HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-08-19, Page 7ARE YOU A SLEEPY-
If So, for Health and Efficiency's
Sake, Cut' Down Your Nightly
Spell of Slumber.
Why Many Wien and WEalnen Are
l3atlly Handicapped
When you are so run down in health'
that it enpahe the efficiency Of your.
Although it is a good rule to take as work as even as your power to enjoy
much sleep as leaves one rested and your leisure hours, or obtoih •rest, it
freshrin the morning, there is a great ,is time you looked to the cause. If
danger of lying abed long after the you ego not, a serious breakdown ie,,,al
body has restored the damage of the most sure to result. In nearly all
nrovious day. To do this Is to become oases this condition, whirl doctors
sluggish in mind and body. es•ually describe as general debility, is
. One might well think that the great- due to poor blood—blood that is de -
est sleepers -would be the greatest ficmnt. In red corpus-elea. When the
workers. The reverse is often the blood -is title and weak your whole
case. •Lazy people, who do little work, ' system suffers. 'You Tose appetite,
and that but indifferedtly,.often takehave no energy, your nerves trouble
ten or eleven hours.
There -aro exceptions to this rule:
one of thein Is Sir William Orpen, who
ele.eps the clock round, He proves the
'Five Famous Examples.
you and you feel restless.
What you need is `help to build up
your blend and you should begin at
once to make yeur blood rich and red
by taking Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.
You will soon notice"the difference in
The Marquess of Reading, when sir' your health by a better appetite and
Rufus Isaacs, $.C., one of the most increased vigor. The reason is that
brilliant advocates of all time, for no the new blood created by Dr. Wit-
less than fifteen years got along on llama' ,Pink Pills' stimulates all the
four to five hours' sleep. To -day, at organs of the body to healthy activity
tho zenith of an amazingly successful and so the system ogain•s nourishment
career, hens younger looking than the and strength. if you are weak or out --
vast majority of men of hie age. I of sorts, begin gaining new strength
Some great men have regarded sleep today by taking Dr. Williams' Pink
as. actually injurious except when in- Pills, "I was in a badly run down con-
dulged iu : in 'very brief spelis. Im- dition," says Mrse J. Potter, of Winni-
' ntanuel Kant, the great philosopher, Fred, Alta., "when I began using W1S-
was one of thele, He used• to say that liars'. Pink: Pills, and they fully re.
sleep .wag an enemy which shortened stored my health. ' I strongly recom-
11fe and sapped_vitallty. mend thismedicine to all weak pea
Mr. Joseph Sutton, who 'was busy ah ple." .
his: desktat ninei'y, told -the writer that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
he-only:sle.pt five hours a night. There all medicine dealers or by mall• at 50
are 'many instances of men attaining .cents a box from The Dr. Williams'.
to a great age with similarly short Medicine`Oo., Brockville, Ont. -.-
periods of sleep. `
Sir Julius Benedict claimed that he Mont Blanc.
never slept more than four hours; he Possessed of an intellect and imag-
lived to be eighty-one. Sir Henry
Thompson, . the physician, said that
four hours was all he needed; he at.
tabled the age of eighty,
It is an interesting tact that writers
always make their stupid characters
sloepy: tho Fat Boy in "Pickwick
Papers"'•Is a famous example,
Quality Counts. •
Physicians who have made a study
of sleep have discovered that excessive
Bleep ' is injurious because it acts upon
the arteries and capillaries of: the
bralu, causing them to deteriorate pre-
maturely. Sir Hermann Weber, a
great authority upon this subject, said
that -excessive sleep is the cause of
premature decay and the waning of
brain power. -
How can the right sleep ration be
ascertained? There is only one Way:
by cutting down the period until the
minimum is found. That -point should
thereafter never be exceeded.
But aside from the quantity, of sleep
there is the question of its quality.
Sleep may be but a torturing of body
and brain, or it may be sweet, restora-
tive repose. For perfect sleep two
things aro essential: a perfect diges-
tion and a mind at root.
New Lodge Delights Visitors to Pictou
]entworth Park Lodge, near Pictou,t,*.S.,, which was recently opened by the Canadian, National Rail -
TY was has already proved its popularity with Canadian and American holiday=makers The Lodge is
Northumberland Strait,: near Pletou,..N.S:;and. consists of a group Of rustic bungalows surround -
hag a central lodge. Guests have the advantage ofboth. fresh. water and sea 'bathing, boating end fishing,
while the Picto'n Golf Club, only a short distance -away, is open.to those- who are lovers of the Royal and
Ancient Game.
Shore Effects.
A man' went to the shore to rest hie
nerves. In his mind's' eye he saw the
mighty billows rolling' hi and spread -
illation. of the i ery first order, Samuel ing theirblue and their foam in placid
Taylor Coleridge might have stood aide splendor on the outstretched sands and
by side with Milton and- Shakespeare then turning again to the bosom of the
in our poetical literature had his char- deep. "There I will find strength and
anter been as splendid as -his genius. calm,' he said. So he went to a sandy
.Ho was lamentably weak of will, and beach and stood beside the churning
this weakness was aggravated by his waters. But the rolling billows were
addiction to opium. Nevertheless, he all far out from shore. What he saw
is in ' the very, Front rank of lyrical at his feet was a tantalizing triviality
Hest thou a charm to stay the morning
of ceaseless struggle. The sea rushed
upon the sands in frantic surf and
foam and back again, but neither gain-
ed an inch nor 'paused in the breath -
In iiia steep course? So -long he seems leas effort.
to pause Instead of finding strength and calm,
On thy bald, awful head, O.sovereign the man with the raveled nerves found
' Blanc! only a visible materialization of all the
The Arve and Arveiron at thy base little nagging frets and cares -which
Raveceaselessly; but thou, most aw-
ful form,
Itisest from forth thy silent sea of
Pines, -
How silently! Around thee, and above,
Deep is the air and dark, substantial,
other time he went again to the same
shore. For some reason his eyes did!
not fall upon the ruffled seam where
the'sea and sands meet in perpetual,,
teasing conilict...His, head was lifted.
black, and he gazed far out over the waters.
An ebon mass: methinks thou. piercest And now he was surprised end,' felt a
it grand exhilaration in the slow breath -
As with a wedge. But when J look ing motion of the long swells that
again, grew out of the -distance and swept
It is thine own calm Monte, thy crystal ]majestically shoreward.
shrine,- And yet in both cases the man found
There are people who retire early, Thy habitation -from eternity. exactly what was there; for there are
wake late, and complain of "that tired 0 dread and silent mount! I gazed both littleness and bigness where the
feeling." In nine eases out of ten 111 upon then two empires of land and water meet—
qulry will elicit the fact that the suf- Till thou,„still present to the bodilythe nag and tease and fret of endless
ferer le either a victim of indigestion somas, contlict add the, slow majesty of the
or worry -both sleep destroyers. Dklst vanish from my thought; en- vast tides and currents which take
Worry Makes You Weary. tranced In prayer their' controls from sun and moon and
1 worshipped -tile Invisible alone.
Still Has Shell
Insomnia, the disease of our rapids
living age, is a spectre which may
only be laid by will power. A fatuous
neurologist used to love to tell this
story of patients complaining of in-
somnia. A man lay dying. He sighed
and said to the doctor attending him:
"In my life 1 have had many, many
troubles—but most of then never hap-
In other words, most of ne apoil our
sleep by worrying about things that
will never happen to us, and thus spoil
ou waking happiness as well.
The truth, then, would seem to be
that most of us sleep far too much.
Sia hours is enough for the everage.
man, six and a half for the average
woman. Children, of course, need far''
more. A. childmay be safely lett to -
"sleep Its sleep out."
Camp -Fires.
I wonder it our oldest racial mem-
ory thatof fire and if any
y may not be
other form of fire, a coal off any other
altar, can touch the imagination as
the coals of a dowing camp-flre. And
I wonder if any other odor takes us'
farther down our ancestral past than
the smell of wood -smoke, and if there
is another smoke -so sweet: as cedar
smoke; when the thin, faint wraith
from the smouldering logs curls past
your tent on the slow wind of: the
woods and delfts away.
It does not Matter of what the flre
la built. I can still taste the. spicy
smoke of the sagebrush in my last
desert camp. And how hot thatsage-
brush flre! And as sweet as the spicy
sage is the smell in my nostrils of the
cypress and gum inmycamp-fires of
the South. Swamp or desert or 'foe
est, the flee is the lure -the light, the
warrntli, thecracklenfttlne flames, and
the mystic incense of the smoke..
It Is the camp -fire that lures me to.
the woods when I might go ,down to
000. I love the sea, but give me the
woods and my'flelettgh bed, and my
lire of birch and cedar liig+s and the
rant upon my tent. -Dallas Lore.
Sharp, in "The Magical Chance.
the. mighty gravitations between the
earth and stars.
The two effects were all a matter of
"What happened?" came a voice' the man's moods and the angle of his
from the kitchen. upon
With eyes downcast and bent
"It's all right, mother," sang out lit- upon the scent at his feet, lie saw only
the ocean's frirnge and fragments of
tis Robert. , "I just dropped an egg, interrupted motiqn. With eyes lifted
but I only lost the juice." and fixed upon the horizon, he saw
those same motlon5 in their uninter-
rupted swing over vaster spaces. And
all of life is that, way. The close in.
shore gaze sees the fuss and furor of
things. The lifted gaze sees them 3n
their immensity. The one tears the
nerves to pieces, the other puts them
together again. Fret and fear and con-
fusion come of seeing things at too
short range. There is strength and
calm—and also patience -1n the long
off -shore view.
London's Lord Mayor receives an al-
lowance' of 410,375 for his, year of
office, as well's as 'the' use'"'of thre Man-
sion House. ae an official residence. In
spitaa- calf this, holders of this high
office have; :been known to spend as
much as £(30,000 out of their own
pockets. '
The pride of intewect. is more vul-
gar than the pride of the nouveau
riche. For the new rich man has
a s
made his money himself, whereas your
intellect is a gift of God. -Stanley
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
We Offer Toronto's Best Pricers.
St. Lawrence Market Toronto 2
High School Boards' and Boards of Education.
Are authorized by law to establish
With the approval of the Minister of Education.
may be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued by
the Department of Education.
is given In various trades,' The schools and classes' are under the
Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the
for in the Courses. of Study In Publlo, Separate, Continuation and High,
Schools;;. Collegiate institutes, Vocational §ohoois and Departments.
Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be
obtained"frcm the.Deputy Minister, Parllainent Bul dingo, Toronto.
SAVE THE' CHILDREN Motorcycle Rt Motor Stop.
ns Tlve Days
rn Summer When Childhood Ail-
ments Are Most Dangerous.
Mothers who keep a box of Baby's
Own Tablets' in the house may feel
that the lives of their little ones are
reasonably 'safe during, the hot weath-
er. Stomach troubles, cholera infan
tum and diarrhoea carry off thousands
of little ones every summer, in moat
cases because the mother does not have
a safe medicine at hand to give prompt-
ly. 'Baby's Own Tablets relieve these
troubles, or if given' occasionally to
the well child they will' preventtheir
coning on. The Tablets are guaran-
teed by a government analyst to be
absolutely harmless even to the new-
born -babe. - They are especially good
in summer because, they regulate the
bowels and keep the stomach serest
and pure.' They are sold by medicine
dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,,
Brockville, Ont:'
Can't Be Counted Now.
"What marvels education has ac-
complished slime
c-complished:since the time of Balsam,
the prophet."
"Just what do you mean?"
"Well, In his day only one ass could
The Toronto .Motorcycle Club, of
Toronto, Canada, recently . conducted
an unique test, and in doing so broke
two world's records•. Inco -operation
with a Toronto motorcycle dealer that
Club furnished three riders who pilot-
ed a..gHarley-Davidson single cylinder
motorcycle, in relays for twelve days
and nights without stopping the motor.
The object of the test was to establish
the efficiency of this new type of
Walter Andrews, Limited, local Har-
ley-Davidson . dealer, reports- that in
the Toronto test the new single tra-
veled a total of 7,344 miles without
stopping the motor and averaged ex-
actly 85 miles per gallon of gasoline.
Although the riders were forced to
drive through heavy rains for seven
days and experienced a heavy hail
storm, never once did the motor falter
or was it permitted to stop. There was
CO attempt to make record time in this
test, the drivers being held down to
an average "of. twenty-five miles per
hour. The previous World's record for
a test of this sort was made at -Am-
sterdam, Holland, establishing a mark
of 6,213.7 miles and an average of
82.02 miles per gallon of gasoline.
The Golden Orchids.
In the snow -born waterfalls we found
the olden orchids
Nodding Si the moss beneath the thun-
l Though many a snowstorm there had
come and gone,
Though many a. wind had deeply snow-
ed them under,
They nodded there,_and slept in spite
of thunder,
In delicate, serene and golden wonder,
• V'achel Lindsay, in "Poetry,"
,The Bishop of Calcutta recently
made use of an airplane in an episco-
pal visitation journey Pram Peshawar
to Quetta.
Educational• Value of Music.
In speaking to a group of musicians
with reference to providing increased
facilities for instrumental instruction
1n the schools throughout our country,
a well-known figure in .the 'musical
world recently went on to say:
"Music has usually been advocated
purely as a cultural subject, but there
are other pbases which have a strong-
er appeal to the public in general. One
is the value of music as a social and
moral force. In these days, when it 1s
'such a problem with. many parents
what to do to place the proper in-
fluences around their growing children,
I believe that themusleal
both bands and orchestra, cau be
made to be a powerful influence, and
that if this idea can be properly sold
to the parents of this country, they
will not only be willing, to have instru-
mental ,.instruction introduced in, the
school„but will demand that it be In-
troduced. Another point which I think
should be investigated is the educa-
tional value of music In creating' alert-
ness of mind and In aiding general
mental development. Some pre141nin-
ary investigations have already been
made which tend to show that children
who bed taken music for a"reasonable
length of time averaged higher'in their
school standing' than those ci:ldren who
had not. If further investigation bears
this out, this will furnish an additional
very strong argument for including
musical instrnmentiel instruction' in the
schools of our country."
Restoring Twin Falls:
The restoration of Twin Falls in Yo -
ho National park in British Columbia,
was' carried out last year. The els”
stluction which iuterterred with the
action of one.of the falls was removed,
and a continuous flow of water over
both falls is now assured. a
Few, visitors to. London miss going
to the Zoo. • Last year 14823,S1F peo-
p_e passed through the-tunristl4es) t
Minard's Liniment for Corns and Warts
eaue sharp toner
Cuts easier. Sawa faster
61M01109 CANADA B.5W 0O,L'rD-
2tri Rau Outage Yekoc7e,a,
Hay Fever.
Can we hope to rid the Province of
Flay Fever? The ideal 'would be to
exterminate the irritating plants. Since
pollen ie seattered 100 miles, no local
effort would avail—it meet be a con-
centratedmovement throughout each
and every district. This may be too
much to expect, but Ih certain locali-
ties which have prided themselves on
their health resort advantagea, a -real
effort is beleg made to pull all ragweed
before it pollenates. Prizes are given
for the largest number of uprooted -
plants and contests are keen between
groups of children and grown-ups in
the various school sections,
If ragweed and,pther irritating plants
cannot be totally destroyed, and it
it is true that large numbers of "our
people in Ontario are suffering_ from
this distressing condition, let us hope
the treatment for Ray Fever will very
soon be readily available throughout
the Province, and at a price which
even the -poorest of us can pay.
Topsy-Turvy Land.
We should have no cause to com-
plain of lack of excitement 1f some of
the strange thing's that happen in the.
Malay jungle were transported to pro-
For instance, in that p&rt of the
world fish wink their eyes and climb
trees, as they don't like water; worms
carol to each other in the morning;
birds prefer to sleep upside down;
'rats nest in the tree -tops.
There is no summer or winter, Di-
vorce is °obtained by saying three
times, "I divorce thee."
These, things sound strange, but
selene supports Mr. Carveth Wella in
his accounts of recently explored por-:
tions of the Malay jungle.
Nature is upset by the absence of
marked' seasons. You may have a tree
in your garden with fruit upon it, while
your neighbor has the same kind of
tree just. blossoming, '
As a safety precaution, all brides
have their -teeth' filed before -marriage,
and afterwards' the happy couples of-
ten live with the bride's mother.
There is the largest insect in the
world, 13in, long;- and the smallest
mammal, less than an ounee in weight.
And, to cap everything, forty kinds of
monkeys and twenty thousand wild
Keep Minard's Liniment handy.
- Wonderful Speed of Birds.
We talk of our fast trains and think
that a mile In a minute Is great speed,
but the commonblack swift can fig
276 miles lt1 60`minutes, and the large
purple swift of America is known to
have made 300 miles an hour. The
chimney -swallow can easily fly 00
miles en hour, and the carrier -pigeon
can snake a journey of 1000 miles be-
tween sunrise and sunset.
Gets Under Skin
for Disease Germs
That's why SOBIJMA ie so effec-
tive as a REMEDY for skin dis-
eases. Sorema Ointment 1s readily
absorbed Into the 3rd and 4th
layers of the ekiu and attacks the
disease germs of Psoriasis, Ecze-
ma, Acne, Barber's Itch, etc.
SOrenta Tablets are a valuable
blood purifier.
The New Skin Remedy
is sold at your Druggist's, or write
Ointment, 1.00
us direct, Serener. O at
per box. Blood Purifying Ta•bleta,
76 cents per box.
1106 BAY 8T. . TORONTO
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis . Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only, "Bayer1P package
which contains proven directions.
Bandy. "Bayer" boxes of 32 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100--11rttggistn.
eepiree le Ste trade ma o (registered. hi Canada) of Borer Manufaetaro of ilonnacntla
acideater ot Sallcylfcacld (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, 'A• S- A."). Nmlc it la troll known
that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against iml[ ,,00,, 11.0 Tel•ccs
of Bayer Company Will bestamped with their sacral Ueda marls the • itnye: .,,
When Dawn slipa. on her negligee
Of cloud chiffon 4n rose and grey,
To greet the sun's first gladdening ray,
She shows me manylovely things:
The sllw•er beaten lamp that swinge
In morning's corridor and brings
Her down dim stairs blue-oarpetedl
The silken web -spun doilies spread
On lilac bush end lily bed;
The poplar trees that lift their arms-
rmsIn green and solver ruffled charms
When shedescendsto little farms;
And. morning glories, velvet -blue -
With diamond gems distilled from dew,
Like jewel cases spread to view,
? tit like a startled woodland fawn
When Day draws nigh capricious
Without adieu to me is gone 1
—Hazel Harper Harris., in Christian
Science Monitor.
�ffigiPion Book
Handsomely Illustrated with pians of
moderato priced homes by Canadian Ar-
chitects. MacLean Bader.'
Gide will help you to decide'
on the type of home, exterior
salol, mnteriela. Interior ar-
rangement and decoration.
Send 25c for a copy.
MacLean Buil dera'Cslde
6aclala et West
Toronto, Ont
SasSarae set
Minard's relieves pains and aches,
is highly beneficial for stiff joints;
sore muscles-
Two Woimen. Owe Health
to Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
St, Adolphe, Manitoba: - "I was
very weak and had great pains during
my periods so that
I could not sweep
the floor. The
pains were in the
right side and ex-.
tended to the left
and then d o w n -
wards. It seemed
as if the body was
heavy and upside
down. It is for
these troubles I
took the Vegeta-
ble Compound. I'
saw about it in a paper and onewo-
man prevailed on me to take it: It
has helped me in every way, the
pains are less, and I have more appe-
tite. It is a pleasure to recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound to other women." --LEA DE-
LORME, St. Adolphe, Manitoba.
Found Great Relief
Toronto, Ont. "I am at the Change
of Life with hot flashes, dizziness
Weakness and nervousness. I had
head noises and was short of breath.
I was this way about six months when
I read about Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound int o newspapers.
I have taken .isble
found great ref.gR J.SAL.-
MON, 12Lawlor Ave., Toronto, Ont.
Childhood's Lessons
Affect The Whole Life
Teach your children to. use Cutl.
cora Soap dailyto keep the skin
clear. - Soothe and heal rashes,
eczemas and other irritations with
Cuticura Ointment. Shampoo with
Cuticura Soap to keep the scalp in
a healthy, hale -growing condition.
Depot, rush fixe byHail. Address Canadian
0c. Ointment
Btenb21 y ia, Talcum" Prim,
Talcum 26e.
0 nt 25 and fico. s cum
7.. ahtlm
n Stick 2$o,
Cutfeure86nt•i a
ISSUE ab. 34--'26.—'