HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-06-10, Page 8HENSALL lwtiases IFle'len and ; lean'. Elder, e1 tTxrrtdton visited at their, home' htere. .a,,ree 7t -end . • ;r fi cx the . Mrs.. john •Nlurdoek and stster, *r¢• Taylor,totvisited airs: (Dr.) Sweet, sit Eateter on:saturdayr Ora, S. Steacy and .laughter ri+, With •lists vayited' over the weekend• � 3rsetrds in Cromarty, 1Mrt Mervitr•'Frawn, of Torino; ip visiting this parents; Mr, and Mrs, Brown, Mrs. Ed. 'Taylor;of Fillmore, Sask., _. note s'4tc aitvisiting her 'sisters, Mra• John More. 'dock and Kis. joint D•insdale., :The marriage o'f Mr. Thos. Wren to IMisis IBeatrnce ,Petty, eldest dough. Uel of Mi-, and Mrs':lL"IPetty, of (lay, to+o'k'place:at,the:1Rect'ory 'oh Satin., day morning last at 10 o'clock. Igen+., (kir. ,Naylor 'officiated. After 'a 'short thoneymeent 'trip they Will re'turn tag, Hensall to reside. Their 'weeny Mends ''here wish them life-long ftappi'nes'a, What 'might have been. a bad ac 'dent happened to Mr. Geo. Petty, `who accompanied hy Messrs. Wm. ''Coniine,. tRobt. IHnggz,is, 'Zonis 'Clark,. maid Wm . Pfaff on 'Friday evening list whine returning froth a meeting M •Clinton•, was 'run into by.'another ear. Mr, Petty, who was driving his awn , car, saw the car tanning,and Pulled river to his own .side of the road as far as he could, vvthen the other car ;driven by two young mien, deliberately crossed the road, ren inta:Mr. Petty's ear, and then cleared themselves and, made off in the dark-.rte'ss before anyone in the 'Petty 'att- were able to get their number, Mr. Petty's car was 'badly damaged and held to, be ,left at the scene of the acoiden't till next morning, when Mr. Pehty and Mr. (Higgins went up and ;repaired the car so it cduld be, brought 'home, Fortunately no one in the car was hurt, although badly shaken up. 'Right afterthe accident, Mr. Miekle came along.' Mr. Clark 'got -rn with hint and went to Hensa'1L He returned to Clinton iii his 'own car and brought the rest -home, Two Young mien were seen just north of :Clinton about half an hour after the Stec'ident fixing a wheel. The accid- ent happened in O1i,atoat atear the :railway track, where there was plenty -of room on the road end the drive - .way into the Gunn Janglois building. • It was an act of extreme carelessness on the part of'thc driver of the other car and by running away 'he cominit- >ted a -serious offence. • At the Comity ' Council meeting last week Mr, 1Wm. 'C'oares, of Us.. borne, Mr. Chas. Macdonell, of Men - stall and Mr. Stewart. of Ashfa'eld, were appointed county valuators. They are to make a valuation for as- sessment purposes and to ,report to. the'Connty council in December. The proposal so pave the highway from 'Gaderic'it to 'Clanton utas voted dowat, but owing to the poor quality of gravel as the west end, the road will he paved for 5 miles east of 'Godericb. ,Mr. Alf. Smith has sold his Fecal car and ;purchased a Ford coupe. Quite a number of our villagers have been 'purchasing new ears and others making exchanges for 'better ones. .•t a > r A. W. et t aht11 t3 ha , t •. Mr, L 1.1 a 4 g dice cement driveway lint in front the street to rhe rear of his dwelling, dna also intends erecting a neat garage. Mr. Taylor. asssisted'by his right'tiiand roan. Ur. James ,Robertson, is doing the 'cement work. Miss Margaret;'Hopkiric, of Lon- don, spent the week -end here with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter 'Hoe - kelt. Miss Edna 3‘.1dlyonaid, of the Bank of Termite staff, London, spent Wed- nesday last week with relatives • :Mass Margaret Buchanan, 'R.N., is here from the States spending a tee' days at.the home of her father, Mr. Alexander 'Bnchatnan, of this village: 'We regret to state that Mrs. Ales - ander Sparks continues seriously int, MTs. Geo. E. Met ntyre, of •Detroit, is here visiting her mother, safes, Jas. Sparks. Mr: 'Hugh •Mc1Dosutld, of •Cillsan- 1 ng, is visiting 'his grandmother. Mrs. Wm..Buchanan, • On Sunday afternoon, M•-. Janes McAllister, of the Parr 'tine, accom- panied by his stepmother, .\'frs. \V n, McAllister. while miming atear Ex- eter, and were masking a 'titre am the road, they were run into by a heavy ear going at quite a lively rate, with the effect of overturning their car sod damaging it very much, while Mrs. McAllister suffered injuries' to her foot requiring a number of stitches which were put in ‘by )c. Graham, of Exeter. 'The sacred concert of the Salvation Army v r y v hack was to have been held a eouple of weeks :ago but which ee- tavoidaihly had to be postponed, will he held ou Sunday afternoon the 13th, in the Town Flail and •promises to be ii:' Very excellent one as sn addition to a good program ` ,provided by the+ army, solos wall be given tby Mrs J. • ,tip.. a t tr a vo 1 baa . V on l tuiy Oa' chure'ki and M'rs ti , #Iedd'eny p1 no. Uat'ited church tend a' d'ie't by Mrs.' Tiaomlas Simpsatt' and M. fEarl': t rummand, St, PauI's 'Nmg1tcal church: whale Was Greta Lafnmte: and Mists Ethel Murdock. will Contrib- ute a violin duet. 'Geo e;.A, :Glenna of 'Mr. and Mos.g the London road, a.•'coupli~ : of utiles north of our' village; accompanied by Mrs. IGdenn and children, M'oto'red to Brussels on Sunday last 'to spend thee, day with't'el'atives' and friends. An executive meeting of the !Con- servatives in Clinton arranged for the. monster.Picnic and demonstra'tio'n 'to Premier Howard ,Ferguson and the cabinet ministers on Wednesday . af- tern'oon''W'June 23rtl,,to'be hell at BaY- 4 eld. •e notice that stir 'Nowns'men, Mr. ,Robert Higgins, was the efficient secretary, while anum'ber of our pro- minent !bueiness men and others ,from this locrdaity are on'the committees, Mas. 'Bontlh'non and soli -ha -law, Mrs., •C. Joymt, and Mrs Joynt, have engaged, a summer cottage at IBaylfield, Where they intend s'pendi'ng the stam'm'er •,months. The recent improvement 'made 'te our baseball diamond and park in the way of doubling the seating ea- pacity and provid'in'g the wire net- ting to protect the spectators .froom any stray balls, are much appreciated and were favorably commented upon at the game held bettween Creditor, pct tronr 4sorneatearn+ol Mendey:even- ing last. Dr. Alex. Ittoir has got, nicely set,. tied• in his new home. on the 'L'ondon toad a little south of our village sand has certainly a neat, up-to-date home with many modern conveniences and within a few rods of the 'fine ,spring brook that 'ru'ns along the west aide, 'the doctor havinglea'sedcr his 'floc toniestead farm a little ov a. tris northwest of our village, on the 3rd concession, 'Hay, has moved to the fine farm premises purchased a year or so ago from Mr, John M. 'Belt, and which he has improved 'so much, lin eluding a very tasty bungalow, and we believe in the near future content plates having a nice little water stretch which the creek will afford him by making certain changes in its course. Mr. and (Mrs. William Elder, of Tuckersmith, are for' the present visit- ing set th'e home of M•rs. Elder's mother, Mrs 'Robert Stewart, Sr., of our village. M•rs. Fels and Mrs. Beilby. who were here for a number of weeks vis- iting their sister, Mrs. J. McKenzie, have returned to their hone in the west. Our howlers- have for' the past cou- ple of week; been making good use of their'fine "greens" and have an ex- cellent caretaker in Mr. Thomas 'Fat - rather, who has so well attended to it for several years now. A number of our villagers, learning That the Rev. E. F. hrdL. 'Snaith, of Weston, and for many years pastor of 'Carmel chinch, before the years of the union. was to conduct services in the United Church at Rayfield no Sunday last, strove to 'hear and meet hint again, anti report most excellent aertnons and 'tha't the reverend gen- 'tlem'an was looking very well and de- lighted to meet former meniber.s of his congregation here. The Women's. Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian church intend holding a birthday party in the school roern00 Friday, June lith at 3 p.m, . and a good prograan is being arraug- ed a social hour or so is coni,deu'tly looked forward to. Our business Hien were taxed to the utmost on Saturday evening last to give service to the large crowds that had aasembkd here to do business anti enjoy the evening on our Main street. Quite a large number front our vil- lage and rural districts are attending from evening to evening the picture AVIS:: that are held in Seaforth. The ladies' guild of St. Paul's Ang- lican church held a successful ,ale of home made cooking on Saturday af- ternoon. 'Lite •I'adies report a liberal patronage and a pleasant'tin,e spent. Rev. air. Campbell, at present of Toronto, preached as an applicant for the pastorate of Carmel Presby- terian church on ,Sunday last, deliver- ing able discourses moaning and evening. some of the ladies of our d-lorticul- tural Society very kindly decorated the 'S'oldiers' •Monument at the town hall by a number of fine gera111101 plants, The secretary of the society would be plea- ed to receive orders res early as possible for tulips, etc., for fall planting as they are ;being ordered direct from 'Holland Messrs. Ernest and Hubert Nutt, 01 St. Marys, spent the Week -end alt THE SEAFOR^ NKWS• tat TRURSDA.Y 10, 1926. e I�enceWire ad . from ther m d to thewirein Canada of Oren open taearth Copper BearingSteel. ? FF `y. It is u; aran!eodagainst ust. Ytis of E'reate ata s'ae, Strong! than other wires. . • It is chewer. F 6 wire ', , 7 wire . 8 wire ........ -per 'rod 36d1 cash :per rod . 4t3 = "cash e. • er rod 44Id,casl •p W ha a fresh Canada v est Ca oda Cetnent'Paristonc Linde and GYP roc tin stock. Geo. A. Sills&: Sons HARDWARE. the.,hame of Mr. and .Mrs. W. 'Hyde, of the London. road. Mr. Frederick IBengough has beenY awarded ,tthe contract of caretaker of Carmel IPresbytenian 'church, and 'will no doubt 'prove the right man in the ,right 'place. Mr. S. L. 'Pypler, the genial and capable accountant of the 'Bank of Montreal, left here the 'first of this week to spend some ''three weeks' holidays and intends itnpnoving •'.'tlhe opportunity by,Jtakin'g -a life •partirer and has already provided a neat 'home and 'has a nice garden coming on which adds so 'mu'ch to a hdme,and In another issue we will perhaps be able 'to give more particulars as to the 'taking of a 'helpmate. 'Mrs. William Buchanan and Mrs. J;; S. McDonald, her daughter, and little grattd'daughter 'Florence, are in Toronto visiting 'Mrs. Buc'hanan''s sons 'there. Ntr. Kirkwood, of Toronto, is 'here at ,present visiting his son-in-law, ]rev. H. Naylor, of St. Paul Anglican Church. 'Mrs. 'Ro'bt. •Patterson, Sr., of the tHensalli'private •hospital, left on Tues- day morning (for an extended trip and visit and wall likely be away for a few months as she intends visiting rtJatives in Manitoba, Western 'States and Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs, J. IB, Simpson also left on the same train' to visit relatives and friends in different parts of the. West, and 'Mrs. (Hugh •NteEwan also left ler a several 'months' trip to the coast and will visit in different parts of The West where she has many rel- atives. We are pleased to report that Mr.. j W. Skinner, who has been serious- ly the ill forpast t thr e weeks is v 1 S e S non improving a little and his many friends hope his recovery will be ra- pid. Death of Mrs. Dining.--Tlhere died on the second con. of Tuckersmith ;fust east of Mensal! on 'Friday nnorn- ing last a well known resident of this dstricI in the person of airs. Samuel 'Milling, Mrs, 'D.illing was stricken with pneumonia a little raver two weeks ago, and her case was serious from the first. She rallied somewhat and her friends were looking for her recovery, but taking a relapse she passed .away on 'Friday. Her maiden name was Mary Emma Kestle and she was born at Sharon, Stephen tp.. 67 years ago, being the 'eldest daugh- ter of the 'late Charles and Mrs, Kes- tle. e's'tie. She lived 'a't home in S'tep'hen til; her marriage to Mr. :Dining some 41 years ago. They then lived in Ex ete:r three years, and then moved to Seaforth where they lived for 14 years 'lien Nt'. Dining purchased the'farm on the 2111 of Tucleersmilth, east of hteinsall, where they have resided since, ivirs. billing united with .the Methodist church when a young girl and has been a consistent. Christian all her life, always taking an active part in all church work and her advice and help will be sadly missed in the different church socielties of which she was a member: She leaves be- hind her to mourn her iots her sadly bereaved husband, one daughter, Mrs. Maurice Quiance of 'Exeter, and two •sans. Austin and Wilber; one son Cc- cil was killed' lin the war. ,Also two wo brothers Mr. Kestle of Us'borne and Josiah Kestle of 'Exeter, and 'three sisters, Mrs. Chas Amy, of 'Exeter; Mrs..Paul 'Coates of Exeter and Mrs. Jeffery 'Fisher of Us•borne The nun- i'n' Walton. '.Quite a • ttptn'ber ;of *ouwi 'peolpde togk,In the nvwonl'ng'}t't excursion on eei o 'M nd'a`Y v 94 g. coal . took placeroll."1�fonBiayafternoom .to the Exeter cemetery the service ibe- ing-conducted aby•her; pastor, Rev. h r-• Tiber Sinclair, and a large crowd Of old neighbors and friend's 'followed the remains to the hast resting place. Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm,'Wilson of IGerde= rich and Mr, •a.nd Mrs. Arthur Cald- well, of Stanley and Mrs, Wm. West cott, of Seaforth, old neighbors of the' Dining ,fe'niily, often ed ;the funeral. The sympathy of. •Vhe,whole commun- ity goes out TO 'the ,bereaved family. 1Mr. DDallin'g'some'tme.a.go purchas- ed a home on South 'Richmond street where he and Mrs. Dilding were Plan- ning to retire from ac'tive work in the near future. - Mr. and Mrs. d' ` lSulldns and 'h'is brother and wife,,,W,. Sullins; of 'De- troi't, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Hudson. Mr, Ken. M'agnah',:'Mrs. Win. tMag- nall of IBeachdille, !Mrs G. F..Sco'tt: and 'Mrs. A. `'H. 'Cuerall of Woad - stock visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hud- son on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Madge intend leaving this week tfor"a motor trip to ,Michigan, whore 'they will visit rela- tives and friends. Rev. 'Father Ford, of .Windsor, is visiting relatives in town, The many fncntsa. of •Mrr. :John Dinsdale who ha's 'been in peen health for a number of years, are sorry to know he is ,'lowly sin'kiug. ing. A large crowd attended the 'baseball match in 1Hen•sa'll, on Monday might between Crediton 'aced'. Ilensall, result- ing in a victory for'i'Iensall 3-1. The game was_ keenly *Rested., David }Beeswax 'pjtc'hed e_ great ,'game for Hen'sall. After tetematch4•lllte'•young people of Credatan, ua Diva. play in the town ha11r entailed) �ed1 "Are You a Masan," whicIY wast greatly -enjoyed by 'the large' crowd ‘, present The iHen'safl band played several selections outside the 'hall before the play c'om- ,nenced and 'also between acts.. A 5 - lb. box of 'chocolates was given the person holding the ,lucky ticket,. this being von byMiss Flora Higgins. IWundersand that the young people of Crediton will repeat the play in the near future. The services in the 'Tanked church were well attendedt"fast. Sunday. Rev. Arthur Sinclair occupied his own pul- pit, The League meeting of the United church was 'postponed to Thursday evening' this week. The player meet- ing and League meeting will be com- bined. •Mr. 'Elgin ;Rowcliffe will give the address. The first and second farms of the Continuation school 'skia'rt their 'mid- summer examinations on Friday of this week and will finish on Thursday the 17th. The entrance start June 28. HILLSGREEN. Wedding bells are ringing on Parr line this week, More particulars next week, ' 1Mr, 'Ro'bert :S'tep'hen'son'•s have treated themselves to a•', Chevrolet coach during the .past week. Mrs. E. Troyer has.returend to her home after visiting her niece, Mrs: W. Hyde, of the London road. 'Mrs. Wm. Grandy, of Decketwilde, :Mich., is here at present nursing -Mrs. ,Root Love, Who bras 'Been very ili for the past cin months.' •Rev. Mr. . Chandler, di Walton, treuchcd in Uniion' church here on Sabbath. ;Rev. R. A. Lundy preached • Exeter Mr; 1/1, Bovaershas, resngned'.'stai. position' on .the Exeter. S. staff eta, become •prtitcipal of. 'Fergus igh • Se'ho 1 n er) •f Mathematics. o a teach o d. Mrs. -Bowers was ; formerly Miiast Annie Lawrence; of , `11f'r,''J:Harvey,. 'M.`n •soof Mr. and, Mrs. J. 5..tHarvcy, ,has received his M,' A. degree alf Toronto University, The wedding took place in St. Thomas ort ;Wednesday tataniidng.:last pf 1Iyiigs Alicei?faff, ,elder daughter of Mr, and alvlrs, I m. Pfaff, .:of Exeter, ter , to larence Haley 1MaY,Son+F ,Mr and Mrs. Jos. of lsiorpe, SEAPORTS MARKETS. Wednesday, 'June 91h, Wheat, per ,tins. . $1,35 Oat*, per 'btu , . , , .!dc Bartley, per bus. • ' ' 55c Buckwheat„ per bus, " 55c Bran, per cwt $1.70 S'ltprts, per cwt 51.80 Eggs, per d'os. . ,1$c, 27c, 30c Butter; per 'tb 30e Potatoes, "per'bag $2.00 Hogs, per cwt $14.25 CARD OF' THANES. Mr. Robert ID. Murdoch and 'family wish 'to express their appreciation for the .kindness and sytm'patthy .shown them by no neighbors and friends lin their time of deepest sorrow -and ber- eavement. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. (Woman wanted to do. housework on farm. Good home. lBa'c4ielor. Apply to The News office. 25 CASTING: ROD FOR SALE. One steel cas'tin'g rod 4% 'feet long with agate guides; also South Bend anti -back -lash .m0.4 reel; both for sale cheap, W. E. SHADE, Seaforth GRASS FARM TO RENT.. Grass farm to rent; if Rot rented, will take in cattle to pasture. (Apply on lot 2, con. 13, Mullett. WH'EtATLIEY, 'Blyth. 23 DRAIN. TENDERS. Tenders, tfor:construction .work On the Bolton Municipal Drain, Mc'Kile lop, will be received` hp @o• Thursday, /tux 17tIh, 4926, when 'tenders will be op d at the Carne'gte.Li'brary Hall, Sea orlth, alt 2'o'clock p.m. 10 p.c. of can of -t '''e ra a c aaatend r. w= o tom e Low- est Y est or any. tender ;no't "neces'sarily ac- cepted. Work to' be done according to specifications' •of.tengiaser I in' charge: Plans and specification's at Lot 33, Con. 5, .McKillop. 23 iIO'H'N avIoNAY, Clerk. AUCTI91". SZ. 'There vrtll 1fii `alM iby' public auction on Saturday, June. 12th, commencing at 2 o clock sharp, at the'residence of Mr, William'H-d3ristoty, Jarvis 'street, Seaforth;'`'the following ' valuable household furniture: IJ ein'tzman,P iano, 3-tgbe radio, eta - dining ltb;,any' .music cacabinet.,oalc room suite, oak' cquitbinateon secre- tary and bookcase oak parlor table, k 'ti oanvtireila stand, oak library toble oaklhai''l ea't and mirror, oak 'hail rack oak hat : rack,, ma'ltogany parlor suite, 2' bedroom suites,$• rockers/ ' including .2 leather, 1 wicker, 1 mahogany, and others, 2',Wilton, ruga 9x12 and.9x1034, 2, tapestry ris.9x10, pictures, wash- ing ing l>,aaehape and. wwringer.,eight-day Clop three•}iturner:coal oil stove -with oven, 1 couch, kitchen . table, 'and chairs. Aiso a number of 12 -foot planks, wheelbarrow and several other•, useful articles. • Terms-- cash; erms-cash; credit terms, can be arranged for on .certain articles. T. Brown, Auc- tioneer; 'W H Bristow; Proprietor. BABY BUGGY FO sSALE. ' 'White Reed Isa'by 'Buggy, nearly new. Phone 264, ;Seaforth. 23 •PEOPESSIONAL :CARDS, Medico. DIRd"alH :..T•t. U 5 Pah at 4a ., c A ' �$, _ Y and Surgeon Late of 'London Hosi., .. pith; London,;Englan . : Skald f. diseases attention to'daseatica of the eye; 'ear; .n se an d throiit _bkfiFcand- .re ;d- oce behindDominion' Ba c.' Offia (Shone No. 5; 'Residence Phone :IOC FENCES BUILT OR REPAIRED. 1 am prepared to'buil'd'or repair all. wire fences, 'My own tools furnished. 'HAR'VEY JOHNS, Church Street, Egmondville. 24 PLANTS POR SALE. Severah4tands-Aof :'p1:anSs;.-•=iuulttdinrgt Cabbage (red, and white) • choice Cauliflower, Asters and, Snapdragons. A. ' L POR'TEO'US, West st„ Sea - forth. 23. SEED POTATOES: • A few bags of: New„ Yorker seed potatoes to go at $3,00 per •1r/, bush:, bag.`• -. ,ZONA 1HIAIV' E` BIUGI'LI,, Phone 616 r 34. tf The Pure Bred 'Clydesdale Stallion GLEN RAE . . (83531 . Enrolment No. 1219 ' Approved. (Form 1, Will stand ,for thempro _omenta of stock this season as lfollo'ws: ;Monday Will leave his own stable and go east through ,Seaforth to Jos. Carlin't for noon; east and north to 'Fred 'Ec- kart's for night. Tuesday -North arid west to Geo. Bennewies for noon; west and north to Jas. Moses'• for Might. Wednesday West through Walton to •Geo. ,'Watt's for noon; south to his own stable for nighf, inhere he will remain until the follow- ing' :Monday. Terms -a$12.00. , T. J. McMichael, Manager. Thus., gel, Sat. Carl Laemmle presents he Calgary Sta,mp,e Starring Hoot Gibson e A Stirring Westepn Drama 'with a climax at the Internation- ally famous Stampede commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the Mounted Police at Calgary -'• the biggest outdoor event of 1925. Hoot Gibson who takes the leading' role is himself a rider of parts having won the all round championship at the Pendleton Round up in 1912. A startling plot and a spectacle celebrating fifty yes of, r o- gress in the North West. Every Canadian Should See It.. Rain or Shiner Don't say Y afterward you missed it. MATINEES --- FRIDAY & SATURDAY vRIweES 11* T. J, BURROWS, ,aoeatpftdt, . Office and residence, ,Goderioh street; east of: the Methodist (Church. ' Cor- oner for t'ho.'County of Huron. Tele- phone elaphone No. 40. DR. , C. .MAC'KAY.-C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trinity, trtiivers- sty and, gold medallist: of Trinft, Medical College; member of the Col- lege g , e Cats' lege of Physicians and Surgeons -of Ontario. DR, F. 3. R. 'FORSTER---Ey%, :Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate 10 ,114- eine, University' of Toronto ISM '1.4.% Assistant New York Ophthalmic. dd. Aural Institute, Moorefield's, Eye, alt (golden Square throat hoapita''1a,: t oI-, don, England. At Commercial hoot, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in each Month from 11 aim. to 3 p.m. 53 W 4terloo $t. south,Stratford. Phone, 20 5tratsord..,• Dental: DQt. J. A. MUNN Successor to Dr. R. R. Rybas, vide - ate of Northwestern' Upipersity,-Cllr icago,. Td4,: %.fcentiate ?Roy t- Cp11Cp s'fr' Dental Surgeons, • Toronto, Oat* over 'S'ill's' bard'Tree : Mali *des Seaforth. Phone 1$1:.., • t - GEORGE _ ELLIOTT, f icestsed Auotioneer for the'county of Huron. Arrangements can 'be "made foe Sir1e Date it T'he• Seafortk News. Charges. moderate and satisfaction gtaarantesd General Fire, Life, Accident & Rutomobilit ap: ,`; INSURIANtCE 'AGENT and dealer in Singed Sewing Machiaep James, Watson 1CSdrth' Main' St. SE'AFOR'TH, ONZ THE M-cKILLOP Mutual a Fire Insurance CI, FARM ANC!.... ISOiLATFD TOWN' PROPERTY O 64 L Y, _ INSURED '011licera-Janaea ICdnnolty, •GodeN ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood. Vice President; , D. F. McGregor. Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. , :Directors•-�Wm Rahn;` Ng, zz Set' forth; John' Bennevi'eis, Beodlia 1 James Evans, IEeeoh'wogd, Ewen,Connolly, Clinton;,7Imes Go 7. erichAlex. Broadfopt,.. No. 3,, Sao - forth; J G. Grieve, , No. 4, .,: Walt"q� Robert Ferris, �li'irlock; George.:. Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth;' 'Murr't Gibaon,'Brucefield. •`it, Agents ---Alex. Leitch, r.r. 1, Chit< ton; E Hinckley, Seaforth.; a J. A. 7 7, Murray, r.r. 'No 3, Seaforth,'_ J...k.' Yeo, Holtneavtite R."G., Jarrlmuth, Bornholm. James Kerr and', Joliet Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to' effect insurance .or, trawl - act ' other 'business i,t lI be"promp attended is by spplicefion,tq..'#nlr.•,oli the a'bove� came d *facets d re" e o s a d f4 st�1l :r to thele respective possoffices ItuitOi', NEWS., , • . Cliseton ` ' • ,14 Mr, and Mrs. John . McKinley .acct, pounce the engagement • of ' teles younger daughter, (Elinor Ada Mar- ga'ret, to Mr. James •Francis.IColeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman of IStaniey t'own'ship, the marriage to take place the latter part la Jufte.. Mrs. A. S:hobbrook, widow ;nfsthe} late Jno. 'S!hobb'ook riied.at tlae`thome' of her daughter, 'Mrs. .E. W..Wattst Clinton, an May fust. •She was; born in England, and first settled in Huron it Bridgewater, pow 11-I'olnea ville. Later they moved to-Londes- boro where her father built the pub lic'house which stands 'there and pian it for some years. 'Oho daughter anr4• three sons survive, Mrs. folvi_IW,., Cartwright,'Londesboro; 'C. 'Ii. Shoo - brook, 'Idah'o; IJ W. S'hobbrook, Gravel road and Joseph Shobbrob14 Clinton. Brussels. •twit' and stirs. ICamphell announce tate engagement 'of ;tih'ear daughtM:; Nellie E. 'ta'Rwbert A. 'Bennett, •only son ,off 1Wm. and 'Mrs. it ennett,.-ICrey ',Clem, the •marria'ge.'to take place June. �. A Big General Clearing Sale with the greatest bargains you ever heard of is now goingon at �EIFETZ EROS, Seafort� n House Furnishings an i.,adtes';' Gents' and Children' `s Clothing and in all kinds of dry goods We invite you.all to visit our store and b;e convinced. • 11 .r;n AL ,1 ,rttr,'ii t ;4[1:0-i\ � f �. 0 51,3r t` d torr lane?' .iisa.ka Cdr id