HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-07-01, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS. W ALTON' snit service Sunday At the morning , next, Rey. Dr. Brown and "Rev. M. will officiate in Duff's church, foMaines Ji nration of the union of for the inane -oration g e two United ciriirches. in Walton. alt ' church The congregation of Duff's' resented their pastor, Rev, E, F. ;presented with a purse and nvfrs.. Chandler Chandler with a fine down; •eonifor- 'ter, The Mission I.Saud presented a hymn book 'Miss `'Helen Chandler Y .as a farewell gift.. There, was also "x -programme of splendid music daring, the evening. The following is the address to Rev -and 'Mrs. (.handler: "On this, the occasion.of the sever- ing of te relationship between -pas- tor and people which has existed be- tween, us for five years' we feel that ,we cannot let the opportunity 'pass of trying to express to you some- thing of what you 'have been and our ,sense of loss in your removal. You `Have proved yourselves faithful un- der -shepherds disehargit'tg your many and varied duties with a cheerfulness and vigor and in the spirit of the ''Waster and were it not that -the chattge seems to be to your advan- tage w'e would atot willingly have consented to your removal. ,We would ask you,: Mr, Chandler, to ac- cept this purse and, lM'tts. Chandler, this down comforter, believing that the prayers and good wishes of the people accompany them. Signed on hn- ' behalf of the congregation, S. J stone, and of the Women's Organi- zation, Mrs. 'Reid." address from The following is the r 'lvioncreiff •acongrcgation: "Sunday, June 27th, 4 p.m, Dear Mr. Chand- ler, -It rea- lize iia with deep regret we lize that today our rel'ationsh'ip as pastor and people draws Le an end and we have come to the parting of the ways, We cannot 1ct you go. froom�x us without expressing our apprecia\ .tion of your work among us during Sour pastorate herr. Your ministry here 'ends, but the ministry of your message will never end, but: "like a pebble in the water thrown, dilates a ring of light" and we would be un- appreciative indeed if we failed to acknowledge our great indebtedness to you for the wonderful insight into the meaning of Scripture we •have, gained, through your exceptional ab- ility to expound, as we never have before,. the messages of the Book, un- til Paul, John and"Luke and 'their messages 'have become familiar friends. Your sincerity and sturdy honesty of purpose, courtesy and .kindliness of your heart have been rtcogniied by all, especially by those in sorrow or trouble to''whom your sympathy wag so abundantly given. Mrs. Chandler's 'kindly and pleasant ways and ready hospitality and her .ra ciotksiess in helping' us when we tee i �.r help have also endeared r.t cdeil l t t her to us. We would asic you to ac- cept this purse of gold in token of our 'sincere regard for you and our sorrow at y.^ur.departutc. We wish inn good luck+',aud iniich happiness in your new field of labor, but trust :yon will not 'foritet the old friends made at iMoncreitf. We would re- mind you that Fordwich is not far away and we would be pleased to o elcome you at ;any time. "May the Lord bless thee and keep thee, the, Lord .make His farce to shine upon. thee and be gracious unto thee; the 'Lord lift up 'His countenance up- on 'thee and give thee peace. Moo- creiff Congregation," Mrs. Glenn of Owen Sound spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Hadie, stn Joe Holmes !-Tarry and. Elmer R , J and 'Gordon Rowland took in the eh - ens at London. olio himself Mr. John Marshall treated ,to 0 new Star. sedan last week. Mrs. ,McDonald and Mary are 'back from Chicago: lfr. Sohier has bought a Star 'se - t att s. and son of De- 31Trs. Jas, W gr, troit, visited with Mrs, Berry .in the beginning of tlhe week. ,lI ss Mildred Dennison is spending r l 1:1 riel Far ,xfew ''holidays i'iflriMfsa In. nn, McQo Bald 16tH con, of Grey, J has invested +• a 'Chevrolet coach, 'Stra11berries are 'beginning to get i ripe. td, 'Badley has pui•ehased a new Ford sedan.' Brussels is attending IM's. Smith, attending - Mrs. i00, Pryccc, who is confined to bed for the past couple' of weeks. ,Mrs R. Naylor and 'Miss Lois of Rochester are visiting at Mrs, W. I Iackwell's.. .Miss 13, Shannon of-Pet•erboro who has bean' spending •her holidays at her sister';, Mrs. E. Habkirlc, return- ed' to her position in Petcrboro on Monday i visit- ing Coulter of Toronto s her sister, 'Mrs. C. Case, Mrs. 'Nob'le McCallum has return- ed house after visiting friends in To- ronto. ' M'i'ss Muriel Dundas. spent Sunday, last at the home of her graadpareurts, Ar'ch;ie and Mrs. ,Clark, Mrs. Rio. Coutts is tinder the doc- tor's care with an attack `f:ap'pendi- citis. Her many fniends wish her a speedy recovery. Mt: Wesley Searle attended n the funeral of the gate 'Mrs. :Morrison, Palmerston, on Friday last. Great preparations are being made de for the 'Reunion at Iluttou'e 8th line Morris, on 8th July, it 'being the fiftieth anniversary. Silver Anniversary. On 'Friday evening, •June 18th, TV. R. and Mrs. Stewart, •of McKillop township, cele- brated the 25th anniversary of, their wedding. Friend's •' from Toronto_ I'brdwtich, Monktan, Walton and g moidville as well as neighbors, were present. Rev. Mr. Abery, of Londes borough who performed the cere- mony 25 years +ago, was unable. to be present. The 'evening was spent in games and music, the latter being provided by Rev. and Mrs. and 'Miss Lewin, Mr, Sohier,. Miss Ferguson and Miss-;Knechtel. At 12 o'clock a served, of sumptuous lun'cli 'was e , which 50 guests partook. The health ofethe principals was toasted and in well chosen words, a number of the guests expressed the: sentiment of the whole assembly. Mr, and Mrs. Ste- mart were recipients of many useful and beautiful' presents, and everyone seemed to'thoroughly enjoy them- selves. The celebration 'broke up the small hours after singing the hymn, "God be with you." Presentation, - On Monday after- noon, June 28th, the ratepayers and pupils of S. S. No. 7,; MoKil'iop, gath- ered at the schoolhouse to give an address and presentation to •Miss Elva Little, who •has beets the teacher of the school for thc,past six years. 'Ma Wm. Somerville presented Miss Little with a number of pieces of Holland cut Maas consisting' of water set, sherbet 'set, whipped cream set, cream pitcher rd sugar bowl, and read the foilowig address S.S. No, 7, McKillop. Miss E. M. Little, -'Dear Teachers -It is with feelings tinged with sadness and joy that we have gathered here this afternoon. Sadness because you have given up your work as teacher in our section. You 'have been one of, if not the best teaoher, that has been in our school. This is no trivial statement for the fact is 'borne out in the way you brought our little ones froth the primary to the entrance examination, and we feel sorry that you have de- cided .to leave us. But we are glad booause we have had you in our' sec- tion the past few years to draw out, mould and 'develop the moral as well as the intellectual mind of our little ones. Your influence shall still go on hi our children as they grow up. We are glad also, that your personal in- fluence amongst us was a cheerful uplift, always hopeful ',and ready to help in whatever •capacity you were called upon. 'And we arc also very glad you live so near us, that our. friendship may still be cultivated and deepened, and we ask you to accept these small gifts not for their intrinsic value'but"as a slight token of our ap- vork preciat'ron to you for your good t and painstaking while with as. And we wish you the same measure of success in the future, no matter what field of labor you may be called into. June 28th, 1926. Signed on behalf of S. 'S, 'No. 7, W. K. Somerville, 'Jas. it;, McLaughlin:" Miss Little expressed her apprecia ' tion of. the kindness shown her and said she s•houid always remember the time spent at Leadbury and the splen - lid people who lived there. • DUBLIN. Mr. Martin McQuaid of Toronto; has returned from Chicago attending the Eucharistic Congress and.: is spending the week end with 'his sis- ter, Mrs. James Delaney. Wood cutting is the order of the day. Mr. Joseph Bruxer and .. daughter Mary and Mr. ,Sebastian Bruxer are. visiting at their home here. IMiss Mary :Bruxer, from Chicago, and Mr. Jackie Bruxer; from 'Detroit, are holidaying here, A number from here attended the Murray and Evans wedding on Mon- day lust Mr, James McQuaid, from Toron- to, has returned to •his home after spending .a week here. Mr. P. F. Bonn and •feiniiy have moved to their new home this week, recently purchased from Mrs. Mary Davis. Mr Lawrence Maloney, of the Standard Bank of Sebringvilte, visit- ed his uncle and aunt, Mr, sod Mrs. James 'Maloney. Miss 'Monic a O'Sullivan, of Si, Columban, visited her • grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Francis Gallagher. 'Miss Annie Ryan, of 'Seaforth, is visiting with her Mother, Mrs, Pat- rick Ryan, Sr, Miss Agnes 'Curtin is visiting 'her sister; Mrs. John Jordan, and 'her,. brother in the village. I We are 'glad to .hear that Mr'john 'B•ruxer, who underwent an operation in London, is out again. Mr, Joseph 'Leach visited his sis- ter, Mother Euphrasia, The supper given by the ladids of I\Ir; Thds,' Mose, of Guelph Juno - tion, was in Walton over the week Mr. and Mrs. Shannon went to London this .week, has been sick Mrs. John Price,'who. is slowly improving, Mr. Joe Carter is' hauling gravel for Mr. Radford's new residence. b t, and Mrs. John Hillen of De- troit called on friends last week, air. Cecil Pullman and the Misses Cora and Annie Strong of Tucker - smith called at -Mr Fred. Sgarlett's on Monday evening. Mrs. 'Ilebor Morrison and daughter Phyllis of Manitoba and the'former's aunt of London, visited friends in '1leKillnp and Seaforth last week. Mrs. P. B, GM -diner and ,Miss Vera spending home s reed Mort a g have rete p the past week with friends at Hol- land, N. Y. Mrs. Naylor attd Miss Lois accompanied them home, Mrs. Armor Dundas is improving nicely. She attended divine service in the Methodist chur'c1t last Sunday evening. Mrs. A. Gardiner visited her sister Mrs. Jas. Atcheson on Tuesday of this week. To reap the har- vest you must sow the seed. To acquire wealth and independence you must save. Sow the first creeds of success by opening a savings account with us to -day. PROVINCE OFO E motPosirc 4( HEAD Oiflc� AV1NGS OFFICE TARIO GOVERNMENT 15 QUEENS PAR. g. SEAFORTH BRANCH • 3, M. McMILLAN, Manager 14 Other Branches Throughout Ontario, oiling H at Sunset After a wonderful week- end on Ontario roads No speed records were made -for it was a trip of wholesome en joyrnent, Two days in the vigorous outdoors -in friendly farming country, through alluring woodlands, through fascinating villages and towns. The trip will be remembered by what was seen, not by the speed at which the road was covered. With Moderatodriving, ...err; ::oauty spot • was enjoyed; every panorama was appreciated. There is good sense and good business in moderate driving . in the country. Good sense, because it enables you to see everything as you go along. Good business because excessive speed is dangerous and destroys the road surfaces. As the cost of road maintenance is borne by you and other motorists, you are interested in helping along this movement to preserve Ontario's roasts. Those who persist in breaking the speed laws will find a numerous traffic patrol on the highways, whose duty it is to rigidly enforce the law. THE HON. GEO. S. HENRY, S. L. SQUIRE, _..... _. 'Minister of Hiahways, - Dispaty Minister Issued by the Ontario .Department trf Ifigbwaye so secure the co-operation of motorists in abating the abuse of,ihe roads of the Province. sa St. Mary'•s''Church ,last `Wedtt:esday, on Mr. Alex. Darling's lawn, was, a grand success. Mr. Alex, Hanna, of tlitcheljti was the guest of: Mr, and Mrs. Joint .Car penter of °5tindsiy', 'We. r li r. ,� t, are pleased to.•repo t that M 'lain 'Molyneaux is improving after his recent operation .in Detroit, auil Ivo hope; to see hitt± around soon, Miss Marion Bunter, of Toro' 1o, is spending. ` 'her ; summer vacation with her ausut, and her grandmother, Mrs, Q. Beale, 1Miss Marie +Nevens of Toronto; 'called on friends in town .on'Sunday. 'rite C. W. L. will hold a public e ening' in t'he hall on July 9th. - lMr. and Mrs, 'G. Holland and son George took in the. Evans -Murray wedding On 'Monday, ' •;-ears,.':..vas most. during they past six t a Mr, . -13. Rollins took a trip to Lon- don to visit his daughter at ±Brescia 'Hall. Mrs, 1finnic Mitchell and 'draughter Vera aid son Charles, of Torotrto, are spending the week with' their many friettds in the village and in Seaforth. We ate a'll pleased to see Mrs. ,Mitchell and family again, tbr, and Mrs. Dave McConnell motored to. Chatham on Saturday. to visit their daughter Mary at `The Pines." Mr. and Mrs. John Dorsey and Miss Iviillie' Williams, of Stratford, called on friends' in town on 'Sunday. Mr. Harold 'Rock; of Mitchell, spent W'Vidnesday the guest 'of rbr. M. Darling, Setae's all closed on Tuesday and alt the children are delighted to hAse their summer vacation, Mr, Tom Hurley, of Brantford, trolled ort his friend,, Mr, Alex. Darl- ing, on Sunday. llfrs. Jos, Mere, of Seaforth, ' is visiting 'her daughter, Alta. Joseph Hickey, who is on the sick fist rafr. and Mrs. Dan. Crintmon and Mr. and -Mrs. Matt, • Williams are spen'd'ing .their holidays with their aunt, ,Mrs.' Pat. Ryan. Many from. Dublin attended the funeral of M'rs. Thomas MoMillan, of Hallett. Miss Li1a Feeney, who was totals - Mg school in Thorold, has returned home for her holidays, Mr, and •Mrs. Joseph Nagle motor- ed to London •on. Sunday afternoon. The children of the entrance class are busy writing their final examina- tions in Mitchell. Messrs. Theo. and Jerome Jordan. of Detroit and 'Mt'. Lyle Jordan, and his.son rBohby, of. Toronto, spent the week -end' visiting their farther, 'Mr. James Jordan. They returned on lfonday, •afr. Jordan accompanying his sons to •Detroit to spend a week's holidays. greeably and pleasantly surprised by I he pupils ^at the close of the exam - nations Tuesday afternoon by •tile a;esentation' to her.at a'. bea �li.t fol fountain rcu and.,. ieucil- set' suitably., 1 i i I a the following * address: enca�cd, and y f, Dear Miss Scarlets,'- We, the scholars of S. S. No. 6,.;McKillop, desire to express our esteem and'af - fection for you; You have now ,for a period, .of six years striven, with muclt.pains, t6 train and enlighten our !hinds, W'b trust that the knowl- edge you have so faithfully int:part ed may prove a 'lasting gaud to us. As proof of cans love for you hs i•ieud' and teacher, please accept this ittle token of our regard. 1H'oping hat Mall the ,future undertakings of your life, your efforts May be erown'ed with success, we' are, your cuing pupils, S.S. No.'6, McKillop„ S. S. No„ 7, IticKillop. - Result of, promotional ereaminations,-Jr. • to Sr. IV. -'Dorothy Driscoll 82 p,c. (hon.), Orval_Holmes 79 (holt), Ross Driscoll 77 (hon.). Sr, III, to Jr. IV. --!George 'Taylor 92 (hon,), Eileen MoLaughlin 82 (hon.), Helen Somer- ville 78 (holt,), Grace Perdue 68, Dor- othy Somerville 63, Arthur Balfour 62. Jr. III. to Sr III. -•- Wallace Shannon 78 (hots,), Jr. II. to Sr, II. ---MelvilJle Shannon 78 (hon.), 'Hd!cn Tontlineon 74, Everett Perdue 69, Walter •:Somerville 59 Sr, I, to Jr, t1..--IBoyd Driscoll.71. Jr', Pr. to Sr. ,Ps:--•Jitn Balfour. Jr. Pr. -Ivan Shannon.--E..tl'I. Little, teacher. S. S., No. 2, McKillop,-21he fol- lowing ss tate result of the"promotion examinations. Honors 75 p.c. pass 60. 6r. III. -Ruth Scott 80 plc, Arnold Scott 62, Sam 'IvloClure 60.; Jr. III, - Mark .Macclonald 75, 'Maxwell Mc- Farlane 71, Margaret•.J,Storey 70. Sr. H.: James .i4JeClure 57, Jr,' II. -lean Macdonald 80, 'Robert McMillan 80, Verna McFarlane 77; Edna Macdon- ald 75, 'Nelson McCture 65, Eddie Storey 65, -,Elva A. Staples, teacher. U.S.S. No, 1, McKillop,--lR.eport of promotion tests -Jr. III. to Sr. III, --Ed ward Nigh (lt), Catherine•ILane. Sr. IT. to Jr. IN. -Arnold Murray (h),�'lli i Vi am 'Nigh 'li t el i h Mab N g (), 1 g Jr, II. to St.' II. --+Peter Murray, Frances Fortune (h), Adelaide` Mur- ray, Dorene • Nigh -M. Reyriolds, teacher. THURSDAY, JULY 1 1926., • ,. Iain' Nesbitt -BLit- pink.oaruetions- anctonaideltliair fern, "'N Nesbitt, • -. ora s r ; o aches. The groom was suppvi•fed'by'Mr. Pe- tE. Hutton,marriage er-�1clh.aughlin, After the to r g the ,bridal partydrove to the home i,f the He's ,parents, where a sump- tuous wedding breakfast was served to about sixty : of the immediate :rela- tives of the bridetand groom. The Greg or's stables '1-Iullett 1'hey`•ar•c bride and groom were the 'recipients MANLEY. ,ibfessrs, W, rRaRicn and, A. Simon BLYTH. Mr, and .Mrs. Wm. Howatt and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weldon, Westfield, Mr."and airs. James 'Gray, of 'Freel- ton spent. 'the week -end the guests of Mrs, James Smith, Messrs. Dais and Colin MCDonaid spent Saturday at Kitchener. Quite a number from here attend- ed the circus at London, .bfr, Ern. Sanderson, 'Mr, and Mrs, Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Gray and Mrs, Smith, 'Mrs. Dempsey and !Miss Carrie Dempsey spent 'Monday at Ctodcrich and 'Bayfield. lit', Wm. Mills has started to erect a new house in town. - Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm. Taylor attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Mantillas, near Seaforbh, en Sunday. On Sunday morning Trinity church had a large cogregation when the Bishop of Huron, 'Rt. Rev. David Rt : ,tams, of London, preached the sermon and administered the rite of confirmation to a class of 14, He, gave a splendid address which ap- pealed to all present. The 'choir also rendered some special music and the church was very pretty with a bright array of flowers. • Mr. and Mrs. Hughes and MT. Mc tafiliau, of •Iiolyrood, aleo Mr, and Mrs Bert, Viteeent and four children visited at ,Mr, and Mrs."' F. •Kershaw's on Sunday. - 'Wls are sorry, to hear of Mr, John Wells' death rn Londesboro early Sunday morning. The .funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, interment lacing at Burn's church 'cemetery, Mr- John Scott, of the 8th conces- sion of Morris, near town, uhderwent a serious operation in Wingham hos- pital 'Monday hos-pital'Monday morning. Mr. Thomas 'Laidlaw spent Sun - clay with Mrs. Laidlaw, who is a pat- ient in Victoria 'hospital, London. 'hiss Effie Logan has -resigned as teacher of U.S.S. No. 3, East Wawa nosh and Morris. Rev. and ;,sirs. U, Telford are ex- petted hone this week from their holiday in Montreal and other points. b'r, and Mrs. Chas, Nicholson re- turned home on .Sunday, " Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Rogerson and family spent Sunday in Brussels. Miss Lucile 'Mcbamee, oft Lucan, has 'been a guest of Dr,' and Mrs. B'aruhy at the parsonage. Miss Mc- Mamee rendered a beautiful solo in Queen street United church on Sun- daA ball game !between the ladies and gentlemen of Blyth took place 'on Monday- night, The nentlemen after- wards treated the ladies. Ivir, and Mrs. Jas, 'Morkham, of 'l.ucan, spent the week -end with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. Will Heffron visited Seaforth friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feeney, of Dublin, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. 5, Kelly on Sunday. ,Father 'Hogan, of New York, and formerly of Blyth,; called on friends. here during the week, . 'Miss Mary 'Healy, of Liken, spent the week -`lid with her parents, Mr. and IMrs. 1', 'Healy. Miss Nora Kelly is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs• Jos. 'Feeney, Dublin, Born. -On Saturday, June 26th, 1926, to <Mr.' and Mrs. M. Kelly, B'lyelt, a son, .'May and Mrs. Cole, of Toronto,.are• guests of Di. and 'MrsMilne. McKILLOP. Miss Marion Scarlett, who 'has ,had. a most successful ;and enviable record' as.teacher of S. S. 'No. 6, ;McKillop, I lave .'completed their contract of put- ting itement floors its 'Chanes Mc - 1 miller,'. of `many beautiful and costly : gifts; ' Mr: Thos. ,Purcell is engaged to run; the- cement mixer ort the good meld 'system east of Dublin. c a i�iias Agu'es_Eckert <has retailed iroute from Asnheretiburg, where she has been teaching. .Tire patrolmen rolmen ' are busy getting, the. road work done. ` • The Provincial highway that is to rut from Go',derich to Toronto Borth' of here, is n aki ipp" rapid progress throupli»the .pixie swatnlp, which will makea' short cut to motorists. • ?Entrarice examinations are its full, swing in our school at present. •Mr,•+ansi Mrs, 'Con. Eckert, accom- panied by their daughters 'Miss 'Limy .Eckart and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon tidal^s, of IDetroit, were visitors in onr burg last Sunday. indsor, � t wi `land from , Mr, Thos. Hol tM , h is a visitor in• our 'Burg at present. Evans -Murray. --'A " very pretty wedding was so'lemni'zed at St ,Col- tim'ban church on Monday, June 28, at nine o'clock .when Camilla, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John (Mur- ray, .Manley, ., bam'bride of :Mr Frani.,OutEvans,ecsorte ofthe Mrs. Peter Evans ,of Dublin. The mar- riage 'ceremony was performed by 'Rev. !Fr. Dantzer, (High Mass "being celebrated by' Rev. J. M. Eckert, of ttasvthorne, NY., uncle of the bride, The.bride, who was given away by Iter 'father, looked charming in a gown of salmon' colored georgette, trimmed with gold lace and wore a white picture hat and carried a bou- quet of 'white .carnations and maiden- hair fern. The ;gide was attended by her sister, Elizabeth, who was gown- ed in salmon colored georgette with Their maityy friends tt'islt then! a ;Map- 'py :wed'ded life, , T'!tc most obstinate worms fail to resist 'Flolloway's Corn Remover. Roxboro School. ---The following is the report of Roxboro school for the. June promotion examinations. --To Jr. 'IV. -(Honors) Herold Agar 75 p.c. (Pass)-Vietta Coleman' 74, 'Ken- neth '.Harrison 73, Olive Stirling 67, Bernice 'Howes 66, (Below pass).- George Powell, Sr. I1,-ILue1'la Mont- gomery, Viola Montgomery. Jr. II.- Elirabeth 'Bowes, Pearl Coleman, Pr. Clothes >ressng I use the up-to-date Roffman Sani- tary. Stearn pressing . Machina. All kinds of Ladies' and Gents' clothing pressed and cleaned. Work done on short notice, Prices moderate:. Work called for and delivered. SYDNEY DUNGEY pomtnercial Hotel Phone 227. hat to match, carrying a bouquet of - CAFE �. SEAFO �R REGULAR DINNER 40c " Meals and Quick L - Prompt Service BISSET'S at all hours BISSET'S ICE CREAM Sodas, Soft. Drinks, Chocolate Bails; garettes,. Cigars, etc. PERCY HOWEt, Prop. AMMIIPSISOINIr For mer Wear MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUMMER SUITS -light and medium weight • tweeds, especially tailored for summer wear, at $13,50 to $24.50 OUTING TROUSERS- The new shades of grey Flannel at $4,00 to $4.50 OUTING _SHIRTS --Collar attached in blue, white and many fancy patterns. The noted Regal make at, $1.95 to $2.95 SPORT HOSIERY*Fancy'stripes and cheeks, in 'blue, grey, brown, 50c to $1.00 fawn and mauve, at..... SPORT SWEATERS --- in pullovers and coats, colors of blue and grey checks, green checks and heathers at • • • - . • • • • .. $3.95 to $4.50 UNDERWEAR $1.25 $1.95 $1.00 $1.00 $1.90 Straw Hats Everything that's new and snappy in Straw Hats --- We haveit --- the wider brims, fancy bands, balloon edges at $1.50 to $4.50 Penman's Balbriggan Combinations Penman's Merino Conbinations .-.. • . B. V. D's with buttons and with [no buttons. Hatchway Athletic Combinations • Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, x SATJRDAY SPECIALS Boys' Black Cotton Stockings 25c. •lei's Work Shirts $1.15 Men's Grey Work Sox ,... , ...28c Men's Fancy Silk Sox 50c Men's Shirts with collars to match ---$1,05 Boys' Cotton Jerseys -- 39 Dresses of Distiiiction Now is the time to anticipate the summer dress requirements for every occasion , Our assortment is replete with crisp, fresh and new styles sheer, cool looking and daintily, made Dresses of every description and at every price. Some are of crepe -de -chine, some of georgette, some silk andsome combinations. But especially attractive are those developed from crepes and sheer wash fabrics. Trimmings show embroidery work, lace, pleats and hemstitching. You Couldn't Imagine How Really retty.These ,,Dresses Are t Come and See Thein. $0.50 to $25.00 i,t Costs• Little' To Dress Well At R JGIBB