HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-08-19, Page 8IIENSALL.
Mrs. Mew, of Godetill visited her
niece Mass M. Ellis on „fihursday.
Mrs. Frei) St allacombe and daugh-
; J
can and Miss Verna Reid, who
stave been 'visiting- Miss Mettle Ellis,
for $cute weeks,: returned 10 'Guelphs
on, Monday.,
ortoi{, of Detroit,' visited
+in Berk lI,
over the week end at his home hers:
Mr stint! Mrs.' A, 'L. Case are visit-
ing relatives' in •Detroit,
a .couple;l'of weeks with relatives in
Mr, John 'Carmichael of Detroit,
visited over the week end at his'home
Ivirs. Lcn Simpson,_\Miss Mae Sim -
•pion and Mr, William Simpson of
'Detroit, are visiting relatives in town`
this week,
Miss Gladys Slay of Sarnia and
Miss Catherine Sells of London vis-
ited over the -week end With Miss
Greta L smnsie,
The services d h
n' the United whirr c
011 Sunday last. were largely attended,'
'both morning and evening. Rev.,
'Mr, Pybus occupied the pulpit.
'At the morning service iviiss Greta
Lemanie played a violin solo', accom-
panied by 'Miss Sells on the organ,
and at the evening service Miss Slay,
and :Miss Lamntie sang a duet ac-
companied by Miss Sells .bn the
'organ, Next Sunday Rev 'Mr. Sin-
clair will occupy his awn pulpit in
h Iluited cI • h.
Miss \t' A Hoggarth is visiting for
t e
Mrs. 'Hawthorne and children, of
London, visited the latter part of thehe leaves to mourn her loss two
week with lir, and firs, (. S. Hud- daughters, Catherine and Phyllis, and
son, bber. f one sister. M. George Hedclen, of
1I • and lora, _Men tie of Catherinea. M Porn 1
dressed" by Mr. .Andrew . Hicks, the
Conservative candidate, arid. Mr,
Henry Eilber, ex -M P.P., of Creditors:
A •ttunber of other meetings -through
the riling' area Also being arrastged'
Mr. ,and Mrs. 'W n. •Consltt, of De
•troit, called on Mrs. and. Miss Con
Mrs, srtt,+
Mr , i4L 'Wilson is spending a
couple of weeks with friends .in
Vis ghans. De -
Mr,' and Mrs, Bert White, of
trort, spent Sunday at a Mr, and Mrs,
Wm. White's.
Mr. Wm, 'Hothem, of Manitoba,
spent a day or two in ;the
guest of Mrs, and'luliss Consitt;.
Mr, and Mrs, Jahn Coleman 'andfa'anily, of London, and Mr. and 'Mrs.
Frank Colean, of Stratford, visited
at the trona of their grandtnother,
Mrs. Consit,t,
Death of Mrs, Frank Case.. .There,
died in St, Catherines on Tharsday
afternoon, Emma Rochmel, beloved
wife of 'Frank Case, formerly of lien
Sall and •the London road, ;.Mrs, Case
was born in Dashwood 41 years ago
anti resided there till her, marriage to
Mr, Case when they moved to the
Case farm on the London road Where
they resided for some years, After
selling their farm they resided -in
Hensall for some time,- after which
they moved to St. Catharines. S
went to heal tis ,well as ever and on
arising Thursday morning she coni-
plainecl of pains in her head and ,soon
became unconscious from which -.she
t,ever 'rallied. Besides her husband,
former of 'f3ease ,
end tcvo brothers, \'Vm. and Russell
t' ,chmel, of fort Huron. The fun -
London, visited' on Thursday with re-
lathes in town. White returned
11r, and Mrs, \\`.nr. \ al was held on Saturday afternoon,
'bottle 00 Saturday after a very pleas- eial was h l oeing at at, aierfter and
ant visit with relatives in Load°n' she floral tributes from friends were
Windsor, Detroit and other parts of very beautiful. Among those who at-
DeathA4.testded the .funeral from a distance
of Wm. John Howard, were Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Case, of Port
Hensel' is called on again this week C,elhorne; Mr. Nelson Case and Mr,
to mourn the loss of another .14 its earl Flcdelen of Massachusetts; Mr,
citizens in the person of :MT. \Vm, Russel Rochntel, of Port Huron; Mr.
Howard, who died on Saturday last.
and Mrs. Lee Heddeu and Verne
3tlr. Howard was horn ars age'dale, Nedrlhn, of ilensall.
Township of Hos, O5 years ago, be -of
lug the eldest ,Mr, \\'nt McLean, .,f .rhe Bank eldest inn of late John\luntrcal here, has been transferred
Howard. Ho lived on the farm at tr the Bank ,f Montreal, London. 'Urvsdirie all his life up to two years Mrs, R•,y \\'hire, of London, is vis-
age. When they .old the farm and it.nc In"'parents here.
moved ie Drar. n l, where they Mrs. I . E. Sullins, of Detroit, is
]n•c,l one :ear, after which they rifting• her parents; fir. and Detroit,
m s
-1 to iter sail. purchasing, the re- i e h ,,i herrn.
dencc of Mr John Stracy on youth Mr. and. Mrs. Alger Brown anti, an anthrax carcass
Richmond tree= \[t. Howard never Virginia Brown. of Oxford, \iioh., i plied with d thenew Minister of
r cd but lived with ore brother { tl If.dna Watson. of Iloily, h d d t 1` other re inarian do the
The Mounted Police were te-
Mr, Thos. IairservICe and 'Miss
Beatrice motored to Lo» don on Mon-
The trustees of R -t S. iso`, 5 have
engaged 'Miss L. Parrot, of near
Mr. and Mrs. .Waish,'of Belgrave,;
visited friends-in'th,e village last weel5
Mr. Jas. McCray won ;:the highest
nsarks,on.'.the entrance papers' at
Blyth -school mid was presented wish
A lovely fountain pen presented by'
the. Women's Institute of that brig
"Congratulations Jim." •
Mr.s, John Grainger and Miss
Gladys spent Thursday, in Asrburn
the guests of Mrs. Sphul:
Mr. Hugh and Master Lloyd >Ross,
of Detroit, are visiting in the vicinity.
The 'following took in Ole home
seekers' excursion, Misses Esther,
Olive and May Lyon,
Miss Mamie Ross entertained a
number of her friends on Thursday
evening last, All report a/splendid
1N1r. Alex. Wells made -a business
trip to Stratford on,Monelay.
Mist ivlary Little, of ]Loudon; is
spending, ler ,holidays at the +hoine of
doer, parents' here.
fish's. .James' Jamiesga has -been
spending a week with relat'ives,in
Miss Ruth Hugill visited her friend,
Miss Edna Cook, a few days this -
Mr, C. Sutherland spent Sunday
with friends in. Grand Bend.
Miss Grace.•Gibb'ngs, of Clinton,
spent a few days last 'week with
friends •here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Moon and daugh-
ter, of Lonclesboro,' spent Sunday
i Hay Mat Be
mouldy 5na•s'a' /clever E 1 Slay
Poisanous— Ali ea icrstnncli3tg of
Process May. AYet't Loss:
Contributed b)' Ontario Department of
ACrtculturr.; Toronto.)
web sea -son a. number oP animals
are<, los{ ibroogb ,anthrax. S
losads d,t+e n gedrelinary losses as there
is' always the: hidden danger 'lurking
in the pasture waiting the -coming:-
of the uususp;ecting.''victtm. Anthrax
fields are always a menace", the spores
are there on the grass or :.in the,
Infection -by way of the digestive
'tract through taktng food'and water,
iias been '•considered the most com-
mon means of the organism reaching
its host. Horse hies, horn dis and
have bean- •credited'
with being common carriers: A small
akin' wound may prove -a source
The Nature'of Anthrax.
Anthrax Is caused by bacillus an-
thracis,,it is an acute, febrile disease
affecting particularly eattie, horses,
and sheep -dogs and chickens seem to
be immune. The disease is charac-
terized by hemorrhagic infiltrations
of "sub -cutaneous tissue and engorge-
ment ot.the spleen.
The worst forms are niet with 3n
Ottawa, Aug, 17.—The new Con-
servative Government • has lost, no
tour in commencing a thorough
clean-up of the cusNoma sere to
is carrying out fully the recoanmend-
s;tions of the special committee that,
investigated the smuggling situation,
:old is even going beyond'those pro
aioal swellings about the chest or.
Before the departure of Hon Tx, T3• throat -
Stevens for the West the recons- Postanottem.
mendations regarding the removai
from the service of officials who had Be careful, more than one human
Lien derelict in their duty were cons- being has lost his late messing with
t an _ \ Let the veter-
post mortem, he under -
alcor>, sad stir \frs, English Mich., \. tu•rT Mr. and Mrs. irrc+l'Cnr t .rms.
Mr. • Tlroinas Brown, auctioneer,
has received ,instructions to' sell by
public auction on Saturday,' August
21'st, 1926, commencing at 2 .o'clock
p.pi at Mrs Robert Forrest's resid
?ice •'gnsonclkillSwy,luahlE„ llojtSS_'
'hold furniture, consisting •-Qt din ng
and living ,roont�ftrnittire, `,bedroom.
suites, rugs, dishes, °etc„ 'also an ex-
tension ladder and other useful
,Germs, cash,
T. Brown, +auctioneer; tMr
Forrest, .proprietress.
13 first- class little pigs for
ready, to wean. A. D. ARMSTRONG,
phone 170r33, Seaforth, • 33
cattle and sheep, in these the attacks
are severe and sudden. There is a
loss of appetite, ,breathing is rapid
and difficult, usually a discharge
from the mouth and nose. Affected
animals tremble violently, stagger
and fall in convulsions, passing out
in a few Hours. In the less severe
types swellingsagpear on the SLIT -
face of the body, these are oedematous
at dt'st but become doughy In tex-
tuee before becoming gangrenous.
With horses the symptoms are often
quite obscure and are manifest only
by severe attacks of coli and drop -
t'ustnnae a undertaken a • l) stands the. dangers and protects him
to . oun patrolself against Sntetieu.
Some tine. ago Mr. Howard was ;,,et saes family last taeele ,fored to the border and steps
s chc.t; vrtts 1 tangier and despite were taken for - the establishment of Control.
the best medical skill and nursing. it VARNA, t competent secret service Treatment Is not succesaful, owing
finally sapped hie life away. He tf',s :liiaie Foote, of Fsrtcnia h+>�-{ . Now, the Government •iras gone' to -the rapid fatal course of the dis-'
'leaves tit neaten Isis loss three broth. : ti T Annie i. . i \aug a Few , further and has taken action looking ease. In anthrax localities, as soon
ens and four sisters, Henry and Mrs 1'1`0!. cad her ', a Per at the ctrl to a complete re -organization •of the as a case of anthrax is suspected, all
English at hone, Mrs. Ravelle of v tl whole Customs and Excise Depart- remgining animals should be trane-
id hind, '.airs. Pollock of Ripley, liomestta ment based upon a thorough ,survey (erred to. another pasture or stable
Grand ltev, tie, K Inti}, „f Auyfiel+l, gave and vaccinated or treated with an
1 the service. A committee has
n, re George nt z .Phase .treatments'
Mrs. n i of Calgary, s very interesting address to INCthisthrax a$greaS
t [ he. I been INCfir of
make sort cy modern trained
i rr
s .ods tlied
Exeter awl 1 lac r nunitre f the Order of Biaei can be app by
funeral took place to Monday aThr Knight in the T'nited chtuch Sunday.
and he firm of expert ntarYresee_ veterinarians they are effective and
neon. the Bayfield cemetery. The 1'1, mute mrisusis of Miss Fdytlt who assisted the parliamentary com-
er fie were conducted by the Rev. friends
sorry to know she h t
1 have a nice 'high school girl
rooming. Would like another to
room with her. 5 minutes walk to
the high school. Apply to Seaforth,
News Office. •• 33
Rooms ifor. girls. Convenient to the
Collegiate. Apply tili The 'News Of-
Choice 100 acre farm, lot 1, con, 4,
Hullett, all under cultivation, a new
frame hoose and bank barn, 4% miles
from ,Seaforth. For particulars yap-
ply to ROBERT COATES, Seaforth.
Good seven roomed house, corner
Victoria and George streets, Seaforth,
opposite hospital. Two"lots, good.
garden and large stable, . MRS. WM,
The .ease tvrth;•which > corns and
warts can be removed 'by ,Holloway's
Corn .Remover is its strongest recom-
mendation. It seldom fails,
Arthur Sinclair, pastor of the iTmted tf e , will 1 c
church here. The pallbearers were n Clinton n hosp t l reel we hope 50011
hero of her recovery.
a. Manson. Win. Beavers,
Peck. C Haugh. F. Tres and (.
Douglas. -
Miss Viola Higgins and Miss [rata
Higgins returned holm' nn Saturday
after a very pica^ant two week. visa is very low,
with friends in Detroit and ('ass Mr. W. Beatty', Of Mount hrydgee
City, Mich. was. renewing acquaintance:? in and
Mr. F;eorge Tec attends leaving on ar.•rund our burg over the week -end,
r• lir. G. Coleman anti 3jr. M. Elliott
Ern Sa\ for Inc farm in Southwest-hewit each shipper! a carload of livestock
ern Saettatchenan, where he wsill , 1',r nt, ',n Saturday.
Miss Laura ora \Vebster, of T-ucknsw
visiting tlr, R. Webster.
\Vs' are sorry to report at the time
,f writing, Mr, 1'. Johns, of Kippen,
spend some time helping \v
Mr. 1' 1', 1nyttt made a business
this, \Ye
trip to Toronto
t p
Miss. Jean Chapman, of Pahner-
stern is visiting her grandmother.
Mrs. (* W. Scott.
Mr. Carl Passmore intends leav-
ing for the west on Thursday. taking
in the harvest excursion,
The executors of the estate of the
late Tho:. Sherritt Sr., Miss Dora
Sherritt and Mr. Thos. Sherritt, Jr.,
will sell by public anotion on Satur-
day afternoon of this week the fine
residential property 'of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Sherritt nn South Rich-
mond street. 3fr. Frank Taylor, of
Exeter, will be the auctioneer.
The bulk of the grain 1 this dis-
trict will be cut this week, but owing
to so much wet weather there is a
lot of fail wheat in the stook yet.
Mr. Sam Merrier pulled out his
threshing machine Monday atirl start-
ed the seasots's threshing,
If the weather continues favorable
Inc the bean crop, the largest crop
of beans ever grown its Huron coun-
ty will be harvested this year.
Owen Geiger and Son are giving
employment to a large number of In-
uht flax. t
large acreage this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hedden visited
relatives in St.'Catharines on Sunday'.
Mr, 'Robt. Caldwell, the genial clerk
of the New Commercial, is again on
duty after spending a very pleasant
week with friends in Toronto,
Misses Mary and Emma Johnson
are visiting relatives in. Windsor,
Rev, Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair and
children returned home on Monday
after a two weeks' visit with relatives
in Sarnia. During the month Mr, Sin-
clair has been away on his holidays
he 'has returned three times to bury
members of his congregation.
Mr, J. W. Skinner, who has been
confined 'to his home through illness
for the last three months, was again
taken to a +London hospital on Tues-
Mr. Thos, McMillan, the Liberal
camlidate for South Huron, is open-
ing his political campaign by a 'Lib-
eralrally a Seaforth on Friday even-
ing. The Conservatives .of the rid-
ing are arranging for a number of
big meetings, when prominent
speakers in,ciuding several cabinet
aninisters, •Wilt address the electors.
Premier Arthur Mcighen' will be at
,Grand Bend at a big political' picnic
being arranged there. Hon. 'phos.
White will speak at Exeter. ''Hon
'Guthrie will eak at Seaforth
and '.Mr, C W.'Bell, +K.C., of Hamil-
ton, a member of 'the 'Customs In-
quiry committee, will speak at an
ton. These meetings will talso be ad-
t'he ictl showers have. made. har-
vesting very interesting for the far-
e Miller and
Rev. an i
ilii. � lite family
trent the, week -end in and around our
Mr, George Fox and Mrs, Richard
Hannan, of Detroit, are at present
visiting their mother. Mrs. James
Mrs. Steepe and slaughter, of Gode-
rich, are spending a few days at the
home of Mrs. Henry Colc'lough,
The grain ripened fast this fall
V. hen once started, making it pretty
busy for the farmers all at once.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grintoldby
anrNEannily and Mr, and Mrs. Barnett,
of 'Toronto, spent a few days at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Grimald-
by. while all motored up to Tees -
water on Wednesday and spent the
Bud S•herles, of Detroit, visited
friends in the village on Sunday,
Quite a few motored to Rayfield
on Saturday and spent a pleasant day
at the lake, -
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Grimolciby
1, re
leave for Teeswater this week where
)Jr, Grimotdby has hired with his
brother fm Phe fall threshing, making
the sixth season for Mr, Grimoldby at
Quite a few from this vicinity at-
tended the funeral on Saturday of
bi'r. Jaines Hinchley.
iuittee of last session, Messrs. Clark-
son, Gordon ,and Dilworth, have been
engaged to - act in conjunction with
the eromnittee. The committee con-
sists of lion, Dr. Roche, chairman of
the Civil Service Commission, Geer•
gas trnathier, Auditor General, Geo.
\\'. Taylor, Acting Deputy Minister
„f Customs, R. W. Breathier, 'Com-
missioner of Taxation, ander' E. S.
busby, Chief Inspector of the De-
partment. This committee and the
experts engaged 'will advise the Gov -
eminent as to the 'best methods of
placing the Department ort its feet
after they have made a careful study
of its condition.
The late Government od W. L.
' absolutely
'• King did Mackenzie t g Y
to correct conditions. in the Ser-
vice and reduce the ettornlotw vol -
tone of smuggling, although from
the Prince Ministeordown its members
were acquainted with the corruption
that ,prevailed and were urged by elm
business seen of the country to take
action, It rwas not until Hon lL H.
Stevens moved Inc the bringing on
of an investigation that the Gov`
eminent took fright and entered a
give a good'measure of immunity at
small cost,—L. Stevenson," Dept. of
EJxtension, 0, A. College.
Want and, For Sale ads, 1,weeie 25c.
'pp t
Why _ shouldn't
Make up! your- mind
to secure thetrade
of the! S u In n e r cot-
tages near town, this
year. Think of all the
things' they will be buy-
ing! Why shouldn't they
buy themfrom you? In
the city they aro used to
orders g goods by tele=
Thom. Call theneven
?using Long Distance
where necessary and tell
them what you can do
for thein. Remind them
that for week -end. par- -
ties you can give them
prompt delivery.
When they see how easy
it is to order'' from you
by telephone they will ,
likely prove, good cus-
tomers all Summer.
}{a%' 5, a,'
DR. . H, HUGH ROSS, Physician
and "Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
,pital, ! 'London;: England. Special
attetltion-,toq,ik, Gds s .sof iii ! eyg, -ear,
udso axiti, E
rthroa ,lin r p resid
;.., •, eft
ce'behind: omrnion >#gi1t., Office'
Phone: No. 5is.", Residence Phone +• 106,
DIR. F. J: • BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office, and, residence,' Goderich street;
east; of Ilte `-Methodist Church. Cor-
oner'"for the County ,o!.. Huron. Tele-
phone No. 40. -
DI1,. Cs 1VIAiCKAY.-C.' Mackay,
shorter. graduate of Trinity. Univers-
ity sand., gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the Cal -
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of.
Ontario, '
Poisoning of Cattle by Sweet Clover
All sweet clover stay does,not have
poisonous propertigs, as many tam-
ers have' fed it to stock for years
without loss, The question naturally
arises ,Why is some sweet clover hay
responsible for the disease? There
is 'much evidence that certain moulds
that may grow on or within the.
sweet clover stalk are.reaponsible for
the formation of this poisonous prin-
ciple, which apparently delays the
clotting time of the blood, destroys
red blood cella, Insures the vital tis-
sues of the body to such an extent
that hemorrhages result,.
Feeding Expertmeni$,
Feeding trials with sweet clover
hay that was credited with poisonous
properties have been conducted to
determine the course of the disease.
These trials indicate that a period of
81 days Is the usual time that lapses
between the commencement of feed-
ing and the death of the animal. The
private inquiry into the conduct of animals remain apparently normal,
the famous Bisainto in iYlontreai, showing no symptoms whatever until
Members of. the Government about the 28th day after commence,...
did nothing to remedy conditions thatn ment of feeding. Once symptoms are
the Customs Departments eo are now ,shown the course.is rapid and the
lya victim usually passes out in from one
to three days.
Animal becomes stiff and dater very
lame if urgged to move. Large swell-
asked, Apparently be regards it as fogs may develbg oedematous 1n char -
of little consequence. He offered by anter on any part of the body, Blood
way conseq est. .for feed by frequently passed' In discharges from.
his cum opinion that it would require . body.. No appetite --visible mu
a standing eons- to stop smuggling.
The fact that tens upon tens of
millions of dollars have been stolen
front the .public treasury through
h the
smuggling of foreign goods into Can-
ada is evidently a trivial matter in
tfc. Dttnning's estimation.
From the manner in which Mr,
King and 'his associates are scoffing
at the scandals of the customs ser-
vice it can only be assumer't' ;that
should they be returned to office they
would have as little concern as ever
for its restoration to a'condit'ion of
honesty and efficiency.
The Poor Man's Friend: ---Put up in
small bottles that are easily portable
and sold for a very small shin, Dr.
Thomas' •Eclectric Oil possesses pow-
er in concentrated form. Its cheap-
ness and the varied uses to Which it
can be put make it the poor man's
friend, Nd dealer's stock is com-
plete without it.
Miss McLachlan, . of Hibbert, was
the guest of :Miss .Eileen Turner over.'
the week -end.
,Misses Luella Jarrett, Muriel Car
lite and Lottie Love left this week to
i r.
i f
spend the 'week wm N t',atdMs
Lundy et their beautiful cottage at
Port Albert,
M•rs, Robt. Stephenson and other
friends are 'attending 'the funeratl of
her nephew, Lloyd Alton, of Luck-
now, on Monday of this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 'Coleman
spent the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Mo(.'inley, of.
Clinton. •
Mr. Robert Turner, of 'Clinton,
spent Sunday with his friends, Walk-
er Carlile.
Miss Muriel Lounsberry, of Debhi,
is visiting of
Mr. Hum.
t i at the s M g
pltrey Snell
Mrs. (Dr.) Grierson gave a very
interesting lecture on Korea in the
community hall Sunday afternoon.
going about the country jeering and
laughing at the "customs scandals"
and treating as a jest the matter of
smuggling, "What --is this customs'
inquiry?" Hon. C. :t. Dunning las
GALES.—'In loving memory of Elis-
abeth Jane Gales, who departed this
life on Aug, 19th, 1P24. "'
Two long yeses have passed and gone
Since you were called away,
And left me here, .blind and alone
On earth awhile to stay.
coos membranes Dale., . Blood does
sot clot, and dialculty experienced in
arresting hemorrhage if small vessel
is severed. Temperature remains
out normal,
Post Mertens.
Generally shows extensive hemor-
rhages in the subcutaneous tissue—.
thereaio and abdominal cavities.
Blood. is pale in color and does not
plot readily. Muscles dark colored
and infiltrated with blood. Hemor
rb'ages are invariably present on the
eptcardtittn and, pleurse in all cases,
Each day ou more and more
Imiss Y
'But Iill not complain,
w p
Our Heavenly Father, He knows best
Alt gtecy to His Natne.
Her 'Husband.
• Do not use mouldy sweet clover
hay. If symptoms appear following
the consumption of mouldy sweet
clover hay, then change feed at mice
and keep cattle quiet, and call the
veterinarian to administer the blood
serum treatment. Use only the fine
green growth of sweet clover for hay
and handle it in such a way, that
moulds cannot develop, Keep -it dry
—moulds .must have moisture for
Growth.—L. Stevenson, Dept, of EY -
tension, 0. A. College.
rice 'Sie
BeforeJ ou do any
buying be sure
d visit our store
It will save you
DR. F. J. R.:FORSTER—Eye, Ear,
Nose -and Throat., Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of• Toronto -1897. Lata -'
Assistant New York Ophthalinic and
Aural Institute, Moorefeld's Eye, and
Golden Square throat hospitals, Lou-
don, -,-England, At Commercial hotel;.
Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each montli1
from 11 a.nt..to 3 pan, Next .visit
on September 20th.
Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, gradu-
ate of Northwestern University, Chi-
cago, Ill. Licentiate 'Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office
over Sills' ". hardwares' Main street,
Seaforth. Phone 151,
DR. F, J. BECHELY, graduate
Royal. College Of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's
Grocery, Main street, Seaforth.
Phones, office 18PN, residence 1851.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
Don't feed dusty hay or ill -smelling',
feeds just before milking. •
Don't'expeet the milk or cream to`
be cooler than the surroundings
wirers it iia kept•
Dd 't skim too thin creann.
Dofi't expect to get top price for
eremite unless cows, stable, utensils.,
eeparatar, and milkers are: kept
Don't forget that there is good.
ons in dairying- if It is properly
Another Speedy Western by this Champion Cowboy. Star
Monday . --
Tuesday -- -- Wednesday
The Grand Duchess
And The Waiter
A " Smart, Gorgeously dressed Comedy
•General Fire, Life,
Accident Automobile
and dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
Jarnes Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT,
ce CO,
Mutual NB insurance
Officers—James Connolly, Gelder -
Leh; Alex, James Evans, Beechwood, :
Vice President;" D. F. McGregoeeer
Seo Sec. -Treasurer.
aE rth
w..2 'Sea -
Rinn N
n eetorsW
forth; John Benneweis, Brodhagen; '
Jame;' .Evans, . Beechwood; >d,: Mc-
Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich Alex, Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea -
forth; J, G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton;
Robert Ferris, Hariock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents—Alex. Leitch, r.r, 1, Clin-
ton; E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray, r,r, No, 3, Seaforth; J, V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and Johnllo
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors.. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
other 'business will be promptly
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices. ,,
Wednesday, August 18th,
Wheat, per bus.
Barley, per bus 55c
Buckwheat,' per bus. .... , . 50c
Bran, per cwt 1.60
Shorts per cwt 1.i0
Butter' per, lb 30c -32c
Eg, s• 'r ,.., 20c -28c
Potatoesgspa, per...... . $200-
s, per cwt $12.06
-Here we are again to attend to
your wants in the line of Roofing, etc.
How about a good Corrugated Galv.'
Roof of the -.Council Standard brand,
for your outbuildings, or a good As-
Roof for eitherdwelling or out-
buildings. Both are safe from sparks
failing on then; the latter are in differ-
ent styles and colors, and make a fine
siding for a dwelling, no paint requir-
ed, But if you do not feel safe under
either from electric storms, let user
quote you on The B. Phillips Pure
Copper Lightning Rods.. WM. DOIG,
KPP hit
, r.r. 3. Ph
138 r 2, Seaforth.
The Man with Asthma ' almost
longs far death to end his suffering.
He sees ahead only years of ettd'less
torment with intervals of rest which
arc themselves fraught with never
ceasing fear` al renewed attacks. Eel&
him turn to tDr, J. D. Kellogg's IAP'
thine Remedy and know what com-
plete relief it can give. Let him but
use it faithfully and the will find ;his
asthma a thisig of the past,
Dye Oid faded
Dress Material
°Diamond Dyes' Mak* Shabby Apparel
Stylish and New --So Easy Toa
Don't worry about perfect etude.
tree Diamond Dyes, guaranteed to give
$ new,-rleb, fadeless color to any fabric.
whether wool, ailk, linen, cotton or mated
e--dreeaee blouses,stockings,
re L
ebtidcea • coats, er
din --e
A Direction Book is in
-To meek any naw al, have dealer
ww r,t>E rtW-e,end` owe 049r oat*