HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-11-04, Page 8'HE SEAF6R2MI3;'NEWS:;
Do i...visitcd -ower
Mr, Chas. .Mc iell
the weelt-end , with rgl'ativeso-
r tit
A 0,
Mr; tiid Mrs, Ec., tden
i es.at;;St:'Iv aryl;on Sunday.
ed ;color v I
Chas; :A!IcDoteell ;and Misses
Dorothy r th and ilefild:red •r0Donell visit
cd in 'London on 'Satueday.
tN(i^s. Jas.Taylor; who has beem
. aY r : With relatives
i t
visiting for sonic time w ,
in,ISeaforth, has returned°home.
n who
' rt o
° � 'A'Irs.'^Roy �Robo s ,
Mr, and Hen -
have been valued .resideints of R
sail for the last two years, moved
effects to 'i 'Farquhar
their ..household
Mr.Robertson has
pu. purchased
•bwhere business. Mr.
' ksti icl b
B etc a bloc i i , black-"
Geo. ^Brock,:' who ]eased h s
mith shop and 'business two years
ti is back on the
ago to Mr. -1:obertso ,
job again.
i over] this
week into the cottage
across from, the
Bost office. movinginto.
Mr, Thos. Appleton is
the house vacated by Mr, Robertson
and Mr. Jas. Sangster is mobiu'g'into
the .house :vacated by Mr. Appleton,
which he recently purchased.
Judge t.
'Levis will be the revising
officer at Hensel' i on Thursday to
hear any appeals against the voters'
list for the coming election:
Rev. air.McDonaldof Egmoud-
ville, occupied the pulpit in the Unit-
ed Church on Sunday morning last
and made an appeal on 'behalf of
missious. Rev. Arthur Sinclair oc-
cupied his own pulpit at night. Next
Sunday, Nov. 7th, Thanksgiving ser-
vices will be held, Rev. Arthur an-
clair preaching 'both morning
evening, In the morning he will
speak on Armistice day and an ap-
peal will be made for a special
Thanksgivingoffering to carryon
the work for the coming year, Spe-
cial music will be given by the choir.
The meeting of the Young People's
League of the United Church was
held on Monday evening with a good
attendance. The meeting was in
charge of Miss E. Morrison and was
presided over •by Miss Alma Scruton.
The meeting was opened by the sing-
ing of a hymn after which Miss Flora
Higgins led in prayer. The Scripture
lesson was read by Miss Pearl Ken-
nings. Reports of the recent cot:-
ventiou held at Loudesboro were giv-
en by Miss Irene Douglas and M.
Sinclair. An instrumental was given
by Miss Lillian Steady and a reading
by 'Miss Elva Shacidock,
Mrs. Mew, of Goderich, visited for
a few days with Miss Mattie Ellis.
t Huron
The Conservatives of Sou
s 1 n Tues-
held a convention in Hen -a l
day afternoon last to select a candi-
date to contest the riding of South
Huron in the Conservative interest.
Owing to the fine day there was just
a fair crowd present, the farmers tak-
ata a of the dayto get
ing advantage
with 'their work. 'Among
those pres-
ent were Mr. Clysdale, secretary of
Provincial Conservative association;
'Mr. A. A. Ingranh of 'at, Thomas,
president of the Western Ontario
Conservative Association, Mr. Gor-
don Reid, of London, Mr. George El-
liot, ,r for North Middle-
late menbr
Mr. N. W. Trewartha, late mem-
ber for South Huron, and other pro-
minent Conservatives. Mr. Trewartha
spoke first and gave- a review of the
work of the Ferguson government
for the last three years and stated
that he would not be a candidate this
time. The selection of a candidate
then took place and ou motion of Mr.
John Hayes, Deputy Reeve of Ste-
phen, seconded by Harry Rau, of
Drysdale, that Mr, Alex. Neeb, Reeve
of Stephcii, be the choice of the con-
vention. No other names were pro-
posed, lir. Neeb being the unanimous
choice. On arising to his feet to ac-
cept the nomination Mr. Neeb was
given a great reception by the audi-
ence, and in a splendid address which
was well received, outlined the Fer-
guson government program. .Mr.
Clysdale and Mr. Ingram gave short
addresses, after which Mr. George
Elliott of North Middlesex, the speak-
er of the afternoon, gave his address.
Mr. Elliott touched on the work of
the Ferguson government, the reduc-
educetion of taxation and the Ontario Tem-
perance Act, and in one of the best
addresses ever heard at a convention
5o th Huron, milliner! theotic
of government control. Mr. Elliot,
was listened to .with rapt attention
by the audience, and we all hope to
have the pleasure of hearing Mr. El-
liot again before the campaign ends,
Mt.eeb has s been before public
q e a number umber of years, first as a
member of the Stephen Council, then
Reeve of Stephen for "this last eight
years. He is a good public speaker
and will make an ideal candidate,
The 'Mollard Mission Circle held
their monthly meeting on Friday
evening, Oct. 29th at the hone of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonnell,
taking the form of a Hallowe'en party
with a good crowd in attendance.
:Miss A. Consitt took charge of the
business part of the meeting and the
rest of the evening was spent in
games and other amusetnen'ts. A dain-
ty lunch was served, after which an
enjoyable hour was spent in telling
stories. Mrs, Roy Neilands, of Chi-
cago, who is interested in palmistry,
amid much laughter, told the for-
tunes of
those ,present. Before the
meeting,. closed it was moved by !Miss
(Nellie 'Boyle and seconded by Miss
Elva Shadock, that a vote of thanks.
be extended to Mrs, 'McDonnell fief
opening her home to the Mission
Circle for their Hallowe'en party.,
Presentation.—About 200 neighbors
and friends, including .Hibbert. Town-
ship council and a number of 'Iiensall
-friends met at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. R.obt. Hoggarth, Hibbert, on
Friday eventris lettat Ittteatanrid an even-
ing with them before they moved to
Stratford to reside, where Mr:::rlog-
',earth will make over his new duties as
,Treasurer ,of, Perth :Couhty. The
first part Of the evening a. musical
and literary program was given. The
fallowing is the program: instrfi n'ent-.
ah trio 'by ;Tele. 'Hess, Mr, Broad -foot,
and :Mr. 'Bolton; duet by Mrs. Jeffery
and Mrs. Wilson;'a few "remarks by
(Mr. !Malcolm;. whistling by Jas Ken-
nedy; 'reading, :Margaret McQueen;
address, Mr.
J ;M. McLeanviolin
solo, Norma Bolton; trio, Miss :Pearl
Harris, ;Miss Bernice, and Mr. Percy.
#Harris;'solo,• Mr. Hess,' entitled "In
the Shac.,of.
sent, S
t o'To $
solo by M sea 'Maud illef• solo, vMioilsins
BePnice +Flacris;, whistling, Master
neil• ^ reading,(Mr. Hess, en-
titled "Mary. Had. a 'Little Lamb";
'reaiTitg INIxs' Rennie; r c.
'Miss Laura Belie"Wright; solo, Miss
Pearl Harris; lHighland fling dance,
Aida Bolton' 'recitation, Mild
Robins; et s,Jeffrey andMrs
Wilson; violin
trio by Mr, Hess, Mr.
1Rroadfoot and Mr. 'Bolton. During
the !-evening the following address
was read: "To Mr. and Mrs. Robert
'Hoggarth, Dear 'Friends:-1'Ve your
neighbors and friends, to -night as-
sembled in your home, have hnet to.
spend what we know w' p
a very ry
pleasant evening—from 7itipast ex-
perience of you 'both as kind and
splendid entertaitie'rs in your home --
but this evening' -`our feelings are
miuglel with both pleasure and re-
gret—pleasure in congratulating you
!Mr. Hoggarth in your promotion to
soon filling that alike responsi'ble.and
honorable .position as Treasurer of the
County of Perth, and feelings of •deep.
regret that we are so soon to lose
yoti both from our midst—but at the
same time we are pleased to know
that you will not be far from us in
your new home in Stratford, and that
we will no doubt from time to time
have the pleasure of meeting you
both. Now in our address to you`we
fully realize that we cannot (begin to
make it measure up to our high ap-
iatiott of you both, as jt would
require great length to beginto
enumerate your many excellent quali-
ties, and the high appreciation that
we feel for your worth, both in your
home and, community life, and the
kindness and hospitality that you
have at all times manifested, and to
you, 'Mr, Hoggarth, it is really not
necessary in this address, as in both
our daily and local papers we have
read much of the splendid services
you' have rendered the community,
township and county, in the posi-
tions you have so admirably filled as
Reeve, Councillor, School Trustee
and Secretary Treasurer of the lat-
ter, and also as Township Auditor
and County Councillor and while you
have in all these offices or position
in what we might terns matters of
country or state, given such splendid,
faithful, honorable and self-denying
service, there is yet another service
that you have so well rendered that
we night terns of Church, and in no
way 'secondary, but rather of first
place, in your long service .of one of
the managers of the Presbyterian
Church at Cromarty,
and afterwards
your alike splendid services in the
United Church at Staffa. And we
feel indeed that it has been your de-
voton to God and his bride the
Church that has been the main -spring,
impetus and inspiration of the valued
services you have given i to
your coun-
try in all the positions you
have so
creditably tilled, and to you and Mrs.
Hoggarth, your faithful and regular
attendance at church services and the
liberal support you have given to all
the branches and organizations of its
work, will stand as more lasting and
enduring remembrances of you, than
would monuments of marble or
bronze, and we feel that our loss as
a community will be Stratford's gain,
and in filling of your much coveted
and honorable new position as Treas-
urer of the County of Perth, and as
citizens and members of the church
there, that you will soon both prove
your worth, Now as your neighbors
and friends, and in particular .as we
may term it of School Section No. 7,
Hibbert, which you have so long ,been
connected with, we ask you to accept
this 1Vestminstec .5 tone clock as a
tangible expression of our apprecia-
tion of your worth, and the high es-
teem in which we all hold you both,
and as the clock serves to keep you
in mind of the passing hours, so we
trust it may serve to keep you in re-
membrance of us ,as the hours and
days pass by, and with ow• sincerest
and best wishes for your welfare,
happiness and prosperity believe us
as ever, your neighbors and true
friends. Signed on beKiif of the neigh-
bors and friends of the township of
Hibbert" Mr. Floggarth gave a suit-
able reply on .behalf of himself and
Mrs. Hoggarth, after which the fol-
towing address was read: ''Dear
t riends=As members and officers of
the Council of the Township of Hib-
bert, we desire to give expression of
nun high esteem and respect for you
both and at the same time regret
isoon losefrom
that we will you our
community, and yet we are pleased
to know that you, Mr, Hoggarth,
who has so long bean associated with
us as both a Councillor and a Reeve,
have been honored by being elected as
Treasurer of the County of Perth,
to which position your splendid goal -
(Continued on Page .5.•)
• : FOR :L
Llouse and,lpt'nib Jolut street with
table; seven' rooms,, in Nouse,: town
rater and 'electric lights. Also !wagon;"
uggy, plow and light harness. Ap-,.
1 to THOMAS' ivI
1 F O PU CELL. ea-
Y. � R
orth, at noon' hour•'or after six p.m.
the Estate of Isaac Townsend;:
Notice fs`=erebgiven that'
h y' all
persons :having claims against the
estate of Isaac Townsend,l t
e of the
Village of Egmondville, in the
County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased,`
who died on or about the 24th day,
of . January, A.D. 1926, are required'
to deliver to Jane Townsend, the Ad
ministratrix of the said Estate, or her
Solicitor, on or before the 15th' day.
of November, A.D. 1926, a full state-
ment of their claims together with
particulars thereof, and the nature of
the securities,-if'any, held by them,
all duly verified by affidavit.
And take notice that after thesaid
last <mentioced date the said Adminis
tratrix twill' proceed to distribute the
estate of the said deceased amongst
the persons entitled thereto, •having
regard only to such claims as she
shall have received due notice and in
accordance therewith.,
Date at Clinton, Ontario, this 21st
day .of October; A.D. 1926.
W. BRYDONE, 'Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for, the said Adntittistratrix.
Wednesclay, Nov. 4th,
Wheat, per bus. $1.28
Barley, per bus. 60c
Oats, per bus, 50c
Buckwheat, per bus, 60c
Bran, per cwt. $$1.60
Shorts, per cwt, $1.70
Butter, per lb„...... ......
Eggs, per dor- - 45e -50c
Pe .bag $1,50
ISogs, per .cwt. .....;$11,00
Farm of 75 acres on 13th conces-
sion McKillop, consisting of N*/z lot
26 and N% lot 25,1/ miles south of
Walton on the gravel road. Two-
story brick house with furnace, :Bank
barn 26'x56', with cement stabling and
water; Cement driving shed 24'x36'
and a windmill. For particulars -ap-
pl to W. G. CLARK, Walton R!R, 2:
Y ,
Good seven roomed house, corner
Victoria and Georgestreets, 'Seaforth,,
opposite hospital. Two lots, ;good
garden and large stable. IM'RS. WM.
13ABKIRK,• 5
House and lot on East William St,;
one block 'from just
t omhigh school, 3 bed
rooms, living room, parlor, kitchen;
cellar under, whole house. Hard and
soft water inside. Garage on lot. Ap-
ply !to ADAM HAYS, Seaforth.
Of •Household Furniture. On Sat-
urday, November 6th, at 2 .p.in. attlrc
residence of Mrs, William Ha'bkirk,
east of Seaforth hospital, clearing sale
of household effects. Mrs. W. Hab-
kirk Proprietress; T. Brown, Aubt`"
Of Valuable 100 Acre Farm in. -Mc-
Killop and Motor -car and Household
Effects. 'Thomas Brown, Auctioneer,
has been instructed by John Camp-
bell and Wilson Campbell, Execu-
tors of the Estate of Joseph Brewster,
deceased, to offer for sale 'by public
auction on Friday, Nov. 12th, 1926, 'at
2 o'clock pen., on the premises, four
utiles north of Seaforth, the following
property: Farm -Being composed
of Lot number Twenty-five (25) in
the Seventh 'Concession of the Town-
ownship of McKillop, County of Huron,
containing 100 acres of land. The land
is a -rich productive clay loan and is
in a good state of cultivation. There
are good buildings on the property.
'Conveniently 'situated es to church,
school and
market. C
ballets One
good Gray -Dort motor car, 1 cup-
board, 1 table. 1 good stove, a num-
ber of chairs. 2 'beds and 'bedding,
1 couch, 1 trunk, 1 pump, some cedar
posts, some coal. Dishes, jars and
other articles. Terns and conditions
known at
i made 1~ w
' n sale will b
time of sale and may be had in the
meantime by applying to the above
canted Executors or tb:
Seaforth, Ont.
Solicitors for the Executors.
Dated Oct'r 26th, 1926, '
THOS. 'BROWN, Auctioneer.
Of Farm Land, Stock and Imple-
ntcnts.--.Mr. Jas. Johnston has in-
structed Mr. Thos. Brown, auctioneer,
to sell by public auction on the prem-
ises, Lot 16, Concession 6, McKillop,
on Thursday, November .11th, the
following: Massey - Harris 'binder,
McCormick mower, Tray rake, seed
drill, cultivator, riding plow, walking
and ;gang plows, 4 -section harrows,
manure spreader, land roller, three-
quarter wagon, truck wagon, bob-
sleigh, cutter, buggy, pulper, cream
separator 600 obs. capacity , fanning
mill, Cockshutt disc, scuffter,.set of
scales. 1000 lbs., hay fork and car and
150 feet rope, grind stone, hay rack,
flat rack, stock rack, gravel box,
stone boat, fled 'box, 10 tons timothy
bay, 5 tons millet, horse 'blanke'ts,
buggy rug, 2 sets double 'harness, 1
set single harness, 2 hen coops,
wheelbarrow, oak barrels, forks,
shovels and numerous other articles.
'Stock—One team of work horses, 6
and 7, gond condition; several cows
stockers; 60 young hens, 'Barred
twill. he offered for
The fern e
sale subject to a reserved bid. Upon
the premises is erected a frame house,
8 rooms; barn, 40x60 -35x70; driving
shed, 30x50, all ingood condition; 2
good wells; 8 acres good hardwood
bush; ocelotd miles from Sea
Sea -
forth; rural .mail and phone. Terms of
sale an land 'made known on day,of
sale. 'Chattels—All sums of $10,00
and under, cash; over that amount six
months' credit on approved joint
notes. Fowl and hay to be cash, Six
per cent, per annum allowed off for
cash on credit amounts. James John-
ston, prop.. Thos.:Brown, auct.
Of Farm, Stock and Implements.
The undersigned has been instructed
to sell by public auction on Lot 9,
Con. 1, Tuckersmith, on Tuesday,
Nov.' 9th, at 12 o'clock, the following:
Cattle -27 head 'fully accredited Reg-
istered Holsteins, 11 young cows due
to freshen in November and
ber, 10 cows in ,milk, 4 heifer calves,
2 young bulls, 1 grade Ayrshire cow.
Hoses -Bay gelding 4 yrs. old, 1,600
lbs.; grey gelding, 4 yrs. old, 1,400
lbs.; driving mare, 8 yrs. old, good
worker; pair aged work horses. tHogs
—1 sow with litter at :foot; 4 sows
ready to ,breed; 3 hogs, 150 lbs.; 5
hogs, 100 lbs.; 3 'chunks. About 30
hens. Implements — Deering binder,
Massey -Harris 21 mower, : Frost &
Wood mower, 6 foot
stiff tooth culti-
u ttvator,
1 spring tooth cultivator, 2 -
row corn 'scuffler,yset 5 section 'har
rows, set of 3 section :harrows, steel
frame Coleman toter roller; Cock
Shutt Marrow riding plow, Cock-
Shutt 2 -furrow riding plow,' No. '4
Massey -Harris corn :binder,, corn
planter with fertilizer attachmvent,
International 14 -inch 'B type blower
with pipe for 36 -foot silo,, also distrib-
uting pipes; Waterloo Boy'12-24 trac-
tor, heavy teamster's wagon, gravel'
box, 2 truck wagons, 1 spring wagon
'vith'box and stock rack, 2 hay racks,
2 set bobsleighs, 'Clinton fanning mill,
hay -loader, hay tedder, set heavy
teeny hacnessr'2setPlow,
forks, shovels, .,chain -i -''and other
articles usually found, on a..farm:
:'`cries; On Reg ietered;':Cattle -
Cash.or '.S'ix.ntotthsne
a t 6 r cent. 00'
bankable ''paper, On" Horses, Hoge
an i lenient '- Atn alit 10
d.n3P s of sof$
and under,cash;' over that amount,
eight enonths on approved joint notes.
r per f.
6 per cent. pe alrlturrt off for cash on
credit amounts Hens—Cash. 'Every-
thing to be sold without ireserve as
propriecr. is•giving ,up .faraning.
-Brown and 'L. E:; Franklin, auction-
eers; J. R,.Archibald, Seaforth,' pro-
Of Palled Angus .. and Du m
Cattle.•Uitdensigned will offer for ,sale
at .. Walker's 'Hotel Stables, Bruce -
field, on 'Wednesday, Nov, lOth4 at 1
e'•clock, the :following: 1 Polled
Angus cow, 4 yrs. old, due Jan. 21;
1 Polled Angus cow, 5 yrs: old, 'due
Dec. 14; :1 Polled Angus heifer
with calf at foot; 1 reg, Polled Angus
cow with bull calf, 3 month's old at
foot; 1 reg. ,P ollepi Angus Bull, 18
months old; 6"Polled' Angus steers,3
yrs, old; 9 ;Polled Angus steers2
yrs old; 1 Durham cow, 6 yrs, old,
clue Oct. 27; 1 'Durham cow '6 yrs.
ofd, due May 1; 1 two-year-old steer;
7 1 -year-old steers; 3 steer calves, 14
pigs, 5 sheep. Ter•nes.-9 months credit
given on approved joint notes or •dis-
count of 4 per cent. per annum for
cash. 'Wnt. A. :Ross, prop. 'Geo. H.
Elliott, auctioneer. •
ACT, 1926.
of revising .oJficer R, G;.:I`hotupson,,
Clinton, hast day, for "'complaitts1
November ' 2nd;, h
McKihIJL'O� 1P: OWNS'HIcP,—Date ; of
sitting, November 11th,;, at 2,30 p,
m., aat..Cai;negie Library Hall, Sea -
forth Clerk of Revisin0 Offcer,
John MeNay,Seafortli,`N 2. Last
day for complaints, ; Novernbex 8111.
sitting,• J`foyenuber. ,12th• at 10 a. in,.
at Tishi aClerk qwt p Hall, Varna, t , Cetic of
revising officer, J
E. Harn eI `
Vara: 'Last ay•for
November 9th,
sitting, November 9th at 11 a;tn, at
Township hall, Crediton. Clerk'. of
Revising Officer, .H, Eilber, Credit-'
ori; •-/^Last day for eonsplaint•s, No-
vember 5th. •-•
Date of sitting, JNovember 112th, at
2.30 -p.m., atWalker's 'Hall, Since -
field. Clerk of revising officer, D.
F. McGregor, :Seaforth No, 3, Last
clay .for complaints,' November 9th.
sitting, November .10th, at 2.30 p,rie.
at Township Hall, Elinaville." Clerk
Revising Officer, I-Ienry Strang,
Hensel]. Last day for complaints,
November 6th.. •
CLINTON TOWN. --Date of sitting,
November 6th, at 10 a.m. at Town
Hall, Clinton, Clerk of revising oft
-ficer, D. L McPherson, . Clinton.
Last day for complaints, Novem-
ber 3rd.
DECEMBER 1st, 1926.
PAK'E NOTICE that the 'sittings
of the Revising Officers for the pur-
pose of hearing complaints or ap-
peals with regard to the Voters' Lasts
to be used at, the pending election of
a member of the Legislative As-
sembly for each of the Electoral Dis-
tricts of Huron 'North, and Huron
South, will be held for the re-
spective municipalities in said Dis-
tricts, at the following times and
places, mentioned in the Schedule be-
1 with the names of the Clerk of
the Revising Officer 'for -each !Munici-
pality, and t'he' last date for making
complaints or appeals to the, said
of sitting,
November 6th at 11 a,
in Townhip Hall, Ashfield. Clerk
of Revising Officer, C. E. McDon-
agh, Lucknow. 'Last Day for com-
plaints,'Novem'ber 3.rd.
Of sitting, November 4th, at 10 a,m.,
Hall, ,Carlow. Clerk
at Township 'H,a
of revising officer, Mrs. I. Heth-
erington, 'Goderich. Last day for
complaints, November 1st.
GREY TOW'NIS'H'IP, Date of sit-
ting, November 15th, at 11 a. m„
at 'Township i Hall Ethel. Clerk of
:Revising Officer, J. H. Fear, Ethel.
Last day for complaints, Novem-
ber lltlh,
sitting, November 4.8th at 11.30 a.
u1., at Township Hall, 'Gorrie., Clerk
of revising officer, Mrs. C. E. 'Walk-
er, Gorrie. Last day for complaints,
November 15th,
sitting, •Noveriber 15th at 2 p. m.,
at the Township Hall, 'Morris.
Clerk of Revising Officer, Alex.
MacEwan, '.Bluevale. Last day for
complaints, November 11th.
of sitting, November` 16th, at 1.30
p. m. at Township Hall, Bluevale.
Clerk ,of Revising Officer, W. R.
Cruickshank, iWingham. Last day
for complaints, November 12th.
—Date of sitting, November 13th,
at 2 p.in. at Foresters' Hall, Bel-
grave. Clerk of Revising' Officer,
Alexander Porterfield, Belgrave.
Last day for complaints, November
-'Date of sitting, November 6th at
.m. at Township Hall,West a-
tvanosh• Clerk of Revising Wing Officer,
Durnin Phillips, ,Lucknow. Last day
for complaints, November 3rd.
GODERICH TOWN.—Date of sit-
tings, Nov. 9, 10, 111, 13, at 10 a.m.
at Court House, Goderich. Clerk of
Revising Officer, Miss Edna Webb,
•Goderi'ch..'Last day for complaints,
November 5th•
WINGHAM TOWN,—JDate o'f sit-
ting, November 1,7th at 11 a.m. at,
Town Hall, Wingham. Clerk of
Revising 'Officer, W. A. Galbraith,
Wingleam. Last day for com-
plaints, November
om-plaints,Novenvber 14th.
BRUSSELS VILLAGE' -•Date of sit-.
ting, November '16th at 3 pm. ' at
Town Hall, !Brussels. .Clerk •of Re-
vising Officer, A. H. Macdonald,
Brussels. Last day for 'complaints,
November 12th,..
BLYTiH V'ILLAGE.='Date of. sitting
November, 13th at 11 a.nt. at 'Com
ntunity, Hall, (Blyth, Clerk of Re-
vising Officer, Jas. .37. :Moody,
'Blyth. Last day for •com•plaints,'
-:November-10th. • '
sitting, November 5th at 1 'p.m.' at
Town Hall, Wroxeter. Clerk of Re-
vising 'Officer,
Re-vising,'Offieer, (Fred Davey, Wrox-
eter, Last day fo' complaints, Nov-
ember 2nd,
HAY 'FQWNSHIiP;,-•Date of sitting,.
November 11th, at '10 a.m., Town-
ship Hall, Zurich. Clerk of revising
officer, A 17, 'Hess, Zurich. Last
day of complaints, November 8th.
sitting, November 8th at 2 p.m. at
Community ' Hall, Londeslboro.
(Clerk of Revising Officer, John
Finland, Londesboro,Last. La day for
complaints, 'November 4th.
sitting, November 5th at 10 a.m."at
Hahne,' Hall, ' liolmesvitie. 'Clerk
SEAIiOIRTH TOWN. --Date of- sit-
ting, November 4th, at 1 .in. at
Town hall, Seaforth. Clerk of Re-
vising Officer„ J. A. 'Wilson, Sea -
forth. Last clay for complaints,
November 1st, ,,
sitting, November 12th, at 11 a,m.
at Town Hall, .Bayfield. Clerk of
'Revising Officer, James Reid, Bay-
field. 'Last day for complaints,
November 9th. -�
EXETER VILLAGE. -Date of sit-
ting, November -40th at .1 p.m. at
Village Hall, Exeter, Clerk of :Re-
vising --Officer, Joseph Senior, 'Ex-
eter, Last day for co.rnplaints, No-
ven3boi' 6th.
NSAL V'.IILLAGE:—Date of si.t-.
FIE L, ' -he
it -
ting, November 4th at 11 am, atk
' Town Hall, Hetosall. Clerk o'f`Re-
vising Officer, .Alexari'"der :Murdoch,
II-lensall, Last dayi'for complaints.'
November 1st.
er K. C. Crown
Mr. 'Charles Seeger,
he RevisingOfficer for
is t
i r
the Municipalities of :.Godot cl To, n1
w ,
Colborne Township in'' North Huron,
and the Municipalities of
.the Tow
of .Clinton, Village of Bayfield, and
Township of Goderich in South
County'The l 6 judge is the 'Revising
Officer for all other Municipalities
in 'North and 'South Huron.,.
All persons are called upon to
examine the Voters' Lists to ascertain
that their names are correctly entered
therein. '
.HHUGH ROSS,Physician
and Surgeon, Late bf London Hos-
pital, London, England. ; Special
'attention to, diseases of the'eY a ,
nose and t Office {'esi
throat. arr
h fi d, di
once behind Dominion Banti' Office
Phone No, 5; Residence Phone 106.
that any vote" in any of the said mu-
nicipalities who desires to -.complain
that his name, or the name of any
person entitled to be entered.' on the
said list for that nl,unicipality .has
been omitted front the same, or that
the names of an,' 'persons who are
not entitled to be voters have been
entered thereon, may 'iso above set
out `apply, complain or appeal 'to have
his name, or the name of any other,
person entered on or removed from
the list. •
that such appeals nuist 'be by notice
in writing in the prescribed form (in
duplicate) signed by the complainant,
and given to the Clerlc of the Revis-
ing 'O'fficer, or left for him at his
address ars stated above.
The lists of voters may be seen at
the office of the Clerks of the Revis-
ing Officer.
For further information write to
R. G. Reynolds, •Goderieb, Clerk of
the Election Board, for 'the County
of Huron. '
'Chairman of the Election Board for
the 'County of' Huron.
Dated at 1Goderich the 21st day of
October, A.D. 1926. • '
Extra! Tremondous Ext!
Cut -Price Sale
Before you do any
buying be sure
and visit our More
1t will save you.
DR. F. J. B'UR'ROWS, Seaforth:
Office and residence, Goderich" street
east of .the Methodist Church:` Cor-'
oner for' ,the County of Huron. Tele-
phone No. 4 .
A -
DR. C, . MACKAY.—C. Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
,Medical College; member of the -
g, cod
Sege, of P'hysician's and Surgeons of
Ontario. .,
Friday — Saturday
from theY 1a t "The Man From -Mexico".
I can cook and I can sew—
Let's gekrnarried;'
You can bet I'm not so slow-7-
low-Let's 'get married;
I've an Irene Castle toe
And I'm set and up to go;.
Treat ale nice and watch rile glow—
head -the': cast
Monday, Tuesday - Aand Wednesday
in another high speed automobile story by Byron Morgan
ia.. Strai h Ah. .
for cad
ida. •1Vlatinee; at 3 F M,
.Hol y
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER—Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi -
eine, University of Toronto 1897. Lata
Assistant New York Ophthalntic and
Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lon-
don, England. At Commercial hotel,
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in eachmonth,
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. ,
Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, gradu-
ate of Northwestern University, Chi-
cago, Ill. Licentiate Royal Celle �.e. �of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office
over Sills' hardware, . Main 'street,
Seaforth. Phone • 151,
DR. F. J. BECH'ELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeons
Toronto: Office over W. Rt Smith's
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth.
Phones, office, 185W, residence 185j.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Art`angements .can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
General Fire, Life,
Accident.& Automobile
and dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT.
Mutual Fire Insurance Coo
Officers—James Connolly, Goder-
ich; Alex. James Evans, 'Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea -
forth; John Benneweis, Brodhagca;
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Alex. Iroadfoot, No. 3 Sea -
forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, vlfaltonl
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murrayt
Gibson, 'Brueefield. •
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. 4.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmoutb,
James Kerr and John
Govenlock Seaforth
auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or •trans-
act other business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed.
to their respective postoffices.
"Dad certainly
was pleased ! 95
"As soon as Dad read my
last letter, with the news
of my appointment in . it,
he jumped_ for the tele --
"I felt like a million dollars
when 1 heard his voice, and
if I can live up to the
thingshe saidme,I1
go a long way."
There are many inspiring
moments when Long Dis-
tance is the only adequate
vehicle for our emotions..
As in, the case above, the
proper word' at the right.
moment has agreat ap-
peal. Let Long Distance
speed your message of in:
spiration when it will be:
most appreciated.