HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-10-28, Page 51-IURSDAY,•OCTOBER 28; 1926. THE SEAFORTH .NEWS L+DOK AT THE CUT ' of Meat ygy are buying and see if it ,hes the'color and the appear - ate of fresh;; tender,: juicy, whole- t?ome beef. ..Dont buy it if it is string, dry, dark, full of tendons. You get quality cuts here. It is better to pay us a few cents a Bound• more and get meat you can eat enjoyably. H.,• STEWART Phone 58 Seaforth Your Butcher. i D. H. McInnes Chiropractor Of 'Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all all kinds success- fully. treated. Electricity used Want and For Sale' a'd's, 1 week 25e White Red & '�c1� t ha :n Stores Our Specials for :week starting October 29th N$arsh Mellow Homemade lb, 39c English Toffee's, per lb. 40c King Oscar Sardines, 2 tins 26c Sonune Naptha Soap, 5 bars 26c (1 Box Soap Flakes Free) Hold -it -Fast, for,inending every- thing 5c Free with . Qrde'rs 0.00 J over A Reference. Card and Memo Pad (One to each cuetolner) ?hone s J. S RpS tib'oat W. M. Stewart Phone 77 If its groceries we have thele. W. J. Walker Om UNDERTAKING --and— EMBAt..ttIINOr ` Motor or Horse Equipment. W. j. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 67. CREAM GRADING The purchasing of Creast according to grade became law on May 1st. Your cream graded here by under Governmentnt supervision and we guarantee you the best of service. All our grading is checked by the Department of Agriculture. . Aim to send Specials and No. 1 grade cream, Send or deliver your cream at least twice a week and as direct as possible. All cream'graded as soon as we receive it. Creamery Open Saturday Nights. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth," Out. SEAFORTH CAFE s REGULAR DINNER 40c Meals and Quick Lunches at all hours Prompt Service BISSET'S ICE j CREAM Sodas, ` Soft Drinks, Chocolate Bars, Cigarettes, etc. PERCY HOWE Prop, ' Fruits and Vegetables At all prices to meet your needs RHUBARB RADISHES GREEN ONIONS SPINACH TABLE RAISINS HEAD LETTUCE CELERY CAULIFLOWERS TOMATOES SHELLED 'ALMONDS 6®c Per 1b T PhiIIips.:. No 'More Asthma, Dr. J, D..I(el- logg's Asthma "Remedy ' sounds 'the' death knell of this trying trouble. It stops the awful',choleing and -painful breathing. It guards ,against night attacks and gives renewed ability to sleep a,td rest the whole night long. Much is'.claimed for this retnedy, but- nothing but what tan.'be:demonstrat- ed ' by a trial, If you stiffer" froni as-, thma,try it and convince yourself of its .great valtie; The Millionaire's Secret. To be a millionaire, a man ',must not only get rich; he must be able to stayrich.'1 . A 'certain n well-known millionaire, when asked ,how he stay - cd rich,, said: "1 invest hay money oil sound established 1ishec companies.s That man heslearned a valuable secret. But a man's money, however, much he has, is never worth so much to'him ,a's his mind, his intelligence. Has it ever occurred to you that you should invest your intelligence jus'b•'rts carefully as you invest your money? R\>Iny hot' invest your 'intelligetnce in a-. sound conrpa•ny,'by subscribingto the, Youth's, Companion? It is.'Lhe oldest .magazine for young people in the world—and nearly the, oldest of all American magazines. It is 'also one of the. most interestin'g.:-.Practi, cally every famous author of. the past hundred years has written 'at one time or another 'for the Companion. Only this fall,., For example, the Companion gublis:hdd a nca story" by Jack Lon- don. :Do yoq like 'stories of adven- ture! Mystery? Romance? They are , ail. in the Youth's Companion. Here are thC, terms of an tivestnCnt uaranteed to be rofitahle' 1. The 1 g P Yout.h's Cotnpanron — 52 issues in 1927 and 2. 'The, remaining issues of 1926. 'All for only $2. 3. Or include i icCall s Magazine, the monthly 'authority oh fashions.. Both publica- tions,. only :2.50: 'THE YOUTH'S COM'P,.ANI'ON SN dept., Boston, Mass. Far ,Frost' Bi es ansi:' ii la i - >' t Clu b ale s. ChiTh4SfOISI enine'froun sodne exposure to slitsl, and cojtl and ftlost bite froth the ley \winds of winter, -IS. the treat nent of either' an: excellent' prel ara- 'tkift is Dr. 'Thomas' Eelectric Oil, as ::,counteracts the itrflaprtnaticii 'anti neliev tt' ,'"dh e. the, 1� 'The 'action "of the oil is prompt and its application is ex- tremely simple. I ij;TQTopicsJ ' '. „rll�"w�lww.liPr.��Mar.•:iinp'. Mrs, 'Geo. 'Wein: intends leaving early in November to spent the win- -ter with her daughter, etfrs, (+D'r.) Latimer, Anderson, South' Carolina. (,;linton`News4Record: Mr. Alex. Butler has taken a ppsition in 'Sea - forth and will move his family there. We are sorry to lose Mr. and ,Mrs. Butler, but their friends wish' them well in their new -Moine. Mr. (Butler will be missed in 'the' field 'of 's'port, he being an enthusiastic 'baseball player, The Misses Best left on Sunday for Tbronto,where they will reside. They were accompanied 'by Mr. J. H. 'Best, who 'returned on Monday. Mr, and 'Mrs. John IModeland, Mrs. Seri. Sillery and ']Vtis's Martha John- ston '.returned on ' Tuesday of last week, after attending the funeral of the late (Mrs, Wm. Lockhart, 'Wind 'Exeter Times: Miss Alice Kedwell, of Sarnia, is visiting for a fest' days with Mis's M. Jones. On 'Sunday Miss Jones, ,Miss Kedwell and Miss Alice Handford motored to 'Seaforth toed visited with Miss I. 'Johnston. ;Mrs. L. T. DSLacey leaves in a couple of weeks to spend the winter in Toronto. A social evening will' be held in the parish hall of. St..Thomas' church on Thursday, October 28th, to which all rtnefisbers of the congregation are cordially invited. ;Mr. Leslie Scott is in Brantford for a couple of weeks: - (The Misses Love, of Toronto, were week -end guests at their home in Egmondville. 'her. and Mrs. A. Sparks are spend- ing a few days -in London. Mrs, Ballantyne and son Archie, of Brussels, were guests at the hone of udIrs, W. Broadfoot. Mr and Mrs. E. W. Burch, of Memphis, Mich.; Mr. James McNee and 'Miss .Florence McNee, of Lon- don, and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Watson, ef'Goderich, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and ;Mrs, W. G. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. 11:Ve Ii., Tribute, of Hamilton,are guests at the h tine of Mrs L. . IDeLacey, 'Miss Alva Graves lett this week for Detroit, Mr. and ,Mrs. McPherson, 'of Kirk- ton,":are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Hugh 'Wright.. Mrs, W 'Gillespie spent Sunday in Brussels. Mr. and' Mrs. W, Richards, of Strat- ford, spent Sun <a5 with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. hltrs, A. J. McKay, of 'Godericlt, was the guest of (Mrs. T. Swat Smith. Mrs, J. F. ;Daly is,visiting her siste in 'Hamilton, Mrs. Weekes and daughter Frances of Toronto, are guests' at the hom of Dr. Mackay. Mrs. Stratton and 'Mrs. Walker, o Tillsonurg, were guests" at the hom of Mrs. F.,Anderson. Mrs. 'Hagerman, of Toronto, ,i visiting her daughter, Mrs, J. E. Keat ing. Miss Annie Molyneaux , of Dublin visited i\Ifss Lavada Rising on Theirs day. Mrs. Andrew(fltiet Preston, visited ,friends in torrid, 'Mrs. Fred lwiss, of Brantford, ant Mrs. J. Grimmer, of Ayr, were guests at the .home of Mrs. A, 'MeGavin, Mr, James L, Murray and his dau- ghter, Miss ittrgaret air. and Mrs. Frank Murray, Mr. and hers. A. Mur- ray, of Hamilton, spent 'Sunday with IMr,, and Mrs. J. J. 'fluff, Miss Janet Ciuff returned with them. - the Lions euchre and dance on Thursday evening last was one of the most successful events of that nature ever held in Seaforth, both in attcnclance and enjoyment. The winners at euchre were ladies Mrs. Louts Kahle; lone hands, Mrs, C. - D. •Iaigh; consolation, Mrs. W. W. Robinson. Gentlemen, Mr, Farsytli; one 'hands, Ro'bt, Archibald; consol- tion, Mr.,Riley. Mr. Ross •IMurdie, of ,McKillop, is onfined to bed with measles. 'Messrs. Gordon Hays and Warren luieot, of 'Detroit, visited their per- ms over Sunday,. Mrs. Wm. 'McMichael, who visited Ir. and Mrs. McKinney, of Guelph, nd'1Ir. and. Mrs:`Chittenden, of 'Co• onto, returned on Saturday. Mrs. 'W, E. Southgate, Jr,: and hildren returned ncd fron lfanitawan- rg. on Wednesday, where. they were kiting her Mother, Mrs McT-eocl. The Misses Cresswell are visiting Irs. I' Berry in Toronto'thin week. Dr. Ross Savange spent a few' days 'Toronto. 'Mrs. W. Sclater i$ visiting her dau- later, Mrs, E. Lawson' in A tburn. t Mrs. J. Twiss is' in Saskatoon at - ending th t g e funeral, of her son, the to Mr. Lot'ne Twis's, wlno was kill- cf last' week- when his automobile truck a telephone pole. Tie ' died ithout regaining consciousness. Mr. Cnwiss left here en 1912 and is sureived y his wife acid one soot ;Ver. J. Quail is in Tayistocl: reliev- g at ,the C. I I2, station. \h 9• J. H. IBroadfoot has retuned r•oun 'spending a few 'weeks with her Stele 'Mrs. J:. Cline, in 'Toronto. Mrs, Albert' Dundas, t s of McKillop, as ntrcinase 1 residence i c the esuleuce 'vacated s the Mis -s y se. ,McLellan who • 1 v \ to e oved into aperements above iA1i. J. sllespie's store. -Mr. and Mrs. 'fames T. Scott and nildretn left 'here on Tuesday for Tinelsor,,,where they will in'•'.-ftrtpre side. •Mr. and (Mrs, 'Nfelvut Clark and tifrr W 'Clark, of Varna..spent Sun - ay with"Mr. and iMi•s,'W,,FFee.. ,int', and Mars. 'II,. Wiibe c 'spent fenclay in Brussels; Mrs. Fred Lang, of Detroit, is here; teudiing tlne funeral of her sister-i.in- w, \Zys E:13arnett. lvfiss Sadi 'Hart i e t s vi itis 1+ ...@ s . g... eta 5t;,-' t ' Mrs; 'G• 'Carters. iu Mount'Brid•ges. Mt and ',Mrs, JosI Denis are visit - g the tatter's. parents,,Mr.:,and .lfcx I1Vbisse Norma :Muir and; Miss` A, Smith spetift a few days to Lpnlio;t afr ', he of of rs• I ' ar , � nt ' Mh M t m d g G g tMr G: D "Fergustln iS !slowing', into �MtsI'Hargan's .house ori Godericls st • Mrs. M. Flanagan has ,gone to 5)e -trort. Ilefe.lAudrew• Lane, of .Detroit, was a week -end visitor at the h e`- om of .his parents,Mr. and 'Mrs, Tom Lane. "BRUCFFILD, Air, and M. Rdss Scott have 'mov- ed to their new home, the house for- merly occupied 'by the late Duncan MacDpnald, IBruceflsld United' Church is prepar- ing for the- celebrating of the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the new • Church 'built after the Union of 1875, . Sunday next, October 31st, • is the day set for these special 'services end the Re*, William Beattie, 'D+D,, C.M.G., of 'Fsrst Church, London:le `to ibe the special preacher for the bccasion,' The congregation -.is ex- tending 'a cordial invitation to all Who would care to join: them in ccle- brating •this ' s6bilee occasion to be present at one or'bgth of the services 'on:•the coming Sunday, IMIs's I. Scott left- for London last week 'to take a position. Mrs, Harrison, on heyeway borne from the West last week, was met by 'Mr. Frank Aiketnhead in Toronto, where they were married, ,They re- turned to their (tome: on the 2nd of 'Stanley on Thursday night.' uAdr. and Mrs. Duncan _hikeuhead spent the week -cud with friends in 'London, 'Mr, .and ,.Mrs. Geo. R. Taylor an- nounce the. engagement of 'their eldest daughter, Letitia Lillian, to Mr. C. J. A.ikcnitead, of 'Bruceffield. The mar- riage is to take place this month. A number of the young people drove; over to'Bayfield to (tear the de- b tet,.. Resolved that Party 'Govern- ment Should be Abolished." The a£- fu native was taken by Mr. George Knight and Miss Annie Mustard, Brucefteld; the negative by '1fr. Colin Campbell attd 'Mr. Gordon Mchenzie. of Bayfield. Judges were Ret. Mr, 'Bremner and (Rev. M". Kennedy and Miss Welsh. They decided in favor of the affirmative, We congratulate our young people as' it is the lirst time they have debated, while Bayfield young people have 'been debating -for several years. 'Word has recently been received that _hiss Eva Stackhouse passed her entrance examinations with honors, instead of the "pass" standing- previ- ously credited to her. Congratula- tions. TUCKERSMITH Mr. Peter Simpson visiterl at the hon f Air. an 'Mrs. Robert D i•* too d o on 'Sunday last. Mr. '.Cecil Pullman visited at the tonic of his friend, Mr. John Doig. ' Miss Laura Taylor spent the week- end at the home of her mother, Mrs; r John Taylor. ' IUr. and Mrs. t t li.. \, I t Andrew I austu , visited at the home of Mr. end l rs. a -George !Bell. Miss 'Madeline Bell turd het•''broth- f er "William Bell, spent a few days at e the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George :Bell s tMr. Angus Kennelly secured first ,prize at the,•ploughing match held at Exeter. Mr. Robert Doig secured third prize while Mr. Robert Tyndall secured first in .his class. Tucker - smith is proud of her ploughmen. 'Ms's. Wei. 'Bell, of 'lfoncrieff. spent 'the week-encl at the. home of Mr. j, I McKay, nth concession,, 'I LII c e A a r e v '1 it g la c n h int f si It b nt G el rer, d .at lit to in KIPPEN, 6,1r, and llrs. Thos. Dayman and children spent the -week -end visiting Airs. Daynnur ;brother in Stratltray. \Liss Ethel \\arrener, of London, who has 'been \ isitiitg eer' gum Mrs. T. Dayman for the past week return- ed to London •ou 'Saturday. 11f7. James 11c\aughtot visited his brother Robert, Who is. teaching iu 'f. h uneefcnrd over the weekend. Mr. and 11ts, Robert Dayman Sect Mr. James •Dayman visited Mr. and tri. Geo. Squires, of Granton, on Sunday last. Threshing is the order of the day Mr. \Vett. •McGregor is busy .finishing up for the season. 111r. James .Dayman is hawing 0 sake of farm, farm stock and implements Nov. 10th. As it is a good farm and good stock. the 'beet et prices ehould is realized. - \[r and Mrs. Herbert Glazier and Isnuly„of 'Stratford were visitors at hL. and Mrs 'I'houtts Butts,' \I r, and M,'s. B.. D. Field spent the week -end with his father atI net Btirw ell. lliny attended the anniversary Ser - Vices at PIillsgreeu on• Sunda} last. Mr: ;Wilfred Mettle, and ;Margaret received the sass ictus of the deals of their aunt at Wrdxetcr.• They attend- ed the funeral on' "Monday,' - VARNA. Mr. and Mrs. W. '11eAsh,, of Lon- don, spent 'Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Weekes. Several from the vicinity took in the fowl supper' in Bayfield Tuesday night. •Owing to the absence of the res- ter of St. John's Church the service was taken by Mr. Appleyard, student oT :Herm' College. Mr. Ecl. Ward, . one of our Stanley. eld' boys who has been away for several years, rammed •rhome to his tome to � t y is to • • With. his .t r. on the spr.nd�the atmtet old homestead. • ;Mr. C. ,Wiley, who has been in De- troit during the Sunnier, is spending, his holidays at, the home of -his Sister, IMts \W' :Reed. ' Mies Easily Beatty returned to London Monday :to :resu.tne'her• duties: Mr. acid Mrs. Jas. Wanless returned to their :home one day last week. 'Airs. W.- Johnston'is ,spending a few days with relatives .i,n• l'orointo, HIBBERT. The council asset on Oct. 2011,. Mem- bers all .present. 'Minutes of. last meeting read and:.conlrned., .Orders e w re' issued: on the treasu'rer amount - ting to $13$5,23, The council then ad- jotrned to meet on Wednesday the '2nci clay iii. Novantb);e`Jt at i, o'clock,Clericordan, ', WINTHROP, the, Ladies' Aid and Missionary. t e ' ti- ill he bel atthe h m of to e w d g i t't 8" 'Mrs. A •Roes Wednesday afternoon, No -Vet -saber 3rd.• ' IDr. McMaster a missionary of; >n- dia, addressed the Missionary Thank - offering meeting in Cavell church on Tuesday afternoon. Her hone •is at St. Marys and she has, 'spent ,twenty- three years in India.:. Her address was ,most interesting, ;Mr. and Mrs. Kershaw, of .Blyth, visited Mr, sand Mrs, 'W. ''C. Bennett on 'Monday. (Mies Mary Calder, nurse of Wel- land hospital, spent the week -end with,'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don old Calder, NORTH.-,MeKUL' LOP.. Messrs, Thomas, Leeming and Tito atlas 'Storey have been around collect- ing in aid of the Upper Canada (Edible Society and met with fair success, Mrs. Underwood, of Waterdown, was -visiting her father, 'Mr. 3. J. Ir- vine, 'The latter, who was suffering' from a severe cold and 'bronchitis, is now, somewhat improved. • 'It is a 'bad season for getting work done owing to cold and 'wet weather, There is very little -fall ploughing done yet, and the apples are mostly unpicked,' '.Che school house in Section 9 has beets made over at a 'cost of over a thousand dollars, and 'Bethel church Inas been improved at an expense of some hundreds of dollars. The excel- ent'Ladies' Aid has given generously" towards the latter project. We were hopiug\that there would. be. no Provincial election this year, 'but 11 is conning, with the 'platform of the present Government made public. There is''hard'ly`a doubt 'but that they will 'be returned to power as a major- 'ty of the people are sick and tired of existing conditions. STA -FFA. 'Mr. and Mrs. Will, Cannp•belt of London, called on il'tr. and Mrs. 'Geo. Butson Saturday. /Hrs, (Rev.) Jones aitd son Lang- ford, have returned home after spend- ing a few days with Mrs. Jones' ra- ther at Sarnia. 'Mrs. Jos, Norris is visiting with her daughter, 'Mrs. N. Mitchell, of Cen- tralia, MMr, John Sadler made a business trip to 'London one day last 'week. _Miss M. Guest, tier, A. Newnan and Mr. •\fir. Harding spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Jas. iMiller. Mrs, Harding and babe, who have been spending a few days with her aunt, Airs. Miller, %returned home with them. The ntenn'bers of the united -Church are holdingg a missionary banquet in the hallF n Friday tday evening. Mr. Geo. Stanley, of Lucau, will be the speaker of the evening. Airs. P. James has returned to her home in ' Mitchell after spending a eruple of weeks with 6Jrs, H. Ternple.- uta tt. Mr. and Mrs. N. 9litchell, 'C'entral- ia, visited 155 the vicinity Sunday. The fowl supper at 'Cromarty was well attended Friday night. HILLSGREEN, 'Mr. S.'McCliuclaey and sister, of Blyth, spent the week -end at the home of 'Mr. Chas. 'Stephenson. Mr. George Step.hcnspn, of 'Walk- erton, ,spent Sunday at the home of his parents. .lir: •Robert Stephenson. 1f r. Eldon. Jarrott has returned home after visiting in:Michigan. Atr. and Mrs. James Anderson and \Miss Myrtle Roy, of Alba, Michigan, spent a day recently visiting her. and 'Mrs. James Jarrott and Mr. and .lfrs, Wilson Carlile, The choir held their annual fowl supper in the basement of the church Monday evening, Oct. 25th. -After sitting down to a well laden table of fowl and good things, the evening was spent in games and contests. The most enjoyable event of the evening- was veningwas t,be Yes and No". contest, which causer t lot of laughter. The evening closed by singing Auld Lang Syne. ALMA. 'Airs. W. H. Jamieson spent the week: end with her mother in Clin- on ;Messrs. 3. and C. Cooper and A. Dile are •busy packing apple.. in God- erich to, Mr. and:Mrs. I G, llcdd, of Clin- ton; were visitors here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. ILugill spent Sun- day with Constance friends. ?t[r. and 1Trs.- Chas. 'Watson and family, of Londesboto, were recent visitors herr. Mr, Jpltn Jannieeon is contenting'• and renovating his stables this week.' STANLEY. ()tie of 'Slaule,v township's residents passed away at the hr is son in'hitchencr ort Sunda} Oct- ober 17th, in "the person of 4cotchmct', who was at the letioii of his 87th year. Ile had cue with his"son a week before, for a little visit, and his death unexpectedly after a few hour r v Aft. dcotchmer had Spent v all his life in Stanley totvnsh 1s :born at Liin•y St. -Edward; c�, England, but cane;• out as had u( fourteen. the only member is family to come to Canada, nine to his uncle, who hadt� ere, and here he remained. growing la manhood he mottos 6 11 cn ;Watsonand h r they lived y many years' n v 1 o the P,ron 50 which farm they lett to their sr Scotchmcn, in 7912, audmoy Clinton: Mrs. iScotchincr c t%13 and 051 the marriage congest da ;Mr. scot tent back to the farm and sine had resided among his children Year, on his 86t1i'blrthclay, he h misfortune to fall and fractttt hip. accident tt 1.cpC lyim bed for several ytcr;lcs and sought he would never fully re but he did;. so 'filly tlaat he alk about without the use of and often walked out to the where sonyva's working. II out and cast his vote on Sept.He had been le itstta} health when went to T�itchencr brut. when auk ill he could not snug oldest me o C h . Oc t o Alfred cotn- -p dgone 1n e., just Caine u s' i11- n near- ly ip" T -Ie. Sus- s a little 1 ,ber ,of h :IIs c settled h 1. On married 1fi 1 cd for nn line n, W. J -ed to lied in 1of -tis y cli rine r y e thee h . Last y had the n e his to- his h it was thought covet', Itcould walk a cane a fields n e.. went' o 14tls he tn he t contend Ladies' Wrist IVaiC e�+ 47 in White or : Green Gold, from ' 10.00 u Gents' Pocket Cket WatChes $2,00' lip Rings, Chains, Clocks Pen. Cuff Links,� • tc.etc f 'Buy here and save money. . Expert watch, clock and jewelleryremain* ' el?a.11ttil* Service. J. A. WESTeOTT Watc fimaker and jeweler; Opposite W. A. Crich's. We Know i How to make Ladies' and Gentlemen's •Clothing or to: alter your Old Styles to Present Fashions also Expert Repairing and Pressing : E.W. GATEMAN BBN=141JR. The Special 'Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a rebut Aeo. Ground Screenings jehop of Fill Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER( PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs Winter 'Storage, Charging and Repairing for all makes of Batteries. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Now is the time to have your car overhauled Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, grassed and cleaned. Dealer in New and Used Cars, Agent for Chr sler Four and Six Cylinder der Cara . Regier's r� e s gyp PHONE 167W. ' against it. 31r. Scot chtne.t' was a quiet, unassuming roan, lie was a member of Trinity Anglican church, 'Bayfield. He is survived by a family of three daughters and five sons: Mrs. Wil- liam Heard, !Bayfield, -Mrs. James 1?orter,'Goderich; Mrs, 'Myron Butler, Goctericlt township, John, Robert and William, of Stanley township, Alfred, of Craik, Sask., and Fred of Kitch- ener. 'Che eldest of the 'family, Mrs.' A. Townshend; stied last year, her funeral 'being held just one year prior to -the death of her :father. The re- mainswere 'browg ht home for inter- ment, the w h ftg P nteral talon tace. f coin , hcolchntcr, ' W. S Le home of Mrs. ti . J Bronson line, on Tuesday afternoon to Baylnelcl cemetery. The Rev. F. II. Paull conducted the services at house and graveside and the pallbearers were four sons of the deceased, John, Robert. Frcd and Will. HOG SHIPMENTS. For week ending Oct. 14, 1921. Seaforth—Total 24, select Bacon 3, thick smooth 20. Brucefield—Total .35, select 'bacon 19, 'thick smooth 13. Walton—Total 85. select 'bacon 12, thick •smtiootin 49; heavies 14, •shop hogs, 7. 'Huron County ---Total 1,242, sel- ect .bacon 389, thick einootli 711), heavies 60, extra heavies 1, shop hogs 56, lights 0; NOTICE Ladies' Hairdresser will be at the Deni' lSOII Pail , clan Barber Shop (Successors to W, W. Robin- son) Every T ileSil'' Phone 125 1`02` appointments loll eci'' Ia st. ill • ' 1VIai'C ` e11tn S, massaging, '?;h,ampooirtg and hair cutting.