HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-09-23, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL, Our. ,• ur. ,ltnral'i+S•ch„Stu ool l 'was a; great afternoon and• ' n 'n\lost s 's'rcces5o , .day' S:. in: vi'daitio,a to our own three local, schools' -were those of School Sec- tion iYo, k; 10, ;Hay; 14,Tuckersauith, ' I.y, G i .-Wheel 1 'Bert Thorp' Grain -Wheel, .0 ; ---Bert eon; sheaf, Ber't 'Thompson,' 'Oats, qt., James M'Iel3wen, -sheaf, James 'ideE ;Barley, qt., Sh .Harold. ,ep1ierd, Ed- ith Dick; sheaf, Harold Shepherd, Edith Dick, 'Stewart Bell. X✓ Sweet: 'corn, Alvin Bell, W. Fee, 44eeg+aret 1lylar; Joyce Scru'ton, Ted Munn, M..Mun. Soy beans, pt., Jack Taylor=, 'Hugh MCEwen, Robert Varisy; sheaf, Hugh McEwen, J«tek Taylor, Robert Valrley. . Potatoes -LC., Dorothy McQueen, 'L. 'Lindcnfieid, R. G. Brock, M. Hig- gins, Olive Brack, H. Broadfoot; 'G.. potatoes, 1M•I. Fhllick, 'M1., dvfuno, M. -Smillie, 'M. Hudson, Herold Fost- er, Leonard Hoggarth; D, potatoes, J. Young, Annie Coleiiran, no name, May Wolfe, Marion Sinclair, 2'I', Tey - Ion a\iangotds, Hugh McEwen; I.ioyd t indcrfield, Sid Taylor. Tur-. nips,Melvin Taylor, Dorothy Asters, Rob. 'McLachlan. Beets, K. Drys- dale, D. Elgie,. 'L. Beeswax, John 'Glenn, B. Dick, N. Munn. - Carrots, 3. McLadhlan, M. ,Bell, D,. Varley, V. +McLean, 43, Glenn, B. Dalrymple. Parsnr"ps, M. Fee, M. Coleman, B, McLean, 'M, Dick, E. Wolfe, Irene Deters. Onions, Harold Elder, J. Farquhar, Irene Hoggarth, Mary Huiser, Flowers -Asters, M. Sinclair, A. Fairbairn, N. Sinclair, G. Passmore, R. McLachlan, M. Wolfe. Sweet peas, B. Dalrymple, A.' Field, B. Thomson, Helen Glenn, Eleanor Skinner. Phloem Mabel Fee, Dorothy IL-Ioski,i. Zinnia, G. Passtuore M. k'ol'Ifck, K. Drysdale, L. Lindenfield, H. Bell, G. Lave. African Marigolds, Grace Brock, French marigolds, Florence McDonald, Mary Coleman, klarald Bonthron, Mary Hemphill. Dorothy McQueen. Calendula, Dor- rthy Elgie, Wilmer Broadfoot, Har- old Sherritt. arold-Sherritt. French marigolds, Billy Glenn, Olga 'Bell. Verbena, Marion McKay. Cosmos, ',Myrtle Thompson, Mervyn Hodgert, Glen Hues -ton, Belle Smillie, Aldon Appleton, Alvin Bell. Pinks, Roy Brock, Dorothy De- ters, Ethel Johnson, Benson Dick, Dorothy Corbett, Edith Wolfe. Gaillaidia, Jean Bell, Poultry --Cockerel, Harold Shep- herd, Jimmy >.McEwan. Pullets, Jim- my -MMcEttan..Pen of three, Wilmer Broadfoot. Barred Rocks, Melvin Taylor. Harold Elder, Alvin Linden - field. Kornelis Faber, Daviel Sangster, Sidney 'Taylor. Dog, Harold Appleton, Alden Ap- pleton, David Sangster, Mary Sang- ster. Rabbits, Bobbie Drysdale. 'Mary Huiser, 'Wilmer Broadfoot, Alex. Ir- vine. Any pet, Edward Corbett, Harvey F•Indson, Kornelis Faber. Dozen White Eggs, J. Alex. 'Mc- Murtrie, Harold Shepherd, June. Hog - earth. Hugh McEwan, Jean McLean. doz. Brown Eggs, Maude ,.ateLeaa, Mary Coleman, Mildred Smillie, Al- vin Lindentield, J. Alex. McMurtrie, Harold Sherritt, Design made of llowers,Roy Pat- terson, Mabel Workman, Annie Cole- man, Grace.Brock, Olive Brock, Beryl Drummond. Market Lamb - \1ildred Smillie, Wm, Glenn. Baking 'Graham or bract muffins. Marion McKay, Emma Wurm, Dor- othy Elgie, Alice Higgins, Helen etp- ,hai1, Harold Sherritt Home-made bread, Hazel McLachlan, Olga Bell, , Lttlu Lindenfield, Oatmeal cookies, Jean Russell, Ray Patterson, Olga Bell, Irene Hoggarth, Lorne Elder, .Marion Sinclair. Currant tarts, Maude 'McLean, Jean 'Russell, Jean Bell, Grace' Dick,' Emma Wurm, Agnes Fairbairn, Dark cake (under 10 years). 'Maude McLean, Ruth Bell, Dorothy Corbett, Dorothy Drum- • mond, Annie Coleman, Emma Wurm, Applie pie, Jean Russell, Dorothy Little, Jean McLachlan, Jean Bell, Florence McDonald, Beryl Drum- mond. Candy, Grace Dick, Dorothy Drummond, Beryl Drummond, Mar- garet Dick, Helen Glenn, Minnie Sangster. School Lunch, Irene Hog- garth, Marion Sinclair, Wm, 1)rum- :mond, Dorothy Hoskins. Sewing -Patch on gingham, Joyce S.cru on t ,Hazer McLaughlin, rain Dorothy Deters,Florence ecce McDonald, Dorothy Hoskin Sock leg, Lulu Lindenfield, Irene Deters. Knitted wash cloth, Marion McKay. Tea towel, hemmed, Jean McLachlan, H, Kennedy, Mary Hemphill, Dorothy McQueen, Irene HogBart h Lloyd Li ndenfield Work apron, hand made, Joyce Scruton, Helen Glenn. Toy ,animal (under 10) Dorothy Drummond, Embroidered towel, Florence 'McDonald, 'Marion McKay., Helen Glenn, Beryl Drum- mond, H,Kennedy. Anym in odeawood, Jack Young, 1-lugh McEwan, Jno, Farquhar, Jim- my McEwan, Bird house, J. Alex.MeMurtrie, Jimmy 'McEwan, Hugh 'McEwan, Alden Appleton, Harold 'Sherritt. Six named knots, Norman S'incla"�r, Lorne Elder, Harold Sherritt, Lloyd Lindenfield, Hugh McEwan 1 Rope splicing, Harold Sherritt. Noxious weed's and seeds, Tuck No. 9 (Red Tavern), Hay No, 10. Commercial woods or :leaves, Hay No. 10, Tuck, No. 10, Tuck, No, 9. Map of Huron, Alvin Bell, Jno. y Mc a K Lorne , one Elder Alvin Brock, Harold Sherritt, :Mary Hemphill. Map of North America, .Grace Dick, Margaret Dick, Hugh McEwen, James Prod Product wma'pe of cliff,New Onten.,, Jean ,Russell, Maud McLean, Jean Mc- Lraeh'lan, Harold S'he.pherd, Robt, Varlet', Doreen Varley. Writing --"What I Would Do," Annie Coleman, Edgar Wurnt Annie: Hwiser, Muriel ,Hoskin, Harold Bell, Wm. Glenn, "The' Rain," Alvin Bell, Jessie Dick, .Lillian Beeswax, Irene Stnaic, Norman Sinclair, !Mildred Pollack. Writing, "A Farewell," Grace Dick, 'Garnet Mousse, .'Mabel Fee, 'Mary' Heiser, ,Margaret Dick, Emma 'Warm. Welting,. "T.tto Englishmen, Mer- ioit Sinclair, jean Mc r J LacFvl an Jean Russell, e hazel' IYic`Laahlan, Eleanor Skinner, Doreen Varley, Crayon drawing of`•pearsi MunieiTurnips, Ada Steep, M'argarett:.La- Hoskiis ';Mildred ,Fo11iek Odide",` n't e. .'D01.9013'.( Jr sr.:ock,;;"lt:athi?yn Da'ysciale, :� C{eetax, t;,race'RoNiusort,;:'Margaret 17runromoi1d, Alvin :Bella Alilenzie, Elva 11cCliil'cbi:y, . Wi;ilie Cosmos in water JeolorsJas. Rout- ltstin., , Martha L arlile , Gordon ledge, Marion McKay, Helen Glenn, Keys,1 Viola Ii1'tle aandt Mc{a + Carrots. Stewart (Baird. Kathryn Landscape Beryl Drummond, Jean KetoieuVera Steep, 'Evelyn Graing- McLachlan, Dorothy Hoskins, Hazel er, Vera Smith, Walter Baird. _1ticLaclvlan, Irene Daters, Doreen \Par^snips, Maryann Steckle, Harvey Varley. .: It rya, Dorothy , John iMc 'Fa'rquhnr,mcy, Dorothy Collection (Pencil sketch, water Armstrong, C li l Hazel .e'1' Cnc color), Marie Foster, Steep. .Public speaking, Maude McLean, OnionsHarold Durant, Ida C1 ut- Jas., Fowcliffe, Grace Dick, Hugh te, :Lillian Elliott,EUlittWilliam Jones, McEwen, P'oitlfry-Cockerel, 'Melinda Steckle, Poultry jladging competition, Lulu Robert Carrie, Jean •Ga'rnie, Jeart- Lindenfield, 'Marion Sinclair, F'lor :tette McAllister. once .McDonald, Joyce Seruton, Alice Pttlle'tt, Eulalie-Carnie, :Isabel 'Rob- :Iliggins, Marie Foster. arson, Ebner McBride, Robert Cantle, Spelling match • 'ch - Olive Walker, Walter Baird,Jean Caruie, Lorne Chapman, Dorothy Little, Pei: of ,Three, Etila'lie Carrie, 'Ro- Olga Bell, Grace Dick, Margaret bert Carnie, Mari'bell 'Carnie, Stewart Dick. Baird, Elmer „McBride oris Barred Rocks, Grant 'Turner, Grace IYIr. Jas. d3alda•d, of '111inneap who has been here 'attendin the fine: 'Robinso-Allan Armstrong, Camp - hell hell McKinn,ley, Roy Pepper, Efm'ore eral of his mother, returned to his Stephenson. home on 'Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sammons and White: eft, ''t ;: ,T:e 'horns Dorisa:' little son': are visiting relatives in To: li,t'rd•' Ducks; Clarence Reldhert, Gladys route. Coleman, Elizabeth Snowden, Grant Mrs. Milian Ortwein of Mr, slid Turner, Russell Hayter, Geo S'te'ph- London, visited lilt. Sunday. with rens- 'lives in town• cnsot.:. Mrs. arou Sweitzer- left 'White ttes, Doris Gamlen MTs, and M Airard, 'Harold.Datrram't, Thompson trot ay for their new route in De-, Colclough, •Glen Colelongh, Margaret unit and were accompanied over by. Robinson, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Higgins, Mrs, Anypet,Elva 'M'cGlfinche Ken- Hi'ggins intends remaining for a few y' weeks with her daughter. tielh'sJohner, Audrey Cochrane, H 'salt attended Lloyd Johnston; Dorothy Artnstio•ng A number from en Farm 'Gate; Tom 'Castle. the Fair at Exeter on Wednesday. Ariy• model in wood Tom 'Ca's'tle Misss 'Helen Heffernan is visiting tMervn KeDoris Geniienhard relatives at Centralia.,. y y ' The meeting of the Young Peo le's \\ sloes Turner, Stanley Collins, Patch on -grain :beg, Alvin Elliott 'League of the United Church was Campbell McKinley, Fred Weston. on Monday evening with Rev. Elliott Chutes. Mr, Sinclair presiding. The •meeting lot Th of was in charge of 'Mrs. Lee Hedci.en . Si Named Knots, amps araC ryas opened by the singing of a Celclough, Elgin Hayter, Irene hymn, after which Ivlrs, Chas, me_ Knight, Glen Colclough, Ellott •Chut- Donald !cd in prayer. hiss Nellie er, AlbertDurrant. Boyle read the Scripture lesson. Mr. Noxious Weed Seeds; Glen Col - Sinclair very ably gave the 'topic . on \ 1l h,ie lAlcKic'n Elliott, IIsabel Mustard "Pluck." An instrumental duet by Native Woods, Helen Leeds, El - Misses Mildred Smillie and Pearl 1'okt Chutes, Irene I{night, Doris Eider, soloby Margaret Drummond and a readi-ng by' Miss Elliss, were all Gemeinhard, Lawrence .Johns. greatly enjoyed. Native Leaves, Maryann Steckle Mrs. MiaribelY Carrie; rna John DinsdaIe, Mrs, Joann j,ernicc Leeds, Grate ace Robinson, Glen Petty and Mrs Taylor visited fora Colclough. few clays with relatives in Toronto. Baking -Ginger Bread, Anne ,Me - The morning service in the United Leoct, R,tth Elliott, Doreen Reichert, Church oil Sunday last was largely Grace Robinson. attended. Rex-. Mfr. Rivers, of Park - Light Cake, Florence Gerber, Irene hill, occupied the pulpit. Mr. Rivers i night, Albert Durrant , 'i'fargaret is a former. astor of 'Hensall and his ,Robinson, Mabel Etue, Doris"'. Gem - many friends here were pleased to; sed itnhard, and hear hint again. Bread,. Mabel Etue, Irene Knight. The evening service in the United _Mfuffins, Florence Gerber, Gladys church was withdrawn on account of Coleman, Doreen Reichert, Irene' the anniversary services at Chisel-. Turner, Grace' Robinson, Anna Aik- hurst. Next Sunday Rev. Arthur ennead. Sinclair will have charge of his own Ginger Cookies, Irene Turner, Pnipit. Grace Robinson. A number from Hensall attended Tea Biscuits, Margaret Robinson the anniversary services at Chisel- Doreen Reichert, horst on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Riv- ,• ers preached two excellent sermons ColPie, Colclough, finch c to large congregations in the etre- 3-leb l Etugh,e, IrGener K-ni AMcClitnchey, noon and evening. Ml Candy, ttre, Irene Iainger, The man friends of Mrs. John chert, VEvelyn Grainger, Alvin Rei, :Murdock are .pleased to see her able chert, Vera Smith, Mary Campbell. to be around againDoris Gemeinharcl, Jean iIt after being cos- Clinch, -Grace Robinson,san, Irene fined to her room for the past three Knight, Margaret Robinson, Clarence weeks with a sprained ankle. Reichert, Vera Smith, Ella uMcKay. Wedding bells are again ringing in Sewing -Patching on cotton; 'Mary Hensall and hw merrily they sound. Cant:pbell, Gladys 'Coleman, Isa'be i Mr. John Buchanan, of Guelph, is Osmond, Genevieve Etue, Eidetic visiting -tris mother, 'Mrs, Buchanan, {•arrnie, Doris Chuter, and sister, 'Mrs. McDonald. Darning on woollen clothing, Mar - Miss :Margaret .Slavin, . who has g, et Ellott, Doris Gerneinherd, been visiting for the past two weeks Grace Robinson, Dorothy, Woolley, in Landon. has returned home. Irene Knight, Berfhena Stephenson. Darning on stocking, Margaret El- liott, Mabel Ftur, 'Margaret Robin- son, Martha .Carlile, Apron, Mary Chuter, Margaret Ro- 1 insoai, Doris Gemeinhard, Ruth El- liott, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 3926 ' DRAIZ1, TENIIERS. I'e' for ' s the repair of the I3u� chanan' Drain will be `received -by the; undersigned tip to 'Monday, Sept.+ ndei 27th, 1926, when tenders will be opened'at the ,Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth, at 2.30 p.m. 10 p:c; con- tract 'to -accompany tender. Work to be done according to plans and speci- fications of engineer, :Lowest .or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, .etc„ at Clerk's Office, Lot 35, Coii• 3, 'MeKitiop 'rp. JOHN M•eNAY 'clerk 33 Seaforth,•R,R, 2 DRAIN TENDERS. Tenders for the repair .of the dyne Callum Drain:, McKillop Tp., will; be received by the undersigned up to, Monday, Sept. 27th, 1926, when tene. tiers will be opened at the Carnegie Library Hell, Seaforth , at 1.30-p,.•m. 10 p.c, contract to accompany ten- der. Work to be done according td` plans and speeitica'tions of 'Engineer. Lowest or any tender,not necessarily accepted. ' Plans,etc at Clerk's office.. Lot 3'5, Con3, •MoKillop•. JOHN 'M.oNAY, Clerk, 38 Seaforth, R.R. 2 Calendula; Martha Carlile, Nel'lic Taylor, French ' Marigolds, Jas. Sturgeon, Wilmer ,Jones, 'Hazel Hayter, Doreen Reichert; verbena, Jean Ca'ruie; cosmos, Mary' Campbell,- Ronald Ketchen, 'Ruth Gemeinhard, Wilmer Jones, Doris Gemeinhard, Agnes Kerr; gaillardia, Willie 'McKenzie; salpeglosis, Mervyn Keys, 'Bouquet from home garden, Willie MCAsh, Margaret Lamont; Mabel Etue, Jea,nitette.McAllister, Dorothy Armstrong, Stewart Baird. 'Bouquet of dahlias, Filmer Stephen- son, Emma McBride, Anne Carlile, Willie Austin, Isabel Robinson, 'Mar- garet Lamont, •HILLSGREEN. Mrs. E. Troyer is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Jarrett? at Brigden, Miss Agnes Cochrane :has returned home after spending three weeks at the Bend. •, Mrs. John Jarrott, 'Sr„ who Was a Toronto and London visitor, has re- turned home. Mission Band was held in'the 'base- ment of 'the church on -Sunday, the president presiding. Miss Vera Smith had the Scripture reading and Miuriel Carlile led in praybr, Minutes of last meeting and the treasurer's re- port were read and adopted. The classes separated for -their lesson.' Mrs, Lundy gave a report of the sec-. 'tional meeting at Goderich, A hymn e (was sung and Mrs. Ltindy"closerl with I prayer: VARNA, 'Plte farmers are a little more hope- ful with the last felt- days sumty, when they 'have been able to harvest their beans, Several from this berg took In London fair on Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday, :Mrs. Schell arra tittle son, of De- troit, who has been visiting her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Austin, has return- ed to her hone. Mrs. L. Batty and sun George were suddenly called to Yale, Mich„ un Sunday morning, owing to the serious illness of Mr, Fulton, Mrs. Baattie's 'brother-in-law, Mr. Outer ute t i s busY a d y these days e- Y corating the interior of Trinity church, Bayfield. The many friends of :Mr. and Mrs. 'Melvin Clark assembled at their home last Friday evening and made the young couple :happy by present- ingthem hent with . a miscellaneous shower, Mrs, Woods, of Listowel, accom- panied by her son George, of Toron- to University, spent the week -end with i,elatites herr, returning Mon- day.a. Y Mr, and ;des. Long, of New York, are the guests of Mr, and :Mrs, A. 'McConnell, Misses Mary and ibiargaret Chuter and Ruth Elliott spent the week -end at Bayfield, VARNA SCHOOL FAIR, Grain -Wheat, 1 qt., Allan' Keyes; ahead, Nellie Taylor, Oats, sheaf, Audrey Johnston, Barley, 1 qt, Lloyd Etue, John Keys; sheaf, John Keys. Field Corin 30 ears Mary Cam - bell, Doreen j2eichert, ,Mervyn Keys; 3 stalks, Mary Campbell. Sweet Corn, Willie ,MMcAsh, Harvey Keys, Elizabeth Snowden, Vera Smith, Doris Geni inhard, Margaret Robinson. Soy Beans, 1 pt!, Stewart .Baird, Melee McClinehey; sheaf, Stewart Baird Bruce McClinehey. !Potatoes -Irish •Cobblers, Walter Bohner, Elliott Chuter, Andrew ;Ma - Kenzie, Jean Cantpbell, Thos. Castle, Dorothy Armstrong, Green Mountain potatoes, Phyllis Mckenzie, Stanley Collins, Clarence Reichert, John Keys, Annie Carlile, Vera Smith, D. po`ta'toes, Doris Gentienhard, Walter John'stai;, Bobbie 'McKenzie, Randall Pepper, Kieth Gemienhard, Helen Anderson. Mangolds-Alvin • g Alvin Reichert, Lloyd Johnston, Meryvn Keyes, Milton Talbot,Kenneth Etue I Handkerchief, Alice Durrant, Insertion, Maryann Steckle, Irene Knight. Doll's dress, Grace Robinson, Lil- lian Elliott, Dean Castle, Isabel :Os- inond, Berthena Sturgeon, Doris Ge- meinhard. Patch quilt, Evelyn Grainger, Mur- iel Ellii,tt, Isabel Robinson, Dean Castle, Audrey Swan, Emma Sturg- eon. Sample 01 embroidery, Ruth El-. 1 oat, Margaret Robinson, Jean Ceps, - bell, Irene Knight, Mabel Etta, Grace Rob inso Map of 'Huron, Allan Armstrong,' Ifiolen Anderson, Helen Parker, Jack Lindsay, Janet McAllister, Mabel Osmond, • :Map of North America, Bert Mc- Bride, Farquhar, Edgar Harvey Keyes, Olive Steckle, Genevieve Etue. Map of England, Roland Ketchen, Melvin Snider, Margaret •Robinson, Maryann Steckle, Grace Robinson, Mabel Etue. - Writing --"Little - Thins" Hazel Hayter, Margaret Lamont' Tommy Castle, Maude Parker, .Dean Castle, Elva ,McClinehey; "Indian .Summer" Harold Durrant, Helen +Anderson, Irene Turner, Eulalie Caa•nie, Raadtall Pepper, Isabel Osmond; "IhTe Corn Ring," Evelyn 'Grainger, Dorothy Farquhar, 'Bernice Leeds, Stewart ITorton,-Vera Steep, Stanley' Collins, Picture of school, Geo. Sturgeon, Fred Weston, 'Mary Chuter, Mary Widcomlbe, Helen Anderson, lv artha Ceriwle, :Writing, "Ingra'titude", Hattie Hig- gins Mary Y Ctut er Geo. Cur tS a Viola , Lindsay, Lindsay, Agnes Kerr, Vi Wheeler. . Dandelion, Stewart Horton, Doris Gemeinhard, Craig Kerr•,-tBnrthena Sturgeon, Jean Carn'ie, , •Malinda Steckle:' Illustration "Little Rein Riding Hoed,' Martha ,Carlile, Tom Castle, T..ottis McLeod, Mabel Etue, Flor- ence Gerber, Helen Anderson. 'Flowers_- Asters, Hunt Turner, Alice Durres*, Evelyn Grainger, Mar- garet Elliott, Campbell :McKinley, Audrey Swan, Sweet peas, Harvey Keys, Claire McBride. Phlox, Helen .Anderson, Eulalie Carnie,. Zinnias, Wesley Jones, Annie Auk- enhead, Allan Keys, Ilene Talbot, Walter Baird, gird , Atirew oF n ' ,McK a zee. African Marigolds, Robert Ca'rnie, Bruce McClinehey,' Viola Wheeler, Elizabeth Snowden, Janet McAllister, Core'op,sis, Dorothy Armstrong, LONDESBORO, - Mr. John Scott shipped two car loads of stock on Saturday, Mr. Carman .Moon"Rmotored to Stratford on :Monday. Mr. T. Miller is unloading another. car of hard coal. Mr. and' Mrs. Geo, Moon and fam- ily are away on a motor trip, taking, in Toronto. Niagara Falls, London, and other points. The funeral of Mr. John Taylor was largely attended on Sunday, lvir. Taylor will be much -missed by his many friends. M. !Weaver, Miss Broker, Miss Levan and Alias Gertie Roberton mo- tored sup from Toronto on •Saturclay: returning. Sunday .afternoon. ALMA. rMr, Robison, of •Auburn, visited friends 'here last week. .Mr. and :Mfrs, Abram Hugfll spent• a day last week with ,Hensall friends, Mr. C. Sut'herla'nd was a recent visitor to Sarnia and 'London, 1'ir. W, H, Jamieson has been spending a week with : i s• uncle,' and other relatives at West ,Branch, Mich, Miss M. Grieve, of Egnnondville and Miss G. McLean of Hensalt spent the week end with Miss Nona Dale at her home here. Mrs, McNair and daughter u of. Mon- creif, spent. Saturday here. rMr, and Mrs. •Richard Carter and Mr, and Mrs, Derwin Carter of Lon rlc5boro, spent Sunday with friends here, WINTHROP, Don't fail to see Wembley Exhibi- tion,-Cardno's ,Hall, 0et,'7th, A number from 'here attended Lon- don Fair last week. Mrs. McLean and little son Jimmie of Brussels, are visiting Mr, and Mrs, F. Bullard, Mrs. James Hudson of Egnond- ville, is visiting cher daughter -Mrs.' Sol. Shahnot this week, A number of the members of Win- throp ho Women's s 'Missionar` Sraciety attended the 'Missionary Conference in Seaforth on, Tue§day. Asthma Brings !Misery ;but Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy will replace the misery with; welcome re- Iief. Tn'haled as smoke or vep'or it reaches the -very 5,lnerinost recesses of the •bronchial passages and •soothes them, Restriction passes and easy fireat•11ing returns, - If you - knew as well how this remedy would help you as do thousands' of grateful users, there would be a 'package' in your home to -night. 'Try it. No surgical operation is necessary fn removing corns if Holloway's Corn Remover be used, AUCTION SALE. 'Oil Tuesda O. tolier .m, Y, '4. , ors to AL Wta. 27, •con '•14 ,M'IcKillot ad- joining the'rvillaige of Wa'1ton, clearing sale of Farm Stock, Implement -A, Grain and Hay. Armour Dundas, Prole,; 'P, .Brown, Auct. AUCTION SALE Of rtiym.Stock, The undersigned .has received instructions from IMr: Ernest Townshend to sell by public •iuc'tion at Mr, GeorgefFIolland's barn 1 snide southwest of Clinton, on the Bayfield Road, on Saturday, Septetn- ber 25th, commencing at 1.30 o' -clock sharp, the following: 'General purpose horse 4 years old, atpavy draft mare. 1I' years old, 'Durham .cow with calf at •foot, 3 Holstein mows with "calf at foot, 2 part Jersey cows with calf at foot, Hereford cow with calf, at foot, Hereford cow due to freshen in De- cember, Sereford.cow due to freshen in March, Hereford cow due to 'fresh- en • in Api'il, Dunham cow due to freshen, ih:IMarch, Holstein cow -milk- ing ':good. These .cows are all young and a' choice' lot. Three. Holstein heifers due of freshen this fall, 2 Durham :Heifers. due to 'freshen this fall, 10 two-year-old heifers, 13 'last fall calves, 2 spring 'calves, .:Hereford bull. Sow with 10 pigs six weeks old., Terms.--811).-,Months' to be-giiten 'on furnishing bankable: !gasper or a discount of 6 per cent. pet annum off for cash, or an additional 6 months' creclit'given with 6 per cent. per annum added. No reserve as proprietor has no stable. .Ernest Townshend, Prop. . George H. El- liott, auct• Worms. cause 'fretfulness' and rob the infant of sleep, the great nourish- er. Mother Graves Worm Exterm- inator will clear the stomach and in- testines and restore healthfulness, SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday , September 22, 1926, V , r t\dteat, Icer bus '. $L1St Barle13� � c y, d cr bu. ..:., ,..:..,..55 Buckwheat, per bus. 60c Oats, per bus. 40e -45'c Pens, per bus. 1.50 :bran per cwt. ... . 16S ..... Shorts, per cwt. , $1.75' Butter, per lb, 30c Eggs, per doz. 32c -36e Potatoes, per'bag....$1.50 Hogs per ewe : $ 12,00 BABY BUGGY FOR SALE. Wickets, baby buggy, for -sale.. AP - ply at The News Office, ' 11 ✓ CAR FOR •SALE. . t .,.. A Gray Dort car '• for sale, In good condition. Apply, to R. FROST. 9 GARAGE FOR RENT. Space for one car in •private 'gar- age. Apply to The News Office. 0 HOUSE FOR SALE. .,'Lot with oomfoiita'ble house and' nearly new barn with ;cement stabl- ing. Also a very fine building lot of about one acre •adjoiting. 'same on whioh are a large ' up-to-da'te hett- house, garage, good well, _ several fruit trees, also small .fruit, Apply to JAMES I, J'OIl1NSTON, three blocks east of Carnegie Library, Sea'forth. 0 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. Lot 34, concession 3, McKillop, consisting of 100 acres. On the. prem- ises are :'two bank barns, frame 'hous'e with excellent cellar ‘,,and ,a large im- plement house, Eight acres fall wheat and. twenty€,our acres of alfal- fa, Close to town and school. Will 'be sold on easy 'terms or if not sold will be rented for a period of years. For 'further particulars apply on the premises. JAMBS T. SCOTT, 'R,R,2, Seaforth. Phone 31 on 236. 0 SEAFORTII Before you do any buyinirl be sure and visit our store It will save you many dollars. Behind he Front The Laugh Sensation of the year J-lere For FAIRI�A Thursday Friday ' -- Saturday Friday and Saturday Matinees IOC & 15c Evenings 15c & LSC • r �o a Eari • t R 1 NESS PROFESSIONAL A P 5STON L D E CARDS. S. A, Medical, DR, H. 'HUGH''' OSS, ,4ihy icizi and Surgemt.Late of London 'Hos- pital, London, England, Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. . Office ' and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank, Office Picone No: 5; 'Residence ' Phone 106. DR. F, J. BURROWS, Seaforth. Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the Methodist Church: , Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tele'. phone No, 40. .•' DR, C. MACKAY.-C. Mackay, honor graduate . of Trinity- Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member -of the Col- lege of Physicians and 'Surgebnp'pf Ontario. - DR. F. J. R. FORSTER-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in, Medi- mine, University of Toronto 1897. Lite Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, ;Lon- don, England, At Commercial hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each month. from 11 , 3 p,un, visit on Sep`tema:rnber-2Othto, Next Dental. DR. J. A. MUNN • Successor to Dr: R. R. Rose, gradu- ate of Northwestern University, Chi- cago, 311. Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, 'Toronto. Office over Sills' hardware, Main street; • Seafortli, Phone 151. DR. F. J. BECH'ELY, graduate Royal College of 'Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main street, Seaforth. Phones, office 185,W, residence 185J. Auctioneer. . GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for'the County of Huron. - Arrangements can be„made for Sale Date at The Seafortb News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guarantees. • General Fire,, Life,. /Accident & Plutornobile INSURANCE AGENT ' and dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT. THE MCKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co. :'ARM . AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY 0 NL Y, INSURED Officers -Janes Connolly, Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice . President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Dieectors-Wm. Rinn, No, 2, Sea- forth; John Benneweis, Brodhagen; Jamey Evans, Beechwood; ?,i, lLc- Ewen, James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Clinton;Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;' Robert Ferris,Harlocic; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield, Agents-41ex. Leitch, r:r. 1, Clin- ton; E.;Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, r.r. No.. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; ' R. G., Jarmonth, Bornholm. • James Kerr :i and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effectinsurance or trans- act other 'business will be promptly attended to by application t0 any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with :'Baer Cr '" Y osd r are Aspirin -No others! If you don't sec the "Bayer Creaea on the -tabiote, refuse them -they are not Aspirin atall. Insist on genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" plainly stamped with the'sefety "Bayer Croat" -Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteet years and provod. safe : by millions for Headache, Tooth ache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lni`uba o, Colds,. Neuritis, and Pain generally, Handy tin boxes of 19 tablets -also. Larger Bayer" packages. Made in Canada. . Aspirin is the trade mark (registered In Canada,),. of Bayer Manufacture, of Monoacetieacidester of Salicylleaoid. While it its well knewn that Aspirin• means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations,'tho Tablets of Bayer Company, Ltd„ will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." Dyed Her • r Fade• Skirt Also ` Oaf f "Diamond Dyes" Mike Shabby Apparel. Just Like New -So Sasyr Don't worry about perfect restate: Use `Diamond Dyes," guaranteed, to give .. a new, rich, fadeless ' color r to an y fabric. whether silk,linen,cotton or mixboode,- : dres esblu ea, tomk' "e, skirts, children's coats, draperies,---everythingill *A Direction Boole is in package. To match any material, have deal a'Show you "Diernoprj,,Dye" Color Card. 1111