HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-11-11, Page 40
i SAS;K ATC± N.,
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The Sasttia'toari (Star We Y.
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Octtr!ber ..0th, P,tvbiisled, the. Eo w , g,
t the death and funeral, ,of
Larne P, ,Twiss, Who fornetily.liven
,..: sees. .,..,...i erre. �
t L ,
•• � . Y %apt 'what Wilt continue the business alone. ,
that In �atltt•rutg,. ,ogethe t
was termed a C;hri tiara burial there Misses Jean and -Effie Laidlaw •speltt'
f.` e,-
' the week -end visiting tuends at God
A4a•, ° Nesbitt, f b at as ass
7 W. s t, o V i 1,
hfas purchased-IMr.iHarry 'Fear's•farttt
rots th.line of ivforris. 'Mr,,:'Form;
r e 1h'charge S f. the
b sok , Who has had, of.
farm 'intends. leevipg`ithe middle 'sof
December ,for (England, where 'it is
hoped Mrs. Hornibrooke's healthwill
1Mr, and Mrs. David ;Laidlaw enter-
tained on Wednesday evening, in
,honor of ,Rev. Geo. Telford. .1nttic
Miss Jean Telford • Miss• Annie Rich-
mond : and Miss 'Roberta •laatdfaw,
w'h'ose- birthday's all occurred on the
amo day,
Mrs. Jas, 'Ric'hmond' • has ,returined
funs Guelph, where Miss M. Rich
mored is impro'sag, ,
IMIr, Thos, Grasby is holding a ,sale
of ,farm implements and cattle' on
Thursday. of this ,week 'at hies farm' on
Sth litre of 'Morris.
Mr. and. Mrs. 'L. Fear and "family,
end Mr. and Mrs. J.^ Yeo and family
were guests of Mr, and Mrs. 7..
iRioh'enond folr Thanksgiving,
Mr. Win, •Scott has been -quite .:ill
fo'r some time, • . '
A very said accident ' c cctirred on.
Saturday' in Morris township. Miss
Lily McArter, who teaches east of
Toronto, arrived home Salt urdny
(tight to spend Thanksgiving with he::
parents, rMr. and Mes. John McArter:
On her arrival from Brussels station,
with her brother, she entered the
house in the dark. H•cr father, tvli'o
has been ill for ,several weeks, called
to, her to conte upstairs, Mistaking
the cellar door' for the door leading
upstairs, :Mil's McArter fell down
cellar and injured 'her head, very seri-
ously. Two local doctors were called,
A Toronto doctor was also called but
nothing could be done to 'save cher
life, and she passed away on ,Monday.
Mr. Barry Fear is holding a 'sale of
farm ,equipment, etc., on hes farm 'on
the Stli line, Morris.
Mr. 'and'1, rs. ll Laidlawspent Sure
c •ty with Mr. and Mrs, J. Logan.
iMies H. 1. Grahami spent the week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Houston,
Miss prances Houston, Brantford,
spent the week -end at the home of her.
parents, Mr. Samuel •Houston,
'Mr, A. T. Simpson spent the week-
n athisI 't 'T t
end to ne in I c ckerstuith.
Miss Betty 'I•Iouston left on Mon-
day to visit friends in Brantford,
Miss Elizabeth Taylor and her
friend, Mr. ilihn Kerr, spent Sun-
day of the 'home of the fornrer's
mother, Mfrs. John. Taylor.
Airs. ISaintre'l Houston entertained 'a
aumber of her 'friends to a euchre
and daises on 'Friday evening.
'Mr. and lMrs:.,George Handley and
baby, of London, spent the week -end
at the home of Mfr. and Alas, James
'ryas that; whihh "appeared 'fitting and
seemed" to satisfy:. ,Perhaps, he said
due• to. 'ttiatlttioit;; and ' 'partly -for a
ddel,e •
3reason. , D . (Redd ,went on to
x ,x
"a3t •that-ithe spark ealled immortality,
l seemed to apart, all
an in'stinet 'c
.w}aa l tel P
baa•riers'and say that death was not
tte' mid, 1n was the, deeper'; reason for
the .fact that a Christian ''burial
seemed fitting. He said that cofnfort
for the mourners was to 'be found in
the word of God, and likeoed life to
the description of the high priest of
Northumbria iaa '`an ancient Anglo.
Saxon tale. Life •seemed to come out
of the starkness and flutter around'in
the light for a few short' years and
again out into the darkness, as a
sparrow,..fln'tter§'out of• .the turmoil
and darkness of a .stormy night into
a !banquet chamber, fluttered around
a few moments and out,, -gin into
clarkatces, �l.rs. Sydney -'
sang. SSafc iii: the .Aru1s of Jesus,' at
the church service. Tim Saslaatoon
Rotary Club' attended the service in
a body.. The honorary pall -bearers.
,consisted of six Rotary members.l
Pall bearers were as follows: Active'
otter,George'"D. Underwood, R. d
d, W. 3.
Gerow, W. I, •Byers, J. G. Nicholson,
Dr. D. St, Clair ,Creighton, Geo Mur-
ray, ty, . 'ITouorary tall'bearers,
Estey, J. Ai. Ernst, !Ross Gorham, W.
G. Watson, Archie McBean, C, D.
\di tchn e r."
iSehrle ditvestigabion was •.proceed
d i tnornit •ryas'"ttfidecideet ,. h s 1$
h they a 1, orotler's ingatest.:would 'be'
We ,e n:
Veld into tttt, tragic death a't abo t
2.15 this morning of ,Lorne P. ;Twiss,'
41, promutent Saskatoon :,+irusiuess'
Mean, killed; W,'hen.lhiscarcraShed foto
a telephone. pole'at Lotus ,Avenue dud.
Taylor Street,, Coroner J,.`P, Des -
Rosters is 3n charge. !While the cause
Of the accicleut is not ,positively e'sta'b-
lished :at the 'present time, as • Mr:
„ TwisS is ,believed to have ,been drive
ing alone; -it is thought that' the slip-
pery Co.nditioiz of the road, which is
narrow at the place .where • the ac-
cident occurred, because of a street
railway.passuig,,treck, was aat,impor't-
ant factor in causing .the accident,
'flaxen-T;esiss,• Limited, stationery,
-..•Third. avrenns and 22nd ' street, Of
Which Mr. Twiss Was a director, re=
maimed closed today, Mr. Twiss Was
a prominent member of the Rotary
Club, the executive of which was in
meeting at press time today to con-
nection with his death. Funeral -an.
•rangements had not then 'been trade.
"Death was caused by a fractured
skull awl broken neck, -it was learned
after an examination at the City hos-
pital where 'Mr, Twiss'\vas rushed in
an unconscious condition, after hav-
ing 'been found by J, H. Ripley, 1916
Lorne ave., who rushee( out of his
house after hearing the crash as the
auto struck the pole.
'•Mr. Twiss was returning from the
Country Club, where he,had attended
the occasion which marked the
awarding of the prizes for the sea-
son's golf activities, and where he
had .receivecl himself ,the Quaker
Oats golf trophy. This he Ssias bring-
ing home in the, car;
The injuries which caused death
were sustained without Mr, Twiss
having been thrown out of the auto.
It appears as if his neck was broken
from the shock of the impact, ,white -
apparently his head struck some
portion of the car. He was found
unconscious in the driver's seat. The
cards badly wrecked,
"Upon discovering the accident,.Ale.
Ripley immediately phoned for an
ambulance and the unconscious vic-
tim was rushed to hospital, but all
efforts failed to save his life. He
did not regain consciousness and died
soon after being found,
the spot where the accident oc-
curred is at the corner of Taylor
street and Lorne avenue. The road
here is very narrow, as the single
track Exhibition street ear line has
a passing track at this point which
for a distance of perhaps 50'yards
encroaches on the roadway. There
is left a narrow strip of road, with
bare railway ties bordering it on the
east side and with a telephone pole
at the southwest conzHer of Taylor
street on the edge of the roadway
further reducing the width of open
road, There is just room for -two
cars to pass at this point,
"The dirt road was slippery early
this mo
after the
recentt ran
and apparently iIr, Ttisseither mis
the distance of the tele-
phone pole from his car, or else, as
seems -probable, the car swerved
slightly on the greasy surface of the
road, which is pitched toward the
west side. in any event, the front
bumper of the heavy touring car
struck the pole a glancing blow, and
the front and rear fenders and run-
ning board on the left side were
torn off. The windshield was smash-
ed to bits, the top knocked loose, and
the driver's neck irokeu by the ins -
"\Ir. Twiss had a wide circle of
friends in the city. He cause to Sas-
katoon in 1912.. where he engaged at
once 111 the bnsinsss with which he
was connected at his death, His
farmer horn was at Seaforth. On-
tario, anti_ etirv+ted by his another,
Mrs. Twiss, of Seaforth: five broth-
ers, William and '(-Parry, of T3arrie;
_Albert and ,Melvin, of Regina1 Frank,
of Toronto: and Fred of Brantford:
and two sisters, Mrs. A. McGavin, of
Seaforth, and Mrs. J, Grimmer, of
Ayr. Mr. Twiss •w•as married. and
)caves his wife and one son, His home
here was at 334 Fifth avenue north.
He was a member of 'l'hird Avenue
1'nit d . 'l, tech Geo. Hazen t. 3-
r C t t
sociated with Mr. Twiss in Hazen-
TWISS, Ltd,and Mrs. Hazen have
been out of the city on a visit in the
east for two areae, Word was re-
ceived today that they would reach
S ay,"
• The following is the account of the
We are gathered together to ex-
press sympathy with those who
ntoiirit, in as far as possible to share
their sorrow, and to pay respects to
one who has gone,' This, said Dr, 1,'
S. +Reid, of Third Avenue United
Church, conducting the, simple and
impressive funeral service of the late
'Lorne P. Twiss, Sunday afternoon,
was the :reason for the great and
solemn gathering: whirh fillet( the
church auditorium and over11Itved
into the 'balcony. Dr, Reid was as-
sisted -by lir, 'Wylie C. Clark, of
Knox United Church, and by Dr, J.
A. Sharrard and 'Rev, Lorne McTav-
ish, representing the Saskatoon !Ro-
tary Club, of which the late Mfr,
Twiss .was a popular member.
'The body was accompanied from
the chtircli by two cars banked higir
with floral 'tribu'tes and a cortege
which stretched for many city blocks,
exemplary, of the many friends Who
mourn the death of one of :Saska-
toon's most respected citizens. The
committal service was performed at
Woodlawn cemetery by Dr, 'Reid,sis'ted dy Thr. Sharrard,
"Mrs, Sarah .(swiss, of Seaforth,
Ont„ mother of the deceased; •M'.frs,
l`wiss, widow; , Alhert and'Melvin
Twiss brothers of the deceased, Rei
gine Mr. and ,Mrs.'Braun, 'Toronto;.
parents of "Mrs, L,>T' Twiss Mrs,
Ler, Toronto, sister of Mrs: Twiss;'
'Mr. and ,\Its Laurie.,of''Prince Al-
bert and -the Misses iLattrie, cousins,
and Mi'. Lennox; ,cousin,,were among'
'the mourners ate'the funeral service,
in a slit r k ser.dce Dr. :Reid said
Dr, Sloan, of Timmins, is- visiting
in the village.
• Miss Mary ,Wall, of-Haao1'er; is.
(some for the holiday.
The 'following from Toronto spent
the week -end at their homes" here,
,Misses Jamieson, 'Miss Gertie Rober-
ton,'Miss Grainger,
The Ladies' Aid held • their monthly
meeting at the home of Mrs, Joseph
Rapson last Tuesday. At the close of
the meeting, • a ten -cent •tea Was
served by Mrs. Rapson,
Mr. Toni !Moon 'spent the week -end,
his home here. •
,lir, (tarry Moon returned home
Saturdrty after spending a week with
Niagara and Toronto friends •
'Mr. John Radford is remodelling Isis
garage by building a workbhop.to it
Mrs. Jos. Manning and Miss • L.
Brigham are in London •this week.
.Mrs. Ruddell is visiting friends in
Windsor this week.
The fnw-i cl:tner Ou thanksgiving
night was a great success, the. pro;
seeds amounting to upwards of seven
hundred dollars.
Mr. Fred Priest, 'of London, is
the guest of E. J. Crawford,
•hiss Della McCool is visiting her
mother in the village.
Mr,'Peter Brown has secured a
position in •Goderich,
Mr, -Tom Knox has purchase-: a-
new furnace,
,Mr. John Garrett had the misfor
tune to get his leg- broken by the kick
of a horse,
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the Fowl Supper -given in North
Side Church, Seaforth, on Monday
Mr and Mrs, Sam B ttnett Mgt
e t
d u'htef-, of Winglram, visited_rela-
t ve s here on Thursday • last.
'Misses Mae. and Ann Mitchell, of
T-trspeler, spent Thanksgiving • with
their cousin, Mfrs. N. L. Carter,
'Miss -Edna Jamieson, of 'Winthrop,
spent the holiday at her home here,
Mrs, J. Phillips was a Goderich
township visitor over the holiday,
Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinnon, of
Walkerton, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert /Fowler,'
Miss Cools, of Westfield, has been
Visiting friends here the past week,
'Mr, (1. W. Nott intends going into
xteu.tve sheep raising. ['le returned
from 1110 West on Monday, bringing;
hath him over 80 head of sheep.
(;Its' Violet Phillips has returned
home after an extended visit with her
sister, \f, -s, (tat Merrill, of Goderich
Messrs. A, Robinson and G Cook,
of 'There'd; anti M(r, Will Robinson,
of St. C'atheriues, spent Thanksgiving
with friends here.
'(Yrs, G C. ;Dale and Miss Anona
Dale were (Detroit visitors for the
\ir. and Mrs, Jas, Carter
•u•nds at Constance on Sunil
Master I hu l loughton had l
sils remove(( last week,
Mr, jack 'Burroughs spent Thanks-
giving nig with, his cettSi 1s,
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest 'Graham
Sunday with the latt ,n, -I
er mother,
Russell sell of Carlingford
M John ITaaniltot W44 operated
+ n for appendicitis in-Seaforth
tai, li Friday last" At time
ing, his conditi 11 is favorshP.e.
Mr, and Mrs. •R, nuance ar
•iren,-of London, called on friends
,he vicinity on Sunday.
The marriage of Mrs Jennie
Hog -
earth, oalj daughter of Mr. ar
F G, Hoggarth, and 1Vli, Joli,
sou of the late'Mr. and Mrs,
Bray, of Par,{nhar,- w as solsnu
noon at the Presbyterian
chell, on Saturday, 'November
The happycottple left iiu,the of
-for 'Toronto and:points East.
lis 'llartkt
r ,Pens
11 chi(
1 Mrs.
t Bray.
S1Y.e'1 at
manse, r 6th,
Miss \'faro Healy, of •Lucan, spent
Thanksgiving.day at her home here.
Mt', and Mrs. 'T. E. Kelly spent a
ttw clays visiting friends in Seaforth,
Miss 7 oretto (mealy, of Stratford
,pent the weelc-end at her home here
Mfr. and Mrs, Jas Kelly, and Mr.
Leo Kelly visited friends 'in Dublin
tiering the week,
Mr: Fergus Kelly,; of Stratford,
spent, the week -end` at the home of hisp rents. Mfr. ,and Mrs, 'Albert Kelly' Afi; said Mrs, J. II: McLaughlin
\1r, and Airs,. J. T. McCaughey were at Elimville o.„• the anniversary
spent Sunday with friends a 'Sea
fowl su
forth. pper, on Monthly:
1Mrs. Hiltborn s cut While returning frons Palanenston;
Mr'and P there he was visiting'his.anothet• who
Thanksgiving day with Mr, and Mrs
Robert Wallace, is,ll, Mr, 'Herb, Manning was take!
'Mr. and Mrs John Haf eon Spent serioti 533 i11 • ryi'tlt ,•t,pncn(Ileitis and. is
Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. in a critical coucltron. .•
and Mfrs, P, Felly. Ili .AM A, Morrison, Pelerboro, via-
iced his c
Thu firm of I?oplestonc-and Gardjri- cousin, 'Airs. Robert •Ferguson
e” leas he4n dt'sntvcd. bit',,PnpleseoncIru,s week: :
e' pests to leave, tr,w+n Mr, GardinerM'r. Vs tlliani'l,eemhi.a has in5151lecl'
radio to its borne,
Airs, P. 13. 'Gardiner is somewhat
under the weather with a bad cold.
Mr, Robt Ferguson is not as web as
usuai, but we hope 'to hear of im-
Mrs, A. Dutujas and children spent
Thanksgiving with Mr•, andMrs,A.
g A
Rev. Mr. Chandler visited friends in
on Thanksgiving
Miss Mary Mowbray and.Airs. A.
Gardiner are spending a few days in
Mfr, and 'Airs. H. tShannon have
moved mtu their fine neve residence
which was finished recently.
(lir, and Mrs. Sohier are going to
occupy the rooms over the bank.
Mir, and Mrs C Sellers spent
Thanksgiving with Heidelberg friends.
Bert 1tuerson is suffering front
Wood poison in hishand,
hiss Mary Gibson and Miss Mary
\\ attsl it ret the week earl with Mr.
and Mrs, J. Watt,
.Mr. and 41rs, W. Clark entertained
a few friends on 'Friday evening la
honor of their son's birthday.
\'Lr, and Mrs, Ab'nr. Metz end family,
of New -Hamburg, were visiting
friends iii this vicinity .over the
Thanksgiving holidays.
Qui,le a number from the surround-
ing district attended the reception on
Wednesday dnesclav evening, -given in honor
of AIr. and Mrs, JaaneS Hogg.
bir, John G. Grieve, who -recently
moved into Seaforth, is getting nice-
ly settled in the residence he recently
purchased from Air. Cltrff on North
Main street, Mr. and Mrs, Thos.
Beattie intend residing with him,
Mfrs. W. J. Humphries and children
spent the ,'eek -end with her aunt,
Mrs, R. Campbell,o McIt'ili
Mr, and Airs. Thos. Mosenil chil-
dren •opent the lrrihday visiting friends
in -the village.
\Tr. Lorne Roe wears a smile these
lays. fit's a
On Tuesday, Nov, 23rd, an enter-
tainment will be held in the United
Church, .Selections will be given by
Miss :Shaw, of Rrtring'haan,' the 7IIawiian'
-Serrate oicii to e, Mtr. Sibthbtpe ion
Blyth, ant(: MTrs. T iadsaj•, ,o(; , C:oit-
staliee,' '
&r. John Huffman, :of .Goderieji,
spent the Week=end at the 'home of;
Afrs:, Ramsay.
The leaders of the regular Y. P;'L,-
meetiiig on 'Sunday were Miss .Bessie
Davidson 'and' Miss. Winnie Drager.
The topic for. the. Meeting was `What,
doers our church teach ns:abo.ut God?"
bit, and ?re, Easaon,' of Grintsby,,
spent -the week=end at",George:Wel
Anniversary- services will be held
ou Sil d,ay, Nev 21st, in DaE's° Unit,
ed. iditireh 'Ree W R. Alp, of Au -
born,. udl1 pre eh,
itTr; aztd 'Mrs. iHerb. Manning err-
to ta'ined their many friends last Fri-
day evening to. a dance .and ettchre
MisS Lila' T ennc,., o,ft�,',norol ,
Tbbn1c givhig m
•of her
mother, r
Mrs, :W n F Fite
Wm. y
i7< r. 4
f and..Ivi' .E ,� ,
s deer, t let e
da f bre
Ivrelllda fOn Olt
y ,. alGhalitl;r'..
fro',.x .. here �¢r'te'
Qo;rnor'Eck't weddfn!g on Monday. •'
There will, ''be A etich. a +art I the
5 ,t .Y, n
Parish ttall;o r'Fsidu iw htt;
Y g
Mi tzzi� .
s's T1 e, Ryan• of
_ , t P
T;} naniakIting,with • her 'mother, Mrs:;
Baf:' Ryan r : r
Mr and ''Mrs, T. McDerinott, of
'Iltamriton, >spent Thanksgiving with
his sister, Miss Eliza MCD-ermott,
Miss !Dalton, of London, ,spear -the''
iiseek end ivtsitiug Mrs. A. ' V,
aaMiss" .Gebel adxe'arad O"arae ag
speltthe ,Witf*beir Mother
here,' •
i -
,MissalffargarklIvicC rare(( has ne-,
Sinned -her,. ettiddesaCha thse
en. •
' Mr, F,aiconiieharwet
fine' fto'poturniptii141week. •
Mr..17avid .0rawf;andf of Crton
called otfriegds'inDislitraduring-the
past week,
California: and Pacific Coast Torus,
When. winter '•coins; the: Pacific
TORONTO BRANCHES: Car. Bay & Adelaide Sts.; 549 Danforth Ave,; Cor.
University and Dundas St, OTHER BRANCHES AT; Aylmer, Brantford,
Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound, Pembroke, Seatortb, St,
Catharines, St, Mary's, Walkerton, Woodstock. 9
Seaforth Branch, J. M. McMillan, M .na ger
Hours 9,30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 9.30 a.m, to 5 ;, , 7 p,m,. to 9.30 Pan*
Coast- respCts. dt"brit those,' in British
Columbig south to those in'Cali'fornia,
offer ; a pleasant change from the more
xi g'4rotis cl'imato 'of the .'exist Cali-
,fornia has •become' fannous as a 'win-
ter tcttrist region 'because •of its. ex-
cellent •el'linatdc .eonditionts .r, its Parsec(
sive nia>nifieent, scenery,: the possibfl-
dties it affords fo-r-'all kind's of part
door "ort:r i 1 '
o :Sports and r,
ec eat ons,'its sP en
did ,motor. roads, sea 'bathing, ,eta,:
,Canadian National Railways 'offer a
wide, choice of yroutes embracing ,rail
r through
and sea trips. 'Traye 1 one way hr ugh '
Canadian (Rockies, via Jasper Nation-.
al Park and aivfount'Ro'bson, the 'North
Pacific Coast Rotttot Vacodve'r and o n
Fran,. Victoria; (Seattle; Portland, !San lFr a
''A ' 'teff
tree �alid ttxas n
C g....
f Cab iii '
.Any;,, agent o � nNational
e pleased furnish '.
'Railiytays will Ib ed to
„ p e s
information regarding these tours,
i 1
�►ni� a
f e Sixes"
Chief o tai
This' is General Motors, latest product in '
cars and is rightly and justly termed by
them "Chief of the Sixes". For ,smooth
flow of abundant resilient power, for com-
fort in riding, for long life and briIliant
performance, for beautiful , and graceful
lines, for finest finish in "Duco" and alto-
gether for a beautiful and strong and
durable car we'recolnmend the Pontiac.
We will be pleased,to give you a demon.
stiction at your convenience.' '
Freda `S. Savauge
Local Agent.
:Valet Service
Ring up 227 or 210 and ask 'for Sid.
Then enquire about the new VALET SERVICE.
All our work is done on, a HOFFMAN SANITARY STEAM
PRESS; an iron never touches your garment.
Sydney Dungey, Proprietor
Work called for and delivered.
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9I�lili ► �ll��
// •
m1ilnl i
iI1I 1
If� till\
Can You Find the Twins?-ing
No, they are not all twins! Two and only two are identical, and are the twins
you are asked to find. Can you? 'I'o be sure, the 18 pictures all look alike;
but look closer. How about their hats? There are other differences, too.
Read the clues. Only two girls are exact duplicates. They are Twins -can
you find them?
At first glancealt'of the pictures look alike. 'But upon -examination you will see that
almost every one differs in some Way from all the others, bit some the differeneo may he
in the light or dark band onthe brim of the hat or in the brimming on the lustor the
coital'. Or, some may -wear necklaces, or ear -rings, or both. Only two are exactly itlike.
No, it's not as easy as it looks. You meet search carefully, •
Just look elosely—matte sure that you have the twins, then send in your answer. Some-
body who finds the right twins is going to wit a big prize Alake that "somebody" be
First Piz
This is one of the greatest array of Cash PrC-aes that has ever been offered in a Mall and
Empire Puzil0 Contest: That's what it is, folks ---snot you can bea winner, The prizes
range from $2' to $50 and from (50 to (2,000. All prizes will be -awarded in trine to reach*
the winners by Christmas Day.
Think of it; You can win as much as $2,000: Yes, sir, (5,000 in e:tsl, prizes may be won
In this interestingContest, .puzzle orates , and wilf he awarded promptly after. December 11th.
There will be v inner, and h First 0 winners a the Prize Lir golden Y`� i "Et.
bo den upper ltrmty, -,f 00 h, CAh
Won't that be a wonderful Christmas Gift? to the event of ties for any prize, duplicate
prizeswill be awarded,
1,000 ppittts wins ,First Prize. We will give you 910 points: for finding the Twins. Im-
mediately upon rueip't al your correct answer, we ,will send you particulars of 11 word-,
building contest, in which, if successful, -yo a earn the final 50 points required to' Witt a
$2,000.00 First Prize 'or one of the 4.9 other Cash Prices:
No -w, find- the Twins. Write the numbers in ther9upon below,r' fill in younii,tne. and
address, and malt lt to the puzzle ?tl:rnar;er,/(;et started for the 1131;; L'ir,C Prize.
Puzzle igr., Room 207; THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, Toronto, Canada --
C i,l yl' •Ireloiv aro ttte, maximum prises
• ytfi can win.
.1st .Pec r , .$2,000
2nd Prtkr,$1,000
3r11 ,P r h. , .
1th P'rizn 1 . , , ... $200:
Gth•Pri c+
...... .$100
7th Prier..,......,..,,.,,,.... $100
Sth . Prize. 8.100
05.19 $100
10th 1'rt e • • .. , . $ 100
13th to 50th: Prizes, inehtsive - $10'
Puzzle Manager, Boom 207
TH30 MADE E EMPIItE; Toronto,,t'.lnn•ila.3
blurnhoes and • ' ate thy
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sttree. of ,.7). No, ,