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The Seaforth News, 1926-06-17, Page 5
THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1926, THE $EillioNTH NEWS LOOK AT THE CUT of Meat you are buying and see if it has theolor and the appear- ance of fresh, tender, juicy, whole- some beef. Don't buy it if it is string, dry, dark, 'fu11 of tendons, You get quality cuts here. It is better to pay us a few cents a pound more and get meat you can eat enjoyably. •..D. STEWAIlT Phone 58 ,Seaforth Your Butcher. WEDDING RINGS June is suggestive of Wed- ding Rings, 14k and 18k, plain and engraved $6 to $9 DIAMONDS Mounted in modern settings, also in the popular claw set- tings. Real money savers. Clocks; 1Vatches, Emblem, Signet and Birthday Rings. Expert watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Service — Satisfaction J. A. WESTCOTT Watchmaker and Jeweler. Oliposite W. A. Crich's. Red & White chain Stores Our prices for week commencing June 18th Sery-us Sal Soda 3 pkgs for 25c Matches, - 3 boxes for 25c Sery-us Baking Soda 3 lbs for 25c Magnet Tea (our stores only) 65c Red & White Cocoa, :.. ib plcg-14 Snap, the great cleaner per tin 14c Sugar. 10 lbs. for 67c Every article we sell is backed by our own personal guarantee. Our goods are of the highest qu'aiity. Ross J. Sproat Phone 8 W, M. Stewart Phone 77 emarazteammatimememommamatimmaL W, J. Walker $6 Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. j. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. NOTICE Having taken over the agency of the late James Cowan for the Farmers' FertilLer Co., Wingham, I will be pleased to all all orders of both old and new customers and give any information within my knowledge ANDREW AReflIBALD Box 282, Seaforth. Ph..,,e 44W. Also Agricultural -Lime Complete in itself, Bother Graves' Worm Exterminator docs not require the assistance of any other medicine to make it effective, It does not •fail to do its work. C1EA1 GRADING The purchasing of Cream according to grade became law on May 1st. Your cream graded here li experts under Government supervision and we guarantee' you the best of service. All our grading is checked by the Department of Agriculture, Aim to scud Specials and No. 1 grade cream. , Send or deliver your cream at least twice a week and as direct as possible. All cream graded as soon as we receive it. Creamery Open Saturday Nightu, Seaforth]Cream.ery Co. Seaforth, Ont. De H, McInnes Chiropractor Masseur Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, enday and Thursday After- noons In future. Diseases of all all kinds success- fully treated. Fruitsand Vegetabies At all prices to meet your needs RHUBARB RADISHES GREENONIONS SPINACH TABLE RAISINS HEAD LETTUCE CELERY CAULIFLOWERS TOMATOES SHELLED ALMONDS 6n ■ c Per lb ■•s T1 PhiIIips• for EeZEMA 24 it ftberhart's Drug Stor Seaforth Whds at fault? `ead for Areyou >< such an MICE mg? Complete automobile insurance safa uards your driv INSURE NO y 8\S wren 'A. D. SUTHERLAND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT BONDS .AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 152 NORTH McKILLOP. The Bethel Ladies'.Aid of tile Wal- ton circuit will hold a garden party on the:, lawn of Mr. David Crawford, 14th concession of 'McKillop •on Thursday, June 2.4th, r The Seaforth Band will be in attendance and .Mr, 'Harvey !McGee, the Canadian Harry Lander, will give selections, 'We are I) leased to see our young friend, Miss Nora •S'hoidice, out idivision. de- livering,the mails ❑ No, 2 She des her work nicely. • Mrs, Jepson, of Fergus, is on a visit •'to her friend, Mrs, Munn. The lady is accompanied by two children, Raymond and Clara, 43 011......11 M *M...r�YM.8.....a* CM OMIP100.0•100401.1.11.1101.0.001 . ' I Town Topics 11 Gpe• Mn�rn�aa�rM��r��� Mr. Geo. Brownlee left for 'Toron- to, Maple and surrounding po'inta this week. Mr.`and Mrs. Harry Kellar were Bayfield visitors on Saturday. Mrs. I. D. Price, •of Aylmer, visited her 'brother; Mr. F: D,'Hutchison, and her niece, Mrs. IR E. Bright, on Monday and Tuesday, ,MI5. tG. G. Wilson and Norma, of Staffa, were visitors in town on lion- day MisS Sarah IFIutchisot is agaim;in town and will remain with her broth- er during the Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Heron .have rented _Miss Hargan's residence on Goderich street for the -summer months, W. jr. •McMillan aid family are moving to the house recently parch- ..ased from Miss Henry in Egntond- villa Mr. and Mrs, Johnson Mcllroy are moving into Mr, Wm. Hill's house, vacated by Mr, MdMildan, Mrs. Weber and daug'h'ter and !Mr. Jos. Weber, of London, were Sunday visitors in town. !Ali'ss Alice Knechte1, of Toronto teaching staff, was a week -end visitor at her ho'rne here and left to visit her aunt, Mrs. QRev.) McLean, St. Cath- erines. Mr. and Mrs. L'aCurt'is and Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'LaCurtis, and Mr, and Mrs, 'Roy Walker, of St, Thomas, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Manson, and also with Mr. and Airs. D. Papple. Among those who attended the 'Webster reunion int Bayfield from'this vicinity were Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Web- ster and family, Mr. Lorne Webster and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Web- ster and son Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Webster and daughter Dor- othy, 1•ir, and Mrs. Ben. Rising and daughter Lavada. IMrs. H. Little, Mrs, S. Strachan and Miss June Strachan visited Mrs, Geo. Brownlee last week. Mrs. W. J. Moffat •and little song of Port Colborne, and Miss T3eatrice Larkin, of Toronto, are guests at, the Manse, Mr. John Scott, Sr., and Mr, J. T. Scott sang a 'pleas'ing duet in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday even- ing. Miss Ashton spent the week -end in Kitchener. Mr.• John Nolan, Huron road east, was .struck by a falling tree Thursday last and his leg was"severe- ly crushed although no bones were broken. He will be laid up for a time. IMrs. :F, H. Larkin has returned from attending the Presbyterian '\V. M. S. fu Saskatoon. lfrs. J. Spain, of Galt, is spending a few days in town. Mr, and Mrs. James Stewart and Mrs. W. Govenlock motored to To- ronto this week. Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Lockhart an children and Dr. H, M. Katzmeye of New Hamburg, were week -en guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs G. Seip. Miss Alma Dalton, of Toronto, i spending her vacation at her home. Miss Agnes Downey, trained worse of London, is the 'guest of Mrs. J llrr. McMillan. •Mis's Anna Atkinson, of Detroit, i spending a couple of weeks with he mother, •Mrs. James Atkinson, ant brother, !Mr. Louis Atkinson. ' Miss Margaret Jordan, of Dublin was a, week -end guest of Mrs. Leo Fortune. !Mrs. J. F. McMann leaves o; Thursday for Chicago to take in th Congress from the 20 -24th. Miss •Rossie Elder is attending the Rebekah assembly in Toronto this week. Dr. H. •H. Roos was a visitor to Cleveland. • • IMr. F. R. Beattie is a visitor at the ;hone of Mr. S. T. Holmes. Mrs. Henry IMeGavin, of Tucker - smith, and Mrs. Ralph Elliott, are visiting :Dr. 'lic'Gavin, in Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. D. MdDonald, of Cod,erich, and their daughter, Mrs, Neivton ;Brady, of Bayfield, were in •town calling on Mr. F. iHohnested. Mr. and Mrs. T. Elder are spend- ing the summer in iBayfield. Airs (:Dr.) Smillie and daughter Adeline, of ''Nia'gara tFalls, and Miss Murphy, of 'Hammond; Ind., were the guests of Mrs. R, `Frost, Mrs. McMichael and Mrs, 'W ltse, of 'Clinton, were visitors et the hone of Mrs, R. M. Holmes. Mrs, Joseph Keating is in Ottawa attending the annual convention of the Catholic Women's `League. Miss Elizabeth !Smith, of 'Ottawa, who visited a few days with Mr, and Mrs. W E. Kerslake, has gone to 1'lirit Mich. . 1,2r, and !Mrs. Harry McGee and a party of friends, of Toronto, called on their cousin, Mrs. John '`Sproat, on Saturday. d Y Me. and M'rs. Robert Smith. of Cheeley, spent Sunday in town. Misse=. Plant, of Toronto, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. -Berner: !Rev, and Mrs; H. M. Wright and children, of Trowbridge, Mrs, Wright and Mrs. •Knot, of Chatham, were Sunday guests a•t the home of Mr. Wright's ;cousin, Mrs. C. Clleoros, Goderich .street 'qrs. James' •Cowan was in :Sarnia ttendir 1 the funeral g of the. late Mr. G Tohn Cowan ,I{ .G llrs, 'C •'S:arks was i p a FIensadi at - ending •the 'funeral of her sister. Miss Mary Walker, of Timmins, is pending a month at her hone'here, Mr. ;and Mrs. Alex. 'B.roadfoot" left r t n" \lords bymotor votot•"f i• o Chicago heir return trip -tri IMoosejaw. on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sullins and '1•r. and ,Mrs. Louts E, Stllins, of De- rort;. and Mrs. !Geo. !Hudson and Mrs. os, !Hudson, of 'Hen'sel!, spent the ws e'k- " anal with Mr. site! Mrs. John Cnnsitt. Miss Mary Hastings, 'of Wingham, s am,. s spending the .week ith her cousin; rs, Jessie Brown, 'Mrs. Joseph Melady left on r Moo - .ay for Vancouver, B.C. d d 0 Extra Trousers Free With Ml Made To Measure Hobberlin Suits from2 o � 5, O up Ordered during June From W. Baternan District Representative PHONE 257, • BURIED TREASURE In days gone by folks buried their treasure to keep it safe. Even then it was frequently lost or stolen. To -day, with no trouble to you, you can place your savings with us and enjoy a security unknown in, the old days. The Government of the Province of Ontario guarantees the safety of every deposit with us. PROVINCE OFO h , ENV 11P©S/T671,1 ' c HEAP OFFICE • !NGS OFFICE T•4,Wo GOVERNN(NT 15 QUEENS PARK SEAFORTH BRANCH • J. M. MCMILLAN, Manager 14 Other B ranches Throughout Ontario. 5 Mr. Freti,'Barlow has rented Mr, Barpett's house and will move into it the first of next ntonth. BORN. PARKER.—In Seaforth hospital, on Monday, June 14th, 1926, to Mr, and Mrs. Earrel Parker, of Thames Road, a daughter. MANLEY. Maloney-Eckart. — A pretty wed- ding was solemnized at St. .Colum - ban, June 15th at 9 aim., when Mary Clotilda Eckart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eckart, 'became 'the bride of Peter 'Maloney, son of Mrs. John Maloney, Beechwood, The bride, who was given in marriage Eby her father, looked charming in a beautiful gown of white georgette,trimmed with lace and carried a boquet of white carnations and maiden hair fern, tied with white ribbon. She wore e veil with wreath of orange blos- soma. The bride was attended by her sister, who wore a gown of tan crepe de chine, with gold braid trimming and carried a bouquet of white roses and maiden hair fern. .The groom was supported by his brother Dennis, of Detroit. The marriage .ceremony - was performed by the pastor, Rev. Father Dantzer, after which 'high mass was celebrated by 'the -bride's uncle, Rev, J. M. Eckart, of !Haw- thorne, N.Y. The wedding march was played by (Miss M. Flannery. The !bridal pary drove to the hone of the bride's parents, where a sumptu- ous wedding breakfast was served to about seventy-five of the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The bride and groom were the recip- ients of many beautiful and costly presents showing •the esteem in which the young 'couple are held.' The bridal left on a honeymoon trip to 'Rochester, .N.Y, land points east aurid showers of confetti and good wishes 'from their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. !Maloney, on their return, will reside on the groom's farm, Lot 8, Con, 4, McKillop. 'Mr. and .Mrs. Con. Eckart and Mrs J. F. TvFcMann were visitors in our burg last'Senday. Mr. W. Manley had the misfortune of losing a driving colt this week. Mr. Thos. Purcell is engaged with Mr, John ;Reid to work on the dredge on the Di.11or drain. HIBBERT, Ins actor. n . p and Mrs. ,HalalY and lit - x115 .son, of Stratford, spent ent the week- end with his s +fat t'f et Mr.Jos, lvfela d. Mr. and •Mrs. John Walsh and two littlesonswere visitors M Mr, and Mrs. P. McCann's on Friday. Tvlr. Thomas' Givliu was a visitor with hf Is daughter, au T. Williams. gWilli s. 'Mr. Gerald'!Doy Mrs.le !had the misfor- tune to sprain his ankle, but we are glad •to know it is improving, Mr. John Nigh was a St. Joseph's visitor on Sunday. 'Miss Agnes •Curtin is visiting with Ilier sister, Mrs. John Jordan, Mrs. Frank !Burns visited Miss Mary A. Kelly during the past week. Mrs. Jerry Ryan, Of " Stratford, is visiting with her ,mother, IMrs, Nota Maloney: Monster Picnic at BAYFIELD Wednesday, June 23 AT ONE O'CLOCK SPEAKERS OF THE DAY WILL BE HON G. HOWARD FERGUSON K. C. , M. P. P. Prime Minister of the Province of Ontario HON. W. H. PRICE K. C. , M. P. P. Treasurer of the Province of Ontario Hon. CHARLES McCREA K. C.,M.P.P. Minister of Mines of the Province Ontario PROGRAM OF SPORTS - will commence at one o'clock. Among which will be a Soft Ball Match, Baby Show, and a special prize will be•awarded to the oldest Conservative on the grounds; al- so a special prize for the largest Conservative family in attendance BAND IN ATTENDANCE Hot water supplied free of charge. No charge for parking autos, EVERYBODY WELCOME "GOD SAVE THE KING" VARNA, ' Mr, and Mrs. Fred 'M;,,cClymout re- turnec('Monday evening ,after spend- ing their honeymoon with friends in Detroit, Flint and Bay City. Their many friends wish' them a •prosperous and happy life, The annual Webster 'picnic was held in 'B,ayfneld Saturday. Mr. Wili'.Logian and sister attended the 'funeral of their aunt the lhl� Mrs. r Ira. Collins who.: was a resident of Rip- ley, `tP - y le •, Hiss Slavin has returned to Heit- sis!I after spending some time with her cousin, firs. John 'Beatty, Wedding 'bells are ringing. 'The Troyer picnic took place in Bayfield 'Saturday, 'G, H. Beatty spent a day in Lon- don Fast week. Mr. Fllank :Weekes and Mr. Will Beatty spent the week end in Listo- wel. Mr, 'W. Reid is employed on the good road system near Harrison, •Little !Ruth ,Elliott of 'London is upending a few days with her aunt, Miss Welsh. Mr. and Mrs,' T, Elliott of London 7 Eqq Grading! Eggs that are gathered tavice daily and delivered" to us twice weekly will brink; you more money, We are paying ,36c for Extras, GOOD BUYIANG Red Path Sugar $6.75 Manitoba Flour $4.50 Bull Dog Overalls $1.75 IT PAYS 130 BUY IN EGMONDVILLE Old Herts and Broilers wanted every Tuesday morning, W. J. Finnigan BEN4IUR The Special 'Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings ehop of POI Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAiN DEALER PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs Winter Storage, Charging and Repairing for all makes of Batteries. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Now is the time to have your car overhauled Give us a call and see how reasonably it can be repaired, greased and cleaned. Dealer in New and Used Cars. Agent for Chrysler Four and Six Cylinder Cars. Regier's Garage PHONE 167W. NOTICE Ladies' Hairdresser will be at the Dennison Pullman Barber Shop (Successors to W. W. Robin- son) Every Tuesday Phone 125jfor appointments Specialist in " Marcelling, massaging, shampooing and hair cutting. were renewing acquaintances in our burg Sunday. HILLSGREEN. Mr. and Mrs. 'Robs. Stephenson have returned .home after spending a week with friends in Brampton and Walkerton. ,Miss Lena McNaughton, of Tuck- ersnnith, was visiting her cousin, Miss Eileen Turner, over the week -end. The many friends of Mrs. R. Ste- phenson will be sorry to :hear she is very low at present at the home of her son, Mr. Chas. Stephenson, of Parr line. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stephenson left on Tuesday for the West to spend a month or two with his dau- ghters and other friends in different parts of the West. Quite a number took in the shower on Wednesday eveningin honor f � so 0 Y MissEthel 'Broderick whose mar- riage 1 takes place on the 19th to Mr. Robt. Mousseau, ofElay. Mrs. Wm. McAllister is improving nicely train the injuries site received to her foot'n car accident r a ide t a week a go, Mission band meets in the base- ment of the church next 'Sabbath, June 20th, Will all the girls please keep ,this in mind?' Mrs, 3. H. '.Petty and daughter Sandi, of second concession, visited Mrs. E. Troyer during the. week. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce, of Godenich, were visitors at the home of Mr. 'Chas. Stephenson during the week, and also •to sec their sister, M'rs. R. • Others do—, virtu can To sell people one has never seen — by Long Distance — may seem strange to you, but it is being done everyday. "I sell by Long Distance to points 200 miles away," writes a hardware mer- chant, "and never see the customers." "A man called at our store the other day" — writes an- other 'merchant, "I recogniz- ed his voice at once. I had been calling hint by Long Distance for months, but had never seen him." That is how Long Distance, by expanding the selling area in enabling merchants to sell far more in a day than their fathers ever dreamed of sell- ing. Be fair to yourself, and to your business. Give Long Distance a chance to do for you what it is so successfully doing for others. Stephenson, who is very low. The League ,team of KiPP eu and Hilisgreen charge are to play Chisel burst girls' soft -ball ,team on Tues- day evening of this week. Mothers Value this Oil.—Mothers who know haw suddenly croup maysoize"their'cchildren and how neces- sary prompt action is in 'applying fee lief, always keep at isand a supply of Dr. Thomas'_ Eclectric Oil because ex- perience has taught them that this is an excellent preparation 'for the treat, mem 'of this ailment. And 'they're wise, for its various uses render it a valuable medicine. t.