HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-10-21, Page 4W ALTON.
IVtt•_, Tr.zse a11 lure been o, n
Bet for the' pelt week,. SGir, anatY
friends vi.slher tecoverY.
MMr.o•hn Mc(ravitt ailed Gordon,J d G
Mr. Thos, 'Leettti and <'M
14I n
g r yV
MiCtilia'tutitored to 'Niagara µ Fails
'last week',whete they attended the
ploughing. Match. /11oak praise and
cessful in vi ming 'a number of prizes.
eredit •dtGordon;
wto was sue -
Wise Mamie Carey and Mr. Lloyd
jo atatr of Grand Valle sPptt last.t.
week' end at home
thel of :viii 14V. •ih.
Jnr k e
Mr. amt Mte. Louis Storey spent
s g)y P
the week end at the homee orate for
Mrs. J. Barrows, of, McKillop, has
been spending
past few w'eeks', with
- Brussels and Walton ,friends:
Mr. and M JamesNichols, of
rs. N ,
T;'ul a o i,
ut rto r
spent. lust "Sunday with I4T .
and Ivf.rs. W. R Stewart, !Walton.
Miss.Lillian Grace Sehlu nt, of De-
troit, is spending a month's vacation
Stewart, Walton.;-
Hugh M,adZrt
r n Mrs: u h Shannon took
his little daughter Betty to • Kitchener:
had .dt • tonsils re-
atut• a at et l
on S d d
Y t. ,
d Dr. 1 'e• nn of'the'Kitchener-,
moved,T,a h
Waterloo hs ttal, P
er ornede the o
eration an tt t ttle• 1rI'i doing nice
ll'Iz. '$red Milleradded a new ce-
ment platlorin
elnent'platlorm at the front,' of the ho-
tel this week: ,
The b
topic ,for discussion .at the Y.
L of•Du£fs church, tatu by ft.
HarveyJ'h t tba on Sunday evening,
was "I5'Wara
Good 'Method of Set-
tling Disputes?" After the discussion
of the topic, i111r. John McArthar sang
a1 "Canadian
solo. TRe topic; "Caneart Writ-
ers" will be taken at the next meet-
byMr. Bob Patterson.
IThcNalfon L.Q.L. No,• 252 _a.. will
hold their annual meeting for the el -
cation of officers on November 19th.
Miss Charlotte )Powell visited Miss
e, iriel Farquharson this week.
Mies 'Etoile .Sharpe of 'Seaforth,
spent the week 'end with M'ss Vera
with her cousins, Mr, and Mrs, W, R. Gardiner, l
THURSDAY, OCT. 21, 1926,,-'
;bliss R,irby Yaurig, returnc ! to Strat-
ford afteri
spend ng 'a few days last
week at her, home: ,
'Mr. "
oft een' '
m vivo underwent
'jam t � i 1
g,,fe. sew,
an 'operation It the Seifert.' n baa` iia',
'much :intprovttd
'Mrs. Ed.,
Fawcett, t tvho:
has been'
seriously•tll, is -improving,
Mxat Alex. Gar
nor has rethrued
home after
visiting her daughter `at
Lan '
from about here.'1t-
tended' the sewing/meeting held at
leers. 'Davis',M avinorth of dBettssels: The
meeting was' inpreparation• for the -
bazaar ,to be held in the town hall,
Brussels, e -on October 30th,
A re
many y a tt
ended the Banca in
Walton on !Friday evening, Music
was 'supplied by Hogg's orchestra.
Mr. and I
a td Mrs.:Herb 'Manning called,
an friends in Brussels on Sunday,
Misr Small' of (Stratford 'spent the
week end with her rnother; Mrs. John
Rea. :.
Dr. Eliza r
Elizabeth .yloMaster, . a mission-
ary who has returned 'from 'India,
will give an address in Duff's United
Chur''eh' on nett 'Monday a'fter"noon.
Geo Ferguson
da car
load of cattle on .totrd0to Tor-
o)to., They' averaged 1t400,'/bs. ';'
1The: old ,Foreater's:':hall hasbeen
bought by r.
Cant s'%vho n
ovo ' it•
to.� .
his p'l'ace ;to use as a garage;
Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Johnston'have
moved into the housevacated recently
by Mr, Armour Dundas,
,P B..
Gard! r
W. and.ti .
nc W G. I•jeal'are
'buying/potatoes, $1.10 per -bag. is the
Tic •
P e pard.
Rev. -
. Mr..
Maines attended r�.
P esby
)cry in Bayfield on Tuesday of last,!
dee-giving :seri/lee �mS
eor es
church last Sunday was attended. -
Rev. Mr. Roberts 6f Cargill, preached
a very impressivescrinon. Brussels
choir assisted' in the music.
Mrs. Haist visited her sister, 'Mrs,
Geo. Jackson on Wednesday.
Mrs, D. !.Holmes and /Mrs. F. Mil-
ler'spent Saturday in -Stratford, conies
bining business with .,pleasure.
The street' lights are again 'the talk
of the village!'
Modish Coats and
Stylish Dresses
It's a thrilling :place these days in
our Ready - to - 'Wear Department!
Wise women are saving money—
many dollars—by securing the more
astonishing values in fascinating Au-
tumn Coats and charming Dresses
that will strongly appeal to your dis-
criminating tastes.
\Ve draw your attention to our
splendidly complete line of really
beautiful Coats that are meeting with
enthusiastic response from women
who are surprised and delighted with
their fine lines and general air of be-
Each coat in this wonderful assort-
ment bears the hallmark of the ex-
quisite taste one finds in much higher
priced garments. Fine quality tweeds,
suedines, duvetens. and -needlepoint
ere the materials from which they are
fashioned, All lined throughout with
fancy brocade or silk linings,
And Save
Fashion's Favorite
Dresses -
New Fall Silks, Crepe -Back
Satins and Silk Flat Crepes
Styles for street, afternoon
and informal evening wears fea-
turing new turn -down collars,
new high necks, new long
sleeves; including dolman ,ef-
fects; new pdeatings, new color-
ed embroideries and new blous-
ed 'Backs. Models for women
and misses. 'Black and every
color that's new, .
7.95. TO $25
nuarmstcsltee,• It cots little to dress well at
1059 R. J. OIBB'S
\\uul IIIIIUnluuutunull "'f�IlUlltwglttnllllllj �" jflilllnuiuulnlHll IIIIIUtlufuu////%�
iIi(IIilIllliliti liliiilllllljj1
The New Clothes
For Fall •
Suit and Overcoat Values Too
Good to Ignore.,
And we're putting it mildly,
when we say they're the finest
we've ever shown. They're here
in 'the correct styles for Fall—
smart as only Society Brand
can -make them, They're here
in new fabrics—unusual fabrics
—unusual weaves originated by
Find exclusive, with Society
Brand, In rich autumn colors,
too. These finest made -in -Can-
ada clothes have never 'been of-
fered at such remarkable values
as this Fall.
$1.57° 29.50
vir-Can You Find the Twins? -se
No, they are not all twins! Two anis only two are identical, and are the twins
you are asked to find. Can you? To be sure„ the 18 pictures nil look alike;
but look closer. How about -their hats? There are other differences, too.
Read the clues. Only two girls are exact duplicates. They are Twins—clan
you find them?
MI e ed m'CLUES - ®%r..'
At first glance all of the pictures look alike. But upon examination you will see that
almost every one diners in some way from alt the others. in some the difference may be
In the light or ,lark band on the brim of the hat or to the •brimming on the hat or the
collar. d.t', some may wear necklaces, or ear -rings, of both, Only two are exactly alike.
No, it's not as easy as it iooks. You must search earefully.
Just loot: closely --make sure that you have the twins, then send In your answer. Some-
body- who tdnds the right twins 10 going to win a big prize. Make that "nuunebody" be
Prize g !t 0 0
This 1s 01161 or the greatest array ,f ('ash prizes that has ever 1,0012 offered in 'a ?tall and
F.mphe fuzz!,.. Contest. That's what it is folks—and >nu can be a winner. The prizes
range !mon 52 to $i0 uam) froth 550 to 5 , )51. All prizes will be awarded in tithe to reach
the winners by Christmas 1 sy.
Think of it' You ran win as much as $2,000. Yes sir, $1.000 0 cash prize.- may be won
in this interesting puzzle contest and will be awarded promptly after Itecarnber,i lith.
Ther'' will 1.e ee wi nnet•s and the First Irize, the golden opportunity, 53.2)210 IN ) ASIi.
Won't that he a wonderful ''bra. hmn.a Gift? 1n the event of ties for any prize, duplicate
prizes will be awarded. .
1,000 points wins First Prize. W1, .ill give you 950 ,oints for finding the Twins. Int.
mediately upon receipt of 'our correct answer, we will 'send you p.trtirular, of a Word-
- buildms contest,h whidhuecu•
, if .sri,ful >uu earn tho final 30 points required to win a
$2,000.00 First Prize or nuc of the 49 other Cash Prizes.
Now, and :he Twins. write the numbers in the eoupon below, lilt in 'your name and
address, alid .1tr6111 it to the Puzzle Manager: Gel started for the Big f''`ir-t Prize,
Puzzle Mgr., Room 207, THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, Toronto, Canada
Li,tad below are the maximum prizes
- you eau win.
1st Prier $2,000
2nd Prise $1,000
3rd Prize. $700.
01h Prise 5200
5th Prise, $200
6th Prise $100
7th Prise 5100
.nth Prise 5100
9th Price $100
10th Prise $100
37th to 50th Prises, idteiu,,ju. , ..
Puzzle Manager, Room 207
P511 M.1II, 5 122IPI111,;', Toren:,, d'anail a.
Numbers and are. the
' twins that T hit e found. Tf these are
correct please gi)e are the 910 pointsand
tell me how to gainthe final 50 points to
win First Prize.
1'ustofice - Province. -
Vtr9197.. o R.h':r. No
'Mrs, A. 'Gardiner is visiting this
week with her daughter, arta., E. A.
s t
Crozier. Apretty--'`ho se
wedding took, place at the ;home of
the bride's s1areat � whin
Mr. � b
Currie, son of Mr. and !Mrs, Andrew
rife i r-,
Gu W u ham was t nitad an ant
ria a to Nellie Rae .dau iter' of Mr,
g g t
and Mrs. John Crozier, Walton, The
welding msrch was -played by Miss
Vera Crozier" sister of the''br• 'bride. The
, 4.
bride wort white satin and pencil blue
georgette, .with silver` Slippers and.
stockings to fn3t+ch. Her embroidered
silk; net veil was becomingiy•arranged
in •cap effect Nu ht bya coronet o
Orange blossoms
about the head. She
carried a shower bouquet' of tea, roses
and lily,of_ the valley. She :-entered'
thesroom on :the arm of her father
and=.proiceeded 'to the 'arch decorated
with atttutnitflowers and evergreens,
in the centre :of which hutig a Matte
bell.. After the •ceremony, which was
performed by her pastor, Rev. j. A.
Ferguson,' the guests, numbering
about forty,',sat down to a weddings
dinner. The groom's gift to the bride
was a "One Hundred Dollar Bill" and
to the pianist, An onyx ring, set with
a pearl. Tie bride acid groom were
the recipients of many beautiful gifts.
After a motor trip to ,London, Sarnia
and Detroit and other points, they
will reside on the groom's fine farm
near \Vingham, The bridees tr.tpel-
ling suit'Was of satin -faded crepe with
ha't to match, and a Peesia'n' Iamb
coat. ,.,
Miss Catherine Krauskopf has gone
to London hospital Io receive treat -
Ment for her ear, --
Mr. and.1loirs. 'Philip •:.entry have
gone to Detroit fpr a week's visit.
They intend visiting their sons Fer-
gus and Pat.
Threshing - is the order of the day.
The bazaar given' by the ladies o
St. Patrick's church was -well attend-
ed on Wednesday and Thursday, A
good suns was realized to pay for re-
p fes to the parish 1101150 and to the
church. !There were many prize-
winners in the audience, among them
the following; Mrs -Margaret Meag-
her, silver knives and forks; Tim
Regan, of Bornholm, a linen tea set;
Frank Sills, of 'Seaforth, 100 lbs, of
flour; wrist watch, !Robert• Hogg, of
•ilicKillop; ladies' gold 'watches, Mrs.
Dave McConnell; :Hugh McGrath, a
comforter; Mary Eckert, luncheon
set; •Patrick. Woods, Sr., a comforter;
Jack 'Redmond a horse blanket and
a oomforter; P F. Brunt, 100 lbs.
flour and a live turkey Miss Irene
Q''Connor, Kingsbridge, listen towels.
The Shalnlrcck orchestra 110111 Leman
played for a social time on Thursday
night which young and old enjoyed.
St. Colunl:ban high school students
are putting on a comic eoncer1 on
Thursday evening in the parish hall.
Everybody welcome,
Miss Mary !Ryan, Toronto, is visit-
ing at her home in the village.
Dr A. V. Traynor is having his
residence redecorated,
Mrs. Mary Carpenter and son Wal-
ter have moved ifito Mr. H. Nelmes'
residence where Walter is again set-
ting up his 'barber business, bout
having lost heavilyin the recent fire.
We wish thein success.
Mr. Verne !Britton, of the • Stand-
ard Bank, who has been relieving at
Wellesley, is again on the staff at
Re) Fr. A, McCardle, of Kings-
bridge, visited with friends in Dublin
on Thursday.
'Mr. Leo Gleason has tcturned from
the Northern wilds. Leo says he
prefers the quiet life of the village to
the rough life in the bush.
\Ir. Patrick IHishon, of Stratford,
sDpentublin Friday visiting old friends in
.hiss ,Lit \aide Rising visited with
her fried, Miss Amin Molemeaux,
on Thursday.
Mr. John Krauskopf and 'l.ir, and
Mrs, Harry Krauskopf, of :Detroit,
called on 'friends during the week -end.
;Miss 2l'ary Kipper, of Zurich, spent
the week -end with friends in Dublin.
Mrs. Annie Ryan, of Seaforth, visit-
ed with friends in Dublin during the
past week,
'Miss Mary Bricklyn, of Detroit, is
spending holidays with her mother
Mr. and .Mrs. Lyal Jordan, of To-
ronto, are visiting at the 'hone of his
tither, Mr, James Jordan.
Mrs. Torn Ryan, of 'Seaforth, spent
a few drays the guest of Mr. and Ivirs,
Dennis Dillon. \.
l'fr, Pat. Burma, of Detroit, _spent.
the ;•week-enci the guest of his mother,
Mr, Toa •Kenney and Mr, Ed,
Byers are visiting friends in Detroit.
Mrs. Tom. Burns is eisitfng friends
.n Kinkora.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per was dispensed in 'Biter's' church
on 'Sunday. last with a. good .attend
art ce.
The 'Mission Band will hold their
monthly meeting on -Saturday of this.
week in 1Harlock school,
The rhankoffeuug meeting of she
W. M. S. will :be held iii the Londes-
!boro church on Thursday afternoon,'
Oct. 28th, A missionary will ,give an
address so a good attendnce is
hoped for.
,Mrs. T -I, Fishet, who' iia. been Visit-
ing; in this vicinity for, the past 'few
weeks, has returned itc' ''her !home
near 'Toronto.
'Miss Lydia Reid spend the .week-
end at her .home here: r
The- whooping cough, 'epidemic,
which has been such a drawback for
the, school children, isgradually' div-
,Miss `liarjorie :Rickett; of Harlock
spent the week -end under the parental
roof at Seaforth,
Tile :farmers.. ate a11.:,hopiitg. for a
gopd spell of weather to finish up the
fall work`
Many 'people are almost crippled
with corns But it is needless suf-
fering which can be -speedily ended
with Holloway'i,Corn Remover, •
:iYtrs. ` ho as M
o I n; .tial Airs.
l m y a.,,
O ei.IH
t were
e e
in ,T
week Attending' the Diocesan conveh-
tiuoen of CatholWomen's I;ea.
• t
Miss Si Queeftait end ;�iMlse Lel
Burke attendee( the Teachers'
on en=tion
ill Stratford.; this week,
,Miss:Mar g.aret"',McGrcfth" 'of iStrat='
ford Nornna1, spent ent the Week -end at
her home here.
key. Father White, of Windsor,
a few days'tlis
week with Rev;
Father 'Dantzer,
.M4, -Charles 'Malone -oftra t£ord
spent the week -end at the home of
his parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. Jno.
Malone, McKillop,
Mrs. M. Dorsey,attended Ma de the Dfo'
tesan convention of^ the Catholic 'Wo
tt101121 League at Ingersoll last week;
Mrs, Dorsey was re-elected one of
the district Councillors for the C. W,
L. in the diocese of London:
Mr. Frank McQuaid,
,Reeve of Mc-
Killop, who has 'been confined
to his:
home, this past' couple of weeks, is
slowly improving.
A splendid itomic Hallowe'en con-
cert will be .put on by the oliildren of
St. 4 Coltinvban Separate sehool,
Thursday' evening, October 28th.
Everyone is invited,
Miss Gertrude IMoGrath has re-
turned to Bamberg,
"Forty Hours' Devotion" will be
held in St. Columben Sunday, Octo-
ber 24th at the 9 o'clock mass. First
!Holy Conn -minion will be ;given to a
of bout 20 lldre
plass a ab n, , .
M'issl ar - 'O1 ))Miran visited er
M Y S 11
nd, Mise
s Evelyn
nth o
5uzidai oast
• ;RIX,
^,G FN
Mr. land 'Mrs. olzn`Stuarts,
t -
of, Fare
werevisitors atf x•t 1 home :
quitter, ' the an of
'Mr,'Wilson `'Car-lile on Sunday.
IMT. 'Eldon ! 'arott -left'' on ;TnedsaY •
for etre States, 'wh'ere he, intends
maining for same time. •
Quite a number attended) the ahe
c s' cid in i �.
ni ersar s rvt e K e n'
v Y e h ppn,o
r .and Mrs.'` totes Lo a
M. J ;.n, of
Windsor, are !calling- optheft- friends
ibofore 'leaving tospend the winter in
• Anniversary 'rsar services are to 'be held
in. the United Church here next 'Sab-
bath,'October '24th. Services gat.
11 -and; 7. Rev. Mr, Scolbie, of Bel-
grave, will preach, and there will also
be special music by the choir,
Mrs, John Jarrott. Sr• 'of the vil-'
, Y
lager -entertained her sons and daugh-
ters end grandchildren to a chicken
supper on !Tuesday evening of twat
Mi and Mrs. W. C. McEachern
and Gerald !Mr. and Mrs J. N.
Campbell, of 'Walton spent Sunday'
with Mr. and :Mrs. Frank VTuflin.' -
(n!ir, and Mrs. F. Ar 'I3anebley and
Vera called on Walton friends' on
"Chief of the Sixes"
This is General Motors latest product in
cars and is rightly and justly termed by
them "Chief of the Sixes". For smooth
flow of abundant resilient power, for com-
fort in riding, for long life and brilliant
performance, for beautiful and graceful
lines, for finest finish in "Duco" and alto-
gether for a beautiful and strong and
durable car we recommend the Pontiac.
We will be pleased to give you a demon-
- stration at your convenience., -
Fared. S Savauge
Local Agent
New Addition
Since opening my Cleaning and Pressing business --- I have
added a neat, clean and sanitary room, where my patrons.
can wait and have their clothes attended to in HALF an
Thanking you for the past. Business and awaiting future
Sydney Dungey
GOMNI]rRCIAL K E.i227 ord210
Wos'k cBLOCalled for and delivered. PHON
Watch for announcement `next week. It will pay you.
VOU, will appreciate the'
-1. `. spirit of cordiality that
pervades every branch of your
Government Savings Office,
TORONTO. BRANCHES: Remember, this is your .own.-.
Cor_ Bay rt Adelaide stmt
549 Danforth Ave.: Cor. institution and it exists only to
University & Pwdlas St, serve you:
Aylmer, Brantford, You' may ' deposit—either' in--
Hamilton, ' Newmarket, ;(t—any amount
Ottawa, Owen Sword. from
person aor dobyllarnaII'. u X
Pembroke, Seaforth, St. ll• Ott may.:..
...Catharines, "St. Mary's,- withdrawals :any. time
Waterton, Woodstovlt, without notice,
Seaforth Branch, J. M. McMillan M nager
Hour, 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 9.30 a.m. to. 5 7.. ., 7 p.m. to 910 pap,,
HEAD OFFICE.£% ` M', 15.UEENs PAraa