HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-10-21, Page 5THURSDAY, OC'L', 21, 1926. LOOKAT THE CUT of Meat you are buying and ale if tender, juicy, whole - it has the color and the appear- "?'` ance of flesh, some beef. Don't buy it if it is string, dry,' dark, full of tendons. You get quality cuts here, It is better to pay us a few cents a pound more and get meat you can eat enjoyably,. D. H. STEWAR' 4 Phone 58 Seaforth Your' Butcher. JEWELRY Diamonds Watches Clocks Emblems Rings etc, At moneysaving prices. Croom watchre'pa'tring Service — Satisfaction J. A. WESTCOTT Watchmaker and Jeweler. . Opposite W. A. Crich's. ed iSt White halt' Store� Our 'Prices for, week °starting 04oher 22nd Minee meat, new.. .... ». —lb, 18c Pears,, per Tin Bird Seed, package, Prunes, new Figs, new Maple Syrup, gal. .r15C '1bc 21b. 25c 21b9. 25c 82.25 Free Fony Votes Ross J. Sproat . Phone 8 W. I. Stewart Phone 77 If its groceries we have them. Wt i1 walker &Sen UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALIdING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. j. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 67. [MUM, vmaseminseersiseseme.. NOTICE Having taken over the agency of the tate Jamest Cowan for the Farmers' Ferti-t.,er Co., ham, I will be pleased to 811 all orders of both old and new customers and give any information within my knowte'dge ANDREW ARCHIBALD Box 282, Seaforth. , Ph -..e 44W. Also Agricultural Lime CREAM GRADING The purchasing of Cream according' to grade became law on May lst. Your cream graded here by experts under Government supervision and we guarantee you the best of service. All our grading`' is checked by the Department of Agriculture. Aim to send Specials and No. 1 grade cream. Send or deliver your cream at least twice a week and as direct as possihle. All creast graded as soon as we receive it Creamery Open Saturday Nights. rth Co, Seaforth, Ont, Sento Creainery • a u.,,mir,..4.0.+...,,.•„+ q0 :Torun Topics ::e-•r•Yet•�MM�M..�i..et�.rM�lO Mr. and Mrs. Trainor, of ?Toronto, were visitors at the home of Mrs' T. IM;cQuaid. Mrs. T. t1-1. Larkin was in. IHeosatl addressing the •Women's 'M'issionary Society. Mrs.'. P. :Scott, of (Brussels, spent a few 'days with her sisters, the 'Misses Brine. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerslake were M 'Waterford visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ivan 'Hill. ' Mr. Jack H'inohley, of Brantford, spent the week=end at his home here. Mrs: C, R. Somerville, of .London, i, •a guest at the home of her ;brother, Mr. J. A. Wilson. Miss Mary Laing, of . `Milverton, spent the week end at 'her 'home here, Irf•r, and'iVlrs G,JHandley and baby, of :Loddon, are visitors at, ;lhe home of JAI'''. and Mrs, J. D-'Getnmeli. Mr. Walter Miller, who is an ex- pert potato grower in town, lies a potatoes that weighs 33 lbs., and is perfectly smooth and sound. Who can 'BEET that? There will be held in Seaforth Presbyterian church a sacred musi- cal service on Sunday evening, Octo- ber'24th. First snow of the season fell on Wednesday the 20th. There was a heavy snowfall last year n Oct. 6th. Mrs. •Kenneth 'Ferguson, of Lon- don, is spending .a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. 'Merner, Mr. and Mrs, John Consitt and Mr. and .Mrs, Roy Consitt and son spent a •week visiting friends in Detroit, SEAFORTil CAFE. REGULAR DINNER' 40c Meals. And Quick .Lunches at hours Prompt Service BISSET'S ICE CREAM SociasSoft Drinks, Chocolate Bars, Cigarettes, etc, , PERCY CY HOWE Prop, P THE BEAFORTH NEWS CQNSTANCE. A happy event tdok place in Blyth on Thursday of last ,week when :Miss .Effie Logam,',daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Logan was united in marriage to !Mr. Leo Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs, iB:' B. Steptiettson, of 'Constance. The young . couple left' amid' showers of confetti for a shope honeymoon to Detroit and other points, On their returns they will re- side in Constance. ' Mr, and Mrs. iRdbt Grimoldby and Mrs, Jos. ,Riley, Sr., spent Sunday at the home of Mr; and .Mrs, Benj. ,Riley. Mrs., Riley stayed at Constance. Mr. James Mann,is still recovering: 'Master Mack Stephenson and 'Miss Edith Riley spent the week end at the ;Nome 'o'f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Riley, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, Jack. Riley, of Brus- sels, called an his father, Mr. Benj. Riley land'apent the week end at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Jack I'4ann, Jr. Mr. Chas. (Riley is wearing a broad Smile as his wife ,presented hint with a 'fine baby boy on October lst. They are calling it •Ken•net'h Edwin. 'Expect his 'smile would have been broader if it had been a girl for they had three 'boys and no girls. Mr, Ott. Walj:er, who has spent the past two months in, the West, hes returned to his 'home here. IMr. and Mrs, Ed. 'Howe and little daughter, of (Minneapolis, sport , the •week -end with the forner's parents, Mr, s i\iJ v andt as, Howe. Ret Mr. McKay, of Avonton, will conduct Thanksgiving service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, Oct. 24th on behalf of tire Women's Mis- sionary Society. A number ,from here attended anni- versary services in Exeter Presbyter - Marlette and Port Huron 'and other ian Church on Sunday. American cities. Mr. Robert Hoggarth, reeve of the Mess Jeate 'Smith was the hostess • township of ,,liiih'bert and chairman of at a kitchen shower held at the home of Mr. and Mfrs. Robt. McKay, in Egmondville, on 'Wednesday evening, is honior -of Miss Gertrude MdClure, of 'McKillop. The evening was en- joyably spent in games and dancing. The shower comprised a number of useful articles. Miss Isabel Lowery, of Goderieh. township, spent the week -end at her hone here. Ivtr. and .cabs. W. Hudson, of Strat- ford, were visitors at the .home 0'f •Mr, and Mrs. James Hudson. Mrs. Ben. Johnstone and 'Fay are spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. James Hudson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alan 'Stone. int Nor - wick: Mr. Keith Stogdill, of Toronto, Was in town visiting friends. nMr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich were in Guelph attending the bakers' con- vention. Mr. G. 'D,''Haigh was a Toronto vi'sito•r, 'Misses Isalbel and O•del Moser, of New •Hauvburg, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Weber. Miss Mary Finkbeiner has taken a position on, the 'Post Office staff. Mrs. Hugh Chesney underwent an operation on 'Saturday for appendi- citis,- Mrs. Thomas Pullman is recover- ing front a serious operation, Mr. T. G. Shillinglaw and Mr. Ed- win Cdiesttey are on a trip to North Bay. '.Mrs. John Stewart and son, of Goderieh, were week -end guests at the .home of 'lir. and Mrs: J. A, D1 H1 �clnnes Chiropractor- • Of 'Wingftam, will be at,the Monday ,and Thurial sday Seaforth, Monday ;a noon in future. Diseases of all all kinds success- fully, treated. used Electricity Fruits and Vegetabies At all .p rices to meet your needs ' RHUBARB RADISHES GREEN ONIONS SPINACH TABLE RAISINS SINS HEAD LETTUCE E CEL RY • CAULIFLOWERS W ERS . ES TOICIA'1'O ALMONDS ED SHELLED COC Per lb: I. • Get her back to wo r k. Moulting hens don't lay eggs. Put Pratte Poultry Regulator in the feed and hens get the vitality to harry no the moon; and petck- ly ant bacJc to Laying eggs. It Pass to nae• - Poultry 8asOdaltoi r Sold 6y P•morn a1 •r Cnno4.' •Writs fur PRAMS POULTRY BOOR.' •1FIp,EE PRATT FOOD co. or CANADA.Liturd ;0Z8 Carrow-Ave_.5i runto•S. the finance committee of Perth coun- ty council on Thursday last received the appointment to the position of treasurer of the county of Perth. His appointment came after six ballots had been cast, Reeve Hoggarth re- ceiving the .highest number of votes on every ballot and on the final one the council: gave a unanimous de- cision. The following applications for the position or treasurer were read: Cecil C. Cavel, Stratford; R. R. •Glenn, Stratford; . Milton J. Goetz, Stratford, Robert 'Hoggarth, Cro- ntartf, R. W. Switzer, St, Marys, George Lochead; Atwood. Succeed- ing the tate. .George Hamilton as county treasurer, Perth County will have in Robert Hoggarth, at present reeve of the Hibbert, a man whose many • outstanding characteristics should make hits Iadnmirably suited to fill in the position to the satisfaction of everyone. 'Mr. Hoggarth is a nat- ive of Perth' County, has lived here all his life and having had many years' experience in municipal life he has a very comprehensive grasp of what the .proposition demand's of 'him. The new treasurer was 'horn in Hibbert, of English and Scotch par- entage, his parents having conte out .from the Old Cottntry and acquired a farm oh lot 24, concession 11, Hib- bert. Here he has grown tip and, here he has lived practically all hie life. He received his early education in S.S, No. 7, Hibbert, and up until recently pursued the occupation of forming as did his father'be.fore ]tint. Mr. H ggarth first entered municipal life in 1896 as a member of Hibbetjt +council, on which board he served •Pdr four years, being reeve during 1899 and 1900. Then he dropped out of municipal life for some fide years, re- turning again in 1905 and for five years subsequently he again served S,F teem of the :0(5..1: hip, For over 20 years he taus trustee and secretary treasurer of S. S. No. 7,:Hibbert, resigning the former •position two years ago to again be honored with the reeveship although he still serves the school 'board as secretary teeasurer, During the past two ye'ars he has been a valued member of the county council and in the capacity of chairman of the finance committee during the present year he has rend- ered splendid service. Aside from this he has served Hilt;bert for many years at different tunes as township auditor. Ole is a member of the Staffs United Church but for some 17 years he u'as 'a member of the 'board of rrauagenncnt of the'Cromarty Presby titian Church. He is married and has a grown up family of four. Although in his 62nd year, Mr. Hoggarth has the appearance and vitality of a touch younger man anti in taking over the position of treasurer he should give to the county many years of service, A man of honesty analaintegrity, the county will be assured of receiving front hint conscientious and efficient stlrvice, Mr. and Mrs. Hoggarth in- tend moving to Stratford almost im- mediately. \\Zestcott. Air. Louis Brall left on :Monday for Detroit to resume his duties with. the Ford Motor 'Co. Tic many friends of Mrs. C. Eckert are pleased to learn that she is able to be around again. Mrs, Jennie Patterson, who,has been visiting in London, is spening a few days •in town, before going to Toronto, Mrs. Ralph Elliott is visiting her parents, _Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc - 'Gavin, in Ttutkerstnith. \fr, and Mrs. T. E. Heron intend leavingshortly to spend the winter in Florida. The Thankoffering meeting of the Women's 'Missionary Society will be held in First Presbyterian church' on Tuesday, Oct. 26th, at 3 o'clock. Mrs.' Ranniwan, of Toronto, an able and outstanding speaker, will address the tneeting. •\'tr, James •Cameron and Miss Mabel Cameron were in Sarnia visit ittg friends. 'bur. and Mrs. George Coleman, of Tuckersmith, were in Stanley on Tuesdayattending the funeral of Mrs. Coleman's uncle, the late Mi', Alfred ,S co tch tntcrc, • Miss Bertha 'Chesney has gone to spend the winter with •her emit, Mrs. Luther Robbins; in Florida. 'bit,, Geo. Sillery is spending the steek with friends in Dashwood. A. social evening will be held in. the parish hall of 'S't. Thomas' church on Thursday, Oetdber 28th, to which all ntcnbers- of the congregationare cordially invited,. Rev. 5. C. Vesey, late., of Korea, will conduct anniversary services in Seaforth Presbyterian ,Church,, on November 21st. Special Optical Offer. s eetasles High gradegold-filled p, and eyes glasses with 'best flat spher :cal lenses ,fol' only $4.00. All other styles of fryainu'and lenses • at'Idavest prices. Eyes examined by otil weft. known specialist, Mr. Hiighaou,f fol;;- nterly optical expert. for Feints To- ,. •onto, and (Henry Morgan &. •Co.,, Montreal. The hest optical work to be obtained and at moderate ,prices, Two days only, :Tuesday and 'Wed- nesdayn. October 26-27. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth, VA.RNA. • Mrs. R. Cameron of Hensall, spent a -few days with her sister, Mrs, : C. Stelck, Mrs. H. Troyer spent 'Monday with Mrs. A. Ings. (Rev, Mr. isrown, ,former minister. of the Methodist church here, preach- ed in the United Church on Sunday evening. 1}v,Iiss Emily' Beatty, who had an operation for tonsils/in Clinton .hos Pitch Friday, is home and doing nice- ly. Mrs. ice-ly'Mrs. A. McConnell intends speed- ing a couple of months in the West with her brothers and will apend a while with her daughter Margaret, who is teaching at Port Alberta Mr. Horton, who -spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. Beatty, returned to his home in Hib- bert on ?Monday. Mr, and Mrs. J. Rathwell spent Sat- urday in ,London, ISotne of the villagers took in the fowl supper at Zurich last Thursday. Mr. Garnet Taylor returned home Saturday evening with his' bride. Their many friends wish the young couple every success and happiness as they start out on their new voyage in life. i ,Miss 'Welsh, ie company with Miss Hogg and Miss Grieve, attended the teacher's convention in •Goderieh last Thursday and Friday. •M•rs. W. Clark intends going to Toronto to visit her daughter for a time, There was no service in St, John's Church Sunday. The members at- tended reopening and hr the reop o thanksgiving service in Bayfield mor- ating and evening. LONDESBO.RO. Mr, Thos. Cowan lc}ft Thursday for 'Walkerville, where he will- visit his daughter for a while, Mr. Sam. Woodman spent ?Thurs- day in Clinton. Mr, Geo. 'Moon loaded a Car of potatoeson Friday. A young people's convention of the United 'Church of the Presbytery 'of Huron was held in the ,Methodist Church here last Friday, Mrs. ('Or.) Gray is visiting her father and mother, Rev. and Mrs. Abrey, \•Ir: ;Thr. Roberton spent Friday in Seaforth. ':sir. Jas. Elslie, of the village spent tate week -end at Centralia. t\Ir, Ainsley, of Leamington, is visiting in the village. Mr. :Stanley Carter and .Ur. Geo. Moon are loading potatoes this week. Mr. D. D. Roberton and mother motored to 'Toronto Friday. return- ing Sunday. Mr. Cecil Griffith and ,Mr. Ab. Shaddick, o'£ Beecbville, have returned 1tn their' homesfor the winter months. 'BIRTHS. II LLAND.-In Windsor, on Oct. 6th, 1926, to Mr. ' and Mrs. Leo 'Holland,'redaughter. Mrs., ,Leo ANLEY. 11r. Louis ;Breit, of .Detroit, accmn-I parried by Mr. C, :Eckert and Mr, J. M. 'Eckert; were visitors in our burg last Sunday, • Six threshing, outfits occupied our' :burg, of .late, and the season Won't lastlong if the late buckwheat fhar- vest could bd gathered, but the recent rains and snow is stil'1 prolonging the delay. All the root crop harvest dad ru great deal of fall work is to be done iitd,we-nced.,'one tioirth .. of fine weather. ' Items of news •a'Irvays welcome, CHISELHURST. Mr. Melville, of Moncton, .has •been visiting for the past week with Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Wren. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wilkinson spent 'Sunday in Lucan visiting their son `Richard. ,Miss Maude ;Millar attended the teachers' conved'tion in Goderieh a week ago• God: Mrs, 'Fitagerald and ,family have moved to Exeter and Mr, and Mrs Richardson, of Hensel], 'are occupy- ing the house that they vacated. We Know ; How to make ' a'nd Gentlemen's'C Othin Ladies or to alter your Old Styles to Present Fashions also Expert Repairing g and Pressing g p E. W. BATEMAN BEN=HUR The Si ecial Milverton F lour We Have it---GIve it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings chop of Pili Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAiN DEALER1 PHONE 25 KIPPEN, • 'Mr. Albert Durham, of Bothwell. is visiting at his sister's, Mrs. -B. D. Field, \I r. Jas. \1cClyntont received the •sad news .00 Monday of the sudden death of his cousin. .Mrs. Jos. Whit- more, of 'Toronto, on :Friday, Oct. 15th. 'Mr. Wm, Glazier, of Clinton, is visiting Mr. Thos. Butt. Anniversary services were held in 'Kippeu United Church on Sunday last and were'a great success. Rev W. P. 'Lane, of 'Seaforth, was the speaker for the' day and delivered two fine discourses. The choir .rendered excellent music for the occasion and sere assisted by _Mr. Orval Craw - 'ford, of '%Valkerville, who is a 'beauti- ful solo singer. • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kyle spent a few days recently with friends at Xia- gara Falls and points east. Owing to the continued wet wea- ther there are still a lot of beans to .hat vest. • Mr. Jas..Aikcnhead, a former Kip - pen boy, but now of New York, is spending a week amng his old neigh- bors'anrl friends, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grieve, who were residents of Egouondvi;le, hut now of Grose Isle, Michig•te. are here fr a few days calling on their many friends -No :doubt Mr, and 01rs. .,Grieve :see Many changes is It is some fourteen years since they lett these parts. Clinton.' Early ".Tuesday morning, Oct. 5th, in St. Paul's lGnorch, Clinton, the marriage took place of Marion Lou- ise, youngest daughter of H. 7: and Mrs. Hibbs, and'Gordon Leroy Hall, younger son of,iG. E. and Mrs, Hall. The marriage ceremony was conduct- ed by (Rev. L. C 'Harrison, The couple were unattended andlumen iately lifter the ceremony left on a motor. trip around •Lalce Huron. On their return they will rebidc i11 Clin- ton. Mr. A. F. Johns, principal of Vine- land school, who was „10. Clinton for the teachers' 'convention and to, move his furniture to Vineland, took ill with ,typhoid fever and was taken to the' hospital, Ala excellentpr,otection against worms' can be got in u\Iillet's Worm •Powders; They render the stomach and intestines ; untenable .to "them. They' heal: the •surfaces that +have'be come inflanied.:,by blue attacks of ;the parasites ,and serve to .'restetre the strength ,of .the child that has been unclennrinecl by 'the draughts that the worms have, made upon it, and that their operation is altogether . health-' giving. IVIcKILLOP. Taylor-McClure.—A quiet wedding took place at the 'McKillop manse on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when :Miss 'Frances Gertrude McClure. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Clure, of McKillop, 'becamethe bride of Mr. Garnet Johns Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. '\\'m. Taylor, of Varna. Rev, J. A. Ferguson performed the :cerenony The 'bridesmaid was i ss Bertha Grieve, of Seabfortli, and the groomsman was Mr. Roy Dowson, Of n VMarna The happy couple leftt n a motor trip and upon their return will reside on their farm south h of Bayfield, Mc1 ILLOP. • Miss lithel 'McClure, who has been visiting in Manitoba and Saslcatche- tvan returned home last week. Messrs. Oscar and Wilhuore Cut- hill accntpanied by !Messrs, Roy and Arthus Henderson motored to ,Ha•ni- ilton, 'Beamsville, and Niagara Falls over the week -enol. A kitchen shower' was held at the residence) of Mrs. iRobt, Dodds, on Thursday, in honor of rMiss"Gertrude McClure, t'he'brideselect. • There number ne1- here ,were a large nu n u e r of -nei- ghbors gh'bots 'and 'friends'nresent, A dainty lunch was served, after which they s'howered_a great many useful articles and gifts on the bride -to -'be. Your Auto Needs Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing 'for all makes of Batteries. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Now is the time to have your car overhauled Give us a call and see how reasonably it ran be repaired, greased and cleaned. Dealer in New and Used Cars. Agent for Chrysler Four and Six Cylinder Cars. Regier's Garage P1UONS 167W. BLYTH. 1 '. quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on Thursday afternoon, October doth at 2 o'clock at the home of'Mr, and •Mrs, W. A. Logan, when their daughter Effie J., became die bride of Mr, Leo 'Stephenson of Con- stance. •Rev.•Geo. Telford, U.A., pas- tor of St, Andrew's Church, was the officiating clergyman. The happy couple left soon after by motor for a short visit with friends al London and Brigdcn. After their return they will take up their residence at Con- stance. The best wishes of a host of friends go with the young couple to their new home, Last 'Thursday quite a serious ac- cident happened to Mr. Joseph Stoth- ere when he fell ff a dray. Fortunate- ly no bones were 'broken. 'Hiss Lizzie Hoover, ,o Brussels, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Duncan McCallum, over Sunday. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Leo Ste'i'enson (nee Effie Logan) returned to town from their wedding trip. Mrs. Garden, of \\oisely, Sask., who is visiting her lather, Mr, Wm. Taylor, spent Sunday at Mr. \Vin, .Skelton's. ,Messrs. 'George and :Albert Shelton took a trip to Niagara on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond and Miss ;Elva visited friends at Listowel on 'Sunday. . it will (Relieve a 'Cold.=Golds are the commonest ailments of mankind and if neglected anay lead to 'serious conditions. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will t4tet the 'bronchialnchnal tae s nges of inflammation speedily and thor- oughly and till strengthen there against subsequent attack. And as it ,east the. infia matioa it will usually stop the cough ,beeause it allays the irritation in the throat. Try it and prove it. aq Certain morbid conditions Snort exist in utile stotna•ch and intestines to encourage worths, and Miley :will exist as long as thecae morbid conditions •Permit them to, To 'be rid of them and spare the child suffering, use Miller's, fWoem'.1?owders. They will •cor,rect the digestive irregularities by destroying ,the worms,.. conditions' favorable to worms will disappear, and the 'child svilll 'hate n,, more '5mf- fering:frAnl that cause, Vt'ant•and 1For Sale ads. 1•'webk 25c NOTICE Ladies' Hairdresser will be at the Dennison 8 Pullman Barber Shop (Successors to W. W. Robin- son) Every Tuesday Phone 125 for appointments Specialist in Marceiling, massaging, shampooing and hair cutting. For Sprains and Bruises:—There is nothing 'better for sprains and con- tusions' that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. 11 •will reduce the swelling that follows a sprain, will cool' the in- flamed flesh and draw the pain. It t will take •the ache out of a tbraise by counteeac•ting the inflammation. A trial will convince aify who doubt its ,power. Miller's Worm Powders wouk so effectively that 110 traces of worms can'be 'found. The pests 'pass -away in the stools -Without being percept- ible. "' They make an entire and clean Sweep of the inteis'bines, and 'nothing in tie shape of a worm can find lodgement there when. these powders are to •operation. Nothing could be ' more thorough Kir d'esint'ble than their Want and :For Sale ads, 3 tittles 50e.