HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-09-16, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 48. SEAFORTH ONTARIO, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 16 1926, ISSUE No, 37. Dinners and Suppers Regularly Hot Lunches al . all hours OUR HOMEMADE ' SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant KINCARDINE MEATS Try them 'a fear times aid see the difference in their favor QUICK WASH TABLETS are "Eausing a sensation. NEW ENGLAND 'HAM inade at Kincardine .... 30c 4b. LEAD PENCILS. - A good soft lead pencil $ 2 r 3 for c -... o .. c . „Rubber -tipped, regular 5c for 2 4c SCHOOL BAGS, worth $1.00 for 67c PEN -HOLDERS with rubbe r or ' •cork grip .... . , .. 10c -for 'Sc SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN INK - 15c for 10c EXAMINATION PADS with blotter 5c FLY CATCHERS (to hang up) 25c per dpz VINEGAR XXX by 'beat manufac- turers per gal 50c I•f you desire a cheaper or cold- er vinegar all you need is to dilute: with water to meet any taste or price. ' We . have '...hid complaint of our vinegar 'being too strong PURE PICKLING SPICES We* • have then, at correct prices. Cheese, choice old 30c Cheese, choice . new 25c F. D HUTCHISON.` Phone 166 Phonefor•. Food, TRAVELLERS' SAMPLES BARGAINS in. LADIES' SHOES Regular '$6:00 and $6,50 All the new Fall 'Styles at $3.95. MEN'S SAMPLE OXFORDS Values up to $7.00•: Fall Styles Now $4.75 CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church,;.Smtday, Sept. 19th. Pastor, 'Rev,,W. P. Lane, B.A.,will preach both morning and evening. Morning—Subject, The Su- premacy of Love. Evening—Things Straight and 'crooked. A cordial in- vitation is- extended to -worship with -MANLEY. The many.frieuds of Mrs. T.honsa's Murray are sorry 'to learn that she had to go to London 'to undergo an operation ,for, appendicitis, but (tope on her return she will be improved to her usual health,: 'Mr, Jos. Kenny,' of Detill it; 3Siss Helen Dantzer and Miss Helen Kenny. of Dublin, were li,si ors 'm our/burg last 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Murray. an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter. Nora, to Mr. Jos. Maloney, of Beechwoodr the -marriage to take place the 'las't. of September, Mrs. Finnigan, of New York, is amongst us at present o attend the t t t t sale of her father's estate on the 16th inst, known as the late Con Stcur- nagle's 'hone: •Mfr, and Mrs, C. Eckart called .on their daughters, Mrs, W. Manley and Mrs. Thos. McKay last Sunday.- Now than the smoke of the election has passed' away and : that the King. government has been sustained stronger than a year ago it i; to be hoped that the two parties will co- operate for .the good' of Canada at d that goodwill will exist amongst t '1 parties. All Night 'with Asthma. Everyone. knows how attacks of asthma often keep their victims awake the .whole night long. Morning finds nim whol- ly unfitted for a 'day of ibusainess; and yet, (business must still 'be' carried thrlough. All this nightsuffering and tack of rest can be avoided' by the prompt , use of. Dr, J. D. 'Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, which positively does drive away the attacks. ,, THE ELECTION. Mr, rflhomas McMillan,`,1 Liberal, was re-elected for lSouth I-Iuron by a majority of 1144 ov ' Andrew Hicks, Conservative, according to the official r'etturns. The poll was nearly' 1000 less than last year., OFFICIAL: MAJORITIES, Hicks McrMfiltan Clinteai ... 109 Godcrich twp. ., 177. Exeter , 239 Bayfield ,. 98 Tucker smith , 1 332 Stanley Seaforth ;Hensall Hullett McKillop Stephen ,,.,... 43 156 26 ' 514 275 288 127 Net wilds'. for .McMillan -1,144. 5. HURON, SEPT. 14, 1926. GOD•E'RICH TWP, Hicks. IvMcMillan. No, 1 , M 129 " 56 No. 2 90 48 No 3,-,; . 98 81 No. 4 , 82 31. iNo, 5 73 i 74 No. 6 51 49 .523.• '339 • . TUCKER'SAfIPH. No. 1 63 112 ,No. 2 ... .. , 72 103 No. 3 29 94 go. 4 43 126 No. 5 . 51 No. 6 '303 HENSAL'L. No. 1 106 No. 2 84 No. 1 2 - No. No. 3 No,4 190 Ct 1 N'TON. 144 171 148 143 606 EXETER No, 1 198 No. 2 175 No 3 ,.,.......146 No, 4 . 64 583 STEPHEN. No. 1.,... ... ..138 No. 2 67 No, 3 74 No. 4 64 No. 5 '37 No: 6 .,,,,,: 89 No. 7 35 No. S 66 • No. 9 59 111 101 4547 100 116 216 114 143 142 98 497 65 129 1'14 36 344' 49 40 94 141 90 131 78 '41 630 756 USBORNE. v No. 1 79 41 No, 2 - 36 77 No. 3 29 88 No. 4 39 7.4 No. 5 ..,... ,., 75 53 3137W6RTH F7LLF73'I Thursday &�r1da Seta 23& 2/1,1926 Live Stock, Poultry, Roots and Vegetables, Fruit and Flowers, Ladies' Work, Fine Arts„ School Children's Exhibit, Etc: Special Attractions , Horse Races, Foot Races, Team Pulling Contest, Relay,Horse Race, Fastest Walking' Teams, Baby Contest, Etc. School Children'sParade and Drill Music by Seaforth Highlander's Band. Admission - - Adults 25c; Children 15c, Autos 25c. School Children admitted free. FAIR NIGHT GTRDNO'S OPERAS HALL THE BRUNSWICK TRIO assisted by a Famous Dancer MUSIC -SONO -COMEDY Admission - All Seats 50c, Children. ' 25et SEAFORTH AGGRICULTURAL SOCIETY' 1 Dr, Harburn, Pres. A. D, Sutherland, Secy, Treas. Prize Lists may be had from the* Secretary. awe 49o, 6 65' No. 7 ...... ,. 79 21' 54 402'}. 408. HAY.. No. 1 , .. 38 61 No. 2 22 81 No. 3 ... . 97 186 No, 4 61 156 No. 5 ,,,. 15 89 No. 6 61 123 - No. 7 , 22 56 No. $ .. 15 93 , 331 845 SEAFO,RT'H No, 1 , . • . 64 122 No, 2 ., 85 114. No: 3 No. 4 55 85 No: 5 75 ° 51 No. 6 75 86 414 , ,570 ,McKILLO°P, No, 1 18 No. 4° 115 292 BAYFhELD, . No. 1 154 , STANLEY. 173 165 146 .580 56 No. 1 32 66 No. 2 31 80 No. 3' 38 67 No. 4 167 , 48 ,No, 5 76 23. No, 6 . _ 52 85 No::7 3 ' 73 The above figures for Stanley do not agree with the official figures which give a majority for McMillan o1 43 in the township. HULLETT` No. 1 37 147 No. 2 ...... 84 123 No, 3 , , , 66 41 No. 4 78 113 No. '5 'Nei 6 ,........ 56 99 No,7. • .Majority for McAfillan,in township, 275. N, HURON SUMMARY. Majorities in mtinicipalities: \facEwa n King. ing. Wing -ham .o ..,..... ,..,127 - Wawanosh ' . 31 200 34 6 402 Turnberry{ Wroxeter ..... Brussels , Grey Goderith ti93 Blyth 88 Aslifieid. E. Wawanosh ;Morris Colborne Tot majorities 908 1Maj, for Ding, 276, with township to hear front, 170 136 143 62 1184 Howiek • LIONS MEET At a well attended meeting of the Lions Club held in the Commercial Hotel last Thursday evening the bi- monthly meetings were resumed. Lion Keating' occupied the chair and Tail Twister Frank Sills was in fine form. After luncheon reports were received from the various committees on the work undertaken so far. A vote of thanks was given .Lion Chas. P. Silts for the efficient manner in which the tattoo was put on andregret was expressed that the weather man was so tirtkind to us on that occasion. Lion 5. Wesley Beattie reported the work done an'd completed on the old town dump, which retires this eyesore from the public gaze. Lion Dr, Mac- kay presented the Lions Clu''b with the brick cottagc and half/ acre of land adjoining the swimming •pool for Which he receives the unstinted thanks and praise of his fellow mem- bers . Given time, the Lions Park will be the real beauty spot of the Huron highway. Plans were :laid for future work and the meeting adjourn- ed. WEST HURON TEACHERS The 'West Huron ':Teachers' con- vention will be held in 'Goderich, Oct. 14th and. 15th. It was proposed' at the lash •conveption to visit the Wind- sor schools this year but owing to the department's ruling regarding the use. 'of our accuntnttilate'd funds the exe- cutive thought .better to wait for an- other year in order to have the nat- ter discussed .more fully. ALMA. \ e. Mr. and Mrs, C. Barrows, of Lead - bury, visited at Mr, J. Bennett's last week Mr, and Mrs. Bert Irwin, of To- itinit0, spent the week. end here. ,Mr, and Mrs. A1,bert'Rolbinson, Mr. Will Robinsbn, of St. iCatherines, and Mrs. Gregory, of.Calgary/ were guests on Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Phillips spent Sunday with friends at. Auburn, The majority of, •fanners in our vicinity have finished threshing and Many have their .fall wheat sown, BRUCEFIELD. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. was' held.hi the church, Wednesday, September 8th, with a small attend- ance of thirteen. Mrs. Johnston pre- sided. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 276, after which Mrs. Rat'tenibury 'led in prayer. Several items of business were discussed. Miss Anpa Haugh resigned as press- dent of the Mission Band and Mrs. Bremner was a'ppointed in her place. The topic prayer and missionaries were read .by'ivirs. Brock, after which 'several cjuestions and answers were given on the topic. -.Mrs. '7apfe re- signed as treasurer for missions and Nrs. Scott was appointed. We are sorry to lose 1frs.Zapfe from our midst, but our best wishes go with them to their new home, Hymn 283 was sung and Mrs. Johnston closed the meeting with the Lords prayer: M•Iiss. Jean Sparks o6 Hamilton and Mr. Lloyd 'Bullock of Windsor spent the week at the Monte of Mr, and Mrs. David Tough. 11rs. Walter .Stevens spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Bath - well at Varna. -' Airs. Wm. McKenzie is spending a fewdays at the home of her sister, Miss Jean Murdock. - Mr. and Mrs, 14.y N. Douglas and their two daughters, Gladys and Mar- garet, spent Sunday at -the. 'home of tivMr, and Mrs. Witt. Douglas. ddiss Laura Swan, 'Toronto, is vis- iting her is-iting;her parents here. ,Mr. and Mrs. T. Wheeler and daug- hter Viola are visiting friends in De- troit. - Horticultural Flower Show. -The first flower show of the Brucefietcl Horticultural Society' was . held on Tuesday, Sept. 7th, both afternoon and evening. The exhibits were all beautiful and very numerous surpass- ing all expectations. The asters, es- pecially, were wonderful. A silver co•l'iection was taken at the door to defray expenses and the choir girls made over $30 serking,tea. Following are a list of the prize winners: Coll- ection of glads., -Mary McNaughton, 'Mfrs. J. Thompson, Anna Caldwell, Six glads., Mary McNaughton, Mrs. J. Addison. Display of asters, Mrs. C. G .Armour, Mrs. W. Nesbitt, Mrs. D. hotheringhant. She asters, Mrs, D. Fotherirgham, Mrs ,rC. G. Armour, Janet Aikenhead. Display of dahlias, Mrs. J. Thompson (1 and 2), Mrs. H. Dayman. Six dahlias, Mrs. J. Thomp- son, Mrs. D, Fotheringharn, 'Mrs. 5. Kitchen. Display - of annuals, Janet Aikehhead, Hazel 'Haugh, Eleanor Snider. Display of perennials, Mrs. J. McQueen, Mrs. C. G. Armour, Mary McNaughton. Potted Plants, Mrs. A• Scott, ,Mrs J. Addison, Tu- berous begonias, 'Mrs J. Addison, Mrs. W. Stackhouse, Mrs. H. Mc- Lachlan. Home display, Mrs. J. Ad- dison, -Mrs. A. McQueen, .Miss Marks. What ntigtlt hat•e:heen a very seri- ous accident occurred on the London road south of Bruccfield Sunday when Misses' Mary Stewart and Janet Aikenhead were walking to church. The girls were meeting a car and were well on their own side of the road 'when a car driven by a man from London came from behind. He hit both girls.,picking Miss Stewart and 'carrying her for a short distance On the fender. before able to stop. Fortunately she landed so that the wheel just ran over her cpat and was not seriously injured. 'The driver of the car did not blow his horn and had thought he would meet the car and then turn out and pass the girls. On Monday evening last about 20 girl friend of Miss Gladys Addison gathered at her home to spend the evening with her 'before she left to train for a nurse in Orillia. Avery pleasant evening was spent in games. and music. Just before lunch, Gladys was presented with a doll dressed as a nurse in handkerchiefs and Aith a small suitcase full of handker'fhiefs. Her many friends are sorry to lose her but all wish her the best success in her new work, Drs S. Banks Nelson One of Anserica's fore- most lecturers will be at Cardno's Hall on Thurs. Oct. 11h, 1926 at 8 p. nn. Particulars next week. c. W. L. Sale o1 Home made Cooking and Candy commencing at 3 p. m: on - Friday Sept. 17th in the vacant store on Main St. opposite'Daly's Garage. The Pocket Watch Always very dependable and most .reliable where perfect time is required. An actual necessity in these days when time is of so much importance and so valu- able. In fact a good watch is a real economy, for it saves its price many times each year. We sell the dependable timne- i keepers, The `15 -jewel .gold filled. SAVAU•GE SPECIAL at $15.00 is a wonderful value. I. Expert Watch Repairing " The', Wrist Watch The Wrist Watch is not a shatter, of style or a fad but is a real convenience. Ladies 'have been quick to appreciate this fact, Men are seeing the value and convenience of .a wrist watch. Many -men wear both pocket and wrist watch. We are carrying a splendid line in both Ladies' and 'Gents' Wrist Watches and the prices are sur- prisingly low. Gents' Wrist Watch, $8,OO up Ladies' Wrist Watches $10.00 up and every watch positively guaranteed. Fred. S. Savauge Jeweler & Optometrist Opposite Post Office Phones 104 Res. 10 Prompt Service - LONDESBORO. Mss' Gertie Roberton returned to Torefn•to bra Monday after spending two weeks at her home here, We are pleased to hear Mr. Har- old Adapts is able to be about again after suffering for a few weeks with blood poisoning., Mr. . Chas. Weaver returned to To- ronto on Monday after spending a week with friends here Mfrs. (Dr.) Gray returned to her home at \Valkervilie on Friday last after visiting sit for o a .couple e f v g a weeks at pSEA 0 T1-1, the manse • . DON'T FORGET THE FALL FAIR NIGHT IN G. W. V. A. Hall A large number trout around' the 011 FridaySept. 24th village intend taking in the Exhibition l a London this week. �Hogg's 3 piece Orchestra The Ladies' Aid of Knox church will provide the music. held a ten cent 'tea at 'Mrs. John t Nott's on Tuesday last with a large t A good time is guaranteed attendance, People from all- over 'Western Mr. Wnt. Moon returned hone Ontario will: be there so from Tomato on Monday evening. iCome and meet them. • A quite wedding was solemnized Admissionin Winnipeg when .Miss Belle M. Ro- t l.uij per couple berton ,became the •bride of Mr, H. I. extra lady 50c Tax included. Ruddell The young people will re- side there where the .groom is in busi- ness. �� tress. ..•. Our first Shipment of Winler Coals is Here Blue cheviots' and Whitneys Prices •• $20.00, $22.00, $25.00 Secure yours while stock is complete. See these Coats in an r event. Best Material, full lined, neatly tailored. Do not crowd us with your fall suit this season but: have your selection made at once and your name on the order book at the earliest possible mon-sent. R. E. BRIGHT Dress Well and Succeed Tailoring awed llaberdaehery Phone 42