. We Know 'How to make Ladies' s' aid Gentlemen's Clothing or to alter your Old Styles to Present Fashions also Expert Repairing .and Pressing E. W. BATEMAN whd. wlll be et the .. mercial Hotel, Seatorth Goin . ou er 2nd Thursday- December Mr. Warns i. en expert en hair Allour' orders have'' beeu. M•r, !Tretwat°tha, in v ot. goad..ney of Lond 1 ' Aii audience which packed the hall 1 to the's110055. attended the meeting held here Tuesday night in the inter- ests of'A FL'Necsb, Conservative can- didate in South Huron, Col. H. B. Combe, sof Clinton, presided and ,:the speakers were N. W..Trewartha, late monrber, the candidate, Mrs. Lou'gh- ued of Teterboro atid.•'Capt:. McKeg- under his, supervision fo)'- yea s. hint to see t opportunity .B your rel 8 4 Y ur personally where he oon give your orders his individual attention, . •'FIe ee r ist in the eine n t a A ^t. of ' i display di tofu ) u p 'ilea He will Favi. you O .h w the finest heir„ goods to and. at such close priaea al will stir• mile lou. BI3N=MtJR Snecial 'Milverton The Flour; We Have it --Give it a Trial Ale*. Ground Screenings Whop of 1111 Kinds C. G.THOMSON PHONE 25 GRAIN DEALER/ Your Auto Needs Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing fo of Batteries, all makes A complete line of most called Inc parts of various oars, Now is the time to have your_ car overhauled Give us a call and see how and cleaned.oreasonably it can be repaired, greased Dealer' in New and Used Cars. Agent for Chrysler Four and Six Cylinder Cars. Regier's Garage PHONE 167W. a 1 rief,'introdtiction of the candiclate,;. ' 'fine character acter ' r bs fi referred to Mr. Nei and alte;cordial relations he had et �• toyed with 'him in the !County Coun- cil. Mfr. ;Nseb pointed to 'the 'fine re- cord t'UriC OlC t g 'f the Ferguson rel o co he -said: Q.Tt\ ' t of the ec On the subject concern- ed, all o ' r on tt e s Y 1 al As Par ash Mr. . Fer- \ r 1 ed, I am proud the stand gusou .has taken, We have in the province a prime minister anti it is his duty to find out what, in hie op - or telephone the inion, is ,best 'for the people of the •1, ©i a its a call v heed who said. v " !Mrs, Tot Ms Phet. g yr ro by birth t nt,'' iv na inial [Or apltointtzte 'sic was a Cbrlscrvat c ,but by conviction, in explaining why ,The iv i'. 1'et129 !Stores 1'.td. •as now working against) tiie M. she w s . 12.. Xonge 6t. O.T.A. referred to the. various evil. Toronto in the country. especially tn the younger 'generation, on account of the inability to enforce tate 0. 1 • A• ' " s �S things are ttoty, he declared., ealaraseaosnammamassammaasmomissiosimoss Don't be too easy on,your .hens. Make them produce mote eggs. 'shay will, if You give thein a d Aly dose of: Pratts Pooh.. itS1eslstor their feed. Lots of }>,,•- Xour. T5En--it you 55505 ' d ge- ,soneY bacl• li. not satisfied. dt+ a� }"`• '$9 $Yti[ l ILt p � A i 3 t d T ° WAtc "'+4 rOCKnFsEs rs;PnAT4D Gi.r CANADA Limited. aYsa waarorao " men in or'wonean, digy or girl, pro'vided' they have. the price, can, kitty all the liquor they .want from the, of b ",Gcerncut control, Y r. ov ootle es b gg o'ld's ' the hands " or ' an w cin 9 placing the sale liquor of the Government, would place a check on this, she 'believed. raft or w :an •should hobble Nolnl t O paietfafl'ly about •bacause of corns 551Tei1 so ceresin a relief is at hand as sH'ol- lo•vAy's Coral Remover:, NOTICE 1 Lathes' Hairdresser will be at the Cuunlso,.n 85 Pullman Barber Shop P l - o W. W.' Robin- son) 2ob n ors k t� ll��� son Every . Tuesday. . y Phone i25. for appointments Specialist itMar ellil g' Sc "ing, shampooing rin lilac '1,� �„ 1 g d hair cutting. . •