HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-11-04, Page 4THE EEAFOR.Tw HEW8 THURSDAY,' NOVEMBER 4, 1926. NOMINATION MEETING. Brigade 'of, Mitchell and the people' Mrs, Jas. •McCtyrnont; over ,the week - h re i O17 ii 1'It the fire end. - ' itrroundin, community ui e t Ste- Gf'the s Y � -g Ivii, Alex. •H. Nee1i, i:ej'eve of wag -soon under control, Considerable Mi-. and Mrs. Thos. •&tilt accom thea township,hunanimous tehd and ae nomination, of damage was done by fire and water: ponied 'tri'th Mr, and 4Mrs, Robert teetcd the ir., instil-- � - ' ii t ervaatve eon.. flus. ,was:: putt t;i;tlly. powered by ns Y, aymali ,attended the wedding 1 of - the Soutlt Huron •C is d ec Miss -Edith 'Glazier on'Satur a even-' Mention in Hensel' on Friday- a•ft'e •: a i Y rd> rias ue c ur IHallowe'ena A en�di g, s dq Moon last, to coittest`)tlte riila�ng in p ' .Patr'iek's hall no. Mr. Wm. Butt isnow visitinghis ,Party was held l❑ St. , i n on December the Provincial o D , .tr' egreat, , t. T;tiday evening which i. ova l; a sou. Edgar 'Butt. rn telt. .Mrs. 'r •i'. - c nth socially aisd�- i a cTomlinson is home after visit- . .. success b s •3 fi Y. -t-Ar. IL ' aa$ot; a£ iTensall; presto , i i- .., •s ,:. i .,t6e '1'lie, vaa'nous costumes both" aittstrc, ing her sister, near Toronto, a eat. oI tate association, .was u Wm. visit - by and comic, provided amusement for1A2r. .and M•rs, W nt. bison are visit by t acs candidate, W. G. C dehvc all. Prizes werc'aiyardcd as follows: tug their relatives in Toronto.' Eby tato, pro nci io aniaey; A.ale, of ;Best lady'is costume, Mi.'s. P. 'F, Toronto, provincial of ganizer; A. A. Bums best gents', Mr. Pat. Woods; BRUCEFIELD. Ingram, St. Thomas•,, president west_ ii• Association, ladies' comic was won by Miss Ver- Report of S. S. No. 3 for November. ern Ontario Conservative , ss tr onsca 'McConnel; gents comic, Mr. V.- iDorathy Wilson. , and George A. Elliott, n .&.o,.A, on,•frank Evans' ,best • anareied eon les• NT rail Middlesex. 'Gordon Reid, wes- p Sr, IV.—Margaret Watson 94, Mary o, d costumes, 'Mr, and Mrs. ;John Fiona- Papple 92, ,Gree•ta. IBroadfoot 90, terns Ontario organizer, and membera ofth . riding executive were also .in- gait Erssfa Walter 88, Marie Elliot 84, e Mrs. Carlin has returned front a Helen ;Munroe 82, 'Mayme Chapman vited to the platform. t. o 't. mt.. Nelson V. Trewartho,,of an- visit to. Friends in London ' 79, Ella lel, Scott 69, Jghn 13roadf ti Miss Annie Me -afiad, of St. Col -51 ,Murray :Walter 43. �;, lou, whfrem. -3923 'a.3'. even Sohth Q +with this Anna Moly- h tl '.El ^ot 8$ Bob' c- • Huron #1•am the U. F. 0, and has.utnban, visited s A Y Js, IV,-4Be x h M ncaux on I-Triday and :Saturday. -' Car•tney 72, 'Elizabeth IBroadfoot 71, since srepresented the riding, was Mr. Frank 1Ba'icklen S,t, Peter's CarieOke 7s1 Clarence Taylor 25. called t on at the opening., I ant of Carrie, y i tP •Se»iii at• , tL ond'on spent the week- Sr. IIT+L— anet Watson. 90,1Bi1'li6 heartilyt Y, , p T s• I withthe vena- nsen"In accord w t Go « end- .here visiting his sister, who i;s Cattvi�ll 7.8 Evelyn Wilson .74Bruce mew, by said, and I Nave; been used l + iWe 'hope- for her 'seed Armstrong t 46 Gordon Wright '41 well.b Premier Ferguson, his'Ca'by_ seriously 11, P speedy t os g , nide _ 3•4 pen' South recovery. Robert :Popple 25. net and -by the 1 plea of WordWillie was received' here of the Sr. Th Jean Watson -94„ W tI1re cudHeron, In 1925, when 1 was - cr}ti- dea'ha JohnnPth of 'Mr, '.Biuna, of Strat- 9e 49. cued very severely for voting for the ford. Mr: Burns was an old time re- Jr, Ih—rHoward Walter. 84, Avatar • amendment to the Ontario Ietnpei` sident of Hibbert.• T. and served as, Wright 75, Delbert Taylor 40. , once Act, apottsored by Nickle, it was stated by a number of people bh'at ,of councillor and reeve. He retired 'to ist class -W. D. Wilson 448, Bobby course the next thinStratford same .years ago.' 'Fatneral Delrymplc 446, Earl -Papple-387, Beat you a•ift 'be vcas •held from the Immaculate Con- rice Armstrong 358,. voting for tvili be :governwill con- ception Church, Stratford, thence -'to Sr. Primer—Gertrude Walter, 299. Erol; the 'Government will throw St. Patrick's cemetery, .Doiblin, on !Tr, Primer—Annie Papple 603„Alice everything wide open.' I . made the •Tuesday. He is survived ,by his wife .Wright 565, :Milton Taylor 94, No. 00 statement on 0 number of occasions and one sister, Mrs. Jas, Feeney, of roll 35. 'Av. att., 13,9, 'Penfeot attend that I would not vote for government F--itbbcrt, and one brother, Mr. Mac ante—Mary Dapple, ,Margaret Wat cau'trol until it was: voted on by the Burns, of Hi'bbert. son, John B'roadfoot, Marie 'Elliot, people. I said the way the Western Helen Munroe, Elia .M. Scott; Mur - Provinces had gone and the way the WALTON. ray Walter,: Elizabeth dlroadJoot, vote had been reduced here is On- Beth Elliot, Carrie 01cr., • Bab Mc- , taro I did not . think there, was art Mr, and Mrs. David Hall a13c1 fani- dou'bt when the next vote game the dy were the guests of G. W. Jackson Cartney, Billy 'Calwill, Janet Watson, people of Ontario would ask- for iectint13-. Goran Wright,. sRober't Papple, Jean government control, and if I were in Mr. and Mrs, George Jackson,. visit- on, Willie lnpple, Arthur ed friends in Along last week. Wright,\t 'Beatrice Armstrong, Earl ed at Toronto and the people ask- e Mr. Albert Constable had 'the mis_ I'a'pPle, Bobby Delryntple, W. D. ed -for goo frame eat control I would be fortune to get' quite seriously 'hurt at Wilson, Annie Pappie, ..Alice Wright., pleased to fra»te :legislation record- the tonic of Mr. Rijn, )when he was Perfect spelling—lama Walter. nig to the people's Noshes.Teacher, 'tub Taylor. helping to take in'some cattle: He Y aneltthat way- I haxc made s'a'te- was taken to Seafortlt hospital. -His West -Bremner. -- A very pretty n ,s that I cannot rosy well wally friends wish him a speedy re- autumn wedding took place at ,the dawn on and to -day, when the -Gov- covert', Manse, Tarucelcid, on Tuesday, Nov- rrnment has seen fit 40 'bring in a Miss Eva Scarlett spent a few days ember 2nd, 1926, '-et 2.30 p.m., when policy of govertthe p control' without with friends in Atwood last week. Ruth, elder daughter of -Rev. and Mrs. the out of the people, it has.put Mr. <cnd'Mrs. Crozier .and familyW A. Breuuter, 'became the bride of me out of tate running.n,hut I have Mr. Thomas Colin West, son of Mr. every'conftdence in the present Gov- :meat -Sunday with their daughter, r suppose there was Mrs. Bert Currie, of'Winghaut. ernment. Iso not and Mrs. T. E. 'West, Woodstock. r� Mr. awl Mrs. Garnham entertained The ceremony was perforated by the e er a Government in Ontario uari o sh a t a number of their friends fowlI fathera r of the bride, assisted e d by Rev.has ever given the people as much supper,held it honor of Mr. G. J.West uncle of th room, The good legislation and as good iCtete whoisnvng S gbride given awayby hergrCattA deficit of $tS,000,b00 whenuncle, 'Mr. William L. Houghton, andVrs. Robt, Holmes has installed athey took office has been practically radio iher ome, her costume was of simple whitewiped out, hThe unopposed choice of .Lir, Nee -b Mr. Garnet Barron is at"present in georgette crepe, silver slippers and Toronto: stockings and a small 'bandeau of or- a, received with applause and cheer- Miss Annie Strong spent Tuesday ange blossoms, and she Carried a itg, ss speech of acknowledgment eveningat the home of .Mrs, Driscoll. shower, `bouquet of Sweetheart roses showed hint thoroughly at home one TTaI}uwe'en was well observed in and lilies of the valley. MrlWilliam public platform, Dealing with theG. West cousin of ,the liquor issue, he ,said, "Personally: I the vi. Saturday and Monday'groom, was nights. The pranks may have been groomsman. The bridesmaid, Miss am satisfied that the Ontario 'Teul - sport for some -people, but not for hazel Metter, St. Thomas, Ont., was ance et in numerous ways has ac- sone of the individuals who received dressed in yellow georgette crepe, ein- complished a world of good and yet rough treatment. Permits should look i i'oidered in gold, gold stockings and circumstances develgping in the t ro 'black velvet slippers and, carried a course of Its adtninastratiion have after 'their children -dila are destroy- tug property and meddling with other 'bouquet of orchid mums, ;Che wed - brought a situation thtrt is admitted, people's belongings. dung march was played by Mr. David not alone by the Conservative admin -H. Ca,rr, cousin of the 'bride. The Miss Mary 'Shortrceil is having a istratiou, but past adsnui titrations, to house was beautifully decorated for few hnlirlays, Miss Grace Somerville be very hard up, cope with—evil ef- .the occasion with autumn flowers, eccts growing up, some might say absence, after the store during her Groom's gift to the 'bride was a through the 0,T.A. I ant not going Mr. and Mrs, Badley and Miss Jean diamond ring; to the bridesmaid, a to put it that way, but 1 believe op- silver vanity case; to the groomsman P :speak Sunday in Gaderich. position an is growing in the press and ( Rfeh4 has been working on airs. end pianist, pearl tie pias, ,VIi•, and from public platforms, clay after day. Mrs. West left by motor for a short le Uark's hoose, A new set of steps Wchetiathey try to picture this contest honeymoon trip, and will be'at home adds to the appearance. ns 'wet' or 'dry' I would 'tide sante- ' to their friends at Clev'eland, Ohio, body to tell me which side of the, ie- yii' and \[rs Jos, Ryan entertain- Guests were present -from Woodstock, P era a number of their friends to a hap tore is going to he the dry one. Under Attwood, London, Blenheim, South - on Friday cteuing. All report a goad condrtrons' which have existed during \void, St. Thomas and Detroit, \[reit, the last few years an • rine, y pe•sott_ wide Mr. and b[, s. 'C. Sellers spent the Mr, Will Soulier; of the Mill Road, awake and ambitious t:nrrugh tc, get week -end at Heidel•berg, p who Wen.t'West on the harvest excur- out and satisfy himself as to -what ttir, G, Neal was in Toronto last sion, has 'been in Calgary hospital for conditions are, and as to whether or the last month with typhoid fever, week on business, ' not the 0.T.A. is snaking things as Mr, and Mrs. J. Johnston. of Blyth, We are pleased to know lie is re - dry as boasted', will have to come to covering. the conclusion it is anythiu het 'dry' vi tted with \4r, and Mrs, Johnston g 15riday of last week. Jubilee Services.—The jubilee Ser- cmat present. 1 herr teas a dance hi the \.O,T', vices which marked the fiftieth anni- \\`. hall on Wednesday everting, vvrsary of the fouyBliug'of'the present HILLSGREEN, r congregation after the onion of the y g b Mr. and Urs, 'Win Farquharson Presbyterian churches in 1875 were Mrs. E. Troyer has one to Bride.- visited in Ebniondville nn Snnrlay. et; to spend the winter with her dau- A number of the young people at- largely attended. ,the large chinch oe- ghtes, Mrs. Wm. Jarrott. ti noes the nna,qui•radc dance in Brun- ing filled -to its utmost capacity both miss 'vena Stephenson has gone to 6,1s en Monday night and all report morning incl evening, The preacher \\'alkerton and l.nekuow to spend a' a good rime, for the day •lite Rev. William Beattie., few clays e ith friends.Phank,sn'it Thanksgiving id ; services u411 be 'laI1:D„ CM.G.,of 'First 'United Church, Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Stephenson 'has in the United Chnreit on Sunday, Laudon, whose sages s were edrotto returned home after spending the Nov, 7th, y+ attd Forceful messages calculated to past two months with his daughters The club people invested in a new inspire the congregation to undertake ie the West. piano last week. even greater things in the future than Mrs. Sarah A. Troyer, of Seato,tls 11r. Jas. Humphries, of \Vaiketvilie, ever attempted in the past. Dr. Beat - 1, spending a few days with her sts- :pent the week -end with his brother tie's morn,ng subject was "The Lure ter, Mrs. W, Carlile. and sister in the ridlage of the Unattained” and in the evening The W. M. S. will hole' their Thank \Irs. A. Gardiner ars Miss . 1 he spoke on the subject "The Man oderin next :Sunday when Mrs, Mot- Motvhra • are visitingthe h'itter's bio- beside the Brazier, The discussion lard, of Exeter, will speak; also lf!s- the' tifr Jas. 'Mowbray, in Detroit., of alis subject afforded the preacher cion Batts at the elose of the service. The meeting „r the Young?el,- alt opportunity` to say- some very Mr. Walker• Carlile and sister Mur- pie So -ret • of Duff's church tas led l ousted things concerning hotart. those Cel- an spent Sunday in ltrucefiekh hr Muriel y Farquharson and Miss low s of Jesus who tarry pis the onf- Ouite a number took hi the anal- reenei 110Calaunt. 'Airs. \V, David . and 'airs, R. Scutt 'TU'C ITN.. K 1tS Mr.' id E � t W,a 1 tt and au - J d illi. James ,Reidy and .1\dlor Jolla ghter Annie, of Hui1i green„were the 3.clGee. 'motored tc London lash nests µg of Mr. and Mrs. Ii, Aikenhead weep.• 1 oll f Sufda. , y, _ <,,ek. s Laura Taylor per •the, we air.', and Mrs. P7.,Love and sail h; •.l'I1s st It g s, cind.at rite home of $1r titother CM3 ter Grace, of 'Hillsgreen attended' an- 're'in Ta tor, niversary services here.: on Sunday � Hiss ,L'lii�a'beth T for and her and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. aY vda 'W. Moffatt blend, .Mir, ;Lack Kerr, speii+t St l r, ho er at ,bhc home• of ntlie"forncr's nrothcr+ i w Last Thursday eveure- Ii1rs. John Taylor, e. .r,, spin the ty friend* of Miss Rt1th ere-: ,Misses Ma'r and IMar aret Doig: moor i1 et at -the Nome of Mrs. Addi s� i of the home f Mr.:and son to spend a social evening hem" Nett Sunday h 1, her departure. for Cleveland. 'During' irs Robert Doig. Miss 1.orinc. Be11 returned. home. the evening .e sewing -.contest was last Saturday after visiting : with held, Each girl Was given a wash friends in Usborne. cloth or duster to hem. Prizes were • given' for the -best work done. •When. , , BLVTH, - they were all filwtshed,they were ,pre- seated .to Miss 'Bresnuer. 'Refresh- Omen 'Street.'United C'hureli held a uten,t5 were 'served and a pleasant very successful 'bazaar and: tea in the time spenteby :all..' ” 13jemorial all on Saturday afternoon.. Mr. ,Wa . A. Ross •isho in sale hall t'; about 1'65. Wan. holding a The proceeds am!Lu itvd to $ of farm stock, including Palled Angus` We are pleased to -hear that .'Muss and Dtirllasn cattle' on 'Wednesday, Acta Johltssoi-i, who underwent a ser- November er- T No en her i10+h cattle, le of v i t M .. Ross has'bou ht ' •Torot to a eon t s oration di i R g tut o t P a house in ;Brine:fieitl and inteuds' to weeks ago, is now otit of danger and prove there as soon as some improve is doing well. mends have -been made. St. Andrew's United Church cele- 'brated their ,anniversary with special CONSTA,NGE services 'tno,rniug and evening. The 1 Mrs l'evsepii eRnley,;Srt, is 'spending choirr +gave two anthems in the m}oru- a_ week at the home of ;Mr. Jos Mann, ,?ug. Lt the evening the congregation Miss Edith Riley spent Sunday at enjoyed.a solo by 'Mr, Stanley Sib - the iiareutal 'home. thoa'pe and a quartette by Mrs Colin - Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred 'Stephenson Fin'gland, Miss Mary Cpl'e, ?ft. 5, spent Sunday at the home' of 111-, and Poplestot e and 'Mr♦ 1).' Leith, The Mrs, Geo. 'Riley. • choir 'gave a well -rendered anthem. (Mrs. Fred Anderson ,arts three chi'-: The anniversary offering surpassed siren are spending a month With her the objective of $600. sister incl father, 'Mr,s. Adapt dvliehal y. We are sorry to report- that +word' son and Mr. James Mann, - - - - was received the 'beginning of ,this. The Ladies' Aid held their monthly week that Miss ,Margaret•'Riehtnond, meeting at the Ignited church. of Guelph, was not. progressing as, On Friday evening;. of last week favorably as at first, fbl'lo\v'ing an oe- sonte forty or fifty of the young peo- erattot last week. - ple -of Blyth. assembled at the :home .Mrs. Jas. 'Richmond left on Monday of Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert Stephenson and for Guelph. 1 • ' presented Mr. and Mrs, Leo -Stephen- There wast nod attendance in san'.with a caibinet of 'sliver. An en- spite of !had *cattier' at .the lecture on joyaeble evening was spent and the India' given by Dr. Elizabeth Mc- tlse wee sora' hours cane before they Cufaster on Thursday eveuhig.. departed for their various homes, M'r. Aloin Eliot is ntakrng but wishhtg 'the ibside and 'groom 0 hong slight progress toward recovery. ile-of perpetual bliss. Rev. Geo. Telford was in Stratford. on Sunday tailing services there. Where It i Always Summer. Miss Isabel' Cunu'inghatn spent the If you wotild`gol'f all winter or week -end at the ''home of Mr. Jas. bask in the sun on warm sandy Nichols. 'beaches, or .motor for miles through A number 'from this district at - take oiange�tiordered ;highways, resided the funeral of the late Mrs. Jas.' i n infant dau h- Nichols,of Morris, and take yopr winter a ' Y e v e ria t }n F N a t lowda ter, last week. al',10 ay along the Gulf G Coast. g 5 w' h the 'L ailowe'en was celebrated rt I You'll never regret i•et sit It c a bolts g --the climate, 'the .people you.meet,:usuai ,pranks ens the wi'tchea .and' the sights,,you see—all will -far' exceed goblins attended snasquerades.' your anticipations: Mrs. 17, J. Kelly spent the week -end' i.t 'Seafor'th, e3ring the golf' -ands your bathind g 'Mr, and Mrs. J. T. 'McCaughey the tennis racquet—and qs in and yoin,byacht- were -Stratford visitors -this week. - suit, There's fishing, shooting, yac}ut- ing and motor -boating Inc,: BORN. . skirts of the crowd and fail to identify vesary sereiees in .Btucefield Inst seen ane! Miss Jeunse Ritchie sanga themselves as lonely as they should Sunday, gel. 1>lie topic far discuss'iou, Is with Christ ,and 'with the interest of Mrs. Madill, who spent the last two music always a benefit tc, humanity 'ff15 kingdom. Az rather unusual ci o months with her mother, Mrs was taken asY rise congregation, and one very pleasing to J usual. the o i Jarrott, Sr and other friend 1 The c i s e'r of five was lir s left' a Clic presence Orangemen sc ce t t g ucu held , Social on thet? i for her home in Seattle Tuesday day ev e.nin in the Hall in 3 -Val- me see r u v of h ee persons who were k members 5 \li, „id lair, James logon were ton \ program of music vire: cnbci of the congregation fifty ;nen, calling on titer s'ow's last week and !allowed by cards. arid ago, 'hese persons are Me, ter at ;Wednesday to spend the vain- lis and Mrs. Andrew Lamont and epi Us. June McQueen, l'Ir, fos- ter in Florida. 41 is Sarah McKinnon, of (Brussels; eph and lits \'Ii Reisy, of Brucefield, peal `'ansae with lir, and lt'[rs. T. and 'Mrs. Hector Reid now of Heti- DUBLIN. HC.'AlcLaughlin, sale Eight ministers have served Modish Coats and \I r. Harold and Denis Maloney in- 'Cony from here went to ;Brussels the congregation during.the•past fifty tend spending the winter in 'Detroit; on ,5aturday to attend 'the- bazaar years,,,,, faithfully sowing the seed of they wi'l'l leave this week. given under the auspices of 'the the kingdom. 1211 Messrs.: 'Woosb Ladies' Aid of ,Melville church, The \j'e Sititpson, \Iuu, Sewers, Woods. Miss Catherine hratssleopf return- McIntosh, .Armour and Bremner, the eci'from the hospital after a successful proceeds amounted to $965, latter. having been • inducted: on 'the operation, anniversarycw Erupt 'Walton attended the 3rd of Seplenrber of fritts v Its a thrilling place these daysail • We are sorryeat, to hear Miss EIhet services in the United The special tnttsic by the choir was our Ready - to - Wear.'Depmoneutl Ryan is ou,the sick lista Ohu'ch, Blyth, on Sunday evening. au important feature of bot Wise women .are curing money- Mr. and lips. 'iron'. Evans spent T • AI17ctt T,yd a�t ,has; pur-based Under i 1p of Mi s: many dollars -by sesavin the -more Sunday •at •the borne ' of 12r, ,fohn 'Lar rrosn7\ii. John 1nraEt. athe capable leadership si abers astonishing wanes in fascinatingitheBore Murray. Jean Murdock, the following numbers tttmit. Coats and. charming 'Dresses 'Messrs, Wnt: and Harold Maloney, KIPPEN. were sung: "The Lord is :pry Light" that will strongly appeal to your dis- by the Choir, duet by,the atio'n," crirndn ill strongly tastes. spent ,the week -end in London, While \t). \\itt, Doig and son Jack Boyce "The 'fender Invs•tatx ii :M.r. Ed. 'L. Jordan, of the 'Standard aero coming home from the station uantette° Bank here, -has been promoted to the at Tippett on 'Saturday eveningthe anthems ' "TesusIhe to -ver - of be Soul," THE NEW COATS in the lt' the choir How Wonderful Chatham, 03rsinch and left on Wednes- horse shied- at something and backed in the Lord" and `e drat our attention 'to . o n• clay for ;his new posta the buggyo sol byMiss over hate e the h meat al arc Thy Works," also solo Miss sple ulidly complete dine of really Iris's, W. IR,aciso suffered a -paralytic llie7hridge hare, and the horse fell Murdock "Nearer my ,Crocb to Ther." beautiful Coats that are meeting with stroke 011 Wednesday last, We un- oaf top of the buggy. It looked a ter- The managers requested a specialb eauti iastic response from women deratand she is improving at trate of riffle sight but nothing was broken. offering to take care of the repairs re- who are surprised and delighted with writing. john received strained muscles in brie .centiy made ;to the nuense. and the their doe lines and generpi'afr of he - congregation Darling is nursing a bad oral. 'We hap- he will pan be congregation responded thy -.placing• on corniitgne'ss, case of ;blood poisoning in his hand, better, the plates considc'ra,hly over $500. Eachcoat in this wonderful assort- lrr. E. J. Murphy and Mr. Jas. Jot.- 3-fr. Wilfred 'Mollis and Miss Mar- Mr, and Mrs, E. A'iless h din attended bhc the Liberal execu- gate; '1'tellis attended the funeralave return- rent"bears the hallmark of the her ti•vc meeting in Mitchell on Friday at their uncle, Mr. King of e l from their honeymoon. quisite taste one finds in.nl h higher g , of 4Via,r,tou, lir, and •Mas. W Carlile •an'd tam- priced 'garments, .Fine quality tweeds, which Mr, A. 'A, Colquhoun of Hib- Mr, helps returned home' Sunday ily, of 73ilisgr•een,: visited R• r. and suedines, dtivetens, and needlepoint bort was s ment' wt 7 IG»CTas Lr, , Liberal al night ht s 1 , with an P a abscess ' ih t' r his arm. He itis • W. . Dot l t as osv Sunday. u i late.g a ria', ,from, tarem to s f m which i verythe they a tick sc and weY hope e £or n a quick Mr. anti Mrs. A, number item here responded to recovery of goad health. 3.D. s's, G.eil, of. fashioned.: All 1iitCrt thinin tout with Seaf°rth, and -Mr. gest Mrs, C. Ham- fancy ,brocade or silk linings, the ,call ,for helti to light the fire in Mrs.V.keClymont, if Detroit bley, of Loedon, spent Sunday with the parsonage at Cromarty Oti Fri- :,as a testier at the h+sine 111 \fr. and 'Mr, and"Mrs. W. RatFc'si$nirya'nd Mr: \?. gay, iih.the aseie'anee` of the Firemmemmmer From Jacksonville to the Mexican tborder there are hundreds of resorts CROSBY. -A -t the rectory, Count that still help ,to tn'ake your holiday right, 'Ont., on Saturday, October perfect attd hotels and boarding 30111, 1926, to Rev. and Mrs. H. G. • hooses to suit all pocketbooks. 'E. Crosby a son ('Paul Hugh). Any agent of .Canadian N„6,iionaa Railways will glad' het you n difficult toeradicate Y P Y t or_ r;Snft -oras are difficu t range yottr itiinf°rin, 'besides gavrng but Hoiloway''s 'Corn iRentover will you all other .information you require. ds's a' them ,out pa:tulessly. Pontiac - "Chief of the Sixes" This is General Motors latest product in cars and is rightly and justly termed by "them "Chief of the Sixes". For smooth flow of abundant resilient power, for com- fort in riding, for long life and brilliant performance, for beautiful and graceful lines, for finest finish in "Duca" and alto- gether for a beautiful and strong and durable car werecommend the Pontiac. We will/be pleased to give you 'a demon- stration at your convenience. Fred. S Savnuue Local Agent Seaforth • CHISELHURST, , made the presentation`:,'Mr. Iloggarth 1 and , thanked -ti need d an el t e very 1 responded c h De- a-bly P - f T , n -Mrs. Horton, o • ��, - .neighbors for their thoughtfulness of trait, visited with the vformer's pat' ats 4' n'•.Horton,hint and 1Mrs.>-Hoggai'th, The ,coon eh overr, Mr• act 'Mrs. Noah tire weelt-rad. til, of which' "Mr, IT3oggartis, -was Reeve, presented Mr. and Mrs, Ho '- g garth with an electric -reading lamp. Mr. Heggarth+fltasiked the council in . an able way for their useful ,gifts. After lunolx 'the rest of the evening was spent in dancing. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Iioggarth many years of health and,' happiness in their new. home. ,Messrs, Wilbert Parker, ;'Cliff Sel- ves, Wilson 'Britttneil, James, Vance. and Lloyd'Horton returned home from tile west 'last week. : The boys report 'leaving a :good trip, The threshing was finished, insortieplaces. while lib other I -he stooks were stand- ing Water. frioweyer, we are (gladl to stiff the boYe back again, The Ohise'lfittrst Young People's League of -the United Church had a Hallowe'en .social• Tuesday evening. The programme consisted of read- ings, recitations, violin solos and duets. 'The lunch: consistedfo•f pump- kin -pie ,with whipped cream and sa•nd- wiches and coffee. The neighbors. of school sectigqn rNa, 7, Ialibberct, and surroundiirg'cornmun- ity, ,met at the 'home of ,Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Hoggarrth :and spent a social evening with therrprtr to their r de- parture to Stratford 'The first part of the evening was, spen't in readings, violin duets, violin solos, songs and speeches, Miss Victoria Bolton .read the add're,ss and Mr.- Donald 113ridtnell C'ROMARTY. Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard' 'Shire, and eIr. and Mrs. Dora (Balfour visited' in Detroit and'Windsor this week, Cromarty fowl supper was a ,great success, over $150 ,being made. The farmersin this district arc having ,trouble in getting their : 141 work completed.. ` (Too late for bast week.) Miss R. Bruce and :,friends from Windsor; visited at the home of her parents on .' anitlay last, Miss V. Bolton, Miss G. McLean and 'Miss C. Anderson attended the Teachers' Convention in . Stratford last week.:- v Open Mer Hours -p OR your convenience, all Province of Ontario Savings Office branches are open until 5 p.m; daily except Saturday. Most branches are open Saturday afternoon and evening. , In addition to absolute safety . for your funds here, think of the price- less convenience of the extra business . hours. g - TORONTO BRANCHES: Cor. Bay & Adelaide Sts.; 549 Danforth Ave.; Cor. University and Dundas St. OTHER BRANCHES AT: A ytmcr, Brantford,,. Hamilton, Newmarket Ottawa, -. Owen Sound, Pembroke, Seaforth, Se Catharines, St. Mary's, • Walkerton, Woodstock. Seaford, Branch, J. M. McMiiten, M .nager Hours 9.30 a.m. to 5 pan, Saturday 9.30 a.m. to 5 p,.,., 7 p.m. to 9.30 pea. PROVINCE OF 0 ` . e $AVINGS OFFICE E EYERYDEP LGU �rioeusHEAO OFFICE .YNTAR/OGOYERNMENT 15 QUEENS PARK Valet ,Service - Ring up, 227 or 210 ark' ask for Sid. Then enquire about the new VALET SERVICE. All our work is done on a HOFFMAN SANITARY STEAM. PRESS, an iron never touches your garment. SETLU@RTH GARMENT" CARE Sydney D u n gey, Proprietor COMMERCIAL 13LOPK PHONE 227 or 210 Work called` for and delivered. .1110151, Buy Cibb's And 'Stylish Dresses FOR womENr, WHO CARE rummilmn Money Fashion's Favorite Dresses New Fall Silks, Crepe -Back .. Satins and Silk -Flat Crepes Styles for street, afternoon and informal evening wear, fea- turing new turst,5iotwi collars, new 'high necks, tiew long sleeves; including dolman ef- fects; new pleatings, new color- ed. embroideries and new blous- ed shacks. Models for :women and misses: Black and every color that's new, . Prices: 7.95 TO Bt71171tICSt It costs little tcl' bress well at 1059 R.J GIB S 0 Society5 THEY'RE HERE, The. New For Fall Suit and Overcoat Values Too Good ' to , Ignore, And we're puttingit mildly - when we" say they're the finest we've ever slibeet. They're 'here in the correct' styles for Fall— smart as onau Society Brand part make them,: They're here in new ,falbrics-unctsual fabrics --unusual weaves originated by end exclusive :with Society, Brandt Ti rich autuinii colors, too.'Tltese finest made -in -Can-: adaclothes'have never been of- fered at such remarkable values a3 this Fall, SUITS TS AND OVERCOATS RC OA T nd$��aa s � 1.5 29.50