HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-11-18, Page 3Sa ORIES OF VNELti.
Duke's:'Title by
The face that' tie Duke -of Devon-
shire owns neither .,a cottage nor hl
yard of land he Devonshire has brought
to light Me. amazing 'discovery that
he is Duke of Devonshire by a mia-
take!", The Duke's ancestor, Sir Wit-
liam Cavendish, wad first of all created
Baron Cavendish of Hardwick in.1600.
Later i't was intended to confer the
title of Earl of Derbye.hhre upon him,
but a•cierk at the 'Herald's College mie-
read it as Devonshire. • •The mistake
was never corrected..
I Needs the Help of Dr. Wililami3'
Pink Pine to Regain Strength.
Must 'Mimic the Queen.
.Whatever the Queen has, the women
of the Empire meat have -'41 possible.'
-, Last Chrlatmee Queen Mary was
presented a carious clock, fitted in the
lid of a round • gold comfit box. The.
face, Which 'hats platinum hauls set
with diamonds, is protected- with a
cover of translucent blue enamel.
• Now in Bond Street is being exhibit-
ed an exact duplicate,
A Piucky Young Woman.
Phie is the age of adventurins wo-
men.' • The 'palm for courage, however,
must be awarded to Mise Vicforia
Drvanmond, the twenty-eight year-old
Eniglieh girle, who hes just resolved
a e•eeetel'y gleee^,s e;:- fl wee. She
is the first woman to take a sea -going
engineer's "ticket " When her de•
eision to go to sea. as an engineer was
made kncwn some time ago, 'Miss
Drummond was congratulated on her
pluck, but nobody who knew what she
Would have to faoe fancied ebo would
go .through with it, Many men have
found the job too much for them. But
rhe has never flinched. She has
taken duty at all hours and- in. every
kind of weather, and won the admira-
tion of every man she has worked
No mother should wow nervone
theBand of
weakn t o
get upper
her; if she •doee worry will rear her
work in the home, and torment her in
mind and body. , The monotony of; the
average, housewife's' daily toil is,.
enough tit, cause depression, but there
are other !causes, as every mother
knows, that tend. to weaken and make
her nerves -run-down. A change and
rest might: improve her health,: but gvence d
beat of aU for jailed woman
ofDr. Williams',Pink Pills. Phew sa course . In.diseo▪ veeing the remains of (hie
. i
pills make new brood rich with the pre'rlynastic ' period" 'E j'Ftoiai ge
One might toward the :'end of that
neet at O'eeeva, grewtng,'wesa+y of it
Down to 1895 the Great "I'Ylamtds water for thoneende of yeas. Se tie all, I, w %Wed with two companions up
of Egypt' stood as • our boundary of meets were doted at ]eeele . whlch into the silent -rooked streets of an
ancient oivilinzutton. Theat a Sew years Weare submerged "by high Nile at 6000 ell quaotta of the town. Direst peoted-
later the spade of- the antiquerY or 8009 B.C. A cooking •pot'and aabee ly carne upon a'dark glgentlemiles.
cheng&i this view, The fleet dynasty were'dd'acm;veaed at a "Ile've;l•, of 12000 with two square towers. at the
of Egypt became even noire familfar 13.C. w oriseafiiits ,occureed ,occurredat levels the'ohmclwhere Knox and Fosdick.
than that of the Saxon binge of Eng- submerged between 12000 ,and 17000 preached. The tall stained windows
land. `Per two still eerller civilize- B C, Lastly, pif my flirts ,and cones' at the sides allowed here and there a
tions preCeding the beginning of writ- W0 O fount at a'letve0 eorreaponding to glow of light. We found our• way to a
ten record had been meepee out and 18000 13.C. Oealtain of.tke Fayuenedict,: somal, (side door, and, entering that
their growth and' decay made plain:, closely' eees erbLe those of the ,Solu• shadowy place, we discovered it 'manly
Thoug'h.an absolute dating of yeare,;tream;p€rted in Europe anetot+ne other
oulll' not, be obtainer, a.reuative Sat 'period:^
Ing was, establieb'ed, Imown as "se-. Book of the Dead.
'. they had reached the -very be,
elements' on which the body and nerves thought
ginning of rims wod•ka, such as ivory•
The value of Dr..Willihttns' Pink statuettesglazedfigures end hen'de',
Pills when the 'blood is weak and weal -formed PO, --cry ani 'eaboratey
watery, and the system run=down is wrought,,. flint knives. Rowing the
i;pawn by the experience
of Mrs. C. dating given, by the Eg 'tions,' these
W. Jackson 11..R.1, Gilford, Ont.,tylia l
earlier stages 'mlgbt reach back to
says:"Before' beginning the ue of ;8000 B,C. At this point we resnained ere Eilama d brought their folk- evoitertg, there was somvihig tragic in
Dr. Williams' Pink .Pills I was com- i for the past twenty years, lone with them. The names employed its joy. For I could tot help but won-
pietey run-down and could hardly Digging Into the Prehistoric:, in that mystic, StIustrated guider to the de I wheal iviult the naitiann sing like
style across the flop-. As the mother Suddenly, about three years ago, d'eps:nted, melee of which, be/menthe,
Paa1•s,. ide The Century
of young children with the usual 'another stage• dawned on our view -writ'ten upon papyrus sheets; may lye Aiagatzine,
household duties to erforin, m con- wren in several museums, are strong- z>
P y writes S'ir Flinders Petrie, the famous But trill a sa TIE
dition was one of seriousness. I had Egyptologist, in the Forum, It teens IF suggestive of n'or'thern regions, But •ee, aK , , � �t i1 aG p , s,� REN
seen Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' adver- us the finest pottery and other arta at pe�eeeet it Le l ,,,,rsvpw t6 f'utrther li�f4g lif�4 isrYaW
tiled and decided to. try them. This dating •geologically to 12b000: or 15,0001 e9e.e. ue the theme'. Explo6rstlo�n
was a happy decision as 1 bad not ear's B O., y t eo'trt 1r, -- _ ,i••• •• i' e , in the Caucasus le lmpossflille do the FROM AUTUMN. ®LDS
been taking the pi1Ps very long beforej laoer,,el:..4iseee stn of Egypt and arJgin ! Preeewt state of liue'sla, and Prat re
1 began to feel better bothi __ja `_e•' ating, probiebly, In Asia. ' The site at ; searches there have no -t reaohse back --
and mind..,-, n„gam the use of thefarther
then the bronze age The Fall is the most severe season
a prohistaric by tleanemt was ound of the year for colds—one day is
or a couple of months and now asci, worked on by the diggers in layers `— ��—
feel like a new woman, able to per- of rix elects: at a time. The two top The Lamp Shop. warm, the next cold and wet, and un'
form all my household duties. I Deet coutainod only pottery known as Soft colors and images seam to float less the mother is on her guard, the
would not be without the pills in the little ones are seized with colds that
the latter pre0ritstoric, Bel:iow that lay in the warm air. Glows of azure and may hang on all v>inter. Baby's Own
house and.' 8 recommend them to all
run-down people.” two feet of ,the early 'prehistoric. Be- old rose; gold and goseamer• threads;'
leu that again la a two -Coot thickness Tablets are mothers' best friend in
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by y dance cords; tassels with crystal peri preventing or banishing colds, They
wltlr a civfl'izatihn entirely unknown dente; softly suffused pictures, act as a entire laxative, keeping the
all dealers in medicine, or will be sentto autiquarians, resting on a limestone I. This is the lamp shoo with its lights bowels and stomach free and west
stratum. Thin IIrnestone was after- and ahades�, ire Italian torches, ite An' occasional dose of the Tablets will
wards found to be concreted rubble, wrought iron 'pedestrals of the lienal:- prevent colds, or if it does come on
suddenly their prompt use will relieve
the baby. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail et 28 cts.
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi -
eine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Two years ago Professor 2'essendem,
except for a ferw who had conies. to else
ten like ours elees. For a ehoras of
two hundred was rehearsing Bach':
great mass called "Peace." The
of Pittaburg, euggestesl that,the Egyp• chorus was not perfectly teeted, but
t.ien Book of the Deed embodied pe• the music was grandtome that night:
!creases to th,e•'Caunsns region of In tunnietuoue livens of sound, like
Is food tea'O
-- Red 20-A, OtancjiAlwaea.
One Scar or Many? Classified Advertisements.
The smallpox menace'' is ever with REMNANTS.
soluthern Russia. The mixture in the 2nresdstibie treats of Lite, all the
rth us. So many unprotected persona are 4 PATCHES,
tatebook1 of lakes of floe (oil wells); far yearnings and rejoicings of the Berth living in every city, town and village, LBS., $2. 5 LBS. PA
tile •lantle axed high mountains typifies rase tx, rite skies. Always -clay tor-
that one eanall x case, whether in 1.50. A. D4e(reery, Chatham,
theOaunsue,' To him' it seemed.histi• wild and free, yet all those many for Toronto Peterboro, or a town fn the Ontario,
ly Ulkely. diet the ancient EgYptiaiis rents of sound kept rolling and .thun north, wallvact as the lighted match to A D I E S WANTED TO : DO
bad migrated tothe Nile Drum south- daring; into oro. In my mood that light
ate men, inflammable material
children who home; whole kr apere,,tiaseeewe � y; -
ated Wren, waren an ,,P.� r g paY;
make up a large part: of Ontario'e welt reat'llBY t`Aimee; charges pstd.
population to-y.Fiend. stamp for ppaartitus, Na
SIIL>srz Zia a Winker disease, it is Manufacturing Co., Monlartreal.
time that a few eases are found (y RATIS (LITTLE FRIEND) TO
throughout the year, yet November al- VI' either sex; mailed in plain en-
whys sees fresh outbreaks. And the ve lope. Paris Specialty Co., Montreal.
result le 'that many a young woman orNE MAN IN EACH COUNTY
little gird will for the Teat of her life O to sell Washo. Best seller. Great
have the many scars of an attack oef repeater. Washes clothes without rub -
smallpox on her face when she could ,ting and cleans everything hike magic.
have prevented them by one soar of ,Different. Beats everything. .$100.
vaccination -on her arm. 'weekly easy. Sample free. P. A.
Unfortunately, . too, the type of the 1 Lefebvre & Co., 'Alexandria, Ont.
disease which is showing itself in the The Domesday
Province just now is not `mild, but
When Queen Viotoria came to the
1 It brings
to mind the
vire eat
quite b
extremely fatal type which was met throne the notional archives were scat-
in the Windsor epidemic two years ago tared in about sixty places, but by an
where only a very small number of act passed in 1888 they wearer oonoen-
unvaccinated .patients lived through trete(' hi the Public Record Office,
the attack. I whigh now contains records of the
Children and travellers, especially, Chancery, Exchequer, various courts,
should be protected by vaccination.lanid departments of state, suoh se the
But when one case in a bowling alley, I Treasury, Rome Office, Foreign Office,
on a train, at school or in a shop, at a War Office, Admiralty, Board of Trade
Elie goes to Der for ane more trip,
when she ]topes to pass herfinal ex-
- amination and set up 1n business as a
consulting mieine engineer,
The Story of a Play.
by mail. at 50 cents a b'ox•by The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont. cemented by age and long exposure. sauce, its parchment, silken, crystal-
. Beneath it was yet another layer of line tops like gaudy chapeaux fashion -
Elephants Parade for Nev. the village of exactly the same quality ed by glorified Parisian midliner:.
A torchlight parade of 880 elephants n5' that overlying the limestone. This Rainbows of only pastel standee light
was a feature of the eetertain'mentpro- shows thatthe earliest civilization the room. A brown brigantine sails a
gram arranged for the Ring and Queen lasted during a long period. For such foamygreensea under a blue and
whits flecked dome. The soft lights
the present surface dautng the last are charmingly muffled by scarab
four on- five thousand years' does not hues, coral, beige, ivory, sea foaim and
show any concreting like the old bed. a lhausend tints like fragments of
This earliest period is. known ,as the moonlight brought within the walls..
Badarian age, from the district In In a corner of the shop a jade and
Egypt south of Asyut, where fere re- crimson -shaped shade sways amid
mains were first found. The pottery tints of, begonia of turquoise, of levee-
oP the mid-Badarianage is smooth and der, of brlckdust, salmon, su'ns'et.
fine es china with a polished face of, ' Moths fie clusters or alone are some
•black•lustre.. No later age he Egyipt'of the little shades hovering around
has produced pottery so thin, so re- 'the warm, soothing lights. It is a
inter and so hard as this earliest world of quivering color, sheer cover
of the 13edgiane-on their recent visit a bed of lima rubble accumulated on
to Kandy, Ceylon.
. -__..e
Sugar Mills for Philippines.
Two rely etugrar mills are being -pro-
pared in Honolulu for erection in the
Tho moat popU ar stage success Philippines.
s1noe "Chu-ChinChow" is "The Farm-
er's Wife," Eden Phil potts's amusing shall I show you the muscular
slay et the Court Theatre, .atre, London,
• how in its thOrd,year and; still Ming
Strong. If Mr. Pheepotts woie the sort
to ho easily dlsdourytgede this play
Would probably neverhave secl''tde
iln alight. It was written In 1.912'ared
Went on 'a round of theatre managers,
but always it was returned With com
pliments and regrets At last Mr.
Edmund &wenn thought he would• risk
t :. But no; he changed hie mind. A
few years elapsed, and them the play
wits shone tee Sir Barry Jackson, the
enteeprising head of the Birmingham
leepertgry Company. Iia reduced It In
1916 and it became immediately the
"stop -gap" :messee to be put on as a
Certainty when anything else failed.
training of a philosopher? What mus
oes• aiethose?' A will tindisappeint-
'ed; evils avoided; powers daily exer-
cised;. careful resolutions; unerring
Almost con or'e'd by the high bull,
rushes with their rusty brown blobs.
and deck green blades, the little boat -
beast) reels a.t the end o8 ;the pathway
of locee boar;ls between which flowers
like yellow euro holding the -fresh rail
have s .ung up. The boathouse, once
bright t yellow, is uow of nondescript
coley, fromyeere- of'expoeunel to the
whims of wind, rain and: sun.
As the planks, siurrounded like is -
lends with wild flowers anti scattered
p'wrple thistles here and there, are
trod, there is a rustle in the tall weeds,
as gnasehoepere- skip osten4tioucly at
the at nroach of strangers who dare
daily tis
The Chief
You really enter sunny Cali-
- fornia the moment you step
aboardoneof thefivefamous
to. break the stillness of the waning Santa I e cross -continent
autumn afternoon, and a random bird -trains.
flutters in the distant
The venerable boatman survey., his
family of akiffa, his flat-botto'm.ed row-
boats, hie yawls, hls.dinghiee. They
are pee •children. They need autumnal
care. Ali summer they breasted the
waters of the lake, 'holding sagely on
Sunday afternooae between their buig-
tng 'bulwarks many different people.
There were parties with rollicking
children and :savory basket lunches,
older. people who dreamed of idelldic
days in'idle caress and water craft on
other lakes, and young people who had
lived each days in the golden summer
just passed,
Draevf. from the still waters and the
soft aftenroow ear, the boats rest In
the tiny pavilion almost conceals. by
the bullrlrehes Tender, bends, though
strong alai gnarled, are:filling up little
crevices between the planks, -Wending
oarlocks. The craft with wide -bladed
oars. fa.shi,oned from the pmooth lnm.
ber exuding scents •of the forest as it
lies pilled on the pavidion,ate to .be
given new wings, • '
What n variegated fatrntly.of the old
lake masters are these skiffs! Once,
re pie)Ment ,in crimean, or green," or
• bright yellow, the finger at Tinea has.
wretched upon them a goat of gran'
giving them elle grace of age. Theirs
Is the beauty of an autumn day after
the lntpeiuosi;ty of summer. Thai's 1s'
the air o2 repose*that blends in the id -
moat deserted ,park _and tranquil lake
With nature itself,
Fancy New Railway Depot.
Each of the platforms of a new sta.-
tion' at Welweyn (Harden City;' on the
main Loneon and Nogth-Eastern line
to ring's Creels, is 600 feet long, and
Huls Power bade down the centre, 'end
there will lye 87 trains a elay to Lon-
The new .Chief—extra fare—
is the finest and fastest .of
the Santa Fe California
trains. Only TWO business
days on the -way.
No extra fare'on the four.
otherd' trains.
Fred Harvey dining service
sets the standard in the
transportation i'vorld.
Enjoy the out-of-doors this
winter --take your family.
California hotel rates are
reasonable. 4» .
May I send you our pkturefalders7
F.' T. 'IiandrC, awl.'Aiciue
Santa Fe Ballway
404 'rraneportation Building
Detroit, Itch,
rhone: Itendolpli E7411
civilization. '
Ivory Combe, glazed Beads.
Flint supplied ell tools and weaponry
of these people who' lived, it seems, �: �r .
13,000 year before King Tut's time. Tumbling half eves at the been heads AFTER
Two sera s of capper have b
can Sound • � : - - of -rho run,
p wider the spell of the harmonizing ^+ / \� ���
metalg th•e remains, shapes T native Tuanlillug car purple numbers.
metal ha'mme'red knee shapoi The earn- glow, Ph11ng, i•ts symphony, the Mtn=
mon use of :fear beads covered tvlth uet, fragmentary hair, a !areaway re George, I Pear you're forgetting Twirl on, you and your satin blue
gioen glaze tabes Ilio art of glaring fiat-initltingappoggiaturn.notee, frig•l3"ourself." the water li roe, be air birds. YO
tar, far back. =Five large carved heads
moats of a dim map of the. Middle "Don't ;you worry. I'm not that un- Be these purple tumblers you are.
selfish:' Ottawa Woman Made Strong bg+
b Diel an.i get away r
gI'ealr heed'
st prove that they could After Shaving—Minard's Liniment. Taking Lydia E Pinkllam s
Work hard stones. Ivory combs were
From l ops• into slip knots,
found, and cups, large spoons and yawl- are seems of five colors reflecied Write your owe others and figure Vegetable Compound
Silencer on Radios. g g
ous earvin'gs show how numerous was through filmes, veno that the light is eights.
In the Fngllsh town nP R�ead�ing airy
Ings, gossamer tints that bathe the in-
terior of the shop; but never cross the
threshold into' the brilliant sunlight
of the s'treett
Vistas images forgotten scenes and
fragments are brought before the eyes
concert or church service can cease' and Customs,
an epidemic which will affect hundreds I Among the principal exhibits are
of people, no one is safe; we must, the Domesday books, that are the out -
then, protect ourselves by vaccination, come of a general survey of England
if we have not been successfully done ordered by William the Conqueror at
within seven years. the end of 1085.
Vaccination: does not cost mueb,
usually very little, and that only for 1
the doctor's time, as the vaccine is
supplied free for the use of the people
of Ontario by the Dept. of Health.
Purple Martins. '
If we were each and so, the same as
Maybo wee too would be singers and
Tumbling half ewer In the water mir-
. PIanr J?,r 11or z&r
Last word in builders' aid, Practical;
up-to-date suggestions on planning
building, furnishing, decorating and
gardenias. Profusely illustrated,
bnd scores of actual dollar saving sug-
• �gestions, Send:25 cents for.
current issue.
MacLean. Builders; Guide
ado Adelaide 51. tY„
Taranto, Ont.
of hared, transparent serpentine and
Ages, impreeaed upon the shades.
There is no flickering light; only a
refined impression of radiance. So )Wyle
r merely suggested, exuded as it were' 1.
the elephant at that time. Three I h disturbs 'his n^ighboa's by a
Lin -
carved figures o crura: have aur gr eco ti be fined $26
vived, giving the types of these an-
cient people. One looks like a being' graeef
anew o tis your wooded lelauel here in f h I from the warmth. And in this color
ully between artistic tangents, �'
Name of Indian Tribe. —Carl Sandbuag„ and was afraid I had serious trouble:
a e tinsel and images of .the I was tired all the time and had no
appetite. illy sister-in-law is taking
coming otter a one who Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
a an animated Imago from the Pt. Blasdns.y t 4 pound and cannot praise it too highly
and asked me to try it. I have. had
coin Perk. Ottawa Ontario, -"I was terribly
radio may g baby. I had awful beer m p
ane, a between
lily moves Everybody knows this belongs to sea. g -down ams -
of 'Mesopotamian. origin. Another• is archin
slim and Western, suggestive of arching bridge and haughty • parlor The San Blas Indians of Panama
Orate. The third is that of a bush-
lamps i toward LUho en were named by Columbus in. honor o8
ran -down after the birth' of my third
man. It seems as though the early, tars a
Peopllec of Egypt had come from the shades
e splendid results and feel fine all the
Toklo!s Daily Births. r4 p'' ;��
time now. Any one who needs a
thorough pick-me-up soon learns,
from me what to take,'-Mrs.RENE
PAiUIN, 320 Cumberland: Street, Ot-
tawa, Ontario.
Terrible Backache
Hamilton, Ont. —''After my baby
was born I had terrible backache and
headaches. I could not do my work and
felt tired from the first minute I sot
up. But worst of all were the pains
in my sides when I moved abcat. I.
had to sit or lie down for a while ai
terwards. 1 could keep my house in
order, but many things had to go un-
done at the time, because of my ail-
ments. I was told by a neighbor
take Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable
Compound, as she said it would build
me up. I was relieved before I had
and have
taken the first we bought a.
not had any trouble like it since." --
Mrs. T. MARKLE, 115 Ferguson Ave.
nue South, Hamilton, Ontario. 0
Wort . Every day in Tokio 158 babies are
Ashes of 12000 B.C. bl i h t born. Last year 61,498 births were re-
Thesis, interesting discoveries were cl'sSrnhp Anrdnrgstorc corded, of which number 31,62G were
lnatlre the civilization
basin,'adjoining a male and 29,865 female.
the Nile, and the civilization they are
Pimples comefrom'blood that's not just right.
If you want to get rid of facial em e en ry
presented is now for the most part
Singing le very. easy. Drawing,
under 60 feet of Nile mud- 14 wee though, is mucid more difficult. I have
only by the chance of this village and denoted a good deal of time to draw -
a graveyard having occupied a site ing, one way and another•; I have to
high up•in a rocky shelf; then 100 feet attend a great many committees and
above the Nile` at Bader!, that the re- public meetings, and at such functions
mains wea•'e discovered.' It is now I .fic9 that drawing is almost the only
found that both eatery and-ilint work art one can satisfactorily peewee dur-
are scattered' on the F ayum basin at ing the speeches, One .really cannot
levels which were subsequently under sing during the speenhes; so as a rale
I draw, I do not say that I am au ex
': pert yet, but after a few more meet
as welt as it can be known.The first thing, of course, 1•s to get
on to a ,reelily good committee; and
by a good committee I`,niean a eom-
m'tttee that provides decent materials,
An ordinary departmental committee
is no uee; generally they only give you
a couple of pages oflined foolscap and
no white blotting -paper, and 'very of-
ten the pencils are, quite soft. White
blotting-paper'is essential.
Much the best committees from the
point of view of material are coneniit-
tees about business; which meet at
business premises ,-- shipping offices,
Lor'choide, 'One of .the Picnic lines.
has ,the best white blotting -paper 1
know; and the pencils there are a
dpeam. ] atm hrlre the direeters o8 that
firm are drawers; tor they always give
you two pencils, one hard for -Hews,
and one soft for doing herr. ,
When .you have selected yourCOO:-
mlttee aril tee 'e•o
-wenches are well
away, the drawing begins. Much the
beat thing to draw is a man. Not the
chairmen, or Lord Pommery Quint, ow
any member of the committee, but just
a man.- Many novices' make the ntis
tape of selecting a sribjeot for t'he'ir
art before they begin; usually they
select the ohaireme. And when they
find it is snore like Mr. Gliedetoaye they
are discousag'od. If: they had waited
a little; 11-'0,0111d have been Mr. Glad-
stone offiolallly.—A. P. Herbert, In "Ola
Physicians Use Minard's LInlmcnt.
Fir OP R$Oflie
Collet RelievedelitevRelieved13S
Everywhere men. women and children
are finding instant relief from Coughs
and Colds of nil kinds by taking Buek-
ley's Mixture. Everywhere druggists ars
selling "Buckley's" under positive guar.
antes. The first dose proves how dH-
fereatit is -and' there,. are 40 doses in a .
76 -cent bottle C Never ba without this
proven conqueror of colds.
W. K. Hinkley, Limited,
142 Mutual St., Toronto 2
Acta like a Just
single alp provese
High School. Boards and Boards'. of Education
Are: authorized by taw to• establish
With t the approvel'of the Minlsterof Education.
may be conducted In accordance- with the regulations Issued by
the Department of Education.
Is given In various trades. The schools and classes are under the
Application for attendance should be made to the.' Principal -of the
----for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High
Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational $cheola and Departmento.
Copies of the Regulations Issued by the,Minister of Education may be.
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labs, I calculate l kno
d� to t1at 1 shall w
The Chinese dragon la represented
as having the head of a lion, the body
and limbs of a crocodile, and horns of
What.people actually think, rather
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Books relating to the War and stor-
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On Face, Shoulders and
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My trouble began with pimples
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end arms. They were large hard
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Miss Grace M. Ward, Thetford
Center, Vt., Aug. 12, 1925.
Use Cuticura to heel skin troubles.,
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k'fe3}:` Cuticura Sl-aviat Stick 25o.
ISSUE' ,No. ,47—'2G.