HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1926-06-10, Page 7T'
B Kind to Your Cr.aHOW
,WEAK your auto=don't Scree It • ��" GIRLS
Whenever you're conscioue.that some-
" thing iswrong;
Don't swear at an engine that starts
to get hot,
It's water that's lacking, as likely as
Don't fumble around, as it were, in the
CAN GAIN - l °: ENCThh
It Comes Through the Tonle
Blood -Making `Qualities of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
In the life of almost every girl then
Tho motor, remember, depende on the comes a time when weakness attaclts
spark her. The strain upon her blood supply
The gas a11d the oil that you give it become& too great, and there follows
and more:- headaches and backaches., loss of ate
Thewater that cools it as mentioned petite attacks of dizziness; heart pal -
before, pitation and constant weariness; end
are tugged a-
tendency to a decline.' All •these
sod steels symptoms•may not See present`In any
Use second, far better proceed at Particular case, but the presence of
creep-. - anyone of them shows the necessity
'strain universals and bearings for prompt treatment. And there 10
and clutch;no other treatment, so sure and ;so
The time that you lose in the climb speedy as that through the blood -mak-
isn't lunch. sing qualities of Dr. Wdlliama' Pink
- Pills. They are the .one thing needed
Be kind to your ear if you want it to to maintain the health ofo. in iris
grw g.g
last, and women of mature years.
You'll shorten its life- if you drive it < Here is a bit of poaitive Proof of the
too fast; value of. Dr. Williams' Pink "Pills in
ttenkioe to details, though seemingly cases• of this kind. Miss Clara Fraser,
" small, Thessaion, Ont., has been •brouglitback
Will make for more "pleasure in driv- to . health and strength through' the
ing. That's DAL timely use of thls.medicine, and gives
—Harold S. Osborne. expression of her gratitude as, follows.
- 0-- --"I feel it. a duty a`i well as a plea -
Top o' the Hill sure to, tell you what Dr. Williams'
Slow climbing? Well, that doesn't Pink Pills have done for me. They
matter; have restored me to health, if; indeed,
If you still can see the goal. they did not save my life: I was suf-
fering•• A step' at a time, means progress; greatly from anaemia. I lost
flesh and al
Giimbing is good foi'•the soul. ways telt tired ,.and neer-
voue. At last I grew so weak I had to
.When you strive foe heights Sar above remain in bed. The ,doctor did not
„ you, , seem to help me any and I was grow-
It Isn't so Tisch the speed lug weaker,and my, heart, was bother -
That counts; it's courage, and doggod ing me. At lash a friend who called to
Determination; you need, see me said she had read of a similar
cage restored by Dr. Williams' Pink
The pathway about you grows reeky,
Pills and urged me tc try them. I felt
You're ill add weary 'and spent; . helpless bat decided to take her ad
You've clmost succumbed to the giants vice, so my mother got mo.a, supply of
_ Of tear and aiecouragement. the pills and I began taking them. It
was not long before I began to find
But rise up again! Ever onward!benefit from the use of the pills, and
You can make it if you but will, in less than two months my health was
And oh, the 'glory 'of gaining, restored, In Pact I was in better
At last, the top of the hilt health than I' had ever enjoyed before.
es Ida M. Thomas. I strongly recommend Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills to all ''who are weak and
run dowel,' for I feel sure'they will not
The Historian's S Art. be disappointed-!`
- Look where; you will in the field of You can get these pills from any
modern monographs, and itis, easy to medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a
-find unassociated facts piled high as box from -The DrWilitams'.1Miedicine
the roofs 'of libraries: . . It were Co., Brockville, Ont.
more humanity to relieve them of their
loneliness. After they had been •
schooled in this work, which, believe Big Game. •
me,- someone must do, `and that right
promptly our advanced students of his. A stranger, visiting the United
tory and of historical method wotild States, fell into the hands of an Amer'.
be ready to go on if it were only after can who was active in showing his
graduation, after. the iiiteful doctor's new acquaintance.: the scenic and
degree, to the further task of making architectural wonders of the country.
new collections of fact, which they Unfortunately the American gave way"
would then instinctively view in their too often a to boastfulness- regarding
connection with the known drones. 'these wonders end disparaged too con -
stances of -the age in whichthey bap- fldently the attractions of Europe.
pened. Thus,perhaps time only, will Finally the other felt that he, must put
the:•spirit and the practice of syntheels a stop to that sort of thing;, so he aslc-
If this change should be successful-
ly brought about, there would no long-
er be any painful question of hierarchy
among historians: the specialist would
have the same spirit as the national
historian, would uee the same power,
- display the same art, and pass from the
ranks of artisans to the ranks of art-
ists, making cameos as much to be
prized as great canvases or heroic
stafuedt: Until this happens history
will cease to be a part of literature,
and that is but another way of saying
that it will Ipso its influence in the
world, its monographs prove about as
vital as•'the specimens in a museum,
We have used the wrong words in
speaking of our art and craft..History
must be revealed, not recorded, con-
ceived before it is written,- and we
must alL in our several degrees be
were, not clerks. It is a high calling
and' should not be belittled. States-
men are guided and .formed by what
we 'write, patriots stimulated, tyrants
checked.: Reform and progress, char-
ity and freedom of belief, the dreams
of artists and the fancies of poets,
have at once their record and their
source with us. We must not suffer
ourseivd's to fall Shill and pedantic,
must not loadour visfone. or °ease to
speak the, large words of inspiration
anis guid'anoe,—Woodrow -Wilson, from
a primer -on "The Variety ,'end Unity of
TKe Oourt is Overruled.
A certain Judge has a six-year-old
niece of whom he is very proud, The
other day she dame to him with a eesi-
ou0 air and said: "Unole Robert, if a
mad had a peacock and it went into an-
other man's yard and laid an egg, who
would the egg 'belong to?"
This judge smiled indulgently and re-
plied; 'Why, the egg would belong to
the man who owned the peacock, but
he Could be prosecuted for trespassing
if he wenton the other's property to
get. it."
The child seemed very much in-
terested in the explanation, but when
it was over she observed s,greeabiy:
"Uncle, did 'it'vel' occur to you that
a peacock couldn't lay an egg?"
Ch!okeri, Anyhow. -•
Bobbie's sister had 'bobbed -her hair
and now was carrying her comb
around with her. Bobbie was vexed
it 'one evening, and said, "Nothing but ,
•old hens carry their combs around
with .them:'.'
No one lives loss tranquilly than; the
mean who ie always occupied with
avoiding- anything that can disturb
his tranquillity:
ed suddenly, "}live you hoard of the
Dead Sea?"
Of course I have," said the Ameri-
can. -
"Well, my father shot its':.
On one of- Me Isinnds of Me Georgian n::y
OPEN JUNE 24116 1820
Fishing — Tennis -- nowllaa— Bonding
Plait class in every. rested.
Excollrnt cuisine. ` Ideally. situated.
Tab altitude. Daily steamers tmmMidland.
Direct contortion from Toronto.
write for Bnoklotand-jeans.
Capt. 7, A[Al'.C,oLNSON, M1dIDnd,• Oot.
This pe•lity ofrclear-eyed British boy's came over on the Anchor -Donaldson liner "Letitia, one of the first
boats to dock at Quebec this season.' The boys are from the famQous-uarrier'e Home in Bridge -o -Weil, Scotland.
AtIof theih are keen to' get to work in Canada.
Enchanted Waters•
Here and there, in the region where
I live, one comes upon little enchant-
ed lagoons. Some of, them are open
pools enibosomed in the woods and are
bathed in sunlight for the greater part
of each day; and on the bright spring
and summer mornings aid the inhabit-
ants of the waters' who are lovers of
heat and light gather at the surface -of
the secluded lakes to basic in the sun's
rays.. In other cases the lagoon is
self .a part, of the forest. 'On every
hand the tall, smooth, coluinuar trunks
of cypresses tower upward from the:
still water, which is clear brown, like
wine; and free from aquatic growths,
so that one may paddle for a mile or
perhaps several miles in and out amid
the trees.
These are the most beautiful et the
lagoons. Over head the feathery cyp-
ress foliage snakes a roof that shuts
out much of the light; and everywhere,.
high and low, on living boughs and an
dead stubs` and branches' under them,
swing the long banners of Spanish
moss -a gray, ghostly witchery,cloth-
ing the trees and covering 'their gay
greenness from view.
A littleeeove of a lagoon which we
found one spring morning not long ago
was,a combination of these two types.
The lower part of it was open andsun-
ny, and a carpet of vivid green duck-
weed, broken here and there by round
or oblong clear spaces, covered its sur-
face; but farther away, toward the up-
per reaches of the. cove, the moss -bane
nered cypresses came down into the
water. . . - For a time we stood
on the bank and watched . the sun-
worshippers inand about the . open
water before us—black, shiny terra-
pins; . . huge mottled bullfrogs,
singers of wonderful evening crier -
uses. . . At frequent intervals
swift shadows slid across the sunny
fade of the pool 'as' night herons and
Louisiana herons swept silently over-
head. . They are dream-like,
mysterious, and beautiful, these en-
chanted waters of the cypress woods.
I-]erbert' Ravenel' Sass, in "Adven-
tures in Green places."
Near Sighted.
Mother—"W'hy, Jimmie, why are you
going to bed with your new. glasses
Jimmie—"Why, mnvver, I want Lo
see my dreamt' •
namable of a city that flourished
about 500 BIC, have been discovered
near Moscow, Russia.
Real opportunities on the
eta rinary Profession
If you desire a profession you should considei what
the field of Veterinary Science has: to offer. ' Gradu-
ates have splendid opportunities for successful career.
The live :stock industry is the corner -stone of earl- ..
cultural development and the veterinary profession fe
its greatest safeguard.
Session Begins October tet, 1926
Nitta ser bulimia and calends to.0. D. 1M/fly/VI. n,V,sa, rrinolpal: .
Affiliated" with University of Toronto. Ender Ontario Eept. of Agriculture,
non. 70)11\ S. MARTIN. Minister. • •- -
Response to Music.
-- The musical person is the one who
gets the real thrill out of the music^he
hears. ---We have known a person to
be enraptured by a Bach figure and
still not know' the difference between
one theme name and another. The es-
sential in being"mus?•cal is to have the
receptivity, the respohse to the thrill
that the composer had in creating the
But to be musical is not going to
make a person a musioiau--•don't for-
get that. To be a real musician one
must have the background of a musi-
cal nature and then have superimposed
on that the details mentioned early in
the article; just as, to be a botanical
artist, ' another De Longpre, for in-
stance,•one'must know the botanical
struoture, the history—and then see,
it all with the soul of the artist.
One need not stay away from con-
certs because of not knowing thedry
bones of music' nor because, not know-
ing these, ho thinks he is not musical.
The test of the -latter is the impress
made on one by the music.
If one has his greatest enjoyment in
the sliding and pounding "jazs," he is
still in the days of tom-toms and wam-
pum. But 1f onegets a thrill from
good inueic, even though not under-
standing its construction, he should
give this adds of his nature all chance
for enjoymeftt and expansion, and not
take the modest ground of "not being
I-ligh School Boards and Boards of Education
Areauthorized bylaw to establish
With the approval of the Minister or Education.
may be .conducted. In accordance with the regulations Issued by
the Department of Education.
Is given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the.
Application for:.attendance should be made to the Principal' of the
for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High,
Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools. and Departments.
Copies ies of the Regulations Issued by the .Minister of Education may be
obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto,
Is- What Thousands of Mothers
•Say of Baby's Own Tablets.
Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Tablets for her little one she will use
nothing else. Experience teaches her
that they are without an equal for -re-
lieving baby of any of the many minor
ailments which' afflict him at one time
or another. The Tablets never fail to
be of benefits -they cannot possibly do
harm as they are guaranteed to be free
from all injurious drugs.
Concerning Baby's Own Tablets Mra.
Russell. Hill, Norwood, Ont., says:—"I
shall always have a good word to say
for Baby's Own Tablets. I have given
thenosto-our baby girl. In fact :they
are the only medicine -she has ever
had and I am proud to say that she
took second prize 'at our baby show.
She is eleven months old and weighs
22 pounds. No mother whose child is
peevish or ailing will make a mistake
in giving it Baby's Own Tablets."
Baby's •Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or direct by mail at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Should Have Known Better.
The Man Outside --"Two orchestra
seats, please."
The Man Inside — "Wrong place,
brother. We don't sell seats here.
This is thebox colas."
"Rule, Britannia."
As a lyric poet however, though not
negligible, .Tames Thomson is incon-
spicuous. Yet curiosly, it !s -by a
single couplet in a single and not
otherwise remarkable lyric that he be-
came part of the common conscious-
ness ,of; the whole nation; and more
curiously still, this couplet, which has
been on all men't lips for nearly two
hundred years, .is seldom associated
with his name, and even his author-
ship of 1t has been questioned, and
cannot be said to be deinonstrahly cer-
On August 1, 1740, a fete was given
by Frederick, Prince of Wales, at Clif-
den. "For it a masque on the subject
of cling Alfred was commanded; the
music for it was written by Arne, and
the libretto was produced in collabora-
tion_, by Thomson and Mallet, his
friend, contemporary, and compatriot;
who then held a salaried post in the
Prince's household Ona of the songs
iu it became, at once and by common
spontaneous instinct, the national an-
them. The chorus ending of ils stan-
zas rani
Rule, Britannia, ruletbs waves;
Britons never will be slaves.
The White Sea -Gull.
The white sea -gull, the wild sea -gull!—
A joyful bird is he,
As he lis. `lilts a cradled thing at rest
In the arms of a sunny sea!
The little waves Took to and fro,
ed.s &MCA Akei larla
goo-do/Wary-at gijirtrtil nu?
I, planted nasturtiums
I thought' for' my pleasure
Joy tor niy home
Golden sun -treasure.
I found I was, sharing'
Each day of the honey
With a wee humming bird
And bees bright and Bunny.
I; as their hostess
Followed along
Humming with them
A bit of a song.
The bees working below
And the hirdling above'
Thought not to struggle,
To grasp nor to shove
Nor even to visit
A .flower with a guest,
But seeing it occupied
Furthered the quest.
How humbly- I- patterned
My miniature neighbors.
Accepting so kindly
These unplanned favor.
The very next time
I plant snares for the sun
I shall plant for many
Instead of for one.
No friendship ere gave' me
Full meausre of good
As did this, speaking plain
Of the true' brotherhood. '
—Flora Lawrence Myers.
Use Minard's Liniment in the stables.
From "The Lotus Eaters."
Lo! in the middle of the wood.
The folded leaf is wooed from out,.the
bud • •
With winds upon the branch, and there
Grows green and broad, andtakes no
care; ' •
Sun -steeped at noon, and in the moon
Nightly dew -fed; , and turning yellow
Fails and floats edema the air,
Lo! sweetened with the summer light
The full -juiced apple, waxing over.
Drops in a silent autumn night.
Allits allotted length of days
The flower ripensin Its place,
Ripens and fades, and falls, and hath
no. toil,
And the white gull lies asleep; Fast -rooted in" tie fruitful soil.
As the fisher's boat, with breeze and -Tennyson.
Goes merrily over the deep.
The ship, with her fair. sails set, •goes,
And her people stand to note
I-Iow the sea -gull sits on the rocking
As still as an anchored boat.
The sea is fresh, the sea is fair,
Aud the sky calm overhead;
A.nd the sea -gull lies on the deep, deep
Like a king in his royal bed!
—Mary Howitt.
Epitaph Upon a Young
He gave ue all he never had
Wife,' chtldren, comrades myriad;
And all we have we cannot give
To make those unborn pleeeures live,
—S. Foster Damon.
Misquoted :as they lieually (like so
many famous phrases)• are, the words
have, ,from then until now, been
known, it may said, by every,Ivan.,
woman and child iu England. Such
universal and prolonged cul t eery 18,
to be sure, no hall -mark of high
poetry; yet few or our pouts can put
ascii a feather in their Dap.
For the authorship of this couplet
there -is no direct and unimpeachable.
evidenCO. Mallet 0105 iu some marmots
a feebler Thunman, and wrote very
like 'him. The particular song in come-
tionmay have been a joint product.
Bat on a review oe the, internal` evi-
dence and of the arguments that have
been brought forward on;,bnth sides,
there seems sufficient reason to assign
the song to Thomson.'. pen, ---J. W.
Maekail, in "Studies ini English Poets""
Minard's Liniment King of: Pain.
100 Miles Per gallon of Gas on the
New Single Harley-Davidson Motor-
cycle. Less than one cent permile to
operate- Write for catalogue and
Walter Andrews, Ltd.'
346 Yonge St. Toronto
$14if,,5, / e 11
imerdyr ears
Sal Litho/0s has been pre-
scribed by
s ribod'by leading physi-
cians as an invaluable spe-
ciilcforkhe treatment of
Disorders of the
Stomach andlCidneys
Rheumatic and
Gouty Conditions
A palatable, effervescent,
saline preparationof Lithia
and Sodium Phosphate
highly beneficial and re-
medial in the case of dis-
orders mentioned.
At all Druggists—three srses
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache . Rheumatism
Accept only, "Bayer" package
which contains proven—directions,
Handy "Bayer" 'boxes. of 12 ,tartlets
Also Mottles of 24 and' 100 --Druggists.
Aspirin. Is the trade mark (registered in: Canada) of 'Bayer' Manufacture of. Mononee8c-
ectdester of Snlleylteeold (Acetyl Salir101c Acid, "A,' S. A:"). while It is ,wen' known
that -Aspirin Imeans Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets
of Bayer Oonipoy will bestampedwiththeir general traria mak, the :'Bayer'Orvss,"
Classified Advertisements.
Swede. Show Thrift,
The Swedish people are rapidly
learning the value of thrift, SETS
"Thrift Magazine." The -Savings hankie
of that country hold $108 for every in.
habitant and postal' savings be -aka
which now number 3,600 had an ins
orease of 8 per. Dent. in deposits last
Corks can be made airtight and
watertight by immersing them in eel,
for five minutes before using.
Flesh Wounds,
Apply Minard's freely. It
removes all the poison end
allows the wound to heal
• quickly.
Mrs. Parks 'fells How Lydia C.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Daughter's
Toronto, Ontario.—'`My daughter
le 18 now and has been an Invalid ever
since she was six
months old and
has been com-
pelled to remain
out of school the
greater part of
thetime.We have
tried different.
kinds of medicine,
but none helped
her much. I had
taken Lydia E. .
Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound
when I was run-down, and it had
helped me so mubh that I thought it
might help her at this time. She has
gained ever since she began taking
it. She attends school everyday now
and goes skating, and does other out-
of-door sports. I recommend this
medicine to ally one who is run-down
and nervous and weak."--Mrs.PAngs,
106 Bottd Street, Toronto, Ontario.
Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is a dependable medicine
for young woman's troubles.
For sale by druggists everywhere. 0
y �r
Best For The Skin
Because it cele nurses,invigor-
ates and preserves the skin,
scalp and liair. Used daily,
assisted by. Cuticura .Ointment
when required, it prevents
pore -clogging, pimples, black-
heads, and other arinoying
Sample Eeob Pan by 1.11.8. hd t Comedian
Depot: t; "Statham, tt,L Montreal:, P..;aa, SsaD
25e, Ointment 20 and Ear. T,Irn n 21e.
Caticura Shaving Stie1c 28e.