HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-07-29, Page 3EXTRA!
HOUGH our Sales and the big bargains that can be obtained by buying at such Sales as ours, are already
well known to everybody in this district and we really do not need to say any more about thew, yet we
wish to add that the bargains obtainable at this Sale of ours will be positively by far the biggest that we've ever
offered yet. We would bspecially recommend to all our friends and patrons to get their fullest share in the big piles
of samples in all kinds of Ladies' and Ohildren's Underwear, Sweaters and Hose that we got in lately from one of the
biggest firms in the Dominion. It was bought at such a low price that enables us to sell them at from 30 to 40 per
cent. less on the dollar than wholesale prices.
Dry Goods
Cotton Mercerized" Broadcloth, 36
inches.wide, to clear 29 c
at per yard ..
Heavy black duchess satin worth
$2.25 wi9
Other Silks worth up to 98c
$2.00, for
Raw Silks, regular 98c 4c.„.,
Extraordinary bargains in Dress
Goods. A big variety of the
latest materials in Dress
Goods worth up to 59 c ..
$2.00, to clear at.
Voiles in different designs and
qualities worth up to $1.25to
clear at this 15C to 59C
sale from
'Worth's, Anderson's and . Duro
Dress. Gingham's in the latest
patterns at 24C and 27C
per yd.."
Another lot of Ginghams 32
inches wide at 1 7 c
per yd
White Flannellette or Striped,•.36,
inches wide, to clear 24c..
at per yd
Fine Bleached Cotton 15%e
at per yd. ......_...
Thi' same of a better quality 20c
per yd.
Unbleached Cotton at 12 c
per. yd ,:.....
The same of a heavier quality'
from 14c to 19c per yd.
Fine bleached sheeting, regular
98c for •��c
per yd All kinds of Curtain Materials at
an extra. Bargain Price.
A ,big' assortment of Flannel and
Serges, regular up to • 35 c'
'$1.10, to clear at ,
All. wool Sports Flannel 58 inches
wide, worth $2.25 per yard,
per 1 er yd. m `
Pure Linen Table -cloth, bleached
$1.15 per yd.
Unbleached at
pet yd.
Pine Damask Table -cloth at
•85c -per yd.
Chintzes of best quality 24 c
to clear at per yd
Cretonne at t7 c
per yd
Bath Towels to clear at -extra bar-
gain price.
Best quality satinette in Mauve,
Pink, Blue and White at a real
per yd ... ...., .
Rayon Silk Dress Lengths t'b
clear at two prices at $1,75 and
$2.25 a dress. length.
Flannellette blankets to clear
per pair
121/4 Ibex at $2.35
Extra heavy all wool blankets in
dark colors to clear at $3.25 per
bargain price at 35
A variety of Ladies' coats and of
all kinds of Dresses to clear at
extraordinary bargain prices.
Porch and Street Gingham
Dresses to clear at
a dress
Corsets in the best makes of the
Dominion from.... 98c to $2.29
Very fine Brassieres to
clear at,
Princess Slips at. , .. ,59c and 95c
An extraordinary bargain .in all
kinds of Silk Underwear and
all kinds of Silk Scarfs. Don't
miss it.
Ladies' Underwear, including
Night Gowns in ` different
weights and styles. These are
all .samples and will sell at a
sensationally low price.
Other Brassieres from 45c to
Also a big variety of Ladies'
Hosiery, as samples, will sell
at_less than half price.
Ladies Silk Hose in all the new-
est shades 350 and 4C
at per pair
Pure Silk Thread Hose ssc
regular $1.50 for.. . .
All kinds of Ladies' Gloves at a
special bargain price.
Ladies Cotton Hose at 20c
per pair .
Good Lisle Hose at 32c and 42c
per pair.
An extraordinary bargain in all
kinds of Ladies' Sweaters.
Boys' Suits_made of good strong
Tweeds, some ;of -'them with
twopairs of pants, to clear at
this.sale from . .$4.35 to $8.95.
Strong boys' pants at 89c, 98c and
,$1.10 per pair.
Boys' Shirts at. • . • 49c
Boys' Caps 1 C to 9C
from, each . .
Boys' all wool Jerseys at
each..•. ...
..... .._.
Cotton `Jerseys at 29c and 35c
C Boys' and Girls' Hose to clear at
this sale at 1aC and C
per pair.
An extra Bargain on Girls' Rayon
Silk Dresses .to $1.75
Boys' Underwear, separate 45c clear at •
,each,I Men's Umbrellas at .... 95c each
Combination 65,c L dies' Umbrellas. $1,39
A lot of Boys' Drawers .r 1 c Sef-openers with 1
to clear -at per pair... ,double wires ....
Nicely tailored Men's 3 -piece
Suits made of the best ynater-
ials, it's a real good suit
to clear • O
Another line to clear at $12.50
to $22.50..
Men's strong Cottonade Pants,
also good heavy Overalls, in
Black Gray, and Blue and
White Stripe, the same in
Smocks, worth $2.25, to clear
at this sale 1 m39
Working Shirts of all kinds ai.d
makes to gd at this sale from
65c to $1.05 per sliirt.
- Men's fine Sport Shirts 59 c
to clear at • ....
Extra fine Men's Dress Shirts in -
eluding Broadcloth and Silks,
regular up to 3.95 411,ao
to clear at... ,
A big variety of Men's Caps, to
clear from 15c to $1.10
An extra big reduction - on all
kinds of Men's Sweater Coats
and Pullovers.
eat nice Mens Summer weight
Underwear separate at 49c
each hose from 45C to790
r.u1.e,bittation at .. , .85 per pair, pu pair
Men's Silk Ties .and Genuine
Solid Leather Belts to is c
clear at, each
Other ties of better quality at
half price.
Men's Cotton Hose at
per pair
Of a heavier quality
per pair
Men's real Heavy Wool Socks to'
clear 3 'hairs for a dollar.
The best all wool Cashmere Hose,
or Silk and Silk and Wool sport