HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-10-07, Page 8TFIk:,• S • A pRl`H,,Il THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7,•.'1926, -w ALL. -•,A ,r Gplesetttxlv' "ve' Ii tckie Fixe :; of the $ rootlin Engine Co. of Asfock,'- tiV;aS town on Ivionday'tq give :a demon- s trati0n' olf the fire engine, they :have built and sold to tthe•µOlterVille.'vil- lage oolncil. The .engine 'threw two streams of water through;: our own two slid,a• 'half inch hose,', well over , the top of the town hall tower and other ••bi'gh ,buildings in town, •and gave splendid' satisfaction,:' The Ot- terville'council has already a •che!mical, apparatus, Mr. ,Bickle will meet our council on Maiiclay evening, October • The, I.,eaguc ;Meeting on 'Monday 1 tended:' :lhe;Yo,pfe eveningWas . Gl ya.t 'very �.: was very ab7Y+!+1ta'�cen•,by Mies Grace McLean:: An 'instrumental 'by Misses ea s t Fisher and' 'Douglas "solos 'b) l+I Nr !lie Boyle and Miss Gladys' Petty, e S reading by Miss 'Gladys Luker, and a ion byScott 'Welsh, 'vire violin selection rwell ren'dere'd: For the 'balance of all this year' Miss M. Ellis will act as president and 'Ilarry Cook, secretary, On Sunday evening at the United church the Rev. Arthur Sinclair spoke to the young people taking as his sub)subject, "Short.Cuts.' A. Young ": People's -choir led • the singing •an'd rendered'a very pleasing anthem, "In the Footprints of the Master," Mrs. Robert Higgins and 'little son Billie, after a very pleasant' two weeks' visit with friends in Detroit, returnee! 'home on Saturday accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Sweit- zer, of Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. Sweit- zer returned home on Sunday ac- companied by Miss Flora Biggins, Mrs. Ed, McQueen and little daugh- ter Elva, tiho will visit in Detroit for a couple of weeks, Reeve Geiger, .who is a member 'al the 'County Criminal Audit Board, is in Goderich this week, making the regular quarterly audit. Miss Mary McKay is spending a cotaple of weeks visiting friends in De- troit. Mr, Peter, Case, of Exeter, is in town this week visiting his brother, George. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Case are visiting :friends in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gallagher; of Wingham, visited friends in town on Tuesday, Mrs. T'has. Berry left on Friday for an extended visit to the Vilest. She intends to go through to the coast and will ' be away several months. Mr. and Mrs. Skinner were in Lon- don on Tuesday. Mr. Wan. Truemner is still confined to his home through illness, Mr. Charles Wolfe is in Kitchener this week doing mason work for Mr, Oliver Geiger, Mrs. Harry Smith is able to be around again after being confined to her home suffering with a sprained limb. Mrs, Barbara Forrest is out again after 'being confined to her home through illness. Miss Llf J. Moore of Woodstock is spending a 'few days in town visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. 'Simpson. 'Mr. Jim Parkes left Tuesday for Toronto where he has secured a good position. lir. and Mrs, H. Holmes and Miss Perkins of Corrie spent the week end with •Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook. Rev, 1V. J. Kilpatrick of Holines- ville will conduct services in United Church on Sunday. Mr. J. W. Ortwein sold his dwell- ing on Brock street, now occupied by Thos. Appleton, to Jas. Sangster, who gets possession Nov. 1st. Miss Jessie Johnson spent the week end with friends in Seaforth. Mrs. Truennier, ,while going down the steps 'Monday, 'fell and dislocated her shoulder. IMr, Ken (McLeod went to Detroit this week, where the has secured a position. Mrs. \V. lluskins and little child, of Stratford are visiting at Mr. Mc - Martins. 1Mrs. J Sutherland celebrated her 91st birthday on Tuesday at her home here and received the warm congra- tulations of her friends. Amongst those who spent the day with her were Mrs. Clras. 'McCrea, of Sudbury, mufe of the Ontario ivlinister of Mines; Mr. H. Dent of Sudbury, Mrs. G F. Scott and iMrs,•A, H. Carroll, of Woodstock. Mss Mary McKaig, who has been visiting relatives and ;friends, has re- turned home. Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Parlmer visited their son Earl in Detroit over the week end, Mr. Ivan McLaughlin of Forest was' in town over the week end. !Miss Marie Foster is visiting rela- tives at Kitchener, Mrs, Wm. Armstrong is suffering from a severe attack of blood poison- ing in her hand, !Dr. Dougall was taken to Victoria hospital, London, last;week to be op- erated on for appendicitis. The doc- tor's many friends here will be glad to 'hear that he stood the operation well and is doing as well as can he expected. ;A reception was held at the home of Mr. and .Mr•s. George Smale on Thursday evening ie honor of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stephan, wlho•returned Thursday evening ffrom their °honey- moon trip. Some hundred and fifty guests were present and a very en- joyable evening was spent. Mr. J. J; Mercier and Mr. Wait. Go- venlock of Seaforth werein town on 'Wednesday. john IMcDonell and Ernest 'Bates were in London Tuesday on 'business, Mr. Sam. Merner, while thres'h'ing last night had a bad break with his machine, compelling him to shut down for a few days and send to Waterloo for repairs. Mr. Alvin Wurm, arrived home last Thursday after spending six weeks in the'harves:t fields of the West. The overcoats and robe that were stolen from the United Church sheds t r s ", there was, itQthtia',,b It a rn an daog5 flying, It was :a ,colintc l t•siglht ler I ? . . �b td. few znyi>utes, Gut '•finally ; alae ,Conibat„, ants were SeY r9ted. " .14. M acted W; Ortwein:..acted as judge, T of.poultry at;Ztirich fair, • QUite '.a pilgrimage' takes place from .Hens\t11 each day to "the peach orchards at t110' lake, ,'fall „returning mitit'baskets 611 the luscious frtiit,• VARNA,' • IBa '•field Itid.'L'arich ;fairs were well represented from Varna;' ' •...•11:2-: -Roy Dowson . a d Mr. Percy Johnston 'have returned from the Western provinceswhere they labor- ed in."the district of iMoosejaw, report- ing a good ;harvest. 'Beatt accompanied, iby Mil 'G; H.Y, his sister Edith, !motored to. Yale, Mich„ on Sunday, returning ltionday. Mr. J. M6Naughlton 'and ,family avere renewing acquaintances over the week -end, Mr, W,John:stbn of Flint, Mich., spent a few days in our district. (Dir. and Mrs. George Foster, of Windsor, were -calling on their many friends, who i ere:pleased to see their smiling 'faces. Mr.). T. Reid, of Lontdon, called nu some friCtxds last week, Owing to anniversary service in. Goshen Church last Sunday, there \vas no servieein Union 'church 'Mere. Smithy, Oct, 10th will be observed as harvest thanksgiving, when Ven. Archdeacon Jones -Bateman will take charge of the service at 7 p.m. The 1V. A. of St, John'C'hurch met at the home of Mrs. F. Weekes, There was a good attendance, W.,ceit 040Sunday,"' were raclt 16 town oit Thursday night 'last and left at Pfaff':s o'il station, About 40 or 50 of the young 6031 of the town' indulged in a chariv'ari party on Thursday evening last and on receiving some money from the groom, 'hurried down town to get it o'hanged and to divide app. "And then the :trouble started," Apparently the division was not fair and a .wild scrap ensued and for about five, minutes • HILLSGREEN. Mr, \Van. Anderson, of Detroit, mo- tored up and spent 'the week -end with his' parents, air, and Mrs, David 'An- derson, Mr. and rairs. Roy Consitt and sots Jack spent Sunday at Mr, Robin Me - Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stephenson, of Kinburn, were guests at the ,home Of Mr. and ;Mrs. Wilson Carlile on Sun- day. Miss Opal Foster, nurse at Detroit, is spending a few days' 'holidays with ,her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wan. Foster, Quite a number took in the anni- versary- services which were held in Goshen church on Sunday last. IMr•s, E. Troyer spent a few days last week at the home of Mrs, J. Smith, Hay. KIPPEN. Mr. and Mrs. 13. D. Field visited her parents in Princeton over the week end. Mr, and firs. Robert Dayanan, Mr. and Mrs. Thos Butt were at' Med- ford over the week end. Mr. Isaac Jarrott had the misfor- tune to catch his head on a pulley ie the grain elevator, cutting his head open, although not seriously, and he was able to remain at his work. We hope the wound will soon be healed. Mr, and Mrs. tYnt. Ivison • visited Rev, Mr, Barnby of Blyth over .the week end. Mr, B. D. Field has 'purchased a new Chrysler car. BAYFIELD. Mrs. G. W. Woods and Miss Nan spent the week end at Courtright and Port Huron. i-1, Lord of London -was a guest at the home, of Mrs.. J, Davison. Miss Marion Davison is visiting at London, Quite a number of visitors spent the week end at their cottages here, Bayfielrl's fall fair was quite a suc- cess, •U TI , N SALE , '1'Ltr. G II, ;Eiliott has loci instruct,. theundersigned nett ;fo, sell -by;i tib= cclUy z;1 g P McKillop, !tc auction a't lot'34, eon'. 3r t �-•; i had the on October 20th at 1 p, n, s py following; Horses ---1 (blade gelding old,1'r•ott t mare' 8 °y s, 'hid'st 5 Yrs,F sup- posed posed to te in foal to r British Hero, 4 geldings rising three, sired••by B•ri- tishHero 1 filly rising two, sired by British Hero. Cattle -1 cow !three yns',' o"1c1, due to calve in Ilvl'arcdt, 1,1cow 6 yrs• old just (freshened, ' 1 cow 6 yrs,; old due lit March;' 1 cow 9 yrs, old'due it February, 4 cow 4 yrs, old due in March, 1 ,part:Ayres'hire cow just freshened, 1 cow6 old ,due in April, 1 cow 10 yrs. old due in March,, 1 heifer 1Y r, old 11- steer 1 yr, old Si spring calves: Pou'itry=About 50, puna bred B'apred 'Ruck pullets, about 20 White <Rock pullets, 1 rooster.:'Ieigs -sow due to litter in ')rovomber, sow due to litter in December, 9 !pigs about 150' lbs„ 18 chunks, Imple- ments -1 go'6d wagon, 4 set ,of bob- sleighs, 1' buggy,- 1.'Portlan'd 'cutter, 1 Fleury walking plow .(Na• 21), (Deer- ing imower, Deering hayrake, hayrack, with sliding rack;; gravel bbox, 40 gallon gasoline drum, -25 gallon drum, a 'Fordson 'tractor with Oliver plows, Clinton fanning mill, 1 set rof scales (2,000), set -harrows 3 sections,, pelt cutting boli with blower (42"), Prim- rose cream separator (nearly :clew), Eaton separator in good repair, 1 'Bu- clranan hay car, set of sling ropes, 1 double furrow ,plough, 2 oak 'barrels, 1 pig crate, 1 Ford car (1921 .model!), 1 'building 10x12, 1 !building 16x20, 1 set double harness, set single harness, 1"cern planter, also about fifteen •tons alfalfa hay (first cut), about 10 tons sweet clover hay, about 1,5001 bushels mixed grain, 100 bushels oats, some sweet clover seed. House- hold Effects -1' (Souvenir range, 1,' Puritan coal oil stove 'with oven, 1 daisy churn, bread pan, coal oil eau, sideboard, bedroom suite, kitchen table, rocking chair, 4 lamps, hang- ing la'inp, 2 children's cribs, high chair and numerous other articles found on a °farm. Terms. -All 'stunts of ten dollars and under, cash. Over that amount, six mon'th's' credit given on approved joint notes, 3 per cent. MT for cash on credit amounts,. George H. Elliott, auct, James •T. Scott, prop CONSTANCE. The sad death occurred on 'Mon- day of last week When Mrs. Janes Mann dropped dead while picking potatoes ie the field, from heart ,trou- ble with which site had been bother- ed 'Inc some time. Mrs. Mann ,was born in Tuckersic ith 64 years and 7 months ago and was married to the late Mr. Chas. Dolmage some 42 years ago, Mr. Dolmage died twelve years ago, and ,four year ago she was united in marriage to Mr, James Mann. She leaves to mourn her loss, three sons and three daughters, Chas. and Austin Dolmage, of McKillop; Sidney Dolmage, df Detroit, Mrs. James Turner, Mrs. George Fox and Mrs, Richard 'Harman, of Detroit, and three brothers, Mr, George Riley, Mr. Benj. Riley and ,Mr. Jos. Riley, of Constance. The many floral offer- ings showed the high esteem in which Mrs, Mann lived and much sympathy is felt for ,the ,bereaved ones left ,he - hind Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Grimolclby and Mrs. jos Riley motored !from Tees - water to attend the funeral of the late Mrs, James Mann. A. NSALE LE r Of . Iopselr Id Furniture, Etc,Etc , Mr: Geo. H,Elliott has`beeti;shtgt? ecu by Mrs: Ralph Elliott to ^sell by public auction at,; her • ,residence" on, Huron 'street west' of. lilt. °`statin g rink on Saturday afternoon, ;October' ., bedroom, i. October 9th at 2 o'co 1 Broom '.'dining- room on 1cx �e , g room 'andlliving room furniture, care pets, sewing machine• coal,' oil tove;' Pandora °range, Quebec 'heater, machine, wash- ing seaer , kitchen utensils, -hosler, lawnmower, lawn !ase garden tools and a number of other articles, Temps, cavil, Mrs: Ralph Elliott, 'Proprietress.:: George •'H, El- liott, Auctioneer. 0 AUCTION SALE. ° lir. Thomas Brown ,has ::been 'in- structed by ivies Fitzgerald, !South efain st., at Mrs. 'Clark's grocery'stor , on 'Thursday, Oct. 14th, to sell by 'pulblic auction at 1.30 ,p.an the fol- lowing;'2 bedsteads, springs and 'mat- tress, •Dre's'ser,',washstand, sideboard,' extension table, dining 'chairs, iciitclien e'hairs, 4 small tables, 1 kitchen tabl'e,. A quantity olflinoleum, Quebec heater, washing m'a'chine, 'sewing inachine, --2 !couches, p'i'ctures, dishes, kitchen utensils, etc, Terms, cash. Mrs'. '1• Fitzgerald, prop. ,Thomas Brown, auctioneer. • AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, grain, etc.--- D. M. Scott, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell at N% lot 14, con. 14, McKillop twp., 3g miles east of 'Walton, on the Boundary, on Fri- day, Oct, 8th, at 1 o'clock, the fol- tc±itving; dDriving' mare 8 years old, aged horse, yearling colt, Durham cow 5 years old to 'freshen in March, Durham cow 8 years old to freshen in March, Poland Angus cow 4 years to freshen in March, Durham cow 3 years old to fres-hen in April, Dur.. ham cow 3 years old to 'freshet° in April, 2 steers two years -old, 'heifer 2 years old, 4 yearlings, 6 spring calves, 7 pigs chunks about 100 lbs, 2 chunks about 70 lbs., sow with litter. of ten at foot, sow to litter in No- vember, cutter, top buggy rubber tire, seed drill, cultivator, walking plow, 4 -section harrows, stuffier,. McCorm- ick mower 6 -ft. cut, manure spreader, wagon box and pig rack, 7 ft. Deering hinder, hay loader, set of sleighs, hay rake, pul!per, fanning -mill, car rope pulleys and, fork, quantity of lumber, forks shovel's, set of heavy breeching harness, set of _driving 'harness, +vheelbarro'w, number of sap buckets, 100 bus. wheat and ,barley, 600 'bus, oats, quantity of hay and other articles too numerous to mention. The farm will also -be 'offered for sale on reasonable terms, w'hi'ch will be announced at thrr time of sale. 100 acres frame 'baric 40x90, brick house, 7 acres bush, etc. Terms, -All stuns of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit given on furnishing approved joint notes, 5 per cent, -off for cash on credit amounts. Land owners for security. Robt. Cou'fts, Prop, CANADIAN APPLES FOR OVERSEAS FIRESIDES Canadian orchards are hung heavy with luscious red apples, symbols of Canada's sunshine and her bright warm summer days. The crop this Autumn is the 'best in years and boxes and barrels of .choice 'hand pinked and band 'packed 'fruits are procurable, at reasonable prices (froth any.grocer. And could anything .he ' more ap- propriate to carry your kind -.thoughts and good wishes to the fireside of your friends overseas, this Christmas than a box of these rttddy 'cheerful - looking apples. The natter of ship- ment is as •si,mpie as the' mailing of a card. The Canadian National Ex -press will call for your apples, transport and deliver then, Iby quick service, to any: station in Great 'Britain, Ireland and most European ,countries, The transportation 'charges ffrom Montreal anti Quebec up to Novem- ber 15th, Or iru St; John and,Heli- fax, ttherea fler, t y dir'ect steamer to points in Great Britain, Ireland and lb's Channel Islands is $3.00, per stan- dard box and $6.00 per standard bar- rel, including ludo 'refrigeration, g or rates to 'Canadian ports, through rates to Continental Stations and other particulars consult any Canadian National Express Agent. •AUCTPON SALE On Friday, 'October 15th, 'at 1 pan. at .the residence of Thomas 1Beattie, Seaforth, east of 'Cliff's planing ,inill, clearing sale of ;household' furniture. Terns cash. Thbs. Beattie, •prop., T, Brown, attet.' AUCTION SALE - On Wednesday, October 27t'h, Clearing Sale of Shorthorn's' and Yorkshires, L, E. Franklin and 'Oscar Klopp, .auctioneers. R. N. Dorrance, 'Sealforth, prop. CLEARING SALE ;Of .Horse's and Cattle .on Tuesday, Octo'ber,121h att 1 ;p,'n., lot 9, con. 6, Tuckersfnidh. No reserve as the 'pro- prietor's buildings ,have been 'destroy- ed by fire. Geo. 'Bell, prop. T. (Brown, awdt. - AUCTION SALE Clearingauctionsale of house'ho'ld effects on 'Saturday, -October 9th,. at 1.30 pm. it -her residence north of Cliff's planing ,mill, Seaforth. Miss Kate Ke'hoe, Prop. T. Brown, Auct. AUCTION SALE On Saturday, October 16th, at 1 p.m., at the residence of Mrs. Robert Edgar, „vest of recreation grounds, clearing sale of 'household furniture, including one. piano. Mrs. Robt. Edgar, prop. T. Brown, auctioneer. WANTED. Bricklayers, °car'pen'ters, laborers, to work on the new Collegiate -building in Clinton. -Apply on Job or p'hone 21, Clinton, Evenings phone 243, Clinton. Good men only need apply, 0 FOR 'SALE OR.To 'RENT. J H us ''and lot - oil rDs' tW § Hist one block 'fromhi -sdkool 31Ged rooms, living roe n, parlor, kitchen; cellar under 'whole ' hon , Hd,}'d and soft wsitei inside.;'Garage on lot. Ap lily to ADAM HAYS, Seaforth, , FARM O FIFTY ACR -ES F ORES' FOR .SALE, ilh' W bait' 34x"8 good balm . / , whit root r '- . cellar under !bailie, modern stab- ling for 'six thorses 20 hank,': cattle,: i rPg, pens, water in stable, new drive shed and ,hen thou -se 'tongfied- and grooved. Eight i•oonted fraine 'house with kit - albeit, soft 'Walter inside,':'has storm windows for ws o s all;' storm 'doors and POTATOES. We offer our :potatoes at $1.25 Per bag for winter quantities:' 'Please. bear in mind that 'they are selling fast and late - orders may be °disalppointed, same as 'las't year. ' Phone 616r34, Clinton, 3. E. 'HUGLLL & SONS. 2 YORK HOGS. er 2 choice York 'boars to goat $30.00 cacth; good enough 'for any herd, 'Also 2 young boars at $15,00 each: 1 York eow and second 'litter of 11 pigs, to go at $90.00. J. 'E. HUGILL & SONS Seaforth, R.R, 2. 2 CORN FOR SALE, 5 acres of corn in the field. Could be sold in two lots if desired. Apply to JAMES T. SCOTT, Seaforth, RR. 2, Phone 236r31. 1 40,000 Trucks Now Use Ontario's' wa Hi hs g �. • 1 ' Commercial users have increased from less than 2,800 in 1916 to 40,000 in 1926. County engineers and others complain . of damage to roads because of overloading of trucks and speed at which they are driven on .highways., The necessity of limiting loads was recognized by the Government three years ago. Unless you wish more drastic legislation, further limiting off weight and: speed, you will co-operate with the Department and obey the :law. All tax payers must not be penalized because of temporary ,profit to the few. , Road repair' bills should never be burdensome and will not be if you use the highways reasonably. Penaltiesare provided for overloading and fast driving. These should be unnecessary, but will be. rigidly enforced whenever necessary. THE HON, G. S. HENRY, S. L. SQUIRE, Minister of. Highway', Deputy Minibtee Issued by the Ontario Department of"High- ways to secco-operation of motorists the p and truck operators in abating the abuse of the roads of the Province. E• A ORTi 'MA12ItETS P 1 'O"tober 6tth,:/ Wednesday, 4. 'W'heatpei• ^ltns,' 41,20 Barley, 'per bus. 60c Oats, per bus. ' . •% 50c .r Buckw , heat per bils. ;ii 60e• p, ' 51150 1 eas;'ipei Ibua" Bran, -per cwt...:, ...... :. .. ... S1`45 Silent Per 30c Butter; Per 1U .:r;. Eggs, 1per doz 35:-40c Potatoes, ;Per >a $1,00 Hogs, per cwt. 's $11.50 FOR SALE.„ o ',1 ,corner* v roomed house Goor1 seven treet5 (Seaforth L�ctoria and George S , , .+n•Isos;+tie , ltosip'at4l, 'T'wo lots, ;good airden :and 'large±5teeble.• IMRS, .W'M• IIABI£I'R ,' 5 screens, ,hard water' tat.: 'the door: °Good 'orchard, well !fenced and drain- ed, five acres un fall wheat,' 4 acres in hush land'. 'Fall .ploughing .'!all done: lBaliancein meadow, Clay !loam; soil; Mail route, rural phone. =1/ -miles :to school, church and 'store, five miles to :IIonsaii. 'Good reason for 'selling, AppfY to JAMES ‘WRIGHT, Cro-: FARM FOR'SALE. Farm of 14-2 acres for salo, on high- way one anile: south of l Seaforth, where there are separate ,and public schools, also Collegiate Institute and churches of all 'denominations; ''pub- lic school % mile. 'The ,farmi is a good 'clay loam, well fenced and thor- oughly well underdrained. All cleared except -about 6 acres maple (bush, 4 acres river at rear, 10 acres•,falll wheat; 40 a'cre's tilled and remainder in alfalfa hay etnd pasture, % acre orchard and never failing web, Large up-to-date two-story brick !house with slate roof, two barns, one 46x72, the other 38x56, cement floors and water ,throughout barn, also litter carrier, ' large drive shed, hydro electric 'light in house and (barn. Buildings all as. good a's new. Ill health reason for selling. Will 'sell on easy terms. For pa'rticu- lar's apply on premises or to JAMES NOLAIN, Seaforth, -Ont: R.R. 4. 2 TO RENT.. • •'t rent far the I'ttrufshcd house' to # winter, 'months. Central and con- venient. -/Personal interview` required. Apply for alppointment'to Box 21'4. "t GARAGE FOR RENT. ' Space,1or one car in private --gar- age. -Apply 'to The News -'Office. 0 PROFESSIONAL 'NAL -CARDS': e 'cal: Md� , DR.Physician 'GIH 'R05 P u H. HU S, Y n and Surgeon, Late of London Hos- pi al =L9ndo;n England, land, >-S?e cis 1 attention to diseasesases,nf'the eye, ear, nosea a d thro' Office and '--°call- ehind` n at. O e •enoe` b Dominion, aukOffs' e B C Phone No. 5• 'Residence 'Phone 106. HOUSE._ FOR, SALE. Lot with comfortable. house ::- and nearly new barn with {ceinent stabl- ing. Mso a very fine building lot of about one acre° adjoining same on which are a large' up-to-date' hen- house, 'garage, good well, several. fruit trees, also small ,fruit. Apply to JAMES I. JOH1NSTON, three blacks east of Carnegie •Library,' Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. Lot 34, :concession ' 3; 'MeICiliop, consisting of 100 acres.On,the prem- isesarc.tiro !bank barns, •frame 'house with excellent cellar and a large im- p'letne-.t house. Eight acres fall wheat and twenty.tfour` acres of- alfal-fa. Closet to town and school. Will be sold onoeasy terms -or if not ,sold will be rented for, a .period of years. For further particulars apply on the premises. JA'M'ES T. SCOTT,'IR.R.2, Seaforth, Phone 31 on 236. 0 Before u do any bu _J-� � in be sure and_ visit our store It :ill save you • • manydollars. C I. Thursday THE Friday Saturday , WILDERNESS WOMAN From the rocky fastness of Alaska to the shocky fastness of Broadway. ' What a Woman!' e She hada punch like dynamite -the figure of a queen -the temper • of a tornado -the, soul of a child -the heart of a woman. Her father made a million with apick,' She helped him spend it with a shovel -until „the New York' slickers tried to cut in' -Then you'd better be there and see the fun. from ARTHUR STRINGER'S SAT. EVE. POST STORY and featuring i l ! r ,1een n andP • Cr✓ _ °ester e n• Monday - Tuesday Wednesday GLORIA SWANSON RRINeES DR. F. J. 'BURROWS, Seaforth, Office and residence, ,Goderich street, east of the Methodis'Church.` Cor- oner for the County, of Huron. Tele- phone No. 40. ..DR. C. 'MAtCKAY.=C. '.Mackay. honor 'graduate' of Trinity Univers- ity nivers i t and old': Medallist Y g e tst of ''Ttinfty Medical College; member of the Cel - lege of Physicians and 'Surgeons of Ontario. FORST-ER-Eye, Ear, Nor, and Throat. Graduate in' Medi cine University,of Toronto .1 o 897., •LatR Assistant New York " a .Ophthalmic and. Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden ,Square throat, hospitals' Lon- don, England. At Commercial „hotel, Seaforth; -3rd Monday in eachmonth, from 11 a:m: to 3 ;part. • Dental. . DR. J. A. MUN'N - Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, gradu- ate of 'Northwestern University, Chi- cago, 111. Licentiate Royal Celleof Dental` Surgeons,' Toronto.- Offiet _ over Sills' 'hardware, Main street , Seaforth, Phone 151., DR,- F. J. BECH'RL'Y, graduate Royal College of 'Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, 'Main street, Seaforth. ' - Phones,,office 1851W, residence 1853, Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of :Huron: Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. General Fire, Life, Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT'• and dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT. THE ' McKILLOP Mutual Fife insurance Co, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY O TT L Y, INSUIR!ED Officers -James Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James- Evans, 'Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors-Wm.''Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth; John Benneweis, Brodhagen; Jaines.Evans, Beechwood; 3t. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot,, 'No. 3, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; " Robert Ferris, ,Harlock; George 'Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, !Brucefield. Agents -Alex. Leitch, r•,r. 1, Clin- ton; ' E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. M9rray,, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. ,Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmobth, Bornholm. James Kerr and John Govenlock, ,Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous -to effeot insurance ortrans- act other ,business ' will ,be promptlyi' attended to by application to any of " the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. -, "Mother looks, forward .my telephone ° 99 visits- said Helen to her husband- "That was a wonderful idea of yours,, s,, Fred, that I should alternate my letters to pother with telephone calls. • "Slee misses Inca good deal, and she w -ns just delighted trhen' she Beard nay voice. We'talkecl over d lot of i,hin s, too setticci'it arc questions :In three minutes than we .could have done; in; tyle! r,v lett'ers. -"And it's so much' easier than witting; Ye were both so pie t'sed that I,ve arranged to ' call her every Wethiescia y.1night now-" • To bridge !those unavoidable baps there is nothing like an °etasionttl tall- by Long Dis- tance, For a.tety-inn rtes the,' miles are a e toile d away and sund- ered friends are brought face- to -face, 1 Y;