HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-09-16, Page 5• t. • THU12$1 iAY SEPT. 10 19 '1444,It! lei 'I? Iced &'.w a �. C CSM ul�iti •TI EST T i K b E�ETA. 3 BIE , ,... jIJown1opkIi r` 1'.J<MEN'r:AL FirARM. IN w �N Our Prices -for week startingS. .......�.,_..: � .. #or dale o r 1 wn.�,.af,,,-e,�,..a Exparionces' With +Cortaro Wwrletle3 ,14r. t :� C NS,r! yH t Y,a G• YY �• ®vr 5e teinber 17. p Bakl quart jzxs doz. Zl.lfl • g.g Zln'z Rin s dez,' Black Flag flys ra oz. .25� g p Sr' Black Flag 16 oz. ,;;;Te�YY� JO1n Webster and Miss Tavada Rlsrn spent Sunday ru L ick 'Huron. Presbyterial (centre - tionj of the United Church will held their UnitedC' -----`r Lar e sizes in de to order, g P S,,.to 16'' ,Get dour order in early. Small $1ZCS a'iWB. S 1#1 y ,ot ,Celery, Caubage, Corn. Head + Lettnee, Onions and Tomatoes. (c'ontrlYuted brOntario Department or - 1 '�grteulturo,:Toro�to. 3 ariety tests E� V�� BATSMAN The T �, - ✓���� o MP „+„ ;:, , d e 'ate%l1� ;fly, spray .50 annual n r canferenee in Northside •Ijnuted Church. on Se te',n- - StOCI[, CCi7lent' building were conducted at the Experimental Station far Southwest- '■err' /� C `•` ° • 1` V _ 1 -..-•._---, T' ' LOOK IAT THE CUT-Seaforth of Meat you are buying and, see if Very Special Hill TopTea asked' solelyfor P Red and White stores per 1 b 7i berOall, ri,iormzng` session 'beginning at afternoon session at 1130. Mrs. J. A. +McCrae is visiting her . sister, Mrs. William Winston`ipi Cleve- Mand. blocks pigtion "h , troughs, etc. R. FROST &SSON. ( PhOrre 183, ern Ontario on the following: Cab- bage, celery, head lettuce, onions and tomatoes. Celery.—Eighteen strains and ver- o ' W Yer� 1'd®king for your next . • ' t has the color and the appear -y With ever 10 ib, order Yougetaieties y . 14r. -Harry 'Grieve is home from of celery were and four- teen breeding FALL SUIT or OVERCOAT ante of fresh, tender, juicy, whole- self -filling Fountain Pen FREE beef. it if it is Windsor. 'Miss Marioit -Gray, has returned . :; . lots transferred from the Ontario Agricultural College, some pont 'buy string, dry, dark, full of tendons, You get quality cuts herd, 'It is better to a us 'a few cents a pOand`more pay get meat you can eat enjoyably. - This offer for 1 week only. Phone 8 Ross J. ���� � ' MM.i` W. ill, Stewal t Phone �7 ' front spending her vacation to .I,en-, •sill. • ;Miss Esse Derr le—Visiting friends do Toronto. Mr, Waltet Scott left on Wednes- day for Detroit. ' • - Peacli e Cbetrter is IeJ - The conclusions —reached were that in general the old strains of Parte Golden Self Blanching seem to e adapted to. muck' soil condi- tions than the new strains except where celery is grown for summer } New Styles and New Cloths 1 i V V are here now for your �j D. H. , S l l /t1The - I T J 11r ` If its �'r0eeneS We have them. annual conference 'of the 'con- Huron thef sbyta Women's Missionary Society will be We expect a car of p market andimmediatesale, The new, mature quickly, and ns hen w well :when emustr I`. . : held in Presbyl terian oh ot ret Pre.stp Y peaches p blancmore d be soidi.`W or the bre- �+ Q/► g InSpectiOn Phone 58 - Seaforth r -Your -Butcher. cr _ Qr $� Son a Tuesday, September 1st, the after- noon, session commencing at 2 ,p.m. and the evening session a't 7.30 o'clock In about two weeks - - Call eons pithy and therefore inferior, i The strains that 9 proved. 'superior were: Paris Golden-Self-Blanching- Seif-Blanehfng- Every �, Walker Miss Bessie 12'aomurehy, correspond- In your order to Eberle; Eberle; -Paris Golden Self -Blanching, garment loads in our own workshop .• r . • . ing and international secretary- for the council executive Toronto, and • W C. BENNETT, Midgeley; Paris Golden Self -Blanch- Mg,Jerome B. Rice; Paris Golden _ -Self-Blanching UNDERTAKING ,Ret. F: C. Vesey, a returned 'mission- ary from Korea, will be -the special (new type), Viim'orin; East Blanching, Eberle. The last two - JEWELRY speal ei s Tea will be serried in the W111tiirOP strains mentioned —and—' t� _ EMBA.'1VIING -basement of the church at 5.30' for 25c.YP , Telephone 2 234. seemed superior strains of the newer type. The first . mentioned Motor or Horse Equipment. W WALKER, holder of Go-ta;rs,- ,�+1 0r spent hos, 'Raw:ley, of.Port ,Huron, who afete days with firs. sis- Mrs.Nolan and Mrs. J.Cabbage:—Tho on was good for summer as an Duey blanch - cropping crop celery,. ing; 'cro c p every., Diamonds Watches' ' vernment diploma and. license. ' ' .C. Eckert and her brothers -Phillip and Frank Kenny, of Dubiin, has return boa new variety of cab- bage, namely Golden Acre, was teat- Clocks : Emblems Rings etc, M money -saving Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. ed to her Home. Miss Dorothy Kerslake has return- ed from, a month's visit with Toronto and Ottawa friends. -Mr. and Mrs. G. B. borrance r,. G•RUMMETT-HUTON. The horns 0f Mrs. M. Hutton,,Kin- Cardine, was the scene of a pretty ed against such standard varieties as Copenhagen, Early. Express and Early Jersey Wakefield, It was found that the variety Is a round head cabbage and cuts at approximately the same The Special !. IEE •y■ vF II n Milverton y���„ Flour N ,prices. ,_ turned house frau Toronto on Sa•tur- wedding on 'Wednesday, September season as Jersey Wakefield. The 6lsi Er sitwttchrepairin Expert t g 1, l lb NOTICE Having taken the of the day .after a visit with their ilai,g'hter, firs: God•on'Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gi•Ilan, of 8th, when her shiest daughter, Lil- than E., was united. in marri-age' to 'Mr. Joseph B. Grummet, son of Mr. and plants mature very uniformly. How- ever a considerable,variation to the strains Prom different seed firms was shown We Have it—Give it a Tial. Also. _ Service — Satisfaction • J. A.WESTCOTT Watchmaker and Jeweler. Opposite W. A. Crieh's pp over agency late James Cowan for the Farmers Fertili..er Co,, Wingham, I wilt be pleased +fo fill ai! orders of both old and'new customers and give any information within my knowledge ANDREW -ARCHIBALD Box 282, Seaforth, 44W. \Vindsor, 'Mt and ,ALrs. C. Ka'tzmc y- er, Mrs. •Osger, Hamilton, were guests of ,Mr. and Mrs G. Seipducted l4rs. (Rev,) D: C. IIcG'regror, 'bet_ ,ter known is M.'arion Keith, will ibe one of the speakers at the Missionary Conference lit '1CTorthside United / Church on September net. Sessions Mrs. Daniel Grumnteft, Seaforth. S\me A. E 1II et, of Aternow, con - the ceremony. To tele strains of ,Lohengiin•'s wedding march, play- ed b_v Miss +GladyspHutton, the bridal party took fheir laces beneath an arch of ferns and autiumu flowers, in the centre of which hung a large floral The and the variety seems to have a tendency to split quickly after pro- clueing a inarkefable head. A variety named Eberle's Wonderful did very welt under our conditions. Corn. --Varieties of corn were test- ad as` to season of ripening. Of the important. varlet les produced White 'Cory was nine days Ground Screenings ` ;' h �i) of �[i )�1n�$ C. G® TIIOMSON GRAIN DEALER] PHONE F t Ph'. -..e Also Agricultural Lime at 10 a.m, and 1.3b pant. W.tiGolden DIY, and Mrs. Rotheamel, 'of St. white bell bride, who was given away y her brother, Mr. Ben- 'becomingly earlier than Bantam, and Golden Bantam ears 25 ,Catherines, were week end .guests at son Hutton, was gowned produced marketable seventeen days the hone of Mrs. C. McCormack. Mrs, Th'os.:Rawley, of Poet Hurpn, in a Frelf-ch'dress of •biege .georgette, heavily embroidered in gold and before either Stowell's Ever - green or Bantam Evergreen. w•ho spent a few days with her sis- tors, :Mrs. J. (Nolan and -Mrs. C. Eck- art and her brothers Philip shades of brown, with shoes to thatch. An orange Iblossont ibandeau encircled her head. She carried a bouquetdn-of Head Lettuce.—In the bead lettuce tests. three varieties of the cabbage head type seemed well adapted for CEAM The purchasing law on -May Your supervision All our Agriculture. Aim to Send direct as possible. All cream GRADIN of ,Create according to grade became 1st.. ' create graded here by es'perts under Government and, we guarantee you the best of,service. grading is checked by the Department of send -Specials and No. 1 grade cream. t or deliver your cream at least twice a week and as graded as soon as we receive it. - :and in Prank Kenny, of Dublin, has returned to her home. The union services of Northside and Egmondvitle 'congregations were concluded last Sunday evening. The services have been 'splendidly attend- ed and were in every way en unqual- ified success. 'Both con regations will resume their services next Sun- day at 11 a.nt. and 7 p.m. Mr, and ,Mrs, W. -'H. Bullard and iMrs, E. G. Bullard have returned ' from a' two Weeks' motor trip visiting friends in Toronto, Detroit, Niles and Chicago, They were accompanied by Mr. Theo, Bullard, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. ,Murray, Jean Fuld Alfred, who spent 'the vacation at the home of'Miss ,Davi'dson, have re- turned to Pittsburg.riends g. Mrs, W. Mee -Stewart and Miss Neelin were Sarnia visitors. sweet heart roses and maiden -hair fern and wore thea i groom's gift, a g bar -pin pearl setting.- During the'signing -of the register, Mrs. A. E. Miller sang, 0 Perfect Love. After the ceremony a dainty luncheon was served in thea 'dining -room daintily decorated in pink and white. Later the ',appy couple heft for their home in Seaforth, the bride being attired in a blue braided .georgette; coat of 'blonde and .brown mixture velour with sa'b'le collar; hat and shoes to match. The bride received many handsopie and useful gifts -from, friends and relatives. Prior to her -marriage she was nicely remembered by the Young People's Society of Armow Church, and a shower from and neighbors' - the district—namely; Iceberg, Non - Th pareil and.New meat Yorker or Wto bel. The last mentioned proved I to a later strain of this type of lettuce. In the other head types the Way - ahead showed up well., Onions.—Onions were tested on muck soli, Of the varieties tested Southport Yellow Globe and Yellow Globe Danvers seem best adapted when early maturity and total yield !s considered, to the locality. A strain of Spanish onions, Riverside Sweet, Spanish, did well for onions of thls type, Under test at the Department of Horticulture at the Ontario Agri- cultural College, a variety of set onions, Ebenezer; proved most sus - easeful in the production of good, early, mixture onions, Tomatoes.—Some forty-five strains L( �� �� Your Auto Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for ail makes of Batteries. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Now is the time to have your car overhauled Give us a Dail and see how reasonably it can be repaired , and cleaned, Dealer in New and Used Cars, Agent for Chrysler Four and Six Cylinder Cars. ' � grassed Cr Creamery Open Saturday Nights. y, Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont. e Dr. and Mrs. A. ,t, Craig, of Leant- iugton were recent visitors in town. Mrs. hied aurchall and daughter, -of (Brussels, were -guests at the home of the Misses Bine •Mr, and Mrs 'e#pclrew Ingrain, of WM. AUXILIARY. . Phe United Church W. M. Aux, met in the school room, on` Friday, Sept. 10th with a very good crod\^d or varieties of tomatoes were tested out for adaptability for the district. Of the standard varieties good strains of Earliana seem best adapted to the district: FIowever, one never variety gives some promise and should be tested out extensively, The s .� 1_[711 egiter S Garage PHONE 167W. .• i .,... -..--LI-Iamilton, • spent a Few flays in town. Mee (Dr.) Spence and daughter, present. The business part was talecti variety Wayahead produced early • "" "" "" of Detroit; charge of by the vice presiclent, Mrs: fruit of good eoior,and smoothness. are visiting her mother, .Mrs, Tyerntan, after which .Mrs. Cric11 For main crop for canning purposes • T�-(A G: Sparks, - lir, and \its.'Wei.int Son,ot'ville. presided. The meeting was in charge of Circle No. 5. IMrss ,i, Somerville John Baer ,and Bonney Best showed up well•aithough two varieties, name- O T CAFE SYIt1� n of Toronto, spent a few days in town. 'Mee, 3', R. Ha'hldrlt is visiting iter sister, l'lrs..\V, Hogg, to Stratford. gave a reading on "Christian Stew- ardship" followed by prayer by :Mrs, Lane. Poore by Miss ly Reeves' Seedling and Netw Red Head, gave excellent promise in this regard. A striking fact was brought eLASSES NOW IN SESSION - REGULAR DIN1dPER 40C Meals and Quick "Lunches avail hours Prompt Service - BISSET S ICE CREAM • Sodas, Soft Drinks, Chocolate Bars, Cigarettes, etc. PERCY HOWE E Prop. ' \-... Miss ?Margaret l3roatitoot and Miss Gra Ar tv. t�hn are n11 t ' !fi .or'_t,�'°.., heir way to Detroit to train in the Ford hospital, are guests at the hone of 'Mrs J. H. Broadfoot. Mrs,J. H. Hodgins Mrs. Williams, M and Mrs. W. Williams and Miss dcEachern,.oF Toronto, were guests at the home of errs. I. T. DeLacey on their way to 'the Vanstone,:Mc- Eacheru wedding in Wingham. iMrs. James'McIntosh is visiting,form friends in Sarnia. "--R. prepared Alutlr Somerville on the stud boo Y �i "New days iii old India' ,fere read by three ladies of the circle Miss S. Govenlock gave an interesting read- ing on "Christian Living" and we were also favored with piano duet by Hisses Mau Farber ,and Jean Frost. The sectional branch meeting will be held in United Church, Ties- day,Sept. 21st. .Mie. McGregor, of Lndon, will be the speaker. ut In tri teal% Varieties showed JSgh mfterenartailrc when procured from different sources. Most particularly in Bonny Best some strains showed mucic superior to others. Breeding material was transferred from the College to the Experimental Station and tests of the strains were made. Second generation crosses of 'cucumbers ,;ere grown both of pick- ling and slicing, types and promising early strains will he found. The most extensive work was done, Courses: Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, Complete Office Training, Telegraphic. ; • Our individual instuction makes it possible for; students to enter at any time. Write for free catalogue. @ENTRAL BUSINESS 00*LEG , STRATFORD1, ONTARIO `, Amalgamated with McLachlan Business College. F. LUMSDEN, B. A. Principal t+rY••,r ' �� ,lir. and IMrs. G. Handley, of Lon- 'week r, in tomatoes of the John however, ,-- --�""— ie, - ' don were -end guests at the Baer-F7arllana "Canadian." djOU B, H. McInnes IL hone of Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Genmiell• HILLSGREEN. mfr. Mrs. yr, Pethick have hundrcrossed Some seven hundred plants of this ,C ilea FORSALE and re- corned grafi, Detroit to reside in Sea- Mr. Lloyd \lchride and sislcr'Rcta forth. ' Blake; at the home variety. were grown and individual recoids of each plant kept. Sono „ „ , _. , Chiropractor Of Wingha•m, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and .Thursday After- The Geor,'e Hill Blacksmith Ss Sifbp, •repair and woodwork of was visiting �Mr. 'W: •Greig has 'returned front of Mr.. has, Stephenson on Sunday. n g the summer at a hospital in i\dission Band will be held next smile Philadelphia. Sunday 'a iter 'the service. 1Vdl alt thirty-five selections were made plant!@ from the plants 00 best type. A care• fol consideration of earliness, yield, color and smoothness was made. „ h ne Parser Shoe Shine - moons in future, Diseases of all all kinds success- fully. treated. Electricity used. shop and dwelling house in E - g mondville, One of : the best stands in the district, Electric Mr, T. Gillespie, .of •C•hicag'o, is the girls try to be present, spending a couple of weeks' vacation Mr. Andre leant is suffering from. telt his parents, lift, and Mrs. Neil severe burns, which he received last Gillespie. Thursday when his house and con- ll r. "ansi Mrs, .E. •L.:Bos and .chit- tents were destroyed by fire. Andrew These progeny lots will bo tested in 1925. As an early variety the "Cana- than" did exceedingly well.. The ear- hest plants produced fruit as early �..0T1 1 have installed aShOe shine. ° parlor, All colored shoes dyed, cleaned or shined. - ` s . Fruitssupplies {(�]nd h ,` Rl e q et� At::all prices to meet your • j RHUBARBwood, RADISHES S GREEN ONIONS SPINACH' l e s nee"de light, motor 'power, complete equipment. Stock i of .general on hand. Wi1.l be sold ata reasonable price, Owner' forced to retire on, account of il'f-health. .Immediateto posses- sion. Also -barn 30x20 with ad- did. 15x30, ti;nbei• frame, and a'yuiantity of lumber, oalc, bass- etc., dank, P .' ca„tling, etc, a 40 gal, tank witht'a1 • ' p' Alsoored dren spent the week -end at London.' went into the hoose to try and save 'Mrs. Clem. Colbert, of London, is some things for which his hands and visiting her iaren'ts,,Mr. atui Mrs, A. 'face are badly berated. is at pres- 1 Barton; ent in Clinton hospital. Much syn,- ldr,.and Mrs. Luther Robbins, who pathy is extended '10 him througl, hie have been spending several weeks at loss. the borne `of Mrs. RoBbin's sister, (Intended Fur fast week.) tMrs. P. M. Chesney, have •returned i11'. and .Mrs, Ro'lit. Stephenson iRpchesler, . have returned home after spentlittg �[ts. J. A. linen is vision at her two weeks visiting their son in 8 home in St. Catherines. Walkerton. and Mrs, E. L. Thomson have Mr anti Vets A. loges, .of Varna. Mt ,R returned after spending their holidays acre caliin.g 0n Mrs, E. Troyer 0" in Chicago and ,Kitchener. Sunday. l4i•. and ,Mrs. Baxter a ud �Mr, and The, many friends of Mrs. R. Ste- Mrs. R. "IL, -'Thomson and baby mot- phenson, mother of -Mr. Chas. Steph- 'to 'Woodstock on Sunday. ens0n;• will be sorry 'to -hear she is as Earilana and the quality and ytefsl were much superior. It is expected that in the new test lots uro•e urri-' •He for meat y strains win be found: An experiment was conducted to determine the relative value of. ma nure and commercial fertiliser in cucumber and melon growing and whether or not as good results could be obtained from the use of manure along the row ot•1n the hill, as when manure was broadcasted, The results Indicate that manure is essential in the lroduetton of good. crops, but that as good results uta;; be' obtained when manure is placed along the row or in .the hill as where D 'elle •11 while First class re ' a` you wait. Dress well by keeping your shoes in good repair. Ail kinds polishes, laces; etC Button Hooks Free �} p gp� FRED BARLO YP' SEAFORTH ! Two doors south of Beattie% VarietyStore ' g Ladies' will be �j® Dennison Barber (Successors to Son) at the ! ,�j� �p Pullman Shop W. W. Robin - TABLE RAISINS HEAD. LETTUCE Inspection invited. Phone or call Mrs. Elroy Mackie and daughter very ill et present, oave guests'Hudson, who was at tile, !Hazel home 'a few holidaying with it is broadcasted with a very great saving of manure. -. E� try Tuesday CEL ERY CAULIFLOWERS for appointment., A. D. SUTHERLAND;, ',TOMATOESid of 'Mr. Mrs.t Wilt lospending clays re Scott,,I g returned to their home in`Warlcw rth her cousin, Miss +Martha ,Carlile, has on Monday.0 returnecTshoiic: '. Laithwaite, of 'Goderich, was Free°access to water or watering cows three tititos a day will increase the from dairying. Requisite on the Farmt.—Every far- °ler and stock -raiser should keep a of -Dr. Thomas' tric Oil sis i —,.,,,__,__ Phone 12.5 for appointments ” SHELLED- ALIVIONDS Per lb ■ REAL ESTATE, Seaforth Seaforth Phone 152' Do not all0,w wornas..fd sapthe, vi•. a guest at -the home of 'I'. c' •Carlile tality of your children. IF not attend- 00 Sunday. cel to, worms may work irreparableMiss•''Eileen Turner has returned to Y r r bane to the in: Seaforth to •the Cohlegia'te, profits wittier Many people have as idea that sheep are hard to raise:' They 1e-' quire no more core than oilier classes ai r ready ,on 'hand, not only as a reatly.re it. for ills in the 'family; but because it is a horse and cattle medicine of great potency. .'1s a substitute far sweet - Specialist in iviarcelling, , shampooing and T Philhps. constitution of the Fant. The itLtlesufferet`s cannot voice Miss Margaret Gtieswe ha, returned by which Soothers '-are made a,vare to 15.S. No. 7 as teacher for the cot- of stock. -It farmers would give steep ,oil the care and attention that they give for •+Itorses •attd cattle affected by •COlic far surpasses anything that can hair cutting. hair ■that Want and For Sale ads, l -,week 25c, a dose -of Miller's Worm Powd= lug year: 'ors is necessary, other stck; few tarots woa>id be rer- sting without them,, pc aclniin stercd..-