HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-11-18, Page 4' THE tlEAFORTil NEW8, • ,THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1,926 „ - , 'end at /the,home'af Mr...and.IMrs. lbs. Feeney, Dublin "• Mr: Rot. 1W,Iallacc -intends holding a ;sale of Ois'lfarm stock on Nov. 30th as he has rented his ;farm• - Mr,- -John ,Brown is visiting ,frictitis in Teronto, Johni3arr is in Toronto, judg- ing 'cattle at 'the Royal 'Winter Sair. Mr. R.obefi Laidlaw is viSiting. ;friends inTo'ronto this lveek, Mr. Adam,IElliatt was not so well on 'Sunday, ANON, Dublin ;Continuation School Report , for ..thc 'enentlis 'of , September and •Oetuber. Stiidents whajtave Cibtain, -ed from 75-100 per ;cent. ',ate' 'yOnked -Class/ ; those who :have obtained from ,.66-174 are ranked,ClosssIlli these from credit, • The name's are intnersl order of Form English Literatur'e,I 'Oasis .-.-.Mary McGrath, Eileen Eck- ert. Class III1,-,---1Bridget O'Loughlin, Veronica Dill. 'Credit. -- Margaret Jordan, Helen Dantzer, Crank -Mc- EnglianiComposition: Class 1. IDorcithy .O'Rourke. Class III. --- Mabgaret ORciurke, -i-Elleety Eckert. Crectir,-Veronica Dth, Margaret Joh ' clan, ,Elolen Dantzer, Frank binGrath, Micheal Darling, :Bridie,-er O'Loughlin, James Kelly,- Ancient History: :Class ` II -Mary. ilvleGratli.. Credit-slifileen Eckert. iBritish History: Class III.---- 1-lelerviDan,tzer, Veronica 'Dip, Mich- ael Darling, Eileen 'Eckert, :James Kelly:, Credit Margaret jordan, 'Frank. McGrath. Algebra: Class Dorothy O'Rourke, Margaret 10'- ith'uflce,'• 'Jo:Ines Kelly. Geometry: Class 1-0 r ge l'OItottgilline 'Class IvIdGrath.• Credit-Silien Eckert. French: Class I--Mary_lit- Grath, Bridget O'Loughlin, Margaret Jordan, James Kelly. Class onica 5)111. Credit -Frank McGrath, . Latin: Class 1 -,Mary aVicGrath, 'Bridget O'Loughlin. Class II -games Kelly. • Chenristry: Class 11, Bridget • O'Loughlin, ,Helen Dautzer. 'Claes Eckert. 'Credit -Michael Darling, Prank 'laic:Grath. Physics,: ,Class f -,-Eileen Eckert, Hetet) Dant - • zer, Bridger O'Loughlin. Class .1.11.-- 'Marigaret -Jordan. Class HI -James • Kelly, Frank McGrath. Credit - 'Michael Darling, Veronica Dill, Foist II. Eng, Literature: I. -- Helen WI -Tara, Mary Flanagan, Jos. °Rourke, Annie Ryan, Rose Kraus- kopf, Kenneth Dill, 'VVilfred Kraus- kopl, John McGrath, Stepben Mur- ray. IL -Albert Gormley. C -Helen Krattskopf, Bernice McGrath, Marion 1)111, Annie Watters. Eng. Composi- • tion: 1. - Rose .K.rauskopf, Annie Witters, Helen O'Hara, John 'Mc- Grath. Dorothy Molyneaux, Mary Flanagan. H. -Bernice McGrath, Jos. O'Rourke, HI. --Annie Ryan, Marion Dill, Helen Krauskopf. C - Wm. Dantzer, Stephen. Murray. Kenneth Dill, Wilfred Krauskopf, Albert Gormley. Arithmetic: 1--1Mary [Flan- agan, Kenneth Dill, Helen O'Hara, • Albert 'Gormley, Jos. O'Rourke. II - 'Annie Watters, Helen Kratiskopf, Dorothy ,Molyneaux. o Mc- Grath: C -Annie 'Ryan, 'Marion Dill, •Bernice McGrath, Veronica Dill, Al- gebra: 1 -Mary :Flanagan, Helen 0'- • Hare, Annie Ryan. Hag -Marion Dill, Jos. 01Rourke. Ila. ---Dorothy Moly- neaux, Bernice McGrath, John 'Mc- Grath. C - Annie Watters, Wm. Dantzer, Geometry: 1 --Mary Flana- gan, Dorothy igiolyneaux, Rose Krauskopf, Veronica Dill, Helen 0'- 1-rara. LI -Margaret Jordan, Joseph O'Rourke. Dantzer. C - Stephen Murray, Annie Watters, Ken- • , neth Dill, Helen Krauskppf, Wilfred Krauskopf, Bernice McGrath, Annie Ryan, Albert Gormley, John Mc- Grath, Latin: I. - Mary Flanagan, 'Helen O'Hara, Dorothy Molyneaux, , jos. O'Rourke, Marion Dill, Kenneth Dill, Rose Kranskopi. M. -Veronica Dill, Bernice •.,t1cGratli. C Annie :Ryan, Annie Watters, French: 1- Mr. and Mrs. John Horan of Sea - Rose Krauskopf, Mary Flanagan, jos. forth called an Mr. and •Mrs. 'Mat- Reconstruction in India was taken O'Rourke. Dorothy ‘Nlolyneaux, Mary thews on Sunday. by Miss Fern Love Discussion led McCormick, Marion Dill, Bernice :when &lying from Mitchell oat , • • ' iny aoev, iw. theme's. .An approp- Mc'Grath. s' len Krauskopf, Helen Friday evening, :Mr. Jos. Nagle's bug- riate solo was well rendered by Mr. O'Hara, Dantzer, Annie Wat- gy was struck by a car and overturn- john McArthur • ters, Annie Ryan. II - John Me- etl Into the ditch. Mr. Nagle is suf- ,..`s'ext Sunday; N'ov. 21st, anMver- 1--1-lelen O'Hara. Mary Flanagan, and is confined to iiii`bed as 111 esult. • churen. Morning, '11 a.m. and even - 59-86 Class Ilf; those frost! 50-58, Mt: -F. 'G[Sanderson M.p. St. IVIarys WALTON. • ' • acAemqnnit4eet taitt tIPI!„,retplaysoi\iiicsadgcleusgm ivarears.- riieltgles,tvieed acquaintances -in 'Mr. \L. 3:',LocibY'ig ton on . ThurSday, ..„Oietrriser 28th by bruliSedfboi "ni'V'reSent• "the minister, Rev. Mr, @tuns, when Mr. made a 'buAll'ess's' /v1-iss Catherina, .second t� St. Ma'rYs on Friday- yonagest daughter of Mr. 'mid Mrs. Mr. Harry. Nelmes, who 'condtleted. Wm. Thamer, of myvaltOn, became the a butdher shop in St. •Marys :for the , bride of Alb'ert Degus, Milverton, past year,-bas:mesived with 'his -family The bride was smartly gowned in to Kitchener wh.ere,Mr. Nelsnes has ;blue -georgette with trimmings Of secured a pasition with"a large pack- gold and 'sunset roses; 'and :carried a' jag house, • ,bouquet of sweetheart roses. She The ladies of the Catholic ,Wo- was atten'ded by her sister, 'Miss Ger- 'inen's :League 'held • their register trude 'Timmer, wiho was . gowned in -monthly meeting in the, High •Sdhocil rose satin and carried a ;bouquet of • on Sunday afternoon. !After'the Usual Ophatia roses. Mr George Weir, ,business of the' meeting, •interesting ,cousin of the ,bride,' supported the 'renorts of the recent convention were .grootn: After' the Ceremony the read by the. dele•gates,-. Mrs. jas. bridal -party motored to the 'home of Shea .and Mrs. W,m. O'Rourke, . It the :bride's parents, where ' Pretty' was decided at the meeting to :hold a wedding dinner' Was 'served fp the C. W. L. dance ,on Monday evenang, presence•Of -a lew,immediate relatives Dedenaber 27th, cytth INey's oreheiSTra , e of tne .young couple.. Mr. and .Mrs. Debus left the ,follovving ;day for a to furnish the music Jr the 'oeicasion:" Miss 'Minnie MateneY, of Btiff-4°' short 'honeymoon. UpOp their return is visiting at the home of her mother they will make their ,h -mile on the here. groom's fine farm'near,Milverron: , Mr, Prank Tordan, o'f Copper Cl•iff, Mrs. C. Sellert spent the week -end i:IsIrvsIs.witing,joivrydiatIns,asis parent, Mr. and at ,Heidelberg. • , IMiss Gertie Miller is homs. forgher iMr, Eddie ;McGrath, vvho , was a holidays. She has 'been engaged as visitor at 'the 'home, of Ms .parents milliner in Bowtnanville for the 'past last week motored -to London en 'three mon•ths. !Some of !the .threshing. is nut .done yet. , J. Carter has. had a very suc- ceilffil.k.jason. 'Two .of Ciur Aatqed,...in 'an auto accident on Saturday eiining their wa.to Seaforth. • Luckily no one Was °hurt: The Guild of St. George's Church will hold their' annual, bazaar on Thursday afternoon, December 9th., In the A. O. tl. W. ball. No pains have ibeen spared to try and have this as great 0 stfccess as it has been :heretofore. There gall he fiffered for. sale at reasonable pnices all' .kinds of fancy Arcirk, suitable Christmas gifts, home made. -baking, etc. Doors -open at 2 o'clock. Supper will be served :from 4 ,o'clock for the small sum of 25 cents. Don't forget the date ami try and attend.. . A few ..from the village attended an At ;Home in 'Brussels on IThurecley even-ing. Mr. andilMfriendjs.laj;thnStutic'idnay.:69ited witk Blyth Mr. Herb Manning is improving aiefittgiar, having an 'operation:J..0r append - Quite a number attended anniver- sary services. at Winthrop last 'Sun- day. '.1Miss Muriel Farquharson is visit- ing friends in Seaforth.- There will be a euchre and dance in the [Club hall on Friday the 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Jos.' 'Bishop visited -A, Hoy at McGrw On 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.44W, !Humphries and family were in Stratford on buSinesa on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Bailie, of Elma, spent Sunday visiting friends., in the vil- lage. ' Mr. and Mrs, A. Hog, of McGraw, spent 'Sunday with the ,fornier's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. NV, Hoy. !Mr. Samuel Forbes spent -the week 'wiffrhis datighter, grs, C. 'Gowland, of 'Fergus. . Miss Olive Williamson spent the past week with h-e.r aunt, Mrs. C. Gowland, of Fergus. 'The 'Toting People's meeting held on Sunday, Nov, 14th, was in charge of Gordon IvIdG•avin and .George Ramsay-, Topic, "[Four Bars to [Social r:BRUCBVIELD. . Miss Edna 'Thorivpson Stratford 'normal' and;,31r,;.,Leoteetcl Boyce el, .London .t:r0 renal -wen r„Sundia y at' their ALEXANDER H. NEEI3 Of Stephen Township, Conservative candidate for South Huron, John McIver, [Fraggia Stapletono Hel- Don't 'forget the Chicken -dinner to be given under -the' auslpices of the 'Kelly Circle in United Church, on Thursday, N.ovenvber 25th. Dinner. will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock, After the dinner programme will be given. .,... Miss I rebe Snider spent Stinday in Egmondville. , - A large number from here-attentied the anniversary in Egrnondville: Mr. Lorne MeASII, Detrbit, was the guest af 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Will Douglas on 'Sunday. Mr. Wallace 'Ross, who has been in. Detrbit, i visiting at his home here, The regular' 'sheeting of the W.11VI.S. was held' in the church November. 10 vvith a• golod attendance. . iMrs. Me: Lachlan presided. The meeting/was opened bysinging hymn ,691, after which Mi Tough led in prayer. The Seripture i ' sop was. read by Mrs. Haugh, 'Ronigns' 8:31. fMrs. SieVens read the study hook. The roll call answered by verses Of Scripture. Hymn 586 Was sung and Mrs. Mic- Qtreen closed the meeting with pray - en Krauskopf, Veronica Moigrfaa.ratg StirgIsty; alceornparned by. his sister, French--41,-Loretto [Delaney, en Murray, Donald [Benninger, IHVecri-‘. ' ,tg, there, _ Mss. Pat. Rowing!, go ylsit, ,friends '''''ea MelY•nta4N' 'Nerit NIGL"'`''' Mr. and airs. 1Frank Evans 9pent Kenneth Dill, Kathryn Byrne, Clar- Sunday at the home Of Jos. !Maloney. en.ce Loo.by, John agelver, Albeit Mr. and 'Mrs, Woods 'spent,' the G.ormley, Marvis Drake, Francis Ste - week -end in 'iStrafford. ' pleton, Patrick .McConnell, Zachariali Ryan, 'Wilfred Krauskopf. II. -Wil.. , Mr. Andrew ,Dantzer, of 'Ooderich, ?pent the week -end at the home of liarn Ryan, Elmer !Feeney. III. --jos.. nis Parents here. •• . O'Reilly, 'Catherine Donnelly, Sarah Miss Teresa Delaney entertained a Coyne. Credit-MarY Coyne, Ed" number of her girl friends to a birth- mund O'Hearn. ' . L. Delaney, A, 'Gormley; N. McGrath, day Party. Miss Mary O'Connor is spending Latin -La -C. Loo,bi, F. Sta.pleton, ' . Z. Ryan, D. Benninger, V. Molyneaux, her holidays at the home' of Miss' Mary IVICGrath. 3. [McIver, I'. McConnell, K. 'Byrne, II . Murray. Il. --M, Drake, W. Kraus- . (Intended for last week). kopf. ISL -3. O'Reilly. . Geography -al .-C. 'Looby 1'. dal c, Mrs: (Dr.) Traynor and baby have , returned home rafter a 'pleasant visit Connell, S. Dorresteyn, 0, Benninger, F. Stapleton, L. 'Delaney, W. Ryan, with her parents in Kitchener'. . E. Feeney, V. Malyneaux, M. Drake, Mr, and Mrs. Vincent McGrath and H. [Murray. J. OIReilly. Z. Ryan, S. family of Brantford are visiting his Coyne, -N. McGrath, K. Byrne: 11-4. McIver, C. Donnelly. III. -E. 0'... sister, Mrs. Rowland, of the Tillage. Miss 'Mary Beale spent Saturday in Hearn. Credit -Mary Coyne. Bot- Stratford, the guest of her brother any: Class I. -Veronica Molyneaux, 5 arry. tHelen -Murray, Clarence Looby, Don- iThe Altar Society of Dublin, are ald Benninger, Bernice McGrath, holding a euchre 'and glance in Dublin Nora 'McGrath, Loretto Delaney, parish .hall. Kathryn Byrne, Zathariah Ryan, aliss Mary O'Rourke, frona Chat - Francis Stapleton, Betty Dorresteyn, ham, spent Thanksgiving at the home William Ryan. Catherine Donnelly. of her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Jos. 0'- 11 -Sarah Coyne, Marvis Drake, John Rourke. McIver, J °nob O'Reilly, Patrick Ilfis.s Teresa iDeraney spent .Thanks - McConnell, -Albert Gormley. III -- giving at the home of Mr. John Dal- - °gleam' C' ton. Elmer Feeney, Edmund -Mary Coyne. Mr. Jos Dantzer of Kinkona, spent . Monday at the lhome of his parents, Separate School Report for October --- Sr. IV -Harry !Feeney, Joseph Kraus- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer. kopf, Carrie Krauskopf, Angela Mut- Mr. and Mrs. Pat Woods spent 'man, Toni Hills. Mary Brennan. Jr, Monday in Stratford. . IV.-Irrank Krauskopf, Dorothy Bre- 'Miss Mary Kriauskopf spent Sun-, man, Ethlyn 011earn, Gertrude Mut. day at the home of Miss 'Vera Feeney. lista. Mary man, Gertrude paryea, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Stapleton tyn, glary Dorrestyn, Isabel Jordan, spent Sunday witb Mr. an.d Mrs. Michael Nagle. Betty Campbell, Dan McCaythyt Car- . rie O'Connor. Sr. HI. - Monica Meg- Fivivaia'werallaghet and daugh- Roache, 1Marion [Hunter, Jack Moly- ,ter Catherine attended the •funeral of neaux, Ursula Kriauskopf; Elizabeth Mr, John [BurnsrStratford, Cummings, 'Joseph 'Delaney, Mary We are glad to say that Miss Mary Bricklin is recovering. Cummings, •Gennevieve McCarthy, Irene Donnelly, 'Gordon. Dili, Eleanor Mr. David Crawford of Clinton called on friends in Dublin during Gormley, Clare Gormley, F. Don - 1 t eek nelly. jr. I11, ----Frances Delaney, Ce- celia Feeney, Kathrine Kenny, Arthur Loohy, Charles Berm, Bertha Dillon, K. Burns, Matilde Dorresteyn, Annie Dillon, Clarence 'Krauskopf, James Cummings, Agnes Maloney. 2nd class- -Dorothy •Donnelly, Margaret Dorresteyn, Rose Arnold, Edwin Stapleton, Edward Cummings, ,Gerald Donnelly, -Lloyd McCarthy, Gene - ear litt sod 0%6 hid Mi/ herhoS! A tvaii to g • was' ged ! SIn Onca np whie Mo 11 the i uncle: En p"ated, fare Mr. W. A. Ross' sale of -cattle went w1t4.1 a good swing ,Wedneaday last. Auctioneer ' Elliott disposed -of $1600 avortli'Of stock in less than an hour's selling time. g rib.'etlftwantrloi. jos.t4..cgo.fpt.t.rlha3eit4;th,ewalthaolrns e ,liome last Saturday. He hileittl[s- lie -home for a ifew.weeks., . Mr. John Souter, ,of ,Detrioit, :spent -a few days this week -with his mother on the Mill road. Rev. W, Bremner Was in Toronto last week on busineis, • Miss Vera, Smith of Hilltgreen spent the week end in [Brucefield; On Monday evening at seven o'clock a large number of !people gathered in the/basement of 'elle church to hear the debate 'Rear:aged that consolidat- ed schools are ibeneficial to rural dis- tricts." The debate was betWeen, two members of our Y.R.S. and two mem- bers from Londesboro Y.P.S. Bruee- field young ',people won this debate by default as the Londeshoro people failed to appear. Some one suggested that the two debaters present give tbeir side'ithe debate (the negative side) which they (lid and were listen- ed to with interest. This is Brucefield's third win. if they win again they will go into -the finals with another group. The same evening at eight O'clock in Ohne church a concert given by the Canadian -Male Entertainers"' of London. ' Those .present enjoyed the concert. Owing to the nnfavorable weather the crowd was. not as large as had the night been 'favorable. Mr. Bremner assured the entertainers if ever they oame to Brucefield again and weather cond.itions favorable •that they would have a lull house. • As we go to mess wedding bells are ringing in our community. Mr, and Mrs, Andrew 'Murdock 'of Detroit and their daughter Flora, -vis- ited at the home of Mr. Robert Mui - dock, Mrs. 'Fred. Thompson. and' her little- daughter Joyce visited at the home of ,her ,mother, Mrs. Walter Stevens. .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scotchmer and Mrs. James. Campbell. of Bay- field, visited at the hoine -of and Mrs, David Tough one day last week. Mr. Robert Murdock is vialting his son, Mr. Andrew Murdock, of De- troit, this week. 'Mrs. W. J. Tough ,called tin friends in the village on Friday last. , ' " ''' • Mrs. M., H. 'Kelly spent 'the Weele-' . • LONDESBORO. Mrs. Fothergill, oS East Wawa - nosh, moved Otto' the village this w!raleki ;gather Lyou spent Monday in Clinton. IMr. and avIrs..Hutton ,wereguests at the home of 'Mr, Fred,,aliteCo.olgon SIIIMIICir;b..Y"Nichols, Belgrave, is visiting_ at 'the `home of Mr, T.s[Fairserviee. :A number of the young:pet:4)1re at- ittkded the dance in Belgraik,, 'Friday 'LC)1RiN44 I)" TAVISS' nigaghrt., D. Cantelon shinne'd- a cirload: who as ,killoel in an auto accident pigs from here on Monday. at Saskatoon recently, -Courtesy Saskato.on Star. is Nvi'irsSit.ij;ggi•lheesr CS•irsalWrf,arMCI'rS.°.IRLOb°entIPOntl. MeS$TS. Robt. and Herbert Fair- oseir micoenid•eatyti,rned home from the West , Mrs. John Grainger 'had the mis- fortune to !fall and ' break her 'wrist lastIllFriday,• . . • Grath. C. -Stephen Murray, Zoology R.ichniond 'in a cOuple pf weeks. The Young Women's' Canadian Temperance Union held a meeting on Inesday night in St Andrew's. Mrs, S. T. Cooper, of Clinton ' addressed the meeting. - Mr, and Ma's, [Wilby, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. M. [}1, Kelly. " Want and For Sale Ads, 3 dines 50c. fering from some ;badly fractured ribs sary services will be -held at Duff's, jos. O'Rourke. Rose Krauskopf, Annie Miss .Ruth Hills of Toronto spell, vieve Feeney, Agnes Rowland, Rita in.g 7.30 p.m. Rev. W. R. Alp, of 'Ryan, -Stephen Murray. John Mc- Thanksgiving with her Parents 'here. Stapleton, -James Dillon, John Aro- Auburn, is to be in charge. Special Grath, Dorothy Molyneaux, Helen \ number from here attended the old, Leonard Nagle, Joseph Mulligan, music by choir. Krauskopf, Kenneth Dill, Annie Wag entertainment at St. 00iUMball on Roselle Dillon, Lawrence 'Dillon. Sr. The program for the entertainment ter, Wilfred Krauskopf, Marion Dill. Primary._ mary malyheaux. Jahn rinritcal,y evening and report a pleasant in Duff's United -Church an Tuesday, . Nov. 23rd has been slightly altered. 14 -Wm. Datum., Bernice McGrath. Physiography: I. -- Mary Flanagan, 1<rausknPf. i 01111:, Beim, .MarY Mc- At the Liberal nomination meeting Grath, Ursula I lanagam, Kathleen Selections will be given by Mr. 'Kerr, Dorothy 1%.,Lolyneaux, jos. O'Rourke, at Mitchell, Mr. A. A. Colcpahoun or Cemmings,. Albert Dohnelly. 'Charles , of Ethel, the Belgrave 'Hatviian sex - Helen O'Hara. Rose Kratiskopf, Mar- "'di- tet And local talent. . Krauskopf. Muriel Leahy, Franeet c`ilatztieff.a was chosen as Liberal ion Dill, Helen X rauskopf. II - ASte- - , • 'ar 0' BrennanJoseph Dorsey,To ' -Mrs. VV.- C. McEachern and Ger' Murray, Mary McCormick, ' . -,-1!)ePh Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tate' of Strut - Burns. Jr. Primary B. -[Joseph on- ald, is spending a few days with her wi'bh, 'Mr' parents near Ethel. Wilfred Krauskopf. C -Kenneth Dill, "'IY' Fergus Stapleton, Donald fordspentThanksgiving lie here. •. (Intended for last week,) - Annie Ryan. III -- 'Wm. Dantzer, , John Megaraeh, Atoge Watters. Art: •B,.1..irris, Ansdr_eme:aalalon,ey'lik. Ptgr_h_nlay alr; and Mrs, G. K. Haat a 'id re t Jame u i ney, t an it Mr. and Mrs. J. Mose and family, -"Z' moving into apartments in the 'Loolay Marcella Dillon, Fergus nin-- block. of Guelph Junction, spent vhe week - I -Annie Ryan. Katharine Krauskopf. 11, --Teresa .1/1cCorm. lc Mario 1 Dill end at A. 'Sholdite's. ic , Thomas Dorsey, John mai- Mr: ,fack Carter, [Ad is station ag- Dorothy afolvneanx, 'Stephen Mar_ Minga, Mr. 3. McGrath shipped a carload ray, Jos. O'Rourke, Helen Kraus- of horses on ,Saturday, leat,ti)tiigy'ar kopf, Mary Mraterdotgii, is home on his cCorrnielc, 1)ant- Mrs, 'Wm. (auger from iNagai ia Miss Holmes spent the Militia), at zer, Mary Flanagan, ;Bernice \a Falls, spent th-e week with her 1110- ix!' home in Stratford. Mrs. F. A. Hambley, Vera , and Grath, I 11 .. Helen ,Oliara, Rose ther, Mrs. Walter Carpenter. \\''r are pleased to know that Mrs. Harve y spent Sunday •at Jag. N. Krauskopf. C -Kenneth Dill, Annie The card party held. in Dublin 0 0 m„h \V 7 Rath° is on a fair way to recovg caeira . . e C.W.L. . ''' Walters, John McGrath, Wilfred Friday evening was a good success. etv' She wishes to t'hank thRev. Dr. and Mrs. Brown spent last Krauskopf, Albert 'Gormley; James The ,p1-;;;e:s were wag ai by Mrs Alex. of -Si. Columban for the kindnesses week»end visiting 'friends at Verna, a 'Doyle. ' - Darling Inc the women and Mr. Ray- shown her while ill.former charge, where they were four ,Fonn 1. - English Literature: 1-- mond Dillon for the men. The (ratite Sunday was an ideal day fol. motor- ., 3e1815, Dr. Blown preached at the Loretta 'Delaney, Veronica ,Moly- afterwards was enjoyed by every -one,. Xfiss :Mary McGrath spent the week end with Miss Mary c,Connor. :Nis% Joseph Nagle, wbo has been confined to the bed on acccnint ,of juries received ,frotr a car, is now able 10 he around again. • 'Mr. Edward McGrath has returned home to Wartburg after spending holidays with friends in Dublin. Mrs. Joseph Nagle entertained a Ow friends Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Vin. McGrath return- ed to their home in 'Brantford after a pleasant visit with his sister, Mrs, P. Rowland. We a -re pleased to slate that Mitis Mary 1 -1a -stings has a position in De- troit Mr. and Mrs. Frank! Evans in•tends moving into 'Mr. L. j. Loohy'sablock. 'Mr. Alex. Litt and sister, of Wards - elite, called 'on friends in the village on Sunday, What might have beeo serious accident odcurred on Friday night when Mrs. Jos. Dillon and her two daughters were strucleby -an automo- bile on the highway a mile and a half front Mitchell. A wheel , was. taken di the buggy and Mrs. Dillon and two dattgihters were b•adly shaken up and were not thnotvn 'out or injured. The car was going in the s'ame dir-- ection - and skidded when the driver went to turn out to pass the [buggy. .13.azil Bannon, w•ho arrived shortly af- theaceident, took Mrs. 'Dillon and her daughters to their home, while the horse was cared for by a neighbor. , .Mrs. Alex. Darling attended Inc funeral of frene 'hitt, of Mitchell, on \tensity, riding, Sorry to say that there •is -not much notice taken of the stop system on the cross roads There is only one way: pay a policeman to stand at those corners 'and see for -himself. Bet if he put a fine on every driver who breaks the -rule he would have a good day's pay and it might put a stop to such careless driving 'bolls day and night. s 1\-11., and Mrs. Alex. Gordon and two daughters ancl son :•and Miss Gateby and Mr. Longapire Spent Thaulogiv- g st the home of zalr, -and Mrs. Alex. DA rling. Miss Dolly Cronin is 'holidaying :in Toronto for 'the week end, with fniends. :Mrs, Hastings has Moved to Strat- „ford and Loretta has gone ;to Chat- ham to take a hu.siness course, Mr. 'f'yers and ,Mr, P. -F. Benn ,mo- tored to Chatham on Thanksgiving. Mr. an,c1 Mrs. j. Dorsey and family called on Mrs. John 'Carpenter on Sunday antralso 'to see Mrs. Williams and 'other friends of 'the village. ” Word was received that St. M. Bertrand was/rery ill in Hamilton Ishspital. We rust that she is now on the road to recovery. M;rs. Walter -Carpenter has her new home itt good shape, It will he a very up -Ito -date bungalow, -five rooms, ulth all conveniences. Messrs. Die - gel and Quereagesser are the -ton tractors. It will he one' of the 'first houses here made in the !stucco style. Expeot it to completed by Christ,m'ats. Miss,Maritan of -Detroit spent the holiday- With her mother Mrs. iSMith -Or the Dominion hotel has gone to Chatham with her niece, Mrs, Jordan,• for the ivinter, evening service and assisted the past- Catherine Donnelly', Helen or, R . Mr. Durrant, th'e coin - Murray. Nora MeGrath, Clarence munion service. ' Lodby, !Cathryn illyrne. Patrick Mc - Mrs. SitcCidla and daughtere and Connell, Donald .Benninger, Francis son spent Monday at -the hotne of Stapleton, Mary ,Coyne. Class II - Mr. John Balfour. Annie Brennan. Sarah Coyne, Ed- ,Mrs, [Mary 'Clark, of Constance, is thund0Hearo, Elmer Feeney, Marvis spending a few days at the home of Drake, ;Betty Dorresteyn. English her sister, Mrs. Wm. Mc -Gavin. Composition: Class 5 --Francis Step- Ur. and Mrs. Clarence Huclie ,spent' leton, Catherine Donnelly, Helen SundaY at the home of Mr. Jos. Dol - Murray, Clarence ,I...00by, Donald male. Benninger, John 'McIver, Nora 'Mc- Miss Vera Crozier_ spent the week - 'Grath, Loretta Delaney, Veronica end at the home of -her sister, Mrs. Molyneaux, William Ryan, Zechariah Bert Currie, of Wingharn, Ryan, Kathryn,Byrne, 1L -Patrick • Mr. William iSomeriille -has install- IMeConuell, Mary Coyne, joseph -0'- ed a "Delco" lighting s'ygtern in his Reilly, 'Elmer !Feeney, Edmund 0'- home, Hearn, Annie [Brennan, Marcia Drake, :Miss Ida 'Crozier, of I-Ienaalla spent Betty Dorresteyn, Sarah Coyne. Eng- the weelc-end uudey the parental lish 'Grammar: I - John 'McIver, roof. ' ' ' - - Helen Murray, Elsner Feeney, Loretta Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 1-Indie :and Delaney, Donald IBenninger, Clarence Mt. and ,Mrs. :lbs. „Campbell spent ,Loolby, Nora MeGratli. H -Sarah Sunday in Onderich township, Coyne; Zachariah Ryan, Joseph' 0'- • ,, 'Reilly, Mar,vis 'Drake, 'Kathryn Byrne, ST. COLU1V1BAN2 Francis 'Stapleton, Patrick McColl- Mrs. P. j. Kelly, of Blyth, spent the nell. Class III -Mary Coyne, Veron- vveek-end at (he home of [Mr. and ica Molyrteaux, Betty Dorrestept, Mrs. P. ,H. MdGrath. William Ryan. Credit -- Catherine Mr. Thomas Downey, 6,f Detroit, is Donnelly. Canadian !History: 1.--- visiting at the •bonie of his ;parents, Loretto Delaney, Francis 'Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. M. Downey. ' [Clarencit...Looby, John 'McIver, Ver- Mr. and 'Mrs. Owen [1.-lart spent nnica Molyneaux, Donald.Benninger, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter II.--81mer Feeney, Willia‘m gayae, Matthews, 'Dublin,- ,Marvis Drake, Zachariah Ryon, I:lel- BLYTH. The cleigy of the .Deanery af Huron met in Trinity Church, Slyth, on Vednesday, [Nov. 10th, dor a "Qtnet in the morning the Lit- any was said by Rev. Thos. H. Brown, -the -oldest and best 'loved member of the Deanery .clergy, after Whith he gave -a short talk on "Our •Faith." then admidiste-red the ,Holy Communion and gave another much appreciated talk .on the work of the d-Ioly Spirit in our lives, At noon the elergy all lia.d dinner to- gelher in the Commercial Hotel ,ancl expressed their appreciation o,f the kindness and. hospitality of the host, Harry Johnston, and 'of the ef- ficiency of the help. After dinner a social hour Wa•S spent at the Rectory, At 2:30 they met again in the church when the Rural Dean led in prayers, a Scripture lesson Si;. Paul's epistle to the Philippians, chap. iv, verses 1-8, read responsively. Then the or- dination vows and a short talk • on St. Penns subjects for meditation, 'Phil, iv:B..- The Rev, 'Frank Lewin acted as organist in a nrost.capable manner, The relergy sexpressed. 'their pleasure at the spirit of the meeting ,and ,hopeti that it' would be at least an annual affair in the' Deanery, The next one will be at Bayfield (DV.)' in the -sun-liner of 19-27. Those present were .Rev. 17. a Brown, Seaforth; Rev. "A.1L,'`C..-Harrison, Clitithni„, Rev. F,- W. Schaffter; Wingbam; IR6. A. A. Trumpet, Exeter; iRey:IR. S. jories, Gorrie; [Rev. F. L., Lewin, Brussels; Rev. F. H. Paull, ,Bayfielict; Rev. W. 13, Hawkins, Blyth; and'Rev.' Townshencl of ,Bervie and Rev. Mr: Traverse, of Lucknow, as visitors. The many friends of IS:11-.••JOhli Brigham will be s'orry'to hear that he took a weak spell :on iSaturd.ay It was at first 'feared When he 'fell, that he had stiffered a stroke. Rev. Oaten, of [Brtissels, preach•ecl in Queen .street United .Church on Sunday. • Miss':Mabel Healy is not se well als' she has 'been for some time. • -Mr. 'Russell Fe-ar -is ill at present. • Dr. \V. j.• NI.Armstrong, of (shell, was in 1313,10 last week consult- ing_g with Or. Milne. Mr. Wm, Scott has returned from London 'hospital where the ',dottors found his condition serious. Mrs. Thos. Laid -law 'has -been in Wingliam -hospital during the nal. vemerausimmam Pontiac II"Chief of the Sixes" This is General Mptors latest prodat in cars and is rightly and justly termed by them "Chief of the Sixes". For smooth fIckly of abundantIresilient power, for com- fort in riding, for long life and brilliant performance, for beautiful and graceful ' lines, for finest finish in "Duco" and alto- gether for a beautiful and strong and durable car we recomniend the..Pontiac. We will be pleased to give you a demon- stration at your convenience. Fred. S.: Savauge Local Agent Seaforth TIrs. Jos. Murphy, of Stratford, en Mnrizay, III.-..-SPatrick McCnimell, spent the week -end e4itli her sister, Kathryn :Byrne. Credit --Jos. O'Reilly, Mrs. P IH. McGrath, . . Nora rbfcGratit, iS,arali _Coyne, ' Cather- ,Mr, Jim "McQtiaid, of 'Toronto, i he Donnelly, •Betty Dorrestyn. . . visited this vveelc- with his uncles, [A I gehra.-1.--Albert Gormley, Clar- Mr. 'a n d •IvErs. 'Frank ,McQtaaid. and ence Lodby.' IL-siMarids Drake, Ka- thryn Byrne, Zgicharialt 'Ryan. Dart - air: 'Benninger. 1111. -Patrick McCon- nell, L.:As:to:Dela:ley, Nora MdGrath, _Valet Service.. Ring up 227 or 210 and ask for Sid. Then enquire about the new VALET SERVICE. All our work is -done on a 110FFMAN SANITARY STEAM ;PRESS, an iron never touches your gvient. ' SIB1WORTH tsrARMENT OARE 'Sydney thingey: Proprietor COMMERCIALIBLOCK , PI-IONE 22Lor 21.0 Work called for and delivered. Mr. and Mr.s. L. Fear and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Fear. Mrs. Jas. Richard left 'for 'Guelph on Tnesday. Miss ,pichmond l‘ir• and Mrs, Jo's. ivrtQuaid, Mc- abte to leave the hospital there and Eillop. expects to eeturn to 'Blyth with Nirs, 'A ND ihcse hours are available at the XIL time yott can use'them to the best . . _ advantage. ' TORONTO BRANCHES: All -Province of Ontario Savings Offices anforth .; cer. say & Adelaide' open at 9.30 the morning and. do not sts5.19 DAve.; , Car. University and close until 5 p.m. T: .Dt.nles are also open Saturday OTHER BRANCHES A • •OS t.. A y 1 in e r. Sea:Word,afternOona and evenings. Think of the Hamilton, Novnuu'itut t • .convemence. Ottawa, Ogg, Sound, • 'No WOOder thOnsands of people use this Catharines, St: IVIary's, , . , Walkerton, Woodstock. service. vv on t you join tnemf 10 Seaforth Branch J. M. IVIcMalan, 14t •nager Hours 9,30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 130 a.nt. to 5 p a. .., 7 ran. to sat) pais. ' , . H PROVINCE OF :EVERY DEPOSITGailif y HEAD OFFICE 015` alhataa, \AVINGS OFFICE YONTARIOOPERNIIENT /c " 44Z-arg VtiEDIS PARK