HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-11-11, Page 5Ire THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1926, THE SEAFORTH NEWS LOOK AT THE CUT of -Meat you are buying and see if it has the color and the appear- once' of fresh, tender, juicy, whole- some beef. Don't buy it . if it is - sting, dry, dark, full of tendons. You get, quality cut here. - It is .better a to pay us a, •• few cents a Isonnd more and get' meat youcan eat enjoyably. D. • H ST,EWART Phone 58 Seaforth Your Butcher. 1 D. H. McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, wi•11 be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noon in future. Diseases of all all kinds success- fully. treated. Electricity used 1 Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c Red & •White' Chain stores Our Specials for week starting November 12th, Sliced Pineapple 2s per tin 18c Red Fitted Cherries 24c Star Ammonia 4 for 25c Canned New Peas 2. for . 25c ;Cocoanut, Moist, Southern Style tin 15c Feeding Molasses, just arrived,_ price very low off car. Free Pony Votes here. (toss J. Sproat Rhofte 8 W. M. Stewart Phone 77 If its groceries we have them. W, J. Walker_&;Son UNDERTAKING —atnd— EMBALaMIf1G Motor or Horse Equipment. W. 2. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 67. CREAM GRADING The purchasing of Cream according to grade became law on May 1st. •;; Your cream graded here by experts under Government supervision,and we guarantee you the best of service. All our gradings is checked by the Dpparttnent of Agriculture. Aim to send Specials and No. 1 grade cream. ,.z. Send or deliver your cream at least twice a week and as direct as possible. All cream graded as soon as we receive it. Creamery Open Saturday Nights. Seaforth Creamery Co.. Seaforth, Ont. SEAFORTH CAFE REGULAR DINNER 40c Meals and Quick Lunches at all hours Prolnpt'Service BISSET'S] ICE] CREAM - Sodas, Soft Drinks, Chocolate Barg, Cigarettes, etc: PE CY'�HOWE . Pro R � WIRMI Fruits and Vegetabies At•, all prices to meet. your needs RHUBARB RADISHES GREEN ONIONS SPINACH TABLE RAISINS' HEAD LETTUCE CELERY CAULIFLOWERS•. TOMATOES r... . SHELLED ALMONDS •i Per ,lb ,. .... c P The Proven''Asthma Remedy. Since .astbina, existed tjiere has •'been"' no lack of :illicit heralded remedies, ;but the'y have.' proved short +lived., and -worthless' The. ...ever-gt owing; reprta-. tion. of:''Dr, J. D. IkelioggsAstittna. Reined- has given •it a place in the field o'f medicine which no other can approach. It 'has never been'pushed by sensational methods, :but has sine - ply gone on effecting relief and mak- ing new converts. OLDER BOYS' PARLIAMENT. The 'sixth Older Boys' Parliament which is conducted similarly to the Provincial Legislature, will meet in the last week in Deceinber or the first week m January. The election will be held' of the 27th of November, Tuxis.Boys, Trail Rangers and me+ni- bers of a Sunday school class regis- tered c i -tered with the Otitar'•io Boys 'Work Iiloard not later than. November 46th, will have a cote.•. Platform of 5, Alex. Addison. 1. That.I finntly'pledge my hearty support to the League of Nations and ant, desirous or the fortn'ation of a •junior society, - 2.,; That T heartily support the launching of ;another 'bond selling campaign to finance the boys' work;in Ontat io,' 3. Owing to the number of teen age boys in. isolated dist:; •ts, 'I 'be- lieve'tiat the Jesus Way of Life may be conveyed to 'them through Pieneer. Tiixis !Work. 4, In 'order to stimulate a. greater knowledge of .hoy.: life, 'I pledge,, nay }catty sitpp.ort,fot a 'icounty • camp nett summer uncler. eff're1C nt leader- ship': eader•- s '5 Owl g to the''lack of leadership in Trail Ranger work, I.believe ,'that in order -to overcoine ,the shortage, each Tin's Square should spend a cer- tain period each year• in -a special trlaining course which would fit thein for leadership. 'G, Owing to, the financial difficul ties of ors roiafies 'I beYevethat T'uxis ;Boys and T110 Rangers should set aside.,,a.certain _ percentage of 'dues for mission 'work. :As I have given you, in brief 'form, iuy •reasons why ;.you should vote` for me ori November 27th instead of Mr. A. IW, 'Si9tery, I will be very grateful for your support and I will greatly !appreciate your votes on the 27th. (;Signed) J, A, all?I?LSOiN, liTown'mvics il Mr: and Mrs. 'Redmond, of. ;Mon - And Mis's'Marjorie Brown, of Toronto; were holidays guests `at the rectory. Mr. William Hamilton, of Ashland, Wis., and Mr.,,Thos. A, Walker,, of, Marlette, Mich., were spending - the' week with Mr,.and !Mrs, Jno. Censitt. • Mr. and ;Mrs. George Jlell s+ielit Sun'+: -' in U'sborne. Mt, W. Patrick, of the Dominion Bank staff, Woodstock, was a week- end visitor at his horn in Tucker - smith, M't' Leslie Mullen,' of Toronto, was a guest et the home, -of his uncle; 'Mr. J. G. Mullen: ' iMr, ILesi1,,e 'IVtcyay, of Kitchener, spent the holiday at his hoine iu Eg- mondville. Dr. Garnet Chapman, of Bridge- iburg . wa's a guest at the home of his. parents, Mr. -and Mrs. 'W„Chapman. Mrs, R. S. 'Evan's and Eleanor spent the week -end at the !home 'of Mr, Lee Hoffman; Zurich. ` ' Miss 'Dorothy 'Wt;son, - of Arthur, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Wilson. ;Nit.' and ;Mrs, J. F. 'Ross and .clril- dten, o'f �Gt'elph, were ie town renew- ing old.. acquaintances. Dr. and Mrs. 5, H. Mclaul of To.' Tonto, were holiday visitors aX • the home of Me -and Mrs. J. G. Mullen, Mr. and •Mrs. Carl Sheahan, of To rdnto, and Mr: Noel Jones, of Barrie, were. guests at the benne cif Mr, and Mrs. R. iMurless Jones. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Chesney, Mr. Arnold 'Bell, of Toronto, ;Mr. and Mrs.r G A. Habkirk, ,Mr. and Mrs. Delin- haugh 'and ",, 'Sdiirtoii, of Dunn- ville, were' week -end guests at the 'home of Mrs. J. Habkirk, Miss Ila - Johnstone is visiting friends in 'London, Nr, John .Pinkney spent Thanks- giving in Stratford, fi•, and Mrs. Geo. Snell returned on Wednesday to Auburn, after spending a few days at the •hone of Mr. and Mrs. John Pinkney, Mr, W. H. 'Little, of the ,Delhi Con- tinuation School staff, was home over 'the hol'l1day visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Little, Mr. Arthur Anneal, of Toronto, was a 'holiday visitor at his home. Miss Helen Cuthbert, of Hamilton, was the guest of Miss Grctta Ross. Mrs, W. R. Smith is in Port Col- borne visiting 'her son, !Mr, John 'Gemmell is visiting his. 'brother, Dr. Gemmell.in Stratford. Mrs., G. F. Rogers, of Toronto, is visiting her sisters, the Misses Ste- p]iens. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eberhart spent the week -end with .Mr. Ehei•- hart's 'brother, Dr, Eberhart, to Mea - ford, ' Mrs. W. -"G. 'Spencer and ,sol Billy are spending a week at her 'Home in Port' Colborne. • Miss Irwin, of .Toronto, visited .with Rev. 'and 'Mrs. W. P. Lane over Thanksgiving: Miss Gladys Pollock, of Kincardine, has been .•a guest at the hone of -Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyerntan a few days this week Mr. and. firs. John McDonald,'Mi.ss Ileenev and Mr. Peet, of Embro, visited 'Ret,' and Mrs. W. P. Lane on, Monday and took in the fowl supper at Northside 'Church. 'Miss Adeline Tyei nian- has return- ed from an extended visit with friends in Toronto and Bowmanville, Did the numerous !geese, turkeys and other fowls whose lives were sud- denly. .terminated for :Thanksgiving festivities, 'feel that it was sweet' to clic in a righteous cause? Mr. Ed. 'Daley, of Walkerton, was a week -Ad •gues't.•of.his ;parents, 111r. and Mrs, 'Peter"Daley: iMr. and Mrs; `C. L. 'Bristow, of De- troit, were•;holiday visitors at the home off1.?Air. and Mrs. Wilbert Webster. Mr., rind Mrs. Thos. Frizzell, of Bognor; Miss ,k, Frizzell and Mr, and Mrs: F: S. Rivers and baby Patricia, ail of Owen Sound, and Mr, and Mrs. IJ. N. Rivers, of .G,oderich, spent the •weekrend at the ironic of Mr, and Mrs. A. Rivers; John street, Mss•'H'izel.'Reynard and - Mr. C. Mullin; of Lucknoti- .were guests on Monday of Mr.. and Mrs. 'Wilbert Webster, Miss Margaret Rivers has returned home :after a months,' visit with rela- tives 'in"`Owen 'Sound. Eight years ago today (Thursday) the Armistice was signed. On Thursday last a friend- ly euchre ;between Maley and Sea forth_tw.as giver' at lir. Leonard Bol- ton's when Seaforth defeated, the "Visitors in the, . first round of the season, 'Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bolton spent Thanksgiving in Toronto and Osh- awa: Mr. Wm, Faulkner spent the holt day itt Windsor, Mr, Frank Finnigan, of McKillop. is moving into Mrs. '1Vut, Ha'bkirk's house, Victoria` street. M. iH'aroltl ,Coates, of Toronto Uni Ocrsily, spcnt,tbe holiday at the, home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'R. E. Coates: Miss iBeatiice Seip' spent ,Sunday in New Hamburg: Dr. C. Mackay and Miss Alinnie Mackay were 'i,n.Toronto -over the holiday. Mr. Leslie Watson; of Toronto, was a Thanksgiving guest et the home of his father, 'Mr. J. Watson:, Miss Ilaty IBeh, of !Wilton Grove, spent the holidays tat'iter,,home here, •Miss :Link 'is visiting' het aunt, ie Exeter, Miss ..Dorothy' Reinke 'spent . tltc, week -end with her aunt in Blyth, ,Air. Jack McGee was ..an Exeter visitor,. 'try• ' INt.' and Mrs. 'Wm, Twdss ''and :Mr. and Mrs, 'Harry Twiss, of ;Barr'ie, land Mr. and :Mrs, 'James . 'Griniinei and fam'i'ly,' of +A'yr, Spent' the holiday at the home of Mr, 'and Ales, Alex, 'Me - Gavin; Jessie ' 'Miss 'McMillan .ofToronto` , was the"+gaest of her. -parents , Mt, and Mrs, ,'W, f', McMillan, • PROGRESSIVE MEETING Town Hill; Seaforth Friday; Nov. - 19th under auspices of Sotith iluron Pro- -gressi3e ''Association Speakers: ' ARTaVLt vv.T'ISUOEK, K. C Toronto,. . W. ,G.• MFDD, of aExeter',, Candidate for South Huron, Chai`r'man: a A' W. EL GOLDING, Mayor of Seaforth Citizens of South Huron, ladies es- pecia'l4y, are cordially• invited to at- tend, ;Government ttendGovernment Control of liquor sales and other issues will 'he discussed. W. BLACK, Mrs. W. GLENN, • Pres. Vice -Pres, G, W. Layton, Sec. GOD SAVE THE KING! .Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Webb and sons Howard and Bob, spent the - week- end with Mr. and +Mrs. Wm. Mor- rison. Airs. 'S'arah Webb returned to Toronto with them, after spending the summer here, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wren, of Toronto, ldr. and Mrs'Shepherd, 'Chiselhtirst,. called on Mr. and 'Mrs. Jno. Love on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. 'Beamis, of 'Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. G. E. Henderson, IMr, Fred Archibald, of Jarvis, was a visitor at his home, Mr. and Mrs. Howard kerr, of Galt, spent Thanksgiving with Rev. Dr. and ,Mrs. 'Larkin.' Mr. and firs, 'H. Miantett, of To- ronto, were guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. T. Box Mr. P. 'Hargraves and Miss Gladys Shillinglaw were holiday visitors at the lone of Mr. 'and Mrs, T. G, 'Shtl- linglaw. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Archibald, of Toronto, were 'holiday visitors at the home of 'Nt, and Mrs. Andrew Archibald. Miss Foreman spent the holiday at her home in Granton. .Air, and.' Mrs, A..E, Horton and Miss 'Stella, of London,, spent the week -end with ill'. and 'Mrs. E. L. Box. Air. J..1. ;Merrier. and: Air. Clare Berner were hone from Windsor for Thanksgiving. , Mr. J R. Lyon. of Toronto, was a guest at Ole home of 'Mr, and Mrs. J. A. 'Wilson. Mrs. Geo. AVeir left on \Weduesclay morning for Anderson, N. Caroliina. Mrs, (Dr.) ;Briggs and daughter Jean, of'Cleveland. are guests of Mrs. A. McDerutirl Chicken Supper The Catholic Women's League will serve a Chicken;Supper in the Parish Hall on ' Tuesday, Nov. 16th from 5.30 to S Adults 50c Children 25c There will also be a sale of sewing home made candy and novelties. STAFFA. .Don't forget the supper Thursday evening, Nov, 11'th, lir,' A, A. Colguhotin is enjoying a new radio,. Mr. T. Sntale, Seaforth, visited rel- atives last week.. ,Mrs. C. Templeman and 'Betty, of Detroit 'spent •a few days with \•Ir. and 'Mts.,W. 1.1. 'Templeman. 'Rev, J. E. Jones was in London hos- pital this week having his tonsils re- moved. Mrs. Arthur Colilultoin 'spent the Week end at Woodstock. A'Ir, Harold O'Brien of .London Uat- tversity, spent Thanksgiving at his home here. IMr. and Mrs. R. •Livingstone of Hamilton, spent the week end at the parental home. :Ate. Leary and family of Hamilton spent Thanksgiving holiday with ;Mr. . Leary. and 'Mrs. Mrs, F. Miss Vera and Mr. IIarvey visited with Mr. and Mrs. j. Campbell, Walton, on Sunday. ;We welcome bar. and Mrs. George Tiffin back to our village. •Mr. and ,Mrs, Wilt +Hocking. and family of Smithvi1lc : spent Sttncbay With Mr. and Mrs. G. .Kerslake. 'Mrs„ Lawrence Hannon: and , chil- dren spent a few clays with the lady's •parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Sadler.: 1M11 and ;NB's. C, .Treffey and.family of London, ,called on relatives in the vill•t g e Sunday, Otu• teachers, ;Miss, Jean 'Mountain, MiSS"Pearl ThoMsOie and Miss 'Han- nah Pollard, spent the 'holiday at their respective •barites in St. 'Marys, Kippen and Norwich. ' • Mrs. Culbertson, Mr, 'S. 'Envnerson, Galt, Miss. Doris aRemnant and Miss Florence Kitchett of Woodstock. spent the holidays with ,Mr, and Mrs, Td, +Le'slie. • For •Rheinmatic Pains. --Thep ains and -yachts't if sciatica and rrheuenatism should he treated with Dr, Thomnls' Eclectric' Did. The soothing and heat- ing properties of this famous remedy have. 'been demonstrated for fifty years., Use it also 'for inflammatory pains, cuts, scratches, bruises and sprains, either in human beint•gs or the lower anima's:" ST. COLUMBAN. Miss O'Donnell, of :Stratford, spent the week -end with ;M'iat, S, Queenan. Miss Mary McGrath, , of Stratford Btilsiness College, spent the week -end at her borne here. Mr. J. IJo'hiaston and son'Edward, of IStrathroy, are visiting at the home of Itft; and Mrs. J'atnes,;O'Connor. . 'Miss Margaret Doyle, of Maidstone, spent the week -end b't tite hone of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Doyle, Hib- bert. Mr. Jim Lane, of Stratford .Normal, spent the week -end at''t1te home of his parent's, Mr, and Mns. 'JJno`Lane, Mc- Kitlop. -.Miss Helen Flannery, of Linwood, visited with her parents over the week -end. Mr, TThbma's McQuaid, of Stratford, Was a' week -end visitor at the home of his parentse .Mr. 'and Mrs. Jos. Mc- Quaid, • Miisses MdldredaMdG'rath, of St. Cle- ments, •and 'Gertrude '1VioGreth, of Bamburg, spent the week -end .and holiday at ;the home of their parents, Mir. and Mrs, P. V. 'McGrath, Ivtis's 'Mary Dowt;ey, of London, is visiting her •parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Downey. Mr. Charles Maloney spelit the week -end at his. home here. ;Mr. E. McGrath, .of the .Standard -Bank, St. Clements, is visiting with his parents, Mr, at,d Tvtrs, Peter Mc- Grath, McKillop. Mr, Jos. 'Stapleton, 'Huron road, is confined to this home through illness: We +rope soon to hear of his speedy recovery to health. St. Columban Church was the scene of a wedding of much interest -.on Thanksgiving Day, Monday,•.Novem- ber 8th, when Rev. Fr. Mintzer united in marriage Geraldine 'O'Connor, niece of 'Miss Catherine O'Connor, to Joseiph C. Eckert, son of Mr. and Mrs, Conrad Eckent of Seaforth. The bride entered the church on the arm of her aunt, to the strains of Mendel- ssolni s wedding march, ;played 'by the organist, Miss Marie Flannery. The bride was daintily gowned iii -sonora satin, with threaded. velvet ;tat. 'Rus- sian style, of the sante shade, and shoes and hose to snatch. She car- ried a beautiful sheaf bouquet of Oph-' elia roses and maiden hair' 'fern. The bride's attendant, Miss Margaret Doyle of Windsor,wore a charming chess of ashes of roses georgette and velvet in three totes and a hat of the same 'shade with gold metallic trim- ming. The ;bridesmaid's bouquet was of pink ;sunburst roses.; The groom was assisted by Mr. Thomas 'Morris of Hibbert. ' At the offertory, Miss hfiiuie Dalton sang beautifully "Ave „l'fbtia," and at the signing of the re- gister the "0 Salu'taris” was sweetly sung 'by Miss Mas -ie Flannery. ' After the ceremony a well appointed din- ner was served at the bride's .home. The .pride was the recipient of -many beautiful gifts. The many .friends of the ;bride and groom offer their .con- gratulations and extend their wishes for continued happiness,• On Wednesday evening, November 3rd, a number of friends of Miss Ger- aldine O'Connor gathered. at the Monte of -Mr. Jelin Dalton' of Flibtbet:t to 'give her a miscellaneous shower, prior to her marriage to Mr. Joseph C.'Eckart of Seaforth. Following this the S't. Colum'ban choir presented the Ihricle-tu=be with a bronze 'buffet electric lamp and " candlesticks to match and read the, following! address Dtar Geraldine: As a vatted mem- ber of our choir, we feel we could not let this opportunityp'ass without pre- senting you with an address of appre- ciation for your services in our choir and your ever bright and cheerful dis- position. We all wish that your path in married life will be always just as happy and cheery as we 'have .found you, We ask you to accept this gift as a slight token of our esteem and hope that the sight of it in your home may recall many happy memories of your associations with the St. Colunn- ban choir, The address was read by by Mr. Thomas Morris and the pres- entation made ,hy Miss Marie' Flan- nery. The remainder of the evening was spent in singing and 'dancing. All left thanking the host and hostess for the very enjoyable evening. WIN'13ROP. Oavan •Church Sabbath school are giving a Christmas concert on Wed- nesday evening, Dec. 22. Supper will be served, :followecl by a good pro- gramme. Santa Claus will be there with his pack full of nice things for girls and 'boys Everybody is invited to' conte and enjoy ;an evening with the children,. ablt, Archie Campbell of Toronto spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and ;Mrs. James +Campbell. Miss Edna Cathp bell of ,Bctunillcr spent the week end with her parents. "Mr. and •Mrs, Robt Campbell, 'lir. and ;Mrs, W. C. ;Bennett and ,babe spent 'Sunday with didr, and Mrs, \Vadell of :Stratford. 'Mr, 'Frank: Johnston wears a smile these days. His wife presented 'hits with a fine baby girl last Saturday. Mr. Nelson Garden of Toronto spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, Clips. Mcllroy, ,Miss Margaret Cuthill of Campbell- villa, spent the week end with her par- ents, Tile and Mrs. A, r\ .Ctttltill. Miss Margaret (Bates, •of .'Seafortlit spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Eaton, ;Mrs. +Watt. `Humphries and children of Walton 'spent the week • end with Mr. and Mrs. IRdbt, C'antpbell. AIT, John >Buliard spent' the Holiday with Mr. and 'Mrs. !I3. Sntalldon of Walton, CONSTANCE. Airs. Fred Anderbbn of 'Flearal,; is visiting relatives in the. village. Mr, and ;Mrs. Robt. Grimoldbv re- turned front Tees'wister last week, where 'hfr.' Grimoid'by spent tine Fall threshing, ;Messrs. Joseph and Benj. Riley spent Suncla' with `friends in Brits- ,I y sets. NIT, and Mrs, Roy' Barnett, of Wes- ton, spent 'Thanksgivin•g- with itt. and Mrs. Robt. Grintcrld'by of Cons - The sad death occurred last Mon- day e'f the infant son of Mr. awl Mrs; Chas, Riley of Constance. The little Ladies' Wrist Watt in White or Green ,Gold, from $10.00 Ui' Gents Po nt c ket wa.tehes..:: $2.00 up Rings, Chains, Clocks Pens, Cuff Links, etc. etc. Buy here and save money. Expert watch, clock and jewellery repairing Service. J. A. W E STeO TT Watchmaker and Jeweler, Opposite W. A, Crieh's. We Know flow to make Ladies' and Gentlemen's Clothing or to alter your Old Styles to Present Fashions also Expert Repairing and Pressing E. W.BATEMAN The Special 'Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Mao. Ground 5ereetaings whop of All Kinds C. G. THOMSON PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for alt makes of Batteries. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Now is the time to have your car overhauled Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased and cleaned. Dealer in New and Used Cars. Agent for Chrysler Four and Six Cylinder Cars, Regier's Garage .PHONE 167W. Kiii e LiceNsr ,.w I-Iens bothered with lice stop laying. To kill the Ike, take the affected chicken by the legs and sprinkle .the powder in the open feathers. PRA'I'TS LiC'C KILt,ER is l arntless,noi.irritatina and non poisonous. but kills the lice. Ask your stealer. LICE KILLER Sets+ by ACHIsrs alt .ver Cq.t4da Write fur PING S POUL7l1' flo0A FREE! pu ieT C oopp C.Ave dCANADA 0 nttmd fellow had caught cold and being too weak to fight, ;against it, strangled 'it death Monday' morning. Little Ken- neth was just one ,month and one clay olcl. The floret offerings were many, 'Much sympathy is extended to ,Mr, and •Mrs,':Riley and family, < • TICS Ladies' Hairdresser will be at the Dennison R_ W Pullman Barber Shop (Successors to W. W. Robin: son). Ever.... Tuesday � J Phone 125 for appointments Specialist in Marcelling massaging, shampooing ooi.n p g and hair cutting. 'Whether the. corn r'be of old or'npw ^t .growth, it must yield to "Holloway's ' c Corn Remover.