HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-10-07, Page 7'Work. Work! 'Thank God for the might of it, ...The ardor the urge, the delight of�Y Work that.:SPrinos from- the`henrt s" Setting the 'brain and the soul on lire, - what is so goad as the heat or it,' And 'What As, so glad as the heat of ft, And what is sold.nd as the stern cem- Challenging brain and heart and hand? Thank God for the pride of it, For the beautiful, conquering tide of it, „ Sweeping the life in its farious flood, Thrilling the arteries,: cleansing the blood; Mastering stupor and dull despair, . - Moving the dreamer todo and dare. Oh, what is, so, good as the urge of it, And what is so glad as.the surge of it, And what is so'strong as the summons t1eaP, •Rcueing the -torpid soul from -sleep? Work, the Power that drives behind, Guiding the. purposes, taming the Holding the runaway wishes back, Reiniatg'the will to one steady track,' Speeding the ' energies faster, faster,' ".Triumphing over disaster. Oh,' what is so good as tile pain of it,' And whet is so great as' the gait' of it? And what is'so kind as` the cruel goad,- • Forcing us -on' through the' ragged Montreal • Toronto Quahog works are still quite frequently skirl - road? NS.. Halifax ;bated to other causes than thet'of road? ' W by put off that visit to `Europe, when it can be made so'"econdmieal: 'Class, ;NOW, .by travelling Third Cunard or A,n'chor Donaldson Service. You. travel in . periict comfort:: Cabins are roomy and . well - ventilated. Public rooms 'and . •• �.wonmen since becomiil'g'Ohristiau Sefem smoking rooms ate handsomely; ointed. Spacious decks in- tuts; better. husbands, wives; fathoms app p btlda'sii, neighbors, friends; *Others, c 1. in the e .out to stroll 11bracing .tnow' viesaw or ycitizens. Many reputable, duct sea air.. Menus present a wide variety of wholesome foods. acknowledge that Christina Science hears, and recommend it to patients Scotland-, and the whom they cannot cure. Many clergy- Copnti England,tnen nt are delightfixl in the: men acknowledge that It is reforming early. Fall. Make your reserves a great' many people, and that It Is ac- tions -now. complfslting a great deal of good in the eseworld. But because most people are amisenrstcanto io Europ , or w ite l • unacquainted. with the method by Lmvranco �toulo to Europa, or write- stA 4 which these- these-, good works are brought ORD CO"teachings and applica- Tfl> ° ROBERT RDT 1 about, with the GOD KNOWN BY n,IIEIDIATIC SUFFERERS 1 Indian Summer: 'I'. SPIRITUAL SENSE Content with her.. telling afdriz l I ncivWlea a Music hi-• 1ViaY Obtain Relief by Enriching Finished with her harvest Stayed net, day nor night, All' anis from frost or blight, That terl Brea: elle' Mired 'through the Use Of Clad to richest element, Gown, ante cap:. and sheen, Christian ScienceDpctrine Explains Dr. Williai s' P ni5 i115" Nature now is-ilaeaming'. Its Growth to Favor. in` the days of our grandfathers Through the Bolden afterneon. The lecture broadcast from Massey rheumatism was thought to be the un -j Ft; '1, Toronto, last Sunday afternoon,: avoidable penalty of midd1lo life .and Nature now Is dreaming-- as advertised in these columns, was old Ago. Almost every, elderly person', *lad smiling in her dreams! given byCherlss 1. Ohrenstein, C,S.B., had xheumatiarmas well as many your The word has reached the woodland. a Jew who saw that'1n Christian peopi.e. It was thought that yheuma•? And the little sliver streams; Science the teaching and practiee of tism was due to exposure to cold and, The trees are whispering softly,— Christ Jesus• should not, antagonize dampness, and it was treated,,w'ith The streams are murmuring low— Jydehisni. Be said in part: liniments and hot applications which With never sound a eleP'te A testi many people may -now be sometimes gave temporal"' relief but On the pebbles• as they flow. g. staid to know something about .Chris- did :Art remove the trouble: In those • c niece ^tian Science. They knew that many days .there 'were many. rheumatic Ilvery s and that, t 4 t, gB hive been healed by it; that really cripples. :Now medical soignee under- Through the veiling vicle, haze have bean aisle more.uraeftil men and stands that rheumatism :is a disease Comes an hashed, and hesitant; of blood' loo �.'. and that with'. good. red � The little breeze that playa. s., ' blood, any man qr woman of any age Among the geld - and. scarlet can defy rheumatism. - There are now Of. leaves that drifted lies. many 'el'derly people' irho have never Mattes but a faintest rustling— felt. a ,twinge of rheumatism, because And no one wonders why; they have kept their blood: In good con- ditiou,, and there are many who have Per Nature now is dreaming. conquered At by building up their. Is it of harvest stored weak, watery blood. The bloedrenrich- In barn, and bin, and; cellar, A proud and priceless hoard? No, No l It is of Springtime'- . Buds and shower -bright gleams, That Nature nmw Is dreaming, Ansi stalling in -her dreams! —Minnie, Leona Upton, in Christian Science Monitor. ing dualities of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is beoeming every year more widely known and the mere general use of these pills has robbed rheums, tiem of its terrors. At tire first sign its cod of thin, impure blood protect yourself against the ravages of disease by tak- ing ai ing Dr, Williams' Pink PMI's. Their have helped thousands—if you give them a fair trial they will not disap- point you. Their value in the case of rheumwtism le proved by the state- ment -of Mr. Einlay Beaton, Black- stone, NS., who says:—"I feel it, a duty to tell you of the wonderful bene- fit I derived from the use of Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills.. I suffered untoldun agony'. from rlleumatism and a. r clown condition, The trouble left me incapable of work of any kind, and for et partofthe time I was unable to move without theessistance, of a cane. I took different meddcine from doctors, LIMITED: tion ,. of. Christian :.Science, g CUNARD which they are the demonstration and result; to other eauses than to the r war of God and of His Christ: The Work! A y- ,�+ ** g� ONA DL®1'f e Per the clamoring, hammering ring of �e®ItCr� reason, it is but fair to assume, is no it, rlicays the desire to be unjust to Chris Passion and labor daily hurled' CANADIAN SERVICE ISS . tion Selo -nee. Foe- generations apo -:On the mighty anvils of the world. t tenerations people have become s Oh what is so fierce as the flame of it? used to trusting only' material, mean 1 a is so hu s as the aim of It.? -'• tc overcome troubles and to restto Thundering on through dearth and e doubt, - Calling the plan of the Maker out. Work, the Titan; Work, the friend; Thank God for the swing of31t, 1i n 0 re and maintain health, and -so disused to..trueting God to help. them that they find it diffbcult, if not imposeible, to • v believe' the Bible promises anti as surancea that God Is "a very pres$n Draining the earth to a I'gloriousN8t end, in trouble that blasting •iter help s s w In s and b a g ra.inin the a p D . g hills; Doing iyhatever the Spirit wills— - Rending a continent -apart, To answer the dream of the Master heart. - _ Thank God for a world -where none ,may shirk • • Thank God for the splendor of work! Angela Morgan. .Q. __-- "Furnishing" a 1 -louse.. One menet go to an interior dee- orator and say, "Furnish me a room that will have an atmosphere onion-. esty. Furnish me another that will have an atmosphere of gaiety. ' Pur- nish me a third• that will have an at mosphere: of truthfulness," Saye a writer in the Antiquarian, Magazine: These titin•gs are not comnioditiee,. to - be weighed or measured. They are of that intangible realm of the mind that after ell exerts a greater influence on us .than any of ,the things we. oan see or feel: ` The best the 'decorator can do is to supply a background.Fier chit. turn you out a roam asonsistentlly- in ' the style of Louis, )IIV. or or Chippen- • dale or of 'Sheraton.' Ile -can supply , all the accessories and fittings, either original or reproduced, that will create a semblance of. a room of - a given ▪ Period. He can recreate anything but the life of the time, everything but the atmosphere. • .Atmosphere is one of the hardest things in the world to define. • We are all suseeiitible to it. We go into eel.- tain' ho -ares, and though there tray be little evideence of financial prosperity, there ds. no mistaking he home at - ie er- • mosphere of truth or of gaiety per- ' It is not the arrangement' of the furniture nor the decorations, not the gtatewrordei or disorder, nor the degree of cleanliness. -These things ' all have their part, and a necessary one,. as. background, but they alone are not enough to create .atmosphere. 'It it all these plus the indefinable •in- fluence -of the pervading personality that combine to produce the" atmos- phere of the place. • Herein lies at least a part of the secret, Things themselves cennot'pro- "duce atmosphere. ThIngs plus the, in- dividuality of the .person eonnected with thein can, The sum total of all the loves-, hates; hopes, fears, joys and sorrows of a human being make a re- sultant 'to which those who come in. contabt with him react. This result- ant creates, with the background 'of • tangible things 'that ds provided, the elusive;qurality we caul atmosphere. es- ;" He"heuleth all • 'thy diseases," and that in reality it lee and also other remedies that were God,who does so whether IIeis credit- recommended, but did not improve and had about given up hope of get- ting better when a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. L did seer d. t ed with doing it or not. Not can the prevalent distrust, in God be looked -up- on as strange when the training and Upon centuries are taken into account,. months I was as }bell I was a for,; ab Shakespeare' said,. "Use almostThad been. I can say that can change the stamp of nature,' and complete wreck when I began using the true nature of man is to trust God. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and that this ion of any or you here in medicine completely built up my t be obedient'to you; or health. This was some years ago, and wear all the new shades as quick as it -could not be .ypur reflection. Just I have had no return of the troubn We t man,—which esince. I give this statement o i g they come: in style. It doesn't. take- so the reflection of God, � mon- —just a few cents worth of -dye. •means every one of us,—must be will benefit others. y ed'gar- in order to You can "gat 'these pills from an Getoutyour old, dul'l'er -Pad obedient to God, to good, - ments ato2v-tomorrow you'll have a ba dual,- Obedience to God, thence-' medicine dealer or by mail at 50c. closet full of -fashionable clothes! that is, obedience to all that le right, Perfect results right over other Ohms. Dye your curtains, hangings, and good, and beautiiul, and pure,— spreads•, too, Give your sundsrweitr 'constitutes the true 'man, and no one delicate tints. All easy, if yQu use op. be, nor is, man without this .obedi- real dya."Use original Diamond Dyes. toe. It is by the true teaching as to FREE now, from your druggist: the what- we really are,: that' Christian Diamond. Dyes Cyclopedia; -simple di- Science encourages and snot's us an ftionu l wonderful dssuggestions. Ask 10. reclaim and to regain ourselves. It for big, l nitrated Color r C aft isot only promises; it fulells: .Listen- frUig, iloustrated bookND'draft flee, if you write DIAMOND DYES, ing to it -and obeying Its demands, we Dept. IsT2, Windsor, Ontario. -' • and r be d� �r New Overnight! Tho refl customs of mankind through centuries this witlk the insult that ytthin four a man as ever ect mire oil mus le it 1141 • Make it mew fo • IS, as, An Important Oversight. - It was about nine o'clock' at night A man dashed into the doctor's office In a highly nervous dbudition and ex plaiu.ed to the doctor that he had been in a very bad state all day. The doctor, in his best professional mliaiuier, asked if anything ppen• g had ha ed to shook or upset his nerves. "No." the man answered, "unless it was -El letter I'received this morning.'" And he s-huwed the doctor • di' letter which stated, in, :part, "If; you, do not atom running around with• my wife. I am going. to blow your infernal head • off." Khe doctor aneweredt "Well, that is a comparatively 'simple matter. Why don't you stop -it." The patient's, face Tell; and he said, "Why,, Doctor, the brained fool forgot to sign his name," In . London's Larder. The 'variety and quantity of goods of all kinds that can be stored at the Port of London is a source of never- ending wonder to vieitore to Dockland; l'u all, about a million tons of food can be accommodated in the various ware- houses. At present there hisenough: meat' lying there to feed the Vil countr'y' los- -three weeks. If all the rum which is noIv stoi'eil at the port could be drunk in hail all hoar, the quantity : would be sufficient 'to make "every or us intoxicated;; while the huge bulk of tobacco` waiting to be distributed is enough to supply the nation's demand' for' a; year. +? Tea, elephants' tusks, spices, and mercury are among the queer,asSOrt-. meat of goods that find a temporary diene by- the riverside, and special ac- commodation is "provided for„ htlnian. hair nand dragons'' blood. ` Let X Equal the'Time. ' ` A young -woman goes upstairs at 7A5 todress for the evening. She is. nineteen .years old and weighs' 102 pounds. State the wait of the young 51011�-T'bb iyns tains. mount higher, become more able, - m i e, free; and through ' complete obedience to its teachings can that complete freedom for whtch we long, the kingdom.of God on earth, be;. gained. y •a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,,.Brockville, Ont. Notes for a Pastel. The crispness of brown leaves Rasping one upon another, Whirling eerily,:' Leaping dizzily, Dashing like, schoal-boys iiclwn the street: Rustle of girls k'ollowing in great heaps of them, Tossing, • • Tumbling, Throwing them about. Long lines of fire In. the gutters At twilight, Languorously burning leaves. A hazy, indolent odor of leaf -smoke. -11. Thompson Rich, in "I Come Singing." Rub your scalp with Mlnard's Liniment Do You Know the Raven? To -most of us,'all very large black birds are Crows: but there are also Ravens. Both surprise us by their size, seen close up, but the Raven 1s much the larger, often a.00upie of feet long with a wing spread of three feet. By his greater size, and hie pointed in- stead of rounded neck feathers, he, may be differentiated by the inexpert., There's another difference. The Crow caws. The Raven, according to Horace Kephart, our authority on the Southern • . Appalachians, "croaks, -lucks, caws, chuckles, squalls, pleads, pooh-poohs, grunts, barbs, mimics small birds, hectors, cajoles — yes, pulls a cork, whets a scythe, files :a saw." MBr. Kephart thiirka•that• Noah re- leased the Raven from. the ark 1n or- der to be rid of "so inquisitive and talkative a fowl." Which suggests, if we had not thought; of it before, that the worded rave and raven come from the same root. Both the Raven and the Crow belong, to the Corvus family. The Raven's. scientific nameis Corvus Corax Prin- cipelis, The Crow's .name, le Corvus Bra-hyrhynohos Brachyrhynchos.'Sup- pose his ' wife should want him in a hurry!—Robert Sterling. Yard, iYf , s good tea" �30 wadaAttlitdCad WhaiXa 47{j lea 24 "aka Recent Remarks of Loridioners. Nothing has been more remarkable than the manner in whichthe trade of the country and' its employment have stood up to the cruel strain inflicted upon 'them.—•Winston Churchi'11, Oliaa= Geller of the Exchequer. Problems insoluble when approach- ed. with suspicion are less intractable ,,Alen su'apiciori and mistrust are dis- pelled. --Lord Irwin. There are two phrases I hate--"hav- iing a good time" and "getting my owa back."—Lord Phillimore. 'Phe final foundeticns of marriage are the primary virtues:—John A. R. Cairns, Metropolitan Police Maglse trate,- The bumper crop of American cot, ton ought to have a-goodd effect upon the fortunes of our cuetomers, It ie certain that someone, somewhere, will spin it. We hope it may be spun in Lancashire. Martin C. Harman, Chairman John Hetherington & Sone, Ltd., Textile Machine Makers. - Overproduction should not be men- tioned until, say, 90 per, cent. of the world's inhabitants are well oled .and well fed.—Martin 0. Harman. Why Posatmasters Dle Early. Hard Work, No Doubt. She (homely but rich) --"So You could go on making love to me like this thought i s forever? T always th ugl you would like to live without wont" 54e (taken by surprise)—"Gee, isn't this world?" .A Promising Welcome. "Now, listen, Harry," said a brother traveling man. "Are you sure your Wife knows I'm coming out' to spend the week -end?" "Of course she does," was the re- aseuring reply. "We had a big argu- ment over the phone about it this morning.'' PUTS THIS IONDERFUL The balance in nine equal monthly payments OUTFIT IN YOUR HOME After months; and months of planning we are able to• make this- tivl p• • •startling offer that enables you to gratify—IMME- DIATELY—e our longcherished ambition to own a REAL RADIO SETT ' Anyy. Monarch dealer will deliver.the magnificent six -tube MMMONAR_Grl RECEIVER and . NIGHTINGALE LOUD SPEAKER shown ;here -the minute. you make your first, payment of only $10.001 ' There isn't a finer set than the MONARCH at any price:, In -fact, ithas many features no other set can offer. It is the only ell-sfc,�ft set made. rids automatically eliminates interference - from Ibcal stations and permits razor-edged tuning.; It is the only set that gives three- stages of transformer coupled audit),: which means tremendous increase in distance, and terrific vol - time when you ol•unie-whenyou want it, without distortion. The MONARCH is a strikingly handsome piece of furniture, all cabinets' being walnut in rubbed piano finish. THE '• NIGHTINGALE LOUD. SPEAKER is: made by a famous English firm and possesses all the••quality features', that distinguish English -made goods.. The radio season is just commencing. Enjoy the world's best music every evening --entertain your friends—make your home the centre of attraction for' the whole community. You can do it, easily. Take advantage pf this wonderful opportunity to- day—NOW1 ' If there isn't a dealer near fou send your.Order ''and remittance to $2500 NifiHTINGAI-E LOUD SPEAKER ' British American Sales Co.ik a try -`204 King Street'East,I" u c n fJIONARCH SPX TUSH RECEIVER THOUSANDS' OE 'MOTHERS�i' USE ,+ 1D OTHEROTHERIIIA �ICI11�; 1117 Baby's Own Tablets Are the Ideal Remedy for Babies and Young Children5, Canadian mothers orb noted for the cure they give their little ones—the health of the baby is most jealously guarded and the mother is always on the lookout for a remedy which Is.ef- ficient and at the same time absolute- ly safe, Thousands of mothers have found such a remedy in Baby's Own Tablets and many of them use nothing else for the ailmentsof their little ones. Among them is Mrs: Howard King, of Truro, N.S., who says: --"I Ys Own can strongly recdmntend Bab Tablets to mothers of young children as I know of nothing to equal them for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by -mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. 'Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville; Ont The Booklover7-s Evening. The greed moment of the day is come; one stands watching the last sweep of violet into dun above the line of the hill; one sees brow the flowers are falling one and all into a gray mist of confusion through which the little evening windlfaiiitly whis- pers' beyond the gate on the rough se The Ostrloh'a Plumes. An ostrich tae tweruty-Ave plumes in • each wing, It 15 estimated that a single pound of silk Is the product of 2,300 silk- worms. "Please, could you change this here stamp? 'Thine no manner o' use to no one. Father's licked it, mother's licked 11, aunt's licked It, we've all'. licked it, and 't won't stay on nohow." Ingenious. ious. ` g Perhaps the cleverest roan in the world is Mr. Edison. He invented the phonograph so that people would have to stay up late and use his electric lights. SALES IAEN emP°ser stead to ment an pay weekly to sell our complete a d exclusive lines of guaranteed quay, whole root, fresh dug -to -order trees and plants, Attractive illustrated samples and full co-operation, a money -making opportunity.. Luke Brothers Nurseries. Montreal Mtn�'w+'�,d� Perfect Pr Otection With Every Roll Every roll of Prince Ld- n'a.d Brand Fox Netting opens out as a 1710 foot long wall of perfect pro - lee; ion for your foxes. "Prince irdword" .does not bag nor sag end has 10% more meshes tbao any .other brand of fox netting. Write or wire for delivered prices. Summorside lollrrians P E. Island CanadianPlan.lJoot in ca=ope atioa with Canadian Architects 'designs of moderate priced hornet aro pub.. liahed In the MacLean Builders' Gulde. Detailed Infoematlon on planning, bellding,ihinish!ngg••,decamOn5 endrar .lend . Proihselyilustrated. An ideal roferekao book. Send es cents far amps. •MacLean Bader( Guide use Adelaide at. W., Toronto, Ont. SMAft PIMPLES COVERED FACE AlsoArms. Caused Disfig- urement. Cuticura Heals. "My face and arms were covered with pimples that were small and came to a head. They were very troublesome and scratching caused ihemtobumand fester. Theycaused disfigurement for a time. ` "I tried different preparations without success, I read an adver- tisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sam- ple. It helped Inc so I purchased more and in about a month I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Alice M. Bowe, 72 Chestnut St., Winnipeg, Man. Prevent pimples by daily use of Cuticura Soap, assisted by touches of Cuticura Ointment when required. Dust with Cuticura Talcum. Sample Each Prue 58 emit Addreaa Canadian Depot; atmhoaoq MO, Montreal." rrleo, Soap 25e. Ointment 25 and 65c. Talcum 25c. Cuticuro Shaving Stick 28c. Special Onterlo Agents W. el. C. Rut v , h en .1. M. McGillivray.' R I evtlio i Allis ton rc I Doctors Use It. They recommend it also for sprains, bruises anti Other ills. among the bracken that has been am- her -colored all day -and is now stretch- - ing a pale cloud to the horizon two farmers are talking. VA. "Well, good night" "Good night". Now the only sound In all the world I is the running stream. You turn down the path, open the door, flieteour way by the light of the Aire to the 'lamp, light it, and then turn. The books crowd in upon you; they are pressing, urgent, upon every side. As you stand by one of the bookcases there 15 a glorious instant or indecision that you would prolong if nature would but al- low it; then the book, almost without d•elibarate -consciousness, is in, your hand, your chair Is drail'ii to the blaze, and with a' sigh of, content youare orf and away.-Hilg1 Walpole, Minard's Liniment relieves stiff rises. Turk women Dentists.. Turkish women have for the first. time entered the fields of -dentistry and chemistry. Turkey's first women d'entists'eDourra and Charlie Hanouins, . recently received their diplomas from •. the Stamboul School of Dentistry, and four wciiien reeelved degrees in 'Chem- istry from, the University of Conetan- inople. ISSUE No. 41—'26. RESTORED T R TO GOOD HEALTH. Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia E. Pinkhair s Vegeta'ole Compound Ear Interesting Experience-.:. T'ucicingham, Qu .hec.-"I am the ir.eeeeh sees• lirislg eliildren, -1.! my baby ie p4 n live tncnths old. 1 � t•� am,'nlyldyears: 11 , -d I -.have eaf t 'l.v,liae „i .'s Sage - 0 t i,io Compound •,t woaknt.es and y uervi.a l knew • It from my tor, Dame Pd- , 1 .-••�' curd Bellcfeuiile • t Ramsayville. i t >'or live -years 1 ,,, spas always ready t, e'y, Now 1 s.:1 et, happy to have good 11--tith. Liy d tighter, who is 112 tears t 1, t .t, leo taken it and win' he ii t- rut to^tend it to all noun,- girl Il: n.; WILLIAM PAR- ENT, AR- ss r, Lio: 119 I, 4ckingham, Quebec. Why :,.drier lar years with back- ache, nervousness nese nod other ailments 172055111.to 51011151 f oro early life to . Age, when 1Lyd a E. Pisskhani's Vel*+ tt ble Comrot ud ti'.11 gave you relief'? In a -recent country -wide canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, over 25(5,000 replies were received, and 98 out of every 100 reported they were bane- ited by its use. ti Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians' fox Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism m ppEJ NOT AFFECT gHy. HEART Accept only, "Baer" package, which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists, �... • Aspirin le the undo' mark(registered1lfo Acid,al"el SaA.'M nef&ilenrt fe woeoacewn aetdeatep nY measo -eye (Acetyl. that a moans nater oslmpedmanufacture, to.ase it the :publicsealantea imitation, the TogOrverha pi; Bayer company Will' bo slumped With their generoI trade markt tl28 'SeysS 05505,'