HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-07-29, Page 5-t,...._.„........."......—..,
la.... Town.Topics il
1 . . . ,
' Dr. and Mrs. Holmes and Mr, and
Mrs. Russel Israel were week-encl
visitors, at the. home of Mr. Wm.
Cudmore. , ,
Miss Evelyn •Cudrnore, of :Welles-
ley hospital, Toronto, is visiting 'her
parents here. '
Arnong those present from. a &s-
top:cc at the funeral of the late -Mrs.
E. H. Close' -were. Mr. and Mrs. H.
Minett, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Close, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs,
William Close, Stratford; Mr, Jahn'
Hartleib, Kitchener; Mr. and, Mrs.
Charles !Box, Exeter; 'Mr. and Mrs.
Charles-eartleib, . Tavistoels; Miss
Hartleib, Stratford;iMes. 'John, Whal-
ing, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs., E,
Pennell, Exeter; Mrs, A, Arnold,
Kitchener; -Mrs. H. IHartleills and
sons, Messrs. Carl and Harry,' Mr. E.
Arnold, Elmira; . Mr. Leitch, De-
troit; Mr. David B. Logan, Toronto;
Mrs. ,j.' A. S. Dunford, Toronto;
•Mr. tand Mrs. 'Dunn, 'Miss Stella
Horton, oflLondon.
Migs -Erie !Stewart, of Kitchener,
is spending nhe, holidays at her ,hone•
here: . • ..
Mr. and ,Mrs. W, M. Stewart, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Sproat and Miss F.
Stewart motored' ' to Niagara 'Fails
this week,
- Mr. Monty Metier, of.Kitchener,
was a guest iatl the boineataf Mr.Mr. and
'Mrs. ID, H. Stewart, ,
Miss IBertha Chesney. is visiting
her sister, MiSs Janet -Chesney, in
. Mrs. James Love and son, Mr,
George Lovet -of Toronto, are' .viSit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. James Gillespie ansi.
other friend•s:
Miss Dorothy •FarqUhar, of Tuck-
ersunth, is spending a week with -her
grandparents, .afr. and' Mrs. J:'Con:.
Miss Norah Stewart is spending
her holidays,in Toronto,
Mr. and' Mrs: Bert Kling, of 'Day-
ton;Ohio, are visiting ' her parents,
Mr.and Mrs, W. Adams.
MisS Belle Smith is ;visiting -rela-
tives in Flint, Mich. -
'Miss Ruelf'Patton of Goderich, is
visiting Mrs. John Patton,
. .
Mrs. A. Anderson' and daughter Of
Wyoming, Ont., and Mrs. H. Duncan
and two -daughters of Sarnia, were
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Peck.
.The fire 'brigade had a call on Mon-
day morning when the roof of Mr.
Rivers' blacksmith shop, Goderich
street, was set on 'fire by la -spark
from the chimney. The blaze Inas
quickly extinguished,
Mr. and Mrs. James Grieve, of Lon-
don, and Mrs. J. j. Whitmore and
daughter Gladys, of ' Toronto, were
week end guests of IMr. and Mrs.
John Consitt. . - .
Mr. Williain Ilothatn, of Waskada,
Man. is visiting friends in town and
district. Mr, Hotham is an .old Staffs
boy who went West in 1888. 'This is
his first visit here in 25 years.
Miss Mary Muldrew, -of Toronto,
is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Robert
Scarlett and Mrs. J. R. 'Scott.
Mr. IN.lichael !Brown 'brought to the
News office this week an asparagus
plant 8 feet, 2 inches tall, It was
grown on the farm of Mr, John Kerr,
just north of town,
Mrs, Cobb and daughter, of Kam-
loops, B.C., were in town- on Sunday
renewing old acquaintances, Mrs
Cribb is a datighter of the late Mr.
Acheson of Rippen.
Mr. A, iMcDermid and Miss Me-
Dermid, %Goderich street, are visiting
Mr, and 'Mrs. M. MoDermid while'
improvements are being made to their
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Caldwell and
family, of Mobs eja w. Sask., were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Sproat.
'Miss Jessie Walton was in Tor-
onto ,v.siting .friends.
'Mrs. L. Gear of Fergus, and Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Hamilton of Am-
herstburg,. were visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs R. H. Sproat
Mr. and Mrs, A. Partridge, of To-
ronto, are guests' at the home of Mr,
'and Mrs, James Kerr. -
Mrs. Andrew Archibald is visibing
her daughter, .Mrs. E. C. Armstrong,
in Hartford, Conn.
Mr. and Mrs, JamesMcCormick,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'McCormick and
Id': and Mrs. Leonard . McCormick,
of London, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Nora Carlin..
Mr. slid Mrs. 1MCKinney .and fam-
ily, of Guelph, were week-encl goests
at the 'home of -Mrs, Wm. McMichael.
Mrs' E. Chittenden and Ruth and
Betty, of 'Torosto, visited Mrs.
Chittenclen's mother, Mrs. McMichael
and Mr. and Mrs, R. C., Coates.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Whitby and
children, of Vermilion, Alberta, have
been guests of Mrs.. Whitby's 'parents,
M.r, and Mrs, J. Robb
Mrs. Thos. Pollock' and .Miss
Gladys Pollock, of Kincardine, were
guests at the fi.onte of Meaand Mrs,
J. B. Tyerinann. '
Mr..Thos. Sharp, of Detroit, was a
visitor at his home here this week.
1tIrs. Louds Eberhart sect little
niece,- Irene Eherhart, are ,visiting
friends in 1Drtutabo and Tavistock.
Miss Irene 'Miller, of Toronto, is
visiting' at the home DIE Mrs. Wm,
Mr. Matta.;Brovvnice has returned
Mr. anti- Mrs, E. .M. Flynn, of
London, were week -end •visitors at
the/ home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Gco.
Brownlee, of town. •:' .-'
ease, • a n'a.-•
' -THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1926. •
of Meatyou am buying and See if
, t han'the''color 'and the'aPPear-.
ane of iresh, tender, juicy, 'Whole-
•'• some beef. Doer. buy,it if it is
string, dry,,, dark, full of tendons.
You got quality cuts here. •It is
better,.. to pay us a few cents a
pound more and 'get Meat you 'can
eat enjoyably.
, Phone 58 Seaforth
Your Butcher.
Diattnands Watehes
blocks Emblents
Binge etc, At reonersaving
Expert w kteltremtiring
Service Satisfaction
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Opposite W. A. Crich's.
Red Whi.te
ehain .Stores
Our Prices,for week starting JUIY10.
gig Bars, fresh and fruity .23e
Magnet Tea, draws well 65c
Gerkin',Pickles, 10 oz. 25c
Sery-us Salad Inressing- 35c
Servus Floor Wax • 39c
20-1h. tag Redpath Sitgar $1.48
Try our Hill Top Tea, Red and
White Coffee Sery-tis Cocoa for
your iced drinks.
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
W. M. Stewart Phone 77
W. J, Walker 86 Son
Motor or Home Equipment.
W. 7. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment iploma and Beene*.
- Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Having taken over the agency of the
late; James Cowan for the
Farmers' Fertiliser Co., Wingless%
I will he pleased to fill all orders of
'both old and new customers and give
any information within my knowledge
Box 282, Seaforth.
Ph. -.e 44W.
Also Agricultural Lime
Complete in itselcllother Graves'
Worm Exterminator does not require
the assistance Of any other medicine
to make it effective. It does not fail
to do its work.
The purchasing of Cream according to grade became
law on May lst.
Your cream gradedhere by, experts under Government
supervision and we guarantee you the best, of service.
All our grading is checked by the Department of
Aim to send Specials and- No. 1 grade cream,
Send or deliver your cream at least tvkice a week and as
direct as possible.. .
All cream graded as sood as we receive it,
Creamery Open Saturday Nights.
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont.
•I Chiropractor
Of 'Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
- Monday and Thursday' Aftexy.
coons in future.
Diseases of all all kinds success-
fully treated.
Electricity used '
D. H. McInnes
Fruits and
AVall prices to meet your needs
Per lb. %Pao
T. Phillips
Rub it ii 'for Larne Back. ----A' brisk
Imbibing with Dr, 'Thomas' Eclectric
Oil will relieve lame back, The skirt
will immediately absorb the oil and it
will penetrate,, the tissue a . and bring
speedy telief. Try it and be convinc-
ed, As •the liniment sinks•in, the pain'
5% per cent,
20 year
Debenture Gold Bonds
•$100 $500 $1000
Interest payable half.
A safe and, sound
House to Rent
Phone 152 -
Mr, Robt. Agar has completed fill-
ing the silos in the neighborhood of
those thaegrew sweet clover'. This
seems to ,be the coming fodder crop,
as it was a heayy crop on most farms.
N. Cluff and 'Son's have the ,contract
of siding 'Roxboro school with as-
phalt shingles
The haying is all done sad a lot Of
good hay well saved and ft was a
heavier crop than was expected.
Fall wheal cutting will take place
•the last of this week, 'It will not be
a hard job as most fields are light.
Hard and soft corns both yield to
comes Mit eisd there ere ample Holloway's Corn Remover, 'which is
grounds .for saying that it ilsv en 'e -entirely• safeato use, and 'certain and
.• .- its .
eellent arttele. • • satisfactory in Its action. •
• • . ' .• . • ,
1. a ear VirmErsEAFotileriglaNtwe.,1 •
, ;Rev. A. W. McIntosh, Mrs. Mc-
Intosh and daughters, of Pembroke,
and .1fr, Hugh -McIntosh, of London,
were week -end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Henderson.,.
fACr and Miss Caritochari returned
home this week, after a pleasant t11/0
tN'eCieS holidays with relatives in
,ucknow. A - •
'Rev, Dr. Lai -kin. leaves' this week to
spend his .vacation irt Port ,Cdlboree
$25.00 up
Every garment made in
our own Store
'Sweaters and Sport Clothes Beautifully gleaned
Sweaters as soft and fluffy as the day they
were bought -- no shrinking, no stretching
Sort Clothes cleaned by special dry cleaning
process, are given a personal service that can-
not be excelled -- and the cost is no more
than the ordinary kind.
May we send for your work to -day?
Just Phone 227
Sydney Dungey
Guests at the home of Air. and
Mrs. G. T. Turnbull this week are
Miss Mildred MoKay and. Miss Wan -
les -s, Toronto; Mrs: Robt.11VIcIutosh,
Ingersoll: and Mrs. Wanless,
.Miss Mabel Turnbull has gone to
Huntsville, Muskoka, where she takes
part in a minstrel show at Bigwin
Inn during Old 'Home Week. She
was accompanied by her sister, Mias
Mildred Turnbull,
,Mr, and Mrs: Adams, of Londes-
boro, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Howatt.
Mrs. Sylvester Allen and children
are in. -Brantford this week oWing to
'the illness of Mrs. Allen's sister, Mrs.
E. 'Williams.
Mrs. Wnt. Mackay; of Toronto, is
visiting relatives in town,
Misses Geetrucle 1;Vebster, Laura
'McMillan, and Violet Tyndal, and
Mr. Alex. Finnigan were in Goderich
attending the summer school.
Miss Sadie Hewett is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Percy Manning in Lon-
'Mr. and :qrs. Leslie, of Pig-
eon, 'Mich„ and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie,
of London, were guests at the home
of Miss :Forrest.
Miss Sparks -leaves this week
spend her holidays in Stratford.
airs. (Dr.) •Livingstone and chil-
dren, of Toronto, are the guests of
Rev. and Mrs, T. H,;Brown, at the
Mr. 'John. Cooke, Mr, and Mrs.
Wesley Cooke and 'Miss E. Cooke of
Toronto spent Sunday with the for-
mer's aunt, Mrs. John Webster. Cen-
ter street.
Mrs. W. J. Jones and children, of
Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Crawford
Mrs, Hugh Grieve was a Stratford
Rev. Dr, Dunstnore, of Oregon,
who is here renewing old acquaint-
ances, occupied the pulpit of the Eg,-
mon•tiville United church very accept-
ably on Sunday evening,
Mrs. Scott Grieve, of Grosse Isle,
Mich., is visiting her mother. Mrs.
Hugh Grieve, •
'Mrs. • Arthur Mason and son
Charles, of Saskatoon, are visiting
het mother, Mrs. W. Charters, on the
Mill road,
Mrs. Clanahao, of Glencoe, was
lest at the home of Mr. and Id's
T. R. Smith.
and Mrs. :F. B. -Kling, Mr. and
es. W. Kling and daughter Maes
d son 13db are guests at the home
Mr, and Mrs, W. D. I -Nilson,'
Mr, and Mrs. ' Duane Pedlar am
n, and :\ita and Mrs, Ted West
Ill, of Cleveland, visited Mr.§
inke, 'Egmonclville, and -Me and
rs. John Reinke, Tuekersmith. .
Miss Ruth Flanagan, of -Cleveland.
visiting . at the home of her
ole, Mn. M. Bro4erick.
Miss Etoile Sharpe and Miss Char-
te Powell have returner' after reisit-
g friends in Sarnia and Port Huron.
Miss Elizabeth Thornton, Of Hen-
n, is visiting hex cousin, Miss Viola
'Ritchie, in Seaforth.
Mrs. W. ,Snell and daughter Mar-
guerite, of IHatniltom, are visiting in
and around Settforth,
Miss Evelyn Cooke, of- Toronto, is
spending 'her holidays at the hone of
her cousin, Mrs. 'Ben Rising, in l\fc-
Mr. Joseph Moylan, who has been
in Windsor, is spending his holidays
at the -home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Thomas :Moylan,
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hart and fam-
ily, were Sunday visitors -at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ryan,' Wal-
Mr. and Mrs, John Lane and their
daughters, 'Mary and Catherine, were
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Klien,St. Marys,
Mr, James McQuaid, of Detroit, is
spending a few holidays at the 'home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank
McQuaid, McKillop,
Mrs. Wm. Feeney and Mr. Wil-
fred Feeney, of Hibbert, were Sun-
day visitors at the home of Mr. Frank
Mclady, St, Columban,
Mr. Joseph Cronin, who has been
visiting at the home of Mn. and Mrs.
'Thomas Feeney, MoKillop, returned
to 'Detroit on Saturday.
Rev, Father J. Dantzer was itt
London last Friday on 'business.
Mr. and Mrs, F. Pope, of Kitch-
ener, were visiting over the week -end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John J.
Dalton, Hilbert.
Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Kale were
Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Jos-
eph Ryan's, Walton,
Tire dance given by the C. 1,V. L.
was well attended and all .had a good
time. Redmond's orchestra furnished
the music.
'Afissesllarton and Muriel Drake,
Staffa, are spending their holidays at
the home of their allele, Mr. R. G.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennys and fatnily,
also 'Mrs. Dennys, Sr., motored to
Toronto and Niagara Falls, Mrs.
Dermys, Sr., stayed in roronto,
:Misses Ruth and Grace and Master
Lloyd Allen, from Brantford, are
visiting in this vicinity.
Mr. ancl Mrs. A. C, Russell and son
George, front Carlingforcl, spent Sun-
day at Mr, Ernest Graham's,
Miss Bella McLellan, who has 'been
teaching at Carlisle, is spending her
holidays under the parental roof,
Alien( a name of softball arae
a played at Cromarty on Friday even-
. Mg when Russelldale team canna The
game resulted in favor of the home
team, -the score being 14 to 20, The
Cromarty team. also intend playing
the Thames Road team on Friday
evening. E'verybocly come and cheer.
I :Mr. George Stewart and Mr, Grim-
' sled. ni SPringfickl, spent the week
. end at the borne of the former's sis-
ter, Mrs. James Wright. ' Mr. James'
Wright rant his two sons, •Gor_don ,and
Franklin Accompanied them and are
spending this week visiting' relatives
at Wa,ssa?o, Beach and -Barrie, and
will visit in Toronto anti Acton on
their way home.
The regular monthly meeting of
the council of the 'township of Hib-
bert was -heir! on Wednesday, July 21.
Orders were issued on the treasurer
amounting .10 $3,467,24. Council then
adjottened to meet again on Wednes-
day the 18th -day of ,August at 1
'clock,"'mm„ when the ,several rates
r the year will he 'struck. All school
It will Prevent tUlcerated Throat. --
At the first symptoms of ,sore throat,
aresasesiiiceratIon and tinflarn-
'tuationo take a spoonful of Dr,
Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Add a little
sugar to it -to make it palatable. w
vvilallay the irritatiort ancl prevent
thellulceratioit and swelling that are
50 paitiftti./ Those who were periodi-
cally subject to quinsy have thus
made themselves immune' to attack,
• ' ' ,
ot, er requisitions for levies
should he in the hands of the clerk
by the 1st -day of 'August 19/6-1
Jordan, Clerk,
'Mr. and Mrs. Tim, 'Murray and
little son Bobby, of Chicago,
visitors on Tuesday at Mr. cmcl .Mrs
• • • •-• • :• a.
Heavy Motor Oil, per gal. .. .. . .. ... , ......75c
CastorMachine Oil, per gal. .... • ...... • • • .. • .. • • • • • • 40c
Goodelich 30 x 3J Tires, $11.50 '
Cup Grease, per- tin 25c
Men's Harvest Shoes, • ,$3.25
Men's.' Stu -inner Shirts
• $1.00
Bull Dog Overalls, $1.75
It Pays to Buy in Egmondville
W. J. Finnigan
The Special Milverton
We Have it--Givo it a TAW. Ake.
Ground Screenings Chop °Will Kinds
Your Auto Needs
Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all wakes
of Batteries.
A complete line of most called for parts of various
Now is the time to have your car overhauled
Give as a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased
and cleaned.
Dealer in New and Used Cars.
Agent for Chrysler Fur and Six Cylinder Cars.
Regier's Garage
Are you
Shall you be building this
year? If so, profit by the
experience of those who
save money when build-
ing. Even on a small job
you'll probably be sur-
prised to find how using
Long Distance enables
you to get lowest prices.
"We bought all the mate-
rial for a $75,000 build-
ing by Long Distance—
it is the cheapest way"—
writes a contractor in a
medium-sized town.
"We use Long Distance
to get prices on materials
before making estimates
or contracts"—writes an-'
The leaders in e -v e r y
branch of industry know.
They've proved it, as you
it is usually safe to say that when
a child is pale, sickly, peevish and
restless, the cause Is worms, These
parasites range the stomach and 'in-
testines, .causing serious .disorders of
the digestion and preventing the in-
fant front deriving sustenance from
food, Miller's Wqrin Powders, -by. de-
stroying 'the worms, correct these
faults of the digestion and serve to re-
store the organs to 'healthy action,
Ladies' Hairdresser
!will be at the
DeHuisoo & Pullman
Barber Shop
(Successors to W7W. Robirr-
Every Tuesday
Phone 125 for appointments
Specialist in Marcelling,
massaging, shampooing and
hair cutting.
Shoe Shine Parlor
I have installed a shoe shine
parlor. All colored shoes
dyed, cleaned or shined.
First class repairing while
you wait.
Dress well by keeping your
shoes in good repair.
"All kinds polishes, laces, etc.
Button Hooks Free
Two doors south of Beatties'
Variety Store
Miller's Worm Powders prove
their value„ They do not cause any
violent, disturbances in the 'stomach
any pain or gripMg, but do their
work quietly rand painlessly, so that
the destruction of the worms is itn-
. et they are thorough
11 . ,
and from the first dose there
is nt-
lfastr Michael Walsh, of Inlets:il-
l. McCann s,
a.rovernettt in the.- ccittdition .the
'Mrs lAt Ni I T ' ' Wsitpr
lop, spoilt two w,geks .holidays at the tsitol,
hollie • Of grallen
'elPerefitS, Mr. d stii4 tis the • Tlapl :I; °tit. get -Cr tnternttl slid a cessation na,of ifouble of manifesta.-