HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-10-07, Page 4THTJRSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 92e•
Fevored with fine weather and a
splendid attendance; the anneal Rural
ember,teh at ;Stella proved 'babe an
echool Pair of :-.HibbIrt held on SeP-
toutstandiog secces'S,. eclipsing by far
theefairs of previous yeare. '10:B
She last one ef tbe -season for Perth
County, bringing to a close of rufal
schoel fairs. The Ribbert Fair raised
the 'seasfolard just a:little higher eeyeth„,
jet, epaCkdid :elees of exhibits and :keep.
ii.tereet was displayed in all the °en,
--Cesti.: While all the inside exhibits
were good, the fruits, . flowers and
ye.getables made an especially fine
• showing. Poultry, live stock, petit -
toes, greets, ;manual 'training ., work,
writing, ant, fancy Work, :sewing and
canning were also well represented. .
The' school parade: evas exceptiorial-
• ey good, with a large lumber of
echool children competing. 13. S. No.
5, Miss C. Anderson, tea-Cher,carried
off the honors of :the ;day,' with Miss
II. ;Pollard's class from S. S. No. 2
and Miss .Q...e.efeLean's cla:ss from
No. 6, rhe second and third respective-
ly. The public speaking oontest was
another feature -of the fair that al:-
. traeted much attention with a good
number of entries end the: addresses
were .s,plenclid. Lorne fieleGill, Harold
Brown and Edith Tuffin were the
seccessful 'orators. In the apple -
naming ccneteat Mildred Robl?ins,
Carl Drown and Roger Christie car-
ried off ehe prizes,
During the course of the afternoon
a programme of sPOrts wa•s also run
off in which a large number of 'the
boys and girls competed and thiswas
another feature that made the day a
euceess. In the evening a concert
was held which had a large 'patronage.
Officers of the 'Fair Board were as
follows: ;President, Robert Norris;
viceliresident, "Phomas Scott; setre-
tary, Grace McLean; treaserer, Jean
'Mountain; directors. j. H. Smith, pub-
lic school inspector,- an,d 11. C. Mc-
Phail, district agrictelteral represen-
Poultry—White Leg -horn Cockerel,
Eldon Allen, Anthony- Allen, Iva
Leary; 'White Leghorn pellet, Ane
thony Allen, Eldon Allen Eva Leary.
I -Tarry Dinnin; pair White eLeghorne,
Albeet Dinnin; Barred : Plymoutn
Rock cockerel, 'Frank Scott, Norma
Senate, Marion Scott, Wilfred Scott,
Mangaret Allen. 'Barred Plymouth
. Rock pullet, lefargaret Allen, Marion
Scott, Frank Seott, 'Wilfred Scott,
Wilfred Scott; pair Barred Plymouth
Rocks, Lloyd 'Hackney, Norval Nor-
ris, Alvin Crawford, Albert Dinnin,
Sylvia 'Tuffin; White Wyandotte
cockerel, Iva Leary, Harold Pethick;
White Wyandotte pullet, Harold
Pethick, Iva Leary; pair White Wy-
andottes, Iva Leary, I-Iarold Pethick;
pair utility fowl, Milton Lavery,
Lloyd .Hackney, Lesley Fawcett, Jean
Dow, Milton Lavery; pair geese,
Sylvia Tuffire Alvin Scott, Lesley
Fawcett, Allvin Scott; pair ducks,
Isabelle Templentan, Hazel Coign-
' houn, 'Mary Dow,.. Lyle Docking,
. Edith Tuffin; best ,pet, Lindsay Gard-
iner, Alvin MoNidol.
'Livestock—Heavy Colt. (under 1
year), John Drake; light colt (under
1 year), Will Drake, Elrid McNitol;
teained and groomed colt (under 1
year), Will Drake, John Drake, Ee
McNichol, calf (raised 011 cow) Lyle
Docking; pair pigs (under $ mos),
Clifford Fawcett 'Lyle Docking.
Roots — Maugols, Donald Colqu-
home Arthur -Steele, John Chappel,
Lloyd -Hackney, Arnold Banbour;
turnips, Willie Harburn. Norman
Huebert), Jaeet Chappel, Eldon Bar-
bour, L. Miller,
Potatoes, Cobbler, Jelin
pci, Iva 'Leary, Lorne Kay-, Betty
}lodge; Green ;Mountain, jean Roney,
Doris Sararas, Allen Colquhoun,
Murray Christie, Iva Leary; Dooleys,
Doris Sararas, Beatrice Drover, Beryl
Norris, Nelson Dow, 'Marjorie Klein-
Grain—Pall wheat. John Chappel,
Albert Din nin ; oa ts, Arthur Din 5111:
barley, Milton Lavery, Earl Drowto
;Marque- wheat, 'Margaret Coleman,
Clarence Coleman, Lorne Elliott,
john Ma) eieol; eate (Mute Sarah
1 larbutn, 'Terbium, N, glean
J-Tanbern; :barley, 0. .T. C. (Pill')
Clarence Coleman, Earl Elliott, Sarae
.Harburn, Roger Christie, \Ville; :Her -
burn: corn fr.r eneilage. I sabelle
Gray, T,'a :I -ea re, Alrlean Docking,
Joan 'Roney, Lorne McGill.
Vegetables, -- Carrots, lsabelle
Templeman. Milton Lavery, Daltoe
Maicolut, Floesic. Butson. Mabel :Me -
Donald; redone, ,efabel MeDemild,
Margaret Culeman, Alrlean Docking,
Edith Balfour, Margaret Balfour:
beets, Mclean Docking, Florence :Neal -
colon, Mary J. Hamilton, Sylvia
Tuffin, 'V. Allen; parsnips S. T-Tarburn,
Norman Harbitrie Flerence Mal-
colm, Milton Lavery, eVillie Harburn;
tome toes, -Gladys Butson, Norval
Norris, Flossie Hutson, *Fred Selves,
Gladys efil-ler; green cucumbers,
Jelin Mitttr, Dorothy Gray, James
Annis, Fred Selves, Murray Christie;
sweet corn, Norval Marc!,,, Florence
IVIalcolm, Leonard Hoeghton, Ross
Hough ton, R9110 Me Laren ; pu 11111 kill ,
Sarah Hat:burn, -Norman Ha rhu nn,
Arthur Steele, Wilfrid Scott, Hazel
Colgolumn; cabbage, Harold Pethick.
Margaret 13rodhagen, :Rey Ross,
Rhea Ross, John .11illeie citron, Will
Butson, Ada Leslie, kabelle TemPle-
man, Mabel McDonald, Iva Leary;
squash, Jean Dow, Frank Scott. Ada
'Leslie, Irene Balfour.
Fruits_Spies, Lettie Tannin, Ross
Haggai. th, torite Kay, Raymond
Miller. Arthur 'Smale; Bald wins. Bea-
trice Drover, Gordon Scott; Russets.
:-Eceifh Tuffin, Sylvia Tuffin, Ross
Hoggarth, Donald Calquhoun, John
hillier; Snows, Gladys Kay, James
Annie, Arnold Barber, Flossie Butson,
Gladys T3titsoni Greening, Earl Drov-
er, jemes Ames; Kings, Doris Sar-
aras, Jellies Scott; Alexanders, Sylvia
Tuffin, Edith Teffin, !Maud- Bolton,
Florence Ma I colni, Verna Ballfour;
Tatman Sweets- Ross Hogga rt
Sylvia Teffin, Maude Bolton, Rob,
I-Iamilton, Eldon Barber; fall Pears,
Rena ;McLaren, Maticle :Bolton, Mile
ton Lavery, Dorothy Gray, Gladys
Butson; Collection of Apple,, 13ob
Handl ton, Maude et o I tom, ;Gordon
Scott, James Annie.
Flowers—Asters (plain bouquet),
Vera Allen; Frederick , Jones,' Maude
Bolton; 'Betty Hodge, Iva Leary;
, ,
aeters (mixed), Mande Boliton, Lloyd. ST.-COLUMBAN, • , ielotritt, While there they attended isle,' Dr:: ferieve. :cucumbers W.- R,
Haekney, :A.ntlhollye Ailed., Margaret . Mr.•toais. McConnell OfeSteatforde tile. anniversary - sereices:: ecindttetede Stuilliee Were Hartry; .ebenten :beeiese.
Jones, Miltote-Lavel-Y; gietliasu.:GlaOs :spent, ,the--ereekreari at he home -of in Queeit Street tTnited.chtlieehl:. ' '.:::-..:;-. ;Mee:- 'A. M::Kirle, 'C'eUCT.e.Tuenbell;
Amer, Rena McLaren., Mabel 'Ivle- Mr, 4 a4 Mrs P:e A. OlShilivan, - . , f, 'Miss eeneee'COveen and ..'lle,, WM. White ;beans T. G. Wilson 1. H.' Hui -
Donald, Iva 'Leery, .Mergaret- Jones" ' Miss Agnes Downey of Londole. is Watseilf ',Vent Sunday at the 'home Of:heed; sugar .thaugolde W,, de, Sniff
calendula,: s erederielcejdnes,, z leleuel,e visiting at -the borne of het' parents Mr: arid ,' g.,e.. Wm. itefetia;;‘,;,ifr. , ' --. ,-. :'fie-•-r"J :Hugill' • 'Ion'g red'. mang°Iids,
ileoleon,.eyfalricgia;c:til.ttrojegeosiud'.!ietirvYa7:11,a.:nalrly4": Mi',,,,,,r..'x'a.ii,,rdh:Nofi'riisa.s.1:1.4 Dettwarii.47, •c'6 s' tratio'r,..ci stilMndra:;..,,,B ,elt,:.T..t,,-,1,p,,,,,:..,i,b0,,,f.,,,,f.....,,,,,,,,,4'1,.. Steoeheate ,,,TarVolii•!:(:..-iy,v,S,m,Rillies.;:ttei:iiiiiile:teere jnieldol.atli.,,,:nfletti;‘,-
toe; Er
Ada Leslie, 1.Margaret Jones,e Ross Normal, spent the -rweelceend . :,at the Terispoll e
Heggartb, Beety: Hodge e , :Cor.OleSis, lionkeef.: his parents, : Mr.: aed iMes; . , Di:4,:.M.1,'Fielci haeriLen.,:pae,ida.'41‘i'i .'Vraii;Ti. 'Cl5aY.lendee'ro:tn1:1;rnSii:',..,:,s.WAV.41:'.'ltS'u'll'ililliii;is),
MOItte I`SOltote; ecOernoe, e .Mdegaret J eee me:Qua id, , MCKillopee _ , .. . ,
:'iSitS to the different' sehOols lig-this- jos. 'Carliln; ..whiteeer yellow carrots,
jeeee, ejobe •Cheppel, Rhea -ROss, Miss ,Clare -Kranskopf,, of .DeteCiit,
Roseie "Bmson,. Maude Beltent 1 Af- epenteStinday at ethe 'honk of, her Rey, C. Ce eicainee;Mes...1Caine. and. 1:e'-;t:12ctirnicael,.'W.F.n)::13:''a'Cidca:nelre,rj°Inio"25Ar:.;. :laftrigr--
rican 'ma:lige:Id, Maude Belton, Feed- Mother here, , '' : - Miss'Leep,a,,,c4 me,,e,,,,e,eepeet Igrie-ey, re,.:0..., - ie,:.g.es,t ,/e:e.:flpeel, jee. A. Neer_
erick Jones; :Mangaret Jones, Frabei'e - Mr. -James 'Lene, of 'Stratiend Nor- et- theboInie'Of Me. Johe Mills .: --• e' ray; coll., garden precinct's, F, ;I:Seeker,
Annis, Norman Iferbern; phieee, Iva :mar, . spent .theweek-end it the !home The .Peizeewinnieg'.schOols 'in the ..Dr. Geieve. • .' : ' ' - '
Leary,. Rose Beggarth, Meade ,pQ.1.- .4, hie parpnts; .11r. _and Mrs. Jim. Parade et te`e. Walton school fair were Judges—Wm. Elcoat W S. Broad
eon, john Miller,. Janet Chappelyver- S. S. No. 11, . S.S. NO. 7, ' S. S',. No.
bena, Rase Iloggartle. Ma.garet Miss Alice O'leeilly left on 'Swear:- 9 livIcKileoP, S.'S. No. 9... Morris, \ - DAIRY PRODUCTS.:,
Jones.; dahlia, 113.,ena McLarea, ilYleY- :day for Detroit. - Se,SeNo. 2: ' Chorus, S. S. No: 9.- • Butter, crock, Normaii Carter; but-
ton Horton, Mabel McDonald, 'Glades Mr.' Charles Malone, . of Stratford, INforris, S.S. No. 9,McK., : S. S., ter, 3 ;flee, .Normen Carter, J. J
,Miller, Hazel Dow; gladioli, Dalton epent the week end at the home of his No. 7, 'McK... Exercises, S..S. No. 11.. Htig•ill, Herb. ;Fowler; ' :better, dozen,
Malcolm, Doris 'Hodge, ;Maude Boll- parents, INfr, arid Mrs. Jno.: Melone, , . . - nate, !Norm'P
an :Carter, :Mrs. eter
tone John :Chappel, jm
anet 'Chappsl; egelep. . DUB N. e ..: Cleary; ;honey in coneb,,AVin. Hartrye
gaillardia, Lloyd ,Ileckieg. • Mr. Jos, malt:hews has ,got.irte De- : Mr. and Mrs.,, RQ t. ;Carpenter, re- W. D. 'Hoag; honey, „eetracted, eWm.
Manual Work—R:011er :Hay rack, tree, , ., .. . ,
turned to their libene: in New Orleans, Hartry,- W. D. Hoag; display,- honey,
Arthur' Dinnin; miniature double seer, a'ed Mrs, eno. Feeney of Strat- efter visiting a dew days with friends: Wm. Hartty, W. D. Hoag; : hen's
treeand -whiffle trees, Normen Hee- ford spent Senday inthis. vieinity. Mr. John Red:in:and spent Sunday in eggs, white, HeraldeLawrenee, C. H.
bure, Murray: Christie,Willie Har- Mr. mid Mrs. Owe;Hart and ,fain- London the guest of ;his. sister, Mrs. Holland; ihenes egg', brown, Dr,-
burn; grain bag, Willie 'Rayburn, ey were elresseis 'visitors on Sundae. Crawford.: . .. Grieve, Nornean -Carter; 'dressed
James. Seoet, Frederick Jones, 'R'ogerair. P, Flannery was . a ,Stratifeed Mr. and. Mrs, JohneDarlingand :eclucken, j, J. Hugill; sweepstakes,
Christie, Norman Haeburn; any“uSe- visifor on Saturday last. eeifr. and Mrs. Alex. Darling: visited beet 'butter shown, Nonnean Garter;
'firl kitchen articles, Norman I-Iarbtere, !Mr, and :Mrs., Louis .Melonee,"Wbe friends in 'Wardeville on Setuday. . - Hetchison special, Norman Carter;
Roger Chriseie, Willie Hai:burn, Her- attended the :Maloney -Murray wed- - liMr. and . Mrs. George Holland:re- Smith. special, Notehan Carter.
old :Mutton, Janet Magee. ding, rettirned to Detroit on ;Monday turned home on :Sateeday alter 4;6h:de • DOMES'DIC ;SCIENCE. •
Collectiod 'of Weeds, !Beak ' Roney, last. ,.... . ing their 'honeymoon with friends in - White ; reed, _Mrs. J. W. Free; gra-
Vera Allem Rena McLaren, Teettie Mr, Joseph Dantzer left ori Tuesday Detroit aid. Chicago. . ,,.., .-- hem bread, NO91111111 Carter, Mrs, Ty.
Lanuire Elsie Dow; collection tef for Northern Ontario ;where he in- Mr..and Mrs. John r Doesey and ,I.: Dicksoh; nut .breede, Herald. Lew -
leaves of native trees, :Florence -Mal- teeds to -spend a month hunting. 'Mess ,Milly. Williams, ..of'Stratford,' rthice, Nterenan Cater; .eaised buns
colid Vera A'lle'n,. Rena McLaren, Mr. J'o'ho Delaney was in London were guests of 'Mrs.' Jahn Carpenter airs.. Peter Cleary, Mrs. je W. Free';
Merjorie Kleinfeldt, Gladys Kay. on Tuesday. ' ' on 'Sunday. ' ' ' ' baking tpciwcler biscuits, Herald Law-
TVriting.--"Oft in the Stilly Night," Mrs, T. Burns is visiting friends in rence, IMes. Wt j. Dickson; oatmeal
Velma Harris, Vera Allen, :Gladys Logan, . • cookies; !Mrs. G. P. eCardno, Mrs. W.
Kay, Jelin' Dow, Marjorie Kleinielett; MANLEY.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Stewart, „of _Plats- j:),Dlekelen; rolled ceOkies, afro..J. B•
"'Dile Stave's Drea:m," .. Orval Cooper, ,Mrs. Thos. Murray has returned
ville, ca•lied on freends in :the village Tyerman, Herb; -Fowler; dropPed
Mary Dow, Aldeati Docking, Maude .much improved in 'health.
'from St. 'Joseph's 'hospital, London,
on Monday. • . 1,,
cookies, ,Herald Lewrence, Normal
L'orton, Doris 'Sare.tes; "A ..Ltillaby," St. Mary's .0litiech, Ditblin, is hold- Carter; fried eakee, .Mrs. je.W. Free
Jean Colcruhoun, Beatrice Dr°ver, spent Sunday -at the bonne of Mte
Mr. and ;Mrs. Uffeder, of Kitchener;
Mg their annual- Thanksgiving service Mee. P, Cleary; johnny cake e Mrs. W.
Dorothy Stacey, Charlie Plaskettf Fred Eckert. . this Sunday in the afternoon at theee J. 1DiekSon, T. C. Wilson; :loafeeke
Jean Roney; "The Dandelion," Hazel. ;Mrs, Thos. Melkay spent a day o',dock. " ' : Herb. l'eo:wier, Norman Carter; ;fruit
Dow, Ross Houghton, Allen Austen, nursing 'her mother, Mrla
s. Con.' Eck- Mr, andrs. Fred Forrester lave cake, Mrs; j. W. Free, Mrs. W. J.
Wilfred Scott, I-Iazel Norris; Primer, art, • returned ;from a pleasant trip to New Dicleeon; ginger brad, Herald Lew
John Chappel, -Robert Brooks, Lorne miss :Lily O'Reilly, of London, York and left again 'for a motor tnip renceeT. C. Wilson:, layer cake, Mrs.
-Chambers, Earl Drover, Harold spent Sunday in our burg. • through Eastern Ontario. j. W. Free, 3.3. Hugill; apple Pie,
Plaskett.The late rause:have made .the liar- Dr, A. V. ante -Mrs. Traynor motor- elenb. Fowler, Mrs. W. T. Dickson.
Art—Class TV.,'Earl Sararas, .The
vesting of buckwheat and potatoes cd to Kitchener en :Friday to visit pumpkin . pie. Mrs. je B. 'yernia,n,
Dow. Norman flaeburn, Sylvia .Tuf- disagreeable. the latter's parents. ,- Herb, Fowler; lemon pie,,ilefes. Tyere
fin, Harold Pethick; Class III., 'Ar-
thur Dinn-in, elargaret Hamilton, III13BERT. • te business :college. at Stratford, . No:11,21'nalVints. CttePr; '
• Miss Anna Ifolyneaux has returned m Cgfradan. oj, .inea„t jeocaee;
Roger Christie, :Muriel Drake, Bern- E.xejor Nigt, son es Air. et,,e Aire, Mr. Mike ;McDermott, of Duluth, ample cream candy, 'H. Lawrence,
ice Harris; Class it, 'Helen Norris, Luke Nigh of , Tucket•smith left on is visiting with his sister Eliza, and Mrs. 'Wes: ;Nichols; :coll. home-made
William. Chambers, Sernice Dreyer, Monday for Rt. 'Rev. Nelson H. Ba- brother William. candy, Mrs. W. j. Dickson.
Laura Wright, jean Smale; Class I., ker's Institution, La•ckawanni, MY, -Mrs. C. Molyneaux has returned Canner' raspberries, Mrs, Tyer-
RObert Brooks, William Harbert), to join the Christian Brothers Order. from a 'pleasant ...visit with sieters, man, Mrs: W. J. Dickson; c'anned
Lorne Chem:hers. Harry Dinnill, ,He was -accompanied by Rev. •leether Mrs. P. Morris and Mrs. 'M. Doyle; cherries, Mrs. Tyerrnan, Ethel M.
Allen Austin. :Goetz to this destination. ' of Idebbert:: - : . Beattie; canned pears, Mrs. A. ITI.
Crocheting and Sewin. g -.-Braided Reeve Roland Kennedy, Mrs. Ken- Dr. L. J. Dill, of -Preston, visited- Kirk, Norman Carter. :
mat, Sarah Haeburn, Berth: Roney, nede- and daughter Hilda, Mr. and his Parents on Sunday. • • Preserved strawberries, Mrs. W. J.
Kathleen elerhaffy, Janet Chappell Mrs. Williaan :Nigh ;and' Mr, Dennis On Saturday afternoon the resid- Dickson, Ethelehl. :Beattie; preserved
doll's quilt, Janet Chappel, 'Bertie Barry of Tuckersmith, Mr. and Mrs. (MCC of Mrs. C. Hastings was discoV- plums, Mrs. r. W, Free, Mrs. Tyee-
Ropey, Sarah Harburn, jean Smale, peter McCanil, Mr. and Mrs. Michael ered to, on fire, caused 'by a spark man; preserved 'citron, T. C. Willson,
Arthur Smelt; dressed doll, Flossie Doyle, of 'I -Hebert, were guests en from her •climiney, and :before assist- Norman Carter; preserved peaches,
1111t5O11, GIRO'S' Butson, Doris Sar- Sttaay last a, ;the: home of Mr. and ance „could errive the building was Mrs. Tyerman. 'Mrs A. ;'Nf. Kirk;
aras, Mildred Robbins; towel with ;Mrs. John j. Dalton, Hibbcrt.' Every- entirely cleetioyed. Mrs. eHastings :black currant jam, Mrs. W. J. Dick -
insertion. Kathleen afahaffy, Doris body enjoyed themselves till the last saved :only A few' of the :cohtents., Sall, !Mit. A. INI. Kirk; native fruit
-Bolton, Sarah Harburn, Norma Bol- moment. But being as the dear old whioli were ensured. This property jam, Mrs. ,Tyerneam. Norman Carter;
ten. Janet Chappel; dell's hat, Doris folks wish to keep good hours and. ro
.: AFwasbe.rse,lcet11,thbo ipwas tirp
cl by Mr. m.- apple jelly, 1rs. Tyernran, MW
rs. . J.
Smartie, Jean Co:1(011°1in, Janet Chap- slow a good 'example to tun
he tly covered by Dickson;' berry jelly, Mrs. Tycrinan.
pee 'Mildred Robbins, Helen Norris; folks, all left for their homes at an
rs. TAr. J. Dickson; 'currant jolly,
pin cushion, Jeanette Scott, 'Mildred early hour—in the mornine. insurance. ' • .e.:
Mr. John Flanagan motored to Mrs. W..j. Dickson, Mrs: Kirk; nee
Robbins, Jean Colquhoun, :Dorothy Mrs. Michael Doyle, Mrs. FranciM
s London on .Monday and returieed tive fruit 'jelly, Norman -Carter, Mies.'
Jordan, 'Mrs. Louis Dorsev and Mr.
Mrs' ivho bas 'been in St. Joseph's hospi- Canned tomaeoes, Mrs. Tyerman,
Gray; school apron, Kathleen Ma- with his sister, Mrs. Thos. Murray, Tyeetnae. .
hey, Mary -Drown, Janet Chappel, Thomas Morris, :Hi-bbert, and
Isabel Gray, Janet Patrick; buffet Get, Jos. Downey of iBeechwood, visited ,,,,,,
erentuan Carter; canned corm Mrs
No name, Jean Simile: Jean Colqu- on Sunday last the former's daughter, ':".Many of our 'baseball fags are list- Kirk, Ethel il1f, Beattie; canned betas,
lunin, Kathleen •Maliaffy,
Drown. Mary 'Sister Francesco at St. Joseph's cone
vent, Kinkora. World's series, mixed vinegar pickles: Mrs. Kirk:
ening 'in to the 'broadcasting of tlie Normen Carter, Mrs, W. J. Dickson.
reels, Mary DroWn. Sarah Harbend Nfiss Hilda K,ctinecly of Tucker-
en:d With his mother, Mrs. Margaret Carter, Mrs. Free; tometo catse.p.
:Cooking—Fat-my cookies or ma.car- Jeremiah Ryan spent the week- Mos, Free; -mustard pickles, Nonmen
J ea n Colquboun; white 'bread, smith, Was a week end visitor at the
Mrs, Kirk, Chas. Routledge; green
Chappel, Jean Colciethoun; raisin pie,
Been 'home of her sister, Mrs. August Du- Ryan, of Hilthert.
Mis. C. Hastings has purchased the relish, ;hies. Fres, airs. Kirk; red
jean Colgulume, Mary Drown, Ellen chartme who is improving nicely, from
residence of iTir. Martin Purcell. sauce, '1'. C. 1Vilsonelirs. Free; ;best
Chappel; dark layer cake, Jean Sleek,
Marie the severe burn he received recently
isswtAtillice O'Reilly omit the week- variety baking, Norman Carter; coll.
Isabelle Gray, Edith Tuffin, and edit soon be around again as
-.. her grandmother, MTS. bottledefruits or vegetables, Norman
Docking, Verna eZAWcett; light cake, ustial.
Carter, Mrs, ICirk; Haigh speciels,
Sylvia 'intik, Hazel Colquhoun, WALTON.
Mr. Philip Flanagan has secured a apple pie. Mrs. Free, Mrs. Nichols'
:C,ray; muffins, Jean Scott, Jean and ,Mrs. Armour Dunclas last Sun -
:Mr, and Mrs. J. Colette visited Mr.
'Messrs, Jas. and lobe -Delaney spent ..judges--Mre. Jos. Worden, .leirs, A.
Gladys 13ntson, jean- Gray, Dorothy position in Toronto. :bread, Mrs. Free, Norman Carter.
Smale, Dorothy Gray, no name, day. Tuesday in London, • MoLellan. .
Gladys Miller; plain cookies. Isabelle 'Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer and DOMESTIC NEEDLE CRAFT.
Cray, Small Haeburn, Janet Chappel; Bev.. Mr. Sbaffter Wiill preach in •St.
family spent Sunday in London.. : Quilt, fancy, Mrs. Win. Cameron,
school hint:h.:Margaret Jones, James Geinge's church next Sunday.
Mrs. Leo Kenny has returned home Jr., Mrs. :Geo, tilley; patchwork quilt
Scott, jiinet Chappel, '<enliven eIte, Mr. R. Coutes is having an auction .after
visiting, at the home of Mr. and Ethel ;:el, -Ileitttie, Mrs. J. B. Tyrermen;
I ut fry, Flossie Bitterne etle on Friday of this week.
Mrs.' Philip Kenny. • comforter. Mrs. lere.s. Nichols.; bed-
Canning.—jvlly (-Rh class), Rena IV, ,G. -Neal has had a great number
We are glacteto welcome Mrs. 'Thos. spread, Mee. J. B. Tyermen, Dr.
McLaren, :Maude -Bolton, Margaret ef bushel 'liaelcets of pea.ches :for sale.
urray home
oe from the hospital after Grieve; apron. Miss E. af, Livingston
Drake, yenta Fawcett, lrnrcluts They were a good miality and lie has M : :
disposed of them all. .
Wm. .Camerout, jr.; house clress,
rake; ckled cucumbers, Flossie The 'brick woidc of Mr. R., Reld'S .... het. recerit operation. Mrs,,,joseph Ryan las reterned efts, el. Tetley, ;Mrs. _T. 11, Tyerman:
lenteen, Doris Sararas, Verna Bal. Imuse home from Seaforth hospital. • men's sleeping • garment, Mrs. j. B.
four, Maude Bolton, Gladys 13mson: J. Waft . \All S I II Torooto over the zt-',Ivrficrsh,
Is completed.
;Mary I<rausko.pf has gone to Tyerman, Dr. Grieve; la.dies' slip,
emitted corn. •illaude Bolton, Doris to visit relatives. , Mrs. Tgerman; knitted sox, Miss E.•
Sararas, Janet Ch•appel; canned beets. IN eek -e ltd.
Tfiss Annie Ryan has reimmed M. Livingstod ;AfFir, W. J. Dickson;
Gladys Butson, Flossie Bot8.,,, wa4ton sohool was suocessful in
home from Detroit after spending. a mitts. :Mese. TV. .1. Dickson, Dr,
'Berne Britton. Lettie tannin, hiatule getting .firet prize 'for costume and 2nd
pleasant visit with eriends there. Grieve; floor mat, braidecl, Geo.
1; lessie Belson, Gladys Butson, Berne prize Quitorn ra:rillianinetiell j'enrg eat tte'1131 dreads 8 eltshef fair,
Week iii London last week floor neat, hooked. Mrs. Wes. N
Belteet; canned peas. Maude Bolton,Many from here attended Catholic Turnbull, Miss E. --M.. Livingston;
rfl I. i t t a n . evrt aud dance in Brussels on fair
Sle, the Dublin High lots, .Mrs. l'yernitim
Sperte -Girls' race (under 8 years), nl.gel{:rt: and Mrs, J. H. McLaughlin School heli their annual field clay last LADIES' WORK,
The students
Nerma Streik; Marien Scott, Dorothy vislted Duncan and Mrs. McDonald, Friday. When the sports were about Lace. Trish crochet, Miss Living-
eliller; boys' race (under 8 years). 3"nesthwr. half over it began to rain and they ston, Mrs. Howrie; lace, filet, Herb.
Inifire girls, Ili CC' (under 10 years), The auction 'sale held by Mr, Ar -
Tuesday, ;When they :Were completed'. Ic;°Ii‘tveleet11% er:\ertotsn, jr:MrsS: -1.-1c)°\‘‘v:rriice,; :;?Lieses'
were' PostPened 'till the following p
Lloyd Wren. Norval Norris, Clarence
Mary Burchell, Beryl Norris, Jean .stiecess, a large crowd being present Ilan) nice prizes were given, along
mom Dundas on Tuesday 971,as a great
Living,ston; tatting, .Miss Li
Steak: bo:vs' race (tinder 10 years), Ili'. Dundas will leave for Detroit 'as with a treat and it was a_ success af- Violet Piper; drawn work vingstoe,
orval Ceoper, :Clayton Horton. Ar- soon as his family is moved into Miss ter all. 'Miss Livington, Msplay,rs. Tyerinan:
;Mir 'Annie; girls' race fonder 12Earle Wednesday /morning .fire drawn work, itallan, Mrs. ;Howeie;
years i, Alm -jerk K leinfeldt, :Mildred rd., :
tender 12 years)... Orval Cooper, •Ar -
Robbins, Mary .. litirchall; boys' race
Church on Friday the 8th. The pur- fore anything could he done the play, 3 pieces,
Celeman's 'house, which he has reit-
Tibere will 'be e. social in Duff's Dow. The fire soon spread and be- ole, Miss Livingston; embroidery .dis-
Miss LivingstoM 'Mrs.
broke out in the bakeshop of \50, .C. embroidery, cross stitch. Mrs. Nich-
her Dinnin: girls' t•ace (under 13 Puse of the meeting will be for the home of fiefrs, Cat -pent -6r and 'barber- Tyerman; embroidery , convention,
-ears). Ttl a Norris. Dorothy Robin s, drawing tip plans in connection with seep of her .son were all on fire. Many and fancy work bag, Miss .Livingston,.
el a rga ree ,C o I email ; boys' People - were . soon .1 hand trying to hies, Howrie; curtains, Miss Living -
5 years). Victor Dinnin, Allan Mc. -
race (under the Christian Endeavar :Society for
reit the fire 'out, tut it had gained Atom ;Herb. Fowler; luneheon see J..
Dougall, Earl Sararas; gulls' 3 -legged the -winter.
this week.'
Mies ,'Mand Ferguson -is in Toronto stlell heedway that nothing could be Wee! Ilea tee, INN ss Teivings ton ; -tea
•ace, Ida Norris anti eefargaret Cole- done to save it. lefitehell fire bri- cloth, lerrs, Howrie, E'tliel M. Beat-
. :nee, :Maude Bolton and Doris Sar- Mr. Hugh Shannon has sold his gade was called and clid :gocid work iie; 'table mats, Miss Livingston. ;Mee.
at tie: boys' 3 -legged race, Harold farm to Mr. Ernest Toll, Harlocf. in preventing the fire ;from spreading Howrie; :ta,ble doyleys, Adies Living-
"oleman and Ernest Ross. Clayton Mrs, John. I-Iislop, Walton, has a to other buildings. The cause of the ston, :Meet. T3,-erman; tray cloth, Eve-
-Torten and 'Earl Serene, Cart Drown light attack of pneumonia. fire is unknown. :lerre Dow recently lye ,Harthern, tmiss Livingston: sok
; ;id eylle 1)ocichig; ‘vheelharrew Miss Annie -Lime wertl ;back to To- started business In the bakeehop, centre piece, Mrs. W. Caonerene Jr.,
lace, Earl Sararas and Clayton ff-lor.: rout° on Saturday. which has been idle for several years 19:velem Harburn; cotton centee ,feece,
um, :Roger Christie and Jim Scott mr, Teck 'Carter, of Waterdown, and was receiving good patronage Evelyn s Hanbure, Mrs. Tyerman;
visited in the village Tuesday. t from the •people of the 'community, linen sen t re piece, - Evelyn elar,bu en.
The you•ng people ,who are attend. He moved ms family here ,frorn Strut- F. !Barker; serviettes, Mrs. 'Tyerman,
ALMA. ing 'High school in Brussels attended ford ebout a week ago, iefiss Livingston; table napkins, Miss
:Went field day Teesdaer. .Affr. FranIc Gallagher and daughter Livingeton; buffet set, Evelyet liar -
table `cloth and
eltS. TT. Lloyd, of Wingliam, spent visited with friends near Jamestown
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hingston and Mr, and ;Mrs. McEachern Catherine, spent. Sunday 'in Seaforth. s )auprikeil,),rrl,lisviLeyt1;,,i-ligston,_,...ivrrs. w.
Sunday with Mr. and' Mrs. Will on Sunday, SEAFORTH FALL FAIR. Cameron, ,Tr.; day slips, Mrs, eV. ).
Jamieson. .
afre, G. McMichael, of Goderich, school at Brussels.
'Kenneill Jackson is etteeding thigh (Continla
ued. front ht week.) . Dickson, ;M:r s. Howrie; pillow ,slips,.
tie; field corn, Herald ,Laweence• foci- r1,11'iir°,idered, '11 I.• W. Celmeron, jet.
visited with eIrs. G. W. Noe: ovev the Miss (Margaret Driscoll, of Mer -
week -end. rickvillee is visiting at the home of Smillie: (miens froth seed, F,' Berker, nn
der corn, Herald T..awrence, *. R. 1.:::\lirit.0Isewe.,i'c..\;i,v‘o'ti:o.T,:sved-los.A„;:iIrse."-::fli;I11,:royoticliaes'IrincIPTcle:, eiiirre,sar..
Ale and Mrs. Geo. Dale, of Con- ber mother, Mrs. Driscoll. of Lead- Dr. Grieve; onions from Dutch sets,
Howrie, ;A,I,i'S'S Livingston:
stance, spene Stuulay evith ;friends bury. . Geo. T, Turiebell, Mrs, TV. J. Dick. :otter halm work,
Miss Livingston,
Afr, 'Retire' Fowler, of Loncloh, held on the farm of efr. Adam Shol-
' The annual ploiittg, mateh will. be son; red onions, F. lBarker, \Arm. Ca-
meron, Se; onions, White or yellow, Mee. Tyertnate; guest eowees, mrs,
:\Vingliain, visited with ."Mrs. Hab.:
silent Sueday with hie parents here. dice, west of Walton, on 'Tinned:ay,
leer. and Mrs. Orval fiablcirk, of Oot. 7th.
The Ladies' Aid -"of Bethel Church re Barker, 'Dr.- Grieve; ',onions, sue W. Cameron, ',Tr., ;IT'fiss Livingetoe;
lefts. 'IV. j. 1Deekson, Wm. Camenon, fancy sheet ;and .pillow slips, Mts.
kirk's parents here, . will hold a bazaar and serve a good 'Dickson. - set, Miss Livingston .efis. Tyeramn;
Sr.; pickling ,onions, Mrs, J-Tileor...' ,:e.‘.. cali.'36,0;seent.ateru.,111;:ifii.ests., iTerivilitilegIsto;;. Bcirceasttsieer,
the fall 'fair at 13russels oil -Friday eagle evening.
Quite a nutnber from here atteeded supper in ,the A. 0. IT. TV. :on the
(Murray; watermekets, Jim. A. &fur-
le.fuslemelorus, • F. Barker,
Mrs. .W, Cameron, jr.; night robe,
Mrs' :underwear, Miss Livingston; • fence-
leir. William MOCulla and Miss -ray; citrOnS, Jn O. A. 'MurraY, Miss. Livingston, Mrs. W. Cameron;
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Phillips . and "[Jail motored to :London anct points
handkerchiefs, ;Miss Livingston, 'leer's.
'el r. and Mrs.. Chris. Dale spent Sat- setith last week -end. . • W, I. Dickson: veg,etable marrow, F.
Barker; mammoth :scFmasisea:lerieeBe,erkpetr%; :.:-/,
yermen; ;bedroom SI ip p e rs , Ivlis.e
erday with London friends. •
,Mr. and Mrs. Ge C. Dal were Bay- family spent -Sunday in Blyth at the
Mr. and M,rs. John Nfarseall ane Hubbard smile sh,
Livingston. De. Grieve; , falicy col 14 rs
field visitors on Mohday last. ' latter's stster's, ..Mr. and' .Mrs,. Wm. et on, Sr, .1. W. Beattie; winter rad -
Grieve; pumpkins for Dios, wm. 'Cam- „le clefs, miss Livingewn, etre. -ry,
ence B.eetrie; zinnias, .Chas. Rout-
elenane searf, Mrs, Howrie.,
Wet,'. -Short 'dreese Miss ledge, Floreeee Beanie; colleannuale,
Lieingston, Mee. Geo, Lilley. Emmy Mrs. 'Tyerinen, J. W. Beattie; coll. ,
iress, Mr. Tyerman; bonnet end perthlinelse leare.'Tyernean, IL Baiker;t.
wool jacket, Miss Livieg,, sum; , Mrs: basket -mixed eleloo.in:Bs,ea'i..tWient. ertry,
'Flerence Beattie; table bouquee; Flor-
. Table Tema
ler, 're. Tye:I-then,- Mrs. ence -Beattie, J. w
Lilty;iseefit pjlloW, I... :Brigham, Mrs, . Pot plante—lBegonies, Rex, Mrs, G.
W. 'Ca aixQrpil,, jee, lamp: shade, ;Mrs. P, Cardno; gloxinia; •VV:in. Hartry;
Wes. Nicliols'elancy work and ,fencylIeerti, -asParageee.• 'Herald ,LaYveence;
needlework„ Miss Livingston, 'Mese dein, sevoret, Me•ee: P..Cardno;
Howfle. ' . , ',house plants', 'Airie' 'G. P. • Cardno;
judges ---Mrs. N, W. Trewarthe, novelty lin cut .flower, or IA pot, Mrs.
Mrs. w. ,PhIrroteel: A. Pbreconst.- Mrs:aye-ethane
Oil :Paintings. — Laudscape, L. :Vegetables.—Swede -ferule's, Arthur
Brigham, Mildred Hatvey;" 071 it rine Cameron;,,egeeden ..carrots, Murry
view, Mr's. IM. Harvey; ani- Waltees, Artlein.Cameeen; red mail-
ings, L. Brigham, IleIre -Howrie; still gold, Arthin.;Cameron, jack Nichol -
fife, Dr. Grieve, Mle's Lieringeeon. son; Yellew dutenmediates, Murray
Water Colors, :Landseape, Mrs. Waltere, Parsnip's, Arthur Cameron, ,
Ffowrie, -Mrs. R. J. Wegg; =eine 'eack ,Nrehelson; gardenebeete Mur-
vi4w, anitnels or figure work, Mrs,_ ray • TVaffers, lArterer lCamerone,
fecieerie, ;Mies Livingston; vegetables, onions,, Arthur- Canieepn, thruway
M. Harvey, L. Brigham; flowers, Waiters; tomatoes, 'MUM-AY:Welters;
Mies Livingston, Mrs: ,HoWrie; in- jack Nicholson:- citrons, Murray
anireate object, (Mildred ;Hervey, L. Welters, jack Nicholson; ,calebages,
13righain. • _ Murray. Walters, Aiehur Cameron;,
:Miscelleneotes, Crayon edrewineg, potatoes, Arthur Caineron, Jack
Ti'tiss Livingston, Mrs. fflowrie; pastel, ceson; toll, garden vegetables, Jack
Mies Livingston, eMildeed ;Harvey; Carter, Jack Nieholsom
sepia, Miss 'Livingeton, Mildred Her- !fudges -- eerme Elcoat, W. S.,
vey; pencil drawing, Miss' Livingston, BrOadfoot.
Mrs, 'Howrie; pencil desigleing, -Miss ',Flowers. — Nasturtiums, hfargaeet
Livingatore iL. Beighatm; poster de- Watson, jack Nicholson; esters, Jan-
eign, Mrs ;12.. j. Wegg, IMildred Har- ;et Watson, ;Kathleen Stewart; sweet
vey; ba's'ketry, , Dr. Grieve; - tooled peas, jack Nicholson; boucmet, Mar -
leather, Mildred Harvey; photo- gareteRoss, Geonge Crich.
grep'hy, 'Mildred ,Harvey, 'Mrs. How- Cooking, -- Tea !biscuits, Elinor
-ei3et;echmetanw.ofk,Mildred. Harvey, Mrs. Broatlfoot, .Edith Baternan; layer
oalce, Eileen Chapman. Evelyn
'Hated painted ;china.—Dresser set, Campbell; apple pie, Evelyn Camp -
Dr, Gelevet Mi es 'Livingston; vase -or bele/Edith ' Bateman; rolled.cOokies,
ornament, L. Brigham, Miss 'Living- Elinor 13r51adfoot, Edith 'Beteinan;
stole; salad bowl:, Dr. Grieve, !Mildred dropped cookies, .Catherine Lane. ,
Harvey; peke elate,. L. ;Brigham, Dr. . Are:Work.-2nd claps5 stalk of corn
'Grieve; two cups and ;sander's, Wm. Chas. Dale, Eileen Menet 3r6 class,.
I-Iartry, !Mildred Iitervey; ,candlestick, windmill, Elgin Note Ian MacTlevist,
Miss Livingston; collection, Wm. special No: 1, lefargeeet Finkbeiner;
liertry, INfildred Harvey; gardefture, special' No. 2, Mabel Hildebrand; 4th
florae -design, L, Bnigham, TVin. Her- ease, design for liTrcip lehaele, 'Greeta
Brom-Hoot, Mary Kling,/ .special No.
e Judge -Mise Matilda Fowler. 1, Hazel Dickson, 'specie' No. 2, Gor-
. Cut Blooms: — Pink astees, ;Mrs. td. book Nfarkorie
Tyerman, TV, J. Dickson; white Michael, M,artlea Defe; 2nd :book, -
esters, Mt•s. Geo. P. •Guirdno,'Nfrs. W. Marjorie. Freeman, Eileen Mame; 3rd
j. Dickson; asters, illative, or purple, book, Jessie Dale, Ruth 'Hugill; spe-
C. H. Holland and, 2nd; coll. asters, cidl No. 1. Arthur 'Devereaux; special
Mrs, .W. J. Dickson, Mr. 11 Hoag; No, 2,. John :Mero; 4711 book, 'Mary .,
cosmos, Florence Beattie, 'Mrs. We T. liompsen, Eleanor, Evans: special
Dickson; dahlias; P, Barker, John A. No. 1, Loretto Purcell, special No. 2,
'Murray; con., W. H.antry, John A. I-I'azcd Dickson. .,
Murray; dianthus,' F. Barker; gladioli, Coll. :injurious insects, Oliver
Wm. Hartry, F. Barker; gladioli, Wright; coll. leaees, Charles Wright,
Wm. Eatery; 'marigolds, Wsu, Har- Mayrne Chapman.
try, defree-A. E. Erwin; nasturtiums, Apron, Marie Elliott; dressed dolt,
Mrs, A. E. Erwin, 'Florence Beattie; Norma Hall/kirk, Helen Munroe;
petunias, • F. *Barker, ;Mrs. A. Porte- 'ba'rred rock cockerel, Wilmer Broad -
out; petuteas, .double, Barker; p'an- foot, Russell Allen; ;barred rock pul-
sies, Dr:*Grieve;_roses, Wm. Ilartry, (let, Wilmer -Broadfoot, Ruth
G. Laithwaiee; snapdragon, Mo. G. dressed fowl, Ruth Hugill.
P. Cardno, W. D. ,Hoag: snapdragon, Sweepstake .for sehool taking larg-
displey, ;Mrs. Cardno, wm. Hattry; est number of prizes, S. S. No. 7,
'stocks', Chas. Routledge, F. Barker; Tuckcrsmith.
sweet peas, Chas. Routledge; sweet 'Judges ---Mrs, Robt. Simpson. Ethel
pees, display, Ches. Routledge, jel. Beattie.
Take a
Friendly Warning..
Our Fall weather is very uncertain -- cold, chilly days and
nights conle unexpected and many folk suffer inconvenience
and ill health because they are not prepared with the proper
clothes to wear.
Be ready with your warmer garments. It's wiser in every
way. Our prices for cleaning and steam pressing are lower
than you often pay for ordinary work elsewhere.
Sydney Dungey
Work called for and delivered.
Cor. Bay & Adelaide Sm.;
$49 Danforth Ave.; Cor.
University & Dundee St.
Aylmer, Brantford,
Hamilton, Newmarket,
Ottawa, Owen Sound,
Pembroke, Seaforth, St,
Catharines, St. Mary's,
Walkerton, woodotoek, r
Seatorth Bra
Hours 9,30 a.in. to 5 p.m.
IT makes no difference at the
Government Savings Office,
whether the deposit comes from
newsboy' or noble.
Every' sav_erTecewes the same
polite attention, irrespective of
station in life or a m ount
You are cordially invited to
open an account. It will be a
privilege to serve you, 5
rich, J. TY], IVIan.l.g
Saturday 535 a.m. to 5 p.m., 7 p.m. to 9,30 p.m,
^,'Vz=1 D QUEEtt8 PARK