The Seaforth News, 1926-06-24, Page 2Iffeage
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
we Offer Toronto's Best Prices.
St. Lawrence Market Toronto 2
It Will Delig1►t
s ��1�..1� •
Perfectly balanced -superb it votr.
„Trees ...eselealese,Weeeseesee sesereese... 3s,
the door, but 1 shan't lock you in. I'll
go up, but I promise you she shan't
"Promise," she said, weakly. F nod-
ded, closed the door, and returned to
the dining -room.
The doctor paused: "Well, good
night, Doctor," said my host.
A novelist seeks nocturnal adventure
and walks up Viking Square where he
sees an elderly English pariormaid
standing on the steps of n house.
When the maid sees him she jumps
down the steps and with piteous ap-
peal in her eyes cries: "Oh, Mr, Char-
lie, you've come at lost." The novelist
allows himself to be led into the house
in which he finds costly furnishings. "I'm afraid there's no chance."
An elderly man in evening dress"Not much," said the doctor, "but
comes toward him and greets him as i
"Charlie." Ile gets the impression I 11, be round at eight o'clock. After
that both the man and the maid know all, nature can do more than medi-
he is not their man. The elderly man cine." He went out, andthe elderly
informs him that his aunt is very ill man turned toward me: "I'm awfully
and is waiting for hint. The novelist sorry you had to wait. I hope you.
teals the maid and the man that he is don't mind. Now, since you're so good
not the man they think he is but offers as to help us out of this difficulty,
to splay his part in whatever drama ou'71 come a to her. And
they have for him. He is asked to, Perhaps
y p
wait in the dining room. A sound ,rerpemher to call her Auntie.,
conies to him frofn behind a closed 1 As I went up the stairs my courage
door. He finds the daughter of the was oozing away. Automatically,
sick woman locked in a room. followed my .guide, but the desire to
NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. run away, to avoid entangling myself l
The woman gave nee a dry sob: i ln nal ,vasstrongg so risky,
me. anything But still I
"I who've rooked after her all my life, , went was
t to entangle oneself is the'
and didn't marry because she wanted; essence of all adventure.,Thus, as
to keep me. Well, that doesn't matter, the door softly closed beind me, II
Anyhow, she became crazy for Charlie. found myself by the bedside. The!
She said I shouldn't get anything. yghts were low, so faintly illumined
Only she hadn't seen Charlie for a, the features of the three people in the
year, nearly. That annoyed her. She room, n hospital nurse on the other
was going to make a will in his favor,1 side of the bed, the servant who had
Above IS a party of British Rotarians on their way to the International
Rotary Convention held at Denver, June 13. to 20. Front row seated are:
C. White, British President of the Rotarians; Belfast; 3, 17, Appleyard, Leeds;
H. Winnicott, Plymouth; 3, E. Webb, Truro;. L. F. ICIng, Bournemouth.
Ladies are: Mrs. C. White, Mrs. Appleyard, I1'Irs. Webb, Mrs, Smith; Miss
Coghill, Mrs. Kingston. Back row: 3. Siuith, Liverpool; W. Curdy, Dublin;
C. Kingston, Dublin; 3. Riddell, Doncaster; Edward Willens, Brussels; G.
Charlesworth, Doncaster; ;W. Webber, Plymouth.
You didn't think I'd leave you alone
when you were seedy:"
"Charlie," she whispered, hurriedly,
"don't say I'm seedy. Don't be silly."
There was something quite sharp in
the wh}mer; it revealed the imperious
woman she had been. Indeed, she was
cross: "Why haven't you been to see.
me for a year?"
This ' embarrassed me, so I was
vague: "Oh, well, you know I had to
be away."
"Yes, I know, but 1 should have
thought you needn't have spent a year
in America. Still, dear, it's your busi-
ness." She pressed my hand, and I
hated myself. Then she e. added:
"You've changed. Even your voice is
"Poor boy," said the elderly man,
"he's got an awful cold.. But, look
here, Christine, you mustn't talk any
more; it's'- not good for you." •
But the old lady clung to my hand
with sudden strength, as if she feared
that with it life would escape her:
"Oh, no," she said, feebly. "Don't
I' haven't seen you for so long."
"All right," said her cousin. "He
shan't leave you. But Christine, dear,
didn't you tell me you wanted to sign
a paper."
"Yes, when Charlie came."
"Well, it's ready, it's written out.
Suppose you do it now? we've got the
witnesses here. Since they're 'here,
only he didn't come." She stopped,let me in and another maid. But I Christine, why not sign it now to save'
sobbing again. !registered these only vaguely. My eyes troubling them to come upstairs l lI 33g
"But, look here," I said, "I don't were fixed upon the figure that lay in again." THE COMPANIONABLE SMOCK.
understand. How is it Charlie hasn't the Stuart four-poster, surmounted by There was a pause Then the old;
been to see her for .a year if he thinks lady turned her face toward me, as ifI There was a time not ;ung ago when
that she'll make him her heir?" . �r l•m-• t b d
"He couldn't. He was in gaol. He
was released this afternoon. In Scot-
land. But he hasn't had time to get
here yet, and time presses. Now don't
you understand. They've got a will
written out upstairs. If she thinks
Charlie's come to her, she'll sign. She
knows she may die any moment, only
she's obstinate. She won't sign unless
Charlie comes to her."
"But you've got to have witnesses."
"Oh, of course," said the woman,
petulantly. "The servants will wit-
ness. Servants will witness anything.
Now, you see, if you go and speak to.
her she'll think it's Charlie, . , . .
Charlie'll get everything, and I'll be
penni:ess. Oh, it's too cruel. I'm too
old to go out and work. Oh, don't go
up, don't. And I haven't told you.
everything. Charlie's so bad . .
just as if being in gaol before hadn't
done him any good. He's done some-
thing else. 1 heard this afternoon
after they let hint out. Stupid of the
police . they let him go .. they'll
have to arrest him again. But never
Mind that. It doesn't matter what he's
done: if Mother signs he'll get every-
thing, and I'll be turned into the
street. Oh, don't go up, please. Better
leave the house."
At that moment I heard voices and
footsteps above. People were coming
down. Indeed, the thing to do was to
tun. But if Charlie did arrive? If
the old lady signed the will? This
woman would be destroyed. I must
see it through. So, hurriedly, I whis-
pered: "No, leave it to me. I'll shut
eo i(DOr 10912.SA^V
s 9r,1�. A1f77�/6
It makes
them smile-'
it's sure
worth while.
ISSUE No. 26—'26.
Tying to see me throughthe an the smock was identified as the ages, and said: "Charlie, you've been' work-
ing costume of an artist, but of :ate
a deer to me all your life. I'm going it has been adopted as office uniform,
to leave yon everything. And when,house frock, and for every type of
I'm gone .... Doris isn't to have any -practical wear. Women find them more
thing. Not a penny. I hate her." ; onvenient to slip on and off, and they
"Here's the paper," said my guide. are very becoming, besides lending
This was too much. I made a grab at themselves to a variety of designs in
the will, but the old man was too quick cotton washable fabrics' The smock
for me: i presented here is voted one of the at
"What the devil . , .'i" he began. 1 tractive models. It is fashioned of
"Stand back!" I shouted. "She's cotton broadcloth in plain color, with
Fcollar, revers and large pockets of
other dish containing cord water, be
High Schoci Bnardie end Boorde of- *Education
Are a LI tborim:i by lawto establish
With the `approval of the Minilster of Education.
;rent' be' conduoted 1r, r,ccordance with the regulations Issued by
the Department of Education.
ia given in .various .trades: The sehoots and classes are under the,
Application for attendance should bemade -to the Principal of the
for in the. Courses. of Study In Public, Separate, ContinantIon and High
Schools, Collegiate'. Instituter;. Vocational Sohoola-and Departments.."
Copies,oftho-Regulations issued by the Minister of, Education may be
,obtained 'from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
By "A Woarl!ain` With a Duster."
A young wonialf Said to me the other
day, 'I am in Iove with .a man who
wants me to marry him, .but l have re-
filsed him, -. I shall never luariy be-
cause my own hone life .has .:given 'me
a horror of marriage, .
"Dyer since I can remember life has
been one quarrel after another be-
tween my father and -mother. Tboy
never agree about anything, and they
seem to delight in hurting one -an-
other's feelings,
"I couldn't bear=that..I can't endure-
thethought of spending any life in a
house of strife,_ so I have resolved
nearer •to. marry. I am never going to
rant myself in any man's power, where
he can vent his brutality on me if he
chooses, and 1 am not going to inflict
my moods and nerves and tempers 011
any man. For it seems to mo that
there are no happy marriages, and that
somehow matrimony brings out all the
worst there is ba 'human nature."
I told this disillusioned young wo-
man that She hold got morbid! that she
was looking at matrimony ' through
dark -blue spectacles, and that there
were many happy husbands" and
Also I told her that each marriage
w as what the induvidual husband and
wife made it. Every man and woman
can make their marriage a heaven on
earth or an understudy of purgatory
as they will, and what other people.
have done has nothing to do with their
But when one considers the awful!
w arnings against matrimony that
many marriages present to the young,
one dogs not wonder that thoughtful)
young people are scared. Indeed, the
amacing thing Is that anyone -has
enough foolhardy courage to take a
rlslc which ends. disastronely for so
The dream of every girl Is to love
and be loved, to marry and have hus-
band- and.lionie end childreue--But
when she rouses herself from he'r ro-
mantic dream and takes a clear-eyed
glance at per married sisters, what
does she see in net a few cases?
She sees homes .in which there is
perpetual bickering over trifles; homes
fn which the daily quarfel is as much
a part of breakfast as the *ogee;
houses in which all' that the woman
gets out of matrimony is the privilege
of being an unpaid domestic slave and
being' abused and spoken to as a man
would speak to 110 other human being
en earth. Soit is no wonder that the
girl with a good• job is not evil}lug to
exchange it for the menial position of
a wife that she sees so many sister
women occupying, or ,that she asks
•herself why her marriage should be a
success when many others fail.
It is the same with men.. It is the
awful warning that men see posted up
in some house's they visit that makes
many of them shy at the altar. A man
lookse over bis friends who have mar-
ried and often sees nothing to lure
him: into following them.
On the other hand, so alluring are
the examples ' of successful marriages
we have among us that every really
happy home. becomes a matrimonial
agency,, and inspires every man and
woman who beholds it with a desire to
take at last one shot atthe greatest
sporting proposition on earth,
-At,the top of au steep climb we come
out.'into t gidiiious grassy open; and
1 ave it gallop -ducking under old ap-
ple -trees on which blossoms Mill cling.
Sa etiveet!' I eneteb one, and we go
aching down to the brook, then up in„
mods again, relaxing on soft hemlock 1 oedles. For this is the cathedral of
yellow birches. (The yellow birehsec-.
tion). Slim,. lofty trunks, shining ell -
very -gold; argo'd green°;canopy above,
through which sun sifts. Iced' sun-.
sliaudhes on the road, the brook in its
Hopis again; but always the silver col-'
onade, rank upon rank dimming away
itito silvery shadows.' I lcuow of no
other such wood; and there is,a half-
mile of it, sweetly uphill and H•1ow. - A.
thrush, somewhere,' gave his harp -
notes; did he thick, front the woods-
ditsdc, it was twilight already?
The brook, after' a particularly 'nar-
y -chins pool; swings ups a canon to our
right; but e sub -brook develops In the
road. This is mountain -going indeed.
Polly hops distastefully from one bank.
to the other, over rooks, delc cavy
planes, tree -boles in the way. I•Ioots
scrabble unpleasantly on stones. But
--look up! Not a single golden birch;
multitudinous families of ancient.
white ones. •'Phe white birch section.
terns ,messed 'lichens, are every-
where; blessed mountafnelamp! All
the wood -floor looks squashy; under
, us still runs the clear, pretty little sub -
brook, which should be diverted and.
-isn't. Soon•this'road will be ttse'if a
canon. One is sorry to see ,a good
mountain road that the forefathers la-
bored over, going so.
But along its edge—such violets!
Mountain -cool, spring -water wet; a.'
heaven for fate violets. Great; purple
June violets, with stems a foot long.
I saw a violet -head high le the air be-
side the tops df stuns tall lush grass
and a tail fern -frond, and thought:
Impossible- It must be just lodged
there. But I was interested enough
Ito dismount, and with Polly's rein over
my arm, feel my way carefully down -
the invisible stem=down and down in-
to cool depths of grass, past the gentle
i scratchiness of ferns, down, clown—
' and thereat last was wet ground. The
'-stem, perforce, had, ended; and I held
up—to the horses' obvious admiration.
,—a perfect lighthouse of a .violet.
Jungle Talk.
There was a moment of confusion, for! printed cretonne in a becoming design.' 1st Monk— My brother is going to fore placing in the oven.
Mlnard's Liniment • for Backache.
22 Tons In Pint of Star.
Aocord:lig to Herbert Dingle, a Bri-
tish astronomer, the oldest stars in
the universe are composed of a sub-
stance which weighs twenty-two tons
to the pint, says "Tine Pathfinder."
This is 56,000 'times heavier than Iron
Such stars are known as_"white
Prevent baked Custards frocurd
ling by standing the pie dish in an
not going to sign. I won't have it.l
Some fifteen inehes from my
to the bloom—and the bloom a semi -
pansy in size; only long-featurd, aby,
fragrant --a real violet of the wood*.
IOf these particular woods, rather;
rich with leaf -mold, scented like a
greenhouse. No conservatory could
do more. I mounted.again, moving
complacently off with the amazing
violet In my coat. Looting fascinatedly
down Into the meving.lusciousness be-
, side me, I saw a flash of pink. Could'
it be? Pink slid not belong here. There
Chad never been pink in these weeds.
"Babe,"„ I called”, `'here's a'colum-
! "Is it?" said my child, calmly; yet,
squirming obligingly round in her sad-
"Yes!" I repeated indignantly. "A
pink columbine!" and slid excitedly
- off. Just leaning over the dark leaf-
- road, nodding a lovely head, was
- this single flower. Any c?umbine has
distinction; and this was not the
smaller, wild, scarlet sort with its gold
heart, that must live by a gray rock -
and be' beloved by bags --but the rare
golden kind, the beauty of whose niin-
meted bloom, and its spired rosiness,
was not amiss even here. And these
woods are a test of any flower. Al-
most a tropic luxuriance, yet, hold in
I by a lefty, thin -aired, mountain re-
! serve; their forest: tops against Medi -
i tei•ranean blue, interfered with by
swelling white clouds --streaks of"
which have come to earth, again in
the great clumps of birches. A flower
that eau hold Its own in this Roaring-
ness, this enchantedness`-and the col-
umbine did. Foreground — even a
flower-foreground—is. unnecessary in
such a woods; for one has already
three worlds—ground, a pale mid -at-
mosphere of trunks, then tree -tops and
sky. Any one of these would be
enough; yet nearby a gray wall gave
a lost touch--toppliing along ee_burieal
in maiden -hair fern and splotched
with orange. lichen that the tumbly
old lino of it fence tile solid mark of
a farm -edge) is just something to help
the co:umbine. From some old gar-
den blew' this seed; somebody,s -be-
loved garden that once . looked. over
this wall; or else the. seed stuck to the
fuzziness Of a pollen -loving bee who,
forgetting his hive and his proper gar-.
don -flowers in these. wood-
came, seed and all, to call 00; a wood-
violet—and dropped it, sagely, where
It grew to be the loveliest thing, in a
fairy wood. ---Anne Bosworth Green, iu;
"Dipper Hill._"
Holland's Capital..
The minter of the capital of Holland
is preceded by the word "The" be-
cause tabs Dutch name has +e
equivalent or, -00"—par—with 1110
name Graenhage, 1t means the Count's
Hedge. In the Thirteenth century the
site of the•'present city .was 0110 lutCnt-
ing lodge and grounds of the counts of
Holland and under Count Florae V. -
(1254-1296) became the official ma,.
dance. Under William 1I. it also be-
came 1110 site .of the supreme court
and the centra or adminis0ratlon. It
was not, however, incorporated es ti
town until the Nineteenth ;century.
the servants jumped up, and I was There are gathers over the bust, and, open a s'lo'e.'
confronting the three. We were T11: it has long set-in sleeves, No. 1330 is! oh2nd Monis-"More monkey business
speechless and ratherpale. A fu yI °' .
pee m sizes 34, 3G, 39, 40, 42 and inches
rani_ over me as I turned upon the old, bust. Size 36 bust requires 3 yards
man: "She shan't sign. Do you hear?' 36 -inch plain material, and 114. yards
Give nue that paper, or I'll talcs it front figured. Price 20 cents.
h.f you. s 5 ePee ower um Many styles of smart apparel may
i x -, l !ry feeble cry en111e from the bed: I found in our new Fashion Book.
is1 -,..r . - J"411' a y" be
"Oh, what i 1t. What is 1t. •(Inc designers originate their patterns
weapon I turned to the old lady, but at that the heart of the style centres and
Before he could drag his ( iny
the policemen were on him. moment I heard rapid steps on the their creations are those of tested
stairs, swift progress. The door was popularity, brought within the means
' of the average woman. rice o e Flugland, The Duke was tremendously
and flung himself down on his knees.
middle-aged man rushed to the bed, book 10 cents the copy. reser' on getting this big work. coni- l
by its side: "Auntie, A.untie!" he' BOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. pleted, and the purpose of the thirteen
chimes was to prevent danger of the
dinner hour. being extended by any
one missing—o' pleading to have miss-
ed—the single stroke n•111011 WAS the.
signal to resume work.
a canopy of crimson brocade flowered
with gold. She was such a little thing,
the old lady in her vast bed. Her atti•
tude was one of infinite weariness;
she lay cheek upon the pillow, one
thin hand faintly moving upon the
coverlet, a Large bandage covering the
whose of her forehead and her eyes.
She was pitiful, so small and weak,
and the effect of the sick room had
already been created, for bottles and
grasses stood upon a small table; there
was a cylinder of oxygen, and the
faint smell of sickness, the close, half
scented smell, already filled the place.
Then the elderly man touched my el -
how, and I went to the bedside.
"Christine," he murmured, "here's
Charlie," The old lady did not reply;
for a moment I thrilled with the hope
that she might be dead, and that this
tragedy would thus be ended. But the
thin hand persistently moved, and I
found myself recognizing a resembl-
ance with her daughter, the same
straight 11088, the beautiful old faded
"Christine," •he repeated, hi's tone
made anxious with the thought that
had occurred to nue. He touched her
hand. "Christine, it's Charlie."
I saw that. I must play my part, so
bent down quite close and murmured:
"Auntiel Auntie Christine!"
At the sound of this new voice, she
suddenly seemed to revive. A tremor
ran over her features, and she made
n effort to sit up, which, with the
swiftness of a cat, the hospital nurse
s' pressed.
"Oh, what is it?" said the old lady,
vaguely, as if aroused from a dream.
"It's Charlie," I said.
It was horrible and charming: she
smiled, and the thin hand moved about.
vaguely„until I Clid mine into it: "Oh,
Charlie,” she sand, "I'm so glad you've
come. I didn't think you'd come."
"Why, of course, I came, Auntie.
flung open and a rather handsome p ' f th
Thirteen O'clock
At least one clocic'has been to made
that it weird strike thirteen at one
o'clock. This was a clock made to the
order of the Duke of Bridgewater, who
built the famous Bridgewater Canal
running from Worsley to Manchester,
cried, "I've come in time?" His tone Write your name and address plain -
changed: "What's the matter? It's) ly,, giving number and, size of such
Cherie. Don't you hear?" He jump -'I patterns as you aant. Enclose 20e in
ed up, staring down •at the figure, and' stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
stepped back: "Too late!" he said, in it carefully) for each number and
a low voice. I address your order to Pattern Dept,
For a moment we all stood fixed Wilson Publish' g Co., 73 West Ade -
where we were about the bed of the; !aide St., Torcnto. Patterns sent ' y
Woman round whom had centred so, return mail
much strife. So smitten were thesej --
tthat only- . Quainteit Republic.
plotters by their defeat, a I P
heard yet more footsteps upon the Europe's least known republic, An':stairs. It was only atthe karst mo -1 dorm, has received a surprise. Reeent-
ment, as the door fel open, and be -
I ly it notified the"League of Nations
hind the two policemen I could see the"! direct of it adherence to the Opiumfigure of Doris, that Charlie with an:
oath, thrust at his hip pocket, But.
before he could draw his weapon the
policemen were on hien.
Convention, but was reminded that it
was not a sovereign State, and that it
must act through France.
Andorra. buried in its lonely valley
As if =scions that some peril in the heart of the Pyrenees, is left so
might threaten me, Doris had run to severely alone that thissmall over -
my. side. In a hurried whisper she sight May he .pardoned,
said: "I got out. 'I didn't think ofIt does as a matter of fact,claim
telling you . . I got the policemen.; l complete. independence, under 8 chart -
Oh, you're safe, you're safe!" er of Cherie -Mope, but that document
I is, alas- a forgery, and theany repub-
Another story of midnight advert lie has 'really two overlords, France
ture by W. L. George, "Tire Stolen and the Bishop of. Urgel in Spain, .a
Baby," will follow.
Hatching of Toads.
Some toads are batched directly
from the egg, without passing through
a swimming tadpole stage; neverthe-
less they go through a tadpole stage;
inside the eggshell.
Bobbed Nair Here, Poverty There,
Women of China, 16.700 of them, are
dependent neon charity as 5 result of
the bobbed hair fashion-, it reported
in Peking. The women wero employ-
ed in the manufacture of hair 'rets:
Minard's Linimenttor burns,
fact duly recognized by its only rases,
960 francs a yetr.t.o 1tramee and 460
Pesetas to the Bishop, a total of, say,
1320. l
This joint rulership dates from' the'
thirteenth century, and constitutes the
Bishops of Urgel the only cleric ill lilur-
ope still having tempora
-Corn money—and net It ovary weeks Sall fruit
Imes, flowering shrubs, shade trees, hedging, rex,
end. evergreens. Outfit furnished. Old, estnli.n•
cd milrm 1125 nn attrnativo-propo¢illon for man m•
woman 01112011.0:13
f nand etnndlno 2nd , LIMITED, • C. D. SMITH a SONS, lJMITCO,
1 powef.
The Toon', Ha;peal for Ineurablee, In
affiliation with Bellovuo find Alllad Hospital,,
New Yark 0115, attars a throe year.' Caurse
of Traintnp to young women, having the
required eddoatton, nod deeiroue of hecom!na
nurses. This Hospital has adopted rho eight.
hour system. Tho pupil, receive uniforms at
the School. n monthly nitowadae. and traveling
expanses'. to and from New York. For further
Inform:Mu write the SUperiniondent
T.�. ..,r
TT'S so strong you could stand on
it without doing it any harm.
The rubbing surface is heavy Sll!IP'.
Pearl Enamel, positively smooth as
glass, but unlike glass, it cannot
break! And it won't wear out, like
zinc. The back is heavily re-inforced
with wood. It's a washboard that
will last for many years, and
remember, it is SPIIP made.
Tho Sheet ' 1etai rreducta Co,e4.Ctaiire LI. til
Montreal TORONTO Whitnipeg
Edmonton Vancouver , Calgary
There ate about 8,000 persons list -
eel as beekeepers in the U.S.